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Previous simulations of martian global dust storms with a simple low-order model showed the desired interannual variability of storms if one of the model parameters—the threshold wind speed for starting saltation and lifting dust from the surface—was finely tuned. In this paper we show that the fine-tuning of this parameter could be the result of negative feedback in which processes associated with global dust storms raise the threshold and small-scale processes like dust devils, which are active in years between the storms, lower the threshold.  相似文献   

Michael D Smith 《Icarus》2004,167(1):148-165
We use infrared spectra returned by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) to retrieve atmospheric and surface temperature, dust and water ice aerosol optical depth, and water vapor column abundance. The data presented here span more than two martian years (Mars Year 24, Ls=104°, 1 March 1999 to Mars Year 26, Ls=180°, 4 May 2003). We present an overview of the seasonal (Ls), latitudinal, and longitudinal dependence of atmospheric quantities during this period, as well as an initial assessment of the interannual variability in the current martian climate. We find that the perihelion season (Ls=180°-360°) is relatively warm, dusty, free of water ice clouds, and shows a relatively high degree of interannual variability in dust optical depth and atmospheric temperature. On the other hand, the aphelion season (Ls=0°-180°) is relatively cool, cloudy, free of dust, and shows a low degree of interannual variability. Water vapor abundance shows a moderate amount of interannual variability at all seasons, but the most in the perihelion season. Much of the small amount of interannual variability that is observed in the aphelion season appears to be caused by perihelion-season planet-encircling dust storms. These dust storms increase albedo through deposition of bright dust on the surface causing cooler daytime surface and atmospheric temperatures well after dust optical depth returns to prestorm values.  相似文献   

Telescopic data on the twentieth-century regressions of Mars' south polar cap have been reexamined for evidence of interannual variability. Several regressions, particularly that of 1956, are found to differ significantly from the mean. The possibility of correlations with major dust storms is explored.  相似文献   

We present simulations of the interannual variability of martian global dust storms (GDSs) with a simplified low-order model (LOM) of the general circulation. The simplified model allows one to conduct computationally fast long-term simulations of the martian climate system. The LOM is constructed by Galerkin projection of a 2D (zonally averaged) general circulation model (GCM) onto a truncated set of basis functions. The resulting LOM consists of 12 coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations describing atmospheric dynamics and dust transport within the Hadley cell. The forcing of the model is described by simplified physics based on Newtonian cooling and Rayleigh friction. The atmosphere and surface are coupled: atmospheric heating depends on the dustiness of the atmosphere, and the surface dust source depends on the strength of the atmospheric winds. Parameters of the model are tuned to fit the output of the NASA AMES GCM and the fit is generally very good.Interannual variability of GDSs is possible in the LOM, but only when stochastic forcing is added to the model. The stochastic forcing could be provided by transient weather systems or some surface process such as redistribution of the sand particles in storm generating zones on the surface. The results are sensitive to the value of the saltation threshold, which hints at a possible feedback between saltation threshold and dust storm activity. According to this hypothesis, erodable material builds up as a result of a local process, whose effect is to lower the saltation threshold until a GDS occurs. The saltation threshold adjusts its value so that dust storms are barely able to occur.  相似文献   

P.C Thomas  P Gierasch  D.S Miller  B Cantor 《Icarus》2003,162(2):242-258
Variable surface albedo features on Mars are likely caused by the entrainment and deposition of dust by the wind. Most discrete markings are associated with topographic forms or with regional slopes that serve to alter the effective wind shear stress on the surface. Some of the largest variable features, here termed mesoscale linear streaks, are up to 400 km in length and repeatedly occur in one of the smoothest regions of Mars: Amazonis Planitia. Their orientations and apparent season of variability as observed by Viking and Mars Orbiter cameras indicate linear streak formation by enhanced surface wind stresses during regional or local dust storms and during the initial stages of global dust storms. They provide an example of the ability of large-scale winds, without significant local enhancement, to initiate dust motion on Mars. The sizes and spacing of the linear streaks may be controlled by boundary layer rolls. The repetitive formation of these streaks, over a span of more than 11 Mars years, gives one measure of the stability of Mars’ eolian processes.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of regional climate was investigated on a seasonal basis. Observations and two global climate model (GCM) simulations were intercompared to identify model biases and climate change signals due to the enhanced greenhouse effect. Observed record length varies from 40 to 100 years, while the model output comes from two 100-year equilibrium climate simulations corresponding to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at observed 1990 and projected 2050 levels. The GCM includes an atmosphere based on the NCAR CCM1 with the addition of the radiative effects of CH4, N2O and CFCs, a bulk layer land surface and a mixed-layer ocean with thermodynamic sea-ice and fixed meridional oceanic heat transport.Because comparisons of interannual variability are sensitive to the time period chosen, a climate ensemble technique has been developed. This technique provides comparisons between variance ratios of two time series for all possible contiguous sub-periods of a fixed length. The time autocorrelation is thus preserved within each sub-period. The optimal sub-period length was found to be 30 years, based on which robust statistics of the ensemble were obtained to identify substantial differences in interannual variability that are both physically important and statistically significant.Several aspects of observed interannual variability were reproduced by the GCM. These include: global surface air temperature; Arctic sea-ice extent; and regional variability of surface air temperature, sea level pressure and 500 mb height over about one quarter of the observed data domains. Substantial biases, however, exist over broad regions, where strong seasonality and systematic links between variables were identified. For instance, during summer substantially greater model variability was found for both surface air temperature and sea-level pressure over land areas between 20–50°N, while this tendency was confined to 20–30°N in other seasons. When greenhouse gas concentrations increase, atmospheric moisture variability is substantially larger over areas that experience the greatest surface warming. This corresponds to an intensified hydrologic cycle and, hence, regional increases in precipitation variability. Surface air temperature variability increases where hydrologic processes vary greatly or where mean soil moisture is much reduced. In contrast, temperature variability decreases substantially where sea-ice melts completely. These results indicate that regional changes in interannual variability due to the enhanced greenhouse effect are associated with mechanisms that depend on the variable and season.  相似文献   

Leonard J. Martin 《Icarus》1984,57(3):317-321
This note is an attempt to resolve some misconceptions regarding the historical record of the Martian atmospheric phenomena referred to as “dust storms,” but often called yellow storms, yellow clouds, planetwide dust storms, global dust storms, great dust storms, etc. The known frequency of planet-encircling storms will be specifically addressed. Better knowledge of the sizes, frequencies, and locations of Martian dust storms is needed for atmospheric modeling and for future mission planning.  相似文献   

Observations from 560 weather stations in China show that sand–dust storms occur most frequently in April in north China. The region consists of Sub-dry Mid Temperate, Dry Mid Temperate, Sub-dry South Temperate and Dry South Temperate Zones and much of the land surface is desert or semi-desert: it is relatively dry with minimal rainfall and a high annual mean temperature. In most regions of China, the annual mean frequency of sand–dust events decreased sharply between 1980 and 1997 and then increased from 1997 to 2000. Statistical analyses demonstrate that the frequency of sand–dust storms correlates highly with wind speed, which in turn is strongly related to land surface features; on the other hand, a significant correlation between storm events and other atmospheric quantities such as precipitation and temperature was not observed. Accordingly, land surface cover characteristics (vegetation, snowfall and soil texture) may play a significant role in determining the occurrence of sand–dust storms in China. Analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Empirical Orthogonal Function show that since 1995 surface vegetation cover in large areas of Northern China has significantly deteriorated. Moreover, a high correlation is shown to exist among the annual occurrence of sand–dust storms, surface vegetation cover and snowfall. This suggests that the deterioration of surface vegetation cover may strongly influence the occurrence of sand–dust storms in China. Soils with coarse and medium textures are found to be more associated with sand–dust storms than other soils.  相似文献   

Bruce A. Cantor 《Icarus》2007,186(1):60-96
From 15 September 1997 through 21 January 2006, only a single planet-encircling martian dust storm was observed by MGS-MOC. The onset of the storm occurred on 26 June 2001 (Ls=184.7°), earliest recorded to date. It was initiated in the southern mid-to-low latitudes by a series of local dust storm pulses that developed along the seasonal cap edge in Malea and in Hellas basin (Ls=176.2°-184.4°). The initial expansion of the storm, though asymmetric, was very rapid in all directions (3-32 m s−1). The main direction of propagation, however, was to the east, with the storm becoming planet encircling in the southern hemisphere on Ls=192.3°. Several distinct centers of active dust lifting were associated with the storm, with the longest persisting for 86 sols (Syria-Claritas). These regional storms helped generate and sustain a dust cloud (“haze”), which reached an altitude of about 60 km and a peak opacity of τdust∼5.0. By Ls=197.0°, the cloud had encircled the entire planet between 59.0° S and 60.0° N, obscuring all but the largest volcanoes. The decay phase began around Ls∼200.4° with atmospheric dust concentrations returning to nominal seasonal low-levels at Ls∼304.0°. Exponential decay time constants ranged from 30-117 sols. The storm caused substantial regional albedo changes (darkening and brightening) as a result of the redistribution (removal and deposition) of a thin veneer of surface dust at least 0.1-11.1 μm thick. It also caused changes in meteorological phenomena (i.e., dust storms, dust devils, clouds, recession of the polar caps, and possibly surface temperatures) that persisted for just a few weeks to more than a single Mars year. The redistribution of dust by large annual regional storms might help explain the long period (∼30 years) between the largest planet-encircling dust storms events.  相似文献   

Huiqun Wang 《Icarus》2007,189(2):325-343
Data from the third Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mapping year (MY 26, 2003-2005) are used to investigate dust storms originating in the northern hemisphere. Flushing dust storms, which originate as frontal dust storms at the northern polar vortex edge and propagate southward through topographic channels, are observed immediately before and after a quiescent period that occurs around the northern winter solstice (240°<Ls<300°). Both the pre- and post-solstice active periods can be further divided into two sub-periods. The most vigorous of these flushing storms occurred during Ls 210-220° and Ls 310-320°. The lifted dust crossed the equator and accumulated in the southern hemisphere. These major dust storms enhanced the Hadley circulation and suppressed the lower-level baroclinic eddies in the northern mid and high latitudes. The 2-3 sol wave number m=3 traveling waves show the best correlation with flushing dust storms and can combine with other wave modes to produce storm tracks and fronts within individual sub-periods.  相似文献   

Water-ice and dust optical depths in Mars’ north polar region are mapped as function of season, latitude and longitude, and their characteristics and variability on a geographic, seasonal, and interannual basis are discussed. We use water-ice and dust optical depth data provided by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), covering nearly three northern spring and summer periods. We find that interannual variability exists in both the water ice and dust behavior, although there are trends that repeat year to year as well. The optical thickness of the north polar hood (NPH) exhibits interannually varying longitudinal structure, both during springtime recession and late-summer onset. We define the characteristics associated with the transition to and from the NPH and find that the disappearance occurs near Ls=75° and the reappearance near Ls=160-165°. We find that the late spring to early summer time frame is characterized by very low water-ice optical depths and enhanced dust activity, with a preference for lower water-ice and higher dust optical depths in the 0-90°W quadrant. We see possible evidence for stationary wavenumber 2 systems in a few of the maps examined.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the mechanisms of dust storm development in East Asia and the characteristics of the responsible synoptic systems. Two severe East Asian dust storms which occurred in spring 2002 are analyzed using synoptic and remote sensing data. The relationships between the formation and the movement of the dust storms and the evolution of the synoptic systems are examined. It is shown that a dust storm may develop when a synoptic system moves to the desert area of Northeast Asia with a surface wind speed exceeding 6 m s− 1. Numerical simulations of the two dust storms are carried out using a dust storm forecasting model. The performance of the model is verified with observations. The dust sources are found to be consistent with the desert regions in Northeast Asia, but cover a somewhat larger area than the observations suggest. Finally, we present a conceptual model of dust storm generation and movement in East Asia on the basis of numerical modeling and synoptic analysis.  相似文献   

This study describes surface cyclone activity associated with the interannual variability in summer precipitation in northern Eurasia and how that activity may be connected to other climate signals. An east–west seesaw oscillation of precipitation across Siberia is the primary mode of interannual variability in the summer hydrological cycle over northern Eurasia. This variation occurs at sub-decadal timescales of about 6–8 years. The spatial characteristics of cyclone frequency and cyclone tracks at the two poles in variability [eastern Siberia (ES)-wet–western Siberia (WS)-dry and WS-wet–ES-dry] were examined, and temporal variability in regional cyclone frequency was compared to basin-scale precipitation variability. The analysis period was from 1973 to 2002, when the precipitation variability signal was predominant.Cyclone behavior suggested that the regions of enhanced (reduced) cyclone activity coincided with regions of increased (decreased) precipitation in each phase of the oscillation. Such behavior reflects the zonal displacement of the track of frequent storm activity that accompanies the changes in precipitation. Comparisons of the temporal characteristics confirmed the importance of regional cyclone frequency on precipitation variability in both eastern and western Siberia. Low-frequency changes in regional cyclone activity may produce the precipitation oscillation. We used various climate signals to explore connections between regional precipitation and cyclone activity in Siberia. Results suggest that the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) from the preceding winter is significantly and negatively correlated with summer surface cyclone frequency and precipitation over western Siberia. Enhanced (reduced) summer cyclone activity and precipitation in western Siberia follows low- (high-) winter NAO. However, the physical mechanisms linking summer cyclone activity and precipitation over western Siberia with the preceding climate conditions associated with the winter NAO remain unclear.  相似文献   

David P. Hinson  Huiqun Wang 《Icarus》2010,206(1):290-1294
We have investigated the near-surface meteorology in the northern hemisphere of Mars through detailed analysis of data obtained with Mars Global Surveyor in January-August 2005. The season in the northern hemisphere ranged from midsummer through winter solstice of Mars Year (MY) 27. We examined composite, wide-angle images from the Mars Orbiter Camera and compiled a catalog of the dust storms that occurred in this interval. As in previous martian years, activity in the northern hemisphere was dominated by regional “flushing” dust storms that sweep southward through the major topographic basins, most frequently in Acidalia Planitia. We also used atmospheric profiles retrieved from radio occultation experiments to characterize eddy activity near the surface at high northern latitudes. There are strong correlations between the two sets of observations, which allowed us to identify three factors that influence the timing and location of the regional dust storms: (1) transitions among baroclinic wave modes, which strongly modulate the intensity of meridional winds near the surface, (2) storms zones, which impose strong zonal variations on the amplitude of some baroclinic eddies, and (3) stationary waves, which further modulate the wind field near the surface. The flushing dust storms ceased abruptly in midautumn, possibly in response to source depletion, CO2 condensation, a shift in the period of the baroclinic eddies, and changes in the tidal wind field near the surface. Our results extend the meteorological record of the northern hemisphere, substantiate the findings of previous investigations, and further illuminate the climatic impact of baroclinic eddies.  相似文献   

We report on new retrievals of water vapor column abundances from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data. The new retrievals are from the TES nadir data taken above the ‘cold’ surface areas in the North polar region (Tsurf < 220 K, including seasonal frost and permanent ice cap) during spring and summer seasons, where retrievals were not performed initially. Retrievals are possible (with some modifications to the original algorithm) over cold surfaces overlaid by sufficiently warm atmosphere. The retrieved water vapor column abundances are compared to the column abundances observed by other spacecrafts in the Northern polar region during spring and summer and good agreement is found. We detect an annulus of water vapor growing above the edge of the retreating seasonal cap during spring. The formation of the vapor annulus is consistent with the previously proposed mechanism for water cycling in the polar region, according to which vapor released by frost sublimation during spring re-condenses on the retreating seasonal CO2 cap. The source of the vapor in the vapor annulus, according to this model, is the water frost on the surface of the CO2 at the retreating edge of the cap and the frost on the ground that is exposed by the retreating cap. Small contribution from regolith sources is possible too, but cannot be quantified based on the TES vapor data alone. Water vapor annulus exhibits interannual variability, which we attribute to variations in the atmospheric temperature. We propose that during spring and summer the water ice sublimation is retarded by high relative humidity of the local atmosphere, and that higher atmospheric temperatures lead to higher vapor column abundances by increasing the water holding capacity of the atmosphere. Since the atmospheric temperatures are strongly influenced by the atmospheric dust content, local dust storms may be controlling the release of vapor into the polar atmosphere. Water vapor abundances above the residual polar cap also exhibit noticeable interannual variability. In some years abundances above the cap are lower than the abundances outside of the cap, consistent with previous observations, while in the other years the abundances above the cap are higher or similar to abundances outside of the cap. We speculate that the differences may be due to weaker off-cap transport in the latter case, keeping more vapor closer to the source at the surface of the residual cap. Despite the large observed variability in water vapor column abundances in the Northern polar region during spring and summer, the latitudinal distribution of the vapor mass in the atmosphere is very similar during the summer season. If the variability in vapor abundances is caused by the variability of vapor sources across the residual cap then this would mean that they annually contribute relatively little vapor mass to significantly affect the vapor mass budget. Alternatively this may suggest that the vapor variability is caused by the variability of the polar atmospheric circulation. The new water vapor retrievals should be useful in tuning the Global Circulation Models of the martian water cycle.  相似文献   

G.S. Golitsyn 《Icarus》1973,18(1):113-119
A short review is given of the observational data on the great Martian dust storms. It is noted that these storms are observed at the time of the great oppositions, when Mars is at its perihelion. It is then late spring-early summer in the Southern Hemisphere and the insolation is a maximum. Intense storms were observed during the 1892, 1924, 1941, 1956 and 1971 oppositions, but not in 1909 or 1939. These storms were of various duration and intensity which points out the importance of local time and space meteorological conditions at the moment of storm origin. Storm generation is caused by local conditions, but the fact that they frequently reach global scale implies that there are some feedback processes favoring the global spread of the dust. Possible such processes are described qualitatively together with the causes of storm declines. Those problems of Martian meteorology and micrometeorology are discussed which have to be studied for a better understanding of the generation, development and decay of a dust storm.  相似文献   

Baroclinic waves figure prominently in the dynamics of the northern hemisphere of Mars, and extensive observations by the Viking Landers and two atmospheric sounders on Mars Global Surveyor have revealed many of their basic properties. However, previous investigations considered these data sets individually, so that their cumulative value is not fully appreciated. We have re-examined these data to extract new information about the dynamics near the surface at mid-to-high northern latitudes. By applying the same method of spectral analysis to each type of observation, we derive a uniform, multi-year characterization of basic elements of martian weather. This survey documents the time evolution of baroclinic waves among modes with different periods and zonal wave numbers. We devote particular attention to a recurring “wave-3 mode”, which is distinguished by its capacity to initiate regional dust storms in the topographic basins of the northern hemisphere. Our results include a detailed case study that shows how the intermittence of this mode and the strong zonal modulation of its amplitude influence the timing and location of these distinctive “flushing” dust storms. More generally, we find that the properties of the wave-3 mode are largely the same whenever it appears and that its intermittence plays an important role in the annual dust cycle.  相似文献   

We present a Mars General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical investigation of the physical processes (i.e., wind stress and dust devil dust lifting and atmospheric transport) responsible for temporal and spatial variability of suspended dust particle sizes. Measurements of spatial and temporal variations in airborne dust particles sizes in the martian atmosphere have been derived from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) spectral and emission phase function data [Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002057. 1-1; Clancy, R.T., Wolff, M.J., Christensen, P.R., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002058. 2-1]. The range of dust particle sizes simulated by the NASA Ames GCM is qualitatively consistent with TES-derived observations of effective dust particle size variability. Model results suggest that the wind stress dust lifting scheme (which produces regionally confined dust lifting) is the process responsible for the majority of the dust particle size variability in the martian atmosphere. Additionally, model results suggest that atmospheric transport processes play an important role in the evolution of atmospheric dust particles sizes during substantial dust storms on Mars. Finally, we show that including the radiative effects of a spatially variable particle size distribution significantly influences thermal and dynamical fields during the dissipation phase of the simulated global dust storm.  相似文献   

High-resolution observations of atmospheric phenomena by the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) during its first mapping year are presented. An atmospheric campaign was implemented on the basis of previous spacecraft imaging. This campaign, however, proved of limited success. This appears to be due to the late local time of the Odyssey orbit (the locations of activity at 4–6 p.m. appear to be different from those at 2 p.m.). Ironically, images targeting the surface were more useful for study of the atmosphere than those images specifically targeting atmospheric features. While many previously recognized features were found, novel THEMIS observations included persistent clouds in the southern polar layered deposits, dust or condensate plumes on the northern polar layered deposits, dust plumes as constituent parts of local dust storms, and mesospheric clouds. The former two features tend to be aligned parallel and normal to polar troughs, respectively, suggesting a wind system directed normal to troughs and radially outward from the center of the polar deposits. This is consistent with katabatic drainage of air off the polar deposits, analogous to flow off Antarctica. The observation of dust lifting plumes at unprecedented resolution associated with local dust storms not only demonstrates the importance of mean wind stresses (as opposed to dust devils) in initiation of dust storms, but is also seen to be morphologically identical to dust lifting in terrestrial dust storms. As Odyssey moves to earlier local times, we suggest that the atmospheric campaign from the first mapping year be repeated.  相似文献   

A review on East Asian dust storm climate, modelling and monitoring   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
In arid and semi-arid area of Asia, dust storms occur frequently. Asian dust storms have a major impact on the air quality of the densely populated areas of China, Korea and Japan, and are important to the global dust cycle. In extreme cases, they result in the loss of human lives and disruptions of social and economic activities. In recent years, systematic research on Asian dust storms has been carried out. Much progress has been made in the development of integrated dust storm monitoring and modeling systems by making use of advanced numerical models, satellite remote sensing and GIS data. In this paper, we summarize the recent achievements in Asian dust storm research with an emphasis on dust climatology, modeling and satellite monitoring. The concept of integrated dust storm monitoring and modeling system is described and a summary of the developments in key research areas is given, including new dust models and techniques in satellite remote sensing and system integration. We then discuss the current research frontiers and the challenges for future studies.  相似文献   

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