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An automatic condensation nuclei counter was developed for the concentration range of about 1 to 400 particles per cubic centimeter. After expansion, the water droplets are photographed when they are still suspended in the air so that the counter can be considered an absolute one. The volume in which the droplets are counted is determined by the size of the picture of the droplets as a function of their distance from the focal plane. To eliminate any effect of decreasing pressure with altitude, the cloud chamber is filled with clean air prior to expansion to about half an atmosphere above ambient pressure. This counter was used to obtain vertical profiles of condensation nuclei up to altitudes of 27 km with high altitude balloons. A total of seven profiles was obtained over a period of about one year at 47° N over the United States. Because of the restrictions in the range of the meter no data could be obtained below 5 km. The profiles show the following main features:
  1. 1.
    Although there are pronounced fluctuations in the individual flights the average nuclei concentration of 200 to 300/cm3 remains fairly constant from 5 km to the tropopause.  相似文献   

It has been speculated for many years that the development of the droplet spectra in cloud is probably influenced by mixing processes. Various theoretical attempts to broaden the droplet spectra by mixing parcels with different velocity histories has shown that that particular effect is small. Similarly, very simpleuniform entrainment procedures did not lead to cloud drop size spectra which were broad enough, although by producing cloud drop size distributions with a double mode these models did substantially improve the drop size spectra of earlier adiabatic models which only exhibited a single mode.Recently a model based on entraining entities representing moving parcels of cloud air within the cloud was detailed byTelford andChai (1980). This study showed that the mixing in of dry air at cumulus turrets could lead to vertical cycling of diluted parcels, and that this cycling, with continual entrainment across the parcel boundaries, will produce much larger drops, as well as smaller drops of all sizes, in the droplet spectra. The entity entrainment concept studied there appears to apply to the observations of stratus cloud discussed in this paper.This paper presents data taken in marine stratus off the California coast which give a particularly clear example of how such droplet spectra modification occurs in practice. Both large drops, and the spread of the spectra to smaller sizes, occur in relation to other variables in such a way as to be consistent with an entity entrainment explanation, with no other obvious possibility.In a marine stratus cloud just over 200 m thick and many tens of miles in extent we find clear evidence that dry air is mixing in at cloud tops. Strong vertical motion is to be found in the cloud, large sized drops are found in cloud parcels where the mixing gives lower droplet concentrations, and there is evidence that newly formed cloud parcels are warmer and contain many more smaller droplets.The observations show that immediately following entrainment of dry air drop diameters are not reduced appreciably, but, in the same parcels, drop concentrations have been reduced by a factor of ten or more. Further down in the cloud big drops, able to start growth by coalescence, are found associated with low total droplet concentrations.Overall, it seems likely from the consideration of these observations that the formation of the large drops which lead to precipitation processes in clouds depends critically on the mixing in of dry air at cloud tops, and very little on the size of the small drops resulting from the condensation nucleus counts. As a conclusion it appears reasonable to state that if entrainment occurs at cloud tops, then big drops will be formed!  相似文献   

The evolution of a precipitating convective cloud was studied by a time-dependent numerical model in which for the simplification of dynamical framework the domain under consideration was expressed by three regions: inner region of cloud, outer region of cloud and environmental region. Clouds are assumed to have no ice-phase. The size distribution of water drops is described using five size-groups. Two types of cloud droplets (case A and case B) were given at cloud base. There are more small cloud droplets in case B than in case A. The slower production of raindrops in case B results in the later formation of a downdraft and rainfall than in case A. In consequence rainfall efficiency is lower in case B. These differences of both cases had a tendency to be larger in a less unstable atmosphere.  相似文献   

When diffusion of a vapour in a gaseous medium occurs, any particles suspended in this gaseous mixture will move along the vapour pressure gradient because of the force exerted on them by the diffusing vapour molecules. This effect was first demonstrated by Facy (1) for particulate matter near growing and evaporating water drops. In this paper, quantitative measurements of the velocity, imposed on radioactively marked sub-micron particles (0.03 to 0.1 μ radius), in controlled gradients of water vapour pressure are described. The particle velocity is shown to be a linear function of the vapour pressure gradient over the range measured, such that:
$$V_p = 2 \times 10^{ - 4} \frac{{dh}}{{dx}}$$  相似文献   

基于高光谱遥感数据分析CH4与CO的影响因素,应用于京津冀地区异常性质判定.通过不同地形高光谱气体与水汽、温度、长波辐射、气压等参数进行相关系数计算.发现陆地与海洋具有不同的特性,CH4与CO呈较强的负相关,且相关系数盆地大于山区大于平原;CH4与水汽、温度、长波辐射呈负相关,与气压呈正相关,且相关系数平原大于山区大于...  相似文献   

This paper examines the evidence for the model of a small cumulus cloud represented as a quasi static but turbulent entity, growing on the upshear side and decaying on the downshear side. While the air just outside the cloudy outline is, on average, stationary relative to the embedding airmass, there is a slight flow, upwards and forward as though the updraft has induced upward motion in the clear air outside the cloud, on the growing side. On the decaying side the motion is downwards and away from the cloud.This is a flow pattern which is not consistent with the air flowing around the cloud as it moves forward but it agrees well with the picture given. Decayed remnants of cloud are found throughout the air previously occupied by the cloud. The cloud outline moves through the embedding air at a velocity which is almost as large as the relative motion of the subcloud feeding airflow (which is almost free from internal wind shear in strong convection).The mixing of dry air from above the inversion yields the observed diluted liquid water content in small cumuli, if such mixing is allowed to proceed until the cloud density equals that of the surrounding air. Quantitative conditions relating the liquid water to inversion temperature and moisture changes, and to the stability of the environment are presented. The strong vertical mixing from the top of the cloud downwards is important to microphysical processes.  相似文献   

青藏高原为亚洲季风区的典型代表区域,研究其水汽进入平流层的过程和机理对认识全球气候和大气环境变化具有一定的现实意义. 本文基于中尺度气象模式(WRF)的模拟输出结果(2006年8月20日至8月26)驱动拉格朗日大气输送模式FLEXPART,通过追踪并解析气块的三维轨迹以及温度、湿度等相关物理量的相关变化特征,初步分析了夏季青藏高原地区近地层-对流层-平流层的水汽输送特征. 研究结果表明,源于高原地区近地层的水汽在进入平流层的过程中受南亚高压影响下的大尺度环流和中小尺度对流的共同影响.首先,在对流抬升作用下,气块在短时间内(24 h)可抬升到9~12 km的高度,然后在南亚高压闭合环流影响下,相当部分气块在反气旋的东南侧穿越对流层顶进入平流层中,并继续向低纬热带平流层输送,进而参与全球对流层-平流层的水汽循环过程. 在对流抬升高度上气块位置位于高原的西北侧,然而气块拉格朗日温度最小值主要分布于高原南侧,两个位置上气块的平均位温差值可达15~35 K,这种显著的温度差异将导致气块进入平流层时"脱水". 比较而言,夏季青藏高原地区近地层水汽进入平流层的多寡主要和大尺度汽流的垂直输送有关,而深对流的作用相对较弱.  相似文献   

Air temperature feedback results from the thermal-radiative coupling between the atmosphere and the surface and plays an important role in surface energy balance. This paper reveals the contribution of air temperature feedback to the global warming from 1980 to 2000. The air temperature feedback kernel, evaluated using the ERA-Interim reanalysis data, is used to discuss the physical mechanism for air temperature feedback, the dependency of the strength of air temperature feedback on the climatological spatial distributions of air temperature, water vapor and cloud content, and the contributions of air temperature feedback to rapid global warming. The coupling between temperature feedback and each of the external forcings and individual feedback processes will amplify the anomaly of direct energy flux convergence at the surface induced by the external forcings and individual processes. The air temperature feedback amplifies the initial surface warming due to the increase in CO2 concentration, ice and snow melting, increase in water vapor, and change in ocean heat storage. It also amplifies the surface warming due to the longwave radiaitve forcing associated with the increase in cloud cover, which acts to suppress the cooling of the shortwave effect of cloud forcing. Overall, temperature feedback plays an important role in the global warming from 1980 to 2000, as the net positive contribution to the perturbation of global mean energy flux at the surface from the air temperature feedback is larger than the net negative contribution from external forcing and all non-temperature feedbacks.  相似文献   

During a study of the growth of cloud drops by condensation the evolution of cloud drop size spectra with height above cloud base was determined for maritime aerosols, and for continental aerosols containing aerosol particles of mixed composition. Air parcel models were used in which the parcel was either completely closed to mass and heat transfer (strictly adiabatic models), or open to heat transfer and to partial or complete mass transfer (entrainment models). It was found that adiabatic models and models which consider the entraining of air devoid of aerosol particles predict drop size distributions which are considerably narrower than those observed in non-precipitating cumulus clouds, and have only a single maximum. On the other hand, relative broad drop size distributions and distributions with a double maximum — as they are observed in atmospheric clouds — are predicted if the entrainment of both air and aerosol particles are considered in the condensation model. Our results support the findings ofWarner (1973) which were obtained for a purely maritime aerosol.  相似文献   

The effect of cloud feedback on the response of a radiative-convective model to a change in cloud model parameters, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and solar constant has been studied using two different parameterization schemes. The method for simulating the vertical distribution of both cloud cover and cloud optical thickness, which depends on the relative humidity and on the saturation mixing ratio of water vapor, respectively, is the same in both approaches, but the schemes differ with respect to modeling the water vapor profile. In scheme I atmospheric water vapor is coupled to surface parameters, while in scheme II an explicit balance equation for water vapor in the individual atmospheric layers is used. For both models the combined effect of feedbacks due to variations in lapse rate, cloud cover, and cloud optical thickness results in different relationships between changes in surface temperature, planetary temperature, and cloud cover. Specifically, for a CO2 doubling and a 2% increase in solar constant, in both models the surface warming is reduced by cloud feedback, in contrast to no feedback, with the greater reduction in scheme I as compared to that of scheme II.  相似文献   

Summary During a number of years at Vilnius the sounding of clouds has been carried out from airplanes in order to study the contents of radioactive materials accumulated in cumuli. Two methods for taking samples have been used: 1) the collection on cooled surfaces and 2) using the method of filter paper covered with erythrosin and kept in a special collector within the Venturi tube. In the first case radioactivity has been measured with the help of Geiger-Müller counter and in the second by means of nuclear photo emulsion (sensitive to -particles) which was brought into contact with the filter paper moistened in the cloud. This method has made it possible: 1) to measure radioactivity in local zones of a cloud, 2) to measure radioactivity of separate big drops and 3) to study the composition of -radioactivity contained in cloud particles.The magnitude of specific radioactivity of cloud elements appears to be of the same order with the rain drops and at times even greater than that of the rain samples.There exist two types of the distribution of radioactivity in a cumulus according to the height: 1) an increase of radioactivity from the bottom to maximum at the height of 0.6 part of the cloud's thickness and 2) two maxima of radioactivity at the bottom and in the centre. The latter phenomenon is characteristic of thick cumuli where big radioactive drops apparently fall out from the centre. The distribution of radioactivity at different heights correlates well with cloud's liquid-water.In a cumulus there takes a place a process of accumulation of radioactive aerosol with the accumulation coefficient of 1000. This circumstance points to a very important part played by clouds as accumulators of radioactive materials from the air which continuously filters itself through them. And just by this is expressed one of the properties of clouds as purifiers of the atmosphere from radioactive aerosol, for, as theoretical calculations indicate, the ability of drops to absorbe radioactive aerosol diminishes with the process of cloud droplets growing to the size of rain drops.The composition of radioactive materials in cloud elements is very complex. In drogs there appear nearly all the natural radioactive elements (emitting -particles) which exist in the earth's crust.  相似文献   

This paper describes implementation of the warm-rain bin microphysics in a LES model based on the EULAG fluid flow solver. The binmicrophysics EULAG is applied to the case of shallow nonprecipitating tropical convection to investigate the impact of the secondary activation of cloud droplets above the cloud base. In a previous study applying the EULAG model with the double-moment bulk warm-rain microphysics scheme, the in-cloud activation was shown to have significant implications for the mean microphysical and optical characteristics of the cloud field. By contrasting the simulations with and without in-cloud activation as in the previous study, we show that the in-cloud activation has qualitatively similar but quantitatively smaller effect. In particular, the concentration of cloud droplets in the bin simulation without in-cloud activation decreases with height not as strongly as in corresponding simulations applying the double-moment bulk scheme.  相似文献   

The possible mechanism by which cosmic rays affect the formation of neutral water droplets and ice crystals in the Earth’s atmosphere has been considered. This mechanism is based on changes in atmospheric transparency and vertical temperature distribution. It has been indicated that a change in the optical thickness for visible and IR radiation by several percents, which can take place when cosmic-ray particles penetrate into the atmosphere, results in a change in the temperature vertical distribution, affecting the growth of water droplets, concentration of active condensation nuclei, and the formation of ice particles. This mechanism makes it possible to explain the correlation between the intensity of galactic cosmic rays at low altitudes and the absence of this correlation at middle altitudes.  相似文献   

A new optical sensor, the airborne Polar Nephelometer, has been tested in an open wind tunnel. The wind tunnel was operated in cloudy conditions including either cloud water droplets or ice crystals, or a mixture of these particles. The sensor is designed to measure the optical and microphysical parameters of cloud particles sized from a few micrometers to about 500 m diameter. Basically, the probe measures the scattering phase function of an ensemble of cloud particles which intersect a collimated laser beam near the focal point of a paraboloidal mirror. From the measured scattering phase function the retrieval of the droplet-size spectra and subsequent derived quantities such as liquid water content and size parameters can be calculated using an inversion method. The particle phase discrimination (water droplets/ice particles) can be derived from the shape of the scattering phase function and the sensitivity of the probe allows the detection of small ice crystals (typically of 5 m diameter). The paper describes the preliminary results obtained by the prototype version of the Polar Nephelometer in various cloudy conditions. These results are compared with direct microphysical measurements obtained by usual PMS probes also mounted in the wind tunnel. Complementary results obtained in a cold chamber are presented in order to illustrate the reliability of the Polar Nephelometer in the presence of small ice crystals.  相似文献   

Summary The importance ofStefan's flow by collection of insoluble aerosol particles on the surface of the evaporating droplets by condensation has recently been emphasized mainly in connection with the possible wash-out mechanism in the atmosphere. A simple theory is deduced for the collection efficiency of insoluble particles on droplets under theStefan's force and a comparision is made with the binding of aerosol particles byBrown's motion and microturbulence of air flow. In general we must take in account the influence ofStefan's flow by calculating the wash-out efficiency.  相似文献   

This work examines the first season of polar mesospheric cloud (PMC) observations from the Solar Occultation for Ice Experiment (SOFIE). SOFIE observations of temperature, water vapor, and PMC frequency, mass density, particle shape, and size distribution are used to characterize the seasonal evolution and altitude dependence of mesospheric ice and the surrounding environment. SOFIE indicates that ice is nearly always present during summer, and that the ice layer is continuous from about 81 km altitude to the mesopause and above. Ice particles are observed to be more aspherical above and below the extinction peak altitude, suggesting a relationship between particle shape and mass density. The smallest particles are observed near the top of the ice layer while the largest particles exist at low concentrations near cloud base. A strong correlation was found between water vapor and particle size with small particles existing when H2O is low. This relationship holds when examining variability in altitude, and variability over time at one altitude.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sensitivity of potential evapotranspiration to input meteorological variables, i.e. surface air temperature and surface vapor pressure. The sensitivity studies have been carried out for a wide range of land surface variables such as wind speed, leaf area index and surface temperatures. Errors in the surface air temperature and surface vapor pressure result in errors of different signs in the computed potential evapotranspiration. This result has implications for use of estimated values from satellite data or analysis of surface air temperature and surface vapor pressure in large‐scale hydrological modeling. The comparison of cumulative potential evapotranspiration estimates using ground observations and satellite observations over Manhattan, Kansas for a period of several months shows a variable difference between the two estimates. The use of satellite estimates of surface skin temperature in hydrological modeling to update the soil moisture using a physical adjustment concept is studied in detail, including the extent of changes in soil moisture resulting from the assimilation of surface skin temperature. The soil moisture of the 1 cm surface layer was adjusted by 0·9 mm over a 10‐day period as a result of a 3 K difference between the predicted and the observed surface temperature. This is a considerable amount given the fact that the top layer can hold only 5 mm of moisture. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The inverted charge structure formation of a hailstorm was investigated using the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF-ARW) model coupled with electrification and discharge schemes. Different processes may be responsible for inverted charge structure in different storms and regions. A dynamical-derived mechanism of inverted charge structure formation was confirmed by the numerical model: the inverted structure was formed by strong updraft and downdraft under normal-polarity charging conditions such that the graupel charged negatively in the main charging region in the middle-upper level of the cloud. The simulation results showed the storm presented a normal charge structure before and after hail-fall; while during the hail-fall stage, it showed an inverted charge structure—negative charge region in the upper level of the cloud and a positive charge region in the middle level of the cloud—appearing at the front edge near the strong updraft in the hailstorm. The charging processes between the two particles mainly occurred at the top of the cloud, where the graupel charged negatively and ice crystals positively due to the strong updraft. When the updraft air reached the top of the storm, it would spread to the rear and front. The light ice crystals were transported backward and forward more easily. Meanwhile, the positively charged ice crystals were transported downward by the frontal subsidence, and then a positive charge region formed between the ?10 and ?25°C levels. Subsequently, a negative charge region materialized in the upper level of the cloud, and the inverted charge structure formed.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments are described which explore the dynamical consequences of buoyant convective upflow observed above hot pyroclastic flows. In nature, the convection is produced by the hot ash particles exchanging heat with air mixed into the front and top of the pyroclastic flow. This effect on the buoyancy due to the mixing of air and ash has been modelled in the laboratory using mixtures of methanol and ethylene glycol (MEG), which have a nonlinear density behaviour when mixed with water. Intermediate mixtures of these fluids can be denser than either initial component, and so the laboratory experiments were inverted models of the natural situation. We studied MEG flowing up under a sloping roof in a tank filled with water. The experiments were performed both in a narrow channel and on a laterally unconfined slope. The flow patterns were also compared with those of conventional gravity currents formed using fresh and salt water. The presence of the region of reversed buoyancy outside the layer flowing along the slope had two significant effects. First, it periodically protected the flow from direct mixing with the environment, resulting in pulses of relatively undiluted fluid moving out intermittently ahead of the main flow. Second, it produced a lateral inflow towards the axis of the current which kept the current confined to a narrow tongue, even on a wide slope.In pyroclastic flows the basal avalanche portion has a much larger density contrast with its surroundings than the laboratory flows. Calculations show that mixing of air into the dense part of a pyroclastic flow cannot generate a mixture that is buoyant in the atmosphere. However, the overlying dilute ash cloud can behave as a gravity current comparable in density contrast to the laboratory flows and can become buoyant, depending on the temperature and ash content. In the August 7th pyroclastic flow of Mount St. Helens, Hoblitt (1986) describes pulsations in the flow front, which are reminiscent of those observed in the experiments. As proposed by Hoblitt, the pulsations are caused by the ash cloud accelerating away from the front of the dense avalanche as a density current. The ash cloud then mixes with more air, becomes buoyant and lifts off the ground, allowing the avalanche to catch up with and move ahead of the cloud. The pulsing behaviour at the fronts of pyroclastic flows could account for the occurrence of cross-bedded layer 1 deposits which occur beneath layer 2 deposits in many sequences.  相似文献   

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