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In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model with or without viscosity in the ww′ plane, which is defined by the equation of state parameter and its time derivative with respect to the logarithm of the scale factor. We show that GCG model without viscosity approaches to a late time de Sitter attractor (w g =−1) and behaves like a “freezing” scalar field for the parameter α constrained by the latest observational data. However, introducing viscosity exerts an influence on the evolution of w and affects the location of the late time attractor (w g >−1) in viscous GCG model. We also find numerically such a transition from w′>0 to w′<0 as the universe expands in viscous GCG model different from GCG model without viscosity (w′<0) in the ww′ plane.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a cosmological application of the new agegraphic dark energy density in the f(R) gravity framework. We employ the new agegraphic model of dark energy to obtain the equation of state for the new agegraphic energy density in a spatially flat universe. Our calculations show, taking n<0, that it is possible to have w Λ crossing −1. This implies that one can generate a phantom-like equation of state from a new agegraphic dark energy model in a flat universe in the modified gravity cosmology framework. Also, we develop a reconstruction scheme for the modified gravity with f(R) action.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we deal with the five dimensional warped k=0–FRW Universe, with a perfect fluid in the bulk. By solving the Einstein’s Equations, we get the corresponding scale function, a, and the warp factor. Particular attention is given to the effective potential V(a), which is used in solving both the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the stationary Schrödinger equation. Inspired by similar considerations carried out in a series of recent papers, we assume that the brane matter is made of two interacting perfect fluids. We compute the corresponding densities and pressures and write down the Equation of State, whose dynamic parameter is taking all the intermediate values, from w=1, at t=0, to w=?1, in the far future.  相似文献   

We investigate the interacting NADE model in non-flat universe. The effects of spatial curvature Ω k , interaction coefficient α and the main parameter of NADE, n, on EoS parameter w d and deceleration parameter q are studied. We obtain a minimum value for n in both early and present time, in order to that our DE model crosses the phantom divide. Also in a closed universe, changing the sign of q is strongly dependent on α. It has been shown that the quantities w d and q have a different treatment for various spatial curvature. At last, we calculate the statefinder diagnostic and ww analysis in non flat universe. In non flat universe, the statefinder trajectories are discriminated by both n and α.  相似文献   

Combining the kinematical definitions of the two dimensionless parameters, the deceleration q(x) and the Hubble t 0 H(x), we get a differential equation (where x=t/t 0 is the age of the universe relative to its present value t 0). First integration gives the function H(x). The present values of the Hubble parameter H(1) [approximately t 0 H(1)≈1], and the deceleration parameter [approximately q(1)≈−0.5], determine the function H(x). A second integration gives the cosmological scale factor a(x). Differentiation of a(x) gives the speed of expansion of the universe. The evolution of the universe that results from our approach is: an initial extremely fast exponential expansion (inflation), followed by an almost linear expansion (first decelerated, and later accelerated). For the future, at approximately t≈3t 0 there is a final exponential expansion, a second inflation that produces a disaggregation of the universe to infinity. We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for this disaggregation to occur. The precise value of the final age is given only with one parameter: the present value of the deceleration parameter [q(1)≈−0.5]. This emerging picture of the history of the universe represents an important challenge, an opportunity for the immediate research on the Universe. These conclusions have been elaborated without the use of any particular cosmological model of the universe.  相似文献   

The cosmological reconstruction of modified F(R) and F(G)F(\mathcal{G}) gravities with agegraphic dark energy (ADE) model in a spatially flat universe without matter field is investigated by using e-folding “N” as a forward way. After calculating a consistent F(R) in ADE’s framework, we obtain conditions for effective equation of state parameter w eff, and see that reconstruction is possible for both phantom and non-phantom era. These calculations also are done for F(G)F(\mathcal{G}) gravity and the condition for a consistent reconstruction is obtained.  相似文献   

In this letter, we have considered a flat FRW universe. Instead of considering only one candidate for the dark energy, we have considered the interaction between phantom field and modified Chaplygin gas. It has been shown that the potential of the phantom field increases from a lower value with evolution of the universe. It has been observed that the field has an increasing tendency and the potential has also an increasing tendency with passage of cosmic time. In the evolution of the universe the crossing of w=−1 has been realized by this interacting model.  相似文献   

In this work, which is a supplemental to previous one, we undertake to establish some cosmological thermodynamic equations in the context of the cyclical universe as the scenario in which the universe itself is considered like an adiabatic thermodynamical system enclosed in physical volume characterized by periodic reversible transitions. Our model is based on the combination of local and global cosmological time-dependent temperatures {T 0(τ 0),T(τ)} and volumes {V 0(τ 0),V(τ)} instead of the critical temperature T c and volume V c; and the infinitesimal relative variations {dT/T,dV/V}, which are mainly due to the cosmological chaotic fluctuations that are generally ignored in certain oscillating models. By taking into account all these factors, certain equations in the form of d /η d τ/τ H have been established and from them we derive some others to provide a mechanism that is responsible for the thermodynamic evolution of the cyclical universe.  相似文献   

The Bianchi type-V cosmological model with variable modified Chaplygin gas having the equation of state p=B/ρ α , where 0≤α≤1, A is a positive constant and B is a positive function of the average scale factor a(t) of the universe [i.e. B=B(a)] has been studied. While studying its role in accelerated phase of the universe, it is observed that the equation of state of the variable modified Chaplygin gas interpolates from radiation dominated era to quintessence dominated era. The statefinder diagnostic pair {r,s} is adopted to characterize different phases of the universe.  相似文献   

The pivotal point of the paper is to discuss the behavior of temperature, pressure, energy density as a function of volume along with determination of caloric EoS from following two model: w(z)=w 0+w 1ln(1+z) & . The time scale of instability for this two models is discussed. In the paper we then generalize our result and arrive at general expression for energy density irrespective of the model. The thermodynamical stability for both of the model and the general case is discussed from this viewpoint. We also arrive at a condition on the limiting behavior of thermodynamic parameter to validate the third law of thermodynamics and interpret the general mathematical expression of integration constant U 0 (what we get while integrating energy conservation equation) physically relating it to number of micro states. The constraint on the allowed values of the parameters of the models is discussed which ascertains stability of universe. The validity of thermodynamical laws within apparent and event horizon is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the late-time dynamics of a four-dimensional universe based on modified scalar field gravity in which the standard Einstein-Hilbert action R is replaced by f(φ)R+f(R) where f(φ)=φ 2 and f(R)=AR 2+BR μν R μν,(A,B)∈ℝ. We discussed two independent cases: in the first model, the scalar field potential is quartic and for this special form it was shown that the universe is dominated by dark energy with equation of state parameter w≈−0.2 and is accelerated in time with a scale factor evolving like a(t)∝t 5/3 and B+3A≈0.036. When, B+3A→∞ which corresponds for the purely quadratic theory, the scale factor evolves like a(t)∝t 1/2 whereas when B+3A→0 which corresponds for the purely scalar tensor theory we found when a(t)∝t 1.98. In the second model, we choose an exponential potential and we conjecture that the scalar curvature and the Hubble parameter vary respectively like R=hH[(f)\dot]/f,h ? \mathbbRR=\eta H\dot{\phi}/\phi,\eta\in\mathbb{R} and H=g[(f)\dot]c,(g,c) ? \mathbbRH=\gamma\dot{\phi}^{\chi},(\gamma,\chi)\in\mathbb{R}. It was shown that for some special values of  χ, the universe is free from the initial singularity, accelerated in time, dominated by dark or phantom energy whereas the model is independent of the quadratic gravity corrections. Additional consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

Assuming the time-dependent equation of state p=λ(t)ρ, five dimensional cosmological models with viscous fluid for an open universe (k=−1) and flat universe (k=0) are presented. Exact solutions in the context of the rest mass varying theory of gravity proposed by Wesson (Astron. Astrophys. 119, 145, 1983) are obtained. It is found that the phenomenon of isotropisation takes place in this theory, i.e. the mass scale factor A(t) which characterizes the rest mass of a typical particle is evolving with cosmic time just as the spatial scale factor R(t). It is further found that rest mass is approximately constant in the present universe.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate analytically the level space of the imaginary part of quasinormal frequencies for a black hole with a deficit solid angle and quintessence-like matter by the Padmanabhan’s method (Padmanabhan in Class. Quantum Gravity 21:L1, 2004). Padmanabhan presented a method to study analytically the imaginary part of quasinormal frequencies for a class of spherically symmetric spacetimes including Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes which has an evenly spaced structure. The results show that the level space of scalar and gravitational quasinormal frequencies for this kind of black holes only depend on the surface gravity of black-hole horizon in the range of $-1<w<-\frac{1}{3}$ , respectively. We also extend the range of w to w≤?1, the results of which are similar to that in $-1<w<-\frac{1}{3}$ case. Particularly, a black hole with a deficit solid angle in accelerating universe will be a Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole, fixing w=?1 and ε 2=0. And a black hole with a deficit solid angle in the accelerating universe will be a Schwarzschild black hole,when ρ 0=0 and ε 2=0. In this paper, w is the parameter of state equation, ε 2 is a parameter relating to a deficit solid angle and ρ 0 is the density of static spherically symmetrical quintessence-like matter at r=1.  相似文献   

Om diagnostic is a useful geometric method to differentiate between different cosmological models without the accurate current value of matter density. We investigate the Om diagnostic for viscous Cardassian universe and find that the model can be easily distinguished from LCDM. We also investigate the influence of the bulk viscosity coefficient τ on the evolutive behavior of Om with respect to redshift z. According to the value of Om(z=0) for viscous Cardassian models, we obtain the current value of equation of state w k0.  相似文献   

In this work we propose cyclical reversible transitions as the scenario in which the universe evolves, through a series consisting of reversible expansion, temporary stability, and contraction. Our model is based on the comparison between local and global time-dependent densities {ρ 0(τ 0),ρ(τ)} instead of the critical density ρ c, local and global time-dependent Hubble parameters {H 0(τ 0),H(τ)}, and the variations {Δρ(τ),ΔH(τ)} due to cosmological chaotic fluctuations, which are generally ignored in certain oscillating models. By taking into account all these factors, a rate equation in the form of (H 0/H)2 (ρ 0/ρ) has been established, and from it we derive some others, to provide a mechanism that is responsible for the cyclical reversible transitions. Also, the problems of singularities, black hole overproduction, and the second law of thermodynamics arising in oscillating universe models are conceptually resolved.  相似文献   

It is shown that quantum vacuum fluctuations give rise to a curvature of space-time equivalent to a cosmological constant, that is a homogeneous energy density ρ and pressure p fulfilling −p=ρ>0. The fact that the fluctuations produce curvature, even if the vacuum expectation of the energy vanishes, is a consequence of the non-linear character of the Einstein equation. A calculation is made, involving plausible hypotheses within quantized gravity, which establishes a relation between the two-point correlation of the vacuum fluctuations and the space-time curvature. Arguments are given which suggest that the density ρ might be of order the “dark energy” density currently assumed to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the universe.  相似文献   

A new paradigm in cosmology is presented: A geometrical phase transition from the Minkowski space to an anti-deSitter space at its maximum of extension instead of a big bang with inflation. This scenario implies an open universe with a negative cosmological constant which replaces completely the cold dark matter in galaxy clusters. Baryonic matter and radiation are created from the gravitational field over a very long period of about 30 billion years. The contracting universe runs then after a further period of 13 billion years through a minimum with T max ≃ 1.8 × 1012 K and a particle density n max ≃ 5 × 1038 cm-3 due to Hagedorn’s theory of a hadron gas. After the run through the minimum the universe expands like a big bang universe and reaches due to the negative cosmological constant after 44 billion years its maximal extension. Then it contracts again, and so on: An open ever-oscillating universe.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a cosmological model with the sign-changeable interaction between agegraphic dark energy (ADE) and dark matter. For the accelerated expansion of the universe, the model parameters n and β should satisfy the condition n>1 and $-\frac{2}{3}<\beta<0$ . We also investigate the effect of the parameters n and β on the evolutive behavior of our universe. Furthermore, by analysis it is shown that the equation of state of ADE with the sign-changeable interaction can cross the phantom divide from w d >?1 to w d <?1 for the appropriate n and β. This is different from that of ADE with usual interaction, whose equation of state changes from w d <?1 to w d >?1.  相似文献   

A new class of exact solutions of Einstein’s field equations with a bulk viscous fluid for an LRS Bianchi type-Ia obtained by using a time dependent deceleration parameter and cosmological term Λ. The coefficient of bulk viscosity is assumed to be a power function of mass density (ξ=ξ 0 ρ n ). We have obtained a general solution of the field equations from which six models of the universe are derived: exponential, polynomial and sinusoidal form respectively. The behaviour of these models of the universe are also discussed in the frame of reference of recent supernovae Ia observations.   相似文献   

We assume the four dimensional induced matter of the 5D Ricci flat bouncing cosmological solution contains a perfect fluid. The big bounce singularity of simple 5D cosmological model is studied with the cosmological term Λ=α ρ and Λ=β H 2 where α and β are constants and ρ and H are respectively energy density and Hubble parameter. This big bounce singularity is found to be an event horizon at which the scale factor and mass density of the universe are finite, while the pressure is infinite.   相似文献   

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