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Ontologies and representation spaces for sketch map interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present a systematic approach to sketch map interpretation. The method decomposes the elements of a sketch map into a hierarchy of categories, from the material sketch map level to the non-material representational sketch map level, and then interprets the sketch map using the five formal representation spaces that we develop. These spaces (set, graph, metric and Euclidean) provide a tiered formal representation based on standard mathematical structures. We take the view that a sketch map bears information about the physical world and systematises this using extensions of existing formal ontologies. The motivation for this work is the partially automatic extraction and integration of information from sketch maps. We propose a set of ontologies and methods as a first step in the direction of a formalisation of partially automatic extraction and integration of sketch map content. We also see this work as a contribution to spatial cognition, where researchers externalise spatial knowledge using sketch mapping. The paper concludes by working through an example that demonstrates the sketch map interpretation at different levels using the underlying method.  相似文献   


Abstract. Geographers use spatial reasoning extensively in large-scale spaces, i.e., spaces that cannot be seen or understood from a single point of view. Spatial reasoning differentiates several spatial relations, e.g. topological or metric relations, and is typically formalized using a Cartesian coordinate system and vector algebra. This quantitative processing of information is clearly different from the ways human draw conclusions about spatial relations. Formalized qualitative reasoning processes are shown to be a necessary part of Spatial Expert Systems and Geographical Information Systems.

Addressing a subset of the total problem, namely reasoning with cardinal directions, a completely qualitative method, without recourse to analytical procedures, is introduced and a method for its formal comparison with quantitative formula is defined. The focus is on the analysis of cardinal directions and their properties. An algebraic method is used to formalize the meaning of directions. The standard directional symbols (N, W, etc.) are supplemented with a symbol corresponding to an undetermined direction between points too close to each other which greatly increases the power of the inference rules. Two specific systems to determine and reason with cardinal directions are discussed in some detail.

From this example and some other previous work, a comprehensive set of research steps is laid out, following a mathematically based taxonomy. It includes the extension of distance and direction reasoning to extended objects and the definitions of other metric relations that characterize situations when objects are not disjointed. The conclusions compare such an approach with other concepts.  相似文献   

Sketching as a natural mode for human communication and creative processes presents opportunities for improving human–computer interaction in geospatial information systems. However, to use a sketch map as user input, it must be localized within the underlying spatial data set of the information system, the base metric map. This can be achieved by a matching process called qualitative map alignment in which qualitative spatial representations of the two input maps are used to establish correspondences between each sketched object and one or more objects in the metric map. The challenge is that, to the best of our knowledge, no method for matching qualitative spatial representations suggested so far is applicable in realistic scenarios due to excessively long runtimes, incorrect algorithm design or the inability to use more than one spatial aspect at a time. We address these challenges with a metaheuristic algorithm which uses novel data structures to match qualitative spatial representations of a pair of maps. We present the design, data structures and performance evaluation of the algorithm using real-world sketch and metric maps as well as on synthetic data. Our algorithm is novel in two main aspects. Firstly, it employs a novel system of matrices known as local compatibility matrices, which facilitate the computation of estimates for the future size of a partial alignment and allow several types of constraints to be used at the same time. Secondly, the heuristic it computes has a higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art heuristic for this task, yet requires less computation. Our algorithm is also a general method for matching labelled graphs, a special case of which is the one involving complete graphs whose edges are labelled with spatial relations. The results of our evaluation demonstrate practical runtime performance and high solution quality.  相似文献   

The spatial hierarchy of part-whole relationships is an essential characteristic of the platial world. Constructing spatial hierarchies of places is valuable in association analysis and qualitative spatial reasoning. The emergence of large amounts of geotagged user-generated content provides strong support for modelling places. However, the vague nature of places and the complex spatial relationships among places make it intractable to understand and represent the hierarchies among places. In this paper, we introduce a fuzzy formal concept analysis-based approach to uncovering the spatial hierarchies among vague places. Each place is represented as a concept that consists of its extent and its intent. Based on the place concepts, the spatial hierarchies are generated and expressed as a graph that is easy to comprehend and contains abundant information on spatial relations. We also demonstrate the rationality of our result by comparing it with the result of a questionnaire survey.  相似文献   

To improve the formal integration of verbally given spatial information in a geographical information system, a methodology for converting such information to a geographical representation was developed. This was applied to examples of a spatial-related analysis of natural language text messages in the domain of disaster management. This article presents an approach for such a conversion by using a suitable knowledge representation as well as formal modelling structures. The structures are provided by an ontology-supported knowledge base. With respect to spatial uncertainty, a formal representation based on possibility theory was defined. Moreover, a cluster algorithm was developed for handling information of different sources and building a spatial context.  相似文献   

国内外区域空间相互作用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
区域空间相互作用是区域科学、经济地理学关注的重点。文章对国内外空间相互作用的相关理论、研究内容及测度模型进行梳理。从研究内容来看,区域联系特征及区域空间结构的关注较多,而针对区域间地缘经济关系的研究还有待深化,尤其是在测度方面需要更为深入的探讨,质性方法在研究中的分量也需要强化。经典的引力模型在实践应用中不断调整和深化,而对于城市流模型和地缘经济关系模型的支撑理论较为薄弱,模型应用过程中呈现出新技术、新方法运用的趋势。传统的研究还集中于地理意义上的区域空间及城市组织,针对虚拟空间中的信息技术流动和技术创新等因素的影响应作出积极回应。随着全球城市网络的显现,借助各种属性数据探索垂直层面的联系将是一个重要方向,不同尺度下的城市与区域间的网络结构、功能和关系研究将成为关注的重点。  相似文献   


The accumulation of geological information in digital form, due to modern exploration methods, has introduced the possibility of applying geographical information system technology to the field of geology. To achieve the benefits in information management and in data analysis and interpretation, however, it will be necessary to develop spatial models and associated data structures which are specifically designed for working in three dimensions. Some progress in this direction has already been demonstrated, with the application of octree spatial subdivision techniques to the storage of uniform volume elements representing mineral properties. By imposing octree tessellations on more precisely-defined geometric data, such as triangulated surfaces and polygon line segments, it may now be possible to combine efficient spatial addressing with topologically-coded boundary representations of geological strata. The development of storage schemes capable of representing such geological boundary models at different scales poses a particular problem, a possible solution to which may be by means of hierarchical classification of the vertices of triangulated surfaces according to shape contribution.  相似文献   

易行  仝德  吴雅莹  沈月  储君  吕婷苗 《地理研究》2023,42(1):137-155
迁居是城市空间重构的基础动力,了解其行为机制对改善住房结构、优化空间组织具有重要意义,然而目前针对大城市内部、正规与非正规二元居住空间并存的迁居研究仍较薄弱。本文基于生命历程理论与家庭迁居理论,利用2018年12月至2019年12月的手机信令等多源数据,识别深圳市二元居住空间分布和迁居流样本,从迁居流特征、邻里属性和二元空间类型三方面选取指标开展基于主成分分析的K-means聚类,探究迁居模式、结构特性与形成原因。结果表明:(1)非正规内部、正规与非正规交互、正规内部三层次迁居类型间存在年龄和居住质量递增的趋势,但均呈现通勤导向;(2)二元迁居的主体是短距离迁移,形成了4个大规模迁居网络集群,总体方向表现出郊区化趋势;(3)迁居模式可聚类为社区型、改善型、家庭型、事业型4类,结合二元空间分异影响呈现出8亚类,不同类型迁居群体属性和动因存在显著差别,总体反映出人们在不同生命历程下的迁居过程。最后,文章针对不同迁居模式提出差异化空间治理政策建议。  相似文献   

全球化背景下酒吧的地方性与空间性——以广州为例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
林耿  王炼军 《地理科学》2011,31(7):794-801
在全球化背景下,以广州代表性酒吧为对象,援引第三空间理论和空间生产理论,采用质性研究方法,从消费地理视角解读酒吧的地方性和空间性,重新诠释地方理论以及人地关系认识论。研究表明,广州环市东酒吧的空间建构包括了一种本土对西方、当下本土对历史本土的再结构化过程。在空间实践-空间想象-再现空间三元一体的维度下,酒吧作为地方具有典型的反身性,酒吧影响着主体行为,行为主体构筑的权力话语也成为酒吧空间的意义构成,涉入酒吧消费空间的建构过程。作为一个具有主体性的消费空间,酒吧具有空间生产、空间消费和空间流动的特质。  相似文献   

Mental and sketch maps have a long tradition in modern geography. Little theoretical and methodological distinction has been made, however, between different hand mapping approaches. Mental maps emerged from behavioral geography of the spatial science tradition as a technique to understand human behaviors based on peoples’ perceptions of their spatial environment. More recently, sketch maps have been used in participatory and qualitative geographic information systems (QGIS) to develop cartographies of group and individual spatial narratives. They are a tool that helps achieve QGIS's objectives of collecting unique spatial data of individual experiences, visualizing socio-spatial processes, breaking down particular barriers of positionality in research, and developing new uses of GIS. Two case studies illustrate the use of sketch maps in research, including a project examining job accessibility among working poor individuals and a study of the experiences of fear and safety in public spaces among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community members. Sketch maps in QGIS have many methodological merits. They add an invaluable dimension to the qualitative interview process, offer countermapping perspectives, generate detailed spatial information of individuals, and facilitate data interpretation.  相似文献   

杨高  周春山 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1570-1580
基于社会空间辩证法视角,运用质性研究和定量研究相结合的综合分析方法,以深圳“四川村”为例,对中国“同乡村” 的空间生产和社会融合进行研究。研究表明:政府、当地村民、社区组织(流动党支部)和外来农民工共同作用于“四川村”的空间生产,政府和本地村民利用手中的行政权力和资本权力成为“四川村”物质空间生产的主体,追求聚居区的经济效益和和谐优美的社区环境;社区组织依靠跨地域投资、就业机会的供给及纽带作用,成为聚居区和谐环境建设和乡土社会重构的重要辅助力量;外来农民工展现出“扩散-竞争模式”为主的空间聚集,是物质空间实践的驱动力,寻求着自身文化符号的乡土社区,以实现文化认同和传统社会网络的异地构建。“四川村”为农民工提供了就业机会、职业培训和向上社会流动的路径,“四川村”农民工社会融合度相对较高,尤其体现在社区融合、社交融合和心理融合。  相似文献   

国外城市轨道交通对房地产价值的影响研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
方向阳  陈忠暖 《热带地理》2004,24(3):270-274
从区域的角度分析北美洲、欧洲和东亚的城市轨道交通与房地产价值的相关研究成果,论述轨道交通所带来的巨大的经济、社会和环境效应.国外关于城市轨道交通对商业物业价值的研究较少,这是值得开辟的研究视角;城市轨道交通对房地产价值的影响具有区域性和时效性;对城市轨道交通与房地产价值的研究非常强调定性与定量的结合.这些成果对我国关于城市轨道交通对房地产价值影响研究具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

There is now increasing agreement that the uncertainty associated with spatial information should be represented to users in a manner that is comprehensive and unambiguous. To assist with this task, researchers have developed a variety of methods to portray spatial uncertainty. While there has been some testing of the effectiveness of these displays, the possible effects of such representations on decision‐making have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Indeed, studies from the psychological literature indicate that people do not always make the same decisions when presented with the same information, and they can also be sensitive to the effects of presentation, task, and context. This paper examines how the use of four different methods to represent positional uncertainty can affect spatial decision‐making. The authors found that extremely significant differences in participants' responses were exhibited, depending on the manner in which positional uncertainty was displayed, although little difference was observed in the ability of the participants to comprehend the four display methods. In addition, strong preferences were recorded for certain representations over others.  相似文献   

A common problem in location-allocation modeling is the error associated with the representation and scale of demand. Numerous researchers have investigated aggregation errors associated with using different scaled data, and more recently, error associated with the geographic representation of model objects has also been studied. For covering problems, the validity of using polygon centroid representations of demand has been questioned by researchers, but the alternative has been to assume that demand is uniformly distributed within areal units. The spatial heterogeneity of demand within areal units thus has been modeled using one of two extremes – demand is completely concentrated at one location or demand is uniformly distributed. This article proposes using intelligent areal interpolation and geographic information systems to model the spatial heterogeneity of demand within spatial units when solving the maximal covering location problem. The results are compared against representations that assume demand is either concentrated at centroids or uniformly distributed. Using measures of scale and representation error, preliminary results from the test study indicate that for smaller scale data, representation has a substantial impact on model error whereas at larger scales, model error is not that different for the alternative representations of the distribution of demand within areal units.  相似文献   

Multi-resolution spatial data always contain the inconsistencies of topological, directional, and metric relations due to measurement methods, data acquisition approaches, and map generalization algorithms. Therefore, checking these inconsistencies is critical for maintaining the integrity of multi-resolution or multi-source spatial data. To date, research has focused on the topological consistency, while the directional consistency at different resolutions has been largely overlooked. In this study we developed computation methods to derive the direction relations between coarse spatial objects from the relations between detailed objects. Then, the consistency of direction relations at different resolutions can be evaluated by checking whether the derived relations are compatible with the relations computed from the coarse objects in multi-resolution spatial data. The methods in this study modeled explicitly the scale effects of direction relations induced by the map generalization operator – merging, thus they are efficient for evaluating consistency. The directional consistency is an essential complement to topological and object-based consistencies.  相似文献   

空间软数据及其插值方法研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗明  裴韬 《地理科学进展》2009,28(5):663-672
由于对地观测技术的迅速发展,空间数据的种类和数量增长迅猛,由空间数据反演得到的各种信息日趋膨胀,这些反演结果中的信息不少以软数据的形式出现。在实际应用中,这些软数据往往与空间插值的目标变量具有一定的相关性,甚至成为控制目标变量空间分布特征的重要因素。然而,由于这些数据通常表示为非数值形式,在计算和处理上存在着一定困难,以致被传统的插值方法所忽视,从而造成信息浪费。近来出现的空间软插值方法是一种利用空间软数据作为辅助信息并以改善插值效果的方法,能够较好的处理并利用软数据所隐含的信息,具有较好的应用发展前景。本文根据空间软数据的特点及其分类,系统综述了空间软插值方法及其应用领域。首先分析了空间数据软硬性质的根本区别,论述了软数据的分类和“硬化”方法,然后介绍空间插值模型中对空间软数据的集成方法和原理,最后对空间软插值方法及其应用研究领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

Qualitative knowledge representation of spatial locations and relations is popular in many text-based media, for example, postings on social networks, news reports, and encyclopedia, as representing qualitative spatial locations is indispensable to infer spatial knowledge from them. However, an integrative model capable of handling direction-based locations of various spatial objects is missing. This study presents an integrative representation and inference framework about direction-based qualitative locations for points, lines, and polygons. In the framework, direction partitions of different types of reference objects are first unified to create a partition consisting of cells, segments, and corners. They serve as a frame of reference to locate spatial objects (e.g., points, lines, and polygons). Qualitative relations are then defined to relate spatial objects to the elements in a cell partition, and to form the model of qualitative locations. Last, based on the integrative representation, location-based reasoning mechanism is presented to derive topological relations between objects from their locations, such as point–point, line–line, point–line, point–polygon, line–polygon, and polygon–polygon relations. The presented model can locate any type of spatial objects in a frame of reference composed of points, lines, and polygons, and derive topological relations between any pairs of objects from the locations in a unified method.  相似文献   

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