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李翠珍  徐建春  孔祥斌 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1039-1049
以北京市大兴区为例,采用农户调查数据,设计不同资源群体农户分类评价指标体系,利用非系统聚类方法将农户划分为5类(①中等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;②高等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;③中等资源禀赋,低等非农收入;④纯农户;⑤非农户),进而分析了不同资源群体农户的生计多样化特点及对土地利用的影响。研究表明:(1)在大都市郊区,农户类型1~3、纯农户和非农户分别采取了农业和非农兼顾、留在农业和脱离农业的生计策略。(2)农户类型1~3和纯农户中,70%农户生计多样化指数分布在2~3之间,且依然呈现粮食作物播种面积较大,选择比例最高,其次是经济作物。(3)农户类型1~3和非农户中,以就地转移方式非农就业是农户家庭劳动力安排的主要选择,且非农就业劳动力年龄最轻和教育水平最高。(4)大都市郊区土地非农化的转型特点促使农户从类型1~4被动地向类型5转化,土地利用效益低下也持续推动了农户生计多样化,同时,农户生计多样化会引发粮食生产能力停滞不前、土地流转和产权调整大规模顺势而生、土壤养分富集等土地利用现象。  相似文献   

基于黑龙江省粮食主产区950户农户调查数据,从理论上揭示农户生计策略转型对农地流转的作用机理,并运用Logistic和多元线性回归模型分析农户生计策略转型对农地流转意愿、流转方式、流转程度的影响。结果表明:(1)选择多样化生计策略的农户流转农地意愿比非农主导小农户和农业主导大农户高。(2)农业主导大农户和多样化生计中农户倾向转入农地,而非农主导小农户和多样化生计小农户倾向转出农地。(3)农户转出农地面积比例与其生计策略呈“U”型关系,农户非农程度越高,转出农地面积比重越大。提出了根据农户生计策略转型制定不同的农地流转政策的建议。  相似文献   

可持续生计框架下农户生计与土地利用变化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生计作为人类最主要的行为方式,不断驱动着人地系统的演化,同时农民作为广大农村最重要的经济活动主体与最基本的决策单位,其所采取的生计策略对生态环境产生着深远的影响,因此探讨人类生计与土地利用相互作用关系成为当前人地关系研究的热点。在对生计内涵和可持续生计框架进行阐述的基础上,系统梳理了农户生计改变对土地利用的影响以及土地利用变化对农户生计的反作用。重点阐述了生计的非农化和多样化驱动着土地利用不断变化,而生态保护政策或措施、土地流转以及土地质量等的变化同时亦促进农户生计的不断调整,提出了广大发展中国家和地区农户生计向非农化和多样化转型的趋势。最后针对当前生计与土地利用研究的不足,展望了未来农户生计与土地利用变化的研究趋势。  相似文献   

基于生计视角的异质性农户转户退耕决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重庆市贫困与生态脆弱区的云阳县、石柱土家族自治县376 户农户调研基础上, 将农户划为纯农户、农业主导户、非农主导户和弃农农户, 基于生计视角对农户转户退耕决策进行了解释。结果表明:①重庆市农户兼业普遍, 兼业是农户重要的生计策略;从纯农户到弃农农户, 农户生计资产依次递增, 尤其是人力资产、金融资产和社会资产。②随着兼业程度提高, 农户生计策略逐渐多元化。纯农户生计高度依赖土地;农业主导户开始选择非农兼业;非农主导户生计多样化指数最高;弃农农户生计已经转移到非农产业。③生计是影响农户转户退耕决策的关键因素:纯农户生计资产匮乏, 决策受政策导向明显;作为理性经济人, 对土地经济收益的依赖使农业主导户转户退耕意愿不明显, 对政策响应平淡;非农主导户将权衡转户退耕的补偿与损失, 政策响应模糊;弃农农户资产丰富, 对转户退耕决策响应积极。基于户籍制度改革和可持续生计视角, 本文提出了理性政府行为的3 大对策, 即:建立转户退耕的社保及补偿、激励机制;基于农户生计视角, 实施各种工程措施及惠民政策, 促进农户生计策略多元化;针对不同区位的农户实施差别化的政策。  相似文献   

国内外土地利用与农户生计研究评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料计量法和比较分析法对1984—2014年间国内外土地利用与农户生计的相关文献进行了梳理。研究结果表明:土地利用与农户生计的论文发表数量呈逐年增长趋势,研究主题日益多元化。研究内容主要围绕可持续生计分析框架,重点开展了土地利用变化与农户生计演变的驱动、土地利用变化下农户生计资产评价和农户生计策略响应等研究。未来土地利用与农户生计研究应努力探索农户生计理论的中国化、系统化;开展土地利用变化下农户生计风险的识别与评价;加强土地利用系统与农户生计系统的耦合关系分析;深化土地利用变化下农户生计状况的动态变化分析。  相似文献   

生计资本与生计策略关系的研究是理解和发展农村可持续生计最重要的途径。本文以尼泊尔中部山区麦拉姆齐流域为例,采用PRA法进行实地调研,定量分析了该流域农户的生计资本状况,生计资本对生计策略的影响及不同生计策略对生计资本因子的敏感性特征。研究表明:(1)农户生计资本指数低,各类资本差异明显,且资本的转化能力弱。物质资本得分最高,其次为人力资本、社会资本、金融资本,自然资本最低。(2)以非农为主型生计策略农户的资本总指数最高,生计策略也相对最优;非农型资本总指数次之,但生计风险相对较高;农为主型资本总指数低于前二者,但生计脆弱性相对较低;纯农型资本总指数最低,生计策略组合单一,生计风险相对最高。(3)生计资本及其组合差异是影响农户生计策略选择的重要原因,改善生计资本的配置能够推动农户生计策略的调整和优化。不同生计策略对资本因子的敏感性亦有所差异,提高人力资本和金融资本的投入,对于尼泊尔山区农户积极参与和发展非农生计活动,合理调整和优化生计策略,减小生计风险具有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用海南和云南橡胶主产区615个种植户的调查数据,测算了农户生计资本水平,设计了生计活动多样性指数和家庭收入多元化指数,通过多元线性回归模型和中介效应模型,探讨了生计资本配置对农户可持续生计的影响机制。研究发现:1)农户生计资本积累有助于丰富农户家庭生计活动和收入来源结构,尤其是金融资本积累有助于提升农户生计活动多样性水平;不同生计资本结构对农户生计结果的影响存在地域性差异;自然资本禀赋对海南产区的收入多元化水平有显著推动作用,但在云南产区却可能存在“诅咒”效应。2)地域差异、生产决策和农户特性对可持续生计有重要影响。村庄所处的海拔高、距县城距离远对农户开展多样化生计构成挑战;割胶生产规律固化虽然可能会削弱农户其他生产经营活动,但由于其劳动力调整灵活性强,可更好地稳定家庭收入;土地细碎化具有多元化生计的效果,但不一定有收入效应;虽然贫困户身份可帮助农户获得相关政策的支持,但增强生计能力才是实现可持续生计的关键所在。3)生计资本对生计活动和家庭收入的影响存在中介效应。生计资本对生计多样性的促进作用,有52.70%是通过提高生计资本统筹能力实现的,家庭就业策略优化有助于增强生计资本对收入多...  相似文献   

农户生计资产决定着农户生计方式选择与生计策略行为,作为当前农户主要消费性投资行为的农村居民点建设消费受制于农户所拥有的生计资产量,基于此引导农户的居民点建设消费行为、开展农村居民点整合已成为当前提高农村土地利用效率、改善农户生产生活条件的关键。研究选取重庆市沙坪坝区白林村为样点,采用“PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) +3S”相结合的方法,以地理坐标为标识码,建立农户属性数据与地块的空间数据相链接的“农户-土地”数据库。运用该数据库,构建农户生计资产量化指标体系,量化农户生计资产进行农户分化,剖析不同农户的后顾生计来源及其住居意愿,开展农村居民点整合。结果表明,农户生计资产的配置结构差异明显,8%的农户各项资产产值高于平均水平,23%的农户各项资产产值处于中等水平;以农户拥有的自然资产产值为主辅以其他各项资产产值,将农户划分为农业多样化发展型(16%)、农业专业化发展型(8%)、兼业化发展型(23%)、非农多样化发展型(31%) 和非农专业化发展型(22%) 5 类;根据不同生计来源农户的住居意愿并结合国家与地方发展战略,构建了社区型(非农多样化发展型与非农专业化发展型)、组团型(农业专业化发展型)、块状型(农业多样化发展型) 和带状型(兼业化发展型) 4 种农村居民点整合方式。  相似文献   

人力资本是构建农户生计的关键要素,从人力资本视角探讨农户生计选择对于推动农户生计转型、实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。论文以西南贫困山区四川省凉山彝族自治州为案例区,采用2018年508个农户样本数据,应用回归模型,估算了人力资本对农户生计策略的影响。结果表明:人力资本是山区农户生计选择的重要影响因素,不同类型人力资本对农户生计策略的影响不同,且具有明显的空间差异。教育文化、健康状况对非农生计策略的选择具有正向影响,且高山区>二半山区>河谷区,健康状况对河谷区农户生计选择影响不显著;非农技能培训对非农生计策略选择具有显著的正向影响,且高山区>二半山区>河谷区;农业技能培训对非农生计策略选择具有负向影响,且高山区<二半山区<河谷区,但其对高山区农户生计选择并不显著;青壮年劳动力倾向于选择非农生计,务农人口老龄化问题严峻,高山区表现最为突出,二半山区次之,河谷区较不明显。最后,根据研究结论,探讨了人力资本、劳动力转移与乡村发展之间辩证关系及相关政策建议。  相似文献   

基于农户生计策略的土地利用/覆被变化效应综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农户生计策略变化是农户面对环境变化和自身生计资产所作出的一种理性选择,它直接影响到人类活动与自然环境之间的相互作用,并在很大程度上驱动着农村人地系统的演化。通过对国内外农户生计策略变化研究进展的系统阐述和理论总结,重点阐明农户生计策略内涵、可持续生计框架、生计策略变化对土地利用/覆被变化的影响等方面,提出生计非农化和农业集约化是当前发展中国家和地区农户生计策略变化的主要趋势。最后,结合当前社会经济需求和科学研究需求,展望未来农户生计策略变化的研究趋势。  相似文献   

青藏高原东部山地农牧区生计与耕地利用模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This study examined livelihood diversification and cropland use pattern in Keerma village, located in Jinchuan County, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Through stratified random sampling survey, participatory rural appraisal, investigation of households' plots and statistical methods, 63 households and 272 cropland plots were systemically investigated and sampled. The results show: (1) Different types of household have variety livelihood strategies, portfolio and income. Livelihood diversification and introducing and expanding off-farm activities can be the future trend, whereas, adverse natural environment, socio-economic conditions and peasants' capabilities together affect sustainable livelihood and land use. (2) Each livelihood strategy has its own impact on land use, mainly affecting land use type and land use intensi- fication level. (3) Diversification into off-farm activities could be the key of building sustainable livelihood and the essential approach of realizing sustainable land use in the region.  相似文献   

Based on objective data collected from interviews in typical villages of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, the present study devised three livelihood scenarios related to rural transformation development: agriculturally dominant livelihood, multiple-type livelihood and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood. Moreover, the present study reports the trend characteristics of nonpoint source pollution load of crop farming in relation to the transformation of dominant livelihood types, and discussed the primary factors which affect livelihood type transformations. Results indicated the following: (1) The current farmland pattern shows a trend of diversification as self-cultivation, cropland transfer and fallow in the sample region. Dynamic characteristics of cultivated land present a special feature that is more “transfer-into” than “transfer-out”. Various scales of planting are represented among the various households, according to the following decreasing order: half-labor household > non-labor household > adequate labor household. (2) The highest pollution loading produced by crop farming occurs in half-labor households while the lowest occurs in non-labor households. With increasing labor, the pollution load per unit area tends to first increase and then decrease within families with enough labor. (3) As the type of livelihood transitions from agriculturally dominant to non-agriculturally dominant, the maximum reduction of total pollution loading produced by the agricultural industry can reach 72.01%. Compared to agriculturally dominant livelihoods, multiple-type livelihoods produce a pollution load reduction yield of 19.61%–29.85%, and non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods reduce the pollution load yield by 35.20%–72.01%. However, the rate of reduction of total nitrogen is not the same as total phosphorus. (4) The non-agricultural characteristics of labor allocation and income promote the transformation from dominant livelihood types to non-agricultural livelihoods, while potential revenue conversion follows a similar trend. In addition, different household types do not display identical conversion rates, according to the following decreasing order: enough labor household > half-labor household > non-labor household. (5) During rapid urbanization and the building of new industrial systems, the livelihood types of rural households have been further transformed to off-farm household types in the mountainous region; this process will lead to the further reduction of pollution load generated by planting and agriculture. Hence, significant decreases in the planting pollution load necessitate the development of control measures to enhance transformations from agricultural to off-farm livelihoods.  相似文献   

Livelihoods of farmers and nomads in Tibetan Plateau are severely affected by grassland and herbal resources degeneration. How to help them achieve livelihood diversification is a key sustainable development issue. This paper examines livelihood assets, livelihood diversification level and livelihood strategies of farmers and nomads in 3 regions of eastern transect in Tibetan Plateau. The results show that livelihood diversification is a popular strategy. From high mountain gorge region to mountain plateau region and plateau region, livelihood diversification level is reduced, and livelihood activities and proportion of extended livelihood also decrease. Livelihood assets and livelihood diversification level decrease with the increase of elevation, mainly shown in human assets and natural assets. Livelihood diversification level is highly correlative with livelihood assets, mainly shown in natural assets, human assets and social assets. Livelihood improvement strategies of farmers and nomads are still based on existing livelihood assets, mainly raising livestock and digging herbs, and less farmers and nomads consider off-farm employment or doing business. Nomads in plateau region should learn much from experiences of extended livelihoods of people in high mountain gorge region and mountain plateau region. Therefore, aids of governments should focus on relieving restricted factors of livelihood diversification and help them improve their abilities to build up extended type livelihoods.  相似文献   

Livelihoods of farmers and nomads in Tibetan Plateau are severely affected by grassland and herbal resources degeneration. How to help them achieve livelihood diversification is a key sustainable development issue. This paper examines livelihood assets, livelihood diversification level and livelihood strategies of farmers and nomads in 3 regions of eastern transect in Tibetan Plateau. The results show that livelihood diversification is a popular strategy. From high mountain gorge region to mountain plateau region and plateau region, livelihood diversification level is reduced, and livelihood activities and proportion of extended livelihood also decrease. Livelihood assets and livelihood diversification level decrease with the increase of elevation, mainly shown in human assets and natural assets. Livelihood diversification level is highly correlative with livelihood assets, mainly shown in natural assets, human assets and social assets. Livelihood improvement strategies of farmers and nomads are still based on existing livelihood assets, mainly raising livestock and digging herbs, and less farmers and nomads consider off-farm employment or doing business. Nomads in plateau region should learn much from experiences of extended livelihoods of people in high mountain gorge region and mountain plateau region. Therefore, aids of governments should focus on relieving restricted factors of livelihood diversification and help them improve their abilities to build up extended type livelihoods.  相似文献   

Livelihoods of farmers and nomads in Tibetan Plateau are severely affected by grassland and herbal resources degeneration.How to help them achieve livelihood diversification is a key sustainable development issue.This paper examines livelihood assets,livelihood diversification level and livelihood strategies of farmers and nomads in 3 regions of eastern transect in Tibetan Plateau.The results show that livelihood diversification is a popular strategy.From high mountain gorge region to mountain plateau region and plateau region,livelihood diversification level is reduced,and livelihood activities and proportion of extended livelihood also decrease.Livelihood assets and livelihood diversification level decrease with the increase of elevation,mainly shown in human assets and natural assets.Livelihood diversification level is highly correlative with livelihood assets,mainly shown in natural assets,human assets and social assets.Livelihood improvement strategies of farmers and nomads are still based on existing livelihood assets,mainly raising livestock and digging herbs,and less farmers and nomads consider off-farm employment or doing business.Nomads in plateau region should learn much from experiences of extended livelihoods of people in high mountain gorge region and mountain plateau region.Therefore,aids of governments should focus on relieving restricted factors of livelihood diversification and help them improve their abilities to build up extended type livelihoods.  相似文献   

The dominant livelihood types of farm households have become increasingly differentiated in recent years, which has attracted the attention of researchers. Identifying the characteristics and driving factors of household livelihood differentiation is of great significance for revealing man-land relationship and policy making. Based on the interview data of farm households in typical villages in key ecological function areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, we analyzed the pattern of the dominant diversified livelihood types and the livelihood characteristics among different farm households. Then we assessed the driving forces of livelihood diversification by optimal scaling regression. The results indicated that: (1) In the study area, the dominant livelihood types show two trends of agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 53.07%) and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 46.93%). Moreover, farm households in the agro-pastoral areas are mainly agriculturally dominated (accounting for 75.68%), while farm households in the mountainous areas are mainly non-agriculturally dominated (accounting for 66.93%). (2) The labor allocation and income source of different types of farm households are consistent with their dominant livelihood types. The farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods have more natural resources than those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. In terms of housing conditions, farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods are inferior to those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. (3) The farm labor, dependency ratio, agricultural income, supplemental income and locational conditions have negative impacts on the non-agricultural trend of farm household livelihood decisions, while off-farm labor, non-farm income, education level and the per capita amount of compensation have significant positive impacts on it.  相似文献   

The article analyses the effects of changes in land cover and land use changes together with population changes on the livelihood of rural households, and also farming households' responses to these changes, in typical rural settings of north-eastern Ethiopia. The study shows that the immediate impact of shrubland and forest increase since the late 1970s, coupled with population increase, is an exponential fall of per capita cropland and grazing land, which are the principal physical assets of livelihoods of the rural farming community in the area. Furthermore, the study reveals that the scarcity of cultivated land in the area neither brings about agricultural intensification nor leads to diversification into non-farm activities, and farmers did not respond to the scarcity of cultivated land through large out-migration. In general, the Boserupian assumption of land-use intensification through improved labour and land productivity did not happen in the region. Rather, the Malthusian thesis seems appropriate. The majority of farming households are destitute, unable to satisfy their own food demands, and live in absolute poverty. This situation has been brought about not only due to population pressure but also as a result of the policies that have been applied in all systems since the 1950s.  相似文献   

生计多样化背景下种植业非点源污染负荷演变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
钟建兵  邵景安  杨玉竹 《地理学报》2016,71(7):1201-1214
依托三峡库区典型村农户访谈数据,基于收益最大目标决策框架,设定农村转型发展中3种农户生计类型情景:农业主导生计、兼业转向生计和非农主导生计,解析种植业产污负荷随主导生计非农转向的演变特征,探讨主导生计类型转向的动力机制。结果表明:① 样区耕地经营现状呈自耕、流转与撂荒并存的多元化发展格局,且表现出“入”小于“出”的特征,不同农户家庭类型间实际人均耕种规模为“半劳动力家庭”>“无劳动力家庭”>“劳动力家庭”;② 种植业单位面积产污负荷中,“半劳动力家庭”最高,“劳动力家庭”次之,“无劳动力家庭”最低,“劳动力家庭”内部又随劳动力人数增加呈先增再减趋势;③ 样区农户生计类型由农业主导向非农主导转型过程中,种植业产污负荷最大减幅达72.01%,兼业转向生计情景下削减幅度为19.61%~29.85%,非农主导生计情景下减幅为35.20%~72.01%,但TN、TP的减量特征并不一致;④ 劳动力配置与生计来源“非农化”促使农户主导生计类型向非农转化,生计非农演变的潜在农户收入/福祉权衡亦驱使生计决策转向非农化,不同农户家庭类型对生计转向的敏感程度表现为“劳动力家庭”>“半劳动力家庭”>“无劳动力家庭”;⑤ 在新型城镇化快速推进和创新新型工业体系构建过程中,山区农户生计类型进一步向非农转变,而这一过程又将促使种植业产生的污染负荷量进一步减少,要大幅削减种植业产污负荷,就必须制定有助于山区农户生计非农化的调控对策。  相似文献   

阎建忠  卓仁贵  谢德体  张镱锂 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1401-1410
采用分层随机抽样、参与式农村评估、地块调查等方法,研究了重庆市涪陵区珍溪镇3 个典型村样本农户的土地利用和土地投入的差异。共调查了227 户,2250 个地块。结果发现:① 除了6.17%的非农户土地撂荒、退耕或出租外,纯农户、一兼户、二兼户的土地利用类型均以集约为主。纯农户因年龄结构老龄化,劳动力供应不足,相对粗放的耕地面积为48.95%。一兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为71.08%。二兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为67.20%。② 土地投入有明显差异。纯农户每公顷农业劳动力投入少,劳动力老龄化;由于缺乏资金,农业机械及省工性投入少,多选择农家肥及磷肥、碳铵等价格较低的传统肥料。一兼户劳动力投入的数量与质量都最高,有长期投资农业的意愿与动力,农业机械投资量最大,保持了较高的农家肥施用量,且各种化肥配合施用,用量适中;二兼户每公顷农业劳动力投入大,以老人与妇女为主;由于收入高,农业机械及省工性投入比纯农户多,首选价格高、省劳力的化肥。非农户无土地投入。`  相似文献   

In recent years, large development and market integration programs have altered the socioeconomic structures and cultural identity of rural communities and ethnic minorities in Southwest China and influenced the management of natural resources. This article analyzes livelihood strategies in the Shuiluo Valley, a remote area of the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. Agricultural activities and the management of natural resources were studied in five villages of Muli Tibetan Autonomous County, Sichuan Province. Characteristic for rural societies in transition, livelihoods were found to be flexible, combining subsistence agriculture, off-farm employment, and the exploitation of both renewable and nonrenewable natural resources. Accessibility of villages did not influence household income and livelihood activities, and poorer households were not found to depend more on natural resources or on income from agriculture than wealthier households. The option of gold prospecting constitutes a major difference compared to more nontimber forest product-based livelihoods in adjacent areas of Southwest China.  相似文献   

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