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A common parametrization over snow-covered surfaces that are undergoing saltation is that the aerodynamic roughness length for wind speed (z 0) scales as au*2/g{\alpha u_\ast^2/g}, where u * is the friction velocity, g is the acceleration of gravity, and α is an empirical constant. Data analyses seem to support this scaling: many published plots of z 0 measured over snow demonstrate proportionality to u*2{u_\ast^2 }. In fact, I show similar plots here that are based on two large eddy-covariance datasets: one collected over snow-covered Arctic sea ice; another collected over snow-covered Antarctic sea ice. But in these and in most such plots from the literature, the independent variable, u *, was used to compute z 0 in the first place; the plots thus suffer from fictitious correlation that causes z 0 to unavoidably increase with u * without any intervening physics. For these two datasets, when I plot z 0 against u * derived from a bulk flux algorithm—and thus minimize the fictitious correlation—z 0 is independent of u * in the drifting snow region, u * ≥ 0.30 ms−1. I conclude that the relation z0 = au*2/g{z_0 = \alpha u_\ast^2/g} when snow is drifting is a fallacy fostered by analyses that suffer from fictitious correlation.  相似文献   

The spray content in the surface boundary layer above an air—water interface was determined by a series of measurements at various feteches and wind speeds in a laboratory facility. The droplet flux density N(z) can be described in terms of the scaling flux density N* and von Karman constant K throguh the equation, N(z)/N* = −(1/K) ln(z/z0d) where z is height above the mean water level and z0d is the droplet boundary layer thickness. N* is given by a unique relationship in terms of the roughness Reynolds number u*σ/ν where σ is the root-mean-square surface displacement. Spray inception occurred for u* 0.3. The dominant mode of spray generation in the present and most other laboratory tests, as well as in available field data, appears to be bubble bursting.  相似文献   

The atmospheric surface layer over sea has a density stratification which varies with moisture content and air/sea temperature difference. This influences the growth of water waves. To study the effect quantitatively, the Reynolds equations are solved numerically. For given wind speed and surface roughness, wave growth is found to be more rapid in unstably stratified conditions than in stable conditions. This is due to an increase in turbulence, primarily caused by an increase of mixing length.Under the assumption of a Charnock relation between surface roughness and friction velocity, it is found that for large inverse wave age (u */c>0.07), the effect of stratification on wave growth is weell described by Monin-Obukhov scaling of the friction velocity. For smaller values ofu */c, Monin-Obukhov scaling overpredicts.The effect on duration-limited wave growth is studied with the third-generation WAM surface wave model driven by 10 m winds. Effects of stratification on the significant wave height are found to be of the order of 10%. The results are comparable to those of a recent reanalysis of field measurements, although the measured stratification effect is somewhat stronger. Implementation of a stratification-dependent growth in wave models is recommended, as it can lead to small but significant improvements in wave forecasts when accurate air and sea temperatures are available.  相似文献   

A wind-tunnel experiment has been used to investigate momentum absorption by rough surfaces with sparse random and clustered distributions of roughness elements. An unusual (though longstanding) method was used to measure the boundary-layer depth δ and friction velocity u * and thence to infer the functional relationship z 0/h = f(λ) between the normalised roughness length z 0/ h and the roughness density λ (where z 0 is the roughness length and h the mean height of the roughness elements). The method for finding u * is based on fitting the velocity defect in the outer layer to a functional form for the dimensionless velocity-defect profile in a canonical zero-pressure-gradient boundary layer. For the conditions investigated here, involving boundary layers over sparse roughness with strong local heterogeneity, this velocity-defect-law method is found to be more robust than several alternative methods for finding u * (uw covariance, momentum integral and slope of the logarithmic velocity profile).The experimental results show that, (1) there is general agreement in the relationship z 0/h = f(λ) between the present experiment with random arrays and other wind-tunnel experiments with regular arrays; (2) the main effect of clustering is to increase the scatter in the z 0/h = f(λ) relationship, through increased local horizontal heterogeneity; (3) this scatter obscures any trend in the z 0/h = f(λ) relationship in response to clustering; and (4) the agreement between the body of wind-tunnel data (taken as a whole) and field data is good, though with scatter for which it is likely that a major contribution stems from local horizontal heterogeneity in the field.  相似文献   

The standard deviation of vertical two-point longitudinal velocity fluctuation differences is analyzed experimentally with eleven sets of turbulence measurements obtained at the NASA 150-m ground-winds tower site at Cape Kennedy, Florida. It is concluded that /u *0 is proportional to (fz/u *0)0.22, where the coefficient of proportionality is a function of fz/u *0 and u *0/fL 0. The quantities f and L0 denote the Coriolis parameter and the surface Monin-Obukhov stability length, respectively; u *0 is the surface friction velocity; z is the vertical distance between the two points over which the velocity difference is calculated; and zz is the mean height of the mid-point of the interval z above natural grade. The results of the analysis are valid for 20<-u *0/fL 0<2000.  相似文献   

The effect of topographical slope angle and atmospheric stratification on turbulence intensities in the unstably stratified surface layer have been parameterized using observations obtained from a three-dimensional sonic anemometer installed at 8 m height above the ground at the Seoul National University (SNU) campus site in Korea for the years 1999–2001. Winds obtained from the sonic anemometer are analyzed according to the mean wind direction, since the topographical slope angle changes significantly along the azimuthal direction. The effects of the topographical slope angle and atmospheric stratification on surface-layer turbulence intensity are examined with these data. It is found that both the friction velocity and the variance for each component of wind normalized by the mean wind speed decrease with increase of the topographical slope angle, having a maximum decreasing rate at very unstable stratification. The decreasing rate of the normalized friction velocity (u * /U) is found to be much larger than that of the turbulence intensity of each wind component due to the reduction of wind shear with increase in slope angle under unstable stratification. The decreasing rate of the w component of turbulence intensity (σ w /U) is the smallest over the downslope surface whereas that of the u component (σ u /U) has a minimum over the upslope surface. Consequently, σ w /u * has a maximum increasing rate with increase in slope angle for the downslope wind, whereas σ u /u * has its maximum for the upslope wind. The sloping terrain is found to reduce both the friction velocity and turbulence intensity compared with those on a flat surface. However, the reduction of the friction velocity over the sloping terrain is larger than that of the turbulence intensity, thereby enhancing the turbulence intensity normalized by the friction velocity over sloping terrain compared with that over a flat surface.  相似文献   

The roughness length, z 0u , and displacement height, d 0u , characterise the resistance exerted by the roughness elements on turbulent flows and provide a conventional boundary condition for a wide range of turbulent-flow problems. Classical laboratory experiments and theories treat z 0u and d 0u as geometric parameters independent of the characteristics of the flow. In this paper, we demonstrate essential stability dependences—stronger for the roughness length (especially in stable stratification) and weaker but still pronounced for the displacement height. We develop a scaling-analysis model for these dependences and verify it against experimental data.  相似文献   

Panofsky et al. (1977) have presented an analysis which seems to show a clear dependence of the dimensionless turbulence statistics u /u * and v/u * on the planetary boundary-layer stability parameter z i/L. However it is possible that much of the apparent relationship results from artificial correlations introduced by the use of inter-related dimensionless parameters. Apparent dependencies of similar statistical quantities on z/L in the surface boundary layer might also be contaminated.This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, and is a contribution of the Multistate Atmospheric Power Production Pollution Study (MAP3S).  相似文献   

Refuge has patchy vegetation in sandy soil. During midday and at night, the surface sources and sinks for heat and moisture may thus be different. Although the Sevilleta is broad and level, its metre-scale heterogeneity could therefore violate an assumption on which Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) relies. To test the applicability of MOST in such a setting, we measured the standard deviations of vertical (w) and longitudinal velocity (u), temperature (t), and humidity (q), the temperature-humidity covariance (¯tq), and the temperature skewness (St). Dividing the former five quantities by the appropriate flux scales (u*, *, and q*) yielded the nondimensional statistics w/u*, u/u*, t/|t*|, q/|q*|, and ¯tq/t*q*. w/u*, t/|t*|, and St have magnitudes and variations with stability similar to those reported in the literature and, thus, seem to obey MOST. Though u/u* is often presumed not to obey MOST, our u/u* data also agree with MOST scaling arguments. While q/|q*| has the same dependence on stability as t/|t*|, its magnitude is 28% larger. When we ignore ¯tq/t*q* values measured during sunrise and sunset transitions – when MOST is not expected to apply – this statistic has essentially the same magnitude and stability dependence as (t/t*)2. In a flow that truly obeys MOST, (t/t*)2, (q/q*)2, and ¯tq/t*q* should all have the same functional form. That (q/q*)2 differs from the other two suggests that the Sevilleta has an interesting surface not compatible with MOST. The sources of humidity reflect the patchiness while, despite the patchiness, the sources of heat seem uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

Data collected in the surface layer in a northern suburban area of Nanjing from 15 November to 29 December 2007 were analyzed to examine the Monin-Obukhov similarity for describing the turbulent fluctu- ations of 3D winds under all stability conditions and to obtain the turbulence characteristics under different weather conditions. The results show that the dimensionless standard deviations of turbulent velocity com- ponents (σ u /u* , σ v /u* , σ w /u * ) and dimensionless turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) can be well described by "1/3" power law relationships under stable, neutral, and unstable conditions, with σ u /u * > σ v /u * > σ w /u* . Land use and land cover changes mainly impact dimensionless standard deviations of horizontal component fluctuations, but they have very little on those of the vertical component. The dimensionless standard devi- ations of wind components and dimensionless TKE are remarkably affected by different weather conditions; the deviations of horizontal wind component and dimensionless TKE present fog day > clear sky > overcast > cloudy; the trend of the vertical wind component is the reverse. The surface drag coefficient at a Nan- jing suburban measurement site during the observation period was obviously higher than at other reported plains and plateau areas, and was approximately one order larger in magnitude than the reported plains areas. Dimensionless standard deviation of temperature declined with increasing |z /L| with an approximate "-1/3" slope in unstable stratification and "-2/3" slope in stable stratification.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the results of an urban measurement campaign are presented. The experiment took place from July 1995 to February 1996 in Basel, Switzerland. A total of more than 2000 undisturbed 30-minute runs of simultaneous measurements of the fluctuations of the wind vector u′, v′, w′ and the sonic temperature θ s ′ at three different heights (z=36, 50 and 76 m a.g.l.) are analysed with respect to the integral statistics and their spectral behaviour. Estimates of the zero plane displacement height d calculated by the temperature variance method yield a value of 22 m for the two lower levels, which corresponds to 0.92 h (the mean height of the roughness elements). At all three measurement heights the dimensionless standard deviation σ w /u * is systematically smaller than the Monin-Obukhov similarity function for the inertial sublayer, however, deviations are smaller compared to other urban turbulence studies. The σθ* values follow the inertial sublayer prediction very close for the two lowest levels, while at the uppermost level significant deviations are observed. Profiles of normalized velocity and temperature variances show a clear dependence on stability. The profile of friction velocity u * is similar to the profiles reported in other urban studies with a maximum around z/h=2.1. Spectral characteristics of the wind components in general show a clear dependence on stability and dimensionless measurement height z/h with a shift of the spectral peak to lower frequencies as thermal stability changes from stable to unstable conditions and as z/h decreases. Velocity spectra follow the −2/3 slope in the inertial subrange region and the ratios of spectral energy densities S w (f)/S u (f) approach the value of 4/3 required for local isotropy in the inertial subrange. Velocity spectra and spectral peaks fit best to the well established surface layer spectra from Kaimal et al. (1972) at the uppermost level at z/h=3.2. Received September 26, 1997 Revised February 15, 1998  相似文献   

Data collected during the SHEBA and CASES-99 field programs are employed to examine the flux–gradient relationship for wind speed and temperature in the stably stratified boundary layer. The gradient-based and flux-based similarity functions are assessed in terms of the Richardson number Ri and the stability parameter z*, z being height and Λ* the local Obukhov length. The resulting functions are expressed in an analytical form, which is essentially unaffected by self-correlation, when thermal stratification is strong. Turbulence within the stably stratified boundary layer is classified into four regimes: “nearly-neutral” (0 < z* < 0.02), “weakly-stable” (0.02 < z* < 0.6), “very-stable” (0.6 < z* < 50), and “extremely-stable” (z* > 50). The flux-based similarity functions for gradients are constant in “nearly-neutral” conditions. In the “very-stable” regime, the dimensionless gradients are exponential, and proportional to (z*)3/5. The existence of scaling laws in “extremely-stable” conditions is doubtful. The Prandtl number Pr decreases from 0.9 in nearly-neutral conditions and to about 0.7 in the very-stable regime. The necessary condition for the presence of steady-state turbulence is Ri < 0.7.  相似文献   

Calculations are made of the effects of thermal stability under a range of conditions, over the sea and land, on the physical factors (including the critical wind speed) affecting dust-storm generation, snow drift, and rough sea conditions. The computational procedure involves the surface friction velocity, u *, and its relation with the aerodynamic roughness over aerodynamically rough, mobile surfaces. The results indicated that even at relatively high wind speeds, thermal effects under extreme advection situations may be significant, particularly for those properties of the agitated surface dependent on u * 3 and u * 4.  相似文献   

It is shown that the observationally determined roughness relation z 0 = u * 2/g in which g is the acceleration of gravity, u *, is the friction velocity in air, and = 0.0185 (Wu, 1982) for the wind profile over the sea surface relative to the surface current, is consistent with the existence of a Richardson Number criterion at the air-sea interface in which the critical Richardson Number, Ric = 1, such that all the shear energy is converted into potential energy.  相似文献   

Functional forms of the universal similarity functions A, B (for wind components parallel and normal to the surface stress), and C (for potential temperature difference) are determined based on the generalized theory of the resistance laws for the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). The similarity-profile functions for the surface layer are matched with the velocity and temperature-defect profiles that are assumed to have shapes modified by certain powers of nondimensional height z/h, where h is the PBL height. The powers of the outer-layer profile functions are determined, so that the functions become negligible in the surface layer. To close the temperature defect law, an assumption that the temperature gradient across the top of the PBL is continuous with the stratification of the overlying atmosphere is used. The result of this assumption is that nondimensional momentum and temperature profiles in the PBL can be described in terms of four basic ratios: (1) roughness ratio = /h (2) scale-height ratio =|f|h/u*, (3) ambient stratification parameter =h/*, and (4) stability parameter =h/L, where L is the Monin-Obukhov length, z0 is the surface roughness, is the upper-air stratification, u * is the friction velocity, and * is the temperature scale at the surface. For stable conditions, the scale-height ratio can be related to the atmospheric stability and the upperair stratification, and the generalized similarity and Rossby number similarity theories become identical. Under appropriate boundary conditions, function A is explicitly dependent on the stability parameter , while B is a function of scale-height ratio , which in turn depends on the stability. Function C is shown to be dependent on the stability and the upper-air stratification, due to the closure assumption used for the temperature profile.The suggested functional forms are compared with other empirical approximations by several authors. The general framework used to determine the functional forms needs to be tested against good boundary-layer measurements.  相似文献   

Under growing wind-wave conditions the shear velocity,u *, over the water surface equalsg 2 H s 2 B a 2 C p 3 , whereg is the gravitational acceleration,H s is the significant wave height,B a is a constant, andC p is the wave celerity. From an independent field experiment in a lake environment which provided all three parameters (u *,H s , andC p ), the value ofB a is found to be 0.89, which is slightly lower than but consistent (within 20%) with the literature value between 0.90 and 1.06 obtained from an oceanic environment. Since thisu * equation does not include the wind speed,U 10, anotheru * formulation withU 10 in addition to the wave information is also evaluated. It is shown that the latter equation which includesU 10 is superior to the former withoutU 10.  相似文献   

A numerical model of airflow in the lowest 50–100 m of the atmosphere above changes in surface roughness and temperature or heat flux has been developed based on boundary layer approximations, the Businger-Dyer hypotheses for the non-dimensional wind shear and heat flux and a mixing length hypothesis.Results have been obtained for several situations, in particular, airflow with neutral upstream conditions encountering a step change in surface temperature or heat flux with no roughness change. In these cases large increases in shear stress at the outer edge of the internal boundary layer are predicted. The case of unstable upstream flow encountering a step change to zero heat flux is also considered.Two situations that may be encountered near the shores of the Great Lakes are considered.Notation B Businger-Dyer constant (= 16.0) in form for M, H - c p Specific heat at constant pressure - g Acceleration due to gravity - H Upward vertical heat flux - H 0 , H 1 Surface heat fluxes for x < 0, x 0 - k von Kármán's constant ( = 0.4) - l Mixing length - L Monin-Obukhov length - L 0 Upstream value of L - m Ratio of roughness lengths (= z 1/z 0) - RL * Non-dimensional parameter, see Equations (20, 22 and 24) - RL 1 * Same as RL * but with z 1 scaling (= mRL *) - T Scaled temperature - T 0 (z) Upstream temperature profile - u 0, u 1(x) Surface friction velocities for x < 0, x 0 - U, W Horizontal and vertical mean velocities - U 0 (z) Upstream velocity profile - x, z Horizontal and vertical coordinates - z i Local roughness length  相似文献   

It is suggested that convective scaling, with appropriate extensions, provides the most useful framework for estimating the effects of urban-scale surface inhomogeneities on diffusion in convective conditions. Strong contrasts in surface heat flux exist between cropland, forests, urban areas, and water or marshland surfaces. It is argued that a typical fetch for convective turbulence to readjust to changed heat (or buoyancy) input from the surface below is 2(U/w *)h, where U is the mean wind speed in the mixing layer, w * is the convective scaling velocity, and h is the mixing depth. In contrast, the fetch required for wind speed to readjust to new underlying surface roughness is of the order (U/u *)2h/2, where u * is the friction velocity.The ratio w */U is the best index of diffusion rates in moderately to very unstable conditions. General urban effects on heat flux, h, and U are discussed separately, then their combined effects on w */U are estimated. While this ratio can double over a large city during light winds, its increase is much less for small cities, or during moderate winds. Finally, some examples of heat flux in- homogeneities causing stationary convective features are presented. Steady downdrafts associated with these features are of the order of 0.4w *, and could significantly increase surface concentrations from elevated sources.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.This paper is based on a presentation made at the AMS Specialty Conference on Air Quality Modeling of the Urban Boundary Layer, in Baltimore, late 1983.  相似文献   

Flow and turbulence above urban terrain is more complex than above rural terrain, due to the different momentum and heat transfer characteristics that are affected by the presence of buildings (e.g. pressure variations around buildings). The applicability of similarity theory (as developed over rural terrain) is tested using observations of flow from a sonic anemometer located at 190.3 m height in London, U.K. using about 6500 h of data. Turbulence statistics—dimensionless wind speed and temperature, standard deviations and correlation coefficients for momentum and heat transfer—were analysed in three ways. First, turbulence statistics were plotted as a function only of a local stability parameter z/Λ (where Λ is the local Obukhov length and z is the height above ground); the σ i /u * values (i = u, v, w) for neutral conditions are 2.3, 1.85 and 1.35 respectively, similar to canonical values. Second, analysis of urban mixed-layer formulations during daytime convective conditions over London was undertaken, showing that atmospheric turbulence at high altitude over large cities might not behave dissimilarly from that over rural terrain. Third, correlation coefficients for heat and momentum were analyzed with respect to local stability. The results give confidence in using the framework of local similarity for turbulence measured over London, and perhaps other cities. However, the following caveats for our data are worth noting: (i) the terrain is reasonably flat, (ii) building heights vary little over a large area, and (iii) the sensor height is above the mean roughness sublayer depth.  相似文献   

内蒙古科尔沁沙地临界起沙阈值的范围确定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
临界起沙阈值可表征地表土壤的可蚀性,是风蚀起沙研究中非常重要的物理量之一。基于微气象学方法,将沙尘浓度和垂直沙尘通量均开始增加且至少持续0.5 h所对应的摩擦速度(或风速)确定为临界起沙摩擦速度u*t(或临界起沙风速Ut)。利用内蒙古科尔沁沙地地区2010-2013年春季大气环境综合观测资料,分析了不同沙尘天气过程(扬沙、沙尘暴和强沙尘暴)起沙阶段沙尘浓度和垂直沙尘通量随摩擦速度的演变特征,精细确定了该地区临界起沙摩擦速度(u*t)和临界起沙风速(Ut)的范围分别为0.45±0.20和6.5±3.0 m/s,同时讨论了不同起沙判据对确定临界起沙阈值产生的影响。相比而言,采用的起沙判据尽可能地排除了沙尘输送和沉降过程的影响,适用于不同的沙尘天气类型,使沙尘粒子进入大气的起沙结果更趋于合理,其结果可为建立统一、合理的起沙判据提供参考。  相似文献   

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