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The absence of Uranus’s equatorial satellites in the region of approximately equal influence of its oblateness and solar perturbations is explained in terms of an improved physical model. This model is more complete than the previously studied case of an integrable averaged problem. The model improvement stems from the fact that the inclination of Uranus’s equator to the ecliptic differs by 90° and that the orbital evolution of Uranus due to secular planetary perturbations is taken into account. The lifetime of Uranus’s hypothetical satellites in orbits with semimajor axes 1.3–7 million km can be estimated by numerically integrating the evolution equations to be ~104 yr. This is the time scale on which the evolution of the orbits leads to their intersection with the orbits of inner satellites.  相似文献   

We consider the structural peculiarities of Uranus’s satellite system associated with its separation into two groups: inner equatorial satellites moving in nearly circular orbits and distant irregular satellites with retrograde motion in highly elliptical orbits. The intermediate region is free from satellites in a wide range of semimajor axes. By analyzing the evolution of satellite orbits under the combined effect of solar attraction and Uranus’s oblateness, we offer a celestial-mechanical explanation for the absence of equatorial satellites in this region. M.L. Lidov’s studies during 1961–1963 have served as a basis for our analysis.  相似文献   

The basic parameters describing the angular momentum distribution within the Uranus system and of its tidal evolution have been estimated. The nine satellites orbiting under the synchronous zone of Uranus is the maximum number in the solar system and it makes the Uranus system different compared with any other in the Solar system, however the satellites in question are relatively small and their contribution of the tidal dynamics of the system is small compared with that due to UI and UV. The time for existence of the nine satellites as integrated bodies can be estimated as 1.4 × 109 y (UVI) and more. The total tidal decrease in the Uranus angular velocity of rotation is estimated as 7 × 10–9s–1.  相似文献   

Data on three recently discovered satellites of Uranus are used to determine basic evolutional parameters of their orbits: the extreme eccentricities and inclinations, as well as the circulation periods of the pericenter arguments and of the longitudes of the ascending nodes. The evolution is mainly investigated by analytically solving Hill’s double-averaged problem for the Uranus-Sun-satellite system, in which Uranus’s orbital eccentricity e U and inclination i U to the ecliptic are assumed to be zero. For the real model of Uranus’s evolving orbit with e U≠0 and i U≠0, we refine the evolutional parameters of the satellite orbits by numerically integrating the averaged system. Having analyzed the configuration and dynamics of the orbits of Uranus’s five outer satellites, we have revealed the possibility of their mutual crossings and obtained approximate temporal estimates.  相似文献   

Secular perturbations of fictitious satellites that are initially circular and in the equatorial plane of Uranus are discussed. Satellites located in the region where the solar perturbation is dominant become highly eccentric and inclined with respect to the equator, and have a possibility to collide with Uranus. Satellites located in the region where the oblateness perturbation is dominant keep the original eccentricity and the inclination. A scenario of a possible extinction of outer satellites of Uranus is also discussed.  相似文献   

A regular natural satellite observing program has been in operation at McDonald Observatory since late 1972. The observation type has been direct astrometric photography from which the positions of the satellites may be measured with respect to the background star field. Effort has been devoted to the satellite systems of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune as well as the faint outer satellites of Jupiter. To obtain a suitable reference frame, use is being made of the National Geographic-Palomar Sky Survey glass copies as field plates. Through the courtesy of the NASA Skylab SO19 experimenters, the high speed PDS microdensitometer system at the University of Texas at Austin has been made available for our plate measures. The absolute positions of the satellites are determined by the accuracy of the reference frame adopted since catalog star positions are far less accurate than the measures which are obtained. Using SAO catalog positions, for example, we can obtain uncertainties for absolute positions of about 0".3–0".6. Eliminating the dependence on the reference frame by considering only relative satellite measures improves the quoted uncertainties substantially.  相似文献   

Five satellites of Neptune orbit under the synchronous zone. In this sense the Neptune's system is similar to that of Uranus (nine satellites) and differs from Jupiter (two) and Saturn (zero). The basic parameters describing the angular momentum within the Neptune's system and of its tidal evolution are estimated. The main character of the tidal dynamics is due to the retrograde Triton. The total tidal decrease in the spin angular momentum of Neptune is compared with those of Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

A review of visual and photographic data on the appearance of Uranus indicates that markings frequently occur on the planet. The featureless images obtained by the Stratoscope II balloon telescope are possibly the result of the broad spectral band that was used. Difference, or ratio, picture techniques which enhance color or polarization contrasts are proposed as the basis for Uranus imagery on the '79 MJU Mission. An attempt is made to predict the aspect of Uranus at high resolution on the basis of what is currently known about the Uranus atmosphere. The planet should have no visible surface, the tops of a thick NH3 cloud layer should exist near the 3–4 bar level and there is a very uncertain possibility of a thin, broken CH4 cloud layer near 300 mbar. It is proposed that if the choice of an MJU imaging system rests on Uranus objectives alone (i.e., excluding the satellites) then the system should emphasize photo-polarimetric observations between 5500 and 10 000 Å. If, however, the total mission objectives are the basis of choice then a high resolution imaging system, based on the Mariner Jupiter-Saturn system, but including a solid state silicon array would be a more suitable choice. The performance of such a system at Uranus is analyzed.  相似文献   

After the discovery of a huge number of satellites around Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, it is necessary to collect together information about all of the planetary satellite systems and to define the possible classification of objects and types of their motion. We give physical parameters of the satellites: their masses, sizes, apparent magnitudes in opposition, and geometrical albedos. We present some of the orbital quantities that characterize the orbits, their shapes and orientation in space, as well as data on the rotation of satellites. The emphasis is on the peculiarities of their motion—the forces acting on them, the main orbital perturbations, and the influence of commensurabilities in the mean motions of satellites. We list references to the main theories of their motion.  相似文献   

Observations of tilts of spectral lines in the spectrum of Uranus and Neptune yield the following rotational periods: “Uranus,” 24 ± 3 hr; “Neptune,” 22 ± 4 hr. Neptune is confirmed to rotate in a direct sense. The position angle of the pole of Uranus, projected onto the plane of the sky, is found to be 283 ± 4°. The value for Neptune is 32 ± 11°. These results agree with the direction of the pole of Uranus inferred from the common plane of its four brightest satellites and with the direction of the pole of Neptune as inferred from the precession of Triton's orbit. The rotational period of Uranus is found to be consistent with modern values of its optical and dynamical oblateness and the theory of solid-body rotation with hydrostatic equilibrium. This is barely the case for the period derived for Neptune and we suspect that future observations made under better seeing conditions may lead to a shorter rotation period between 15 and 18 hr. Because of a substantial difference between our results and those of earlier spectroscopic and photometric investigations we include an assessment of several previously published photometric studies and a new reduction of the original Lowell and Slipher spectroscopic plates of Uranus [Lowell Obs. Bull. 2, 17–18, 19–20 (1912)]. The early visual photometry of Campbell (Uranus) and Hall (Neptune) is found to be more satisfactorily accounted for by periods of 21.6 and 23.1 hr, respectively, than by the periods originally suggested by the observers. Our reduction of the Lowell and Slipher Uranus plates yields a period near 33 hr uncorrected for seeing. This value is consistent with the results based on the 4-m echelle date.  相似文献   

Data on recently discovered outer satellites of Jupiter are used to analyze their long-period orbital evolution. We determine the extreme eccentricities and inclinations, as well as the circulation periods of the pericenter arguments and of the longitudes of the ascending nodes. The satellite orbital elements are plotted against time. The methods of analysis are identical to those that we used to analyze the orbital evolution of Uranus’s and Saturn’s new outer satellites.  相似文献   

The results of astrometric observations of the main Uranian satellites taken with the Faulkes Telescope North are presented. A median filter algorithm was applied to subtract a scattered-light halo caused by Uranus. The Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and USNO-B1.0 were used as reference catalogues. The mean value of the differences between the equatorial coordinates of the satellites determined with 2MASS and USNO-B1.0 is close to 200 mas. A comparison of the observed equatorial coordinates of the satellites and their relative positions with ephemerides based on different combinations of theories of motion of Uranus and its satellites (DE405+GUST86, DE405+GUST06, INPOP+GUST86, INPOP+GUST06) was performed. The satellites' positions obtained with respect to 2MASS are in better agreement with theories. The values of (O−C) of the equatorial coordinates determined with the 2MASS are mainly less than 100 mas. The majority of (O−C) of relative positions are within ±50 mas. The mean values of the standard errors of (O−C) are within 20 to 60 mas.  相似文献   

Using recently published determinations of the diameters and orbital elements of the uranian satellites and assuming reasonable dissipation functions and rigidities for icy satellites, the eccentricity decay times for the satellites were calculated. For the inner three, decay times are on the order of 107–108 years, making it difficult to understand why these satellites still have their observed eccentricities. The three inner satellites have a near-commensurability in their mean motions that may be able to force their eccentricities at some time in the future, but cannot force them now. Several possible explanations exist: (1) The reported eccentricities are incorrect, and are in fact near-zero. (2) The reported mean motions are incorrect, and an exact commensurability exists. (3) The physical properties that we have assumed for the satellites are grossly in error (e.g., dissipation function Q is in reality very large). (4) The system is evolving very rapidly, perhaps from a previous state of higher eccentricity. Cases 1 and 2 are unlikely when one considers the quality of existing data. Case 3 would be more consistent with non-icy compositions. Cases 2 and 4 would imply some tidal heating of the satellites, particularly Ariel. A new lower bound of ~ 1.7 × 104 on the Q of Uranus is calculated from the mass of Ariel and its proximity to Uranus.  相似文献   

The Jovian and Uranian rings exist within severe energetic particle and plasma environments where magnetosphere-related losses of small ring particles and surface reflectance alteration by sputtering are likely to be important. In contrast, the main Saturnian rings exist within a zone where magnetospheric losses and surface alteration effects are negligible, primarily because of solid-body absorption of inwardly diffusing magnetospheric particles. It is shown here that solid-body absorption of radially diffusing ions is a much more efficient process in the inner Saturnian magnetosphere than in the inner Jovian and Uranian magnetospheres because of the near axial symmetry of the planetary magnetic field with respect to the rotational equatorial plane. This is especially true for continuous rings (as opposed to satellites) for which the approximate time scale against absorption is the particle bounce period in an axially symmetric field, whereas it is the particle drift period in an asymmetric field. Assuming comparable diffusion rates, inward transport of magnetospheric particles is much more strongly inhibited in the inner Saturnian magnetosphere than in the inner magnetospheres of Jupiter and Uranus. This remains true when only rings of comparable widths and optical depths are considered (e.g., the F ring at Saturn and the ϵ ring at Uranus). The most extreme possible consequence of this difference in solid-body absorption efficiency may have been the preferential development of a radially extensive, optically thick ring system at Saturn where magnetospheric losses are minimized in comparison to those at Jupiter and Uranus. A more definite consequence is that the Uranian rings are most probably directly exposed to nearly the same proton fluxes measured at Voyager 2's closest approach. Exposure of ring particle surfaces to radiation belt ion fluxes therefore remains as a viable explanation for the low albedos of the Uranian rings.  相似文献   

Radiometric measurement of Uranus and Neptune near 21 and 32 μm have been made with filters with widths of 8 and 5 μm, respectively. The observations at 21 μm, made on 1985 June 19 at the NASA Infrared telescope facility at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, were calibrated against α Boo and corresponded to brightness temperatures of 54.1 ± 0.3 K for Uranus and 58.1 ± 0.3 K for Neptune. The observations at 32 μm were made on three nights: 1983 May 1 and 1984 May 30 and 31, also at the NASA IRTF. Calibrated against the Jovian satellites Callisto (J4) and Ganymede (J3), these measurements corresponded to brightness temperatures of 51.8 ± 1.5 K for Uranus and 55.6 ± 1.2 K for Neptune. The observations are consistent with higher-resolution studies and confirm the general decrease of brightness temperatures going from about 20 to 30 μm.  相似文献   

This study of the orbital evolution and encounters of distant satellites of planets is aimed at determining their origin. It is also important for understanding the distribution of matter in the early stages of evolution of the Solar System. The mutual encounter of satellites is very weak because of their small sizes and masses. However, at very large time intervals, mutual encounter can be quite close to significantly changing the orbits of satellites. In order to study these factors, we have developed a special method and computer programs. For 107 distant satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, motion parameters have been determined using observational data. On the basis of these parameters, a numerical integration of the equations of motion of the satellites has been carried out in time intervals of several thousand years. Using the original method of frequency analysis, we found rather simple analytical functions that correspond to the results of the numerical integration and make it possible to calculate orbital parameters at any time during a long interval. These tools make it possible to conduct extensive studies of changes in the form and relative position in space of the orbits of distant satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Several examples illustrate the possibilities offered by these tools. The computer software in the form of a service ephemeris of satellite orbits over a long interval of time is available via the Internet (http://www.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/evolu0e.htm) on the website of the State Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University.  相似文献   

We present and discuss the results of the astrometry project during which we observed the satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory (Georgia) between 1983 and 1994. Observations at the Abastumani Observatory were performed with the double Zeiss astrograph (DZA: D/F = 400/3024 mm) and AZT-11 telescope (F = 16 m). We processed a large array of observations and determined exact coordinates of the planets and their satellites in a system of reference stars of modern catalogues as well as relative coordinates of the satellites. The results were compared with modern ephemerides using the MULTI-SAT software. The comparison enabled us to estimate the accuracy of observations (their random and systematic uncertainties) and the accuracy of modern theories of the motion of planets and their satellites. Random uncertainties of observations are estimated to be 0.10??C0.40?? for various objects and observational conditions. Observational results obtained for Uranus, Neptune and the satellites Titania and Oberon were shown to deviate appreciably and systematically from theories of their motion. The results of observations are presented in the Pulkovo database for Solar System bodies that is available at the website http://www.puldb.ru.  相似文献   

天王星卫星CCD观测的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1995 年8 月在上海天文台利用安装在1 .56 米望远镜上的CCD 探测器对天王星五颗主要卫星进行了定位试观测。将观测所得的位置资料与其理论值做了比较。结果表明:CCD观测的位置精度优于照相观测的结果。这些资料对于卫星轨道的研究是有价值的。  相似文献   

A.W. Harris 《Icarus》1978,34(1):128-145
The satellite formation model of Harris and Kaula (Icarus24, 516–524, 1975) is extended to include evolution of planetary ring material and elliptic orbital motion. This model is more satisfactory than the previous one in that the formation of the moon begins at a later time in the growth of the earth, and that a significant fraction of the lunar material is processed through a circumterrestrial debris cloud where volatiles might have been lost. Thus the chemical differences between the earth and moon are more plausibly accounted for. Satellites of the outer planets probably formed in large numbers throughout the growth of those planets. Because of rapid inward evolution of the orbits of small satellites, the present satellite systems represent only satellites formed in the last few percent of the growths of their primaries. The rings of Saturn and Uranus are most plausibly explained as the debris of satellites disrupted within the Roche limit. Because such a ring would collapse onto the planet in the course of any significant further accretion by the planet, the rings must have formed very near or even after the conclusion of accretion.  相似文献   

S. Fred Singer 《Icarus》1975,25(3):484-488
Uranus exhibits an unusually large obliquity compared to other planets of the solar system; its equator is inclined by 98° to the plane of its orbit. However its five satellites are remarkably regular, with eccentricities and inclinations very nearly zero, but of course with orbit planes that are tilted by ~98° to the plane of the ecliptic. This circumstance is used here to relate the formation of satellites to planet formation. Six different cases are discussed, of which two can be ruled out and two others are highly improbable. In the analysis, use is made of the fact that satellites in near-equatorial orbits could not follow a rapid (“non-adiabatic”) change of the planet's obliquity. We assume, also, that the observed obliquity is the result of the last stages of planet accumulation. We can therefore exclude contemporaneous formation of planet and satellites, and conclude instead that the satellites were formed or acquired after the planet's axis had been tilted. A plausible scenario involves the tidal capture of a body having 5% to 10% of the planet's mass—sufficient to account for the tilt—followed by its accretion. However, tidal forces break up the body into chunks, slow the accretion, and allow ~1% of the chunks to form the satellites through interaction with a temporary dense atmosphere. The same reasoning may apply also for Saturn and Jupiter. It should be noted that the synchronous orbit it well within the Roche limit for all three planets.  相似文献   

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