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王平 《地理科学进展》2018,37(2):183-197
本文依托国家自然科学基金青年项目“河水温度对干旱区宽浅型河床渗透系数影响的定量研究”,并梳理了其他相关研究,总结了中国西北干旱区间歇性河流与含水层水量交换研究所面临的基础科学问题及当前所取得的研究进展。主要结论为:以宽浅型沙质河床为基本特征的西北干旱区内陆河流域下游河流,其河床每年经历数次干湿交替与冻融过程。受河水温度与河流水动力条件的影响,河床作为河流与含水层相互作用的重要界面,其渗透性能具有高度时空变异性,已成为河水与地下水水量交换研究的难点与热点。分析指出,在环境变化和当前交叉学科迅猛发展的背景下,以河流与含水层相互作用为核心的潜流带水文学发展面临新的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

汾河口傍河水源地激发补给量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文阐述傍河水源地地下水资源构成和补给特性。利用野外试验与室内数值模拟相结合方法,分析汾河口傍河水源地可采水资源量,数值模型刻画黄河实际摆动边界,考虑潜水延迟给水和极端干旱气候条件等多种方案;利用环境同位素技术追踪傍河水源地开采条件下的河水激发补给过程和补给强度。研究表明,在渗透性较好的常年性河流旁建立的水源地,具有抵御极端气象、水文环境以丰补歉的能力,枯水年动用的含水层储存量。丰水年恢复性强。  相似文献   

半干旱区植被风沙动力过程耦合研究:Ⅰ.模型   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
从植被生长和风沙活动之间的相互作用机制出发,建立了植被-风沙动力耦合模型。模型包括生物量动力学方程和风蚀量动力学方程。生物量动力学方程主要考虑了植被生产潜力在植被覆盖地表和非植被覆盖地表上的转化、生物量自身消耗以及风蚀量对生物量的影响;风蚀量动力学方程主要考虑风蚀潜力在流沙地表和非流沙地表上的转化以及生物量对风蚀量的影响。根据我国北方半干旱地区相关研究成果对模型中的参数取值进行了探讨,以便进行模拟和应用研究。  相似文献   

海流兔河流域是毛乌素沙地的代表性流域,开展以流域为单元的研究,将为毛乌素沙地的流域水资源配置提供科学依据。通过系统分析海流兔河流域的含水层展布和地下水分布特征,创新性地将含水层厚度和地下水埋深的分区进行小波图像融合后,得到了新的水文地质参数分区。结果表明:海流兔河流域的第四系及白垩系为该区域的巨厚含水层系统,其中白垩系含水层由南向北逐渐增厚,整体上该流域地下水资源量丰富。克里金指数模型适用于海流兔河流域的地下水埋深插值,该模型得到的流域地下水埋深为0—43 m,其中地下水埋深3 m以上的区域占流域的主体部分。以Symlets小波函数作为离散小波变换的图像融合技术对海流兔河流域的水文地质参数分区具有较强的适用性。  相似文献   

湖泊集水域地表—地下径流联合模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研制了流域尺度的地表- 地下径流联合模拟的分布式水文模型。模型考虑了地表径流、土 壤水、地下水之间的相互作用和水量交换, 更真实地模拟径流系统。特别是, 考虑了湖泊- 流域系 统的特点, 例如, 多条入湖河流、直接入湖的坡面水流和地下入湖径流等, 使模型比现有水文模型 更适合于湖泊集水域径流系统的模拟。模型在云南抚仙湖集水域作了初步应用研究, 模拟结果与 河道径流、土壤含水量和地下水位等观测数据的比较显示, 模型模拟效果理想。此外, 模拟结果与 SCS 模型结果的对比分析, 进一步验证了模型的有效性。该模型可用于研究湖泊与流域的相互作 用、模拟流域水文过程对自然条件改变或人类活动的响应、探究地表径流- 地下水- 湖泊之间的相 互作用。模型也可用作湖泊- 流域系统水量平衡分析和水资源管理的有效计算工具。  相似文献   

内陆平原水资源主要的赋存形式是河流-含水层系统。无论是开发利用河水,还是开采地下水,都将引起区域性的水文效应——地下水位大幅度波动、泉水衰竭和水质恶化。在水资源开发条件下,人工绿洲与天然绿洲之间的水源分配是彼长此消的,防止生态环境退化的要义在于:从宏观上合理配置水源,并可靠地预测其可能引起的区域水文效应,防患于未然。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地西部响水河河水与其河岸相互作用的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,半干旱地区的风水相互作用正成为风沙地貌研究的新热点,为探讨科尔沁沙地西部响水河河水与其河岸间的相互作用,通过对科尔沁沙地西部响水河的3个典型河段的6个断面的断面形态、流速进行现场实测,同步采集了31个水样,然后在室内对其泥沙含量进行测试,并推算断面流量。结果表明:由南向北3个河段瞬时流量和泥沙含量呈递增的趋势,集水效应十分明显;该河丰水期水量较为丰沛,河流与河岸间的相互作用明显且活跃,主要存在河水掏蚀河岸陡坡等5种相互作用的方式;当下风向陡岸弯道的法线方向与当地盛行风向一致时,气流发生明显汇聚,侵蚀加强,形成风蚀槽,且当风蚀槽接近谷底时,又为曲流的摆动创造了有利条件;河流受到沙丘前移的压迫与下风向河谷陡坡的阻挡,曲流较为发育但不完美,属于非自由曲流。  相似文献   

基于耦合的地理模拟优化系统   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
尽管GIS在涉及空间信息的许多学科和行业有广泛的应用,但其在对过程进行模拟和优化方面存在严重的功能不足。本文提出地理模拟优化系统GeoSOS的概念与实现方法。进一步建立了GeoSOS1.0的模拟优化平台,作为GIS的重要补充工具。包含了三个重要部分:地理元胞自动机(CA)、多智能体系统(MAS)、生物智能(SI)。其核心内容就是根据微观个体的相互作用,达到模拟和优化的目的。根据Tobler地理学的第一定律,提出了GeoSOS的统一的相互作用规则。GeoSOS具备将模拟和优化耦合起来的功能。将动态模拟模型与空间优化模型耦合起来,使得优化的方案具有一定的前瞻性。对比实验结果发现,耦合模型产生的效用值比非耦合模型分别高出4.3%(点状优化)和4.1%(线状优化),表明GeoSOS能够改善优化的结果。  相似文献   

<正>如今的河流,尤其是中小型河流,有相当一部分被水泥、钢筋、石块等硬质材料捆绑着,特别是流经城镇的河流,几乎是逢河必"捆绑",被"捆绑"的河流,最突出的问题是隔断了水与外界的联系,随之出现以下诸多生态问题:一是河流内、堤岸以及相邻陆地生物多样性水平下降;二是因生物多样性水平下降,使河水自净能力降低;三是丰水期河水无法向堤岸外的地下水层渗透储存,以缓解洪灾;四是枯水期,地下水无法通过堤岸反  相似文献   

运用水文地球化学常用分析方法,对柴达木盆地西北部库拉木勒克萨伊河—阿拉尔河流域进行了系统研究,分析了河水中主要离子特征、控制机制及其来源。结果表明:该流域为低矿化度、天然弱碱性淡水;河水类型主要为重碳酸盐型水,部分为氯化物型水;河水中主要离子的化学特征受控于岩石风化作用,流域蒸发作用逐渐显露,阿拉尔河蒸发作用较明显。河水中主要离子来自于岩盐、钾盐、硬石膏、白云石和方解石的风化溶解,并且受到少量溶解于河水中硅酸盐矿物的影响。  相似文献   

地表水和地下水耦合模型研究进展   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
地表水和地下水的转换及其过程耦合模拟,是水资源开发利用和科学评价的基础。本文归纳了国内外16 种地表水和地下水耦合模型,并根据耦合模型的特点和耦合方式,划分了三类耦合类型,即:紧密耦合型、半松散耦 合型和松散耦合型。对其中比较典型的“四水”转化模型、SWATMOD、MIKE- SHE、MODBRANCH 模型进行了对比分 析,剖析了不同耦合模型的优缺点,为地表水和地下水耦合模拟研究提供了很好参考。  相似文献   

程根伟  陈桂蓉 《山地学报》2004,22(2):175-178
森林蒸散发是影响河川径流的重要因素,但是森林影响蒸散发的机理和综合效应评价一直存在很大的分歧。本文从植物的光谱反射特征出发,分析了影响森林流域蒸散发的能量收支特征和水分的蒸发耗散关系,指出流域蒸散发的数值是由蒸发潜力和供水能力这两个因素的最小值决定的,并在此基础上提出了流域蒸散发计算的分布式模型。按照该模型,可以统一解释在湿润地区(南方)、干旱地区(北方)和半湿润地区森林变化前后的蒸散发差异,为森林蒸散发计算中长期存在的分歧提供了统一的理论解释和分析模式。  相似文献   

Taoer River Basin, which is located in the west of Northeast China, is an agropastoral ecotone. In recent years, the hydrological cycle and water resources have changed significantly with the deterioration of the environment. Many water problems such as river blanking, wetland shrinking and salinization have occurred in this region. All of these phenomena were directly caused by changes in stream flow under climate variability and human activities. In light of the situation, the impact of climate variability and human activities on stream flow should be identified immediately to identify the primary driving factors of basin hydrological processes. To achieve this, statistical tests were applied to identify trends in variation and catastrophe points in mean annual stream flow from 1961 to 2011. A runoff sensitive coefficients method and a SIMHYD model were applied to assess the impacts of stream flow variation. The following conclusions were found: 1) The years 1985 and 2000 were confirmed to be catastrophe points in the stream flow series. Thus, the study period could be divided into three periods, from 1961 to 1985(Period I), 1986 to 2000(Period II) and 2001 to 2011(Period III). 2) Mean annual observed stream flow was 31.54 mm in Period I, then increased to 65.60 mm in Period II and decreased to 2.92 mm in Period III. 3) Using runoff sensitive coefficients, the contribution of climate variability was 41.93% and 43.14% of the increase in stream flow during Periods II and III, suggesting that the contribution of human activities to the increase was 58.07% and 56.86%, respectively. 4) Climate variability accounted for 42.57% and 44.30% of the decrease in stream flow, while human activities accounted for 57.43% and 55.70% of the decrease, according to the SIMHYD model. 5) In comparison of these two methods, the primary driving factors of stream flow variation could be considered to be human activities, which contributed about 15% more than climate variability. It is hoped that these conclusions will benefit future regional planning and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Taoer River Basin, which is located in the west of Northeast China, is an agropastoral ecotone. In recent years, the hydrological cycle and water resources have changed significantly with the deterioration of the environment. Many water problems such as river blanking, wetland shrinking and salinization have occurred in this region. All of these phenomena were directly caused by changes in stream flow under climate variability and human activities. In light of the situation, the impact of climate variability and human activities on stream flow should be identified immediately to identify the primary driving factors of basin hydrological processes. To achieve this, statistical tests were applied to identify trends in variation and catastrophe points in mean annual stream flow from 1961 to 2011. A runoff sensitive coefficients method and a SIMHYD model were applied to assess the impacts of stream flow variation. The following conclusions were found: 1) The years 1985 and 2000 were confirmed to be catastrophe points in the stream flow series. Thus, the study period could be divided into three periods, from 1961 to 1985 (Period I), 1986 to 2000 (Period II) and 2001 to 2011 (Period III). 2) Mean annual observed stream flow was 31.54 mm in Period I, then increased to 65.60 mm in Period II and decreased to 2.92 mm in Period III. 3) Using runoff sensitive coefficients, the contribution of climate variability was 41.93% and 43.14% of the increase in stream flow during Periods II and III, suggesting that the contribution of human activities to the increase was 58.07% and 56.86%, respectively. 4) Climate variability accounted for 42.57% and 44.30% of the decrease in stream flow, while human activities accounted for 57.43% and 55.70% of the decrease, according to the SIMHYD model. 5) In comparison of these two methods, the primary driving factors of stream flow variation could be considered to be human activities, which contributed about 15% more than climate variability. It is hoped that these conclusions will benefit future regional planning and sustainable development.  相似文献   

高位滑坡的运动转化形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高位滑坡剪出口高于坡脚,它一旦滑离滑坡发生区,运动可能转化成四种形式:1.崩塌:由滑体经分级解体滑过剪出口处依次向前倾倒而成;2.碎屑流动或3.碎屑滑动:由滑动块体经碎屑化而成;4.泥石流:在适当的细粒物质量和水体条件下生成的碎屑流动。  相似文献   

新疆的水平循环是,径流形成于山区,流到平原区后不断蒸发和渗漏,最终消耗在沙漠中,或者流入尾闾湖。由于人类活动的影响,水的分布和转化都发生了改变,绿洲中的水量增加,但绿洲以外与河流下游的水量减少,同时有些湖泊缩小甚至干涸,沙漠化发展,自然植被衰退,自然环境退化。  相似文献   

Previous hydrological models of the Okefenokee Swamp watershed were developed without the benefit of accurate empirical data on surface runoff into and out of the swamp, and without data on direct ground water flow into the swamp. Data from a network of ground water observation wells during 1981-82 have revealed that ground water amounted to only 1.3% of total swamp inputs. This figure is much lower than had been expected and confirms that the swamp portion of the Okefenokee watershed is predominantly a surface-water system. A simple conceptual model of the watershed hydrology with upland and swamp compartments, and upland wetland, upland terrestrial, swamp prairie-marsh, and swamp forest-shrub subcompartments, indicates that in 1981-82 actual evapotranspiration from uplands and swamp was 78% and 84% of precipitation, respectively, and that upland surface runoff contributed only 13% of swamp inputs. Significant differences between the long-term and 1981-82 hydrological budgets emphasize that the Okefenokee Swamp is a dynamic hydrological system.  相似文献   

中国西南地区河流水文特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对西南地区的山区、冰川—森林混合带和喀斯特等3种地貌类型的河流,从径流形成机理的角度对洪水过程与水量及其变化等特性作分析。  相似文献   

The mechanisms and the specific character of flow-channel interaction and sediment transport that constitute the essence of river channel processes, vary over a wide range according to the flow rate of the rivers, their water regime, flow kinematics, the value of longitudinal gradient, and to the grain size and runoff of riverbed-forming sediments. Furthermore, the longitudinal gradient of a river is as important an energy characteristic as is the water flow rate, coupled with it, determines the capacity and character of a stream. Therefore the hydrological regime, varying over a wide range according to the longitudinal gradient, produces a variety of transport conditions for riverbed-forming sediments and – through them – the form of manifestation of channel processes.  相似文献   

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