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在二元土地所有制下,中国城市市区的建设用地、农村和城市郊区依法征收后新增的建设用地,属于国家所有;城市市区以外以及法律规定由国家所有土地以外的农民宅基地和其他建设用地,属于农民集体所有。文登市金岭山庄被位于城区的经济强村西楼兼并后,土地资源得以高效利用,加速了城市化进程,成为城乡统筹发展的典范。  相似文献   

王胜军  赵雪峰 《山东地质》2011,(10):68-69,72
莱芜市钢城区地理位置优越,交通便利,矿藏丰富。随着经济的高速发展,新农村建设及城市建设速度的加快,涉及土地征用、征地补偿、权属纠纷等方面的矛盾相对突出,涉及土地方面的信访事件相对增多。重点针对土地管理信访问题进行了调查分析,并就如何处置信访事件提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

孙廷仁 《探矿工程》2018,45(10):109-114
土地资源禀赋有限、土地供给紧张严重制约了经济发展,引发了多种社会问题;废弃地生态系统结构被破坏,存在地质灾害隐患,亟待治理;废弃地分布零散、资源配置不合理,在利用过程中存在过多不必要的损耗,需要集约规划。因此,本文主要通过对废弃石灰岩矿破损山体排险修复工程设计及建设光伏电站场地改造方式进行探讨,意在提出合理、实用的解决方案,为类似废弃地潜在利用价值开发提供思路。  相似文献   

A persistent theme in land and agrarian studies is the appropriation of land and natural resources by mostly Western foreigners and the inequitable division of land and natural resources between Indigenous people and white settlers. It was this overt racial inequality in land ownership and the accompanying structures of oppression that led to the rise of liberation movements in Africa, South America and Asia. Most, if not all, land and agrarian reform programmes in the former colonies take the racial inequality in land as their point of departure. The same applies to the process of changing the inequalities in the use and ownership of natural resources such as wildlife, fisheries and forests. Whereas critical scholarship and social movements vehemently opposed the racialized nature of land dispossession, less attention has been paid to the persistence of racialized tenure systems. The silence on the racial character of land and natural resource tenure is rather surprising given that colonial tenure systems were based on race and racist grounds. This paper draws on examples from nature conservancies and communal land reform in southern Africa to argue that the dual land and natural resource tenure inherent from colonialism and apartheid remains intact in contemporary southern Africa. It also suggests that the democratic governments in the region and critical scholarship have failed to challenge the racialized character of land tenure. Instead, they continued to reinvent orthodox views of society and culture. Race seems to matter most in property regimes in the region in as far as it relates to equity rather than its initial categorization of people. The consequences of the persistence of the racialized tenure systems are that the success or failure of land and resource use and management reproduces racial explanations.  相似文献   

The increase in the popularity of using environmental design criteria in town and country planning has brought about the need to fully identify the principles to determine the best location of hazardous wastes to be landfilled. This environmental management issue has received considerable attention because of its applications in urban and rural infrastructure planning, industrial development planning as well as health, housing, transportation and agricultural schemes. This paper explains a method to determine how to locate suitable sites for hazardous waste landfilling area by using the site screening study. It demonstrates how the criteria such as geology, topography, land use, climate, earthquake and other related factors can be introduced into the overlayer technique to determine the suitable site selection in a region. The research was undertaken in the Southeastern Anatolia Project (known as GAP in Turkey) region where identifying the land resources is crucial for agricultural and water management purposes. The paper also explains the validity of the method employed on the site selection process for hazardous wastes. The introduced method may enable more accurate design procedure for planning in environmental management in future.  相似文献   

经本刊编委、上海市地质调查研究院(上海市土地调查规划院)周甬涛副院长的邀请与接洽,2011年6月10日,本刊编委、上海市地质调查研究院副总工程师郁钧,本刊编辑部主任、上海市地质调查研究院总工程师办公室副主任龚士良,专程赴北京拜访了中国土地学会副理事长、国土资源部咨询研究中心咨询委员黄小虎研究员,并进行了专题访谈。黄小虎研究员以其广博学识、丰富的实践经验和深厚的理论功底,结合国内外现状以及上海特点,针对国土资源管理、存量土地的合理开发、工业用地及其地租地价、土地占补平衡、耕地保护及土地确权等问题,发表了富有建设性的精辟论述和独到见解,对于国土资源科研与管理具有启示作用和指导意义。黄教授还慷慨惠赐大作,本刊将在"国土资源论坛"专栏陆续刊发,敬请垂注!  相似文献   

1997年将有一部跨国巨著——《生命支持系统百科全书(EOLSS)》与读者见面。该书将是世界上规模最大,也是最为重要的科学技术出版物之一。由美、欧、俄、中等国和地区350多位专家组成编委会,千余名专家执笔编写,全书将分50~60卷刊出,并以CD-ROM电子版本形成出版。  相似文献   

北京地区许多废弃的无主老矿山未实施矿山环境治理和土地资源恢复工程,矿区内地质环境和生态条件恶劣。本文对废弃矿山及其治理工程特点进行了分析,运用灰色关联度分析法,阐述了矿山废弃地土地资源破坏效应的四个因素——地表景观效应、土体污染效应、次生灾害效应、生态环境之间的联系。以房山区石窝大理石矿山废弃地治理工程为例,提出了矿山废弃地治理以矿山环境、灾害治理为主,以园林景观绿化为辅相结合的二维治理模式,在地形整治、挡土墙、绿化等措施的基础上进行园林景观的设计,结合周边居民生活需求,利用矿区内的正负地形渣堆和采石坑,进行景观的再生和组合,将采石坑设计成下沉式休闲公园和健身广场,希望通过园林景观绿化工程的实施,改善矿区及周边地表景观和生态环境。  相似文献   

如何处理国土资源监督专业性和国土关注社会化之间的矛盾已经成为国土资源部门当前必须面对的重要课题。几年来,招远市国土资源局一直致力于国土工作社会化,通过城乡用地规划、用地管理、舆论宣传、开门审案、创新服务,以实现国土资源监督社会化,推动全市国土资源管理制度化、规范化和标准化,解决群众反映的热点和难点问题。  相似文献   

European occupation of the Australian continent from 1788 onwards has provided evidence of both officially designed land settlement schemes and independent privately organized activities. Both settlement processes required the resources of the continent to be appraised in some detail. Over the years those appraisals, of the arid and semi-arid lands in particular, can be seen to have varied not only within but also between government and the private sector. The variations have reflected not only the changing technological context but also the changing philosophical context of resource management. The resultant changing roles of the various colonial, state and Commonwealth governments have been parallelled by changing popular concepts of what constitute resources, how they should be managed and by whom. The conflicts which resulted and which still occur pose wider questions of resource management for not only these arid and semi-arid lands.  相似文献   

The evaluation of agricultural sustainability status helps in identifying specific indicators that constrain the achievement of sustainable agriculture. The agricultural sector in Egypt is facing major sustainability constraints such as scarce land and water resources, environmental degradation, and rapid population growth as well as institutional arrangement including land tenure and farm fragmentation, agricultural administration, lack of infrastructure, and credit utilization and high interest rates. This study aims to evaluate the agricultural sustainability in some areas in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, north of the Nile Delta; the international framework for evaluating sustainable land management was used for realizing this objective. The map of the physiographic soils of the studied area was produced depending upon Landsat ETM+ images analysis; the results indicate that the area includes three main landscapes, i.e., alluvial, lacustrine, and marine plains. The characteristics of productivity, security, protection, economic viability, and social acceptability in the different mapping units were assessed. The obtained results show that the studied area includes two different class types, the first are the lands that are marginally below the requirement of sustainability and the second are those lands that do not meet sustainability requirements. The former class is represented by the physiographic units of alluvial plain, whereas the latter class is represented by the physiographic units of the lacustrine and marine plains. The sustainability constrains in the studied area are related to the soil productivity, economic viability, and social acceptability.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, shifting strategies of capital accumulation have deepened the integration of land and associated primary commodities into circuits of investment. More than merely an economic revaluation of land, such integration involves an iterative rearrangement of the social and natural processes determining land’s material and symbolic qualities. Highlighting these shifts through a comparative study of investment processes for large-scale agricultural and extractive projects, we posit investment processes as assemblages proceeding in the context of different ontologies, valuations, and uses of land, which coalesce and compete with one other in complex ways, producing new spaces and subjectivities. Such assembling, we suggest, notably involves a discursive component involving the narration of the need for investment, an institutional component reforming regulatory arrangements, and an operational component enrolling labour, infrastructure, and ancillary resources associated with agricultural and extractive production. After examining each of these components in turn, we conclude with a discussion of tensions and contradictions inherent in ‘opening’ lands for investment and the business of harnessing agricultural and extractive resources.  相似文献   

Woodcutting and territorial claims in Mali   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Mali, amidst moves toward political decentralization and the transfer of authority to manage natural resources, woodcutting has become an important tool for the assertion of territorial claims by villagers. The decentralization process has itself led to a profound political shake-up between the central state seeking to maintain land ownership and the de facto management of land by customary village authorities. But it is, however, primarily the devolution of forest resource management to village-led organizations that has prompted the cross-scale legitimization and assertion of various territorial claims from 1995 onwards. Based on two in-depth case studies on the outskirts of Bamako, Mali, the authors illustrate how new practices revolving around woodcutting and charcoal-making have been instrumental in intra- and inter-village disputes. At the village level, this transfer tends to exacerbate tenure claims over land and trees with the reactivation of autochthony-related arguments and thus the risk of excluding the most vulnerable social groups which are typically involved in woodcutting. At the inter-village level, this gives villages the opportunity to claim and demarcate boundaries by cutting, painting signs on some trees, or more radically tree felling being carried out solely to demonstrate appropriation. At the municipal level, this transfer leads to political and social adjustments between customary and decentralized authorities, each struggling to build their legitimacy in natural resource management.  相似文献   

Los Angeles is often described as the epitome of urban fragmentation, a notion which in this context is frequently connected to, or even conflated with urban sprawl. At the same time, the city features integrated water and power networks which have been under public ownership for over 70 years. We thus have an apparent paradox in the context of the debate on ‘splintering urbanism’, between socio-spatial fragmentation and the integration of networks. In discussing the idea that deregulation of infrastructural networks exacerbates urban fragmentation, the authors use the case of Los Angeles in order to highlight the central role of private interests in management decisions concerning infrastructure networks. The authors carry out their analysis in an historical perspective, revealing that network integration and universal access can often serve private interests more than the public good. Urban fragmentation in Los Angeles, they conclude, is the result of a complex process of instrumentalisation of network development and management.  相似文献   

This paper explored the status of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in southeast Nigeria using qualitative and quantitative methods in data collection. One hundred and sixty farmers were selected from the area. Also, focus group discussions were conducted. Data collected were subjected to qualitative analysis and logit regression. The study identified five broad and important practices relevant to CSA in southeast Nigeria, which include: adjusting agricultural production systems, mobility and social networks, farm financial management, diversification on and beyond the farm, and knowledge management and regulations. The determinants of CSA in southeast Nigeria include: education, income, credit, extension, livestock ownership, farming experience, land area cultivated, distance to the market and water resources, leadership position, risk orientation, gender, land ownership, household size, and mass media exposure. Government policies need to support research and development that develops and diffuses the climate-smart technologies to help farmers respond changes in climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Geoinformational analysis shows that the fraction of lands that are optimal for farming of the main crops in Russia is about 10% of the available land at best (for summer wheat, buckwheat). For the majority of other crop cultures, this value is a few percent at most. The available resources are used very incompletely. The index of completeness of land resource potential use is no more than 10% for the majority of crops. Only in the case of soy are the available resources almost completely involved, whereas available land resources of winter wheat, grain maize, and sunflowers are used at 20–30%.  相似文献   

Global environmental change is bringing extreme precipitation, and the combination of natural and artificial impacts are resulting in serious floods on the west coast of Taiwan. Disparity in social, economic and infrastructure resources contributes to spatial variation in the vulnerability to flood disaster. Owing to the high frequency of torrential rain and serious land subsidence in the study area, this paper attempts to categorize vulnerability indicators under varied assumptions of spatial homogeneity and spatial heterogeneity. The results show that the spatial heterogeneity indeed affects the distribution of flood vulnerability indicators. The core value of this article is that it measures the improvement from using geographically weighted statistics rather than traditional statistics. For the flood vulnerability discussion, this paper demonstrates the importance of considering spatial heterogeneity when allocating resources against floods.  相似文献   

黄河清 《山东地质》2012,(3):65-67,70
国土资源管理中遭遇的资源供需矛盾、利益协调困难、违法违规反弹、粗放浪费严重等问题,只是保障发展、保护资源"两难"局面的一些表象,更深层次的原因应从体制、机制、法制的缺陷中探寻,最基础的前提就是要提高国土资源文化的软实力。新媒体时代下,国土资源文化建设通过互联网站、手机报、微博等新媒体手段及报纸、杂志等传统媒介平台进行传播,不断为国土资源事业的改革发展提供强大的精神动力和舆论支持。  相似文献   

在农村土地整治工作中,土地权属管理是保护权利人合法权益、保证农村土地整治顺利进行的基础。因此,理顺土地权属关系、加强农村土地整治权属管理至为重要。该文对山东省66个土地综合整治项目和2006-2011年城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目涉及的土地权属管理工作进行了调研,全面分析了土地权属管理现状,结合工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策建议,以期为今后土地整治权属管理方面的深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

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