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不同机器学习预测滑坡易发性的建模过程及其不确定性有所差异, 另外如何有效识别滑坡易发性的主控因子意义重大。针对上述问题, 以支持向量机(support vector machine, 简称SVM)和随机森林(random forest, 简称RF)为例探讨了基于机器学习的滑坡易发性预测及其不确定性, 创新地提出了"权重均值法"来综合计算出更准确的滑坡主控因子。首先获取陕西省延长县滑坡编录和10类基础环境因子, 将因子频率比值作为SVM和RF的输入变量; 再将滑坡与随机选择的非滑坡样本划分为训练集和测试集, 用训练好的机器学习预测出滑坡易发性并制图; 最后用受试者工作曲线、均值和标准差等来评估建模不确定性, 并计算滑坡主控因子。结果表明: ①机器学习能有效预测出区域滑坡易发性, RF预测的滑坡易发性精度高于SVM, 而其不确定性低于SVM, 但两者的易发性分布规律整体相似; ②权重均值法计算出延长县滑坡主控因子依次是坡度、高程和岩性。实例分析和文献综述显示RF模型相较于其他机器学习模型属于可靠性较高的易发性模型。   相似文献   

Newmark位移模型是研究地震滑坡易发性的经典模型,机器学习方法支持向量机模型也越来越多的应用到滑坡易发性评估研究。本文将Newmark位移模型与支持向量机模型相结合,建立基于物理机理的地震滑坡易发性评估模型并应用于2008年汶川地震重灾区汶川县。从震后遥感影像目视解译出汶川县1900处地震诱发滑坡,并将其随机划分为70%的训练数据集和30%的验证数据集。选择地形起伏度、坡度、地形曲率、与构造断裂带距离、与水系距离、与道路距离6个因子与Newmark位移值共同作为地震滑坡易发性影响因素。利用ROC曲线和模型不确定性等指标对模型结果进行评估,并与二元统计模型频率比和多元统计模型Logistic回归的结果进行对比。结果表明:与频率比和Logistic回归模型相比,支持向量机模型的正确率最高,训练集和验证集ROC曲线下的面积分别为0.876和0.851。将模型应用于绘制汶川县地震滑坡易发性图,结果显示滑坡易发性图与实际的滑坡点位分布一致性较高,有80.4%的滑坡位于极高和高易发区。这说明支持向量机与Newmark位移方法结合建立的地震滑坡易发性评估模型有较高的预测价值,可以为滑坡风险评估和管理提供依据。  相似文献   

基于信息量模型和数据标准化的滑坡易发性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以北川曲山-擂鼓片区为研究区,将坡度、坡向、高程、地层、距断层的距离、距水系的距离和距道路的距离作为该区域滑坡易发性评价因子。采用信息量模型计算了各项评价因子的信息量值,并运用4种标准化模型对信息量值进行标准化处理。各评价因子的权重由层次分析法(AHP)确定。在GIS中将权重值和各评价因子的标准化信息量值,进行叠加计算得到区域滑坡总信息量值,并基于自然断点法对其进行重分类,将研究区划分为极高易发区、高易发区、中易发区、低易发区和极低易发区5级易发区。将基于4种标准化模型和信息量模型得到的滑坡易发性评价结果进行了对比分析,结果表明:基于最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价结果的ROC曲线下面积AUC值为0.807,高于其余模型的AUC值,说明最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价效果最好。极高易发区面积占研究区面积的20.03%,离断层和水系较近,主要分布地层为寒武系、志留系和三迭系。研究结果可为区内滑坡风险评价和灾害防治提供参考。  相似文献   

利用机器学习模型进行滑坡易发性评价时, 不同的超参数设置往往会导致评价结果的不同。采用贝叶斯算法对4种常见机器学习模型(逻辑回归LR、支持向量机SVM、人工神经网络ANN和随机森林RF)的超参数进行了优化, 探索了该算法对滑坡易发性机器学习模型的优化效果。以湘中地区4县(安化县、新华县、桃江县和桃源县)滑坡易发性评价为例说明该算法的可行性与适用性。基于滑坡历史编录, 确定研究区内1 017个滑坡点, 并选定15个滑坡影响因子, 以此构建滑坡易发性模型的训练集和测试集。利用贝叶斯优化算法对4种机器学习模型的主要超参数进行了优化, 依据优化后的超参数建立了4种优化模型, 并使用AUC值等指标来比较其预测能力。结果表明: 经超参数优化后的4种机器学习模型预测性能均有所提高, 且基于贝叶斯优化的随机森林模型表现最好。   相似文献   

区域滑坡易发性评价对滑坡灾害防治具有重要意义,贵州省思南县由于其特殊的自然地理和地质条件,受滑坡地质灾害的影响非常严重,因此,非常有必要对思南县的滑坡易发性进行评价。在滑坡编录的基础上,采用由RS、GIS和GPS组成的3S技术,获取了思南县的数字高程模型、坡度、坡向、剖面曲率、坡长、岩土类型、地表湿度指数、距离水系的距离、植被覆盖度和地表建筑物指数10个滑坡影响因子;再在频率比和相关性分析的基础上,利用逻辑回归模型对思南县的滑坡易发性进行了评价并绘制了易发性分布图。结果表明:利用逻辑回归模型预测思南县滑坡易发性的准确率(AUC值)达到0.797,较为准确地预测出了思南县滑坡分布规律;极高和高滑坡易发区主要分布在高程低于600 m、地表坡度较大且以软质岩类为主的区域;而极低和低滑坡易发区主要分布在高程较高、地表坡度较小且以硬质岩类为主的区域。   相似文献   

为解决基于机器学习的滑坡易发性建模存在的单模型分类能力弱和传统随机抽取非滑坡样本准确性不高的问题,本研究以三峡库区奉节县为例,应用优化的非滑坡样本和Stacking异质集成机器学习模型进行滑坡易发性建模研究。首先,基于地形、地质和遥感影像等数据提取16个评价指标并进行相关性分析,剔除高相关指标,构建易发性评价指标体系;其次,基于信息量模型提出非滑坡样本选取(Non-Landslide Sampling, NLS)指数;最后,应用NLS指数选取更高质量的非滑坡样本,并与滑坡样本组成训练集;采用随机森林(Random Forest, RF),轻量级梯度提升树(Light Gradient Boosting Machine, LGBM),梯度提升决策树(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree, GBDT),以及以三者为基模型的同质(Boosting)和异质(Stacking)集成方法进行易发性建模。结果表明:应用NLS指数能选取得到质量更高的非滑坡样本,提升了易发性建模精度;Stacking异质集成机器学习模型的精度最高,为0.941,优于3个同质集成模型和3个单模型...  相似文献   

输电线路的安全运行对国家经济建设与发展具有重要意义,而针对输电线路进行地质灾害易发性评价的研究较少。以京津冀地区的输电线路为例,选取高程、坡度、坡向、地形起伏度、地层岩性、距断层距离、距水系距离、土地利用类型8个指标因子,采用频率比法对各指标因子进行分级,构建易发性评价体系。再利用不同的机器学习模型,使用不同尺寸的栅格单元作为评价单元对研究区进行易发性评价。最后,选取精度最高的机器学习模型与传统的层次分析法完成研究区易发性区划图。研究结果表明:贝叶斯网络模型在区域输电线路易发性评价中的应用效果最好,模型性能最强,最高AUC值为0.876。与传统的层次分析法相比,BN模型在研究区易发性制图中的效果更好,精度更高。此外,采用50 m的栅格作为评价单元在研究区易发性评价中取得了最好的应用效果,研究成果为输电线路地质灾害易发性评价以及栅格尺寸的选用提供了思路以及参考。  相似文献   

基于确定性系数和支持向量机的地质灾害易发性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定性系数(Certainty Factor,CF)是经典的地质灾害影响因子敏感性分析方法;支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)作为机器学习的代表方法,能够综合各个影响因子的关系,对地质灾害易发性进行评价。本文以云南省怒江州泸水县为研究区,将高程、坡度、坡向、剖面曲率、距断裂的距离、距河网的距离、距路网的距离、地貌类型、岩土体类型、土地利用类型作为该区域地质灾害影响因子,依据各影响因子灾害面积比和分级面积比曲线对影响因子的状态进行分级。根据381个地质灾害隐患点,采用CF方法计算的各个影响因子的敏感性值,作为SVM的分类数据,建立基于CF-SVM的易发性评估模型,同时与单独SVM模型的评价结果进行对比分析。结果表明,CF-SVM模型得到的极高和高易发区主要分布在怒江两岸河谷地带,涵盖了89.76%的地质灾害隐患点,比单独SVM模型具有更高的成功率;利用ROC曲线和P-R曲线对两个模型进行检验,CF-SVM模型的评价精度分别达到92%和88%,均高于单独的SVM。由此说明,CF-SVM模型对地质灾害易发性评价有较高的预测价值,可以为地质灾害风险评估和管理提供依据。  相似文献   

以乡镇为评价单元开展区域滑坡易发性评价对用地规划、防灾减灾等方面具有重要意义.以万州区临江 段的23个乡镇单元作为研究对象,首先选取地表高程、坡度、坡向、岩性、构造、土地利用类型、地形湿度指数、水 系、道·9个指标因子,通过 C5.0决策树算法计算该区域发生滑坡的概率,再利用快速聚类算法进行易发性结果 分级;基于 ArcGIS平台得到各乡镇单元的滑坡易发性分区,结果表明:C5.0决策树-快速聚类模型的易发性评价 精度最高,AUC值达到0.950,优于人工神经网络-快速聚类模型的0.826和贝叶斯-快速聚类模型的0.772.利 用 C5.0决策树-快速聚类模型的计算结果,综合考虑极高(高)易发区面积大小及其占乡镇面积比大小,完成各 乡镇单元的滑坡易发性区划.在所有23个乡镇中,滑坡易发性等级高的包括大周镇、万州城区、溪口乡、新田镇 等乡镇.通过对比各乡镇滑坡面积占研究区滑坡总面积的比重,发现两者结论基本一致,预测结果可为全区滑坡 防灾减灾提供科学依据.   相似文献   

不同的易发性评价模型可以得到有差异的滑坡空间预测结果,选取最优模型甚至综合各模型的优势是提高易发性评价精度的有效方法。为检验模型融合思路的有效性,以鄂西地区五峰县渔洋关镇为研究区,提取坡度、地层、断层、河流、公路等7个滑坡成因条件,分别采用信息量模型、证据权模型和频率比模型进行滑坡易发性评价;并将3种模型分别进行归一化、主成分分析(PCA,Principal component analysis)和优势融合,得到了6幅易发性分区图。结果表明:优势耦合模型精度最高(90.3%),频率比模型次之(89.7%),归一化融合模型和PCA融合模型分别为89.3%和89.1%,以上4种结果的精度均高于证据权模型(87.7%)和信息量模型(87.6%);6幅预测图对应的评价结论与历史滑坡空间分布的实际情况相符。空间一致性对比结论表明,主成分融合模型与优势耦合模型的同格率高达68%,其预测结果避免了单个模型预测结论带来的偶然性和片面性,说明多模型融合方法与优势耦合模型在提高滑坡易发性预测精度上是可行性的,该思路对其他地区滑坡灾害易发性评价具有借鉴意义。   相似文献   

突发性地质灾害危险性评估对灾害防治与风险管理具有重要意义。由于不同地区影响灾害发生的因子各不相同,实际评估过程中难以全面客观地选取适宜的评估因子。机器学习对处理灾害系统的高维非线性问题独具优势,但因模型难以调优而评估效果有限。本文尝试提出一种双向优化的滑坡危险性评估方法:在构建因子敏感性指数开展定量敏感性分析的基础上,结合重要性分析、相关性分析、共线性分析构建四维(Four-Dimensional, 4D)特征筛选法用于评估因子综合优选;为克服模型难以调优的问题,引入差分进化(Differential Evolution, DE)算法优化支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)与多层感知机(Multi-Layer Perceptron, MLP) 2种推广能力较强的机器学习模型。最后,以福建省滑坡为例,开展评估方法研究。研究表明:4D特征筛选法能更加客观全面地选取适宜性更高的危险性评估因子,从而降低数据维度、减少信息冗余以提升评估模型性能;DE算法对SVM与MLP具有显著的优化效果,有益于增强模型滑坡危险性的评估准确度,DE-SVM、DE-MLP相较于未优化前模型的AUC值分别提升了4.43%与4.37%;基于双向优化的滑坡危险性评估结果表明,降雨与土地利用类型对福建省滑坡发生具有重要影响作用,福建省滑坡极高危险区普遍年均降雨较高、地形复杂多变,极低危险区主要位于东南沿海一带及闽江流域两侧。本研究为滑坡危险性评估中的影响因子客观选取与机器学习模型调优提供了一定思路。  相似文献   

Regional Landslide Susceptibility Zonation(LSZ) is always challenged by the available amount of field data, especially in southwestern China where large mountainous areas and limited field information coincide. Statistical learning algorithms are believed to be superior to traditional statistical algorithms for their data adaptability. The aim of the paper is to evaluate how statistical learning algorithms perform on regional LSZ with limited field data. The focus is on three statistical learning algorithms, Logistic Regression(LR), Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) and Support Vector Machine(SVM). Hanzhong city, a landslide prone area in southwestern China is taken as a study case. Nine environmental factors are selected as inputs. The accuracies of the resulting LSZ maps are evaluated through landslide density analysis(LDA), receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves and Kappa index statistics. The dependence of the algorithm on the size of field samples is examined by varying the sizes of the training set. The SVM has proven to be the most accurate and the most stable algorithm at small training set sizes and on all known landslide sizes. The accuracy of SVM shows a steadilyincreasing trend and reaches a high level at a small size of the training set, while accuracies of LR and ANN algorithms show distinct fluctuations. The geomorphological interpretations confirm the strength of SVM on all landslide sizes. Our results show that the strengths of SVM in generalization capability and model robustness make it an appropriate and efficient tool for regional LSZ with limited landslide field samples.  相似文献   

Ethiopia has a mountainous landscape which can be divided into the Northwestern and Southeastern plateaus by the Main Ethiopian Rift and Afar Depression. Debre Sina area is located in Central Ethiopia along the escarpment where landslide problem is frequent due to steep slope, complex geology, rift tectonics, heavy rainfall and seismicity. In order to tackle this problem, preparing a landslide susceptibility map is very important. For this, GISbased frequency ratio(FR) and logistic regression(LR) models have been applied using landslide inventory and the nine landslide factors(i.e. lithology, land use, distance from river fault, slope, aspect, elevation, curvature and annual rainfall). Database construction, weighting each factor classes or factors, preparing susceptibility map and validation were the major steps to be undertaken. Both models require a rasterized landslide inventory and landslide factor maps. The former was classified into training and validation landslides. Using FR model, weights for each factor classes were calculated and assigned so that all the weighted factor maps can be added to produce a landslide susceptibility map. In the case of LR model, the entire study area is firstly divided into landslide and non-landslide areas using the training landslides. Then, these areas are changed into landslide and non-landslide points so as to extract the FR maps of the nine landslide factors. Then a linear relationship is established between training landslides and landslide factors in SPSS. Based on this relationship, the final landslide susceptibility map is prepared using LR equation. The success-rate and prediction-rate of FR model were 74.8% and 73.5%, while in case of LR model these were 75.7% and 74.5% respectively. A close similarity in the prediction and validation rates showed that the model is acceptable. Accuracy of LR model is slightly better in predicting the landslide susceptibility of the area compared to FR model.  相似文献   

This work was to generate landslide susceptibility maps for the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) area, China by using different machine learning models. Three advanced machine learning methods, namely, gradient boosting decision tree(GBDT), random forest(RF) and information value(InV) models, were used, and the performances were assessed and compared. In total, 202 landslides were mapped by using a series of field surveys, aerial photographs, and reviews of historical and bibliographical data. Nine causative factors were then considered in landslide susceptibility map generation by using the GBDT, RF and InV models. All of the maps of the causative factors were resampled to a resolution of 28.5 m. Of the 486289 pixels in the area,28526 pixels were landslide pixels, and 457763 pixels were non-landslide pixels. Finally, landslide susceptibility maps were generated by using the three machine learning models, and their performances were assessed through receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves, the sensitivity, specificity,overall accuracy(OA), and kappa coefficient(KAPPA). The results showed that the GBDT, RF and In V models in overall produced reasonable accurate landslide susceptibility maps. Among these three methods, the GBDT method outperforms the other two machine learning methods, which can provide strong technical support for producing landslide susceptibility maps in TGR.  相似文献   

The loess area in the northern part of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China is a region with frequently landslide occurrences. The main aim of this study is to quantitatively predict the extent of landslides using the index of entropy model(IOE), the support vector machine model(SVM) and two hybrid models namely the F-IOE model and the F-SVM model constructed by fractal dimension. First, a total of 179 landslides were identified and landslide inventory map was produced, with 70%(125) of the landslides which was optimized by 10-fold crossvalidation being used for training purpose and the remaining 30%(54) of landslides being used for validation purpose. Subsequently, slope angle, slope aspect, altitude, rainfall, plan curvature, distance to rivers, land use, distance to roads, distance to faults, normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI), lithology, and profile curvature were considered as landslide conditioning factors and all factor layers were resampled to a uniform resolution. Then the information gain ratio of each conditioning factors was evaluated. Next, the fractal dimension for each conditioning factors was calculated and the training dataset was used to build four landslide susceptibility models. In the end, the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves and three statistical indexes involving positive predictive rate(PPR), negative predictive rate(NPR) and accuracy(ACC) were applied to validate and compare the performance of these four models. The results showed that the F-SVM model had the highest PPR, NPR, ACC and AUC values for training and validation datasets, respectively, followed by the F-IOE model.Finally, it is concluded that the F-SVM model performed best in all models, the hybrid model built by fractal dimension has advantages than original model, and can provide reference for local landslide prevention and decision making.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel approach of the landslide numerical risk factor(LNRF) bivariate model was used in ensemble with linear multivariate regression(LMR) and boosted regression tree(BRT) models, coupled with radar remote sensing data and geographic information system(GIS), for landslide susceptibility mapping(LSM) in the Gorganroud watershed, Iran. Fifteen topographic, hydrological, geological and environmental conditioning factors and a landslide inventory(70%, or 298 landslides) were used in mapping. Phased array-type L-band synthetic aperture radar data were used to extract topographic parameters. Coefficients of tolerance and variance inflation factor were used to determine the coherence among conditioning factors. Data for the landslide inventory map were obtained from various resources, such as Iranian Landslide Working Party(ILWP), Forestry, Rangeland and Watershed Organisation(FRWO), extensive field surveys, interpretation of aerial photos and satellite images, and radar data. Of the total data, 30% were used to validate LSMs, using area under the curve(AUC), frequency ratio(FR) and seed cell area index(SCAI).Normalised difference vegetation index, land use/land cover and slope degree in BRT model elevation, rainfall and distance from stream were found to be important factors and were given the highest weightage in modelling. Validation results using AUC showed that the ensemble LNRF-BRT and LNRFLMR models(AUC = 0.912(91.2%) and 0.907(90.7%), respectively) had high predictive accuracy than the LNRF model alone(AUC = 0.855(85.5%)). The FR and SCAI analyses showed that all models divided the parameter classes with high precision. Overall, our novel approach of combining multivariate and machine learning methods with bivariate models, radar remote sensing data and GIS proved to be a powerful tool for landslide susceptibility mapping.  相似文献   

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