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CGY-1A型磁传感器是根据电磁感应原理设计而成,其灵敏度很高,达280μV/γ·Hz。配LH型磁放大器,其分辨率可达4×10~(-3)γ/mm·Hz。该器件与国内现用大地电磁测深磁探头以及美国现用磁探头器件在同一技术条件下进行对比测试,其结果表明:CGY-1A型磁传感器可以记录到适当频率的天然电磁场,这样为分析高空磁层和地球内外场耦合、探测地下构造、普查石油、地热资源有着实际价值。  相似文献   

A numerical study of 1-D nonlinear P-wave propagation in solid   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IntroductionBecauseoftheextensivedistributionofruptures,micro-cracksandcrystalfracturesintheearth,therelationshipsbetweenthestressandstrainarenolongerlinear,infact,theyarenonlinear.Inordertoinvestigateandusethenonlinearcharacteristicsofsolidmediumintheearth,weshouldconsidertheinfluenceofnonlinearresponseduringthecourseofseismicmodelingandinversion.Thisisoneoftheimportantstudyfieldsthathavebeenpaidgreatattentionsinthere-centyearsintheworld(Minster,etal,1991;ZHANG,TENG,1993).Thenonlinearchar…  相似文献   

研发了RZW-1A型数字化CO_2测量仪,在7个台站8个观测点开展了试验观测,分析了试验观测数据。认为具备在地震研究领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

范博晴 《内陆地震》1999,13(3):270-273
引言SZW-1A数字温度仪是地震前兆地热观测仪器的换代产品。该温度仪采用智能化设计,以其稳定性好、精度高、量程宽以及特有的数据储存功能在我国地热前兆观测中已得到广泛的应用,并将成为我国地震地下流体数字化台网建设的首选仪器。NF-PP40精密描绘打印机为该仪器的记录设备。NF-PP40打印机是在进口的PP-40描绘器基础上,加上国内实际应用程序开发的一种绘图打印设备。它既可打印各种文字,又兼备绘图功能,被广泛用于仪器仪表、工业控制系统,如多种地震前兆仪器。但在使用中发现,由于仪器用途和使用环境的不…  相似文献   

基于SZW.1A型数字式温度计(V2004)的维护管理经验和仪器组成,对SZW.1A型数字式温度计(V2004)的通讯故障原因进行了研究。结果表明,导致SZW-1A型数字式温度计(V2004)通讯故障的主要原因有网络链路故障、网络通讯接口故障和仪器主机故障3大类。针对SZW-1A型数字式温度计(V2004)常见非网络链路通讯故障的判定提出了一套诊断流程,并提出了该型号数字式温度计常见通讯故障的排除方法。这些故障的排除方法,对和SZW-1A型数字式温度计(V2004)有类似硬件组成的SWY-1A型水位仪、SWY-Ⅱ型水位仪、SWDW-1型水位地温综合观测仪等“十五”流体观测仪器的维护,有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍永安地震台SZW-1A数字温度计(V2004)的组成及结构原理,分析日常观测中该仪器常见故障及典型故障的产生原因及排除方法,提出仪器稳定运行的日常维护管理注意事项,可为其他相关地震台站提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A self-consistent model for the generation of Pc 1 pearl emissions based on the nonlinear coupling between the magnetospheric and ionospheric resonators for Alfvén waves is considered. Formation of pearls is attributed to the pulsating regime of the Alfvén sweep maser with nonlinear selective mirrors. Such mirrors are formed by the conjugate ionospheres: their reflection coefficient has an oscillatory frequency dependence due to eigenmodes of the ionospheric Alfvén resonator. Nonlinear magnetosphere/ionosphere feedback is provided by the dependence of the value and frequency of the reflection maxima on the flux of energetic protons precipitated into the ionospheres in the course of Alfvén wave generation in the magnetosphere. A nonlinear soliton-like solution of this model is found which corresponds to a single wave packet having the positive frequency drift and oscillating between the conjugate ionospheres. Properties of this solution are shown to explain many observational characteristics of Pc 1 pearls, such as their morningside predominance, correlation with low magnetic activity, spatio-temporal and spectral patterns.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the history and progress of research on active tectonics in China and overseas. By giving a brief introduction on the history of active tectonic research in China and other countries, the paper sums up the process and development of quantitative investigation of active tectonics since the 1980s. The focus is on the main efforts and progress made in China on certain aspects of research, such as basic surveys and applied investigation of active tectonics, the study of theories related to regional active tectonics and their kinematics and geodynamics, surveys on coupling relations between deep and shallow structures, active fault surveys and prospecting and seismic hazard assessment in urban areas, as well as the efforts made using Quaternary geochronology. Furthermore, the paper looks back on Chinese quantitative investigation of active tectonics in China and sums up cognitions derived from studies on the determination of several basic and measurable parameters of active tectonics. These parameters include the length of fault and fault segmentation, coseismic slip and cumulative slip, fault slip rate, the sequence of paleoearthquake events and the time elapsed since the most recent event. At the same time, efforts and progress made in China on assessing the long-term seismic potential for active faults and evaluating the risk from potential active fault movement have been reviewed by summarizing research on developing theories, models, methods and the application of time-dependent seismic potential to prohabilistic assessment, magnitude estimation for potential earthquakes on active faults, and the forecast of potential risk caused by active fault movement. Finally, in consideration of the realities and problems in the research of active tectonics in China, the authors put forward several suggestions for issues worthy of more attention for further investigation in the future.  相似文献   

2014年8月24日,在美国加州旧金山海湾北部的纳帕地区发生了MW6.1地震.发震断层是西纳帕断裂系统中的一部分,但是该断层之前并未被足够重视.本文利用欧洲空间局最近发射成功并刚刚投入使用的Sentinel-1A卫星获取的第一对同震干涉像对(20140807-20140831),得到了该地震的地表同震形变场,结合震后24h内区域GPS同震形变资料作为约束条件,反演了纳帕地震的断层几何参数以及滑动分布.Sentinel-1A干涉结果表明,此次地震造成了明显的地面形变,视线向最大抬升和最大沉降量均达到了10cm.联合反演结果表明,该发震断层的走向为344°,倾角为80°.主要破裂以右旋走滑为主,平均倾滑角为-146.5°,最大倾滑量达到了1.1m,位于地表下约4km,存在明显的滑动亏损现象.此次地震,累计释放地震矩达1.5×1018 N·m,约合矩震级MW6.1.该结果略小于InSAR单独约束结果,可能与Sentinel-1A像对中包含的快速震后形变分量有关.  相似文献   

The case study of four Pc1 subauroral pulsation events from Finland has been carried out on the basis of the full-wave numerical method. This method has been applied to simultaneous Scandinavian EISCAT radar measurements of the ionospheric plasma parameters, and their vertical (altitude) profiles have been utilized. Two alternative plasma profiles with different ion composition displays have been put to the test. A comparison between both types of the modeled ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) ground signal frequency response and the frequency range of the Pc1 signal records has been studied. The results of the applied method can illustrate possible quiescent or disturbance changes in the upper ionosphere above the dense F2 layer. The ionospheric region up to ∼ 2000 km has been taken into account for this comparative analysis.  相似文献   

Sedimentation processes in reservoirs can be studied by performing theoretical analysis, laboratory experimentation, numerical simulation, or a combination of these three methods. Available literature focused on reservoirs is abundant. For instance, the works conducted by Hotchkiss and Parker (1991), Morris and Fan (1997), and De Cesare et al.  相似文献   

YW—76型和JT—1A型简易应力仪在使用中发现存在以下问题:1.探头的引线带来交流信号的干扰;2.电挢设计时考虑欠周,导致灵敏度下降;3.生产使用过程中出现的一些人为故障。本文就前两项问题进行一些探讨,并提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION'LOcal scour around a pier is a result of the interatiOn amongst the pier, the aPproach flow and theerodible bed. The Presence of a pier results in a stagnation pressure build-up in front of the pier and athree-dimensional tUrbulent flow echaracterized by the downward flow ahead of the pier and the so-called horseshoe vortex along the base of the Pier forms itself The flow modifies the erothe bed inthe vicinity of the pier when local scour takes place (Graf and AJhnakar l…  相似文献   

2通过标志:G·倾斜仪仪器代码:A定向代码:NE倾角/方位角:地动矢量信号单位:Radins通过标志:G·地震检波器(甚短周期,固有频率5-10Hz或用大)仪器代码:P定向代码:ZNE倾角/方位角:地动矢量信号单位:M,M/S通道标志:G·地磁仪仪器代码:F定向代码:ZNE信号单位:T(Teslas)通道标志:G·蠕动仪仪器代码:B定向代码:未知倾角/方位角:AIongthefauItorwirevector信号单位:M通过标志:G·线性应变仪器代码:S定向代码:zNE倾角/方位角:沿仪器的轴向信号单位:M/M通道标志:G·体应变仪器代码:v定向代码:未知倾角/方位角:量为零信号单位:M3/M3通过标志:G·潮汐仪器代码:T定向代码:未知倾角/方位角:垂直信号单位:M(海平面或海洋深度)通过标志:G·降雨仪器代码:R定向代码:未知倾角/方位角:置为零信号单位:M,M/S通过标志:W·风仪器代码:w定向代码:S风速D风向矢量(以真北──地理北为参考)倾角/方位角:置为零通过标志:W·温度仪器代码:K定向代码:O室外环境I室内D井下1234电器柜内倾角/方位角:置为零信号单位:C或K(度)通过标志:W或H·湿度  相似文献   


Mathematical models are the means to characterize variables quantitatively in many groundwater problems. Recent advances in applied mathematics have perfected what is now called Adomian's decomposition method (ADM), a simple modelling procedure for practical applications. Decomposition exhibits the benefits of analytical solutions (i.e. stability, analytic derivation of heads, gradients, fluxes and simple programming). It also offers the advantages of traditional numerical methods (i.e. consideration of heterogeneity, irregular domain shapes and multiple dimensions). In addition, decomposition is one of the few systematic procedures for solving nonlinear equations. By far its greatest advantage is its simplicity of application. It may produce simple results for preliminary simulations, or in cases with scarce information. The method is described with simple applications to regional groundwater flow. Many applications in groundwater flow and contaminant transport are available in the literature.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor Xi Chen

Citation Serrano, S.E., 2013. A simple approach to groundwater modelling with decomposition. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1), 1–9.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of precipitation observations from space, e.g., from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the forthcoming Global Precipitation Measuring (GPM) Mission, has fueled renewed interest in developing frameworks for downscaling and multi-sensor data fusion that can handle large data sets in computationally efficient ways while optimally reproducing desired properties of the underlying rainfall fields. Of special interest is the reproduction of extreme precipitation intensities and gradients, as these are directly relevant to hazard prediction. In this paper, we present a new formalism for downscaling satellite precipitation observations, which explicitly allows for the preservation of some key geometrical and statistical properties of spatial precipitation. These include sharp intensity gradients (due to high-intensity regions embedded within lower-intensity areas), coherent spatial structures (due to regions of slowly varying rainfall), and thicker-than-Gaussian tails of precipitation gradients and intensities. Specifically, we pose the downscaling problem as a discrete inverse problem and solve it via a regularized variational approach (variational downscaling) where the regularization term is selected to impose the desired smoothness in the solution while allowing for some steep gradients (called ?1-norm or total variation regularization). We demonstrate the duality between this geometrically inspired solution and its Bayesian statistical interpretation, which is equivalent to assuming a Laplace prior distribution for the precipitation intensities in the derivative (wavelet) space. When the observation operator is not known, we discuss the effect of its misspecification and explore a previously proposed dictionary-based sparse inverse downscaling methodology to indirectly learn the observation operator from a data base of coincidental high- and low-resolution observations. The proposed method and ideas are illustrated in case studies featuring the downscaling of a hurricane precipitation field.  相似文献   

The role of meteoric smoke as condensation nuclei for mesospheric ice has recently been challenged by model simulations on the global transport of meteoric material. At the same time a considerable fraction of smoke particles is charged in the mesosphere. This has significant effects on nucleation processes as it can remove the Kelvin barrier. We suggest that in particular nucleation on negatively charged smoke is likely to be a dominant mechanism for mesospheric ice formation. This is in contrast to nucleation on positive ion clusters as the latter is largely hampered by efficient ion/electron recombination. Surprisingly, the large potential of nucleation on charged smoke has so far not been considered in mesospheric ice models. A challenging question concerns the fraction of mesospheric smoke that is actually charged. An improved understanding of mesospheric charging and nucleation will require laboratory experiments on nuclei in the transition regime between molecular and particulate sizes.  相似文献   

BEDSHEARINEVOLVINGSCOURATACYLINDER:ATHEORETICALAPPROACHSubhasishDEY1andSrijibK.KAR2Abstract:Thetemporalvariationofshearstress...  相似文献   

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