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A spectral approach is applied to shear-induced turbulence in stratified layers. A system of spectral equations for stationary balance of turbulent energy and temperature variances was deduced in the vicinity of the local shear scale LU = (ε/UZ3)1/2. At wavenumbers between the inertial-convective (k−5/3) and wak turbulence (k−3) subranges, additional narrow spectral intervals—‘production’ subranges—may appear (E k−1, ET k−2). The upper boundary of these subranges is determined as LU, and the lower boundaries as LR (ε/UZN2)1/2(χ/TZ2). It is shown that the scale LU is a unique spectral scale that is uniform up to a constant value for every hydrophysical field. It appears that the spectral scale LU is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh for the active turbulence model. Therefore, if turbulent patches are generated in a background of permanent mean shear, a linear relation between temperature and mass diffusivities exists. In spectral terms, the fossil turbulence model corresponds to the regime of the Boldgiano-Obukhov buoyancy subrange (E k−11/5, ET k−7/5). During decay the buoyancy subrange is expanded to lower and higher wavenumbers. At lower wavenumbers the buoyancy subrange is bounded by L** = 3(χ1/2/N1/2TZ), which is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh. In such a transition regime only, when the viscous dissipation rate is removed from the set of main turbulence parameters, the Thorpe scale does not correlate with the buoyancy scale LN ε1/2/N3/2 and fossil turbulence is realized. Oceanic turbulence measurements in the equatorial Pacific near Baker Island confirm the main ideas of the active and fossil turbulence models.  相似文献   

The calibration of a sailplane variometer to measure vertical velocity fluctuations in the atmospheric boundary layer is described. Its usefulness is demonstrated with typical results from a boundary-layer development study. The atmospheric calibrations gave the ratio of standard deviations of vertical velocity fluctuations measured by a standard tower-mounted turbulence instrument to the values measured by variometer as 2.5 m s–1 V–1.  相似文献   

Surface measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) number concentration (cm−3) are presented for unmodified marine air and for polluted air at Mace Head, for the years 1994 and 1995. The CCN number concentration active at 0.5% supersaturation is found to be approximately log-normal for marine and polluted air at the site. Values of geometric mean, median and arithmetic mean of CCN number concentration (cm−3) for marine air are in the range 124–135, 140–150 and 130–157 for the two years of data. Analysis of CCN number concentration for high wind speed, U, up to 20 m s−1 show enhanced CCN production for U in excess of about 10–12 m s−1. Approximately 7% increase in CCN per 1 m s−1 increase in wind speed is found, up to 17 m s−1. A relationship of the form log10CCN=a+bU is obtained for the periods March 1994 and January, February 1995 for marine air yielding values a of 1.70; 1.90 and b of 0.035 for both periods.  相似文献   

Based on earlier experimental studies, the ice nucleating abilities of further pollen types were investigated in the immersion and contact freezing modes. The studies were carried out at the Mainz vertical wind tunnel with freely floating supercooled droplets down to − 28 °C. The pollen had diameters between 26 and 28 μm and correspondingly low sink velocities around 2.5 cm s 1. The radii of the studied drops were calculated from the recorded wind velocity and for both freezing modes the radii of the observed droplets varied between 315 and 380 μm. Immersion freezing experiments were conducted with pollen particles added to the droplets while in contact freezing experiments supercooled droplets were subjected to a burst of pollen particles. The median freezing temperatures found in the immersion freezing mode were: − 13.5 °C (alder), − 21.5 °C (lombardy poplar), − 21.0 °C (redtop grass) and − 19.8 °C (kentucky blue). The median freezing temperatures in the contact freezing mode were found as: − 12.6 °C (alder), − 17.9 °C (lombardy poplar), − 18.7 °C (redtop grass) and − 16.1 °C (kentucky blue). The results show that the ice nucleating ability of pollen is not restricted to single pollen types but seems to be a general pollen property.  相似文献   

For 390 ten-minute samples of turbulent flux, made with a trivane above a lake, the vertical alignment is determined within 0.1 ° through azimuth-dependent averaging. One degree of instrumental misalignment is found to produce an average tilt error of 9 ± 4% for momentum flux, and 4 ± 2% for heat flux. The tilt error in the vertical momentum flux depends mainly ons u/u*, and cannot be much diminished with impunity by high-pass pre-filtering of the turbulence signals. The effects of rain on trivane measurements of vertical velocity are shown to be negligible at high wind speeds, and adaptable to correction in any case.The normalized vertical velocity variance,s w/u*, appears to be proportional to the square root ofz/L for unstable stratification. For a wind speed range of 2 to 15 m s–1, the eddy correlation stresses measured at 4- and 8-m heights can be reasonably well estimated by using a constant drag coefficientC d=1.3 X 10-3, while cup anemometer profile measurements give an overestimate of eddy stress at high wind speeds. A good stress estimate is also obtained from the elevation variance; it is suggested that trivane measurement of this variance might be made from a mobile platform, e.g., a moderately stabilized spar buoy.  相似文献   

A new method for obtaining instantaneous vertical profiles of two components of velocity and temperature in thermally stratified turbulent shear flows is presented. In this report, the design and construction of the traversing system will be discussed and results to date will be presented. The method is based on rapid vertical sampling whereby probe sensors are moved vertically at a high speed such that the measurement is approximately instantaneous. The system is designed to collect many measurements for the calculation of statistics such as vertical wave number spectra, mean square vertical gradients, and Thorpe scales. Results are presented for vertical profiles of temperature and compared to vertical profiles measured by single-point Eulerian time averages. The quality of the vertical profiles is found to be good over many profiles. Some comparisons are made between vertical measurements and standard single-point Eulerian measurements for three cases of stably stratified turbulent shear flow in which the initial microscale Reynolds number, Reλ≈30. In case 1, the mean conditions are characterized by a gradient Richardson number, Rig=0.015, for which the flow is “unstable”, meaning the spatially evolving turbulent kinetic energy (Ek) grows. In case 2, Rig=0.095, for which the evolving turbulent kinetic energy is almost constant. In case 3, the flow is highly stable, where Rig=0.25 and Ek decays with spatial evolution. The measurements indicate anisotropy in the small scales for all cases. In particular, it is found that the ratio grows initially to a maximum and then decays with further evolution. Maximum Thorpe displacements are measured and compared to single-point measures of the vertical scales. It is found that vertical length scales derived from single-point measurements, such as the Ozmidov scale, LO=(ε/N3)1/2 and the overturn scale, Lt=θ′/(dT/dz), do not represent well the wide range of overturning scales which are actually present in the turbulence.  相似文献   

On February 8, 1993, the NASA DC-8 aircraft profiled from 10,000 to 37,000 feet (3.1–11.3 km) pressure altitude in a stratified section of tropical cyclone “Oliver” over the Coral Sea northeast of Australia. Size, shape and phase of cloud and precipitation particles were measured with a 2-D Greyscale probe. Cloud/ precipitation particles changed from liquid to ice as soon as the freezing level was reached near 17,000 feet (5.2 km) pressure altitude. The cloud was completely glaciated at −5°C. There was no correlation between ice particle habit and ambient temperature. In the liquid phase, the precipitation-cloud drop concentration was 4.0 × 103 m−3, the geometric mean diameter Dg=0.5−0.7 mm, and the liquid water content 0.7−1.9 g m−3. The largest particles anywhere in the cloud, dominated by fused dendrites at concentrations similar to that of raindrops (2.5 × 103 m−3) but a higher condensed water content (5.4 g m−3 estimated) were found in the mixed phase; condensed water is removed very effectively from the mixed layer due to high settling velocities of the large mixed particles. The highest number concentration (4.9 × 104 m−3), smallest size (Dg=0.3−0.4 mm), largest surface area (up to 2.6 × 102 cm2 m−3 at 0.4−1.0 g m−3 of condensate) existed in the ice phase at the coldest temperature (−40°C) at 35,000 feet (10.7 km). Each cloud contained aerosol (haze particles) in addition to cloud particles. The aerosol total surface area exceeded that of the cirrus particles at the coldest temperature. Thus, aerosols must play a significant role in the upscattering of solar radiation. Light extinction (6.2 km−1) and backscatter (0.8 sr−1 km−1) was highest in the coldest portion of the cirrus cloud at the highest altitude.  相似文献   

Turbulent mixing across heat-stratified density interfaces was studied in the laboratory using oscillating-grid generated turbulence. The aim was to study the transition between the entrainment regimes dominated by interfacial wave-breaking and molecular diffusion, and to study the characteristics of the latter. It was observed that, above a critical Richardson number Ric, which depends on the Peclet number Pe, the mixing due to wave breaking disappears and that Ric Pen, where the mean value of the exponent n is approximately . Above Ric, the entrainment is molecular-diffusion dominated and takes place through a sequence of events: the buoyancy gradient of the initially sharp density interface is weakened by molecular diffusion until the mixed-layer eddies can engulf a portion of the interfacial layer wherefore the interface sharpens again. Thus, the entrainment events are recurrent with a rate-controlling diffusion stage between them. An entrainment law of the form E Ri−2Pe−2, where E is the entrainment coefficient and Ri is the Richardson number, is suggested for the diffusion-dominated entrainment regime.  相似文献   

Eddy-correlation measurements of the vertical fluxes of ozone, carbon dioxide, fine particles with diameter near 0.1 m, and particulate sulfur, as well as of momentum, heat and water vapor, have been taken above a tall leafless deciduous forest in wintertime. During the experimental period of one week, ozone deposition velocities varied from about 0.1 cm s–1 at night to more than 0.4 cm s-1 during the daytime, with the largest variations associated primarily with changes in solar irradiation. Most of the ozone removal took place in the upper canopy. Carbon dioxide fluxes were directed upward due to respiration and exhibited a strong dependence on air temperature and solar heating. The fluxes were approximately zero at air temperatures less than 5 °C and approached 0.8 mg m–2 s–1 when temperatures exceeded 15 °C during the daytime. Fine-particle deposition rates were large at times, with deposition velocities near 0.8 cm s–1 when turbulence levels were high, but fluxes directed upward were found above the canopy when the surface beneath was covered with snow. Diffusional processes seemed to dominate fine-particle transfer across quasilaminar layers and subsequent deposition to the upper canopy. Deposition velocities for particulate sulfur were highly variable and averaged to a value small in magnitude as compared to similar measurements taken previously over a pine forest in summer.  相似文献   

Measurements of temperature and velocity microstructure near and downstream of a shallow seamount are used to compare fossil turbulence versus non-fossil turbulence models for the evolution of turbulence microstructure patches in the stratified ocean. According to non-fossil oceanic turbulence models, all overturn length scales LT of the microstructure grow and collapse in constant proportion to each other and to the turbulence energy (Oboukov) scale LO and the inertial buoyancy (Ozmidov) scale of the patches; that is, with LTrms ≈1.2LR and viscous dissipation rate 0*. According to the Gibson fossil turbulence model, all microstructure originates from completely active turbulence with 0 ≈ 3LT2N3(≈ 280*) and LT/√6 ≈ LTrms, but this rapidly decays into a more persistent active-fossil state with 0F ≈ 30vN2, where N is the buoyancy frequency and v is the kinematic viscosity and, without further energy supply, finally reaches a completely fossil turbulence hydrodynamic state of internal wave motions, with F. The last turbulence eddies, with F, vanish at a buoyant-inertial-viscous (fossil Kolmogorov) scale LKF that is much smaller than the remnant overturn scales LT for large 0/F ratios. These density, temperature, and salinity overturns with LT ≈ 0.6 LR0 0.6 LR persist as turbulence fossils (by retaining the memory of o) and collapse very slowly. In the near wake below the summit depth of Ampere seamount, a much larger proportion of completely active turbulence patches was found than is usually found in the ocean interior away from sources. Dissipation rates and turbulence activity coefficients of microstructure patches were found to decrease downstream, suggesting that the active turbulence indicated by the patches with AT 1 was caused by the presence of the seamount as a turbulence source. Therefore, the turbulence and mixing processes of ocean layers far away from turbulence sources probably have been undersampled by microstructure data sets lacking any AT 1 patches. This is because large fractions of the mixing and viscous dissipation of the patches occur in short-lived active turbulence regimes that are too brief to be detected. Consequently, large underestimates of the true space-time average turbulence fluxes and turbulence and scalar dissipation rates may result if non-fossil turbulence models are assumed in ocean microstructure data interpretation.  相似文献   

Summary The principle of the group-kinetic method is elucidated. This method of renormalization serves as the basis for analyzing the spectral structure of turbulence. The spectral distributions include the Kolmogoroff lawk –5/3 for isotropic turbulence, the power lawk –1 for shear turbulence, the spectrum for stratified turbulence not in the power law form, the power lawk –3 for two-dimensional geostrophic turbulence, and the power lawsk –3,k –2 andk –5 for two-dimensional Rossby wave turbulence with uniform and differential rotations. We discuss a spectrum-dependent modeling in reference to the problems of the universal functions and parameters in the similarity theories for the atmospheric surface layer and the planetary boundary layer. A renormalization-based modeling of atmospheric turbulence is proposed.  相似文献   

Deposition of atmospheric particulate PCBs in suburban site of Turkey   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Dry deposition and air concentration samples were collected from July 2004 to May 2005 at a suburban site in Turkey. A water surface sampler (WSS) was used to measure directly the dry deposition flux of particulate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) while a high volume air sampler (HVAS) was employed to collect air samples. Particulate PCB concentrations accounted for 15% of total PCBs (gas + particle phase) at the site. The overall particulate phase PCB flux ranged from 2 to 160 ng m− 2 d− 1 with an average of 46.3 ± 40.6 ng m− 2 d− 1. Forty one PCB congeners were targeted in the samples while twenty one congeners were found to be higher than detection limits in deposition samples. Fluxes for homolog groups ranged between 0.9 (7-CBs) and 21.0 (3-CBs) ng m− 2 d− 1. Measured dry deposition fluxes were lower than the ones usually reported for urban sites. Average PCB dry deposition velocity, calculated using flux values and concurrently measured atmospheric concentrations, was 1.26 ± 1.86 cm s− 1 depended on size distribution of particles, atmospheric PCB concentrations and meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mesoscale model has been developed to simulate the air flow over the Gulf Stream area where typically large gradients in surface temperature exist in the winter. Numerical simulations show that the magnitude and the maximum height of the mesoscale circulation that develops downwind of the Gulf Stream depends on both the initial geostrophic wind and the large-scale moisture. As expected, a highly convective Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) develops over this area and it was found that the Gulf Stream plays an important role in generating the strong upward heat fluxes causing a farther seaward penetration as cold air advection takes place. Numerical results agree well with the observed surface fluxes of momentum and heat and the mesoscale variation of vertical velocities obtained using Doppler Radars for a typical cold air outbreak. Precipitation pattern predicted by the numerical model is also in agreement with the observations during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE).List of Symbols u east-west velocity [m s–1] - v north-south velocity [m s–1] - vertical velocity in coordinate [m s–1] - w vertical velocity inz coordinate [m s–1] - gq potential temperature [K] - q moisture [kg kg–1] - scaled pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - U g the east-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - V g the north-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - vertical coordinate following terrain - x east-west spatial coordinate [m] - y north-south spatial coordinate [m] - z vertical spatial coordinate [m] - t time coordinate [s] - g gravity [m2 s–1] - E terrain height [m] - H total height considered in the model [m] - q s saturated moisture [kg kg–1] - p pressure [mb] - p 00 reference pressure [mb] - P precipitation [kg m–2] - vertical lapse rate for potential temperature [K km–1] - L latent heat of condensation [J kg–1] - C p specific heat at constant pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - R gas constant for dry air [J kg–1 K–1] - R v gas constant for water vapor [J kg–1 K–1] - f Coriolis parameter (2 sin ) [s–1] - angular velocity of the earth [s–1] - latitude [o] - K H horizontal eddy exchange coefficient [m2 s–1] - t integration time interval [s] - x grid interval distance inx coordinate [m] - y grid interval distance iny coordinate [m] - adjustable coefficient inK H - subgrid momentum flux [m2 s–2] - subgrid potential temperature flux [m K s–1] - subgrid moisture flux [m kg kg–1 s–1] - u * friction velocity [m s–1] - * subgrid flux temperature [K] - q * subgrid flux moisture [kg kg–1] - w * subgrid convective velocity [m s–1] - z 0 surface roughness [m] - L Monin stability length [m] - s surface potential temperature [K] - k von Karman's constant (0.4) - v air kinematic viscosity coefficient [m2 s–1] - K M subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for momentum [m2 s–1] - K subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for heat [m2 s–1] - K q subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for moisture [m2 s–1] - z i the height of PBL [m] - h s the height of surface layer [m]  相似文献   

Shear echoes with various types of structures like surface layer with smooth top, short spiky top, tall spiky top and stratified layers have been seen on the monostatic system operating at the National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. In this paper effects of surface wind speed on the formation of these structures have been considered. The data used for the purpose pertains to the period May 1977 to April 1982. It has been seen that most of the shear echo structures are formed under stable conditions with surface wind speed less than or equal to 2.5 m s−1, however, the tall spiky surface based layer structures of height more than 150 m have been seen to occur significantly in the presence of higher surface wind speeds, suggesting that strong surface winds may be responsible for turbulence in the vertical plane to more depth.  相似文献   

The calibration of a sailplane variometer to measure vertical velocity fluctuations in the atmospheric boundary layer is described. Its usefulness is demonstrated with typical results from a boundary-layer development study. The atmospheric calibrations gave the ratio of standard deviations of vertical velocity fluctuations measured by a standard tower-mounted turbulence instrument to the values measured by varioumeter as 2.5 m s−1 V−1.  相似文献   

In this paper, some aspects of dispersion of air pollutants as emitted from aircraft in the lower stratosphere have been investigated. As this part of the atmosphere is always stably stratified, mixing as a result of small-scale turbulence is very slow. Instead, effective vertical mixing can be provided by breaking gravity waves. We have examined the mixing properties of those events by means of a numerical model, which simulates the wave development as well as the dispersion of passive trace substances. From these simulations, an effective diffusion coefficient for the entire event of a breaking gravity wave of about 0.7 m2 s−1 was calculated.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical properties of aerosol particles were investigated at Plan d'Aups, one of the ESCOMPTE sites located in the St. Baume mountain area (700 m a.s.l.), 50 km east of Marseilles (France). The site is ideally located for assessing the vertical and horizontal extent of the pollution plume from the Marseilles–Berre area.Our study showed that polluted air masses from the Marseilles–Berre area are advected to Plan d'Aups in the early afternoon. Average daily concentration of particles reaches up to 40 μg m−3 while 1-h average particle number concentration is greater than 30,000 cm−3. Most of the particle mass is composed of SO42− and organic carbon (OC). The chemical properties of the particles revealed that an additional source, possibly from the industrial area of Gardanne, contributes to the aerosol mass. This last source is characterised by significant emissions of elements, such as Zn, V, Al and Si.In addition to transport, we found that gas-to-particle conversion takes place at the interface between the free troposphere and the boundary layer. We estimated that on average, 30% of the particle number is accounted for by direct nucleation. This is potentially a major aerosol source to the free troposphere.  相似文献   

A model is developed to simulate the potential temperature and the height of the mixed layer under advection conditions. It includes analytic expressions for the effects of mixed-layer conditions upwind of the interface between two different surfaces on the development of the mixed layer downwind from the interface. Model performance is evaluated against tethersonde data obtained on two summer days during sea breeze flow in Vancouver, Canada. It is found that the mixed-layer height and temperature over the ocean has a small but noticeable effect on the development of the mixed layer observed 10 km inland from the coast. For these two clear days, the subsidence velocity at the inversion base capping the mixed layer is estimated to be about 30 mm s–1 from late morning to late afternoon. When the effects of subsidence are included in the model, the mixed-layer height is considerably underpredicted, while the prediction for the mean potential temperature in the mixed layer is considerably improved. Good predictions for both height and temperature can be obtained when values for the heat entrainment ratio,c, 0.44 and 0.68 for these two days respectively for the period from 1000 to 1300 LAT, were used. These values are estimated using an equation including the additional effects on heat entrainment due to the mechanical mixing caused by wind shear at the top of the mixed layer and surface friction. The contribution of wind shear to entrainment was equal to, or greater than, that from buoyant convection resulting from the surface heat flux. Strong wind shear occurred near the top of the mixed layer between the lower level inland flow and the return flow aloft in the sea breeze circulation.Symbols c entrainment parameter for sensible heat - c p specific heat of air at constant pressure, 1010 J kg–1 K–1 - d 1 the thickness of velocity shear at the mixed-layer top, m - Q H surface sensible heat flux, W m–2 - u m mean mixed-layer wind speed, m s–1 - u * friction velocity at the surface, m s–1 - w subsidence velocity, m s–1 - W subsidence warming,oC s–1 - w e entrainment velocity, m s–1 - w * convection velocity in the mixed layer, m s–1 - x downwind horizontal distance from the water-land interface, m - y dummy variable forx, m - Z height above the surface, m - Z i height of capping inversion, m - Z m mixed-layer depth, i.e.,Z i–Zs, m - Z s height of the surface layer, m - lapse rate of potential temperature aboveZ i, K m–1 - potential temperature step atZ i, K - u h velocity step change at the mixed-layer top - m mean mixed-layer potential temperature, K  相似文献   

In the present study, the wet and dry depositions of particulate NO3, SO42−, Cl and NH4+ were measured using a wet/dry sampler as a surrogate surface. Gas phase compounds of nitrogen, sulfur and chloride (HNO3, NH3, SO2 and HCl) were measured by an annular denuder system (ADS) equipped with a back up filter for the collection of particles with diameter ≤ 5 μm. Ambient concentrations of NO, NO2 and SO2 were also taken into consideration. Sampling was conducted at an urban site in the center of the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. The presence of the aerosol species was examined by cold/warm period and the possible compounds in dry deposits were also considered. Dry deposition fluxes were found to be well correlated with ambient particle concentrations in order to be used for the calculation of particle deposition velocity. Average particulate deposition velocities calculated were 0.36, 0.20, 0.20 and 0.10 cm s− 1 for Cl, NO3, SO42− and NH4+, respectively. Total dry deposition fluxes (gas and particles) were estimated at 3.24 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for chloride (HCl + p-Cl), 9.97 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for nitrogen oxidized (NO + NO2 + HNO3 + p-NO3), 5.32 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for nitrogen reduced (NH3 + p-NH4) and 15.77 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for sulfur (SO2 + p-SO4). 70–90% total dry deposition was due to gaseous species deposition. The contribution of dry deposition to the total (wet + dry) was at the level of 60–70% for sulfur and nitrogen (oxidized and reduced), whereas dry chloride deposition contributed 35% to the total. The dry-to-wet deposition ratio of all the studied species was found to be significantly associated with the precipitation amount, with nitrogen species being better and higher correlated. Wet, dry and total depositions measured in Thessaloniki, were compared with other countries of Europe, US and Asia.  相似文献   

To further investigate the influence of cloud base temperature, updraft velocity and precipitation particle constitution on cloud electrification, five thunderstorms in various regions of China were simulated by using the three-dimensional compressible hailstorm numerical model including inductive and non-inductive charging mechanisms. The results indicate that changes of cloud base temperature have an influence on the initial electrification. Comparison of the above cases shows that in the case of warm cloud base and moderate updraft velocity (< 20 m s−  1), active electrification occurred below the − 10 °C level before moving upward to the − 20 °C level. In contrast, when cloud base is cold and updraft velocity is intensive, the main charging region is at the − 20 °C or even higher level. In that case, the vertical extent of the main negative charge region becomes larger with the increase of cloud base temperature. Apart from the main dipolar or tripolar charge structure, some smaller charge regions with relatively high values of charge density may also appear. Frozen drops, originating mainly from supercooled raindrops, mainly get electrified through charging interactions with snow at or below the − 20 °C level. They are responsible for the negative charge region near the melting level at the initial stage of precipitation if there is a large supercooled raindrop content. Non-inductive charging during hail-snow collisions is rather weak, resulting in the charge density on hail of no more than − 0.01 nC m− 3.  相似文献   

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