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河型及其转化的判别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了影响河型的内外营力,建立了河型与河流能量、河岸不稳定系数、流域形状系数和地壳相对升降强度间的相关关系式。以汉江和黄河下游为例,用水力参数和河床形态指标,判别河型的转化趋势。  相似文献   

弯曲河型与稳定江心洲河型的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倪晋仁  张仁 《地理研究》1991,10(2):68-75
结合天然河流及室内实验所反映的河型演变过程,本文讨论了弯曲河型与稳定江心洲河型之间的相似性,认为江心洲河型应属于弯曲型河流的范畴。  相似文献   

河相关系理论迄今总是应用于冲积河流的研究中并取得了很好的效果,但尚未应用在非冲积性山地河流的研究中。河相关系理论是否适用于非冲积性河流的研究?该研究选取滇西山地河流,以怒江道街坝、澜沧江旧州和景洪、以及金沙江石鼓4个水文站的历年实测水文资料为基础,探讨了上述4站有水文资料记载时段的历年及多年的流量~河宽、流量~水深、流量~流速关系,揭示其年际变化特征。结果显示,河相关系理论在研究非冲积性河流当中同样存在很好的效果,表明山地非冲积性河流与冲积河流在河道演变中遵循类似的规律。研究区北段从西部的怒江到中部的澜沧江,再到东部的金沙江,其河相关系的年际变化幅度逐渐减小,与它们受到构造抬升的影响减弱相适应。澜沧江河相关系的年际变化在北部相对不明显,在南部则相对显著,这与其南北两段的地貌分异有关,也与中下游的大坝建设等人类活动引起南部河床的冲淤强度的增大有关。系数积及指数和表明,山地河流由于受到基岩边界的影响,其流水断面的调整中河宽、水深和流速之间的协调能力比冲积性河流的小。另外,建立了流水断面宽深比与流量之间的河相关系式,丰富了河相关系的研究内容,并在研究区不同河流、不同河段的流量预测或断面形态预测中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

河相关系理论迄今总是应用于冲积河流的研究中并取得了很好的效果,但尚未应用在非冲积性山地河流的研究中.河相关系理论是否适用于非冲积性河流的研究?该研究选取滇西山地河流,以怒江道街坝、澜沧江旧州和景洪、以及金沙江石鼓4个水文站的历年实测水文资料为基础,探讨了上述4站有水文资料记载时段的历年及多年的流量~河宽、流量~水深、流量~流速关系,揭示其年际变化特征.结果显示,河相关系理论在研究非冲积性河流当中同样存在很好的效果,表明山地非冲积性河流与冲积河流在河道演变中遵循类似的规律.研究区北段从西部的怒江到中部的澜沧江,再到东部的金沙江,其河相关系的年际变化幅度逐渐减小,与它们受到构造抬升的影响减弱相适应.澜沧江河相关系的年际变化在北部相对不明显,在南部则相对显著,这与其南北两段的地貌分异有关,也与中下游的大坝建设等人类活动引起南部河床的冲淤强度的增大有关.系数积及指数和表明,山地河流由于受到基岩边界的影响,其流水断面的调整中河宽、水深和流速之间的协调能力比冲积性河流的小.另外,建立了流水断面宽深比与流量之间的河相关系式,丰富了河相关系的研究内容,并在研究区不同河流、不同河段的流量预测或断面形态预测中具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

1990年以来黄河第一湾齐哈玛河段砾质网状河的演变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高超  王随继 《地理学报》2018,73(7):1352-1364
黄河第一湾的网状河型因其砾石质的河床质而与砂床质网状河明显不同,但是其具体的冲淤特性、河道与河间地的稳定性等是否与砂质网状河具有相似之处,尚待揭示。以齐哈玛乡主河道长约为12 km的砾石质网状河段为研究对象,利用1990年、2001年、2013年和2016年共4期Landsat遥感影像数据和2011年与2013年两期Google Earth高分辨率图像数据,结合野外采样观测分析其1990-2016年间的平面形态变化与沉积特征。结果表明:砾石质网状河整体具有很高的稳定性,众多分支河道与河间地无明显冲淤现象。网状带面积仅增加2.43%,陆地与水体面积比例接近1∶1;网状带部分小型河间湿地及河间岛屿呈现碎片化现象,导致河间湿地个数逐渐增加,最大增加率为62.16%。河道主流线长期左右迁移交替变化,且变化率相对稳定,受主流线迁移的影响,主河道内部河间岛屿形态变化较大,其河岸变化率为5 m/a。网状河众多支河道非常稳定,平均河宽变化率仅为1 m/a左右。河岸沉积物以细砂或粉砂为主,黏土含量较高,粒度分布曲线呈现多峰,这与砂质网状河流河岸以泥质沉积物为主略有不同,但河岸及河间湿地茂密的植被保护了众多分支河道免受侵蚀、维持了河道的稳定性,这也是砾石质网状河流体系具有高稳定性的重要原因。  相似文献   

塔里木沙漠南缘安迪尔河水文特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
安迪尔河位于塔里木沙漠南缘,发源于昆仑山,上游河水沿河床大量入渗,中游为干河床,下游为泉水溢出补给型河流。安迪尔河缺乏水文资料,以临时水文站1998年实测水文资料为依据,对安迪尔河的水文特征进行分析,以便说明泉水型河流水文特征。分析了安迪尔河水位年内变化、冰期水位、畅流期水位、洪水期水位的变化特征;对安迪尔河水位流量关系进行了分析,建立了相应的水位流量关系方程式,并对冰期、畅流期的、洪水期逐日平均流量和流量特征进行了推求和分析,安迪尔河1998年泉水溢出量为0.5528亿m3。  相似文献   

长江中下游河床沉积物分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
赵怡文  陈中原 《地理学报》2003,58(2):223-230
对长江中下游武汉至河口段304处河床沉积物样品进行了粒度测量与分析,通过各参数间的模拟、统计及对比,探讨了沉积物粒度、水动力因素及河床地貌三者间的关系。研究结果表明:本区河床沉积物以中、细砂为主,床底搬运十分微弱,河道相对稳定;从上至下沿程有明显的“粗-细-粗-细”粒径变化,主要反映河流动力地貌、动力沉积特征;粒径在河床的沿程分布总体为北粗南细,说明北岸侵蚀,南岸淤积的特点。研究同时也表明,颗粒因河型不同而迥异;颗粒偏态度-峭度在不同河型中表现各异,对区分顺直微弯分汊和鹅头形分汊河道尤为显著。  相似文献   

中国河流地貌研究进展——纪念沈玉昌先生100年诞辰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年是中国现代河流地貌研究的开拓者和奠基人沈玉昌先生100年诞辰,本文对中国河流地貌研究进展进行综述,以资纪念。研究涉及4个方面:① 水系发育与河谷地貌演变,包括大江大河水系历史发育和山区河流地貌;② 侵蚀与产沙过程,包括有物理成因基础的侵蚀产沙模型、侵蚀产沙过程的尺度效应、植被对侵蚀的影响及临界现象、坡面细沟发育过程模拟等;③ 河床过程与河型,包括河道冲淤过程、河床演变、河型成因与演变等;④ 河流地貌系统研究,包括流域系统不同子系统的耦合关系、河流地貌系统中的高含沙水流和多营力地貌过程、河流地貌系统对于自然因素变化和人类活动的响应、河流地貌系统中的泥沙灾害和河流地貌系统的实验研究等。50年前沈玉昌先生与钱宁先生提出在地貌学与河流动力学相结合的基础上发展中国河流学科。文中对此方面的进展进行了综述,并提出了需要深化和解决的问题。  相似文献   

宽变幅水沙两相流的冲淤双临界现象及其地貌学意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
许炯心 《地理学报》2001,56(4):486-493
通过黄土高原一些河流资料的分析,发现了宽变幅水沙两相流冲淤过程中的2个临界值,位于非高含水流区域中的临界点,可称之为冲淤下临界;位于高含沙水流区域中的临界点,可称之为冲淤上临界,水沙两相流冲淤的双临界现象,对珩多沙河流河道泥沙的输移有重要意义,随着含沙量的增大,排沙比先减小而后增大,2次与代表排沙比等于1的直线相交,这2个交点即分别对应于挟沙水流冲淤的下临界和上临界,运用所揭示的水沙两相流冲淤过程的双临界现象,可以对冲积河流河型的形成进行新的解释,以我国近百条冲积河流的资料为基础,点绘了年均悬移质输沙率与年均流量的关系,并以不同的符号来区分弯曲河型、游荡河型和高含沙曲流河型。结果表明,上述3种河型可以很好于被代表特征含沙量分别为C=60kg/m^3和C=3.3kg/m^3的2条直线所区分,这2个特征含沙量反映了河道水沙两相流冲淤的上、下临界值。  相似文献   

河型成因的各种理论及其间关系   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
倪晋仁  张仁 《地理学报》1991,46(3):366-372
本文较为系统地将河型成因的各种研究方法按其所依据的理论分类,并指出了各种理论之间的内在联系。文中讨论了各种研究方法所具有的优缺点、各研究方法之间的互补作用以及各种研究方法在表面处理方式不同的背后所隐藏的使河流趋向某一极值状态(或稳定状态)的共同倾向,并据此指出了进一步研究河型成因问题时的侧重面。  相似文献   

Predicting channel patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The proposed distinction between meandering and braided river channel patterns, on the basis of bankfull specific stream power and bed material size, is analysed and rejected. Only by using regime-based estimates of channel widths (rather than actual widths) has discrimination been achieved, and it is argued that this procedure is unacceptable.An alternative is to explore the patterning processes underlying the marked pattern scatter on bankfull stream power/bed material size plots. Of the five sets of patterning processes, large-scale bedform development and stability is seen as especially important for meandering and braiding. For gravel-bed rivers, bedforms developed at around or above bankfull stage appear important for pattern generation, with braiding relating to higher excess shear stress and Froude number. There seems to be an upper threshold to both meandering and braiding which is achieved at extreme discharges and steep gradients, as on steep alluvial fans, rather than for the rivers with available flow data here considered. For sand-bed rivers with greater excess shear stress, the equivalent upper plane bed threshold may occur below bankfull, with bed material mobility and bedform modification occurring over a wider range of sub-bankfull discharges. Sand-bed channel margin outlines appear to be less perturbed by bedform effects than gravel bed planforms, and they may have naturally straight or sinuous planforms. Bedform relief may nevertheless lead to some being designated as braided when viewed at low flows.It is concluded that the use of a single-stage stream power measure and bed material size alone is unlikely to achieve meandering/braiding discrimination.  相似文献   

The Milk River, the northernmost tributary to the Missouri–Mississippi River system, exhibits an anomalous sand-bed braiding reach in an otherwise meandering system. Shortly after leaving Alberta and entering Montana the river suddenly changes to braiding and maintains this pattern for 47 km before entering Fresno Reservoir. Measured stream gradient and bankfull discharge in the braiding reach severely fail the Leopold and Wolman [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 282B (1957) 39] slope–discharge test for differentiating channel patterns. While channel slope has long been regarded as one of the primary variables associated with braiding, our data from the sand-bed Milk River do not support this relationship. Instead, the data show that the braiding reach has a lower channel slope (0.00047) than the meandering reach (0.00055). Coupled with a constant discharge the unit length stream power is comparable between the two reaches. At the morphologic transition between meandering and braiding, a dramatic reduction in channel bank strength occurs where the sampled silt–clay content declines from 65% in the meandering reach to 18% in the braiding. This enables channel widening which is reflected in a 60% reduction in unit area stream power in the braiding reach. Thus, sediment transport capacity declines and channel bars are deposited. During waning flows, these bars are dissected, producing a braiding morphology. We suggest that for sand-bed braiding rivers the silt–clay percentage in the channel banks may be more important than slope. A review of the original Leopold and Wolman [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 282B (1957) 39] dataset, and many subsequent analyses, reveals that most braided rivers studied were gravel-bed. As a result, causal variables associated with braiding in sand-bed environments may need a thorough evaluation.  相似文献   

Channel responses to flow depletions in the lower Duchesne River over the past 100 years have been highly complex and variable in space and time. In general, sand-bed reaches adjusted to all perturbations with bed-level changes, whereas the gravel-bed reaches adjusted primarily through width changes. Gravel-bed reaches aggraded only when gravel was supplied to the channel through local bank erosion and degraded only during extreme flood events.A 50% reduction in stream flow and an increase in fine sediment supply to the study area occurred in the first third of the 20th century. The gravel-bed reach responded primarily with channel narrowing, whereas bed aggradation and four large-scale avulsions occurred in the sand-bed reaches. These avulsions almost completely replaced a section of sinuous channel about 14 km long with a straighter section about 7 km long. The most upstream avulsion, located near a break in valley slope and the transition from a gravel bed upstream and a sand bed downstream, transformed a sinuous sand-bed reach into a braided gravel-bed reach and eventually into a meandering gravel-bed reach over a 30-year period. Later, an increase in flood magnitudes and durations caused widening and secondary bed aggradation in the gravel-bed reaches, whereas the sand-bed reaches incised and narrowed. Water diversions since the 1950s have progressively eliminated moderate flood events, whereas larger floods have been less affected. The loss of frequent flooding has increased the duration and severity of drought periods during which riparian vegetation can establish along the channel margins. As a result, the channel has gradually narrowed throughout the study area since the late 1960s, despite the occasional occurrence of large floods. No tributaries enter the Duchesne River within the study area, so all reaches have experienced identical changes in stream flow and upstream sediment supply.  相似文献   

The 270 km long section of the Upper Yellow River at the First Great Bend is comprised of single channel and multiple channel systems that alternate among anastomosing, anabranching, meandering and braided reaches. The sequence of downstream pattern changes is characterized as: anastomosing-anabranching, anabranching-meandering, meandering-braided and braided-meandering. Remote sensing images, DEM data and field investigations are used to assess ahd interpret controls on these reach transitions. Channel slope and bed sediment size are key determinants of transitions in channel planform. Anas- tomosing reaches have a relatively high bed slope (0.86‰) and coarser sediment bed material (d50 = 3.5 mm). In contrast, meandering reaches have a low slope (0.30‰) and fine sediment bed material (d50 = 0.036 mm). The transition from a meandering to braided pattern is characterized by an increase in channel width-depth ratio, indicating the important role of bank strength (i.e. cohesive versus non-cohesive versus channel boundaries). Interestingly, the braided-meandering and meandering-braided transitions are coincident with variable flow inputs from tributary rivers (Baihe and Heihe rivers respectively). Theoretical analysis of the meandering-braided transition highlights the key control of channel width-depth ratio as a determinant of channel planform.  相似文献   

Leif M. Burge   《Geomorphology》2004,63(3-4):115-130
This study tests the assumption that the characteristics of channels within multiple channel rivers are different from those of single channel rivers. Some river restoration approaches propose radical transformation of river patterns, from multiple to single channels, based on the link between river patterns and their in-channel characteristics. Determining the links between river patterns and their in-channel characteristics is complicated by differences in geology, history, climate and discharge among rivers. Furthermore, multiple channel rivers are composed of a mosaic of channel types with a range of in-channel characteristics. This study minimizes these problems by analysing a single river containing neighbouring single and multiple channel patterns with little change in discharge downstream, and by analysing all channel types. The study addressed two objectives: to determine the hydraulic geometry, energy, and sediment mobility characteristics of neighbouring single and multiple channel river patterns, and to test for statistical differences in these characteristics between patterns. The Renous River shows a wandering pattern for 11.5 km, with multiple channels around semipermanent islands and abandoned channels in the flood plain. The river displays a single channel river pattern where channels are confined by their valley walls, upstream and downstream of wandering. The analysis was conducted at three scales. First, the confined single channel and wandering multiple channel patterns were compared (pattern scale). Second, the confined channel pattern was compared to single and multiple channel sections within the wandering pattern (section scale). Third, all channel types were compared (channel type scale). Multi response permutation procedure (MRPP) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze differences between channels. Difference tests found no simple discrimination between the single and multiple channel river patterns of the Renous River. Tests between the single confined and multiple wandering channel patterns found few differences in the in-channel variables. The tests did find differences between multiple channel sections within the wandering pattern and confined single channels; however, a greater number of differences were found between multiple channel and single channel sections within the wandering pattern, highlighting the variability within the wandering pattern. Two groups emerged when all channel types were tested for differences: perennial main-channels containing the thalweg, and ephemeral side-channels. Therefore, side-channels define the in-channel characteristics of wandering rivers because few differences were found among main-channels in either pattern. This analysis suggests that all channel types, not just main-channels, should be investigated to obtain a complete picture of a river pattern prior to any restoration efforts. Engineers must exercise caution when applying the link between river patterns and in-channel characteristics to river restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Prediction of alluvial channel pattern of perennial rivers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Purely braided, meandering and straight channels can be considered as end-members of a continuum of alluvial channel patterns. Several researchers have succeeded in separating channel patterns in fields defined by flow related parameters. However, the discriminators of the principal channel patterns derived from these diagrams all require some a priori knowledge of the channel geometry. In this paper a method is presented which enables prediction of the equilibrium conditions for the occurrence of braided and high sinuosity meandering rivers in unconfined alluvial floodplains. The method is based on two, almost channel pattern independent, boundary conditions: median grain size of the river bed material, and a potential specific stream power parameter related to bankfull discharge or mean annual flood and valley gradient. This can be regarded as a potential maximum of the available flow energy corresponding to the minimum sinuosity condition, P = 1. Based on an analysis of 228 datasets of measurement sites along rivers from many parts of the world an independent discriminating function was found that separates the occurrence of braided rivers and meandering rivers with P > 1.5. The function applies to equilibrium conditions of rivers that neither incise nor show rapid aggradation, with a bankfull or mean annual flood discharge above 10 m3/s and a median bed material grain size between 0.1 and 100 mm.  相似文献   

不同气候带的河道与沙丘分布格局及其类型划分   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李小妹  严平  钱瑶  吴伟 《中国沙漠》2017,37(5):821-829
风水交互作用是干旱区常见的地貌现象和重要的地表过程,干旱区河流通过提供物源和场所控制沙漠分布的格局,沙漠分布与风沙活动制约河道发育和泥沙输移,在不同时空尺度表现不一,但关于二者交互作用的分类处于探索阶段,尚未形成分类体系,尤其在地貌格局分类上多为定性描述。因此,自西向东选择位于3个气候带的中国西部克里雅河、中部毛不拉格孔兑以及东部西拉木伦河,利用遥感影像解译获取河道与沙丘信息,探讨近源沙丘的分布与河型之间的组合关系。结果表明:河型、河流流向与风向之间的关系、水文以及距离河道的远近影响河道与沙丘组合的地貌格局;在河道-沙丘尺度上,划分为弯曲河道-对称式边滩沙丘、顺直河道-边滩沙丘、分汊河道-心滩式沙丘、网状河道-格状镶嵌式沙丘4种类型。  相似文献   

高含沙型曲流河床形成机理的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
许炯心 《地理学报》1992,47(1):40-48
本文描述了在我国黄土高原宽谷中发现的含沙量超过100kg/m^3的曲流河床,并运用高含沙水流的作用对其成因进行了探讨。指出当水流进入高含沙范围时,水流能耗率大幅度降低,挟沙能力大大增加,这是促使河床向弯曲发展的主要原因。由于高含沙水流的稳定输送有赖于边界条件,故边界条件在这种曲流河床的形成中起了重要的作用。文中并讨论了这一地区游荡河型与弯曲河型的判别条件。  相似文献   

黄河下游河道断面形态参数变化及其水沙过程响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘慰  王随继  王彦君 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1563-1572
基于1965—2015年黄河下游花园口、高村、泺口站的逐年水文和汛前河道断面的实测资料,分析了河道断面形态参数(河道断面面积,河道宽深比等)的变化,以及对河道断面形态与来水来沙间的关系做出定量化分析。结果表明:主槽断面形态参数与水沙搭配以及前期断面形态密切相关,沿程3个断面形态参数调整方式存在显著差异。河宽调整幅度沿程减小,辫状河段变幅最大,尤其在1986—1999年,辫状河段萎缩程度最为严重,其次为弯曲河段,顺直河段横向调整幅度最小。受到前期断面形态的影响,辫状河段河道断面调整方式既有横向展宽(萎缩)又有垂直加深(淤积);弯曲河段河道宽深比与流量呈较弱的正相关关系,具有横向和垂向的调整方式;而顺直河段的宽深比与流量呈负相关关系,与来沙系数呈正相关关系,河道以垂直加深(淤积)为主。  相似文献   

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