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长江下游地区深厚软弱场地地震效应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以南京、盐城、常州、泰州、启东和上海的6个典型场地作为长江下游地区深厚软弱场地的代表,探讨了深厚软弱场地的地震效应特性.选用Taft、El Centro和Northridge地震记录作为输入地震动,将Taft、El Centro和Northridge地震波加速度时程的峰值水平分别调整为0.35 m/s2、0.70 m/s2、0.98m/s2,对6个场地进行了输入不同地震波、不同峰值加速度水平的54种组合的地震反应分析,并得出一些有意义的规律.  相似文献   

采用二维有限元整体分析法对深厚软弱地基上相邻的双幢桩箱基础高层建筑的地震反应进行了数值模拟,探讨了SSI效应对双幢高层建筑地震反应的影响规律;并分析了深厚软弱地基上双幢高层建筑和单幢高层建筑地震反应之间的差异。一般地,SSI效应使深厚软弱地基上相邻的双幢高层建筑各楼层的绝对加速度反应要比单幢高层建筑的反应略小一些,但也可能使双幢高层建筑中部楼层的绝对加速度反应大于单幢高层建筑的反应。与此相反,SSI效应一般使相邻的双幢高层建筑各楼层的相对位移反应有所增大;但也可能使双幢高层建筑各楼层的相对位移反应有所减小,两者的差异与场地条件、输入地震动特性有关。此外,还探讨了双幢高层建筑的间距对其地震反应的影响。随着间距的增大,双幢高层建筑的地震反应趋近于单幢高层建筑的反应。输入加速度峰值越大,场地土越软,相邻的双幢高层建筑的间距对其地震反应的影响越大。  相似文献   

基于相同土层结构地基条件下,分别采用低承台群桩-独柱墩与高承台群桩-独柱墩结构,完成了两次可液化场地群桩-土-桥梁结构地震反应振动台试验,据此研究了承台型式对桥梁桩-柱墩地震反应的影响。研究表明,与高承台桩相比,可液化场地中低承台桩的抗震性能更优;地震中砂层尚未液化或液化不充分时,低承台更多表现出减弱桩尤其桩上段的加速度反应的作用,相反高承台更多起到放大桩的加速度作用,而高承台桩与低承台桩的峰值应变自下而上更多表现出逐渐增大趋势;即使砂层完全液化时,低承台桩的峰值应变自下而上仍以渐增为主;与低承台桩相比,高承台桩更有助于放大墩顶加速度、位移反应,对结构体系整体稳定性产生了不良影响;虽然低承台桩未出现严重破坏,但砂层中部桩的应变却很大,液化砂土-桩运动相互作用对桩的抗震性能影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

考虑波流影响的深水群桩基础桥墩地震反应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用基于ABAQUS软件为平台的平行计算技术,对考虑波流影响的地基土-群桩-桥墩体系进行三维非线性地震反应数值模拟,土体和墩台以八节点等参单元离散,桩以梁单元离散,采用土体黏塑性记忆型嵌套面本构模型描述土的动力特性,采用动力塑性损伤模型描述混凝土的动力特性;基于Morison公式,采用Stokes五阶波浪理论描述表面波流,波浪力以分布力的形式施加于桥墩之上,分析了考虑和不考虑波流作用时不同地震动作用下群桩基础桥墩的地震反应特性,结果表明:波流作用对桩体加速度反应的影响很小,但对桩体相对位移和弯矩的影响显著,波流作用使桩体弯矩和顺流向的相对位移增大、逆流向的相对位移减小,其影响幅度随流速的增大而增大,波流作用与输入地震动特性密切相关。考虑波流作用对深水大型桥梁群桩基础桥墩地震反应的影响是有必要的。  相似文献   

深厚软弱地基上桩箱基础高层建筑地震反应特性数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据土体—结构体系整体分析方法,以某26层桩箱基础框架—剪力墙高层建筑为例,探讨了深厚软弱地基与输入地震动特性对桩箱基础高层建筑地震反应的影响。通过数值模拟,得到以下结论:地震作用下高层建筑的地震反应与建筑物的地基条件与输入的振动特性等因素有关。一般地,SSI效应使上部结构的绝对加速度反应减小,但当输入加速度峰值较低时,建筑物部分楼层的绝对加速度反应有可能增大。在给定的输入地震动作用下,SSI效应使上部结构的楼层相对位移增大,但也可能存在减小的情况。分析结果表明:SSI效应对深厚软弱地基上桩箱基础高层建筑地震反应有很大的影响,在此类建筑的抗震分析中考虑SSI效应的影响是必要的。  相似文献   

为研究卵石土场地地震反应特征,基于四川成都典型卵石土场地,通过振动台模型试验研究卵石土场地在不同地震波、不同地震强度激励下的加速度峰值放大系数、加速度频谱反应及动土压力反应,并且对其场地地震反应非线性效应及土体动剪应力-动剪应变关系进行分析。结果表明:卵石土场地表层土层对地震波具有明显的放大效应,加速度峰值放大系数介于1~1.4之间,下部土层放大效应较小,加速度峰值放大系数介于0.9~1.2之间。卵石土场地对地震波具有低频放大,高频滤波的作用,滤波频率上、下限随激励强度的增大逐渐向低频方向移动。激励强度较小时,土体尚未破坏,动土压力在地震过程中逐渐增大;随着激励强度的增大,动土压力反应明显增大,表现出骤减后逐渐增大的现象。在激励强度较小时(SN1),中部土体最先进入非线性反应阶段,地震波在中部土层能量损耗最大;激励强度较大时(EL3),土体均发生了较大变形,土体最大动剪应变达到1.7%,此时卵石土场地对地震波的放大作用明显减弱。  相似文献   

为了实现圆形地下水泥土桩地基场地地震效应的准确分析,提高建筑抗震性能,采用ABAQUS有限元软件,分析不同随机参数的圆形地下水泥土桩地基场地地震效应,分析运算采用的各项参数、场地地质条件以及明确等效复合土体计算参数,通过二维复合模量简化模型,全面考虑加固深度、土桩地基上新建结构、下卧基岩地形、水泥土模量、输入地震波属性和不同场景环境等随机参数对圆形地下水泥土桩地基场地地震效应的影响。实验结果表明:圆形地下水泥土桩地基加固区地表的峰值加速度反应较自由场的反应显著降低,地基地表的峰值加速度反应随着水泥土桩加固深度和复合模量的增加而减小;地基上新建结构对坝基周围场地地震动特性形成较强的干扰,干扰幅度以及区域同新建结构规模具有较高的关联性;地基下端基岩表面地形同上部地基场地地震动特性间具有一定的关联性;场地土层条件对复合地基地震效应影响较大;桩体模量在可能变化范围内,对水泥土桩地基地震效应影响相对较小。  相似文献   

采用ANSYS有限元软件建立土-桩-上海中心大厦相互作用简化模型.其中,桩土区采用等效模型,近域土体定为塑性区,用DP模型模拟;外围的土域定为弹性区,用超单元来模拟.对考虑土,桩-结构相互作用的整体结构和以刚性地基为假定的上部结构分别进行地震反应分析,并完成了比较.最后,在整体结构中提取上部结构与下部结构处的加速度反应与原地震波叠加,形成修正地震波,为输入修正地震波能考虑相互作用因素来分析相同结构的精细模型地震反应提供了条件.  相似文献   

为研究曲线桥梁在多维地震激励下考虑桩-土动力相互作用的地震响应特性,本文建立了空间桩-土脱离、摩阻和土体压缩非线性理论分析模型。为简化计算将该非线性弹簧模型进行线性化处理,结合有限元ANSYS分析平台建立了黄土场地的曲线桥仿真分析模型,对考虑桩-土相互作用的曲线桥进行了多维多工况数值分析,对比研究了曲线主梁跨中弯矩、墩底剪力和弯矩及桥墩顶位移的地震响应。结果表明:考虑桩-土相互作用的曲线桥梁主梁跨中内力与地震波输入方向密切相关,三维地震作用下主梁内力最大;各工况地震荷载作用下桥墩底部径向剪力响应比切向剪力响应大很多,而桥墩径向弯矩比切向弯矩略小;同一工况下不同桥墩顶切向位移响应大小相当,而径向位移差异较大。在进行非规则曲线桥梁抗震设计时,应充分考虑多维和单维地震激励输入工况。  相似文献   

基于u-p有限元公式模拟饱和砂土中水和土颗粒完全耦合效应,建立液化侧向流场地群桩动力反应分析的三维数值模型。模型中,砂土采用多屈服面弹塑性本构模型模拟、黏土采用多屈服面运动塑性模型模拟,群桩在计算过程中保持线弹性状态;采用20节点的六面体单元和考虑孔压效应的20-8节点分别划分黏土层和饱和砂层;选用剪切梁边界处理计算域的人工边界,模拟地震过程中土层的剪切效应;应用瑞利阻尼考虑体系的阻尼效应。随后对比分析2×2群桩中各单桩的地震反应规律,结果表明,各单桩的弯矩、位移时程规律基本一致,峰值弯矩及峰值位移出现时刻滞后于输入加速度峰值时刻,上坡向桩的弯矩和位移峰值大于下坡向的桩的反应值。接着通过改变桩间距研究群桩效应,随着桩间距增加,群桩中各单桩的弯矩最大值均出现在土层分界处,且各单桩的弯矩、桩顶位移逐渐增大。最后给出液化侧向流场地群桩效应的基本原因,得出该类场地群桩抗震设计的基本认识。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThefluvialprocesinanestuaryiscomplicatedundertheactionofrunof,tidalflow,windinducedcurentandwaveetc.Especialy,...  相似文献   

A new method for the 2D inversion of induced polarization (IP) data in the time domain has been developed. The entire IP transients were observed and inverted into 2D Cole-Cole earth models, including resistivity, chargeability, relaxation time and the frequency constant. Firstly, a modified 1D time-domain electromagnetic algorithm was used to calculate the response of a layered polarizable ground. The transient signals were then inverted using the Marquardt method to derive the Cole-Cole parameters of each layer. However, model calculations showed that the EM effects could be neglected for the time range (>1 ms) and for the transmitter–receiver distances (<50 m) used in this study. Therefore, the induction effects were not considered for the solution of the 2D inverse problem and a DC solution was applied. An approximative forward algorithm was introduced in order to calculate the IP transients directly in the time domain and in order to speed up the inverse procedure. The approximation is highly accurate, and this is demonstrated by comparing the approximations with their exact solutions up to 3D. The inverse algorithm presented consists of two steps. The transient voltages of an array data set were inverted separately into a two-dimensional resistivity model for each time channel. The time-dependent resistivity of each cell was then interpreted as the response of a homogeneous half-space. In the 2D inversion algorithm, a 3D DC algorithm was used as a forward operator. The method only requires a standard 2D DC inversion and a homogenous half-space Cole-Cole inversion. The developed algorithm has been successfully applied to synthetic data sets and to a field data set obtained from a waste site situated close to Düren in Germany.  相似文献   

2D and 3D potential-field upward continuation using splines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dominant upward‐continuation technique used in the potential‐field geophysics industry is the fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique. However, the spline‐based upward‐continuation technique presented in this paper has some advantages over the FFT technique. The spline technique can be used to carry out level‐to‐uneven surface 2D and 3D potential‐field upward continuation. An example of level‐to‐uneven surface upward continuation of 3D magnetic data using the spline technique is shown, and it is evident that the continued anomalies are very close to the theoretical values. The spacing can be irregular. Synthetic examples using the spline technique to continue noise‐contaminated gravity and magnetic data upward to an altitude of 15 km on irregular grids are shown. Gaussian noise with a zero mean and a standard deviation of 1% does not cause much error and can readily be tolerated. Through comparison with the FFT technique, it is found that for low‐altitude gravity and magnetic upward continuation, both the FFT technique and the spline technique are suitable; for high‐altitude upward continuation, the FFT technique is inaccurate, whereas the spline technique works very well. Also, upward continuation by the spline technique has a smaller edge effect than upward continuation by the FFT technique. The spline‐based upward continuation technique works fairly well even when the periphery of a grid is not quiet: it is rather robust in general. A real example shows that the spline technique can be employed to perform upward continuation of total‐field magnetic data and to de‐emphasize near‐surface noise.  相似文献   

In order to make 3D prestack depth migration feasible on modern computers it is necessary to use a target-oriented migration scheme. By limiting the output of the migration to a specific depth interval (target zone), the efficiency of the scheme is improved considerably. The first step in such a target-oriented approach is redatuming of the shot records at the surface to the upper boundary of the target zone. For this purpose, efficient non-recursive wavefield extrapolation operators should be generated. We propose a ray tracing method or the Gaussian beam method. With both methods operators can be efficiently generated for any irregular shooting geometry at the surface. As expected, the amplitude behaviour of the Gaussian beam method is better than that of the ray tracing based operators. The redatuming algorithm is performed per shot record, which makes the data handling very efficient. From the shot records at the surface‘genuine zero-offset data’are generated at the upper boundary of the target zone. Particularly in situations with a complicated overburden, the quality of target-oriented zero-offset data is much better than can be reached with a CMP stacking method at the surface. The target-oriented zero-offset data can be used as input to a full 3D zero-offset depth migration scheme, in order to obtain a depth section of the target zone.  相似文献   

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A two and a half dimensional(2.5 D) multidomain indirect boundary element method(IBEM) is developed to study the wave scattering of obliquely incident P-, SVand SH-waves by a hill-valley staggered topography in a multi-layered half-space. The IBEM algorithm includes using2.5 D full-space and half-space Green's functions to construct scattered fields in decomposed closed and opened half-space regions, respectively, and using the dynamic stiffness method to solve the free fields. All regions are finally integrated by introducing the compatibility conditions to obtain the total wave fields. The proposed 2.5 D IBEM has the flexibility in dealing with complex boundaries by directly applying the fictitious loads on the regions' boundaries, with a less storage requirement compared to the full 3 D models. Besides, by combining the specific advantages of the two kinds of Green's functions, the method is well suitable for handling coupled topographies with high accuracy. The method is validated by comparison with published results for a single valley as well as a single hill topography. The effects of height-to-width ratio of hill and layering on dynamic responses are further parametrically investigated by numerical implementations in frequency domain. Results show that the interaction between valley and hills can lead to a more significant amplification within the valley region, and dynamic responses are deeply influenced by the height-towidth of hill, simultaneously depending on incident angle and frequency. Besides, the site effects become more complex when the stratification feature is taken into account.  相似文献   

大地电磁野外实测数据月前大多为二维剖面数据.如何反演这些二维剖面数据获得较为接近实际地电情况的结果,是多数大地电磁工作者关心的问题.我们通过对理论模型的三维响应进行分析和对合成数据及实测资料的反演结果进行对比研究,讨论了利用三维反演的方法来获得大地电磁二维剖面附近三维电阻率结构的可行性.结果表明:可用三维反演的方法来解...  相似文献   

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