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Specific features of the bottom topography structure and the character of morphostructural segmentation of the rift zone of the Reykjanes Ridge change substantially along the ridge strike with increasing distance from Iceland’s hotspot. A clearly pronounced regularity of changes is observed in the rift zone’s morphology from the axial uplift (in the northern part of the ridge) to the rift valleys (in the southern part of the ridge) through an intermediate or transitional type of morphology. The results of numerical modeling showed that changes in the rift zone’s morphology along the Reykjanes Ridge strike are largely caused by changes in the degree of mantle heating and depend on the intensity of magma supply. It is shown that under conditions of ultraslow spreading, it is these parameters that control the presence or absence of crustal magma chambers, as well as the thickness of the effectively-elastic layer of the axial lithosphere. The experimental modeling of topography-forming deformations and structuring on the Reykjanes Ridge showed that under oblique extension, specific features of the formation of axial fractures and the character of their segmentation mainly depend on the thickness of the axial lithosphere, its heating zone width, and the kinematics of spreading. The experiments also showed that the tendency of fractures to develop obliquely to the extension axis is caused by the action of the inclined zone of the location of the deformation, and shear deformations play a substantial role in the lithosphere’s destruction as the inclination angle increases.  相似文献   

A longitudinal seismic reflection profile along the east flank of Reykjanes Ridge, from Charlie fracture zone to the vicinity of Iceland, has important implications both for bottom water movement and for hypotheses of crustal generation at the axis of the mid-oceanic ridge. In this paper bottom water movement is considered. Between 52°N and 57°N Reykjanes Ridge is cut by about 12 fractures whose trend, inferred from other data, is approximately east-west. North of 57° there is little or no indication of east-west fracturing. Fracture valley bottoms are typically 1 km below the surrounding basement level; sediment fills are about 0.5 km; present bottoms are 2.1 to 2.8 km below sea level. Depositional asymmetry is apparent in 9 cases, 7 of which have the deepest and generally least reflective bottom at the northern edge. This suggests predominately west-flowing bottom currents, carrying Norwegian Sea overflow water through the fracture valleys, a result consistent with previously published data.  相似文献   

We report a comprehensive morphological, gravity and magnetic survey of the oblique- and slow-spreading Reykjanes Ridge near the Iceland mantle plume. The survey extends from 57.9°N to 62.1°N and from the spreading axis to between 30 km (3 Ma) and 100 km (10 Ma) off-axis; it includes 100 km of one arm of a diachronous ‘V-shaped' or ‘chevron' ridge. Observed isochrons are extremely linear and 28° oblique to the spreading normal with no significant offsets. Along-axis there are ubiquitous, en-echelon axial volcanic ridges (AVRs), sub-normal to the spreading direction, with average spacing of 14 km and overlap of about one third of their lengths. Relict AVRs occur off-axis, but are most obvious where there has been least axial faulting, suggesting that elsewhere they are rapidly eroded tectonically. AVRs maintain similar plan views but have reduced heights nearer Iceland. They are flanked by normal faults sub-parallel to the ridge axis, the innermost of which occur slightly closer to the axis towards Iceland, suggesting a gradual reduction of the effective lithospheric thickness there. Generally, the amplitude of faulting decreases towards Iceland. We interpret this pattern of AVRs and faults as the response of the lithosphere to oblique spreading, as suggested by theory and physical modelling. An axial, 10–15 km wide zone of high acoustic backscatter marks the most recent volcanic activity. The zone's width is independent of the presence of a median valley, so axial volcanism is not primarily delimited by median valley walls, but is probably controlled by the lateral distance that the oblique AVRs can propagate into off-axis lithosphere. The mantle Bouguer anomaly (MBA) exhibits little mid- to short-wavelength variation above a few milliGals, and along-axis variations are small compared with other parts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Nevertheless, there are small axial deeps and MBA highs spaced some 130 km along-axis that may represent subdued third-order segment boundaries. They lack coherent off-axis traces and cannot be linked to Oligocene fracture zones on the ridge flanks. The surveyed chevron ridge is morphologically discontinuous, comprising several parallel bands of closely spaced, elevated blocks. These reflect the surrounding tectonic fabric but have higher fault scarps. There is no evidence for off-axis volcanism or greater abundance of seamounts on the chevron. Free-air gravity over it is greater than expected from the observed bathymetry, suggesting compensation via regional rather than pointwise isostasy. Most of the observed variation along the ridge can be ascribed to varying distance from the mantle plume, reflecting changes in mantle temperature and consequently in crustal thickness and lithospheric strength. However, a second-order variation is superimposed. In particular, between 59°30′N and 61°30′N there is a minimum of large-scale faulting and crustal magnetisation, maximum density of seamounts, and maximum axial free-air gravity high. To the north the scale of faulting increases slightly, seamounts are less common, and there is a relative axial free-air low. We interpret the 59°30′N to 61°30′N region as where the latest chevron ridge intersects the Reykjanes Ridge axis, and suggest that the morphological changes that culminate there reflect a local temperature high associated with a transient pulse of high plume output at its apex.  相似文献   

Bathymetry, gravity and deep-tow sonar image data are used to define the segmentation of a 400 km long portion of the ultraslow-spreading Knipovich Ridge in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Discrete volcanic centers marked by large volcanic constructions and accompanying short wavelength mantle Bouguer anomaly (MBA) lows generally resemble those of the Gakkel Ridge and the easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge. These magmatically robust segment centers are regularly spaced about 85-100 km apart along the ridge, and are characterized by accumulated hummocky terrain, high relief, off-axis seamount chains and significant MBA lows. We suggest that these eruptive centers correspond to areas of enhanced magma flux, and that their spacing reflects the geometry of underlying mantle upwelling cells. The large-scale thermal structure of the mantle primarily controls discrete and focused magmatism, and the relatively wide spacing of these segments may reflect cool mantle beneath the ridge. Segment centers along the southern Knipovich Ridge are characterized by lower relief and smaller MBA anomalies than along the northern section of the ridge. This suggests that ridge obliquity is a secondary control on ridge construction on the Knipovich Ridge, as the obliquity changes from 35° to 49° from north to south, respectively, while spreading rate and axial depth remain approximately constant. The increased obliquity may contribute to decreased effective spreading rates, lower upwelling magma velocity and melt formation, and limited horizontal dike propagation near the surface. We also identify small, magmatically weaker segments with low relief, little or no MBA anomaly, and no off-axis expression. We suggest that these segments are either fed by lateral melt migration from adjacent magmatically stronger segments or represent smaller, discrete mantle upwelling centers with short-lived melt supply.  相似文献   

A longitudinal seismic reflection profile of the Reykjanes Ridge, together with earthquake seismicity patterns, is interpreted in terms of the mantle plume hypothesis. Between 52°N and 57°N Reykjanes Ridge is cut by about 12 fractures whose trend, inferred from other data, is approximately east-west. North of 57° there is little or no indication of east-west fracturing.The 57°N transition from fractured to unfractured basement occurs about 900 km southwest of the postulated Iceland mantle plume. The fractured province exhibits higher seismicity and rougher basement, on transverse profiles, than does the unfractured province. A similar transition to rougher, more seismic ridge crest also occurs 900 km northeast of Iceland. We propose that flowage of hot, basalt-rich asthenosphere away from the Iceland hot spot keeps the axial lithosphere hot, thin, sparsely fractured, and relatively aseismic out to 900 km from the plume. Similar effects are evident in the vicinity of some other plumes located near spreading axes. Some plumes also exhibit a greater number of earthquakes at some distance from the spreading axis — possibly a reflection of non-axial igneous activity or fracturing due to local, plume-generated stresses.The regional basement slope along the longitudinal profile is about 8 × 10?4. If this slope represents a balance between viscous and gravity forces in the flow, a viscosity of the order 1019 poises can be estimated from the Poiseuille equation.A peculiarly flat, opaque reflector was discovered near the Reykjanes axis, about 300 km southwest of Iceland. Several hypotheses are advanced to account for such reflectors by the exceptional volcanic activity associated with high plume discharge.  相似文献   

We report here the results of a near-bottom geophysical survey of the Reykjanes Ridge, a mid-ocean ridge that is oriented obliquely to the perpendicular spreading direction. From a combination of the bathymetric profiles, side-scan sonar data, and regional bathymetric maps we infer that the present center of spreading is made up of a number of N15°E-trending en echelon ridge segments in the southern half of our survey area. Insufficient data prevent the identification of the spreading pattern in the northern half. The side-scan records show that the ridge flanks are highly fractured by inward-facing faults displaced 40 m or less and trending in a N21°E direction. The lack of side-scan features parallel to the spreading direction except in the southernmost portion of the survey area suggests that the ridge segments are not connected by transform faults in the usual sense. Although the mechanism by which en echelon ridge segments can be maintained during sea-floor spreading over time is unclear, similar patterns of crustal accretion have been reported on Iceland. It appears that the accretionary processes along the Reykjanes Ridge are more related to those of Iceland than to those of typical mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

超慢速扩张西南印度洋中脊岩浆的集中供给在空间维度上表现为岩浆扩张段(NVR)与相邻的非转换断层不连续带(NTD)地壳结构的差异,而在时间维度上表现为离轴与沿轴地壳结构的差异.为了进一步揭示岩浆集中供给的时空分布特征,本文选取西南印度洋中脊热液区2010年海底地震仪深部探测中平行于洋中脊距轴部偏北约10 km的离轴测线d0d10,使用射线追踪正演和反演的方法,得到了NVR和NTD北侧离轴区域的地壳及上地幔P波速度结构,并与轴部速度结构进行了对比分析.研究结果表明:(1)NTD北侧离轴区域的地壳厚度约5.2 km,其厚度明显大于轴部NTD下方地壳厚度(~3.2 km),由此推测洋脊轴部NTD区域形成的地壳在不断减薄;(2)NVR北侧离轴区域的地壳厚度约7.0 km,其厚度亦大于轴部NVR地壳厚度(~5.8 km),表明在洋中脊演化过程中洋脊轴区域的岩浆供给在不断减少,其活动性在不断减弱.  相似文献   

Gravity and bathymetric results from the 1983 Canadian Expedition to Study the Alpha Ridge (CESAR) have outlined positive free-air anomalies centred on the continental break off Ellesmere Island characteristic of normal Atlantic-type passive margins. These data confirm implications derived from depth-to-magnetic basement calculations that the ridge may not be structurally connected to the continent. Across the Alpha Ridge magnetic and gravity anomalies mimic the bathymetry. The magnetic anomalies apparently are not caused, to any great extent, by internal structures or magnetic reversals, but rather seem to result simply from variations in depths to a homogenous magnetic structure. The gravity anomalies across a 500 km wide section of the Alpha Ridge can be almost completely accounted for by topography, shallow sedimentary fill and a simple two-tier crustal model. This implies an extraordinary lateral density homogeneity unknown in continental structures of comparable size. Gravity models show the crustal thickness to increase gradually from 20 km at the Marvin Spur to 38 km at the ridge crest. A comparison of this model with a gravity model of the continental-type Lomonosov Ridge, which has a thickness of about 25 km, indicates that, at the same thickness of 25 km, the average crustal density of the Alpha Ridge is 0.08 Mg/m3 greater. These gravity constraints, the unusually homogenous seismic velocity structure revealed by the CESAR studies, the homogeneous magnetic structure, and the extraordinary high intensity satellite magnetic anomaly associated with the Alpha Ridge, indicate that the ridge may be composed of a large pile of mafic rock, possibly unique on this planet.  相似文献   

The collision zone of the 200 km wide and 1.5 km high Nazca Ridge and the Peruvian segment of the convergent South American margin between 14°S and 17°S is characterized by deformation of the upper plate and several hundred meters of uplift of the forearc. This is evident by a narrowing of the shelf, a westward shift of the coastline and the presence of marine terraces. As the Nazca Ridge is oblique with respect to both trench and convergence direction of the Nazca Plate, it migrates southward along the active plate boundary. For reconstructing the migration history of the Nazca Ridge, this study uses updated plate motion data, resulting from a revision of the geomagnetic time scale. The new model suggests that the ridge crest moved laterally parallel to the margin at a decreasing velocity of ∼75 mm/a (before 10.8 Ma), ∼61 mm/a (10.8-4.9 Ma), and ∼43 mm/a (4.9 Ma to present). Intra-plate deformation associated with mountain building in the Peruvian Andes since the Miocene reduces the relative convergence rate between Nazca Plate and Peruvian forearc. Taking an intra-plate deformation at a rate of ∼10 mm/a, estimated from space-geodetic and geological data, into account, does not significantly reduce these lateral migration velocities. Constraining the length of the original Nazca Ridge by its conjugate feature on the Pacific Plate yields a length of 900 km for the subducted portion of the ridge. Using this constraint, ridge subduction began ∼11.2 Ma ago at 11°S. Therefore, the Nazca Ridge did not affect the northern sites of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 112 located at 9°S. This is supported by benthic foraminiferal assemblages in ODP Leg 112 cores, indicating more than 1000 m of subsidence since at least Middle Miocene time, and by continuous shale deposition on the shelf from 18 to 7 Ma, recorded in the Ballena industrial well. At 11.5°S, the model predicts the passage of the ridge crest ∼9.5 Ma ago. This agrees with the sedimentary facies and benthic foraminiferal stratigraphy of ODP Leg 112 cores, which argue for deposition on the shelf in the Middle and Late Miocene with subsequent subsidence of a minimum of several hundred meters. Onshore at 12°S, the sedimentary record shows at least 500 m uplift prior to the end of the Miocene, also in agreement with the model.  相似文献   

A general mixing equation with applications to Icelandic basalts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The mixing equation applied by Vollmer [1] to Pb and Sr isotope ratios is shown to be a general equation applicable to consideration of element and isotope ratios. The mixing equation is hyperbolic and has the form:Ax + Bxy + Cy + D = 0where the coefficients are dependent on the type of plot considered: i.e. ratio-ratio, ratio-element, or element-element. Careful use of this equation permits testing whether mixing is a viable process, places constraints on end member compositions, allows distinction between mixing of sources and mixing of magmas, and should allow distinction between recent mixing and long-term evolution of sources.The available chemical data for postglacial basalts from Iceland and along the Reykjanes Ridge are not consistent with either mixing of magmas or simple mixing of an enriched ocean island source with a depleted ocean ridge source. If the available analyses for basalts are representative of the source regions, the data are consistent with at least two models neither of which can be properly tested with the available data.(1) There are two separate mixing trends: one beneath Iceland with the alkali basalt source and a depleted Iceland source as end members; the second along the Reykjanes Ridge with a heterogeneous ocean ridge basalt source and a source similar to that for intermediate basalts on Iceland as end members. The depleted Iceland source and the depleted ocean ridge source are not the same.(2) The chemistry of the basalts is not determined by mixing. Instead the basalts are derived from a multiplicity of sources with a similar history which have been isolated for hundreds of millions of years.  相似文献   

The mantle peridotites of Neyriz record two successive episodes of plastic deformations; the first one related to the igneous accretion of the lithosphere and the second one developed during the first stage of the emplacement of the peridotites. These two events have been distinguished on the basis of microstructural criteria. The diapiric pattern, particularly relevant to the mantle process beneath spreading ridges, features vertical flow lines and elliptic flow plane trajectories in a pipe and extends along the ridge axis about 5 km. These structures rotate to horizontal and diverge in every direction in a narrow transition zone, a few hundred meters thick, below the Moho discontinuity. Such a diapiric pattern has been recognized in a few places along the Neyriz paleo-ridge. A large amount of magma passed through these mantle diapirs that were probably the main zones feeding the overlying magma chamber. The most common pattern features very regular structures over several kilometers along the strike of the paleo-ridge: the flow plane dips away from the ridge axis, and the flow line is parallel to the spreading direction. This flow pattern is frozen during the gradual accretion of the lithospheric mantle away from the ridge in a steady-state spreading regime. A shear-sense inversion at just below the Moho is commonly observed, pointing to forced asthenospheric flow. The reconstructed orientation of the Neyriz paleo-spreading center is 105°, compatible with the geometry and orientation of harzburgite foliations and lineations and sheeted dikes.  相似文献   

Despite a spreading rate of 65–70 km Ma−1, the East Scotia Ridge has, along most of its length, a form typically associated with slower rates of sea floor spreading. This may be a consequence of cooler than normal mantle upwelling, which could be a feature of back-arc spreading. At the northern end of the ridge, recently acquired sonar data show a complex, rapidly evolving pattern of extension within 100 km of the South Sandwich Trench. New ridge segments appear to be nucleating at or near the boundary between the South American and Scotia Sea plates and propagating southwards, supplanting older segments. The most prominent of these, north of 56°30′S, has been propagating at a rate of approximately 60 km Ma−1 for at least 1 Ma, and displays a morphology unique on this plate boundary. A 40 km long axial high exists at the centre of this segment, forming one of the shallowest sections of the East Scotia Ridge. Beneath it, seismic reflection profiles reveal an axial magma chamber, or AMC, reflector, similar to those observed beneath the East Pacific Rise and Valu Fa Ridge. Simple calculations indicate the existence here of a narrow (<1 km wide) body of melt at a depth of approximately 3 km beneath the sea floor. From the topographic and seismic data, we deduce that a localised mantle melting anomaly lies beneath this segment. Rates of spreading in the east Scotia Sea show little variation along axis. Hence, the changes in melt supply are related to the unique tectonic setting, in which the South American plate is tearing to the east, perhaps allowing mantle flow around the end of the subducting slab. Volatiles released from the torn plate edge and entrained in the flow are a potential cause of the anomalous melting observed. A southward mantle flow may have existed beneath the axis of the East Scotia Ridge throughout its history.  相似文献   

Water contents have been measured in basaltic glasses from submarine and subglacial eruption sites along the Reykjanes Ridge and Iceland, respectively, in order to evaluate the hypothesis of Schilling et al. [Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London A 56 (1980) 147-178] that hot spots are also wet spots. Having erupted under pressure the water contents measured in these samples are potentially unaffected by degassing. After correcting these water contents for the effects of crystallisation (to give H2O(8) values) they indicate that the concentration of water in the source regions increases from 165 ppm at the southern end of the Reykjanes Ridge to between 620 and 920 ppm beneath Iceland. This suggests that Iceland is a wet spot and the H2O(8) values indicate that its influence on basalt compositions increases northwards along the Reykjanes Ridge from ∼61°N (650 km from the plume centre) towards Iceland. The existence of wetter Icelandic source regions have important implications for mantle melting, as enrichments of this magnitude depress the mantle solidus, increasing the degree of melting at a given temperature. Therefore the enhanced rates of volcanism on Iceland may be a result of wetter sources in addition to a thermal anomaly beneath Iceland.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal activity has been investigated along three different sections of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR): 11°20′–30°N, 36–38°N and the Reykjanes Ridge, 57°45′–63°06′N. When considered in total, the incidence of venting along these three sections of the MAR compares well with the predictions of a model in which frequency of venting is linearly related to ridge-crest spreading-rate. At the scale of individual study areas, however, departure from the model is observed by up to an order of magnitude. Venting is anomalously rare along the Reykjanes Ridge but anomalously abundant along the MAR 36–38°N. Whilst such variability may be within the error of the linear spreading-rate model, we note that the interplay between magmatic and tectonic processes also differs between the three study areas. In the case of the Reykjanes Ridge we propose that the low incidence of venting reported may reflect a limitation of the sampling/investigative strategy because the style of venting which predominates may not give rise to conventional black-smoker hydrothermal plumes. Along the oblique and broadly segmented MAR 36–38°N, we propose that vigorous hydrothermal venting in broad segment-end non-transform discontinuities may be focussed along deeply penetrating active faults with the requisite heat supply being supported through some combination of along-axis magmatic intrusions and thermal release associated with the serpentinisation of crustal peridotites.  相似文献   

Explosion deep seismic sounding data sections of high quality had been obtained with RV Meteor in the Reykjanes Iceland Seismic Project (RRISP77 [Angenheister, G., Gebrande, H., Miller, H., Goldflam, P., Weigel, W., Jacoby, W.R., Pálmason, G., Björnsson, S., Einarsson, P., Pavlenkova, N.I., Zverev, S., Litvinenko, I.V., Loncarecic, B., Solomon, S., 1980. Reykjanes Ridge Iceland Seismic Experiment (RRISP 77). J. Geophys. 47, 228–238]) which close an information gap near 62°N. Preliminary results were presented by Weigel [Weigel, W., 1980. Aufbau des Reykjanes Rückens nach refraktionsseismischen Messungen. In: Weigel, W. (Ed.), Reykjanes Rücken, Island, Norwegischer Kontinentalrand. Abschlusskolloquium, Hamburg zur Meteor-Expedition, vol. 45. DFG, Bonn, pp. 53–61], and here we report on the data and results of interpretation. Clear refracted phases to 90 km distance permit crustal and uppermost mantle structure to be modelled by ray tracing. The apparent P-wave velocities are around 4.5, 6–6.5, 7–7.6 and 8.2–8.7 km/s, but no wide-angle reflections have been clearly seen. Accompanying sparker reflection data reveal thin sediment ponds in the axial zone and up to 400 m thick sediments at 10 Ma crustal age. Ray tracing reveals the following model below the sediments: (1) a distinct, 1–2 km thick upper crust (layer 2A) with Vp increasing with age (to 10 Ma) from <3.4 to 4.9 km/s and with a vertical gradient of 0.1–0.2 km/s/km, (2) a lower crust or layer 3 beginning at depths of 2 (axis) to 4 km (10 Ma age) below sea level with 6.1–6.8 km/s and similar vertical gradients as above, (3) the lower crust bottoms at 5.2–9.5 km depth below sea level (0–10 Ma) with a marked discontinuity, underneath which (4) Vp rises from about 7.5–7.8 km/s (0–10 Ma) with a positive vertical gradient of, again, 0.1–0.2 km/s/km such that 8 km/s would be reached at 12 km and deeper near the axis. Our preferred interpretation is that the mantle begins at the distinct discontinuity (“Moho”), but a deeper “Moho” of Vp  8 km/s cannot be excluded. From Iceland southward to 60°N several experiments show a decrease of crustal thickness from 14 to 8 km. Velocity trends with age across the ridge reflect cooling and filling of cracks, and thickness trends probably suggest volcanic productivity variations as previously suggested.Gravity inversion concentrates on a profile across the ridge with the above seismic a priori information; with 0.2–0.5 km depth uncertainty it leads to a good fit (±2.5 mGal where seismic data exist). Best fitting densities are (in kg/m3) for sediments, 2180; upper crust, 2450–2570; lower crust, 2850–2940; mantle lithosphere, 3215–3240 with a deficit for an asthenospheric wedge of no more than −100 kg/m3. The morphological ridges and troughs superimposed on the SE ridge flank are partly correlated, partly anti-correlated with the Bouguer anomaly and suggest that variable crustal density variations accompany the morphology variations.  相似文献   

—By rupturing more than half of the shallow subduction interface of the Nazca Ridge, the great November 12, 1996 Peruvian earthquake contradicts the hypothesis that oceanic ridges subduct aseismically. The mainshock’s rupture has a length of about 200 km and has an average slip of about 1.4 m. Its moment is 1.5 × 1028 dyne-cm and the corresponding M w is 8.0. The mainshock registered three major episodes of moment release as shown by a finite fault inversion of teleseismically recorded broadband body waves. About 55% of the mainshock’s total moment release occurred south of the Nazca Ridge, and the remaining moment release occurred at the southern half of the subduction interface of the Nazca Ridge. The rupture south of the Nazca Ridge was elongated parallel to the ridge axis and extended from a shallow depth to about 65 km depth. Because the axis of the Nazca Ridge is at a high angle to the plate convergence direction, the subducting Nazca Ridge has a large southwards component of motion, 5 cm/yr parallel to the coast. The 900–1200 m relief of the southwards sweeping Nazca Ridge is interpreted to act as a "rigid indenter," causing the greatest coupling south of the ridge’s leading edge and leading to the large observed slip. The mainshock and aftershock hypocenters were relocated using a new procedure that simultaneously inverts local and teleseismic data. Most aftershocks were within the outline of the Nazca Ridge. A three-month delayed aftershock cluster occurred at the northern part of the subducting Nazca Ridge. Aftershocks were notably lacking at the zone of greatest moment release, to the south of the Nazca Ridge. However, a lone foreshock at the southern end of this zone, some 140 km downstrike of the mainshock’s epicenter, implies that conditions existed for rupture into that zone. The 1996 earthquake ruptured much of the inferred source zone of the M w 7.9–8.2 earthquake of 1942, although the latter was a slightly larger earthquake. The rupture zone of the 1996 earthquake is immediately north of the seismic gap left by the great earthquakes (M w 8.8–9.1) of 1868 and 1877. The M w 8.0 Antofagasta earthquake of 1995 occurred at the southern end of this great seismic gap. The M w 8.2 deep-focus Bolivian earthquake of 1994 occurred directly downdip of the 1868 portion of that gap. The recent occurrence of three significant earthquakes on the periphery of the great seismic gap of the 1868 and 1877 events, among other factors, may signal an increased seismic potential for that zone.  相似文献   

超慢速扩张的北冰洋Gakkel洋中脊具有六个沿扩张方向的线性基底隆起(本文编号为A—F).这些线性基底隆起在中轴两侧的地球物理场和地壳结构呈现不同程度的非对称性.本文利用Gakkel洋中脊的地形、空间重力异常(FAA)和航空磁力数据,计算了它的扩张速率、剩余地幔布格重力异常(RMBA)、地壳厚度和非均衡地形.根据中轴两侧地形和地壳厚度的对称关系,我们将六个基底隆起分为对称型和非对称型两种类型.整体上,B、D和F区基底隆起在中轴两侧的地形和地壳厚度的非对称幅值(两侧差值的绝对值)较小,其中地形的非对称幅值分别为~157m、~125m、~208m,地壳厚度的非对称幅值分别为~1km、~0.06km、~0.3km;而A、C和E区的非对称幅值较大,其中地形的非对称幅值分别为~510m、~410m、~673m,地壳厚度的非对称幅值分别为~2km、~2.5km、~1.1km.我们因此推断B、D和F区具有相对对称的地壳结构,而A、C和E区具有非对称的地壳结构.根据A、C和E区中轴两侧非均衡地形的对称关系和非对称地形的补偿状态,推测A区的非对称性可能是由岩浆分配不均所导致;而C区和E区的非对称性可能是由构造断层作用使断层下盘向上抬升变薄所导致.我们进一步推测洋中脊走向的改变可能使得构造作用更易集中于基底隆起的一侧.  相似文献   

Data for basaltic rocks dredged on the Reykjanes Ridge and Jökulbanki off the southwest coast of Iceland are presented. The rocks from the Reykjanes Ridge, which are identified as recent lavas, are olivine tholeiites and quartz tholeiites very similar to those formerly described from this region. The heterogeneous Jökulbanki dredges were identified as erratics.In the light of the present and other recent data on tholeiitic rocks from Iceland and the Reykjanes Ridge, a distinct chemical gradient, together with increased scatter across Iceland is demonstrated for certain incompatible elements. This is in accordance with the mantle plume theory.  相似文献   

The Hollister Ridge is located on the western flank of the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge (PAR), between the Udintsev fracture zone (FZ) and the Eltanin fault system. It is a linear aseismic structure, 450 km long, oblique with respect to the PAR. Data show that the most recent activity is located in the central part of the chain, which can be considered as being still volcanically active. Both major/trace element and isotopic data suggest that some interaction occurred between the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge and the Hollister Ridge. The source of the Hollister Ridge samples has its own geochemical characteristics. The geochemical variations observed along the ridge can be explained by mixing between two major end-member components: (1) a PAR depleted source, and (2) a Hollister enriched source. A small contribution (20% maximum) of Louisville plume material is likely to exist in the middle of Hollister Ridge. These data unequivocally reject the possibility that the Hollister Ridge could be the present location of the Louisville hotspot. Ages and geochemistry data support the idea of an influence of intraplate deformation as a probable cause of the origin of the Hollister Ridge.  相似文献   

Double-couple point-source parameters for 11 of the largest intraplate earthquakes in the northern Indian Ocean during the last 20 y were determined from a formal inversion of long-period P and SH waveforms. Nine of the events have centroid depths at least 17 km below the seafloor, well into the upper mantle; two have centroid depths as great as 39 km. Using the source mechanisms of these earthquakes, we distinguish two major intraplate tectonic provinces in the northern Indian Ocean. To the west of the Ninetyeast Ridge, in the southern Bay of Bengal, intraplate earthquakes have thrust-faulting mechanisms with P axes oriented N-S. The centroid depths of these earthquakes range from 27 to 39 km below the seafloor. Lithospheric shortening in this region is thus accomplished by thrust faulting in the strong core of the oceanic upper mantle, while other geophysical evidence suggests that shallow sedimentary and crustal layers apparently deform predominantly by folding. In the immediate vicinity of the Ninetyeast Ridge, earthquakes display strike-slip mechanisms with left-lateral motion on planes parallel to the ridge. This type of faulting occurs from at least 10°S to the northern end of the Ninetyeast Ridge near 10°N, where the ridge meets the Sunda Arc. Seismic activity diminishes to the east of the Ninetyeast Ridge, but is also characterized by strike-slip faulting. Despite these variations in deformational style, the inferred orientation of greatest compressive stress in the northern Indian Ocean displays a consistent long-wavelength pattern over a large portion of the Indian plate, varying smoothly from nearly N-S in the Bay of Bengal to NW-SE in the northeastern Indian Ocean. This plate-wide stress pattern and the high level of intraplate seismicity in the northern Indian Ocean are likely the results of substantial resistance, along the Himalayan continental collision zone, to the continued northward motion of the western portion of the Indian plate. Oceanic intraplate earthquakes in other regions, where the level of deviatoric stress associated with the long-wavelength part of the stress field is likely to be smaller, need not be comparably reliable indicators of the plate-wide stress field.  相似文献   

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