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滑坡堰塞坝是由斜坡失稳堵塞河道而形成的天然坝体,且易溃坝诱发洪水,对沿岸群众生命财产构成巨大的威胁。为提升主动减灾防灾能力,急需构建了一种快速预测与判断滑坡堵江成坝能力的方法。通过文献资料查阅,结合遥感技术,提取了70处典型滑坡的地貌特征参数,其中50处为堵江成坝滑坡。运用K-S检验和M-W U检验方法分析了滑坡地貌特征因子的敏感性,利用Boruta算法确定了因子重要度,筛选了滑坡体积、面积、高差、长度及河宽共5个地貌特征参数。基于此,利用Bayes判别法与逻辑回归方法,分别建立了滑坡堰塞坝形成的预测模型,准确率超过90%。选取高重要度且差异显著的因子,利用比值法建立了滑坡堵江成坝阈值判据,实现了滑坡堰塞坝形成的快速判定。统计不同诱因下滑坡地貌特征,对比V-Wr经验公式,确定了滑坡堰塞坝形成与诱因间的关系,为进一步构建不同诱因下滑坡堰塞坝形成预测模型提供了技术支撑。   相似文献   

高速远程滑坡运动堆积过程影响因素众多,在物理模型试验装置研发过程中应满足多因素变化需求,从而实现多功能目的.该试验装置初始状态下(垂直角度=20°,水平角度=0°)长3.40m,宽0.56m,高1.35m.设计有滑体体积调节、上滑槽坡度调节和下滑槽水平角度调节三大模块.材料上采用了3mm厚不锈钢钢板与8mm厚钢化玻璃2种材料,使用耐久性较好,并且采用分部件组装形式,安装有万向轮,便于实验仪器的搬运.基于砂子与卵石颗粒材料,应用所研发装置,初步开展了高速远程滑坡运动堆积过程物理模型试验,简要分析了滑体坡度、水平角度、滑体高度及基底材质等参数对滑动距离的影响规律.  相似文献   

动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡数量多、灾害频发、危害大, 是滑坡地质灾害领域的研究重点, 但目前对于滑坡启滑机制的认识仍不充分, 滑坡的准确预报还面临巨大挑战。鉴于此, 以含软弱夹层的中倾角顺层岩质滑坡为研究对象, 通过构建理想的单层滑带滑坡物理模型, 开展了一系列动水作用下的滑坡模型试验研究。结果表明, 动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡从开始变形至失稳滑动需经历初始变形、缓慢变形、加速变形和失稳破坏4个阶段, 而各个阶段的演化特征与滑面粗糙度和倾角密切相关。滑面倾角越大或粗糙度越小, 滑坡体从开始变形至失稳滑动所需的时间则越短; 相应地, 坡体加速变形阶段越不明显, 滑坡破坏的突发性越强。滑带内的渗流冲蚀作用会使滑带土中的骨料流失, 导致其抗剪强度降低, 进而引发坡体滑动。与此同时, 上覆坡体的压剪作用以及变形演化过程亦将反过来影响冲蚀强度。基于滑带土黏聚力随水力梯度和冲蚀时间的变化关系, 提出了渗流驱动下滑带土黏聚力演化模型, 可较好地描述滑带土黏聚力的退化过程。滑面粗糙度的存在不仅显著影响了滑带的冲蚀劣化规律, 还改变了滑带不同区域的破坏模式。此外, 通过考虑滑面粗糙度对滑带不同区域破坏模式的影响, 开展了动水多效应关联分析, 建立了滑坡地质体力学分析模型, 实现了动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡动态稳定性的有效评估。本研究成果可为实际动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡的预测和防治提供理论参考。   相似文献   

铜川市区发育有为数甚多的缓动式低速滑坡。本文探讨了此类滑坡的滑移动力学机理。研究认为,由于滑面的峰—残微差效应、滑面动静摩擦阻力相近效应和滑带塑性蠕变耗能效应的综合作用,滑坡启动呈现缓动性;滑体低能效应、滑体低推力效应、滑带(面)强度自行恢复效应和滑体自行消能效应的叠加作用,导致滑坡以低速运移。  相似文献   

天仙宫滑坡地处牡丹江市兴隆镇东山的西坡,著名道教圣地天仙宫位于该滑坡体上,201国道从滑坡前缘切脚通过。一、滑坡的边界条件天仙宫滑坡曾经发生过两次较大规模滑动,滑坡周围错动明显,周界清晰。滑坡后缘滑坡壁高8m~10m,滑坡滑动后,后缘部分滑体被清运走,拉张裂缝不复存在,局部有泉水出露。但由于修建天仙宫在滑坡中部堆积大量杂填土,在滑坡中部形成了新的滑坡后壁,裂隙明显。  相似文献   

现有的堰塞坝稳定性预测模型多为线性模型, 无法充分考虑堰塞坝稳定性与其形态特征和水域条件之间的复杂非线性关系。鉴于此, 结合反向传播神经网络模型和樽海鞘优化算法, 提出了一种新型的堰塞坝稳定性预测模型SSA-Adam-BP。该模型通过网格搜索法选取确定模型结构的最佳超参数组合, 进而利用交叉验证和绘制ROC曲线的方式分别对采用不同优化算法的模型进行评估。使用开源数据库中的全球153例堰塞坝数据对模型的实际应用进行了说明及验证。与传统线性模型的对比表明神经网络模型预测准确率较高, 具有较低的误报率。将SSA与Adam优化算法结合提高了BP模型的全局搜索能力, 其平均交叉验证准确率达到了91.73%, 能够使用较少的参数实现对堰塞坝稳定性快速准确的预测。SSA-Adam-BP模型对近年来典型工程的稳定性能够准确预测, 具有一定的实用性和系统平台推广应用价值。   相似文献   

通过对松散层厚度、基岩厚度、煤层倾角等对压覆范围影响因素分析,来说明在压覆报告资源储量估算时压覆范围所受因素影响:在松散层移动角一定的情况下,松散层厚度越厚,其压覆宽度也越宽,反之,则越窄;基岩越厚,其压覆宽度也越宽,反之,则越窄;煤层倾角越陡,其倾向和走向变形越大.另外,压覆范围还受建筑物的保护等级不同而不同等.  相似文献   

位移监测是获取滑坡范围、滑面位置、滑坡方向等变形特征最直接和最有成效的一种手段,可以为滑坡防治提供较为精准的数据。采取测斜仪和FBG光纤等2种深部位移监测方法,对浙江省中林村滑坡的变形特征与稳定性发展趋势进行了较系统研究分析。监测结果表明:中林村滑坡可分为上部、中下部2个部分,它们均处于蠕滑状态,变形呈缓慢增长趋势。2部分岩土体滑向、滑面埋深、滑动方式等差异明显,斜坡上部具有牵引式滑动特征,活动性不明显,受高陡临空面影响;斜坡中下部具有推移式滑坡特征,活动特征较明显,降雨为主要的诱发因素。   相似文献   

三峡库区大型-特大型滑坡发育,尤以层状岩质滑坡的危害性大。因库区各段地质条件差异使得滑坡成因模式各不相同,这影响了滑坡的运动形式和岩土体解体程度。在收集三峡库区51处典型的大型-特大型层状岩质滑坡调查资料基础上,根据堆积岩体结构和区段地质条件反推该段滑坡破坏成因模式,而不同成因模式下的滑坡坡体渗透性不同,分析已有滑坡对库水位变动存在的复活响应差异,据此得出以下结论:①在成因模式上,除顺层滑移型滑坡在库区中均有分布外,从库首至库尾随着岩层倾角的逐渐减缓,滑坡成因模式从崩塌型、反倾弯曲型逐渐过渡到平推式;②在坡体渗透性上,成因模式造成的岩体结构变化与坡体中的泥质含量共同作用,导致顺层滑移型滑坡前后缘渗透性存在较大差异;反倾型滑坡渗透性则整体变化较小;③在库水位变动影响下,不同坡体渗透性与滑面形态共同决定了滑坡的复活变形差异。   相似文献   

冰后期长江河口段古河谷地层层序特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
末次盛冰期,由于基面大幅度下降,长江河口段形成了深切古河谷。河流携带的部分粗砂砾在河床上形成滞留沉积。冰后期海平面上升引发的海侵造成了长江古河谷的充填和河床相、河漫滩河口湾相和部分河口湾浅海相的形成。尔后的进积产生了部分河口湾浅海相及三角洲相。根据钻孔资料绘制的古河谷地质剖面图显示,冰后期海侵旋回出现在三角洲顶点到现在河口口门地区,溯河而上受海洋影响的程度逐渐减弱。古河谷的中部,靠近主泓线附近,沉积层序完整。古河谷的边缘地带,往往缺失底部的河床相砂砾层。底部的厚层河床相砂砾层是由河床滞留沉积和溯源加积堆积形成的,在古河谷沉积层序中存在着多种沉积间断。  相似文献   

Natural dams are formed when landslides are triggered by heavy rainfall during extreme weather events in the mountainous areas of Taiwan.During landslide debris movement, two processes occur simultaneously: the movement of landslide debris from a slope onto the riverbed and the erosion of the debris under the action of high-velocity river flow. When the rate of landslide deposition in a river channel is higher than the rate of landslide debris erosion by the river flow, the landslide forms a natural dam by blocking the river channel. In this study, the effects of the rates of river flow erosion and landslide deposition(termed the erosive capacity and depositional capacity, respectively) on the formation of natural dams are quantified using a physics-based approach and are tested using a scaled physical model.We define a dimensionless velocity index vde as the ratio between the depositional capacity of landslide debris(vd) and the erosive capacity of water flow(ve).The experimental test results show that a landslidedam forms when landslide debris moves at high velocity into a river channel where the river-flow velocity is low, that is, the dimensionless velocity index vde 54. Landslide debris will not have sufficient depositional capacity to block stream flow when the dimensionless velocity index vde 47. The depositional capacity of a landslide can be determined from the slope angle and the friction of the sliding surface, while the erosive capacity of a dam can be determined using river flow velocity and rainfall conditions. The methodology described in this paper was applied to seven landslide dams that formed in Taiwan on 8 August 2009 during Typhoon Morakot,the Tangjiashan landslide dam case, and the YingxiuWolong highway K24 landslide case. The dimensionless velocity index presented in this paper can be used before a rainstorm event occurs to determine if the formation of a landslide dam is possible.  相似文献   

Tangjiashan landslide is a typical high-speed consequent landslide of medium-steep dip angle. This landslide triggered by earthquake took place in about semi-minute. The relative sliding displacement is 900 meters, so average sliding speed is about 30 meters per second. The longitudinal length of barrier dam which is formed by high-speed landslide along river is 803.4 meters; and maximum width crossing river is 611.8 meters. And its volume is estimated about 20.37 million steres. Through detailed geological investigation of the barrier dam, together with early geological information before earthquake, geological structures of the barrier dam and its stability of upstream and downstream slopes are studied when water level reaches different elevations in condition of continual after shocks with seismic intensity of 7 or 8 Richter scale. On this basis, dam-breaking mode of barrier dam is discussed deeply. Thereby, analytic results provide significant guidance and advices to front headquarters of Tangjiashan barrier dam, so that some proper engineering measures can be implemented and flood discharge can be carried out well.  相似文献   

Stability analysis of the dam is important for disaster prevention and reduction. The dam's geometry plays an important role in understanding its stability. This study develops a rapid landslide dam geometry assessment method for both earthquake-induced and rainfall-induced landslide dams based on nine real cases collected in Chinese Taipei and 214 cases collected worldwide. For simplification purposes, a landslide dam is classified into triangular or trapezoidal. The rapid landslide dam geometry assessment method in this paper uses only satellite maps and the topographic maps to get landslide area, and then analyze the dam geometry. These maps are used to evaluate the area of the landslide and the slope of the river bed. Based on the evaluation information, the proposed method can calculate dam height, the length of the dam, and the angles of the dam in both upstream and downstream directions. These geometry parameters of a landslide dam provide important information for further dam stability analysis. The proposed methodology is applied to a real landslide dam case at Hsiaolin Village. The result shows that the proposed method can be used to assess the landslide dam geometry.  相似文献   

Analysis of landslide dam geometries   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The geometry of a landslide dam is an important component of evaluating dam stability. However, the geometry of a natural dam commonly cannot be obtained immediately with field investigations due to their remote locations. A rapid evaluation model is presented to estimate the geometries of natural dams based on the slope of the stream, volume of landslides, and the properties of the deposit. The proposed model uses high resolution satellite images to determine the geometry of the landside dam. These satellite images are the basic information to a preliminary stability analysis of a natural dam. This study applies the proposed method to two case studies in Taiwan. One is the earthquake-induced Lung-Chung landslide dam in Taitung, and the second is the rainfall-induced Shih-Wun landslide dam in Pingtung.  相似文献   

Introduction The Himalaya is considered to be the youngest mountains on the earth, and is tectonically very active, and hence inherently (geologically) vulnerable to hazards. Extreme rainfall events, landslides, debris flows, torrents and flash floods due…  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analytical derivation and the numerical simulation analyses to predict the interaction influences between a landslide and a new tunnel in mountain areas. Based on the slip-line theory, the disturbance range induced by tunneling and the minimum safe distance between the tunnel vault and the sliding belt are obtained in consideration of the mechanical analyses of relaxed rocks over the tunnel opening. The influence factors for the minimum safe crossing distance are conducted, including the tunnel radius, the friction angle of surrounding rocks, the inclination angle of sliding belt, and the friction coefficient of surrounding rocks. Secondly, taking account of the compressive zone and relaxed rocks caused by tunneling, the Sarma method is employed to calculate the safety factor of landslide. Finally, the analytical solutions for interaction between the tunnel and the landslide are compared with a series of numerical simulations, considering the cases for different perpendicular distances between the tunnel vault and the sliding belt. Results show that the distance between the tunnel vault and the slip zone has significant influence on the rock stress and strain. For the case of the minimum crossing distance, a plastic zone in the landslide traversed by tunneling would be formed with rather large range, which seriously threatens the stability of landslide. This work demonstrates that the minimum safe crossing distance obtained from numerical simulation is in a good agreement with that calculated by the proposed analytical solutions.  相似文献   

数字高程模型(DEM)包含的信息常作为重要的水文水动力研究基础数据,但是由于公共源DEM数据精度不能完整表达河床地形,所以无法应用于河流泛洪分析等研究工作.因此,本研究开展了基于DEM数据构建数字河床的工作,首先对提取的纵向河网高程数据引入了强局部加权回归算法进行平滑处理以消除畸点;然后以河面要素文件为掩膜,采用反距离...  相似文献   

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