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Equilibrium crystallization experiments at atmospheric pressureand over a range of oxygen fugacity (fO2) have been carriedout on a ferro-basaltic composition similar to liquids proposedto have been parental to much of the exposed portion of theSkaergaard intrusion. Before Fe-Ti oxide saturation the liquidline of descent is little affected by fO2. However, the appearancetemperatures of the magnetite-ulvspinel solid solution (Mt)and the ilmenite-haematite solid solution (Ilm) depend stronglyon fO2. Above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer Mtis the first oxide phase to appear on the liquidus, but belowthe FMQ buffer Ilm is the first oxide to crystallize. The appearancetemperature of Mt is 1100C at FMQ and the Mt liquidus slopeis 30C/log fO2 unit between FMQ–;2 and FMQJ+1. The Ilmliquidus is at 1100C between FMQ and FMQ–2, but movesto lower temperature at higher fO2 where Mt is the first oxidephase. The results indicate that the ferric iron content ofMt-saturated melts varies linearly with inverse temperature,and that Ilm saturation is closely related to melt TiO2 content.Mt saturation produces an immediate enrichment of SiO2 and depletionin FeO* in the melt phase, whereas Ilm saturation produces similarenrichment in SiO2, but inn enrichment may continue for 10Cbelow the ilmenite liquidus. The experimental liquids reacha maximum of 18 wt% FeO*, at 48 wt% SiO2 for ilmenite-saturatedmelts at low fO2, more differentiated melts having lower ironand higher silica. Cotectic proportions, derived from mass balancecalculations, are in good agreement with data from natural samplesand other experimental studies. Olivine resorption is inferredat all fO2, with the onset of resorption occurring 10C higherthan the appearance of magnetite. The effect of fO2 on silicatemineral compositions, and partitioning of elements between coexistingmineral-melt pairs, is small. Thermodynamic considerations suggestthat variations of Fe-Mg partitioning between the iron-richolivines, pyroxenes and melts produced in this study may beexplained by known non-idealities of Fe-Mg mixing in the crystallinephases, rather than nonidealities in the coexisting melts. Theseexperiments also provide insights into many features commonto natural tholeiitic series of volcanic and plutonic rocks,and provide experimental data required for modelling of fractionalcrystallization and crystallization closed to oxygen, processeswhich are not easily investigated experimentally. KEY WORDS: ferro-basalt; Fe-Ti oxides; oxygen fugacity; Skaergaard intrusion; iron enrichment *Corresponding author. Present address: Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Univerritt Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany  相似文献   

The major element composition of plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine,and magnetite, and whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr data are presented forthe uppermost 2·1 km of the layered mafic rocks (upperMain Zone and Upper Zone) at Bierkraal in the western BushveldComplex. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are near-constant (0·7073± 0·0001) for 24 samples and imply crystallizationfrom a homogeneous magma sheet without major magma rechargeor assimilation. The 2125 m thick section investigated in drillcore comprises 26 magnetitite and six nelsonite (magnetite–ilmenite–apatite)layers and changes up-section from gabbronorite (An72 plagioclase;Mg# 74 clinopyroxene) to magnetite–ilmenite–apatite–fayaliteferrodiorite (An43; Mg# 5 clinopyroxene; Fo1 olivine). The overallfractionation trend is, however, interrupted by reversals characterizedby higher An% of plagioclase, higher Mg# of pyroxene and olivine,and higher V2O5 of magnetite. In the upper half of the successionthere is also the intermittent presence of cumulus olivine andapatite. These reversals in normal fractionation trends definethe bases of at least nine major cycles. We have calculateda plausible composition for the magma from which this entiresuccession formed. Forward fractional crystallization modelingof this composition predicts an initial increase in total iron,near-constant SiO2 and an increasing density of the residualmagma before magnetite crystallizes. After magnetite beginsto crystallize the residual magma shows a near-constant totaliron, an increase in SiO2 and decrease in density. We explainthe observed cyclicity by bottom crystallization. Initiallymagma stratification developed during crystallization of thebasal gabbronorites. Once magnetite began to crystallize, periodicdensity inversion led to mixing with the overlying magma layer,producing mineralogical breaks between fractionation cycles.The magnetitite and nelsonite layers mainly occur within fractionationcycles, not at their bases. In at least two cases, crystallizationof thick magnetitite layers may have lowered the density ofthe basal layer of melt dramatically, and triggered the proposeddensity inversion, resulting in close, but not perfect, coincidenceof mineralogical breaks and packages of magnetitite layers. KEY WORDS: layered intrusion; mineral chemistry; isotopes; magma; convection; differentiation  相似文献   

Two series of anhydrous experiments have been performed in anend-loaded piston cylinder apparatus on a primitive, mantle-derivedtholeiitic basalt at 1·0 GPa pressure and temperaturesin the range 1060–1330°C. The experimental data provideconstraints on phase equilibria, and solid and liquid compositionsalong the liquid line of descent of primary basaltic magmasdifferentiating in storage reservoirs located at the base ofthe continental crust. The first series are equilibrium crystallizationexperiments on a single basaltic bulk composition; the secondseries are fractionation experiments where near-perfect fractionalcrystallization was approached in a stepwise manner using 30°Ctemperature steps and starting compositions corresponding tothe liquid composition of the previous, higher-temperature glasscomposition. Liquids in the fractional crystallization experimentsevolve with progressive SiO2 increase from basalts to dacites,whereas the liquids in the equilibrium crystallization experimentsremain basaltic and display only a moderate SiO2 increase accompaniedby more pronounced Al2O3 enrichment. The principal phase equilibriacontrols responsible for these contrasting trends are suppressionof the peritectic olivine + liquid = opx reaction and earlierplagioclase saturation in the fractionation experiments comparedwith the equilibrium experiments. Both crystallization processeslead to the formation of large volumes of ultramafic cumulatesrelated to the suppression of plagioclase crystallization relativeto pyroxenes at high pressures. This is in contrast to low-pressurefractionation of tholeiitic liquids, where early plagioclasesaturation leads to the production of troctolites followed by(olivine-) gabbros at an early stage of differentiation. KEY WORDS: liquid line of descent; tholeiitic magmas; equilibrium crystallization; fractional crystallization  相似文献   

Crystallization experiments were performed at 200 MPa in thetemperature range 1150–950°C at oxygen fugacitiescorresponding to the quartz–fayalite–magnetite (QFM)and MnO–Mn3O4 buffers to assess the role of water andfO2 on phase relations and differentiation trends in mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB) systems. Starting from a primitive (MgO9·8 wt %) and an evolved MORB (MgO 6·49 wt %),crystallization paths with four different water contents (0·35–4·7wt % H2O) have been investigated. In primitive MORB, olivineis the liquidus phase followed by plagioclase + clinopyroxene.Amphibole is present only at water-saturated conditions below1000°C, but not all fluid-saturated runs contain amphibole.Magnetite and orthopyroxene are not stable at low fO2 (QFM buffer).Residual liquids obtained at low fO2 show a tholeiitic differentiationtrend. The crystallization of magnetite at high fO2 (MnO–Mn3O4buffer) results in a decrease of melt FeO*/MgO ratio, causinga calc-alkaline differentiation trend. Because the magnetitecrystallization temperature is nearly independent of the H2Ocontent, in contrast to silicate minerals, the calc-alkalinedifferentiation trend is more pronounced at high water contents.Residual melts at 950°C in a primitive MORB system havecompositions approaching those of oceanic plagiogranites interms of SiO2 and K2O, but have Ca/Na ratios and FeO* contentsthat are too high compared with the natural rocks, implyingthat fractionation processes are necessary to reach typicalcompositions of natural oceanic plagiogranites. KEY WORDS: differentiation; MORB; oxygen fugacity; water activity; oceanic plagiogranite  相似文献   

Liquid Immiscibility and the Evolution of Basaltic Magma   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This experimental study examines relationships between alternativeevolution paths of basaltic liquids (the so-called Bowen andFenner trends), and silicate liquid immiscibility. Syntheticanalogues of natural immiscible systems exhibited in volcanicglasses and melt inclusions were used as starting mixtures.Conventional quench experiments in 1 atm gas mixing furnacesproved unable to reproduce unmixing of ferrobasaltic melts,yielding instead either turbid, opalescent glasses, or crystallizationof tridymite and pyroxenes. In contrast, experiments involvingin situ high-temperature centrifugation at 1000g (g = 9·8m/s2) did yield macroscopic unmixing and phase separation. Centrifugationfor 3–4 h was insufficient to complete phase segregation,and resulted in sub-micron immiscible emulsions in quenchedglasses. For a model liquid composition of the Middle Zone ofthe Skaergaard intrusion at super-liquidus temperatures of 1110–1120°C,centrifugation produced a thin, silicic layer (64·5 wt%SiO2 and 7·4 wt% FeO) at the top of the main Fe-richglass (46 wt% SiO2 and 21 wt% FeO). The divergent compositionsat the top and bottom were shown in a series of static runsto crystallize very similar crystal assemblages of plagioclase,pyroxene, olivine, and Fe–Ti oxides. We infer from theseresults that unmixing of complex aluminosilicate liquids maybe seriously kinetically hampered (presumably by a nucleationbarrier), and thus conventional static experiments may not correctlyreproduce it. In the light of our centrifuge experiments, immiscibilityin the Skaergaard intrusion could have started already at thetransition from the Lower to the Middle Zone. Thus, magma unmixingmight be an important factor in the development of the Fe-enrichmenttrend documented in the cumulates of the Skaergaard LayeredSeries. KEY WORDS: liquid immiscibility; Skaergaard; layered intrusions; experimental petrology  相似文献   

Vico volcano has erupted potassic and ultrapotassic magmas,ranging from silica-saturated to silica-undersaturated types,in three distinct volcanic periods over the past 0·5Myr. During Period I magma compositions changed from latiteto trachyte and rhyolite, with minor phono-tephrite; duringPeriods II and III the erupted magmas were primarly phono-tephriteto tephri-phonolite and phonolite; however, magmatic episodesinvolving leucite-free eruptives with latitic, trachytic andolivine latitic compositions also occurred. In Period II, leucite-bearingmagmas (87Sr/86Srinitial = 0·71037–0·71115)were derived from a primitive tephrite parental magma. Modellingof phonolites with different modal plagioclase and Sr contentsindicates that low-Sr phonolitic lavas differentiated from tephri-phonoliteby fractional crystallization of 7% olivine + 27% clinopyroxene+ 54% plagioclase + 10% Fe–Ti oxides + 4% apatite at lowpressure, whereas high-Sr phonolitic lavas were generated byfractional crystallization at higher pressure. More differentiatedphonolites were generated from the parental magma of the high-Srphonolitic tephra by fractional crystallization of 10–29%clinopyroxene + 12–15% plagioclase + 44–67% sanidine+ 2–4% phlogopite + 1–3% apatite + 7–10% Fe–Tioxides. In contrast, leucite-bearing rocks of Period III (87Sr/86Srinitial= 0·70812–0·70948) were derived from a potassictrachybasalt by assimilation–fractional crystallizationwith 20–40% of solid removed and r = 0·4–0·5(where r is assimilation rate/crystallization rate) at differentpressures. Silica-saturated magmas of Period II (87Sr/86Srinitial= 0·71044–0·71052) appear to have been generatedfrom an olivine latite similar to some of the youngest eruptedproducts. A primitive tephrite, a potassic trachybasalt andan olivine latite are inferred to be the parental magmas atVico. These magmas were generated by partial melting of a veinedlithospheric mantle sources with different vein–peridotite/wall-rockproportions, amount of residual apatite and distinct isolationtimes for the veins. KEY WORDS: isotope and trace element geochemistry; polybaric differentiation; veined mantle; potassic and ultrapotassic rocks; Vico volcano; central Italy  相似文献   

Field relations in dissected volcanic terrains and the internalevidence of persistent low-pressure cotectic character in eruptedbasalts point to the frequent and substantial modification ofliquid compositions by some form of partial crystallizationwithin the crust In contrast, the highly compatible trace elementsdo not display the marked variations and extreme depletionswhich are predicted to result from perfect fractional crystallization(PFC). Imperfect fractional crystallization, refilling of magmachambers during fractionation and in situ crystallization areimportant factors which can help to explain this apparent paradox.This paper explores another effect, the integration of residualliquids from differing extents of partial crystallization, whichcan help to resolve this paradox, even while still permittingperfect fractional crystallization at all points in the magmachamber. Integration of such residual liquids through the thicknessof the crystallization zone is explicit, although not implemented,in the model of in situ crystallization proposed by Langmuir('Nature 340, 199–205, 1989). It may be separated as aprocess for purposes of mathematical modelling from the basicconcept of partial crystallization of small packets of magmawith remixing of the residual liquids into the main body ofmagma. Integration of melts from differing extents of partialcrystallization might in principle also be applied to the caseof lateral variations in the mass fraction crystallized withposition in the magma chamber. Integrated PFC itself can developresidual liquids which differ little from products of equilibrium(batch) crystallization (FTC) at the same average mass fractionof liquid remaining in both incompatible and compatible traceelement concentrations. For one specific combination of parametersthese integrated liquids are identical in composition at allvalues of the distribution coefficient to the EPC liquid. Atother values of the parameters the integrated liquids may even—anew paradox— have higher relative concentrations of highlycompatible elements than the EPC products. Any integration ofresidual liquids from different mass fractions of PFC rapidlyeliminates what have in the past been taken to be the diagnosticdifferences between PFC and EPC Integration of EPC liquids (towardswhich the products of imperfect fractional crystallization processeswill tend) produces even more pronounced effects, with highlycompatible elements less depleted even than in EPC and far lessdepleted than would be predicted by simple models. When interpretedaccording to oversimplified models, sequences of residual liquidsproduced in such processes might appear to be inconsistent withproducts of a partial crystallization process and to requirea process of progressively smaller mass fractions of meltingof inhomogeneous and progressively more refractory (higher mg-number)source regions. KEY WORDS: highly compatible elements; in situ crystallization; boundary layer; integrated crystallization *e-mail: oharamj{at}cardiff.ac.uk  相似文献   

A geochemical and petrological study of Miocene to recent alkalibasalts, basanites, hawaiites, mugearites, trachytes, and phonoliteserupted within the Harrat Ash Shamah volcanic field was performedto reconstruct the magmatic evolution of southern Syria. Themajor element composition of the investigated lavas is mainlycontrolled by fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene,± Fe–Ti oxides and ± apatite; feldspar fractionationis restricted to the most evolved lavas. Na2O and SiO2 variationswithin uncontaminated, primitive lavas as well as variably fractionatedheavy rare earth element ratios suggest a formation by variabledegrees of partial melting of different garnet peridotite sourcestriggered, probably, by changes in mantle temperature. The isotopicrange as well as the variable trace element enrichment observedin the lavas imply derivation from both a volatile- and incompatibleelement-enriched asthenosphere and from a plume component. Inaddition, some lavas have been affected by crustal contamination.This effect is most prominent in evolved lavas older than 3·5Ma, which assimilated 30–40% of crustal material. In general,the periodicity of volcanism in conjunction with temporal changesin lava composition and melting regime suggest that the Syrianvolcanism was triggered by a pulsing mantle plume located underneathnorthwestern Arabia. KEY WORDS: 40Ar/39Ar ages; intraplate volcanism; mantle plume; partial melting; Syria  相似文献   

The subsolidus phase relationships of magnetite, hercynite,hematite, corundum, wostite, and iron are described. The phaseswere synthesized from chemical mixtures. Reactions and solidsolution between them were induced under controlled conditionsof composition, temperature, total vapor pressure, and partialpressure of oxygen. Reaction rates are slow, so that the experimentslasted from 1 to 40 days, and quenching is completely successful. A solvus was determined which limits solid solution along themagnetitc-hercynite join at temperatures below 860o?15oC. Compositionsof the spinel solid solutions were determined by measuring theshift of the (440) reflection, using a powder X-ray diffractometer.The calibration curve, 20 vs. composition, was made from measurementsof spinel solid solutions synthesized in the one-phase region.The cell edge ao changes from 8–391?0.002 A (magnetic,Fe+2Fe2+2O4OJ to 8.150?0.004 (hercynite, Fe+2Al2O4)by ao?8.391–0.00190x- 0.5X210-5 (X is mol per cent FeAl2O4 in solid solution). In the system Fe-Al2-O3-O there are five univariant assemblages: 1. Hematite-corundum+magnetite +V (vapor) 2. Corundum+magnetite+hercynite+V 3. Magnetite+hercynite+w?stite+V 4. Hercynite+wilstite+iron+V 5. Hercynite+iron+corundum+V The lines were located by determining the composition of themagnetite, hercynite, hematite, and corundum solid solutionsfor each assemblage. The diagrams provide a basis for the discussion of the paragenesisof the oxide minerals. The progressive metamorphism of lateritedeposits can be represented by (1) laterites and bauxites: hematiteH+hydratedaluminum oxides; (2) diasporites: hematite+diaspore+corundum,with magnetite as a rare accessory; (3) emery: corundum+magnetite,with hematite as an accessory. The path of these mineral changeson the diagrams shows the decrease in oxygen content of thesolids with decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen and relatesthe aluminum content of the magnetite to temperature. The occurrences of hercynite are discussed. It is a rare mineralbecause it requires unusual conditions to grow, i.e. relativelylow oxygen pressure and an extremely Fe-Al-rich environment.  相似文献   

On Silica Activity and Serpentinization   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Serpentinites have the lowest silica activity of common crustalrocks. At the serpentinization front, where olivine, serpentine,and brucite are present, silica activities (relative to quartz)are of the order of 10–2·5 to 10–5, dependingon the temperature. Here we argue that this low silica activityis the critical property that produces the unusual geochemicalenvironments characteristic of serpentinization. The formationof magnetite is driven by the extraction of silica from theFe3Si2O5(OH)4 component of serpentine, producing extremely reducingconditions as evinced by the rare iron alloys that partiallyserpentinized peridotites contain. The incongruent dissolutionof diopside to form Ca2+, serpentine, and silica becomes increasinglyfavored at lower T, producing the alkalic fluids characteristicof serpentinites. The interaction of these fluids with adjacentrocks produces rodingites, and we argue that desilication isalso part of the rodingite-forming process. The low silica activityalso explains the occurrence of low-silica minerals such ashydrogrossular, andradite, jadeite, diaspore, and corundum inserpentinites or rocks adjacent to serpentinites. The tendencyfor silica activity to decrease with decreasing temperaturemeans that the presence of certain minerals in serpentinitescan be used as indicators of the temperature of serpentinization.These include, with decreasing temperature, diopside, andraditeand diaspore. Because the assemblage serpentine + brucite marksthe lowest silica activity reached in most serpentinites, thepresence and distribution of brucite, which commonly is a crypticphase in serpentinites, is critical to interpreting the processesthat lead to the hydration of any given serpentinite. KEY WORDS: serpentinization; serpentinites; silica activity; oxygen fugacity; rodingites; magnetization of serpentinites  相似文献   

The 230 km2 Proterozoic Bjerkreim—Sokndal layered instrusionhas a monzonoritic bulk composition and comprises a 6 km thick,broadly leuconoritic Layered Series (LS) overlain by unlayeredmangerite and quartz mangerite. In the Bjerkreim lobe the LScomprises six megacyclic units (MCU 0, IA, IB, II, 11 and IV)in a syncline. This lobe is surrounded by migmatitic gneisses;the roof to the instrusion is missing. The mg-number opx, An% and whole-rock initial 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios (Sr0) displaybroadly parallel trends through MCUs II and III, and into MCUIV, with decreasing mg-number (75–58) and An % (50–40)accompanying increasing Sr0 (0.7050–0.7085). This correlationbreaks down in the upper part of MCU IV and mangerite; the quartzmangerite has Sr0 values of 0.7085. Abrupt reversals occur acrossthe MCU boundaries. The LS crystallized on the floor of a periodically replenishedmagma chamber that was continually assimilating country rockgneisses. Strong compositional zoning of the magma developedas a result of repeated replenishments with relatively dense,primitive ferrobasaltic magma (Sr0 = 0.7049) along the floorand the development of extensive buoyant roof melts. Assimilationtook place on a massive scale (up to 50%) in the upper partsof the chamber. KEY WORDS: assimilation; fractional crystallization; hybrid magma; layered intrusion; Sr-isolopes *Corresponding author.  相似文献   

The volcanic activity of Mts Bambouto and Oku (Western Highlands)and of the Ngaoundere Plateau, in the continental sector ofthe Cameroon Volcanic Line, Equatorial West Africa, ranges inage from Oligocene to Recent. It is characterized by basanitic,alkali basaltic and transitional basaltic series. Mineral chemistry,major and trace element bulk-rock compositions, and geochemicalmodelling suggest that the magmatic series evolved mainly atlow pressure (2–4 kbar) through fractional crystallizationof clinopyroxene and olivine ± magnetite, at moderatelyhydrated (H2O = 0·5–1 wt %) and QFM (quartz–fayalite–magnetite)to QFM + 1 fO2 conditions. Basalts from Ngaoundere (Mioceneto Quaternary) and from the early activity (31–14 Ma)of the Western Highlands have incompatible trace element andSr–Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of oceanicCameroon Line basalts, pointing to a similar asthenosphericmantle source. By contrast, the late (15–4 Ma) WesternHighlands basanites and alkali basalts have anomalously highconcentrations of Sr, Ba and P, and low concentrations of Zr,which are exclusive features of continental Cameroon basalts.The genesis of these latter magmas is consistent with derivationfrom an incompatible element enriched, amphibole-bearing lithosphericmantle source. Western Highlands basalts show a continuous spectrumfrom high to low Sr–Ba–P compositions, and may resultfrom variable amounts of mixing between melts derived from ananhydrous lherzolite source (asthenospheric component) and meltsfrom an amphibole-bearing peridotite source (lithospheric HSrcomponent). New 40Ar/39Ar ages for Mts Oku and Bambouto basalts,combined with previous 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar ages of basaltic andsilicic volcanics, and with volcanic stratigraphy, suggest aNE–SW younging of the peak magmatic activity in the WesternHighlands. This SW younging trend, extending from the Oligocenevolcanism in northern Cameroon (e.g. Mt Oku) to the still activeMt Cameroon, suggests that the African plate is moving abovea deep-seated mantle thermal anomaly. However, the age and locationof the Ngaoundere volcanism does not conform to the NE–SWyounging trend, implying that the continental sector of theCameroon Volcanic Line cannot be easily interpreted as the surfaceexpression of a single hotspot system. KEY WORDS: Cameroon Line basalts;40Ar/39Ar geochronology; lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle source; hotspot  相似文献   

Glass inclusions in plagioclase and orthopyroxene from daciticpumice of the Cabrits Dome, Plat Pays Volcanic Complex in southernDominica reveal a complexity of element behavior and Li–Bisotope variations in a single volcanic center that would gounnoticed in a whole-rock study. Inclusions and matrix glassesare high-silica rhyolite with compositions consistent with about50% fractional crystallization of the observed phenocrysts.Estimated crystallization conditions are 760–880°C,200 MPa and oxygen fugacity of FMQ + 1 to +2 log units (whereFMQ is the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer). Manyinclusion glasses are volatile-rich (up to 6 wt % H2O and 2900ppm Cl), but contents range down to 1 wt % H2O and 2000 ppmCl as a result of shallow-level degassing. Sulfur contents arelow throughout, with <350 ppm S. The trace element compositionof inclusion glasses shows enrichment in light rare earth elements(LREE; (La/Sm)n = 2·5–6·6) and elevatedBa, Th and K contents compared with whole rocks and similaror lower Nb and heavy REE (HREE; (Gd/Yb)n = 0·5–1·0).Lithium and boron concentrations and isotope ratios in meltinclusions are highly variable (20–60 ppm Li with 7Li= +4 to +15 ± 2; 60–100 ppm B with 11B = +6 to+13 ± 2) and imply trapping of isotopically heterogeneous,hybrid melts. Multiple sources and processes are required toexplain these features. The mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-likeHREE, Nb and Y signature reflects the parental magma(s) derivedfrom the mantle wedge. Positive Ba/Nb, B/Nb and Th/Nb correlationsin inclusion glasses indicate coupled enrichment in stronglyfluid-mobile (Ba, B) and less-mobile (Th, Nb) trace elements,which can be explained by fractional crystallization of plagioclase,orthopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides. The 7Li and 11B valuesare at the high end of known ranges for other island arc magmas.We attribute the high values to a 11B and 7Li-enriched slabcomponent derived from sea-floor-altered oceanic crust and possiblyfurther enriched in heavy isotopes by dehydration fractionation.The heterogeneity of isotope ratios in the evolved, trappedmelts is attributed to shallow-level assimilation of older volcanicrocks of the Plat Pays Volcanic Complex. KEY WORDS: subduction; volcanic arcs; igneous processes; melt inclusions; SIMS; trace elements; lithium and boron isotopes; diffusion  相似文献   

Alaskan-type platinum-bearing plutons and potassium-enrichedmafic to ultramafic volcanic rocks are temporally and spatiallyassociated within the Late Cretaceous–Paleocene Achaivayam–Valaginskiiintra-oceanic palaeo-arc system, allochthonously present inthe Koryak Highland and Kamchatka Peninsula (Far East Russia).The compositions of the parental magmas to the Alaskan-typecomplexes are estimated using the Galmoenan plutonic complexas an example. This complex, composed of dunites, pyroxenitesand minor gabbros, is the largest (20 km3) in the system andthe best studied owing to associated platinum placer deposits.The compositions of the principal mineral phases in the Galmoenanintrusive rocks [olivine (Fo79–92), clinopyroxene (1–3·5wt % Al2O3, 0·1–0·5 wt % TiO2), and Cr-spinel(5–15 wt % Al2O3 and 0·3–0·7 wt %TiO2)] are typical of liquidus assemblages in primitive island-arcmagmas in intra-oceanic settings, and closely resemble the mineralcompositions in the Achaivayam–Valaginskii ultramaficvolcanic rocks. The temporal and spatial association of intrusiveand extrusive units, and the similarity of their mineral compositions,suggest that both suites were formed from similar parental magmas.The composition of the parental magma for the Galmoenan plutonicrocks is estimated using previously reported data for the Achaivayam–Valaginskiiultramafic volcanic rocks and phenocryst-hosted melt inclusions.Quantitative simulation of crystallization of the parental magmain the Galmoenan magma chamber shows that the compositions ofthe cumulate units are best modelled by fractional crystallizationwith periodic magma replenishment. The model calculations reproducewell the observed mineral assemblages and the trace elementabundances in clinopyroxene. Based upon the estimated compositionof the parental magmas and their mantle source, we considerthat fluxing of a highly refractory mantle wedge (similar tothe source of boninites) by chlorine-rich aqueous fluids isprimarily responsible for both high degrees of partial meltingand the geochemical characteristics of the magmas, includingtheir enrichment in platinum-group elements. KEY WORDS: subduction; platinum-group elements; clinopyroxene; trace elements; fractional crystallization; Alaskan-type plutons  相似文献   

A series of Fe and Mg partition experiments between plagioclase and silicate liquid were performed in the system SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3-FeO-MgO-CaO-Na2O under oxygen fugacities from below the IW buffer up to that of air. A thermodynamic model of plagioclase solid solution for the (CaAl,NaSi,KSi)(Fe3+,Al3+)Si2O8-Ca(Fe2+,Mg)Si3O8 system is proposed and is calibrated by regression analysis based on new and previously reported experimental data of Fe and Mg partitioning between plagioclase and silicate liquid, and reported thermodynamic properties of end members, ternary feldspar and silicate liquid. Using the derived thermodynamic model, FeOt, MgO content and Mg/(Fet+Mg) in plagioclase can be predicted from liquid composition with standard deviations of ǂ.34 wt% (relative error =9%) and ǂ.08 wt% (14%) and ǂ.7 (8%) respectively. Calculated Fe3+-Al exchange chemical potentials of plagioclase, mFe3 + ( Al )- 1 Pl{\rm \mu }_{{\rm Fe}^{{\rm 3 + }} \left( {{\rm Al}} \right)_{{\rm - 1}} }^{{\rm Pl}} agree with those calculated using reported thermodynamic models for multicomponent spinel, mFe3 + ( Al )- 1 Sp{\rm \mu }_{{\rm Fe}^{{\rm 3 + }} \left( {{\rm Al}} \right)_{{\rm - 1}} }^{{\rm Sp}} and clinopyroxene, mFe3 + ( Al )- 1 Cpx{\rm \mu }_{{\rm Fe}^{{\rm 3 + }} \left( {{\rm Al}} \right)_{{\rm - 1}} }^{{\rm Cpx}} . The FeOt content of plagioclase coexisting with spinel or clinopyroxene is affected by Fe3+/(Fe3++Al) and Mg/(Fe+Mg) of spinel or clinopyroxene and temperature, while it is independent of the anorthite content of plagioclase. Three oxygen barometers based on the proposed model are investigated. Although the oxygen fugacities predicted by the plagioclase-liquid oxygen barometer are scattered, this study found that plagioclase-spinel-clinopyroxene-oxygen and plagioclase-olivine-oxygen equilibria can be used as practical oxygen barometers. As a petrological application, prediction of plagioclase composition and fO2 are carried out for the Upper Zone of the Skaergaard intrusion. The estimated oxygen fugacities are well below QFM buffer and consistent with the estimation of oxidization states in previous studies.  相似文献   

Two series of anhydrous experiments have been performed in anend-loaded piston cylinder apparatus on a primitive, mantle-derivedtholeiitic basalt at 0·7 GPa pressure and temperaturesin the range 1060–1270°C. The first series are equilibriumcrystallization experiments on a single basaltic bulk composition;the second series are fractionation experiments where near-perfectfractional crystallization was approached in a stepwise mannerusing 30°C temperature increments and starting compositionscorresponding to that of the previous, higher temperature glass.At 0·7 GPa liquidus temperatures are lowered and thestability of olivine and plagioclase is enhanced with respectto clinopyroxene compared with phase equilibria of the samecomposition at 1·0 GPa. The residual solid assemblagesof fractional crystallization experiments at 0·7 GPaevolve from dunites, followed by wehrlites, gabbronorites, andgabbros, to diorites and ilmenite-bearing diorites. In equilibriumcrystallization experiments at 0·7 GPa dunites are followedby plagioclase-bearing websterites and gabbronorites. In contrastto low-pressure fractionation of tholeiitic liquids (1 bar–0·5GPa), where early plagioclase saturation leads to the productionof troctolites followed by (olivine) gabbros at an early stageof differentiation, pyroxene still crystallizes before or withplagioclase at 0·7 GPa. The liquids formed by fractionalcrystallization at 0·7 GPa evolve through limited silicaincrease with rather strong iron enrichment following the typicaltholeiitic differentiation path from basalts to ferro-basalts.Silica enrichment and a decrease in absolute iron and titaniumconcentrations are observed in the last fractionation step afterilmenite starts to crystallize, resulting in the productionof an andesitic liquid. Liquids generated by equilibrium crystallizationexperiments at 0·7 GPa evolve through constant SiO2 increaseand only limited FeO enrichment as a consequence of spinel crystallizationand closed-system behaviour. Empirical calculations of the (dry)liquid densities along the liquid lines of descent at 0·7and 1·0 GPa reveal that only differentiation at the baseof the crust (1·0 GPa) results in liquids that can ascendthrough the crust and that will ultimately form granitoid plutonicand/or dacitic to rhyodacitic sub-volcanic to volcanic complexes;at 0·7 GPa the liquid density increases with increasingdifferentiation as a result of pronounced Fe enrichment, renderingit rather unlikely that such differentiated melt will reachshallow crustal levels. KEY WORDS: tholeiitic magmas; experimental petrology; equilibrium crystallization; fractional crystallization  相似文献   

TAMURA  Y.; NAKAMURA  E. 《Journal of Petrology》1996,37(6):1307-1319
New Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented and integrated withprevious data for the Shirahama Group Mio-Pliocene medium-Kvolcanic are suite of south-central Honshu, Japan. Main resultsare: (1) The Shirahama lavas range in 87Sr/86Sr from 0.70315to 0.70337 and in 143Nd/144Nd from 0.51298 to 0.51306; the Srand Nd isotopic data cluster tightly within the mantle array,and all lie within an overlapping field of mid-ocean ridge basaltand ocean island basalt; (2) small differences exist among theShirahama tholeiitic series, calc-alkaline series and mixedlavas. The present isotopic data are consistent with a previouslypublished model, which proposes that chemical variations inmagmas of coexisting tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series areproduced through crystal fractionation from mantle-derived magmasof basalt and magnesian andesite, respectively. Moreover, thetholeiitic series and the calc-alkaline series are isotopicallyidentical. Thus, both magma series can be derived from a sourcemantle with the same isotopic composition, supporting the hypothesisof simultaneous generation of basalt and magnesian andesitemagmas from a single diapir rising through the mantle wedgeabove the subduction zone. The differences of water contentand temperature within the diapir are again thought to havebeen produced through dehydration and heating of an isotopicallyhomogeneous hydrous diapir. The isotopic data show that thehigh-SiO2 lavas have the same isotopic compositions as moremafic lavas. These data and liquid lines of descent of the Shirahamamagmas suggest that even rhyolites can be produced by differentiationfrom mantle-derived magmas without crustal contamination. Analysesfrom 38 other arc volcanoes have been compiled to investigatethe intravolcano variability of 87Sr/86Sr. Twelve of these displayno intravolcano strontium isotopic variability, as is the casewith the Shirahama Group, but others show greater variationof 87Sr/86Sr from individual volcanic centers, presumably reflectingcrustal contamination. Most of the latter volcanoes are underlainby thick continental crust. It is noteworthy, however, thatthe greater variations of 87Sr/86Sr correlate with SiO2 content;andesites or dacites, not basalts, from the same volcano havethe lowest 87Sr/86Sr, and these rocks are calc-alkaline in termsof FeO*/MgO and SiO2 Theoretically, assimilation of continentalcrust by the isotopically uniform Shirahama magmas could producethese relationships. Given that mantle-derived basalt and magnesianandesite both encounter continental crust on their ascent tothe surface, the hotter basalt magma would assimilate more crustalwallrocks than the cooler andesite, resulting in the basaltbeing more radiogenic. Fractional crystallization, magma mixing,and/or assimilation-fractional crystallization of these magmasin crustal magma chambers could produce large compositionalvariations, but the derivatives of the hotter basaltic magmas(tholeiitic series in the broad sense) would display greatercontamination than those derived from the cooler andesitic magmas(calc-alkaline series). *Telephone: 81-858-43-1215. Fax: 81-858-43-2184. e-mail: tamura{at}misasa.okayam-u.ac.jp  相似文献   

Potassic volcanic rocks from the Wudalianchi, Erkeshan and Keluo(WEK) fields in NE China are located between the Mesozoic SongliaoBasin and the Palaeozoic Xing'am Mountains fold belt. Theserocks erupted during three main eruptive episodes-Miocene (9•6–7•0Ma), Pleistocene (0•56–0•13 Ma) and Recent (AD1719–1721)-and are subdivided into three types-olivineleucitite, leucite basanite and trachybasalt—on the basisof modal composition. In comparison with Cenozoic alkaline basaltsfrom East China that are similar to oceanic island basalts (OIBs),WEK volcanic rocks are lower in Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3 and Sc, buthigher in K2O (3•5–7•1 wt %), K2O/Na2O (>1)and incompatible elements. High 87Sr/86Sr (0•7050–0•7056),low 143Nd/144Nd (0•51238–0•51250) and 206Pb/204Pb(17•06–16•61) ratios also distinguish them fromoceanic and Chinese basalts. Trace element and isotope dataindicate that a post-Archaean subcontinental lithospheric mantlesource similar to the postulated EM1 component (enriched mantlewith low l43Nd/144Nd and moderate high 87Sr/86Sr) must haveplayed a significant role in magma generation. The source rockis considered to be refractory phlogopite-bearing garnet peridotiteheterogeneously enriched in both large ion lithophile elementsand light rare earth elements by ancient metasomatism duringProterozoic times. This source may have mixed recently withOIB-like melts, but has not been modified by subduction of theKula-Pacific plate. Primitive WEK potassic magma was generatedby a low degree of partial melting, initiated by an extensionalphase beginning in the late Tertiary, at pressures of 20–45kbar and in the presence of mixed volatile components of H2O,CO2 and halogens. KEY WORDS: potassic volcanic rocks; NE China; geochemistry; montle sourc *Corresponding author. Present address: Centre for Petrology and Lithoipheric Studies, School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia  相似文献   

The Dominique drill hole has penetrated the volcanic shieldof Eiao island (Marquesas) down to a depth of 800 m below thesurface and 691•5 m below sea-level with a percentage ofrecovery close to 100%. All the lavas encountered were emplacedunder subaerial conditions. From the bottom to the top are distinguished:quartz and olivine tholeiites (800–686 m), hawaiites,mugearites and trachyte (686–415 m), picritic basalts,olivine tholeiites and alkali basalts (415–0 m). The coredvolcanic pile was emplaced between 5•560•07 Ma and5•220•06 Ma. Important chemical changes occurred during this rather shorttime span (0•34 0•13 Ma). In particular, the lowerbasalts differ from the upper ones in their lower concentrationsof incompatible trace elements and their Sr, Nd and Pb isotopicsignature being closer to the HIMU end-member, whereas the upperbasalts are EM II enriched. The chemical differences betweenthe two basalt groups are consistent with a time-related decreasein the degree of partial melting of isotopically heterogeneoussources. It seems unlikely that these isotopic differences reflectchanges in plume dynamics occurring in such a short time span,and we tentatively suggest that they result from a decreasingdegree of partial melting of a heterogeneous EM II–HIMUmantle plume. Some of the intermediate magmas (the uppermost hawaiites andmugearites) are likely to be derived from parent magmas similarto the associated upper basalts through simple fractionationprocesses. Hawaiites, mugearites and a trachyte from the middlepart of the volcanic sequence have Sr–Nd isotopic signaturessimilar to those of the lower basalts but they differ from themin their lower 206Pb/204Pb ratios, resulting in an increasedDMM signature. Some of the hawaiites-mugearites also displayspecific enrichments in P2O5, Sr and REE which are unlikelyto result from simple fractionation processes. The isotopicand incompatible element compositions of the intermediate rocksare consistent with the assimilation of MORB-derived wall rocksduring fractional crystallization. The likely contaminant correspondsto Pacific oceanic crust, locally containing apatite-rich veinsand hydrothermal sulphides. We conclude that a possible explanationfor the DMM signature in ocean island basalts is a chemicalcontribution from the underlying oceanic crust and that studiesof intermediate rocks may be important to document the originof the isotopic features of plume-derived magmas. KEY WORDS: alkali basalt; assimilation; mantle heterogeneity; Marquesas; tholeiile *Corresponding author  相似文献   

Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Westerwald region range frombasanites and alkali basalts to trachytes, whereas lavas fromthe margin of the Vogelsberg volcanic field consist of morealkaline basanites and alkali basalts. Heavy rare earth elementfractionation indicates that the primitive Westerwald magmasprobably represent melts of garnet peridotite. The Vogelsbergmelts formed in the spinel–garnet peridotite transitionregion with residual amphibole for some magmas suggesting meltingof relatively cold mantle. Assimilation of lower-crustal rocksand fractional crystallization altered the composition of lavasfrom the Westerwald and Vogelsberg region significantly. Thecontaminating lower crust beneath the Rhenish Massif has a differentisotopic composition from the lower continental crust beneaththe Hessian Depression and Vogelsberg, implying a compositionalboundary between the two crustal domains. The mantle sourceof the lavas from the Rhenish Massif has higher 206Pb/204Pband 87Sr/86Sr than the mantle source beneath the Vogelsbergand Hessian Depression. The 30–20 Ma volcanism of theWesterwald apparently had the same mantle source as the QuaternaryEifel lavas, suggesting that the magmas probably formed in apulsing mantle plume with a maximum excess temperature of 100°Cbeneath the Rhenish Massif. The relatively shallow melting ofamphibole-bearing peridotite beneath the Vogelsberg and HessianDepression may indicate an origin from a metasomatized portionof the thermal boundary layer. KEY WORDS: continental rift volcanism; basanites; trachytes; assimilation; fractional crystallization; partial melting  相似文献   

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