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Banded iron formation (BIF) from the Quadrilátero Ferrı́fero (southeastern Brazil) shows a compositional layering with alternating iron-rich and quartz-rich layers. This layering was intensively folded and transposed at a centimeter/millimeter scale through a component of bedding-parallel shear related to flexural slip at middle to high greenschist facies conditions (400–450 °C). The microstructure and c-axis fabrics of normal limbs, inverted limb and hinge zones of a selected isoclinal fold were analyzed combining optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and digital image analysis. In the normal limbs, recrystallized quartz grains show undulose extinction, relatively dry grain boundaries, c-axes at high angle to foliation and a pervasive grain shape fabric (GSF) indicating operation of crystal-plastic processes. In the inverted limb, quartz grains show more serrated and porous (“wet”) grain boundaries; the GSF is similar to that of the normal limb, but c-axes are oriented at 90° to those of the normal limb. We interpreted these characteristics as reflecting operation of solution-precipitation deformation in inverted limbs, as a consequence of grains having been rotated to an orientation that was hard to basal 〈a〉 glide, but easy to dissolution-precipitation creep. This deformation partitioning between crystal-plasticity and solution-transfer during folding/transposition of quartz may explain the common occurrence of layered quartz rocks, where individual layers show alternating c-axis fabrics with opposite asymmetries but a consistent GSF orientation. Such characteristics may reflect an earlier event of pervasive folding/transposition of a preexisting layering.  相似文献   

The late Pan-African Abeibara-Rarhous shear zone in the Adrar des Iforas (Mali) is described and studied with the aim of defining the direction, sense of movement and amount of displacement along the zone. It is a strike-slip shear zone, the dextral sense of which is demonstrated at the scale of the map by the rotation of the related mylonitic foliation and at the scale of the thin section with characteristic microstructures. Preferred orientation of quartz c-axes is tentatively used; three quartz-rich samples of 35% or more quartz indicate dextral strike-slip movement, but other samples do not show preferred orientation of quartz c-axes. Strain measurements have been performed on one half of the shear zone using established techniques and a new technique using the thickness of mylonitic layering. The results vary along the length of the shear zone when using the same method and for the same cross-section when using the three methods together. A mean value of 4 km is obtained for total displacement which is low when considering the apparent width of the shear zone. This result is discussed in view of the assumptions involved in the strain estimation. The tectonic history of the Abeibara-Rarhous shear zone and its significance in the Trans-Saharan Pan-African collisional belt are discussed.  相似文献   

The Pikikiruna Schist of Nelson, New Zealand, displays a fabric in which the patterns of quartz c-axes, the poles to planes of inequidimensional quartz grains, and the statistical maxima of poles to sheet-silicate cleavages are oblique to each other. The quartz c-axes patterns consist of type-1 and type-2 crossed-girdles. The triclinic fabric can be explained in terms of one complex rotational deformation of an essentially plane strain nature. Rotation of approximately 90° about the intermediate strain-axis was combined at a late stage with subsidiary rotations about the extension axis. The quartz c-axes patterns can be related to the kinematic framework rather than the finite strain-axes. On the other hand, the dimensional quartz preferred orientation may be closely related to the finite strain-axes, though the quantity of strain can not be measured because of recrystallisation.  相似文献   

Permian volcanic sediments at Bluff have been strained and thermally metamorphosed by Permian intrusives to metasediments of hornblende—hornfels facies. Quartz, which crystallised as a secondary mineral during metamorphism, has an unusual preferred orientation with c-axes either forming paired maxima in the plane containing the lineation (=maximum principal strain axis = direction of extension) and the perpendicular to schistosity (=minimum principal strain axis = shortening direction) or a broad maximum parallel to the lineation; the paired maxima are approximately 30° either side of the lineation. Some quartz grains are markedly elongate parallel to the lineation, and according to hypotheses of preferred orientation involving crystal plasticity, there should be some correlation between the shape of such grains and their c-axis orientations. Grain-size and shape analysis of Bluff quartz demonstrate that no such correlation exists; the analyses show that the preferred orientation results from oriented nucleation in the residual stress field immediately following the bulk straining of the rocks, with the distribution of c-axes as predicted by Kamb's hypothesis (1959). The time relationships of rock deformation, thermal metamorphism, and nucleation and growth of quartz are discussed.  相似文献   

Quartz ribbons form a well-defined LS fabric in granitic gneisses sheared and metamorphosed in the upper-amphibolite facies. Boundaries of quartz grains are smooth and sub-perpendicular to ribbon walls, suggesting post-deformational growth, whereas c-axes display asymmetric girdle patterns consistent with the sense of shear indicated by mesoscopic fabrics. Subdivision of the microfabrics according to the proportion of ribbon length occupied by individual grains indicates that the c-axes of relatively short grains exhibit across-girdle pattern similar to that of the whole sample. Longer grains reproduce elements of the pattern of the short grains, suggesting that oriented grain growth occurred. Grain boundary mobility, which clearly ended in a post-deformational static regime, probably began during dynamic recrystallization. Owing to space limitations imposed by the feldspathic matrix, grain growth in the ribbons ceased before the initial dynamic fabric was erased. In summary, this study shows that the c-axes pattern of longer grains within quartz ribbons reproduces part of the dynamically formed pattern of the shorter grains, reflecting an oriented grain growth which concluded in a static episode, although possibly initiated in the dynamic regime.  相似文献   

Amelia albite annealed at > 1080 °C for 3200 hrs by Duba and Piwinskii (1974) shows very fine twin lamellae (~1 μm) after the albite law, suggesting that it once underwent transformation into monalbite. A fragment of this specimen was investigated at 27 °C, 300 °C, 550 °C, 800 °C and 930 °C using the high-temperature precession technique. As the temperature increases, the splitting angle of c *-axes (likewise c *-axes) of two twin individuals continues to decrease. The photographs taken at 930 °C show that these two splitting angles have converged to 0o, indicating completion of the transformation into monalbite. The transition point we observe supports the results of MacKenzie (1952) (920±20 °C) and Grundy et al. (1967) (930 °C) rather than those of Sueno et al. (1973) and Prewitt et al. (1974) (> 1080 °C); the discrepancy is most likely due to the differences in the degree of Al-Si disorder of the samples used in the experiments.  相似文献   

The stress conditions of the ductile-to-brittle regime have been assessed along the Asuke Shear Zone (ASZ), which strikes NE–SW in the Cretaceous Ryoke granite terrain in SW Japan. Along the ASZ, pseudotachylyte and mylonitized pseudotachylyte are locally developed together with cataclasite. The simultaneous operation of dislocation creep and grain-size-sensitive creep, as indicated by the coexistence of the Z-maximum and relatively random c-axis lattice preferred orientations as well as the sizes of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains (6.40–7.79 μm) in the mylonitized pseudotachylyte, suggest differential stresses of 110–130 MPa at ∼300 °C. The e-twin morphology, twinning ratio, and distribution of the glide direction on the e-twin plane of the twinned calcite in the amygdules of the pseudotachylyte suggest the stress conditions of the σ1 and σ3 axes trend 228° and 320° and plunge 55° and 1°, respectively, and indicate differential stresses of 40–80 MPa at 150–200 °C. Based on kinematic indicators in the fault rocks, the stress conditions estimated from calcite twins, and the cooling history of the granitic protolith, the ASZ is inferred to have been activated under a stress state that caused sinistral normal movements before and after pseudotachylyte formation at 70–50 Ma.  相似文献   

Quartz c axis fabrics and microstructures have been investigated within a suite of quartzites collected from the Loch Eriboll area of the Moine Thrust zone and are used to interpret the detailed processes involved in fabric evolution. The intensity of quartz c axis fabrics is directly proportional to the calculated strain magnitude. A correlation is also established between the pattern of c axis fabrics and the calculated strain symmetry.Two kinematic domains are recognized within one of the studied thrust sheets which outcrops immediately beneath the Moine Thrust. Within the upper and central levels of the thrust sheet coaxial deformation is indicated by conjugate, mutually interfering shear bands, globular low strain detrital quartz grains whose c axes are aligned sub-parallel to the principal finite shortening direction (Z) and quartz c axis fabrics which are symmetric (both in terms of skeletal outline and intensity distribution) with respect to mylonitic foliation and lineation. Non-coaxial deformation is indicated within the more intensely deformed and recrystallized quartzites located near the base of the thrust sheet by single sets of shear bands and c axis fabrics which are asymmetric with respect to foliation and lineation.Tectonic models offering possible explanations for the presence of kinematic (strain path) domains within thrust sheets are considered.  相似文献   

This quantitative microstructural study deals with textures of quartz domains within a mylonitized metapelite collected near a thrust surface corresponding to the tectonic contact between two metamorphic units, which crop out in the Aspromonte Massif, southern Calabria (Italy). The sample investigated lacks a mesoscopic stretching lineation. Therefore, quartz c-axis fabrics were investigated in two mutually orthogonal thin sections (a) parallel to the quartz rod lineation and perpendicular to the foliation (YZ plane) and (b) perpendicular to the quartz rods and perpendicular to the foliation (XZ plane); the data were generated using classical (manual measurements of quartz c-axis using U-stage) and modern methods (Computer Integrated Polarization microscopy). Both these sections show oblique foliations at ca. 40° from the main shear plane, implying that the actual X direction (stretching lineation that is absent on the mesoscopic scale) must lie between these two sections. Quartz c-axis data from the YZ section when rotated by 90° are similar with those from the XZ section. Hence, the data from the two sections are merged. These data when rotated by an angle of 50° from the direction of quartz rod lineation, gives an asymmetrical pattern indicating top-to-the-North sense of shear. This was confirmed by investigating quartz c-axis patterns in a section striking NS and perpendicular to the foliation. Based on the study it is thus concluded that this method can be used to do kinematic analysis in rocks that are devoid of stretching lineations. Apart from the above, the advantages and disadvantages of the classical and modern methods of quartz c-axis analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Fine grained dolomite has been deformed in over twenty compression experiments in a Griggs-type piston-cylinder apparatus at various P and T conditions. Preferred orientation determined quantitatively using X-ray techniques and spherical harmonic analysis of the data is presented in inverse pole-figures of — 2/m symmetry. In most cases specimens display strong preferred orientation which varies mainly as a function of temperature. At all conditions it is very different from calcitic limestone. Although there is no significant grain growth even at 1000 °C the simple c-axes maximum fabric above 700 °C might be the result of recrystallization or translation on c. Below 700 °C, the preferred orientation is much weaker and complex. The primary maximum in the inverse pole-figure is near e, a secondary maximum near a high angle positive rhomb, principal minima are at c and f. This inverse pole-figure is consistent with f-twinning and translation gliding on r (t = a ?), two mechanisms which counteract each other. The latter is a new deformation mechanism for dolomite which we propose in order to explain the pattern of preferred orientation. The minimum at c is less pronounced below 100 ° C suggesting that c-translation may be active, but in these fine-grained aggregates it appears to be less important than is expected from single crystal experiments (Higgs and Handin, 1959), at least at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The Canisp Shear Zone transects layered Lewisian gneisses near Lochinver, NW Scotland. It is a vertical ductile shear zone with a dextral shear sense, formed during Laxfordian amphibolite facies metamorphism, transposing the layering to new foliation and linear structures. Minerals in the layered gneisses show little or no shape fabric, while a strong shape fabric defines the foliation. For quartz, this shape fabric is accompanied by development of a preferred crystal orientation with fabric patterns reflecting the geometry of the shear deformation. The quartz fabric shows a pole-free area around the lineation with the c-axes concentrated in an asymmetric cross-girdle or a point maximum perpendicular to the shear plane, and a monoclinic symmetry consistent with the shear sense.  相似文献   

The crystallography and geometry of high-angle grain boundaries from dynamically recrystallized quartz have been studied. On the basis of combined electron backscatter diffraction and universal stage measurements, the complete crystallographic orientation of the grain boundaries could be calculated. The u-stage rotation of the grain boundaries to a vertical position reveals that they are never curved but always consist of straight segments. Our results show that these segments preferentially occupy rhombohedral, trapezohedral and bipyramidal orientations, i.e., orientations in a  25–50° girdle to the c-axis. A specific, albeit low, number of segments with special crystallographic orientation, with respect to a neighbouring quartz grain, often shows another special orientation with respect to the other neighbouring grain. Preferred combinations of grain boundary orientations related to both neighbouring grains are (i) low-index rhombohedral and high index trapezohedral, (ii) low-index bipyramidal and low-index trapezohedral or high-index rhombohedral, and (iii) low-index trapezohedral and low or high index trapezohedral. In certain cases, such as at triple junctions, the boundaries occupy specific trapezohedral orientations with a constant angle to the c-axis. This argues for energy isotropy of trapezohedral planes with the same angle to the quartz c-axis. In general, good match coincidence site lattice (CSL) orientations are not preferentially occupied so that most of the studied grain boundaries represent general boundaries. The formation of straight segments in special crystallographic orientations indicates the crystallographic control and implies an energy reduction of certain general boundaries.  相似文献   

An integrated microstructural and petrofabric study of the plastically deformed and partially recrystallized Roche Maurice quartzites of Plougastel, western Brittany, has revealed a clear correlation between the pattern of c-axis fabrics displayed by detrital quartz grains and the symmetry of the calculated strain ellipsoid. In specimens with flattening (k = 0) strains, c axes lie on a small circle girdle (opening angle 28–42°) centred about the principal finite shortening direction (Z). For specimens that exhibit approximate plane strain (k = 1), cross-girdle c-axis fabrics consisting of a small circle girdle centred about Z and connected through the intermediate principal extension direction (Y) were detected.Within individual specimens c-axis fabrics of syntectonically recrystallized new quartz grains within the matrix are similar to those of detrital quartz grains. c axes of new grains located within the relatively undeformed sections of the host detrital grains are commonly orientated at angles between 10 and 40° to the host c axis and are, in addition, statistically orientated at a higher angle to Z than their host c axes. These relationships are interpreted as indicating that both host grain control and the local strain (and/or stress) field may have influenced the process of recrystallization; the relative influence of these factors is, however, unknown.Microstructural and petrofabric studies indicate that the Roche Maurice quartzites have been subjected to essentially coaxial strain histories. The role of syntectonic recrystallization in facilitating continued plastic deformation in quartzites subjected to such strain histories is considered.  相似文献   

Transformation Trillings in Cordierite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ZECK  H. P. 《Journal of Petrology》1972,13(3):367-380
Cordierite sector trillings, which are found well developedin some A1-rich volcanic rocks and pelitic buchites, are thoughtto have formed initially as hexagonal high cordierite crystals.Subsequent ordering of the (Al, Si) configuration in the crystalstructure would have produced the present orthorhombic modificationand simultaneously the sector trilling, preserving in the processthe hexagonal habit of form. The predominance of the regularsixfold sector pattern in the composition plane configurationof the resulting trilling is best explained by assuming thatits formation is kinetically more advantageous than that ofother configurations because it mimics the hexagonal trend setby the initial crystal. The three orthorhombic orientations in the cordierite trillingshave parallel c-axes and each can be transformed into eitherof the other two by operation of a threefold axis (rotationthrough 120°) parallel to the common c-axis and coincidentwith the main axis of the original hexagonal form. The compositionplanes in the sector trilling pattern are shown to be essentiallyirregular in the present orthorhombic form; they do not belongto {110} or {130}. The traditional explanation that the trillings are multipletwins with repeated twin and composition planes of {110} or{130} is rejected since elementary geometrical considerationsshow that this model is only feasible if (110) (110) of orthorhombiccordierite equals 120°. X-ray work shows conclusively thatthis is not the case. In fact (110) (110) = 120° woulddefine a hexagonal symmetry.  相似文献   

In the Sambagawa schist, southwest Japan, while ductile deformation pervasively occurred at D1 phase during exhumation, low-angle normal faulting was locally intensive at D2 phase under the conditions of frictional–viscous transition of quartz (c. 300 °C) during further exhumation into the upper crustal level. Accordingly, the formation of D2 shear bands was overprinted on type I crossed girdle quartz c-axis fabrics and microstructures formed by intracrystalline plasticity at D1 phase in some quartz schists. The quartz c-axis fabrics became weak and finally random with increasing shear, accompanied by the decreasing degree of undulation of recrystallized quartz grain boundaries, which resulted from the increasing portion of straight grain boundaries coinciding with the interfaces between newly precipitated quartz and mica. We interpreted these facts as caused by increasing activity of pressure solution: the quartz grains were dissolved mostly at platy quartz–mica interface, and precipitated with random orientation and pinned by mica, thus having led to the obliteration of existing quartz c-axis fabrics. In the sheared quartz schist, the strength became reduced by the enhanced pressure solution creep not only due to the reduction of diffusion path length caused by increasing number of shear bands, but also to enhanced dissolution at the interphase boundaries.  相似文献   

The radio brightness distribution at 5.2 cm has been obtained along the entire solar limb down to a level of 0.01 of brightness temperature at the disk center T 0 c during the solar minimum. The measurements are based on strip scans from the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope. Data reduction included model fitting of an actual solar scan for each position angle. The maximum limb brightness, 1.37 T 0 c , in the derived distribution is at equatorial direction, where the radio radius exceeds the photosphere radius by 7%. Toward the poles, the brightness peak and radio radius gradually decrease to 1.01 T 0 c and 1.005 R0. The derived two-dimensional brightness distribution was used to calculate radio radius as a function of position angle for several wavelengths from 4 to 31.6 cm. These dependences are consistent with RATAN-600 observations at position angles 0° and 25°.  相似文献   

连续消光是指在正交偏光显微镜下,岩石薄片随载物台旋转而发生消光强弱连续变化的现象.作为人工鉴定岩石薄片的重要依据,提取后的连续消光特征可以用于实现岩石薄片的自动分析.结合数字图像处理技术与聚类划分算法,开发出一套能够分割出孔隙、颗粒轮廓,实现颗粒类别划分,并对结果做定量分析的岩石薄片分析系统.从矿物的消光特征本质出发,...  相似文献   

Fabric transitions can arise in materials such as quartz in which more than one set of symmetrically equivalent glide systems must be considered. The external conditions, such as temperature and stress, affect the relative ability of different mechanisms to operate. Adopting the Taylor-Bishop-Hill analysis allows an approximation to the resulting effects in the choice of critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) values for glide on the different dislocation systems. Different CRSS values may be appropriate to simulating fabric development in different deformational environments.For any specific set of CRSS values, for a particular deformation, a set of reorientation trajectories can be defined for differently oriented crystals with respect to the instantaneous stretching axes. There is a basic number of pattern types, and deformation leads to c-axes populating specific end-orientations.The CRSS values on different glide systems can vary smoothly relative to one another, but abrupt changes result in the deformation fabrics at critical CRSS ratios. Quartz fabrics may thus be used to delineate regions subjected to particular conditions of temperature and strain-rate in deformed metamorphic terrains, provided that allowance can be made for other factors such as trace impurity content of quartz.  相似文献   

Dolomite single crystals of six different crystallographic orientations were tested in compression under confining pressure at temperatures of 20 to 800° C. The chosen orientations favoured slip or twinning on particular systems. The deformed crystals were analysed by optical and high voltage transmission electron microscopy to determine activated deformation systems, dislocation behaviour, etc., and to assist in interpreting stress-strain data. It is shown that slip on c≡(0001) and on \(f \equiv (\bar 1012)\) ), and twinning on f between 300 and 600° C, are the principal modes of deformation. At low temperatures there is considerable cataclasis, and shear-fracturing must be counted as a significant deformation mechanism. The effects of climb become apparent at temperatures ?600° C. A pronounced increase in strength with testing temperature shown by some orientations of the crystals is largely associated with c slip, but f twinning also shows similar although weaker tendencies. The yield stress for f slip decreases markedly with temperature. Values of critical resolved shear stress are obtained for c and f slip, and for f twinning. Major and minor slip systems, dislocation and twin configurations generated by deformation under different regimes are documented and illustrated. Some of the characteristics of the deformation systems are attributed to the details of atomic displacements. In particular, the increase in strength with temperature for c slip is explained by friction of CO 3 2? groups during dislocation movement, which is unique for c slip. This friction increases with thermal vibration, expansion and rotation of the CO 3 2? groups.  相似文献   

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