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江西龙虎山世界地质公园是一个集地质、地貌、人文、自然生态景观为一体的综合性地质公园,其中以丹霞地貌景观最具特色。它是国内发育老年早期丹霞地貌的典型地区之一,以孤峰、峰林、残丘等丹霞地貌景观为特色。公园内拥有丹霞地貌景观、丹霞水体景观、丹霞生态景观和丹霞文化景观等4大丹霞类型。地质公园的地质遗迹记录了中生代以来地球历史的丰富信息和演化过程,展示了世界上一些重要地质事件的突出证据;孕育了分布最密集、造型最精美的造型石;是世界上极具濒危的中华秋沙鸭最大群体的越冬地;古崖墓文化、道教文化、佛教文化等历史人文遗迹以其独特的方式融汇在具有突出价值的自然美之中,构成了人与自然和谐共处的最富特色的例证。这些具有国际意义的自然现象、自然演化过程和杰出的天然美景集中展示于公园,具有不可替代的美学价值、科学价值和重要的保护意义。  相似文献   

正我国火山地质遗迹资源丰富,现已建成了25处以火山为主题的国家地质公园。每处地质公园都有其独特的火山地貌景观,不仅具有较高的观赏价值,为我们提供休闲娱乐的好去处,而且能够更好地对地质遗迹景观及生态环境进行保护。更为重要的是,它们是地球历史演化的重要见证,是我们得以窥探地球运动的一扇窗,是进行地质科普教育的天然场所。  相似文献   

<正>敦煌是古丝绸之路上的一颗明珠,历史悠久、文化灿烂。在敦煌市西北约165公里的大漠深处,分布着一片大自然巧夺天工的天下奇观——敦煌雅丹地貌地质遗迹自然景观。敦煌雅丹国家地质公园位于玉门关西北边,园区面积约400平方公里,分南、北两区,主要是风蚀作用而形成的第四纪地质遗迹和自然地理大漠景观。  相似文献   

贡嘎山旅游地学基本问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贡嘎山是青藏高原东缘的极高山地,发育大规模季风海洋性冰川群和生物多样性很强的生物群落。贡嘎山景观生态系统具有重要的旅游经济、环境与科学价值。该山地以现代冰川为主体,包括冰川地貌、垂直自然带谱与热矿泉景观要素,文章分析了前第四纪构造、第四纪沉积、第四纪冰期序列与新构造成景地质背景以及景观成因,提出了科学规划海螺沟冰川景区、有效利用榆林宫热矿泉资源、实施国家级风景名胜区与自然保护区双重管理并申请世界自  相似文献   

地质公园是以保护地质遗迹,促进社会经济发展为宗旨,地质公园科普旅游是近年来发展起来的全新旅游方式。文中分析了昆仑山世界地质公园野牛沟景区的地质遗迹景观资源和自然人文景观资源特征及旅游开发现状,并从旅游产品、旅游线路和科普旅游措施等方面探讨了野牛沟景区的科普旅游开发和规划问题,设置了研学、自然观光、探险、朝圣等旅游产品并规划了相应的旅游线路,为昆仑山世界地质公园的科普旅游开发提供思路。  相似文献   

李祥 《地球》2009,(6):92-97
这里,曾被著名地质学家李四光誉为“宝贝的复杂地带”。这里,特殊的地质构造、漫长的地质演变历史,形成数量众多、类型多样、独具特色的地质遗迹景观,多姿多彩,如诗如画。  相似文献   

全国很多断陷湖通过旅游开发而成为景区。以青海湖为例,着重分析了断陷湖的地质构造、气候特征,通过旅游开发成为景区后,对湖区的生态和资源造成了一定程度的破坏和影响,这也是断陷湖地质景观存在的普遍问题。鉴于此,提出了在开发旅游资源的同时,加强针对性的对生态环境的治理与保护对策。  相似文献   

1.什么是地质公园? 地质公园是以具有特殊地质科学意义、稀有的自然属性、较高的美学观赏价值,具有一定规模和分布范围的地质遗迹景观为主体,并融合其他自然景观与人文景观而构成的一种独特区域。  相似文献   

火山(火山岩)旅游资源论评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火山是惊天动地的自然景象,具有神秘感,对人们有极强的吸引力。它是地球演化过程中突变性的片断,有着重要的科学价值。世界上许多国家将火山列为国家公园以它独特的自然景象和地质生态环境作为现代和未来的游憩、科研、启智之场所。面对火山遗迹,人们会产生种种遐想和启迪。火山(岩)旅游资源十分丰富,可分为六大类(1)火山喷发景观;(2)火山特有的不同于其它地质作用形成的地貌景观;(2)火山喷溢的熔岩或火山爆发的火  相似文献   

我国地质资源开发过程中对外部环境的抗干扰能力低、自身稳定性差、易破碎或消亡的脆弱地质景观缺乏足够认识。本文运用层次分析法建立脆弱地质景观评价体系,包含脆弱性和景观性两方面九个评价因子,并对评价因子赋值及划分脆弱地质景观等级。运用脆弱地质景观评价体系评价龙虎山丹霞地貌30处代表性景观,所得结果与实际调查吻合,且可为地质遗迹保护提供参考。  相似文献   

Quantifying the impact of landscape on hydrological variables is essential for the sustainable development of water resources. Understanding how landscape changes influence hydrological variables will greatly enhance the understanding of hydrological processes. Important vegetation parameters are considered in this study by using remote sensing data and VIC-CAS model to analyse the impact of landscape changes on hydrology in upper reaches of the Shule River Basin (URSLB). The results show there are differences in the runoff generation of landscape both in space and time. With increasing altitude, the runoff yields increased, with approximately 79.9% of the total runoff generated in the high mountains (4200–5900 m), and mainly consumed in the mid-low mountain region. Glacier landscape produced the largest runoff yields (24.9% of the total runoff), followed by low-coverage grassland (LG; 22.5%), alpine cold desert (AL; 19.6%), mid-coverage grassland (MG; 15.6%), bare land (12.5%), high-coverage grassland (HG; 4.5%) and shrubbery (0.4%). The relative capacity of runoff generation by landscapes, from high to low, was the glaciers, AL, LG, HG, MG, shrubbery and bare land. Furthermore, changes in landscapes cause hydrological variables changes, including evapotranspiration, runoff and baseflow. The study revealed that HG, MG, and bare land have a positive impact on evapotranspiration and a negative impact on runoff and baseflow, whereas AL and LG have a positive impact on runoff and baseflow and a negative impact on evapotranspiration. In contrast, glaciers have a positive impact on runoff. After the simulation in four vegetation scenarios, we concluded that the runoff regulation ability of grassland is greater than that of bare land. The grassland landscape is essential since it reduced the flood peak and conserved the soil and water.  相似文献   

Landscape evolution models (LEMs) are an increasingly popular resource for geomorphologists as they can operate as virtual laboratories where the implications of hypotheses about processes over human to geological timescales can be visualized at spatial scales from catchments to mountain ranges. Hypothetical studies for idealized landscapes have dominated, although model testing in real landscapes has also been undertaken. So far however, numerical landscape evolution models have rarely been used to aid field‐based reconstructions of the geomorphic evolution of actual landscapes. To help make this use more common, we review numerical landscape evolution models from the point of view of model use in field reconstruction studies. We first give a broad overview of the main assumptions and choices made in many LEMs to help prospective users select models appropriate to their field situation. We then summarize for various timescales which data are typically available and which models are appropriate. Finally, we provide guidance on how to set up a model study as a function of available data and the type of research question. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

福建省矿业开发产生的环境地质问题主要有占用破坏土地、破坏地貌景观、水土流失、水土污染、水均衡破坏以及采空塌陷、岩溶塌陷、崩滑流矿山地质灾害等。矿山地质环境综合评价单元的划分采用正方形网格单元。选取矿山地质环境现状、地质环境条件、矿产资源开发利用规划、矿山生态环境恢复治理难易程度等作为评价因子。根据各因子对矿山地质环境质量影响存在重大差异及可分层次的实际情况,采用质量指数评价模型作为矿山地质环境综合评价模型。利用MAPGIS的空间分析功能,对整个系统进行综合评价。然后根据综合指数的大小,将全省圈定出28个区的矿山地质环境综合质量划分为严重区、较严重区和一般区。  相似文献   

针对矿业城市长期矿产资源的开发,产生的一系列矿山地质环境问题,严重影响城市建筑物抗震性能的情况。以铜陵市为例,通过对铜陵市建筑物抗震性能开展全面普查,掌握建筑物抗震基本情况,研究了矿业城市滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、采空塌陷、岩溶塌陷等典型地质灾害对建筑物抗震性能的具体影响,提出加大棚户区改造、开展土地利用防灾适宜性评价、建立地质灾害监控体系等对策建议,对提高矿业城市抗震设防工作有实际意义。  相似文献   

Pro‐glacial landscapes are some of the most active on Earth. Previous studies of pro‐glacial landscape change have often been restricted to considering either sedimentological, geomorphological or topographic parameters in isolation and are often mono‐dimensional. This study utilized field surveys and digital elevation model (DEM) analyses to quantify planform, elevation and volumetric pro‐glacial landscape change at Sólheimajökull in southern Iceland for multiple time periods spanning from 1960 to 2010. As expected, the most intense geomorphological changes persistently occurred in the ice‐proximal area. During 1960 to 1996 the pro‐glacial river was relatively stable. However, after 2001 braiding intensity was higher, channel slope shallower and there was a shift from overall incision to aggradation. Attributing these pro‐glacial river channel changes to the 1999 jökulhlaup is ambiguous because it coincided with a switch from a period of glacier advance to that of glacier retreat. Furthermore, glacier retreat (of ~40 m yr?1) coincided with ice‐marginal lake development and these two factors have both altered the pro‐glacial river channel head elevation. From 2001 to 2010 progressive increase in channel braiding and progressive downstream incision occurred; these together probably reflecting stream power due to increased glacier ablation and reduced sediment supply due to trapping of sediment by the developing ice‐marginal lake. Overall, this study highlights rapid spatiotemporal pro‐glacial landscape reactions to changes in glacial meltwater runoff regimes, glacier terminus position, sediment supply and episodic events such as jökuhlaups. Recognizing the interplay of these controlling factors on pro‐glacial landscapes will be important for understanding the geological record and for landscape stability assessments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

应用于城市活断层调查的地震方法技术   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
用地震方法探测城市直下型活动断裂是一种不可替代的勘探技术。地震方法能够准确确定断层的位置,但对于断层的地质年代问题,地震方法本身难以解决,然而结合钻孔资料和测区标准地质剖面,根据地震深度剖面,可以定性地(或半定量地)确定反射波组的地质年代。确定城市直下型活动断裂的上断点需要采用高分辨率的地震反射技术,为有效地确定深部断裂的几何特征,特别是确定深浅断裂构造之间的关系,反射地震方法优于折射地震方法。  相似文献   

江西各主要城市都是临水系而建,地表水资源是城市集中供水的主要水源。但是,为了应对突发事件很有必要在城市及其周边规划和遴选应急地下水源地。该文在分析阐述了各主要城市水文地质条件和地下水资源特征后.根据应急水源地的遴选原则,在全省11个主要城市中,确定了29个应急地下水源地,其可采资源总量为74781.372×10^4m^3/a。  相似文献   

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