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Controls on the D/H ratios of plant leaf waxes in an arid ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extent to which leaf water D-enrichment (transpiration) and soil water D-enrichment (evaporation) affect the D/H ratio of plant leaf waxes remains a contentious issue, with important implications for paleohydrologic reconstructions. In this study we measure δD values of precipitation (δDp), groundwater (δDgw), plant xylem water (δDxw) and leaf water (δDlw) to understand their impact on the δD values of plant leaf wax n-alkanes (δDwax) in an arid ecosystem. Our survey includes multiple species at four sites across an aridity gradient (80-30% relative humidity) in southern California.We find that many species take up groundwater or precipitation without significant fractionation. D-enriched soil water is a minor source even in species known to perform and utilize waters from hydraulic lift, such as Larrea tridentata (+10‰). Measurements of leaf water isotopic composition demonstrate that transpiration is an important mechanism for D-enrichment of leaf waters (+74 ± 20‰, 1σ), resulting in the smallest net fractionation yet reported between source water and leaf waxes (L. tridentata −41‰; multi-species mean value is −94 ± 21‰, 1σ). We find little change in leaf water D-enrichment or net fractionation across the climatic gradient sampled by our study, suggesting that a net fractionation of ca. −90‰ may be appropriate for paleohydrologic reconstructions in semi-arid to arid environments. Large interspecies offsets in net fractionations (1σ = 21‰) are potentially troublesome, given the observed floristic diversity and the likelihood of species assemblage changes with climate shifts.  相似文献   

We measured molecular distributions and compound-specific hydrogen (δD) and stable carbon isotopic ratios (δ13C) of mid- and long-chain n-alkanes in forest soils, wetland peats and lake sediments within the Dorokawa watershed, Hokkaido, Japan, to better understand sources and processes associate with delivery of terrestrial organic matter into the lake sediments. δ13C values of odd carbon numbered C23-C33n-alkanes ranged from −37.2‰ to −31.5‰, while δD values of these alkanes showed a large degree of variability that ranged from −244‰ to −180‰. Molecular distributions in combination with stable carbon isotopic compositions indicate a large contribution of C3 trees as the main source of n-alkanes in forested soils whereas n-alkanes in wetland soil are exclusively derived from marsh grass and/or moss. We found that the n-alkane δD values are much higher in forest soils than wetland peat. The higher δD values in forest samples could be explained by the enrichment of deuterium in leaf and soil waters due to increased evapotranspiration in the forest or differences in physiology of source plants between wetland and forest. A δ13C vs. δD diagram of n-alkanes among forest, wetland and lake samples showed that C25-C31n-alkanes deposited in lake sediments are mainly derived from tree leaves due to the preferential transport of the forest soil organic matter over the wetland or an increased contribution of atmospheric input of tree leaf wax in the offshore sites. This study demonstrates that compound-specific δD analysis provides a useful approach for better understanding source and transport of terrestrial biomarkers in a C3 plant-dominated catchment.  相似文献   

Leaf wax n-alkanes from barley (Hordeum vulgare) from a field in Switzerland exhibited changes in δD values on the order of 20‰ over a growing season, while source water (soil water) and leaf water varied by 40‰. Additionally the seasonal variability in δD values of leaf wax n-alkanes of different barley leaves can only be found across different leaf generations (i.e. leaves that were produced at different times during the growing season) while n-alkane δD values did not vary significantly within a leaf generation. Interestingly, δD values of n-alkanes correlated best with the δD values of leaf water at midday of the sampling day but showed no significant correlation with soil water (e.g. precipitation) δD values. These results provide empirical evidence that leaf wax δD values record leaf water enrichment, and therefore integrate the isotopic effects of precipitation and evapotranspiration. Our results show that leaf wax n-alkane δD values from grasses are ‘locked in’ early during leaf development and hence record the environmental drivers of leaf water enrichment, such as vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Our data have important implications for the interpretation of paleorecords of leaf wax δD. We suggest that leaf wax n-alkane δD values from sedimentary records could be used to estimate changes in the degree of leaf water enrichment and hence VPD.  相似文献   

We conducted an extensive survey of hydrogen-isotopic compositions (D/H ratios) of diverse sedimentary lipids from the Santa Barbara Basin (SBB), offshore southern California. The main goal of this survey was to assess the diversity of D/H ratios in lipids from marine sediments, in order to provide a more detailed understanding of relevant biological and geochemical factors impacting lipid isotopic variability. A total of 1182 individual δD values are reported from two stations in SBB, one located in the suboxic basin depocenter and the other on the fully oxic flank of the basin. Sediments collected from the basin depocenter span a depth of ∼2.5 m and reach the methanogenic zone. Lipids that were analyzed include n-alkanes, n-alkanols and alkenols, short- and long-chain fatty acids, linear isoprenoids, steroids, and hopanoids, and exhibit several systematic patterns. First, there are no significant differences in δD values between the two sampling locations, nor with increasing depth for most lipids, indicating that degradation does not influence sedimentary lipid δD values. Second, relatively large differences in δD values among differing molecular structures are observed in all samples. n-Alkyl lipids of probable marine origin have typical δD values between −150 and −200‰, those from terrestrial leaf waxes and aquatic plants range from −80 to −170‰, while petroleum n-alkanes are typically −90 to −150‰. Third, lipids inferred to derive from bacteria (branched fatty acids and hopanols) living at the sediment surface or in the water column tend to be D-enriched relative to similar algal products by 30‰ or more. At the same time, several other lipids have δD values that decrease strongly with depth, presumably as a result of in situ production by anaerobic bacteria. This dichotomy in isotopic compositions of bacterial lipids is inconsistent with a nearly constant D/H fractionation during lipid biosynthesis, and likely reflects significant variations associated with metabolism.  相似文献   

Various aquatic plants from Lake Qinghai, the largest inland saline lake in China, and terrestrial plants from the surrounding area were investigated for the distribution of n-alkanes and their δD values. The n-alkanes in the samples range from C15 to C33 with C preference index (CPI) values of 4.0–29.7. The n-C23 or n-C25 alkane is the dominant compound in the aquatic submerged plants. The aquatic emergent and terrestrial plants have an abundance maximum at n-C27, n-C29 or n-C31. The average chain length (ACL) values, ranging from 26.0 to 29.6, are closely related to the plant species. The n-alkanes from the aquatic plants have mean δD values of −169‰ to −121‰ and those from the terrestrial plants values of −173‰ to −109‰. The H isotopic composition (δD) and fractionation differ significantly among the plants studied. Comparison shows that additional evaporative enrichment of the lake water associated with saline lakes and humidity influence the δD values of the n-alkanes in aquatic and terrestrial plants, respectively. The mean δD values of n-alkanes in the plants decrease with increasing ACL value. The n-alkanes from the different types of plants are more depleted in D relative to environmental water and those from aquatic plants (with a mean value of −143‰) have a greater isotopic fractionation than terrestrial plants (mean value −113‰).  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotopic compositions of individual lipids from Methylococcus capsulatus, an aerobic, methane-oxidizing bacterium, were analyzed by hydrogen isotope-ratio-monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The purposes of the study were to measure isotopic fractionation factors between methane, water, and lipids and to examine the biochemical processes that determine the hydrogen isotopic composition of lipids. M. capsulatus was grown in six replicate cultures in which the δD values of methane and water were varied independently. Measurement of concomitant changes in δD values of lipids allowed estimation of the proportion of hydrogen derived from each source and the isotopic fractionation associated with the utilization of each source.All lipids examined, including fatty acids, sterols, and hopanols, derived 31.4 ± 1.7% of their hydrogen from methane. This was apparently true whether the cultures were harvested during exponential or stationary phase. Examination of the relevant biochemical pathways indicates that no hydrogen is transferred directly (with C-H bonds intact) from methane to lipids. Accordingly, we hypothesize that all methane H is oxidized to H2O, which then serves as the H source for all biosynthesis, and that a balance between diffusion of oxygen and water across cell membranes controls the concentration of methane-derived H2O at 31%. Values for αl/w, the isotopic fractionation between lipids and water, were 0.95 for fatty acids and 0.85 for isoprenoid lipids. These fractionations are significantly smaller than those measured in higher plants and algae. Values for αl/m, the isotopic fractionation between lipids and methane, were 0.94 for fatty acids and 0.79 for isoprenoid lipids. Based on these results, we predict that methanotrophs living in seawater and consuming methane with typical δD values will produce fatty acids with δD between −50 and −170‰, and sterols and hopanols with δD between −150 and −270‰.  相似文献   

The distributions of n-alkanes and their hydrogen isotopic composition (δD) in surface and core sediments from the saline Qinghai Lake were measured to assess whether or not biological source information was recorded in the δD values of n-alkanes. The results indicate that the n-alkane distributions between shallow water surface and core sediments were similar, and closer to those of terrestrial herbaceous plants from the Qinghai Lake surrounding areas, rather than the aquatic plants living in the lake. The n-alkanes in the surface and core sediments had similar mean δD values, ranging from −185‰ to −133‰ and −163‰ to −142‰, respectively. The mean δD values of n-alkanes in the sediments showed that the even n-alkanes were heavier in D compared with the odd homologues.  相似文献   

We measured hydrogen isotope compositions (δD) of high-molecular-weight n-alkanes (C27-C33) from grasses grown in greenhouses and collected from the US Great Plains. In both cases, n-alkanes from C4 grasses are enriched in D by more than 20‰ relative to those from C3 grasses. The apparent enrichment factor (εC29-GW) between C29n-alkane and greenhouse water is −165 ± 12‰ for C3 grasses and −140 ± 15‰ for C4 grasses. For samples from the Great Plains, δD values of C29n-alkanes range from −280 to −136‰, with values for C4 grasses ca. 21‰ more positive than those for C3 grasses from the same site. Differences in C3 and C4 grass n-alkane δD values are consistent with the shorter interveinal distance in C4 grass leaves, and greater back-diffusion of enriched water from stomata to veins, than in C3 grass leaves. Great Plains’ grass n-alkane isotopic ratios largely reflect precipitation δD values. However, the offset or apparent fractionation between n-alkanes and precipitation is not uniform and varies with annual precipitation and relative humidity, suggesting climatic controls on lipid δD values. The dryer sites exhibit smaller absolute apparent fractionation indicative of D-enrichment of source waters through transpiration and/or soil evaporation. To explore the relationship between climate and n-alkane δD values, we develop three models. (1) The ‘direct analog’ model estimates δDC29 values simply by applying the apparent enrichment factors, εC29-GW, observed in greenhouse grasses to precipitation δD values from the Great Plains. (2) The ‘leaf-water’ model uses a Craig-Gordon model to estimate transpirational D-enrichment for both greenhouse and field sites. The transpiration-corrected enrichment factors between C29 and bulk leaf-water, εC29-GW, calculated from the greenhouse samples (−181‰ for C3 and −157‰ for C4) are applied to estimate δDC29 values relative to modeled bulk leaf-water δD values. (3) The ‘soil- and leaf-water’ model estimates the combined effects of soil evaporation, modeled by analogy with a flow-through lake, and transpiration on δDC29 values. Predictions improve with the addition of the explicit consideration of transpiration and soil evaporation, indicating that they are both important processes in determining plant lipid δD values. D-enrichment caused by these evaporative processes is controlled by relative humidity, suggesting that important climatic information is recorded in leaf wax n-alkane δD values. Calibration studies such as this one provide a baseline for future studies of plant-water-deuterium systematics and form the foundation for interpretation of plant wax hydrogen isotope ratios as a paleo-aridity proxy.  相似文献   

We analyzed the deuterium composition of individual plant-waxes in lake sediments from 28 watersheds that span a range of precipitation D/H, vegetation types and climates. The apparent isotopic fractionation (εa) between plant-wax n-alkanes and precipitation differs with watershed ecosystem type and structure, and decreases with increasing regional aridity as measured by enrichment of 2H and 18O associated with evaporation of lake waters. The most negative εa values represent signatures least affected by aridity; these values were −125 ± 5‰ for tropical evergreen and dry forests, −130‰ for a temperate broadleaf forest, −120 ± 9‰ for the high-altitude tropical páramo (herbs, shrubs and grasses), and −98 ± 6‰ for North American montane gymnosperm forests. Minimum εa values reflect ecosystem-dependent differences in leaf water enrichment and soil evaporation. Slopes of lipid/lake water isotopic enrichments differ slightly with ecosystem structure (i.e. open shrublands versus forests) and overall are quite small (slopes = 0-2), indicating low sensitivity of lipid δD variations to aridity compared with coexisting lake waters. This finding provides an approach for reconstructing ancient precipitation signatures based on plant-wax δD measurements and independent proxies for lake water changes with regional aridity. To illustrate this approach, we employ paired plant-wax δD and carbonate-δ18O measurements on lake sediments to estimate the isotopic composition of Miocene precipitation on the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotope ratios were measured on n-alkanes (n-C12 to n-C31) extracted from recent lake surface sediments along a N-S European transect to test if modern climate variability is recorded in these biomarkers. δD values of the n-alkanes are compared to δD values of meteoric water from the IAEA-GNIP database spanning a range from −119‰ in northern Sweden to −41‰ in southern Italy, to lake water δD values, and to mean annual temperatures, varying between −2.0°C in the north and 13.7°C in the south.δD values of the short-chained n-alkanes n-C12 to n-C20, excluding algal derived n-C17 and n-C19, are higher in the north and lower in the south. The isotopic fractionation ε for hydrogen between meteoric water and the short-chained n-alkanes is increasing from N to S by more than 100‰ and is significantly correlated to mean annual temperature for n-C16 and n-C18. This suggests that these n-alkanes may originate from a different source in the northern lakes, possibly due to petroleum contamination, or are synthesized using a different biochemical pathway.The n-C17 and n-C19 alkanes of algal origin, the n-C21 and n-C23 alkanes originating from water plants, and the long-chain n-alkanes n-C25, n-C27, n-C29, and n-C31 of terrestrial origin, clearly correlate with δD values of meteoric water, lake water, and mean annual temperature, indicating that they excellently record the δD value of meteoric water. The mean hydrogen isotope fractionation εC17/w of −157‰ (SD = 13) between n-C17 and meteoric water is fairly constant over the wide range of different climates and lake environments, suggesting only minor influence of environmental factors on this biochemical fractionation. This suggests that δD values of n-C17 are suitable to reconstruct the isotopic composition of source water. The mean fractionation between the long-chain n-alkanes and water is −128‰ (SD = 12). The mean difference of 31‰ between both ε values is likely due to evaporative enrichment of deuterium in the leaf water. If this is the only influence on the enrichment, the difference between the δD values of terrestrial and aquatic compounds might be suitable to reconstruct terrestrial evapotranspiration of the lake environment.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the deuterium content of precipitation has a well-established latitudinal variation that is reflected in organic molecules in plants growing at different locations. Some laboratory and field studies have already shown that the deuterium content of methane emitted from methanogens can be partially related to δD variations of the water in the surrounding environment. Here we present a similar relation for the methane emitted from plant biomass under UV radiation. To show this relation, we determined the hydrogen isotopic composition of methane released from leaves of a range of plants grown with water of different deuterium content (δD = −130‰ to +115‰). The plant leaves were irradiated with UV light and the CH4 isotopic composition was measured by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS). Furthermore, the deuterium content of bulk biomass and of the methoxyl (OCH3) groups of the biomass was measured. The D/H ratio successively decreases from bulk biomass (δD = −106‰ to −50‰) via methoxyl groups (δD = −310‰ to −115‰) to the CH4 emitted (δD = −581‰ to −196‰). The range of isotope ratios in bulk biomass and OCH3 groups is smaller than in the water used to grow the plants. Methoxyl groups, which contain only non-exchangeable hydrogen, can be used to assess the fraction of external water that was incorporated before OCH3 groups were formed. Surprisingly, the CH4 formed under UV irradiation has a wider isotopic range than the OCH3 groups. Although the precise production pathway cannot be fully determined, the presented experiments indicate that methoxyl groups are not the only source substrate for CH4, but that other sources, including very depleted ones, must contribute. The main limitation to the interpretation of the data is the possible influence of exchangeable water, which could not be quantified. Future studies should include measurements of leaf water and avoid interaction between different plants via the gas phase. Despite these deficiencies, the results suggest that the deuterium content of the methane generated from plants under UV irradiation is closely linked to δD in precipitation. This dependency, which should also exist for other biogenic methane sources could be evaluated with global isotope models.  相似文献   

We measured δD values of long chain n-alkanes isolated from 30 surface soil samples along two elevation transects on the Tibetan Plateau differing in precipitation regime and water source. The East Asian Monsoon precipitation dominates the wetter regime on the eastern slope (from 1230 to 4300 m) of Gongga Shan on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Precipitation from the Polar Westerlies dominates the drier region on the slope from 1900 to 5000 m in the West Kunlun Shan on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau. The decrease in δD value with elevation in the wetter region greatly exceeded that in drier region by, −1.9 ± 0.1‰/100 m and −1.4 ± 1.0‰/100 m respectively. The apparent fractionation between leaf wax and precipitation εwax-p values in the wetter region (ca. −164‰) were more negative than those in drier region (ca. −125‰ above 3200 m).We also measured δD values in leaves of six common living trees (values from −287‰ to −193‰) from Gongga Shan, ranging from about 2900-4200 m. The abundance-weighted average values of the n-alkanes (δDwax) show a strong reverse correlation with sample source elevation (R2 0.78 for soils from Gongga Shan; R2 0.85 for soils from West Kunlun Shan above 3200 m), suggesting that n-alkane δDwax faithfully records the precipitation δD and that the isotopic altitude effect of precipitation controls δDwax altitudinal gradients in the mountains. The data show a fairly strong monotonic dependency of n-alkane δD values on elevation for the eastern Plateau, but a complex relationship between n-alkane δD values and elevation for the northwestern Plateau. The δDwax values at sites below 3200 m from the Kunlun Shan area exhibit an unexpected positive correlation with elevation. The study confirms the potential for using sediment δDwax values to reconstruct paleo-elevation in wetter regions, but suggests caution in applying the approach to dry regions. Our results also show it is essential to consider the intricacy of the pattern of atmospheric circulation and water sources and their influence on the lapse rate of δD values with elevation.  相似文献   

Compound specific hydrogen isotope ratios (δD) of long chain sedimentary n-alkanes, which mostly originate from the leaf waxes of higher terrestrial plants, are increasingly employed as paleoclimate proxies. While soil water is the ultimate hydrogen source for these lipids and the isotopic fractionation during biosynthesis of lipids is thought to remain constant, environmental parameters and plant physiological processes can alter the apparent hydrogen isotopic fractionation between leaf-wax lipids and a plant’s source water. However, the magnitude and timing of these effects and their influence on the isotopic composition of lipids from higher terrestrial plants are still not well understood. Therefore we investigated the seasonal variability of leaf-wax n-alkane δD values for two different temperate deciduous forest ecosystems that are dominated by two different tree species, Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Maple (Acerpseudoplatanus).We found significant seasonal variations for both tree species in n-alkane δD values of up to 40‰ on timescales as short as one week. Also, the isotopic difference between different n-alkanes from the same plant species did vary significantly and reached up to 50‰ at the same time when overall n-alkane concentrations were lowest.Since δD values of soil water at 5 and 10 cm depth, which we assume represent the δD value of the major water source for the investigated beech trees, were enriched in autumn compared to the spring by 30‰, whereas n-alkane δD values increased only by 10‰, we observed variations in the apparent fractionation between beech leaf derived n-alkanes and soil water of up to 20‰ on a seasonal scale. This observed change in the apparent fractionation was likely caused by differences in leaf water isotopic enrichment. Based on mechanistic leaf water models we conclude that changes in the isotopic difference between water vapor and soil water were the most likely reason for the observed changes in the apparent fractionation between n-alkanes and soil water.The large variability of n-alkane concentrations and δD values over time implies a continuous de novo synthesis of these compounds over the growing season with turnover times possibly as short as weeks. The signal to reach the soil therefore represents an integrated record of the last weeks before leaf senescence. This holds true also for the sedimentary record of small catchment lakes in humid, temperate climates, where wind transport of leaf-wax lipids is negligible compared to transfer through soil and the massive input of leaves directly into the lake in autumn.  相似文献   

The molecular hydrogen isotope composition (δD) of leaf waxes from terrestrial plants is increasingly used to infer hydrological characteristics of ancient high latitude climates. Analysis of the hydrogen isotope composition of n-alkanes (δDn-alkane) from a global dataset of individual plants growing at low and middle latitudes indicates that plant ecological life form is an important factor in determining the hydrogen isotope fractionation. However, environmental and biological controls of high latitudinal leaf wax δD values are poorly understood because of a lack of δD records from modern flora in these regions. We previously noticed smaller apparent hydrogen isotope fractionations between n-alkanes and environmental water (εalk-water) in deciduous trees growing at high latitudes (>59°N; Liu, W.-G., Yang, H., 2008. Multiple controls for the variability of hydrogen isotopic compositions in higher plant n-alkanes from modern ecosystems. Global Change Biology 14, 2166-2177.) To further examine these issues, we measured δDn-alkane from a variety of plants that inhabit high latitude environments and added critically needed leaf wax δD data from grass and herbs to the existing global δDn-alkane database. Inclusion of these new data with the existing global dataset (n = 408) confirms plant ecological life form as an important control for leaf wax δD variation for terrestrial plants living at high latitudes. Our results suggest that, while precipitation δD is captured in these high latitude plants, physiological characters such as leaf area, venation pattern and hydraulic system, that enhance transpiration rate during summer growth, may impart δDn-alkane differences among plants with different ecological life forms.  相似文献   

Leaf waxes (i.e., n-alkyl lipids or n-alkanes) are land-plant biomarkers widely used to reconstruct changes in climate and the carbon isotopic composition of the atmosphere. There is little information available, however, on how the production of leaf waxes by different kinds of plants might influence the abundance and isotopic composition of n-alkanes in sedimentary archives. This lack of information increases uncertainty in interpreting n-alkyl lipid abundance and δ13C signals in ancient settings. We provide here n-alkyl abundance distributions and carbon isotope fractionation data for deciduous and evergreen angiosperm and gymnosperm leaves from 46 tree species, representing 24 families. n-Alkane abundances are significantly higher in angiosperms than gymnosperms; many of the gymnosperm species investigated did not produce any n-alkanes. On average, deciduous angiosperms produce 200 times more n-alkanes than deciduous gymnosperms. Although differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms dominate the variance in n-alkane abundance, leaf life-span is also important, with higher n-alkane abundances in longer-lived leaves. n-Alkanol abundances covary with n-alkanes, but n-alkanoic acids have similar abundances across all plant groups. Isotopic fractionation between leaf tissue and individual alkanes (εlipid) varies by as much as 10‰ among different chain lengths. Overall, εlipid values are slightly lower (−4.5‰) for angiosperm than for gymnosperm (−2.5‰) n-alkanes. Angiosperms commonly express slightly higher Δleaf (photosynthetic discrimination) relative to gymnosperms under similar growth conditions. As a result, angiosperm n-alkanes are expected to be generally 3-5‰ more depleted in 13C relative to gymnosperm alkanes for the same locality. Differences in n-alkane production indicate the biomarker record will largely (but not exclusively) reflect angiosperms if both groups were present, and also that evergreen plants will likely be overrepresented compared with deciduous ones. We apply our modern lipid abundance patterns and εlipid results to constrain the magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE) at the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (55.8 Ma). When Bighorn Basin (WY) sediment n-alkanes are interpreted in context of floral changes and modern n-alkane production estimates for angiosperms and gymnosperms, the CIE is greater in magnitude (−5.6‰) by ∼1‰ compared to previous estimates that do not take into account n-alkane production.  相似文献   

To investigate potential variability in the biosynthetic fractionation of hydrogen isotopes between environmental water and plant lipids, the cord grass Spartina alterniflora was sampled from a single location in a coastal marsh over a period of 16 months. Values of δD for a variety of lipids were measured by gas chromatography/pyrolysis/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. S. alterniflora grows partially submerged in seawater, so it has a virtually unlimited supply of water with nearly unvarying isotopic composition. Temporal changes in the δD values of lipids can thus be interpreted as representing mainly variations in biosynthetic fractionation. Fatty acids, n-alkanes, and phytol extracted from S. alterniflora have nearly constant δD values from ∼October through May, but exhibit marked decreases of up to 40‰ during summer months. These shifts in lipid δD values are interpreted as representing a change in the source of organic substrates, principally acetate, used for their biosynthesis. Lower summertime δD values for lipids are consistent with an increasing reliance on current photosynthate as feedstock for biosynthesis, whereas stored carbohydrate reserves are utilized more extensively during other times of the year. Regardless of the specific mechanism, the data emphasize that overall fractionations between water and plant lipids depend on biological as well as environmental variables, and that the biosynthetic fractionation is not necessarily constant even for a single plant. Because lipids such as fatty acids are present in all cells and turn over on timescales of weeks to months, measurements of δD values in fatty acids may also provide useful constraints for distinguishing biologic versus environmental controls on cellulose δD values in trees.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of thermal maturity on the hydrogen isotope ratios of sedimentary hydrocarbons to prove that the isotope ratio of hydrocarbons mirrors paleoclimate signatures. δD values from n-alkanes and acyclic isoprenoids of two sediment sections (Kupferschiefer [KS], 258 Ma, and Posidonienschiefer [PS], 184 Ma) with different maturation history were investigated. Both covered thermal maturity from 0.48 to 1.3 Rc (vitrinite reflectance and reflectance calculated from MPI1). Sediment burial up to 4500 m caused thermal maturation of organic matter in the KS horizon from the Early Zechstein basin of Poland, whereas contact metamorphic thermal maturation originated in the Early Toarcian PS (Posidonienschiefer) of the North German Vlotho Massif. The δD values of the extracted n-alkanes positively correlate with thermal maturity in the KS (y = 56‰ × MPI1[x] − 160‰ [VSMOW]) and in the PS (y = 104‰ × MPI1[x] − 200‰ [VSMOW]). The δD values of isoprenoids (i.e., pristane, phytane) were even more enriched with increasing maturity (y = 179‰ × MPI1[x] − 341‰ [VSMOW] in the KS; y = 300‰ × MPI1[x] − 415‰ [VSMOW] in PS).These results explain why isotope ratios of n-alkanes and isoprenoids in mature sediments are generally enriched in D and do not have the expected isotopic difference between n-alkanes and isoprenoids of ∼190‰. Moreover, the correlation between sediment maturity parameters and δD values suggests that after correction the δD values of n-alkanes can be used to reconstruct climate and environment in the geological past.  相似文献   

《Organic Geochemistry》2012,42(12):1269-1276
This study sought to characterize hydrogen isotopic fractionation during biosynthesis of leaf wax n-alkanes in succulent plants capable of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). The metabolic and physiological features of CAM represent crucial strategies for survival in hot and dry climates and have been hypothesized to impact hydrogen isotope fractionation. We measured the stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions (δ13C and δD, respectively) of individual n-alkanes in 20 species of succulent plants from a global collection of the Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California. Greenhouse conditions and irrigation with water of constant δD value enabled determination of interspecies differences in net D/H fractionation between source water and leaf wax products. Carbon isotope ratios provide constraints on the extent of CAM vs. C3 photosynthesis and indicate a wide range of CAM use, with δ13C values ranging from −33.01‰ to −18.54‰ (C27–C33 n-alkanes) and −26.66‰ to −17.64‰ (bulk tissue). Despite the controlled growth environment, we observed ca. 90‰ interspecies range in δD values from −193‰ to −107‰. A positive correlation between δ13Cbulk and δDC31 values with R2 = 0.60 (δ13CC31 and δDC31 values with R2 = 0.41) implicates a metabolic isotope effect as the dominant cause of interspecies variation in the hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf wax n-alkanes in CAM-intermediate plants.  相似文献   

The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of Eocene and Miocene freshwater cherts in the western United States records regional climatic variation in the Cenozoic. Here, we present isotopic measurements of 47 freshwater cherts of Eocene and Miocene age from the Great Basin of the western United States at two different sites and interpret them in light of regional climatic and tectonic history. The large range of δ18O of terrestrial cherts measured in this study, from 11.2‰ to 31.2‰ (SMOW: Standard Mean Ocean), is shown to be primarily the result of variations in δ18O of surface water. The following trends and patterns are recognized within this range of δ18O values. First, in Cenozoic rocks of northern Nevada, chert δ18O records the same shift observed in authigenic calcite between the Eocene and Miocene that has been attributed to regional surface uplift. The consistent covariation of proxies suggests that chert reliably records and retains a signal of ancient meteoric water isotopic composition, even though our analyses show that chert formed from warmer waters (40°C) than coexisting calcite (20°C). Second, there is a strong positive correlation between δ18O and δD in Eocene age chert from Elko, Nevada and Salina, Utah that suggests large changes in lake water isotopic composition due to evaporation. Evaporative effects on lake water isotopic composition, rather than surface temperature, exert the primary control on the isotopic composition of chert, accounting for 10‰ of the 16‰ range in δ18O measured in Eocene cherts. From authigenic mineral data, we calculate a range in isotopic composition of Eocene precipitation in the north-central Great Basin of −10 to −14‰ for δ18O and −70 to −100‰ for δD, which is in agreement with previous estimates for Eocene basins of the western United States. Due to its resistance to alteration and record of variations in both δ18O and δD of water, chert has the potential to corroborate and constrain the cause of variations in isotope stratigraphies.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the extent of volatile element recycling in convergent margin volcanism requires delineating likely source(s) of magmatic volatiles through stable isotopic characterization of sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen in erupted tephra with appropriate assessment of modification by degassing. The climactic eruption of Mt. Mazama ejected approximately 50 km3 of rhyodacitic magma into the atmosphere and resulted in formation of a 10-km diameter caldera now occupied by Crater Lake, Oregon (lat. 43°N, long. 122°W). Isotopic compositions of whole-rocks, matrix glasses and minerals from Mt. Mazama climactic, pre-climactic and postcaldera tephra were determined to identify the likely source(s) of H2O and S. Integration of stable isotopic data with petrologic data from melt inclusions has allowed for estimation of pre-eruptive dissolved volatile concentrations and placed constraints on the extent, conditions and style of degassing.Sulfur isotope analyses of climactic rhyodacitic whole rocks yield δ34S values of 2.8-14.8‰ with corresponding matrix glass values of 2.4-13.2‰. δ34S tends to increase with stratigraphic height through climactic eruptive units, consistent with open-system degassing. Dissolved sulfur concentrations in melt inclusions (MIs) from pre-climactic and climactic rhyodacitic pumices varies from 80 to 330 ppm, with highest concentrations in inclusions with 4.8-5.2 wt% H2O (by FTIR). Up to 50% of the initial S may have been lost through pre-eruptive degassing at depths of 4-5 km. Ion microprobe analyses of pyrrhotite in climactic rhyodacitic tephra and andesitic scoria indicate a range in δ34S from −0.4‰ to 5.8‰ and from −0.1‰ to 3.5‰, respectively. Initial δ34S values of rhyodacitic and andesitic magmas were likely near the mantle value of 0‰. Hydrogen isotope (δD) and total H2O analyses of rhyodacitic obsidian (and vitrophyre) from the climactic fall deposit yielded values οf −103 to −53‰ and 0.23-1.74 wt%, respectively. Values of δD and wt% H2O of obsidian decrease towards the top of the fall deposit. Samples with depleted δD, and mantle δ18O values, have elevated δ34S values consistent with open-system degassing. These results imply that more mantle-derived sulfur is degassed to the Earth’s atmosphere/hydrosphere through convergent margin volcanism than previously attributed. Magmatic degassing can modify initial isotopic compositions of sulfur by >14‰ (to δ34S values of 14‰ or more here) and hydrogen isotopic compositions by 90‰ (to δD values of −127‰ in this case).  相似文献   

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