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Photographic photometry and spectroscopic observations of NGC 4575 suggest it to be a galaxy of reduced dimensionsD×d=14.4×13.5 kpc and of high luminosityM=–20.7. The rotation curve was also determined. Assuming a model of three homogeneous similar spheroids, we derived the density and mass distribution, and their total mass was found to be T =2.33 × 1010.The mass luminosity ratio does not vary withinr=24, indicating that the stellar composition is similar within it, and the ratio T / T 1 suggests that this object contains a high proportion of young stars. From the emission lines it is found that the electronic density Ne100 cm–3 is relatively low in the HII regions. The abundance ratiosN(N)/N(S) andN(N)/N(H) for the nucleus and two emission regions were also derived.  相似文献   

We compare solar X-ray observations from the UCSD experiment aboard OSO-7 with high resolution energetic electron observations from the UCAL experiment on IMP-6 for a small solar flare on 26 February 1972. A proportional counter and NaI scintillator covered the X-ray energy range 5–300 keV, while a semiconductor detector telescope covered electrons from 18 to 400 keV. A series of four non-thermal X-ray spikes were observed from 1805 to 1814 UT with average spectrum dJ/d (hv) (hv)–4.0 over the 14–64 keV range. The energetic electrons were observed at 1 AU beginning 1840 UT with a spectrum dJ/dE E –3.1. If the electrons which produce the X-ray emission and those observed at 1 AU are assumed to originate in a common source, then these observations are consistent with thin target X-ray production at the Sun and inconsistent with thick target production. Under a model consistent with the observed soft X-ray emission, we obtain quantitative estimates of the total energy, total number, escape efficiency, and energy lost in collisions for the energetic electrons.  相似文献   

We determine the momentum distribution of the relativistic particles near the Crab pulsar from the observed X- and -ray spectra (103109 eV), provided that the curvature radiation is responsible for it. The power law spectrum for the relativistic electrons,f() –5, reproduces a close fit to the observed high-energy photon spectrum. The theoretically determined upper limit to the momentum (due to radiation damping), M 8×106, corresponds to the upper cut-off energy of the -ray spectrum, 109 eV. The lower limit to the momentum, m 1.8×105, is chosen such that flattening of the X-ray spectrum below 10 keV is simulated. The number density of these electrons is found to be much higher than the Goldreich-Julian density. We also discuss pulse shape and polarization of high-energy photons. The extremely high density of particles and the steep momentum spectrum are difficult to understand. This may imply that another, more efficient, mechanism is in operation.  相似文献   

The soft X-ray emission of the solar corona is investigated by comparison of the signals of several broad band photometers carried on the Solrad 9 satellite, and sensitive to the region 0.5–20 Å. Temperature from 1.5 × 106 to 25 × 106 K have been measured with emission measure N e 2 dV ranging between 1050 cm–3 to 1047 cm–3.By means of the observational data and assuming magnetic confinement and hydrostatic equilibrium, the model of an active region is investigated. For temperatures larger than 107K the emission is due to flare activity and two sets of emission measure are observed which appear to be related to the evolution of flares.  相似文献   

We present the two-dimensional imaging observations of radio bursts in the frequency range 25–50 MHz made with the Clark Lake multifrequency radioheliograph during a coronal mass ejection event (CME) observed on 1984, June 27 by the SMM Coronagraph/Polarimeter and Mauna Loa K-coronameter. The event was spatially and temporally associated with precursors in the form of meter-decameter type III bursts, soft X-ray emission and a H flare spray. The observed type IV emission in association with the CME (and the H spray) could be interpreted as gyrosynchrotron emission from a plasmoid containing a magnetic field of 2.5 G and nonthermal electrons with a number density of 105 cm–3 and energy 350 keV.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal, India.  相似文献   

The RS CVn binary stellar system HR 1099 is a source of both X-ray and radio flares. We present here a model of the system in which the two types of flare are produced by the same population of mildly-relativistic ( 10) electrons, injected into a coronal loop. After reviewing possible radiation mechanisms we conclude that, given the probable conditions in the flaring region, the radio emission is gyrosynchrotron radiation and the X-ray emission is thermal bremsstrahlung. The thermal X-ray source must lie in the stellar chromosphere, but the apparent absence of plasma absorption at radio frequencies indicates that the radio source is located high in the coronal loop. Using the relationships given by Dulk and Marsh (1982) for the radio emission from a power-law electron energy spectrum,N() ( - 1), we conclude that 3 7, with 30% of the electron population trapped in the radio source. Some implications of these results for one particular version of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

We study the spatial and spectral characteristics of the 3.5 to 30.0 keV emission in a solar flare of 9 May, 1980. We find that: (a) A classical thick target interpretation of the hard X-ray burst at energies E 10 keV implies that approximately all the electrons contained within the flare loop(s) have to be accelerated per second. (b) A thermal model interpretation does not fit the data, unless its characteristics are such that it does not represent an efficient alternative to the acceleration model. We thus conclude that: (c) Acceleration does take place during the early phase of the impulsive hard X-ray event, but substantial amount of the emission at low (<20 keV) energies is of thermal origin. (d) We show the evolution of the energy content in the flare volume, and find that the energy input requirements are such that 102 erg cm-3 s-1 have to be released within the flare structure(s), for a period of time comparable to that of the hard X-ray burst emission. We also point out that although the main flare component ( 90% of the soft X-ray emission) was confined to a compact magnetic kernel, there are evidences of interaction of this structure with a larger field structure connecting towards the leading portion of the active region, where secondary H brightenings were observed.  相似文献   

Very Large Array (VLA) observations of compact transient sources on the Sun at 2 cm wavelength are presented. These sources have angular sizes of 5–25, brightness temperatures of T B 1–3 × 105 K, and lifetimes ranging between a few minutes to several hours. The emission originates in regions of diffuse plage and quiet Sun, where the photospheric magnetic fields are relatively weak (H 100 G). In some cases the 2 cm radiation may be explained as the thermal bremsstrahlung of a dense (N e 1010 cm-3) plasma in the transition region. For other sources, the relatively high circular polarization ( c 40–50 %) suggests a nonthermal emission mechanism, such as the gyrosynchrotron radiation of mildly relativistic electron with a power-law spectrum.  相似文献   

A semi-continuous hierarchy, (i.e., one in which there are galaxies outside clusters, clusters outside superclusters etc.), is examined using an expression of the field equations of general relativity in a form due to Podurets, Misner and Sharp. It is shown (a) that for a sufficiently populous hierarchy, the thinning factor( i+1/ i [r i /r i+1] is approximately equal to the exponentN in a continuous density law (=aR –N) provided (r i /r i+1)3-1; (b) that a hierarchical Universe will not look decidedly asymmetric to an observer like a human being because such salient observers live close to the densest elements of the hierarchy (viz stars), the probability of the Universe looking spherically symmetric (dipole anisotropy0.1 to such an observer being of order unity; (c) the existence of a semi-continuous or continuous hierarchy (Peebles) requires that 2 if galaxies, not presently bound to clusters were once members of such systems; (d) there are now in existence no less than ten arguments for believing 2, though recent number counts by Sandageet al. seem to be in contradiction to such a value; (e) Hubble's law, withH independent of distance, can be proved approximately in a relativistic hierarchy provided (i)N=2, (ii)2GM(R)/c 2 R1; (iii)Rc (iv)M0 in a system of massM, sizeR (f) Hubble's law holds also in a hierarchy with density jumps; (g)H100 km s–1 Mpc–1; (h) objects forming the stellar level of the hierarchy (in a cosmology of the Wilson type) must once have had 2GM/c 2 R1; (i) there is a finite pressurep=2Ga in all astrophysical systems (a=R N ,N2); (j) for the Galaxy, theory predictsp G7×10–12 dyn cm–2, observation givesp G5×10–12 dyn cm–2; (k) if the mass-defect (or excess binding energy) hypothesis is taken as a postulate, all non-collapsed astrophysical systems must be non-static, and any non-static, p0 systems must in any case be losing mass; (1) the predicted mass-loss rate from the Sun is 1012 g s–1, compared to 1011 g s–1 in the observed solar wind; (m) the mass-loss rates known by observation imply timescales of 5×109 years for the Sun and 1010 years for other astrophysical systems; (n) degenerate superdense objects composed of fermions must haveN-2 if they were ever at their Schwarzschild radii and comprised a finite numberN B of baryons; (o)N B1057N for degenerate fermion and boson systems; (p)285-4; (q) the metric coefficients for superdense bodies give equations of motion that imply equal maximum luminosities for all evolving superdense bodies (L max1059 erg s–1); (r) larger bodies have longer time-scales of energy radiation atL max (10–5 s for stars,1 h for QSO's) (s) expansion velocities are c soon after the initial loss of equilibrium in a superdense object; (t) if the density parametera(t) in aR –N isa=a (non-atomic constants of physicsc, G, A), andA, thenN=2; (u) N2 is necessary to giveMM at the stellar level of the hierarchy;(v) systems larger than, and including, galaxies must have formed by clumping of smaller systems and not (as advocated by Wertz and others) in a multiple big bang.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of the Be stars Eri, Oph, 66 Oph, and Ori for the period 1982–1988 are reported. The NRP hypothesis was verified on the ground of rapid line profile variability, radial velocities, and equivalent widths. The star Eri is pulsating in bothl=2 andl=8 with period 0 . d 7. Pulsation in modesl=2 andl=4 are observed in Hei profiles of Oph for May 1982. For radial velocities has been obtained a period 0 . d 913. The H and H lines of 66 Oph for April–August 1983 are in emission state with two clearly expressed components with intensity variations. All the parameters measured have the same period of variation — 0 . d 025. For Ori variations in line profiles for component Ab have been observed and a period of 0 . d 463 found for the radial velocities.  相似文献   

We use a generic stochastic acceleration formalism to examine the power Lin (erg s-1) input to non-thermal electrons that cause noise-storm continuum emission. The analytical approach includes the derivation of the Greens function for a general second-order Fermi process, and its application to obtain the particular solution for the non-thermal electron distribution resulting from the acceleration of a Maxwellian source in the corona. We compare Lin with the power Lout observed in noise-storm radiation. Using typical values for the various parameters, we find that Lin 1023–1026 erg s-1, yielding an efficiency estimate Lout/Lin in the range 10-10 10-6 for this non-thermal acceleration/radiation process. These results reflect the efficiency of the overall process, starting from electron acceleration and culminating in the observed noise-storm emission.  相似文献   

Observations of impulsive solar flare X-rays 10 keV by the OGO-5 satellite and the measurements of energetic solar electrons made with the Explorer-35 and Explorer-41 (IMP-5) satellites during the period March 1968–September 1969 have been analyzed in order to determine the ion density in the X-ray source region as well as the location of the electron acceleration region in the solar atmosphere. If we assume that the efficiency of escape of the accelerated electrons into interplanetary space is 10–3, the observations are found to be consistent with the following interpretation: (i) the ion density in the X-ray source region varies from event to event and lies between 109 and 1011 ions cm–3 for those events in which the impulsive X-ray emission could be detected; (ii) for those events in which no impulsive emission was detected above threshold, the ion density in the X-ray source was < 109 ions cm–3; (iii) at least in some small solar flares the region where the electrons are accelerated during the flash phase is located in the lower corona.  相似文献   

The distribution of pulsars in the wide range of observed luminosities has been obtained. It is shown that the function of luminosity (FL) within 3×1026L2×1030 erg s–1 conforms to the power law dN/dLc 1 L , where =1.76±0.06. ForL3×1026 erg s–1, FL changes its inclination and may be approximated as , where 1 = 0.7±0.2. On the basis of statistical selection, including all pulsars withL>3×1028 erg s–1, the distribution of pulsars has been investigated as a function of the distance to the centreR and galactic planeZ.The obtained laws of the radial andZ-distribution of pulsars and galactic supernova remnants and also the radial distribution of types I and II supernovae in the models Sb and Sc support the hypothesis of their origin from the objects of the flat subsystem of Population I. Since there are some arguments in favour of a possible connection between supernovae I and the objects of the intermediate component of the Galaxy, one cannot exclude the possibility of supernovae explosions at the end of the evolution of stars with masses of 1.5–2M . It is also shown that pulsars and supernovae are evidently objects that are connected genetically, and, within the limits of statistical error, they have a similar birth-rate.The empirical law of the evolution of a pulsar's luminosity as a function of its true age has been obtained, according to whichL=c 2 t , wherec 2=(3.69±3.4)×1035, =1.32±0.11.  相似文献   

A highly anisotropic packet of solar electron intensities was observed on 6 April 1971 with a sensitive electrostatic analyzer array on the Earth-orbiting satellite IMP-6. The anisotropies of intensities at electron energies of several keV were factors 10 favoring the expected direction of the interplanetary magnetic lines of force from the Sun. The directional, differential intensities of solar electrons were determined over the energy range 1–40 keV and peak intensities were 102 cm–2 s–1 sr–1 eV–1 at 2–6 keV. This anisotropic packet of solar electrons was detected at the sattelite for a period of 4200 s and was soon followed by isotropic intensities for a relatively prolonged period. This impulsive emission was associated with the onsets of an optical flare, soft X-ray emission and a radio noise storm at centimeter wavelengths on the western limb of the Sun. Simultaneous measurements of a type III radio noise burst at kilometric wavelengths with a plasma wave instrument on the same satellite showed that the onsets for detectable noise levels ranged from 500 s at 178 kHz to 2700 s at 31.1 kHz. The corresponding drift rate requires a speed of 0.15c for the exciting particles if the emission is at the electron plasma frequency. The corresponding electron energy of 6 keV is in excellent agreement with the above direct observations of the anisotropic electron packet. Further supporting evidence that several-keV solar electrons in the anisotropic packet are associated with the emission of type III radio noise beyond 50R is provided by their time-of-arrival at Earth and the relative durations of the radio noise and the solar electron packet. Electron intensities at E 45 keV and the isotropic intensities of lower-energy solar electrons are relatively uncorrelated with the measurements of type III radio noise at these low frequencies. The implications of these observations relative to those at higher frequencies, and heliocentric radial distances 50R , include apparent deceleration of the exciting electron beam with increasing heliocentric radial distance.Research supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contracts NAS5-11039 and NAS5-11074 and grant NGL16-001-002 and by the Office of Naval Research under contract N000-14-68-A-0196-0003.  相似文献   

The problem of single Compton scattering is considered and the resulting spectrum, angular distribution and polarization of scattered photons in a general case are obtained. The inverse Compton scattering (ICS) for arbitrary energies of electronsE and photons 0 is investigated in detail. In the case of isotropically-distributed initial photons and relativistic electrons, a strong rise of the scattered spectrum near the upper edge takes place, starting from the values of the characteristic parameterb4E 010 (in units of mc2=1). The energy-loss rate of relativistic electrons due to ICS is calculated. It is shown that the relativistic electrons of the energiesE100 MeV, when scattering on the X-rays with 0~10KeV, transmit the dominant part of their energy to the photons which fall after scattering into the energy range of the electrons (100 MeV).The radiation spectrum of ICS, as well as the energy-losses of relativistic electrons distributed by power-lawE , are calculated. The radiation spectrum reveals the power-law behaviour with the different indices in two limits: the dependence –(1)/2 at 01 gradually changes to –(+1) ln (0) law for 01.  相似文献   

Stewart  R. T.  Howard  R. A.  Hansen  F.  Gergely  T.  Kundu  M. 《Solar physics》1974,36(1):219-231
Observations of a coronal disturbance on 1973 January 11 commencing at 18h01m UT are described. The event is homologous with an earlier disturbance from the same region of the corona. The observations suggest that a cloud of coronal gas containing 4 × 1039 electrons propagated outwards to 5 R behind a piston-driven shock wave travelling at a velocity of 800 to 1200 km s–1.On leave from Division of Radiophysics, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   

J.-René Roy 《Solar physics》1976,48(1):149-158
Observations of a surge prominence event on 31 May 1971 are discussed. The continuum emission observed during the upward acceleration of the surge is attributed to the scattering of photospheric radiation by free electrons. The observed scattered light intensity amounts to a few times 10–5 that of the central disk intensity leading to a column density of n e L1020 cm–2. The actual electron density when taking into account the presence of inhomogeneities is n e 1012 cm–3. The dynamic and morphological behaviour of the surge is considered.  相似文献   

The conclusions of the present paper broadly are: (a) The galactic concentration of doubles by comparing the distributions in galactic latitudes 0°<20° and >40° is nearly twice as large as the galactic concentration of stars in general. (b) The astrographic catalogues are not complete in the fainter magnitudes. (c) The large value of the ratioT:O k (observed to optical number of pairs) from Kreiken's formula shows that almost all stars in the group 0<d5 and quite a few in the other two groups, viz., 5<d10 and 10<d15 might be shown true binaries. Consequently, Aitken's working definition of a true binary should be extended if it were to include all true binaries. (d) The doubles are probably stars of Population I. (e) The logarithm to the base 10 of the cumulative counts can be represented by an empirical relationA+B(m–1.5)+C(m–1.5)2.Communication presented at the International Conference on Astrometric Binaries, held on 13–15 June, 1984, at the Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, Germany, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846)  相似文献   

Stepanov  A.V.  Tsap  Y.T. 《Solar physics》2002,211(1-2):135-154
Interaction of the 30–300 keV electrons with whistlers in solar coronal loops is studied using a quasi-linear approach. We show that the electron–whistler interaction may play a dominant role in the formation of fast electron spectra within the solar flare loops with the plasma temperature 107 K and plasma density 1011 cm–3. It is found that Landau damping of whistlers provides weak and intermediate pitch-angle diffusion regimes of fast electrons in coronal loops. The level of whistler turbulence in the weak diffusion regime under flare conditions is estimated as 10–7 of the energy density in the thermal particles. The `top – footpoint' relations between the hard X-ray flux densities and spectra are derived. The reason for a `broken' spectrum of the flare microwave emission is discussed.  相似文献   

We report the imaging observations of a slowly moving type IV burst associated with a filament eruption. This event was preceded by weak type III burst activity and was accompanied by a quasi-stationary continuum that persisted for several hours. The starting times and speeds of moving type IV burst and the erupting filament are nearly the same, implying a close physical relation between the two. The moving type IV burst is interpreted as gyrosynchrotron emission from a plasmoid containing a magnetic field of 1–2 G and nonthermal electrons of density 105–106 cm–3 with a relatively low average energy of 50 keV.  相似文献   

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