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A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1983 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 147 planets and calculated 272 positions for them. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to fourteen planets numbered in the period of this report. The planet 1981 VL 2 discovered in Tautenburg has received the permanent number (2861). In honor of Prof. HERMANN LAMBRECHT († 4. 6. 1983) this planet obtained the name Lambrecht.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the minor planet survey performed in 1988 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 386 asteroids and 1218 positions were calculated for them. These are 87 numbered objects and 299 asteroids with provisional designations, 252 of them have new designations. Tautenburg observations contributed to 40 planets numbered in the period of this report, including eight discovered in Tautenburg.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1985 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 95 asteroids and calculated 168 positions for them. These are 20 numbered objects and 75 asteroids with provisional designations, two of them have no new designation. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to twelve planets numbered in the period of this report. Two asteroids discovered in Tautenburg have received numbers and names: (3245) Jensch = 1973 UL5 and (3338) Richter = 1973 UX5.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1986 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 129 asteroids and calculated 312 positions for them. These are 29 numbered objects and 100 asteroids with provisional designations, six of them have no new designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to five planets numbered in the period of this report, including the asteroid 1981 VW1 discovered in Tautenburg which received the number (3499) and the name Hoppe.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1982 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 229 planets and calculated 643 positions for them. Tautenburg observations have given a tribute to ten planets numbered in 1982. Planet (2424) discovered by us has received the name Tautenburg.  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1987 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 290 Objekte entdeckt und für diese 845 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 75 numerierte Objekte, von denen drei auf der kritischen Liste von EMP 1988 stehen, sowie um 215 Planetoiden mit provisorischen Bezeichnungen. Von letzteren erhielten 191 neue Bezeichnungen. Für 17 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten haben Tautenburger Beobachtungen einen Beitrag geleistet. Darunter sind zwei in Tautenburg entdeckte Planetoiden: 1967 GF1 erhielt die Nummer (3539) und den Namen Weimar, der Trojaner 1973 UF5 die Nummer (3540) und den Namen Protesilaos. A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1987 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 290 asteroids and calculated 845 positions for them. These are 75 numbered objects and 215 asteroids with provisional designations, 191 of them have new designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 17 planets numbered in the period of this report, including two asteroids discovered in Tautenburg: 1967 GF1 received the number (3539) and the name Weimar, the Trojans 1973 UF5 the number (3540) and the name Protesilaos.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1994 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 321 asteroids were observed and 1171 positions are calculated for them. These are 200 asteroids with provisional designations (102 of them have new designations) and 121 numbered objects. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 73 planets numbered in the period of this report. Fourteen Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1993 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 392 asteroids were observed and 1462 positions are calculated for them. These are 297 asteroids with provisional designations (217 of them have new designations) and 95 numbered objects. Ten new designations originate from the KSO-ARI-Survey IV. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 50 planets numbered in the period of this report. Six Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1991 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 533 Objekte beobachtet und für diese 2066 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 456 Planetoiden mit provisorischer Bezeichnung, unter denen 324 neu vergebene Bezeichnungen sind, sowie um 77 numerierte Objekte. Für Tautenburger Objekte wurden 250 Bahnen aus einer Opposition gerechnet. Für 54 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten, darunter befinden sich auch (4999) MPC und (5000) IAU, haben Tautenburger Positionen einen Beitrag geleistet. Neun Tautenburger Planetoiden wurden numeriert (Tab. 3). A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1991 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 533 asteroids were observed and 2066 positions are calculated for them. These are 456 asteroids with provisional designations (324 of them have new designations) and 77 numbered objects. One-opposition orbits have been computed for 250 Teutenburg asteroids. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 54 planets numbered in the period of this report, among them are (4999) MPC and (5000) IAU, too. Nine Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1992 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 518 Objekte beobachtet und für diese 2396 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 408 Planetoiden mit provisorischer Bezeichnung, unter denen 274 neu vergebene Bezeichnungen sind, sowie um 110 numerierte Objekte. Für 172 Tautenburger Objekte wurden Bahnen aus einer Opposition gerechnet. Für 55 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten haben Tautenburger Positionen einen Beitrag geleistet. Acht Tautenburger Planetoiden wurden numeriert (Tab. 3). A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1992 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 518 asteroids were observed and 2396 positions are calculated for them. These are 408 asteroids with provisional designations (274 of them have new designations) and 110 numbered objects. One-opposition orbits have been computed for 172 Tautenburg asteroids. Tautenburg observations could give a contribution to 55 planets numbered in the period of this report. Eight Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

Here is a summary about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1981 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 294 planets and calculated 614 positions for them.  相似文献   

Collisions in the Solar System play an important role in its history. Impact processes depend essentially on the velocity distribution of meteoroids colliding with a chosen planet. According to Carleman's theorem it is sufficient to find the set of M k = mathematical expectation of v k , v being the collisional velocity. We suppose that M k for meteoroids of asteroidal nature differs slightly from that for asteroids themselves. So among all numbered minor planets we select those which may potentially collide with the chosen major planet. Then we calculate v at intersection points and count the average over all such points and all selected asteroids. The gravitation of a body-target may be taken into account or not. Numerical results are collected in four Tables.St.Petersburg University  相似文献   

Today there are more than 340 extra-solar planets in about 270 extra-solar systems confirmed. Besides the observed planets there exists also the possibility of a Trojan planet moving in the same orbit as the Jupiter-like planet. In our investigation we take also into account the habitability of a Trojan planet and whether such a terrestrial planet stays in the habitable zone. Its stability was investigated for multi-planetary systems, where one of the detected giant planets moves partly or completely in the habitable zone. By using numerical computations, we studied the orbital behaviour up to 107 years and determined the size of the stable regions around the Lagrangian equilibrium points for different dynamical models for fictitious Trojans. We also examined the interaction of the Trojan planets with a second or third giant planet, by varying its semimajor axis and eccentricity. We have found two systems (HD 155358 and HD 69830) that can host habitable Trojan planets. Another aim of this work was to determine the size of the stable region around the Lagrangian equilibrium points in the restricted three body problem for small mass ratios μ of the primaries μ ≤ 0.001 (e.g. Neptune mass of the secondary and smaller masses). We established a simple relation for the size depending on μ and the eccentricity.  相似文献   

In gravitational microlensing, distant planetary systems may be discovered by utilizing them as naturally occuring lenses. Efforts to find planets by this technique began in the 1990s. The first definitive detection of an extrasolar planet by microlensing was made in 2003 in the event OGLE 2003-BLG-235/MOA 2003-BLG-53, where the observed light curve was best reproduced using a binary microlensing model with a mass ratio of 0.004. Further observations with the HST revealed that the lens system comprises a 2.6 Jupiter mass planet in a 4.3 A.U. wide orbit around a 0.6 Solar mass K dwarf at a distance of 5.8 Kpc. Subsequently, the number of planets detected by microlensing is increasing.  相似文献   

赵佳  赵刚 《天文学进展》2012,30(1):48-63
自1995年第一颗类太阳恒星周围的系外行星发现以来,随着已发现的系外行星数目的增多,对系外行星性质的统计分析变得重要和有意义。截至2011年6月9日,共发现系外行星555颗。以这些系外行星的轨道参数为依据,对系外行星的性质进行统计分析,得出了一些有意义的结论。同时简要介绍现有的行星形成与演化模型并依据得出的行星统计性质对其进行检验,这对于系外行星的进一步探测具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Most extrasolar planets discovered to date are more massive than Jupiter, in surprisingly small orbits (semimajor axes less than 3 AU). Many of these have significant orbital eccentricities. Such orbits may be the product of dynamical interactions in multiplanet systems. We examine outcomes of such evolution in systems of three Jupiter-mass planets around a solar-mass star by integration of their orbits in three dimensions. Such systems are unstable for a broad range of initial conditions, with mutual perturbations leading to crossing orbits and close encounters. The time scale for instability to develop depends on the initial orbital spacing; some configurations become chaotic after delays exceeding 108 y. The most common outcome of gravitational scattering by close encounters is hyperbolic ejection of one planet. Of the two survivors, one is moved closer to the star and the other is left in a distant orbit; for systems with equal-mass planets, there is no correlation between initial and final orbital positions. Both survivors may have significant eccentricities, and the mutual inclination of their orbits can be large. The inner survivor's semimajor axis is usually about half that of the innermost starting orbit. Gravitational scattering alone cannot produce the observed excess of “hot Jupiters” in close circular orbits. However, those scattered planets with large eccentricities and small periastron distances may become circularized if tidal dissipation is effective. Most stars with a massive planet in an eccentric orbit should have at least one additional planet of comparable mass in a more distant orbit.  相似文献   

Giant planets in circumstellar disks can migrate inward from their initial (formation) positions at several AUs. Inward radial migration of the planet is caused by torques between the planet and the disk; outward radial migration of the planet is caused by torques between the planet and the spinning star, and by torques due to Roche lobe overflow and consequent mass loss from the planet. We present self-consistent numerical considerations of the problem of migrating giant planets by summing torques on planets for various physical parameters of the disk and of planets. We find that Jupiter-mass planets can stably arrive and survive at small heliocentric distances, thus reproducing observed properties of some of the recently discovered extra-solar planets. The range of fates of massive planets is broad, and some perish by losing all their mass onto the central star during Roche lobe overflow, while others survive for the lifetime of the central star. Surviving planets cluster into two groups when examined in terms of final mass and final heliocentric distance: those which have lost mass and those which have not. Some of the observed extrasolar planets fall into each of these two exclusive classes. We also find that there is an inner boundary for planets' final heliocentric distances, caused by tidal torques with the central star. Planets in small orbits are shown to be stable against atmospheric loss.  相似文献   

The estimates of the delivery of icy planetesimals from the feeding zone of Proxima Centauri c (with mass equal to 7mE, mE is the mass of the Earth) to inner planets b and d were made. They included the studies of the total mass of planetesimals in the feeding zone of planet c and the probabilities of collisions of such planetesimals with inner planets. This total mass could be about 10–15mE. It was estimated based on studies of the ratio of the mass of planetesimals ejected into hyperbolic orbits to the mass of planetesimals collided with forming planet c. At integration of the motion of planetesimals, the gravitational influence of planets c and b and the star was taken into account. In most series of calculations, planetesimals collided with planets were excluded from integrations. Based on estimates of the mass of planetesimals ejected into hyperbolic orbits, it was concluded that during the growth of the mass of planet c the semi-major axis of its orbit could decrease by at least a factor of 1.5. Depending on possible gravitational scattering due to mutual encounters of planetesimals, the total mass of material delivered by planetesimals from the feeding zone of planet c to planet b was estimated to be between 0.002mE and 0.015mE. Probably, the amount of water delivered to Proxima Centauri b exceeded the mass of water in Earth's oceans. The amount of material delivered to planet d could be a little less than that delivered to planet b.  相似文献   

A large number of terrestrial planets in the classical habitable zone of stars of different spectral types have already been discovered and many are expected to be discovered in the near future. However, owing to the lack of knowledge on the atmospheric properties, the ambient environment of such planets are unknown. It is known that sufficient amount of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from the star can drive hydrodynamic outflow of hydrogen that may drag heavier species from the atmosphere of the planet. If the rate of mass loss is sufficiently high, then substantial amount of volatiles would escape causing the planet to become uninhabitable. Considering energy-limited hydrodynamical mass loss with an escape rate that causes oxygen to escape alongwith hydrogen, an upper limit for the ratio between the EUV and the bolometric luminosities of stars which constrains the habitability of planets around them is presented here. Application of the limit to planet-hosting stars with known EUV luminosities implies that many M-type of stars should not have habitable planets around them.  相似文献   

Collisions in the Solar System play an important role in its history. Impact processes depend essentially on the velocity distribution of meteoroids colliding with a chosen planet. According to Carleman's theorem it is sufficient to find the set of M k = mathematical expectation of v k , v being the collisional velocity. We suppose that M k for meteoroids of asteroidal nature differs slightly from that for asteroids themselves. So among all numbered minor planets we select those which may potentially collide with the chosen major planet. Then we calculate v at intersection points and count the average over all such points and all selected asteroids. The gravitation of a body-target may be taken into account or not. Numerical results are collected in four Tables.  相似文献   

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