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The general relativistic model of Cooperstock and Tieu, which attempts to fit rotation curves of spiral galaxies without invoking dark matter, is tested empirically using observations of the Milky Way. In particular, predictions for the mass density in the solar neighbourhood and the vertical density distribution at the position of the Sun are compared with observations. It is shown that the model of Cooperstock and Tieu, which was so constructed that it gives an excellent fit of the observed rotation curve, singularly fails to reproduce the observed local mass density and the vertical density profile of the Milky Way.  相似文献   

In a cold dark matter (CDM) framework of structure formation, the dark matter haloes around galaxies assemble through successive mergers with smaller haloes. This merging process is not completely efficient, and hundreds of surviving halo cores, or subhaloes, are expected to remain in orbit within the halo of a galaxy like the Milky Way. While the dozen visible satellites of the Milky Way may trace some of these subhaloes, the majority are currently undetected. A large number of high-velocity clouds (HVCs) of neutral hydrogen are observed around the Milky Way, and it is plausible that some of the HVCs may trace subhaloes undetected in the optical. Confirming the existence of concentrations of dark matter associated with even a few of the HVCs would represent a dramatic step forward in our attempts to understand the nature of dark matter. Supersymmetric (SUSY) extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics currently suggest neutralinos as a natural well-motivated candidate for the non-baryonic dark matter of the universe. If this is indeed the case, then it may be possible to detect dark matter indirectly as it annihilates into neutrinos, photons or positrons. In particular, the centres of subhaloes might show up as point sources in gamma-ray observations. In this work, we consider the possibility that some of the unidentified EGRET γ-ray sources trace annihilating neutralino dark matter in the dark substructure of the Local Group. We compare the observed positions and fluxes of both the unidentified EGRET sources and the HVCs with the positions and fluxes predicted by a model of halo substructure, to determine up to what extent any of these three populations could be associated.  相似文献   

We have modelled the spatial distribution of luminous X-ray binaries (XRBs) in spiral galaxies that are like the Milky Way using an evolutionary population synthesis code. In agreement with previous theoretical expectations and observations, we find that both high- and low-mass XRBs show clear concentrations towards the galactic plane and bulge. We also compare XRB distributions under the galactic potential with a dark matter halo and the modified Newtonian dynamics potential, and we suggest that the difference may serve as potential evidence to discriminate between these two types of model.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2002,7(4):161-169
In the usual and most widespread textbook picture of the Milky Way Galaxy, disk stars like the Sun are referred to as Population I, the spheroidal or halo component in turn as Population II. The latter is thought of as the pressure-supported, metal-poor relic of the early Galaxy, with renewed interest in recent years in the search for dark matter via microlensing. Modelling the putative massive compact halo objects however, faces the problem that the stellar halo is generally considered to consist of only a few billion solar masses. Here we present observational evidence that even this low budget may be a factor ten too high. If so, this immediately implies that the classical population II of halo stars is fairly irrelevant, not only in the dark matter context, but, in particular, in models of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy.  相似文献   

The Milky Way is made up of a central bar, a disk with embedded spiral arms, and a dark matter halo. Observational and theoretical constraints for the characteristic parameters of these components will be presented, with emphasis on the constraints from the dynamics of the Milky Way gas. In particular, the fraction of dark matter inside the solar radius, the location of the main resonances, and the evidence for multiple pattern speeds will be discussed.Invited talk at the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy meeting, Santa Barbara, April 2005  相似文献   

We analyse the dynamical properties of substructures in a high-resolution dark matter simulation of the formation of a Milky Way-like halo in a Λcold dark matter cosmology. Our goal is to shed light on the dynamical peculiarities of the Milky Way satellites. Our simulations show that about one-third of the subhaloes have been accreted in groups. We quantify this clustering by measuring the alignment of the angular momentum of subhaloes in a group. We find that this signal is visible even for objects accreted up to z ∼ 1, i.e. 8 Gyr ago, and long after the spatial coherence of the groups has been lost due the host tidal field. This group infall may well explain the ghostly streams proposed by Lynden-Bell & Lynden-Bell to orbit the Milky Way. Our analyses also show that if most satellites originate in a few groups, the disc-like distribution of the Milky Way satellites would be almost inevitable. This non-random assignment of satellites to subhaloes implies an environmental dependence on whether these low-mass objects are able to form stars, possibly related to the nature of reionization in the early Universe. With this picture, both the 'ghostly streams' and the 'disc-like configuration' are manifestations of the same phenomenon: the hierarchical growth of structure down to the smallest scales.  相似文献   

We use a cosmological galactic evolutionary approach to model the Milky Way. A detailed treatment of the mass aggregation and dynamical history of the growing dark halo is included, together with a self-consistent physical treatment for the star formation processes within the growing galactic disc. This allows us to calculate the temporal evolution of star and gas surface densities at all galactic radii, in particular, the star formation history (SFH) at the solar radius. A large range of cosmological mass aggregation histories (MAHs) is capable of producing a galaxy with the present-day properties of the Milky Way. The resulting SFHs for the solar neighbourhood bracket the available observational data for this feature, the most probable MAH yielding the optimal comparison with these observations. We also find that the rotation curve for our Galaxy implies the presence of a constant density core in its dark-matter halo.  相似文献   

Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) ejected by the massive black hole at the Galactic Centre have unique kinematic properties compared to other halo stars. Their trajectories will deviate from being exactly radial because of the asymmetry of the Milky Way potential produced by the flattened disc and the triaxial dark matter halo, causing a change of angular momentum that can be much larger than the initial small value at injection. We study the kinematics of HVSs and propose an estimator of dark halo triaxiality that is determined only by instantaneous position and velocity vectors of HVSs at large Galactocentric distances ( r ≳ 50 kpc). We show that, in the case of a substantially triaxial halo, the distribution of deflection angles (the angle between the stellar position and velocity vector) for HVSs on bound orbits is spread uniformly over the range 10°–180°. Future astrometric and deep wide-field surveys should measure the positions and velocities of a significant number of HVSs, and provide useful constraints on the shape of the Galactic dark matter halo.  相似文献   

In the standard model of cosmic structure formation, dark matter haloes form by gravitational instability. The process is hierarchical: smaller systems collapse earlier, and later merge to form larger haloes. The galaxy clusters, hosted by the largest dark matter haloes, are at the top of this hierarchy and representing the largest as well as the last structures formed in the Universe, while the smaller and first haloes are those Earth-sized dark subhaloes that have been both predicted by theoretical considerations and found in numerical simulations, though there do not exist any observational hints of their existence. The probability that a halo of mass m at redshift z will be part of a larger halo of mass M at the present time can be described in the frame of the extended Press & Schecter theory making use of the progenitor (conditional) mass function. Using the progenitor mass function, we calculate analytically, at redshift zero, the distribution of subhaloes in mass, formation epoch and rarity of the peak of the density field at the formation epoch. That is done for a Milky Way size system, assuming both a spherical and an ellipsoidal collapse model. Our calculation assumes that small progenitors do not lose mass due to dynamical processes after entering the parent halo, and that they do not interact with other subhaloes. For a Λ cold dark matter power spectrum, we obtain a subhalo mass function  d n /d m   proportional to   m −α  with a model-independent  α∼ 2  . Assuming that the dark matter is a weakly interacting massive particle, the inferred distributions are used to test the feasibility of an indirect detection in the γ-ray energy band of such a population of subhaloes with a Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope like satellite.  相似文献   

We present a pair of high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations that explore the evolution and cooling behaviour of hot gas around Milky Way size galaxies. The simulations contain the same total baryonic mass and are identical other than their initial gas density distributions. The first is initialized with a low-entropy hot gas halo that traces the cuspy profile of the dark matter, and the second is initialized with a high-entropy hot halo with a cored density profile as might be expected in models with pre-heating feedback. Galaxy formation proceeds in dramatically different fashion depending on the initial setup. While the low-entropy halo cools rapidly, primarily from the central region, the high-entropy halo is quasi-stable for  ∼4 Gyr  and eventually cools via the fragmentation and infall of clouds from ∼100 kpc distances. The low-entropy halo's X-ray surface brightness is ∼100 times brighter than current limits and the resultant disc galaxy contains more than half of the system's baryons. The high-entropy halo has an X-ray brightness that is in line with observations, an extended distribution of pressure-confined clouds reminiscent of observed populations and a final disc galaxy that has half the mass and ∼50 per cent more specific angular momentum than the disc formed in the low-entropy simulation. The final high-entropy system retains the majority of its baryons in a low-density hot halo. The hot halo harbours a trace population of cool, mostly ionized, pressure-confined clouds that contain ∼10 per cent of the halo's baryons after 10 Gyr of cooling. The covering fraction for H  i and Mg  ii absorption clouds in the high-entropy halo is ∼0.4 and ∼0.6, respectively, although most of the mass that fuels disc growth is ionized, and hence would be under counted in H  i surveys.  相似文献   

We argue that observations on Milky Way and dwarf spheroidals imply existence of individual haloes around dwarf spheroidals. If neutrinos (or any other ‘hot’ particle) provide the dark matter then we show that: (i) Embedding of visible matter inside large (∼ few Mpc) dark matter islands is observationally untenable. (ii) Dwarf spheroidals possess dark matter haloes of about 10 kpc radius around them, and have an (M/L) ratio of about 104. (iii) The haloes of spiral galaxies (e.g. Milky Way) extend to about 100 kpc in radius. If ‘cold’ dark matter makes up the haloes, then no significant constraints are obtained. We discuss briefly the effect of these constraints on larger scales.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):507-521
The dynamics of the dwarf-spheroidal (dSph) galaxies in the gravitational field of the Galaxy is investigated with particular reference to their susceptibility to tidal break-up. Based on the observed paucity of the dSphs at small Galactocentric distances, we put forward the hypothesis that subsequent to the formation of the Milky Way and its satellites, those dSphs that had orbits with small perigalacticons were tidally disrupted, leaving behind a population that now has a relatively larger value of its average perigalacticon to apogalacticon ratio and consequently a larger value of its r.m.s. transverse to radial velocities ratio compared to their values at the time of formation of the dSphs. We analyze the implications of this hypothesis for the phase space distribution of the dSphs and that of the dark matter (DM) halo of the Galaxy within the context of a self-consistent model in which the functional form of the phase space distribution of DM particles follows the King model, i.e. the ‘lowered isothermal’ distribution and the potential of the Galaxy is determined self-consistently by including the gravitational cross-coupling between visible matter and DM particles. This analysis, coupled with virial arguments, yields an estimate of ≳270 km s−1 for the circular velocity of any test object at galactocentric distances of ∼100 kpc, the typical distances of the dSphs. The corresponding self-consistent values of the relevant DM halo model parameters, namely, the local (i.e., the solar neighbourhood) values of the DM density and velocity dispersion in the King model and its truncation radius, are estimated to be ∼0.3 GeV cm−3, >350 km s−1 and ≳150 kpc, respectively. Similar self-consistent studies with other possible forms of the DM distribution function will be useful in assessing the robustness of our estimates of the Galaxy’s DM halo parameters.  相似文献   

We use an N -body/hydrodynamic simulation to forecast the future encounter between the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies, given present observational constraints on their relative distance, relative velocity, and masses. Allowing for a comparable amount of diffuse mass to fill the volume of the Local Group, we find that the two galaxies are likely to collide in a few billion years – within the Sun's lifetime. During the interaction, there is a chance that the Sun will be pulled away from its present orbital radius and reside in an extended tidal tail. The likelihood for this outcome increases as the merger progresses, and there is a remote possibility that our Sun will be more tightly bound to Andromeda than to the Milky Way before the final merger. Eventually, after the merger has completed, the Sun is most likely to be scattered to the outer halo and reside at much larger radii (>30 kpc). The density profiles of the stars, gas and dark matter in the merger product resemble those of elliptical galaxies. Our Local Group model therefore provides a prototype progenitor of late-forming elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

We study predictions for dark matter (DM) phase-space structure near the Sun based on high-resolution simulations of six galaxy haloes taken from the Aquarius project. The local DM density distribution is predicted to be remarkably smooth; the density at the Sun differs from the mean over a best-fitting ellipsoidal equidensity contour by less than 15 per cent at the 99.9 per cent confidence level. The local velocity distribution is also very smooth, but it differs systematically from a (multivariate) Gaussian distribution. This is not due to the presence of individual clumps or streams, but to broad features in the velocity modulus and energy distributions that are stable in both space and time and reflect the detailed assembly history of each halo. These features have a significant impact on the signals predicted for weakly interacting massive particle and axion searches. For example, weakly interacting massive particles recoil rates can deviate by ∼10 per cent from those expected from the best-fitting multivariate Gaussian models. The axion spectra in our simulations typically peak at lower frequencies than in the case of multivariate Gaussian velocity distributions. Also in this case, the spectra show significant imprints of the formation of the halo. This implies that once direct DM detection has become routine, features in the detector signal will allow us to study the DM assembly history of the Milky Way. A new field, 'DM astronomy', will then emerge.  相似文献   

A suite of vast stellar surveys mapping the Milky Way, culminating in the Gaia mission, is revolutionizing the empirical information about the distribution and properties of stars in the Galactic stellar disk. We review and lay out what analysis and modeling machinery needs to be in place to test mechanism of disk galaxy evolution and to stringently constrain the Galactic gravitational potential, using such Galactic star-by-star measurements. We stress the crucial role of stellar survey selection functions in any such modeling; and we advocate the utility of viewing the Galactic stellar disk as made up of ‘mono-abundance populations’ (MAPs), both for dynamical modeling and for constraining the Milky Way’s evolutionary processes. We review recent work on the spatial and kinematical distribution of MAPs, and point out how further study of MAPs in the Gaia era should lead to a decisively clearer picture of the Milky Way’s dark-matter distribution and formation history.  相似文献   

We have modelled, for the cases of Milky Way and M31, the effects on the galactic discs, of the arrival at high velocity (≥150 km s−1) of giant HI clouds, with masses of up to 108M⊙. Predictions are compared with the detailed structure of the observed rotation curves for these two galaxies. The model explains the rises and falls observed at large distances from the centre of each galaxy, distributed with a degree of regularity in radius, in terms of a specific type of perturbations driven by the infall of the high velocity clouds (HVC's) arriving from the intracluster medium of the Local Group. The underlying rotation curve is explained conventionally via the distribution of the baryonic and dark matter components of the galaxy in question. This scenario, though tested here on the two major Local Group objects, is in principle applicable to galaxies undergoing minor mergers with subgalactic mass gas clouds.  相似文献   

We investigate a wide range of possible evolutionary histories for the recently discovered Bootes dwarf spheroidal galaxy, a Milky Way satellite. By means of N -body simulations, we follow the evolution of possible progenitor galaxies of Bootes for a variety of orbits in the gravitational potential of the Milky Way. The progenitors considered cover the range from dark matter-free star clusters to massive, dark matter-dominated outcomes of cosmological simulations. For each type of progenitor and orbit, we compare the observable properties of the remnant after 10 Gyr with those of Bootes observed today. Our study suggests that the progenitor of Bootes must have been, and remains now, dark matter-dominated. In general, our models are unable to reproduce the observed high velocity dispersion in Bootes without dark matter. Our models do not support time-dependent tidal effects as a mechanism able to inflate significantly the internal velocity dispersion. As none of our initially spherical models is able to reproduce the elongation of Bootes, our results suggest that the progenitor of Bootes may have had some intrinsic flattening. Although the focus of this paper is the Bootes dwarf spheroidal, these models may be of general relevance to understanding the structure, stability and dark matter content of all dwarf spheroidal galaxies.  相似文献   

康熙 《天文学进展》2011,29(1):1-18
对银河系内卫星星系进行全面的"人口普查"具有重要的意义。目前已经发现了二十几个卫星星系,其光度范围分布很广,最暗的矮星系比球状星体还暗。叙述了卫星星系的光度分布、空间分布和动力学性质。总结了观测和理论研究进展,并讨论了星流和伽玛射线在研究银河系结构和暗物质性质方面的贡献。表明了卫星星系的统计分布能用来很好地限制冷暗物质理论和星系形成的相关物理过程,同时指出当前研究的局限性和可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

We review our current understanding of the internal dynamical properties of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies surrounding the Milky Way. These are the most dark matter dominated galaxies, and as such may be considered ideal laboratories to test the current concordance cosmological model, and in particular provide constraints on the nature of the dominant form of dark matter. We discuss the latest observations of the kinematics of stars in these systems, and how these may be used to derive their mass distribution. We tour through the various dynamical techniques used, with emphasis on the complementarity and limitations, and discuss what the results imply also in the context of cosmological models. Finally we provide an outlook on exciting developments in this field.  相似文献   

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