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射电脉冲信号在传输过程中受到星际介质的影响,脉冲轮廓展宽变形,在研究过程中需要对信号进行消色散处理。设计并实现了基于零拷贝的脉冲星数据图形处理器(Graphic Processing Unit, GPU)相干消色散算法,采用设备内存映射以消除主机到设备的拷贝开销,利用统一计算设备架构(Compute Unified Device Architecture, CUDA)的cuFFT库进行多批次傅里叶变换以提高离散傅里叶变换(Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT)的效率,同时采用多线程实现了传递函数的加速计算。实验结果表明,与传统中央处理器及图形处理器算法相比,本文的算法在数据量大时表现良好。  相似文献   

射电干涉阵列宽视场成像网格化处理过程中必须考虑w项的影响。w-projection和w-stacking是两种重要的宽视场成像网格化处理算法,w-plane参数是算法中影响计算速度和成图质量的一个重要因素。研究了w-projection和w-stacking两种网格化算法,利用SKA-1低频阵台站数据和ASKAP软件包进行模拟观测,对两种算法在不同w-plane参数取值情况下的成图速度和成图质量进行了定量分析对比。结果进一步表明,w-plane是性能改善的重要参数。针对w-projection算法,w-plane取值应比一般给定的经验值大才能得到较好的成像效果。w-stacking算法虽然有很大的速度优势,但算法实现中w-plane的影响更为显著,给出了推荐的w-plane取值。本文的工作是大视场成像算法的基础性研究工作,对未来平方千米阵列科学数据处理中的管线设计有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

目前天文观测中对数据的实时处理需求越来越多,性能要求也越来越高,我国明安图射电频谱日像仪(Mingant U Sp Ectral Radioheliograph,MUSER)是同时以高时间、高空间和高频率分辨率对太阳进行射电频谱成像的设备。在低频部分的日常观测中,包含了两方面的需求:(1)对历史数据的处理;(2)5秒钟抽样观测数据的处理。抽样观测数据需要实时处理,并在监控终端显示,数据处理过程包含了数据校验、修正、成图、洁化等多个步骤,传统的单机处理模式已无法满足大数据量下的实时性要求。因此,实时数据计算中,使用Spark Streaming流式计算这一新兴的分布式计算方法,设计了自定义的接收器,并将多个图形处理器节点加入到分布式集群中。通过实验对性能进行评估,结果证明基于内存的高速执行引擎的特点能显著提高性能。期待能通过实验进一步优化算法和配置,获得更好的结果,并最终运用到实际环境中。  相似文献   

日像仪采用综合孔径原理成像,利用不同基线单元的相关输出得到复可见度函数,经过傅里叶变换得到源的亮度分布,基线测量精度是影响成像质量的重要因素.提出了采用大地坐标测量结合观测天文源确定方向基准,进行厘米-分米波射电日像仪天线阵单元天线三维坐标位置测量,获得天线基线矢量的方案,并通过在国家天文台明安图观测站建立相对坐标测控网,对射电日像仪天线阵天线基线进行实测定位,整网平差计算结果表明测量方案合理可行,并满足日像仪基线间距离测量精度的要求和相关成图要求.  相似文献   

本文把快速Hartley变换引入到天文数据处理中,提出了计算Cells坐标的公式,编制了FHT算法程序。FHT与Cooley—Tukey的FFT相似,但FHT是实变换,不存在复运算,因此比FFT快得多。利用DHT与离散Fourier变换(DFT)的关系,DFT可以由FHT求出。FHT将广泛地用于谱分析,信号处理,图像处理等领域。  相似文献   

抚仙湖1 m新真空太阳望远镜(New Vacuum Solar Telescope,简称NVST)是我国新一代地基太阳观测设备之一,其中Hα成像系统是进行太阳色球观测的主要终端.实测Hα观测数据(特别是偏带观测数据)中明显存在由薄膜干涉引起的等厚条纹,而常规平场校正有时无法将其消除,并在后期图像高分辨率重建过程中造成严重影响.为了解决这个问题,利用连续4 h的Hα偏带观测数据对干涉条纹的空间和时间分布特性做了分析并发现:干涉条纹的间距或二维空间分布样式随时间固定不变,但条纹的强度随时间变化明显(4 h左右可见度增加9倍),是导致常规平场校正无法将其消除的主要原因.由此推断造成上述时变特性的主要原因是观测过程中入射光的强度以及入射光与CCD靶面位置的相对角度随时间发生了变化,而且产生条纹的薄膜结构与靶面位置距离较近.尝试了两种降低条纹可见度的方法.首先对探测器(pco.4000型CCD)光敏介质的前封窗进行了改造,通过改造前封窗楔角至2?的方案来调制条纹间距至CCD像元尺度,改造之后小范围视场内可识别出可见度仅为0.6%的少量干涉条纹.其次基于图像滤波技术提取干涉条纹图样并生成所谓条纹平场,分别采用和比较了频域傅里叶变换滤波和空域中值滤波两种方法,结果基本相同.观测数据再次进行条纹平场校正之后,条纹消除效果明显:可见度可降低8倍左右(即由之前的4.7%降低为0.6%以下).同时也指出多幅图像的积分(累加)可以有效降低精细太阳结构在条纹平场提取中的影响,并给出累加时间的经验值约为20 min.  相似文献   

射电观测是研究太阳活动的重要探测手段。我国明安图射电频谱日像仪(Mingant U Sp Ectral Radioheliograph,MUSER)主要用于研究太阳爆发活动初始能量释放区的物理过程,其观测将在太阳射电成像开辟一个新的窗口。成像处理是数据处理的重要组成部分,如何提高成像质量是当前数据处理的研究重点。首先介绍了射电干涉成像的基本理论,随后分析了对观测得到的可见度数据积分的必要性,细致讨论了短时段可见度数据叠加求平均和长时段UV覆盖叠加两种积分方法,并给出了完整的实现。通过实现代码与实验验证,两种积分均可以有效提高信噪比,图像质量明显提高。  相似文献   

太阳成像光谱探测是诊断太阳大气磁场和热力学参数的主要手段. 傅里叶变换太阳光谱仪(Fourier Transform Solar Spectrometer, FTSS)具有宽波段的优势, 是当前中红外高分辨率太阳光谱探测的最佳选择. FTSS通过采集目标辐射等光程差干涉图, 反演获得光谱图, 等光程差采样的间隔决定了反演光谱波长范围. 因此从FTSS宽波段光谱观测对不同等光程差采样间隔需求出发, 基于现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)技术, 采用全数字分频、倍频方案, 设计了一套宽波段FTSS等光程差采样系统. 采用分布式余数补偿方法, 有效解决了在参考激光干涉信号倍频过程中, 输出采样信号在输出信号周期间误差累积问题, 并降低了输出采样信号的误差及非均匀性; 经功能仿真及实验测试, 系统在200Hz--50kHz频率范围内, 频率误差delta $<$ 0.04%, 可有效满足FTSS的300nm--25μm宽波段的光谱观测数据采集需求, 为后续可见和红外波段FTSS的研制奠定了技术基础.  相似文献   

提出了一种能克服大气湍流影响、对点目标清晰成像的方法,并将该方法成功应用到对分离星点组成的天文目标的模拟成像实验中.首先,在望远镜像面利用视场光阑选中单个星点目标,利用类Ptychography方法恢复出星点像场的频谱信息;其次,由于大气湍流的高斯随机特性,所选单星目标的频谱估计值可以通过叠加一系列在不同大气湍流下所恢复的频谱场而得到;然后,通过对单星目标的频谱估计做逆傅里叶变换得到该星点目标的清晰图像;最后,通过拼接每个单星目标的清晰成像得到分离星点组成的天文目标的清晰成像.模拟实验结果表明,该方法简单、高效、抗噪声能力强.  相似文献   

为完成对太阳射电爆发15 MHz~15 GHz频谱的监测,云南天文台研发4套太阳射电频谱仪,频率覆盖范围依次为15~80 MHz, 100~750 MHz, 600~4 200 MHz和4~15 GHz,分别称为十米波、米波、分米波和厘米波太阳射电频谱仪。十米波段太阳射电频谱仪的谱分辨率和时间分辨率分别为7.6 kHz和1 ms;米波段和分米波段太阳射电频谱仪的谱分辨率和时间分辨率分别为9.5 kHz和10 ms;厘米波段太阳射电频谱仪的谱分辨率和时间分辨率分别为76 kHz和10 ms。每套设备包括天线系统、接收机和数字频谱仪。为实现超高谱分辨率,需要的快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)点数最高达到262 144,在现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)上,通过一个FFT IP核(Intellectual Property Core)不能实现如此高点数的快速傅里叶变换运算。对于大点数的快速傅里叶变换,需要对数据行列分解后做并行处理,从而将其转化为两个小点数的快速傅里叶变换。通过对并行算法的研究,...  相似文献   

We developed a pulsar search pipeline based on PulsaR Exploration and Search TOolkit(PRESTO).This pipeline simply runs dedispersion,Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) and acceleration search in process-level parallel to shorten the processing time.With two parallel strategies,the pipeline can highly shorten the processing time in both normal searches and acceleration searches.This pipeline was first tested with Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survery(PMPS) data and discovered two new faint pulsars.Then,it was successfully applied in processing the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) drift scan data with tens of new pulsar discoveries up to now.The pipeline is only CPU-based and can be easily and quickly deployed in computing nodes for testing purposes or data processing.  相似文献   

The Square Kilometre Array(SKA) would be the world's largest radio telescope with eventually over a square kilometre of collecting area.However,there are enormous challenges in its data processing.The use of modern distributed computing techniques to solve the problem of massive data processing in the SKA is one of the most important challenges.In this study,basing on the Dask distribution computational framework,and taking the visibility function integral processing as an example,we adopt a multi-level parallelism method to implement distributed averaging over time and channel.Dask Array was used to implement super large matrix or arrays with supported parallelism.To maximize the usage of memory,we further exploit the data parallelism provided by Dask that intelligently distributes the computational load across a network of computer agents and has a built-in fault tolerance mechanism.The validity of the proposed pattern was also verified by using the Common Astronomy Software Application(CASA),wherein we analyze the smearing effects on images reconstructed from different resolution visibilities.  相似文献   

Detection and mitigation of radio frequency interference(RFI) is the first and also the key step for data processing in radio observations, especially for ongoing low frequency radio experiments towards the detection of the cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization(Eo R). In this paper we demonstrate the technique and efficiency of RFI identification and mitigation for the 21 Centimeter Array(21CMA), a radio interferometer dedicated to the statistical measurement of Eo R. For terrestrial, man-made RFI, we concentrate mainly on a statistical approach by identifying and then excising non-Gaussian signatures, in the sense that the extremely weak cosmic signal is actually buried under thermal and therefore Gaussian noise. We also introduce the so-called visibility correlation coefficient instead of conventional visibility, which allows a further suppression of rapidly time-varying RFI. Finally, we briefly discuss removals of the sky RFI, the leakage of sidelobes from off-field strong radio sources with time-invariant power and a featureless spectrum. It turns out that state of the art technique should allow us to detect and mitigate RFI to a satisfactory level in present low frequency interferometer observations such as those acquired with the 21 CMA, and the accuracy and efficiency can be greatly improved with the employment of low-cost, high-speed computing facilities for data acquisition and processing.  相似文献   

Reconfiguration is a key feature characteristic of the LOFAR telescope. Software platforms are utilised to program out the required data transformations in the generation of scientific end-products. Reconfigurable resources nowadays often replace the hard-wired processing systems from the past. This paper describes how this paradigm is implemented in a purely general-purpose telescope back-end. Experiences from high performance computing, stream processing and software engineering have been combined, leading to a state-of-the-art processing platform. The processing platform offers a total processing power of 35 TFlops, which is used to process a sustained input data- stream of 320 Gbps. The architecture of this platform is optimised for streaming data processing and offers appropriate processing resources for each step in the data processing chains. Typical data processing chains include Fourier transformations and correlation tasks along with controlling tasks such as fringe rotation correction. These tasks are defined in a high level programming language and mapped onto the available resources at run time. A scheduling system is used to control a collection of concurrently executing observations, providing each associated application with the appropriate resources to meet its timing constraint and give the integrated system the correct on-line and off-line look and feel.  相似文献   

The uv-faceting imaging is one of the widely used large field of view imaging technologies, and will be adopted for the data processing of the low-frequency array in the first stage of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA1). Due to the scale of the raw data of SKA1 is unprecedentedly large, the efficiency of data processing directly using the original uv-faceting imaging will be very low. Therefore, a uv-faceting imaging algorithm based on the MPI (Message Passing Interface)+OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) and a uv-faceting imaging algorithm based on the MPI+CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) are proposed. The most time-consuming data reading and gridding in the algorithm are optimized in parallel. The verification results show that the results of the proposed two algorithms are basically consistent with that obtained by the current mainstream data processing software CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications), which indicates that the proposed two algorithms are basically correct. Further analysis of the accuracy and total running time shows that the MPI+CUDA method is better than the MPI+OpenMP method in both the correctness rate and running speed. The performance test results show that the proposed algorithms are effective and have certain extensibility.  相似文献   

A sky model from CLEAN deconvolution is a particularly effective high dynamic range reconstruction in radio astronomy,which can effectively model the sky and remove the sidelobes of the point spread function(PSF)caused by incomplete sampling in the spatial frequency domain.Compared to scale-free and multi-scale sky models,adaptive-scale sky modeling,which can model both compact and diffuse features,has been proven to have better sky modeling capabilities in narrowband simulated data,especially for large-scale features in high-sensitivity observations which are exactly one of the challenges of data processing for the Square Kilometre Array(SKA).However,adaptive scale CLEAN algorithms have not been verified by real observation data and allow negative components in the model.In this paper,we propose an adaptive scale model algorithm with non-negative constraint and wideband imaging capacities,and it is applied to simulated SKA data and real observation data from the Karl G.Jansky Very Large Array(JVLA),an SKA precursor.Experiments show that the new algorithm can reconstruct more physical models with rich details.This work is a step forward for future SKA image reconstruction and developing SKA imaging pipelines.  相似文献   

An aliasing effect brought up by mass assignment onto Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) grids may bias measurement of the power spectrum of large scale structures. In this paper, based on the Beylkin's unequally spaced FFT technique, we propose a new precise method to extract the true power spectrum of a large discrete data set. We compare the traditional mass assignment schemes with the new method using the Daub6 and the 3rd-order B-spline scaling functions. Our measurement of Poisson samples and samples of N-body simulations shows that the B-spline scaling function is an optimal choice for mass assignment in the sense that (1) it has a compact support in real space and thus yields an efficient algorithm (2) without any extra corrections. The Fourier space behavior of the 3rd-order B-spline scaling function enables it to be able to accurately recover the true power spectrum with errors less than 5% up to k < kN. It is expected that such a method can be applied to higher order statistics in Fourier space and will enable us to have a precision capture of the non-Gaussian features in the large scale structure of the universe.  相似文献   

平方公里阵列(Square Kilometre Array,SKA)项目是建设全球最大射电望远镜的国际合作项目,其灵敏度和测量速度将比当前所有的射电望远镜都要高出一个数量级.连续谱巡天是SKA的主要观测模式之一,基于连续谱成像建立巡天区域的标准星图,将能为后续天文科学研究奠定重要基础.银河系与河外星系全天默奇森宽场阵列拓展巡天(GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array survey eXtended,GLEAM-X)是2018—2020年利用SKA先导望远镜默奇森宽场阵列(Murchison Wide-field Array,MWA)二期拓展阵列开展的新的射电连续谱巡天项目,观测期间积累了大量的低频巡天观测数据.海量观测数据的自动化、大批量处理是SKA望远镜项目所面临的的最大挑战和难题之一,基于分布式执行框架的成像管线优化经验将有助于解决海量数据处理问题.详细介绍了GLEAM-X成像管线并对其进行整合和改进,在中国SKA区域中心原型机(China SKA Regional Centre Prototype,...  相似文献   

In this study we discuss variations of the radio emission from the Quiet Sun Areas (QSA) at centimeter wavelength (1.76 cm). Data were obtained from Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH). Oscillations of selected areas were studied carefully from data taken over one week. We try to find quasi‐periodic solar oscillations from the QSA. We used the traditional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Global Wavelet Spectrum (GWS) and Wavelet (Morlet) for studying signals in the frequency/time‐frequency domain. We used the Fisher randomization test to verify the significance of the observed signal. Instrumental and sky noises were studied using a cross‐correlation analysis. Additionally, a single pixel analysis were done. Wide ranges of solar oscillation periods were found from the Quiet Sun Area (QSA): 3–15, 35–70, and 90 minutes. Some physical explanations are suggested for these oscillations. However, it is not possible to give a conclusive statement about the origin of the long quasi‐periodic (>60 min) oscillations from the QSA (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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