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We report the discovery of an eclipsing polar, 2XMMi J225036.9+573154, using XMM–Newton . It was discovered by searching the light curves in the 2XMMi catalogue for objects showing X-ray variability. Its X-ray light curve shows a total eclipse of the white dwarf by the secondary star every 174 min. An extended pre-eclipse absorption dip is observed in soft X-rays at  φ= 0.8–0.9  , with evidence for a further dip in the soft X-ray light curve at  φ∼ 0.4  . Further, X-rays are seen from all orbital phases (apart from the eclipse) which make it unusual amongst eclipsing polars. We have identified the optical counterpart, which is faint  ( r = 21)  , and shows a deep eclipse (>3.5 mag in white light). Its X-ray spectrum does not show a distinct soft X-ray component which is seen in many, but not all, polars. Its optical spectrum shows Hα in emission for a fraction of the orbital period.  相似文献   

We present low–medium resolution optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing AM Her system MN Hya (RX J0929–24). We determine the magnetic field strength at the primary accretion region of the white dwarf to be 42 MG from the spacing of cyclotron features visible during π ∼ 0.4–0.7. From spectra taken during the eclipse we find that the secondary has an M3–4 spectral type. Combined with the eclipse photometry of Sekiguchi, Nakada &38; Bassett and an estimate of the interstellar extinction we find a distance of ∼300–700 pc. We find unusual line variations at π ∼ 0.9: Hα is seen in absorption and emission. This is at the same point in the orbital phase at which a prominent absorption dip is seen in soft X-rays.  相似文献   

Comparison of five X-ray observations of the intermediate polar FO Aqr reveals that the morphology of the X-ray light curve changes considerably with time. In particular, power spectra of the 1988 Ginga   and 1993 ASCA   data reveal strong sideband and orbital variations, whereas the 1990 Ginga   observation does not. This suggests that the amount of stream-fed accretion varies with epoch, and the system was accreting predominantly from a disc in 1990.   In contrast to other intermediate polars, the X-ray spin-pulse profiles show significant variations between observations, ranging from relatively sinusoidal to sawtooth-shaped at medium energies. During the 1988 and 1990 observations a notch is visible at spin phase zero, due to the presence of an interpulse at phase 0.85, which is absent during the other observations. At lower energies a narrow pulse of emission is seen at spin phase 0.2.   We interpret the pulse profile from the 1990 Ginga   observation using a model for accretion from a disc on to a dipolar magnetic field, the axis of which is offset from the white dwarf centre by ∼ 0.15 white dwarf radii. In order to account for the later occurrence of the hardness-ratio maximum in 1988 and 1993, we suggest that the accretion-rate profile changes so that accretion is favoured along the field lines which trail the magnetic pole. This also accounts for the disappearance of the interpulse and notch in 1993.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the X-ray spectra of two strongly magnetic cataclysmic variables, DP Leo and WW Hor, made using XMM-Newton . Both systems were in intermediate levels of accretion. Hard optically thin X-ray emission from the shocked accreting gas was detected from both systems, while a soft blackbody X-ray component from the heated surface was detected only in DP Leo. We suggest that the lack of a soft X-ray component in WW Hor is owing to the fact that the accretion area is larger than in previous observations with a resulting lower temperature for the re-processed hard X-rays. Using a multi-temperature model of the post-shock flow, we estimate that the white dwarf in both systems has a mass greater than 1 M. The implications of this result are discussed. We demonstrate that the 'soft X-ray excess' observed in many magnetic cataclysmic variables can be partially attributed to using an inappropriate model for the hard X-ray emission.  相似文献   

RXTE observations confirm that the X-ray light curve of V2400 Oph is pulsed at the beat cycle, as expected in a discless intermediate polar. There are no X-ray modulations at the orbital or spin cycles, but optical line profiles vary with all three cycles. We construct a model for line-profile variations in a discless accretor, based on the idea that the accretion stream flips from one magnetic pole to the other, and show that this accounts for the observed behaviour over the spin and beat cycles. The minimal variability over the orbital cycle implies that (1) V2400 Oph is at an inclination of only ≈10°, and (2) much of the accretion flow is not in a coherent stream, but is circling the white dwarf, possibly as a ring of denser, diamagnetic blobs. We discuss the light that this sheds on disc formation in intermediate polars.  相似文献   

We study the usage of the X-ray light curve, column density towards the hard X-ray source, and emission measure (density square times volume), of the massive binary system η Carinae to determine the orientation of its semimajor axis. The source of the hard X-ray emission is the shocked secondary wind. We argue that, by itself, the observed X-ray flux cannot teach us much about the orientation of the semimajor axis. Minor adjustment of some unknown parameters of the binary system allows to fit the X-ray light curve with almost any inclination angle and orientation. The column density and X-ray emission measure, on the other hand, impose strong constrains on the orientation. We improve our previous calculations and show that the column density is more compatible with an orientation where for most of the time the secondary – the hotter, less massive star – is behind the primary star. The secondary comes closer to the observer only for a short time near periastron passage. The 10-week X-ray deep minimum, which results from a large decrease in the emission measure, implies that the regular secondary wind is substantially suppressed during that period. This suppression is most likely resulted by accretion of mass from the dense wind of the primary luminous blue variable star. The accretion from the equatorial plane might lead to the formation of a polar outflow. We suggest that the polar outflow contributes to the soft X-ray emission during the X-ray minimum; the other source is the shocked secondary wind in the tail. The conclusion that accretion occurs at each periastron passage, every five and a half years, implies that accretion had occurred at a much higher rate during the Great Eruption of η Car in the 19th century. This has far reaching implications for major eruptions of luminous blue variable stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of a 2.5-yr multiwavelength monitoring programme of Cygnus X-1, making use of hard and soft X-ray data, optical spectroscopy, UBVJHK photometry and radio data. In particular, we confirm that the 5.6-d orbital period is apparent in all wavebands, and note the existence of a wavelength dependence to the modulation, in the sense that higher energies reach minimum first. We also find a strong modulation at a period of 142±7 d, which we suggest is caused by precession and/or radiative warping of the accretion disc. Strong modulation of the hard and soft X-ray flux at this long period may not be compatible with simple models of an optically thin accretion flow and corona in the low state. We present the basic components required for more detailed future modelling of the system – including a partially optically thick jet, quasi-continuous in the low state, the base of which acts as the Comptonizing corona. In addition, we find that there are a number of flares that appear to be correlated in at least two wavebands and generally in more. We choose two of these flares to study in further detail, and find that the hard and soft X-rays are well correlated in the first, and that the soft X-rays and radio are correlated in the second. In general, the optical and infrared show similar behaviour to each other, but are not correlated with the X-rays or radio.  相似文献   

We present a new mapping algorithm, the Accretion Stream Mapping (ASM), which uses the full phase-coverage of a light curve to derive spatially resolved intensity distributions along the accretion stream in magnetic cataclysmic variables of AM Herculis type (polars). The surface of the accretion stream is approximated as a 12-sided (duodecadon-shaped) tube. After successfully testing this method on artificial data we applied it to emission-line light curves of H β , H γ and He  ii λ 4686 of the bright eclipsing polar HU Aqr. We find hydrogen and helium line emission bright in the threading region of the stream where the stream couples on to magnetic field lines. It is particularly interesting that the stream is bright on the irradiated side facing the white dwarf, which highlights the interplay of collisional and radiative excitation/ionization.  相似文献   

We present the results of a 22.5 ks pointed ROSAT PSPC observation of the 3.4-h period eclipsing polar MN Hya (RX J0929.1−2404). The X-ray light curve exhibits a 'double-humped' shape, with a secondary minimum occuring at φ∼ 0.45, a morphology consistent with two-pole accretion. Strong aperiodic flaring activity, with flux enhancements of ∼ 6 × the quiescent level, is also observed. A pre-eclipse 'dip' occurs in the phase interval φ= 0.87–0.95 with the X-rays becoming harder, indicative of photoelectric absorption by the pre-shock flow. There is also evidence of a secondary spectrally hard 'dip' near φ = 0.45–0.55, which might be associated with a second accretion stream flowing to the other magnetic pole.   The X-ray spectrum is best represented by a combination of a ∼50 eV blackbody and a thermal bremsstrahlung component of kT 1.6 keV, with a total absorption column of N H  = 2.9 × 1020 cm−2.   The primary maximum (φ∼ 0.65) has a slightly larger column and normalization compared to the secondary maximum. Although there are few photons, the dip spectrum is very flat in comparison to other phases, and is best represented by a single bremsstrahlung component. This is indicative of the spectral hardening seen in the light curves attributed to photoabsorption. The ratio of unabsorbed bremsstrahlung and blackbody luminosities is ∼ 0.1 for the best-fitting average spectral models. This implies a magnetic field strength  30 MG on the basis of the empirical L hard/ L soft −  B relationships, although consideration of the cyclotron flux and aspect effects could allow for an even higher field (55 MG).  相似文献   

High-speed photometry in 2008 shows that the light curve of V842 Cen possesses a coherent modulation at 56.825 s, with sidebands at 56.598 and 57.054 s. These have appeared since this nova remnant was observed in 2000 and 2002. We deduce that the dominant signal is the rotation period of the white dwarf primary and the sidebands are caused by reprocessing from a surface moving with an orbital period of 3.94 h. Thus, V842 Cen is an intermediate polar (IP) of the DQ Herculis subclass, is the fastest rotating white dwarf among the IPs and is the third fastest known in a cataclysmic variable. As in other IPs, we see no dwarf nova oscillations, but there are often quasi-periodic oscillations in the range 350–1500 s. There is a strong brightness modulation with a period of 3.78 h, which we attribute to negative superhumps, and there is an even stronger signal at 2.886 h which is of unknown origin but is probably a further example of that seen in GW Lib and some other systems. We used the Swift satellite to observe V842 Cen in the ultraviolet and in X-rays, although no periodic modulation was detected in the short observations. The X-ray luminosity of this object appears to be much lower than that of other IPs in which the accretion region is directly visible.  相似文献   

The galactic black hole candidate Cygnus X-1 is observed to be in one of two X-ray spectral states: either the low/hard (low soft X-ray flux and a flat power-law tail) or high/soft (high blackbody-like soft X-ray flux and a steep power-law tail) state. The physical origin of these two states is unclear. We present here a model of an ionized accretion disc, the spectrum of which is blurred by relativistic effects, and fit it to the ASCA , Ginga and EXOSAT data of Cygnus X-1 in both spectral states. We confirm that relativistic blurring provides a much better fit to the low/hard state data and, contrary to some previous results, find the data of both states to be consistent with an ionized thin accretion disc with a reflected fraction of unity extending to the innermost stable circular orbit around the black hole. Our model is an alternative to those that, in the low/hard state, require the accretion disc to be truncated at a few tens of Schwarzschild radii, within which there is a Thomson-thin, hot accretion flow. We suggest a mechanism that may cause the changes in spectral state.  相似文献   

We report polarimetric, spectropolarimetric and photometric observations of the eclipsing ROSAT cataclysmic variable RX J0929.1−2404, which confirm that the system is a new polar (AM Herculis system). This brings the number of eclipsing polars to nine, with RX J0929.1−2404 being only the third such system above the period gap. Circular polarization variations from ∼−20 to 10 per cent are seen over the 3.39-h orbital period, with a minimum around the time of eclipse. The photopolarimetric data were modelled using arc-shaped cyclotron emission regions in a centred dipole geometry. Results imply that RX J0929.1−2404 is a 'two-pole' system, with one emission region partially visible at all orbital phases. Spectropolarimetry observations show some evidence for the presence of cyclotron humps in the continuum, with spacings consistent with a magnetic field strength of ∼20 MG. Photometry of the eclipses provides information on the size of the emission region, which is consistent with a hotspot on the surface of the white dwarf. The eclipse duration implies an inclination in the range 70°≲ i ≲78°.  相似文献   

We present XMM–Newton observations of the eclipsing polar V2301 Oph which cover nearly 2.5 binary orbital cycles and two eclipses. This polar is believed to have the lowest magnetic field strength (7 MG) of any known polar. We find evidence for structure in the X-ray eclipse profile which shows a 'standstill' feature lasting  26 ± 4  s. This allows us to place an upper limit on the mass of the white dwarf of  ∼1.2 M  . We find no evidence for quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the frequency range 0.02–10 Hz. This coupled with the absence of QPOs in RXTE data suggests that, if present, any oscillations in the shock front have a minimal effect on the resultant X-ray flux. We find no evidence for a distinct soft X-ray component in its spectrum – it therefore joins another seven systems which do not show this component. We suggest that those systems which are asynchronous, have low mass-transfer rates or have accretion occurring over a relatively large fraction of the white dwarf are more likely to show this effect. We find that the specific mass-transfer rate has to be close to 0.1 g cm−2 s−1 to predict masses which are consistent with that derived from our eclipse analysis. This may be due to the fact that the low magnetic field strength allows accretion to take place along a wide range of azimuth.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the very precise de Jager et al. optical white dwarf orbit and spin ephemerides; ASCA , XMM–Newton and Chandra X-ray observations spread over 10 yr; and a cumulative 27-yr baseline, we have found that in recent years the white dwarf in AE Aqr is spinning down at a rate that is slightly faster than predicted by the de Jager et al. spin ephemeris. At the present time, the observed period evolution is consistent with either a cubic term in the spin ephemeris with     , which is inconsistent in sign and magnitude with magnetic dipole radiation losses, or an additional quadratic term with     , which is consistent with a modest increase in the accretion torques spinning down the white dwarf. Regular monitoring, in the optical, ultraviolet and/or X-rays, is required to track the evolution of the spin period of the white dwarf in AE Aqr.  相似文献   

One method of obtaining the mass of the white dwarf in magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) is through their hard X-ray spectra. However, previous mass estimates using this method give lower limits because the temperature of the plasma in the post-shock region (where the hard X-rays are emitted) is lower than the temperature of the shock itself. In AM Her systems, the additional cooling of the post-shock plasma by cyclotron emission will further lower the derived mass. Here we present estimates of the masses of the white dwarf in 13 mCVs derived using Ginga data and a model in which X-rays are emitted from a multi-temperature emission region with the appropriate temperature and density profile. We include in the model reflection from the surface of the white dwarf and a partially ionized absorber. We are able to achieve good fits to the data. We compare the derived masses with previous estimates and the masses for larger samples of isolated white dwarfs and those in CVs.  相似文献   

XMM-Newton was used to observe two eclipsing, magnetic cataclysmic variables, DP Leo and WW Hor, continuously for three orbital cycles each. Both systems were in an intermediate state of accretion. For WW Hor we also obtained optical light curves with the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor and from ground-based observations. Our analysis of the X-ray and optical light curves allows us to constrain physical and geometrical parameters of the accretion regions and derive orbital parameters and eclipse ephemerides of the systems. For WW Hor we directly measure horizontal and vertical temperature variations in the accretion column. From comparisons with previous observations we find that changes in the accretion spot longitude are correlated with the accretion rate. For DP Leo the shape of the hard X-ray light curve is not as expected for optically thin emission, showing the importance of optical depth effects in the post-shock region. We find that the spin period of the white dwarf is slightly shorter than the orbital period and that the orbital period is decreasing faster than expected for energy loss by gravitational radiation alone.  相似文献   

We present the complete set of 34 ASCA observations of non-magnetic cataclysmic variables. Timing analysis reveals large X-ray flux variations in dwarf novae in outburst (Z Cam, SS Cyg and SU UMa) and orbital modulation in high inclination systems (including OY Car, HT Cas, U Gem, T Leo). We also found episodes of unusually low accretion rate during quiescence (VW Hyi and SS Cyg). Spectral analysis reveals broad temperature distributions in individual systems, with emission weighted to lower temperatures in dwarf novae in outburst. Absorption in excess of interstellar values is required in dwarf novae in outburst, but not in quiescence. We also find evidence for subsolar abundances and X-ray reflection in the brightest systems.
LS Peg, V426 Oph and EI UMa have X-ray spectra that are distinct from the rest of the sample and all three exhibit candidate X-ray periodicities. We argue that they should be reclassified as intermediate polars.
In the case of V345 Pav we found that the X-ray source had been previously misidentified.  相似文献   

Accreting black holes show a complex and diverse behaviour in their soft spectral states. Although these spectra are dominated by a soft, thermal component which almost certainly arises from an accretion disc, there is also a hard X-ray tail indicating that some fraction of the accretion power is instead dissipated in hot, optically thin coronal material. During such states, best observed in the early outburst of soft X-ray transients, the ratio of power dissipated in the hot corona to that in the disc can vary from ∼ 0 (pure disc accretion) to ∼ 1 (equal power in each). Here we present results of spectral analyses of a number of sources, demonstrating the presence of complex features in their energy spectra. Our main findings are: (1) the soft components are not properly described by a thermal emission from accretion discs: they are appreciably broader than can be described by disc blackbody models even including relativistic effects, and (2) the spectral features near     commonly seen in such spectra can be well described by reprocessing of hard X-rays by optically thick, highly ionized, relativistically moving plasma.  相似文献   

We present polarimetric and spectroscopic observations of the ROSAT source RX J1141.3−6410, recently identified as a polar. The detection of circular polarization variations, with an amplitude of 10 per cent, over a 3.16-h period confirms that the system is a polar (AM Herculis star). Supporting evidence comes from the nature of the emission lines and their radial velocity variability. In addition, we observe continuum slope changes in the far-red spectral region (∼6000–8200 Å), indicative of phase dependent cyclotron emission. Polarimetric modelling at two wavelengths establishes RX J1141.3−6410 as a single-pole system, with i ∼ β ∼70°. The accretion region is extended in magnetic longitude, and is totally self-occulted for ∼25 per cent of the orbit. The radial velocity curves derived from the emission lines show a phasing with maximum blueshift occurring with Δ φ ∼0.05 of maximum intensity and circular polarisation. In addition, the broader component of the lines exhibit a substantial radial velocity phase shift with respect to the narrower component, in the sense that the broad component preceeds the narrow. This can be readily understood if the narrower component is principally a result of orbital motion of the stream material and the broad component mainly a result of streaming motion near the coupling region. The phasing of the Ca  ii near-infrared line radial velocities also supports this general picture.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) data of the dwarf nova VW Hyi that were obtained with XMM–Newton during the quiescent state. The X-ray spectrum indicates the presence of an optically thin plasma in the boundary layer that cools as it settles on to the white dwarf. The plasma has a continuous temperature distribution that is well described by a power law or a cooling flow model with a maximum temperature of 6–8 keV. We estimate from the X-ray spectrum a boundary layer luminosity of  8 × 1030 erg s-1  , which is only 20 per cent of the disc luminosity. The rate of accretion on to the white dwarf is  5 × 10−12 M yr−1  , about half of the rate in the disc. From the high-resolution X-ray spectra, we estimate that the X-ray emitting part of the boundary layer is rotating with a velocity of 540 km s−1, which is close to the rotation velocity of the white dwarf but is significantly smaller than the Keplerian velocity. We detect a 60-s quasi-periodic oscillation of the X-ray flux, which is likely to be due to the rotation of the boundary layer. The X-ray and the UV flux show strong variability on a time-scale of ∼1500 s. We find that the variability in the two bands is correlated and that the X-ray fluctuations are delayed by ∼100 s. The correlation indicates that the variable UV flux is emitted near the transition region between the disc and the boundary layer and that accretion rate fluctuations in this region are propagated to the X-ray emitting part of the boundary layer within ∼100 s. An orbital modulation of the X-ray flux suggests that the inner accretion disc is tilted with respect to the orbital plane. The elemental abundances in the boundary layer are close to their solar values.  相似文献   

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