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From January 1964 through January 1966, Dr. F.P. Ide and colleagues at the University of Toronto Great Lakes Institute (GLI) collected benthic macroinvertebrates from up to 63 stations during each of 16 cruises on Lake Ontario. This intensive survey was conducted at a time of rapidly increasing anthropogenic impact. Total invertebrate abundance decreased with increasing depth; this distribution was bimodal on the northern side of the lake, with peaks at ca. 35 and 80 m. Oligochaeta were more abundant along the southern than on the northern side of the lake, except in Humber Bay. The amphipodDiporeia was rarely collected at most stations near the mouth of the Niagara River. Chironomidae were most abundant in the Kingston Basin but were common throughout the lake at depths less than 50 m. Sphaeriidae were confined to water <100 m deep and were most abundant along the southern shore. When compared with the results of subsequent surveys of the deepwater zone, the GLI data provide evidence of two major shifts in the abundance of benthic animals. Numbers of Oligochaeta decreased by about 40% during 1965 and remained at the lower levels through 1990. The abundance ofDiporeia changed little from 1964 through 1977, but increased sharply between 1977 and 1981. These shifts do not appear to reflect implementation of controls on the discharge of phosphorus, or direct predation by fish. Changes in fish and zooplankton communities and inputs of toxic contaminants seem equally likely to be responsible for the shifts in the deepwater benthic community. We have proposed several predictions which could test the relative importance of biotic interactions or chemical stressors.  相似文献   

An experimental study using mesocosms was conducted in the main shallow lake of a temperate wetland (Otamendi Natural Reserve, Argentina) to analyse the impact of zooplankton on phytoplankton and the microbial assemblages. The lake is characterised by the presence of a fluctuating cover of floating macrophytes, whose shading effects shape the phytoplakton community and the ecosystem functioning, which was absent during the study period. The experiment was run in situ using polyethylene bags, comparing treatments with and without zooplankton. The cascade effect of zooplankton on phytoplankton and the lower levels of the microbial food web (ciliates, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and picoplankton) were analysed.A significant zooplankton grazing on the nano-phytoplankton fraction (3–30 μm) was observed. Conversely, large algae (filamentous cyanobacteria, colonial chlorophytes and large diatoms) increased in all mesocosms until day 10, suggesting that they were not actively grazed by zooplankton during this period. However, from day 10 until day 17 this fraction decreased in the enclosures with mesozooplankton, probably due to an increase in the abundance of large herbivores.The results of the experiment would also indicate a trophic cascade effect on the lower levels of the microbial community. In the treatment where zooplankton was removed, the abundance of ciliates followed the same increasing pattern as the abundance of HNF, but with a time lag in its response. In the enclosures without zooplankton, HNF remained relatively constant throughout the experiment, whereas ciliates strongly decrease during the last week. Total picoplankton abundance increased in the enclosures with mesozooplankton, thus supporting the existence of a four-link trophic cascade (copepods–microzooplankton–HNF–picoplankton). Zooplankton composition changed significantly from the beginning until the end of the experiment; cyclopoid nauplii and rotifers were notoriously dominant at t0, whereas 10 days later the community showed a more equitable proportion of cyclopoids, calanoids, nauplii, cladocerans and rotifers.  相似文献   

抚仙湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构与空间分布   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
云南抚仙湖是我国典型的高原深水湖泊,为揭示湖中浮游甲壳动物对生态系统变化的响应,研究了其群落结构与空间分布特征.2005年6-7月在抚仙湖共采集浮游甲壳动物8种,平均密度为27.6ind./L,优势类群为桡足类.桡足类优势种为舌状叶镖水蚤(Phyllodiaptomus tunguidus Shen et Tai),枝角类优势种为角突网纹涵(Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars)和象鼻溞(Bosmina sp.).浮游甲壳动物主要分布在0-30m水层,密度随水深增加而下降;0-10m水层,枝角类和无节幼体占优势,大于10m水层,桡足类占优势.浮游甲壳动物密度南区大于北区(P<0.01),而沿岸区与湖心区之间、沉水植物区与非沉水植物区之间无显著性差异(P>0.05).相关分析表明:浮游甲壳动物密度的垂直分布与藻类密度和水体理化凼子相关关系显著,而水平分布与藻类密度和水体理化因子相关关系不显著.与20世纪80年代相比,抚仙湖浮游甲壳动物优势种发生了演替,西南荡镖水蚤(Neutrodiaptomus mariadviagae mariadviagae (Brohm))消失,被舌状叶镖水蚤代替,可能与太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensi Chen)引入有关;浮游甲壳动物密度表现出增加趋势,但仍处于较低水平,与水体营养水平的提高及太湖新银鱼的捕食压力有关.  相似文献   

太湖春季浮游动物磷释放的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浮游动物是湖泊生态系统的主要组成之一,于2004年3月至5月间调查了太湖梅梁湾、五里湖浮游动物数量,并在实验室条件下分别测定了浮游动物正磷酸盐(PO4-P)的释放率.结果表明,研究期间梅梁湾的枝角类密度都高于五里湖,五里湖的轮虫数量高于梅梁湾,两水域桡足类密度上的差异不明显;梅梁湾和五里湖浮游动物PO4-p释放率的范围分别为0.20-O.43 mg/(g(DW)·h)和0.19-0.54 mg/(g(DW)·h).因此浮游动物营养盐释放对湖泊生态系统营养盐循环具有一定的作用.  相似文献   

热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落结构对生态修复的响应   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落以轮虫和小型枝角类为主,往往缺乏大型浮游动物,其影响因子还存在争议,因此通过减少鱼类,提高大型后生浮游动物密度,从而增强对浮游植物的下行控制、修复热带富营养化湖泊的方法受到质疑.暨大南湖位于广州暨南大学校园内,是热带富营养化浅水湖泊,于2014年1—2月实施以鱼类去除和水生植被重建为主的生态系统修复工程,以期改善水质.通过对南湖修复前后水质、后生浮游动物以及修复后鱼类群落的调查分析,研究了后生浮游动物群落对修复的响应.结果表明:与修复前相比,总氮、总磷和叶绿素a浓度显著降低,透明度显著上升.枝角类丰度和生物量显著增加,修复后初期出现较高密度的大型枝角类蚤状溞(Daphnia pulex),桡足类丰度和生物量没有显著变化,轮虫丰度下降而生物量上升;后生浮游动物体长和生物多样性显著增加.随着鱼类密度的增加,蚤状溞丰度快速降低,后期鱼类减少后蚤状溞丰度又有所升高.因此,本研究显示鱼类是控制热带浅水湖泊大型浮游动物种群的主要因素,由于控制鱼类密度以维持较高大型浮游动物密度较为困难,因此单纯生物操纵在热带浅水湖泊修复中难以取得显著效果.  相似文献   

Andean Patagonian lakes are ultraoligotrophic and deep, have simple food webs and low fish diversity and abundance. In this work the distributional abundance data of fish was studied in two interconnected Andean Patagonian lakes with varying proportions of contrasting habitat types. Hydroacoustic data (120 kHz) were used to analyze fish abundance and habitat use during the mixis and stratification periods. Three types of habitat (near shore, surface pelagic and deep pelagic) and two groups of fish, based on size (Big Fish >12 cm total length and Fish Larvae and Small Fish <12 cm total length) were defined. The distribution of both fish groups in these lakes revealed differences in habitat use for each lake and period. Fish group abundance was related to the availability of habitat types, according to the morphology of each lake. The Big Fish group showed preference for the near shore habitat during lake stratification and always appeared as individual targets. The Fish Larvae and Small Fish group used mainly the pelagic habitat during mixis, where they formed dense sound scattering layers. However, during lake stratification many individual targets from this group were found both in pelagic and near shore habitats, which would seem to indicate a change in distributional behavior. This is possibly associated with niche changes in the Galaxiids (Galaxias spp), a key component of Northern Patagonian lake food webs. Lakes like Moreno Oeste, which are morphologically and structurally more complex, could have more diverse fish ensembles with higher abundances. In contrast, lakes of simple morphology with low development of near shore habitats and ample deep zones, like Lake Moreno Este, could present lower Big Fish abundance. The contrasting habitat availability between lakes accounts for the abundances and distribution patterns of each fish group. While in these lakes fish assemblage species composition could depends on the environmental filter, the particular structure of a fish assemblage in terms of the proportional abundances of species depends on proportional habitat type availability. We can speculate that in Andean Patagonian lakes Galaxiids mediate a habitat coupling process critical for the transfer of energy and matter in oligotrophic lakes. We may also consider that the Small Puyen in this type of lake is a keystone prey species that relieves predation pressure on other potential prey. The existence of deep pelagic habitats in numerous deep lakes in the Northern Patagonian Andean region provides not only daytime refuge for Galaxiids, which allows them to maintain their high numbers in the lakes, but could also, in the long term, act as a Galaxiid source for other water bodies.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine which factors regulate zooplankton organisms along Lake Nasser. Temperature, pH, DO, conductivity, turbidity, nutrients, and zooplankton abundance were measured. Twenty-three species of zooplankton were recorded in Lake Nasser included in Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera. Copepoda represented the main bulk of the community. The lowest standing stock of zooplankton was noticed during spring due to the highest fish predation during this season associated with the lowest turbidity. Big difference in temperature in Lake Nasser along the year round is considered as a controlling factor related to range of tolerance of species. The oscillation of the lake water level and the different factors affect the standing stock of zooplankton in the lake. Thus, continuous monitoring of Lake Nasser biota should be undertaken to follow the changes in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Zooplankton of the lake Jaisamand was represented by 50 taxa out of which 22 were Rotifera, 18 Cladocera, 5 Protozoa, 3 Copepoda and 2 Ostracoda. The total zooplankton exhibited a bimodal pattern with the first peak occurring in December and the second of a little less magnitude in June. The perennial zooplankters were Keratella valga, Brachionus falcatus from Rotifera, Ceriodaphnia spec. from Cladocera and Mesocyclops and Heterocyclops spp. from Copepoda. Considering surface zooplankton as a whole, Rotifera dominated the planktonic biomass followed by Copepoda, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Protozoa and Insecta. The species composition of the mid-stratum zooplankton was not much different from that of the surface. Interestingly, there was a presence of Cladocera in the anoxic bottom waters. The low and occasional presence of Calanoid copepods, the abundance of Cyclopoids and Cladocerans point to the eutrophication in the lake.  相似文献   

近年来云南高原湖泊面临富营养化、渔业活动增强等多重环境压力的叠加影响,对湖泊的有效治理与生态修复急需对多重压力下生态系统的响应模式进行系统了解.现有研究表明在系统生产力和捕食压力的不同配置下,湖泊系统主要组成(如浮游动物)的响应特征可能出现差异且捕食压力可能随营养水平的变化而改变,目前对云南湖泊生态系统的研究主要集中于单一环境压力下的生态响应.本研究以目前分别处于重富营养和中-贫营养水平的滇池和抚仙湖为研究对象,应用湖泊沉积物记录进行多指标分析,探讨受外来鱼类影响下两个大型湖泊浮游动物长期响应模式的异同.通过象鼻溞生物量与个体大小等指标,重建了近百年来滇池与抚仙湖典型浮游动物的变化历史,结果表明随着湖泊生产力水平(如沉积物色素生产量)的增加,2个湖泊中象鼻溞生物量显著增加,同时物种相对组成出现明显变化(如Bosmina longispina被B.longirostris取代),指示湖泊上行效应对浮游动物的控制作用.同时象鼻溞的生物量、壳长与触角长度的变化在1960s与1980s有明显降低的趋势,与同期外来鱼类(如银鱼)引入与渔业产量增加的时间一致.进一步应用多变量回归分析与方差分解方法来定量评价上行与下行效应对象鼻溞生物量变化的驱动强度,结果表明富营养化(沉积物色素)和捕食作用(象鼻溞壳长)对浮游动物长期变化的驱动强度比较相似(分别解释了生物量变化的77.25%和83.59%),然而在滇池下行效应对象鼻溞生物量的独立影响比在贫营养的抚仙湖中更强(分别为15.46%和10.39%),上行效应对象鼻溞生物量的影响在抚仙湖要明显强于滇池(分别为69.74%和19.67%),而在滇池上行与下行效应的相互作用强度明显强于抚仙湖(分别为42.12%和3.46%).结果表明随着湖泊营养水平的升高,浮游动物的生物量在2个湖泊中均显著增加,而外来鱼类(如太湖新银鱼)的引入和经济鱼类数量的增加加剧了对浮游动物的捕食压力,造成了浮游动物的生物量降低和个体减小.但在快速富营养化的滇池,对浮游动物的捕食压力随营养水平的变化出现较强的依赖性,而在总体处于中-贫营养水平的抚仙湖中此相互作用较弱.结果表明在不同营养水平的大型湖泊中,营养水平的变化幅度可以导致鱼类捕食压力的差异性变化,指示了对鱼类捕食压力的评价和浮游动物长期变化的特征分析需要考虑湖泊的营养水平与富营养化过程的差异.总之,富营养化和外来鱼类的引入导致了高原湖泊生态系统的快速响应与结构变化,因此对高原湖泊的生态修复需要考虑湖泊营养水平对生态系统结构与食物链作用的影响.  相似文献   

Limnological characteristics of Lake Burdur in Lake District in south‐western Turkey are presented. It is a deep, tectonic (estimated max. depth 100 m), athalassic, highly alkaline, and saline lake. A set of physical and chemical variables was monitored, phyto‐ and zooplankton was sampled from surface layer of the lake during 1997. Physico‐chemical variables indicated that the lake is hyposaline and composed of some hydrochemically different water layers formed by groundwater sources located on the bottom of the lake. The phytoplankton composition of Lake Burdur consisted of Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Dinophyta, and Chrysophyta. The abundance and number of species of Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta were higher than the other taxa. The zooplankton composition of the Lake consisted of Rhizopoda, Rotifera, and Crustacea. Number of species of Rotifera was higher than the other taxa. The diversities of the phyto‐ and zooplankton were calculated according to the Shannon‐Weaver diversity index. The diversity of each group was found to be low in the lake.  相似文献   

We determined the associations between Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis, invertebrates, and common goldeneye Bucephala clangula in boreal lakes. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that perch play a controlling role in small, oligotrophic, acidic, and poorly vegetated boreal lakes, affecting both invertebrate numbers and community structure. In addition, we predicted that perch impact lake usage by goldeneye. In the observational part of our study, we first explored the association between perch, invertebrates and goldeneye (pairs and broods per shore km) in 18 boreal, poorly vegetated lakes. Perch densities were associated negatively with invertebrate abundance and lake usage by goldeneye broods. In the experimental part in three fish-free lakes, we found that upon successful perch introductions, the number and biomass of invertebrates, the proportion of large dytiscids, and lake usage by goldeneye broods significantly decreased. We conclude that perch apparently plays a key role as a predator of invertebrates in boreal lakes with few aquatic macrophytes. It is evident that perch can strongly affect their prey populations and communities, and this predation may have an indirect effect on species, e.g. goldeneye, that consume the same prey.  相似文献   

Lake Hayq, a highland lake in Ethiopia, was stocked with Tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) in late 1970s, offering an opportunity to study the effect of fish predation in a natural lake. Since 1930s, some limnological surveys have been done sporadically documenting a change in zooplankton composition including the disappearance of cladocerans, hypothesizing the stocked planktivorous fish could be a cause. Nevertheless, no detailed research was conducted to identify potential effects of fish stocking predominantly due to its remote location. The article presents data about zooplankton composition, abundance and biomass done between October 2007 and January 2009 on short-time intervals including the underlying limnological variables. The zooplankton community was depauperate comprising two copepods, three cladocerans, and six rotifers taxa, as typical for tropical lakes. Total mean standing biomass of all crustacean zooplankton was 237 mg dry mass m−3, which gave Lake Hayq an intermediate position when compared with other tropical lakes. Of copepods, Thermocyclops ethiopiensis was almost an exclusive species, and its temporal variation was influenced by food supply and water temperature. We refute the hypothesis that Tilapia was the cause for the seasonal disappearance of cladocerans, and attribute it to the adverse effect of episodic mixing. Nevertheless, the planktivorous fish probably plays a key role in structuring the cladocerans in particular the large-sized Daphnia magna. In January 2008, we observed a massive planktivorous fish mortality that triggered high algal biomass, which was later grazed by large-sized D. magna demonstrating the trophic cascade hypothesis in a natural ecosystem.  相似文献   

We examined the zooplankton abundance and composition of Laguna Grande, a floodplain wetland of the Lower Paraná Basin (Argentina), during an extraordinary drought–flood cycle that affected both the environment and the biological conditions of the lake. Low waters were characterised by remarkably high conductivities and pH values, and high phytoplankton and bacterioplankton abundances with cyanobacterial blooms, while high waters showed opposite features. In relation to zooplankton, the mean abundances of all the taxonomic groups (rotifers, cladocerans, copepods, ciliates, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates) were slightly higher at low waters. Major changes were observed in the specific composition of metazooplankton: the euryhaline species assemblage that dominated in the dry warm period was replaced by several oligohaline littoral and planktonic species characteristic of the Paraná River Basin, when the water level rose. Mean species richness values at high waters doubled those of low waters and were directly correlated to water depth. Most of the rotifers of the genus Brachionus and the cladoceran Moina micrura switched from parthenogenetic to sexual reproduction during low waters, as a response to a harsh environment and crowding. We suggest that the main changes in the environmental conditions in this eutrophic floodplain lake are driven by the hydrology, which regulates the zooplankton succession. The herein described shifts in the zooplankton structure and dynamics of Laguna Grande over an extraordinary drought–flood cycle contribute to the understanding of the processes that might occur under the scenarios predicted by climate change models.  相似文献   

The characteristics of zooplankton of the Sheksna Reservoir are presented for years with different water abundance and weather conditions. Zooplankton of Lake Beloe (Belozerskii Pool of the Sheksna Reservoir) is shown to retain the characteristics of a limnetic community, which was typical of the lake before the onset of Sheksna runoff regulation, with a predominance of crustacean biomass.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present quantitative data on the population dynamics of Chlorella-bearing ciliates (Stentor, Ophrydium) compared to the total zooplankton community in a deep, oligotrophic North Patagonian lake. Mixotrophic and heterotrophic ciliates, rotifers and microcrustaceans, and important ecological parameters were sampled during a 1-year study. The results showed a low biodiversity with only a few dominant species in every zooplankton group. Three mixotrophic ciliates - Stentor araucanus, S. amethystinus and Ophrydium naumanni - were found. They peaked in summer and autumn with maximum values of 152-313 Ind L−1 (Stentor) and 1880 Ind L−1 (Ophrydium). Their contribution to the total ciliate abundance was 16±17% (annual average). Both Stentor species displayed a distinct vertical zonation during the stratification period with peak depth between 10 and 15 m (metalimnion). The contribution to total zooplankton biomass was 59.4% on an annual average (Stentor: 41%, O. naumanni: 18.4%) and 83% during the stratification period. Both abundance and biomass of mixotrophic ciliates correlated strongly with temperature and to a lesser degree with copepods, rotifers and small cladocerans. According to this study mixotrophic ciliates were by far the dominant zooplankton group in Lake Caburgua. We report for the first time the importance of O. naumanni in a deep Chilean North Patagonian lake.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes using aquatic macrophytes is an important and practical technology. Here, we investigated the response of phytoplankton and zooplankton to a large-scale 2015-built aquatic macrophyte enclosure (AME, 200,000 m2) screened of by a PVC net in Baima Lake, a eutrophic lake, from spring to autumn of 2019. AME significantly improved water quality by increasing water transparency, and reducing total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll-a content during the growing season. AME significantly decreased phytoplankton abundance and biomass and marginally increased zooplankton abundance and biomass. Phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were closely related to environmental factors, such as water temperature, conductivity, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand, and chlorophyll-a inside and outside the AME. The zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio inside was slightly higher than outside the AME. Zooplankton and phytoplankton biomass were significantly positively correlated inside and outside the AME, as were chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus. We found phosphorus to be a key factor limiting primary productivity in Baima Lake, and that bottom-up effects were the main driver to control phytoplankton in the AME. Using aquatic macrophytes to reduce nutrient loads is an effective way to manage eutrophication in Baima Lake.  相似文献   

The effects of food web structure on the quantity and biochemical composition of seston, zooplankton and recently deposited sediment in experimental freshwater mesocosms were examined. Food web structure was manipulated by addition of zooplanktivorous fish. Biochemical characterisations were carried out using lipid biomarkers (sterols, fatty acids, chlorophyll-derived compounds and long-chain alkanediols). Fish addition decreased zooplankton biomass and increased seston biomass and deposited sediment through a trophic cascade. Fish presence strongly influenced the biochemical characteristics of seston and sediment. In contrast, food web structure had a minor impact on the lipid biomarker composition of zooplankton. Although the relative abundance of sterols in the different compartments did not differ strongly between treatments, sterol profiles in seston and sediment depended on food web structure. The predominance of Δ7-sterols in seston and sediment in the fish treatment indicated a major contribution of Chlorophyceae. In contrast, the distribution of sterols in seston and sediment in the fishless treatment, dominated by cholesterol, indicated a major zooplanktonic input. The distribution of fatty acids and the relative abundance of chlorophyll-derived compounds and long-chain alkanediols agreed with the predominant contribution of phytoplankton or zooplankton to seston and sediment in the two treatments. The relative abundance of bacterial biomarkers suggested that the contribution of bacteria was rather low. The high relative abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and the absence of stanols in sediments suggested low microbial reworking of organic matter in the recently accumulated sediments. The trophic cascade, generated by the addition of fish, increased the relative abundance of PUFAs in deposited organic matter, thus enhancing sediment quality and potential degradability.  相似文献   

A 3-year ecological engineering project was carried out from 2003 to 2005 in the drinking water source in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu, China. The project area was divided into three zones: Zone C (outside the area), Zone B (pelagic part within the area) and Zone A (littoral part within the area). The community composition, density and biomass of zooplankton were studied as a part in the lake restoration study. Also, the abundance, biomass and composition of fish in the engineering area were annually analyzed in the littoral zone (Zone A). The average density of cladocerans decreased from the outer part to the inner part of the lake, i.e., from Zone C to Zone A, while the average density of copepod did not significantly vary among the 3 zones. The average densities of rotifer and ciliate increased from Zone C to Zone A. RDA analysis indicated that Microcystis biomass more impacted the zooplankton compositions after temperature. In Zone A, many planktivorous fishes, e.g., Coilia nasus, Hemiculter leucisculus, Pseudorasbora parva, dominated the fish community, which caused a marked decrease in the abundance of cladocerans, especially large-sized cladoceran Daphnia galeata and Daphnia obtusa. Our results suggested that both fish predation and other environmental factors such as the Microcystis bloom greatly affected the zooplankton community during the restoration of subtropical eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

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