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控制大气污染的一个数学理论框架   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
朱江  曾庆存 《中国科学D辑》2002,32(10):864-870
讨论了如何利用大气污染的数值预报结果和模式进行大气污染最优控制设计的理论框架问题. 提出了以控制污染源排放量为控制手段的大气污染最优控制问题, 其目的是在事先预报的天气条件下, 通过可行的控制手段使得一个城市的大气污染物浓度在一个选定的地域和时间段内保持在某一可容许的指标之内, 同时又使控制的代价(包括控制导致的工艺提高的耗资或工厂减产的经济损失, 或生活的不便性等)为最小. 基于伴随模式的最优化方法, 推导了求解这一问题的数学方法和相应的计算公式. 由于最优控制方案是根据预报的天气条件计算出来的, 而预报结果都是有误差的, 因此事先计算出的最优控制方案的实施效果会受到天气条件预报误差的影响. 利用伴随算子模式方法, 给出了这一问题的一个近似的却高效的算法, 可以计算不同时刻和地点预报的风场、温度场和污染物初值的不确定性对最优控制效果的影响.  相似文献   

在加利福尼亚的帕克菲尔德,大多数的夜晚,当大气条件比较好的时候,哈曼(DuaneHamann)都沿着满是灰尘的弯弯曲曲的公路驱车登上加利福尼亚中部的这个农场边缘的一个小山顶,这里有一个褐色的小屋,他打开小屋的门锁,然后开动一个大功率的激光器。从这个山顶的高处,哈曼可以看到各个方向的安静的山丘群,从南边的精心种植的环C 型大农场到山丘下面只有一间房子的学校——他是这个小镇唯一的教师,再到橡树点缀  相似文献   

孙琳 《地球》2011,(11):108-108
璀璨夺目的钻石,典雅华贵的红宝石,魅力神奇的蓝宝石,青翠欲滴的祖母绿,绚丽多彩的金绿宝石,晶莹剔透的水晶,温润细腻的和田玉……自古以来,这些美丽炫目的宝石作为饰品受到广大女性的青睐。宝石是物质承受了剧烈沸腾、炽热的熔炼、无法缓和的巨大压力、不可避免的碰撞与爆燃,  相似文献   

魏柏林 《华南地震》2021,41(4):145-150
地震过程的复杂性、地壳深度的不可入性、地震事件的小概率性,导致地震预报是仍未解决的世界难题.通过广东及邻区震情处理事件的回顾,以及我国大震的预报成功与失误的例子分析,简述我国地震预报的困境和亟待解决的问题,指出地震预报目前或相当长的时间都无法做到精确的三要素的预报.然而,不太精确的地震预报应是地震工作者奋斗的目标,也是社会的需要,必须坚持中国特色的地震预报道路.  相似文献   

金星宇 《地球》2014,(8):90-93
红宝石把明媚的色彩定格于传世的永恒,将无数美好集于一身,它那完满美丽、奇幻夺目的姿态被无数人铭记与崇拜。他周身闪烁的如血液般的红色,仿佛象征着生命的律动、激情的迸发、活力的喷涌。正是那奔涌的红色,犹如激越的华彩颤动着人们的心弦,正是那奔涌的红色让他有了指点江山、挥斥方遒的帝王般的洒脱与豪迈。他用坚硬的身躯记录着沧海桑田、世事变幻,用火一般的热情点缀着世间的落寞与寂寥、繁华与喧嚣……他们是腐化堕落的象征,他们是高贵圣洁的代表;他们镶嵌在帝王的冠冕上装饰着皇室的威严,他们佩戴在情人的胸前点缀着真挚的爱情。世人的赞美给了他们无限的荣耀,他们被誉为宝石界的五大帝王。本栏目“天下奇石”之“宝石帝王”系列,带您一同感受无上尊崇的顶级宝石的世界,领略璀璨光芒下帝王级宝器的别样传奇。  相似文献   

本文甘非均匀物体的磁法与重力勘探直接问题的解,从物体模型和模型引起异常的棍率描述的观点进行了讨沦.付有限物体上的非稳定地球物理场基本特性的确定,提出了三种随机模型:线性的,有任意分布的物理特性和固定源的几何形状;非线性的,有随机参数的单一物体:一个无规则源的集合.由于对那些模型已有非均匀性结构的形式化描述的方法,所以导出的表达式使得异常效应的数学期望值、异常效应的分散和相关函数的计算成为可能. 模型例子用图解说明了随机模拟衬研究干扰体的内部结构的非均匀性范围和干扰体特性付期望异常效应的几率特性影响的应用.这表明异常效应随意性的假设能够用来直接计算最佳的Wiener滤波器,使随机噪音污染的异常形状的恢复以及计算一个依规定精度记录期望异常效应用的观刚间距成为可能.  相似文献   

正房山世界地质公园是一片神奇的地方,它是地球演化的缩影、地学的摇篮、是人类文明的光辉起点。当你走进房山世界地质公园时,宛若走进一座天然博大的地质历史博物馆,使你无法辨别这个公园的走向。公园内蜿蜒前行的河流、气势磅礴的峰丛、古木参天的原始森林、神奇梦幻的溶洞、见证生命的化石、灿烂厚重的文化、历史悠久的古庙……大自然造就的各种神奇和祖先留下的宝贵遗产在这里汇  相似文献   

区域地震台阵NORESS和FINESA记录到的波罗的海波斯尼亚湾以及北海的地震事件具有声观测到的水下爆破特征。对这些地震的区域震相的谱分析。揭示出很强的与时间无关的频谱边缘特征。表明波形是由相关的“脉冲响应”型信号组成。倒谱逆分析给出的脉冲响应对滞后时间与最常见的介于400-600ms的滞后是一致的,一些倒谱在150-350ms之间还有负峰。倒谱峰在与事件有关的所有震相中都被观测到,并且这两个阵所记录到的地震事件的延迟时间都相同。相对长的时间延迟与水声观测记录到的水下爆破中普遍存在的气泡脉冲延迟是一致的。低频负峰是由相对于主脉冲而言极性逆转了回波造成的,并与从水列顶部的反射一致。一般而言,这些事件的Pn/Lg振幅比较大,与采石场爆破所观测到的相似。波罗的海事件的高频Pn/Lg比值比北海的要小些,这可能是由于这两个地区水底地质构造的差异引起的。一些简单的水下爆破模型可以解释观测到的倒谱的许多特征,并揭示了75-150kg的爆破规模的爆破源较浅(约40-80m)。本研究表明,全面禁止核试验条约(CTBT)所要求布置的地震台网,可以对用于近海环境水下核爆破试验的检测和识别的水声观测台站的小网形成补充。  相似文献   

中国大陆岩石层的方位各向异性   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
郑斯华  高原 《地震学报》1994,16(2):131-140
采用理论地震图与观测地震记录直接比较的方法, 研究了中国数字地震台网宽频带记录的SKS震相的剪切波分裂现象, 确定了快速S波的振动方向和慢速S波的时间延迟。结果表明, 对于所分析的8个观测台均发现了明显的S波分裂现象, 时间延迟在0.7s与1.7s之间。这种经过地幔传播的SKS震相的S波分裂现象的主要原因是上地幔的各向异性。上地幔的各向异性可以用应变引起的上地幔中的矿物质的结晶优势排列来解释。根据时间延迟估计的各向异性层的厚度, 与由上地幔中的高导层和低速层所推断的中国大陆下岩石层的厚度大致相符。在大部分台站上, 反演得到的快速S波的振动方向与由亚板块总体形变推测的结果相一致。个别台站具有较大的差异, 说明S波分裂这一观测事实的起因是复杂的。为了进一步解释S波分裂的结果, 还需要更多高质量的观测资料, 以及关于原地介质状态的更详细的信息。   相似文献   

地球内核是地球最中心的圈层,它的一个很重要的特性是在几年至十年的尺度上存在着明显的时变性.利用重复地震经过内核的波随时间的变化给内核的时变性提供了最有力的且毫无争议的证据.然而时变信号的来源仍有待商榷.一般解释认为与内核的差速旋转有关;另一个解释为内核边界的快速变化.最新的研究表明,内核的时变信号主要来源于内核的内部而非边界.这一新发现排除了内核边界作为时变唯一信号来源的可能性.最简单而合理的解释依然是内核的差速旋转:内核以每年0.05°~0.1°的速率相对于地幔超速旋转,并有变速旋转的可能性,使得内核浅部不均一的横向结构发生位移,重复地震的体波沿着固定路径传播时会采样到不同的内核结构而产生时变信号.这一模型可以解释此前研究观测到的所有时变信号.内核时变现象和其成因的探究对于我们认识地球深部的运行方式,尤其是磁场的运行机制,有着重要的启发意义.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of the trends of extreme precipitation indices were analysed between 1986 and 2005, over the Iberian Peninsula (IP). The knowledge of the patterns of extreme precipitation is important for impacts assessment, development of adaptation and mitigation strategies. As such, there is a growing need for a more detailed knowledge of precipitation climate change.This analysis was performed for Portuguese and Spanish observational datasets and results performed by the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model forced by the ERA-Interim reanalysis. Extreme precipitation indices recommended by the Expert Team for Climate Change Detection Monitoring and Indices were computed, by year and season. Then, annual and seasonal trends of the indices were estimated by Theil-Sen method and their significance was tested by the Mann-Kendal test. Additionally, a second simulation forced by the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM), was considered. This second modelling configuration was created in order to assess its performance when simulating extremes of precipitation.The annual trends estimated for the 1986–2005, from the observational datasets and from the ERA-driven simulation reveal: 1) negative statistically significant trends of the CWD index in the Galicia and in the centre of the IP; 2) positive statistically significant trends of the CDD index over the south of the IP and negative statistically significant trends in Galicia, north and centre of Portugal; 3) positive statistically significant trends of the R75p index in some regions of the north of the IP; 4) positive statistically significant trends in the R95pTOT index in the Central Mountains Chain, Leon Mountains and in the north of Portugal.Seasonally, negative statistically significant trends of the CWD index were found in Galicia, in winter and in the south of the IP, in summer. Positive statistically significant trends of the CWD index were identified in the Leon Mountains, in spring, and in Galicia, in autumn. For the CDD index, negative statistically significant trends were seen in Valencia, in the spring, and, in Galicia and Portugal (north and centre), in summer. Positive statistically significant trends of the CDD index were found: in the east of the IP, in the winter; in the Cantabrian Mountain, in the spring; and, in the south of the IP, in summer. Regarding to the R75p index, negative statistically significant trends were found in Galicia, in winter and positive statistically significant trends in the north of Portugal, in spring and in the Central Mountains Chain and north of Portugal, in autumn. For the R95pTOT index, negative statistically significant trends were found over the Sierra Cuenca and Sierra Cazorla, in winter and positive statistically significant trends were found over the Sierra Cebollera, in winter and in Castile-la Mancha region, in spring.The results of the annual and seasonal trends of the extreme precipitation indices performed for observational datasets and the simulation forced by ERA-Interim, are similar. The results obtained for the simulation forced by MPI-ESM are not satisfactory, and can be a source of criticism for the use of simulation forced by MPI-ESM in this type of climate change studies. Even for the relatively short period used, the WRF model, when properly forced is a useful tool due to the similar results of Portuguese and Spanish observational datasets and the simulation forced by ERA-Interim.  相似文献   

This paper examines present and future resource utilization in the tidal section of the Georges River in the southern part of Sydney. Over the last 30 years, the physical characteristics of the river have changed as a result of urbanization, changed hydrologic regime and sand dredging. Urbanization has resulted in an increase in population from 190,000 in 1947 to 550,000. This has resulted in an increase in runoff, sediment input to the river and waste disposal. The change in hydrologic regime has resulted in a substantial increase in the magnitude and frequency of flooding which has increased erosion. Sand dredging has increased the channel capacity, enlarged the tidal prism and increased water turbidity. It has also resulted in extensive bank erosion in the upper part of the river and extensive deposition lower down as tailings are deposited. Although most of these changes have resulted in the deterioration of environmental quality, use of the river for recreation and as an urban amenity has increased.  相似文献   

大通湖及东洞庭湖区生物体重金属的水平及其生态评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2005年11月采集了大通湖及东洞庭湖区湖水和水生生物样品,并测定了水和水生生物样品中重金属(Cd、Pb、Hg、As)的含量,并对湖区生物体重金属进行了污染评价.研究结果表明,大通湖及东洞庭湖区湖水中重金属含量较小,绝大部分采样点水质都属于国家Ⅰ类水标准;水生生物体内CD、Pb含量为虾>螺>鱼,Hg的含量为鱼>螺>虾,As的含量为螺>虾>鱼;而鱼类重金属含量则为底栖鱼类>中上层鱼类,肉食性鱼类>植食性鱼类.大通湖及东洞庭湖区生物体中CD、Pb的污染指数为虾>螺>鱼,Hg的污染指数则为鱼>螺>虾,As的污染指数则为螺>虾>鱼.  相似文献   

淮河流域焦岗湖水质参数时空变化及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
焦岗湖是淮河左岸一个天然湖泊,集防洪、灌溉、养殖、旅游等多种功能于一体.利用焦岗湖4个季节水质监测数据,运用Kriging方法,分析焦岗湖水质参数的时空变化及影响因素.结果表明:由于受水文季节变化过程及人类活动等综合影响,焦岗湖水质参数在时间及空间上均存在一定差异.从时间变化来看,夏季透明度较低、秋季较高;溶解氧浓度在春、冬季显著高于夏、秋季;总氮、总磷浓度与高锰酸盐指数均表现为夏季最高、秋季最低.从空间变化来看,4个季节的透明度空间差异较为显著;溶解氧浓度在春、冬季空间分布较为均匀,夏季呈现中心高周围低的变化趋势,秋季则表现为西高东低;总磷浓度春季分布较为均匀,夏、秋及冬季则呈西高东低之势;高锰酸盐指数在春、秋季节呈现东高西低之势,夏季高浓度主要集中在湖区北部,冬季浓度变化不大.  相似文献   

This paper continues the investigations of Clemens and Hartwig from 1992 on the proportion of garbage used as nesting material in the Kittiwake colony at Bulbjerg in the Jammerbugt in Northwest Denmark. Whereas in the year 1992 plastic garbage items were included in 39.3% of 466 Kittiwake nests in the Bulbjerg colony, in 2005 57.2% of 311 nests contained plastic debris. Although it has been forbidden to dispose of plastic garbage into the marine environment since the implementation of the MARPOL 73/78-Agreement/Annex V (Regulation for the Prevention of Pollution by Ship Waste) of 1989 and especially since the declaration of the North Sea as a MARPOL-Special Area for garbage in 1991, the pollution of the oceans and the North Sea is still an ubiquitous problem, particularly with regard to plastic waste. Plastic waste is presumably not used preferentially for nest-building, but in the context of available nesting material in the waters surrounding the breeding colony. Therefore the share of garbage parts in nests of certain species of birds is an indicator of the amount of waste in the natural environment in the vicinity of their breeding site.  相似文献   

The reduction of pollution in the river Elbe since 1990 has resulted in changes in the processes taking place in the river. The heterotrophic degradation which dominated until 1990 was accompanied by a lack of oxygen, floating masses of sewage fungi, and sludge formation in the areas of still water. Since the early 1990s, autotrophic processes have come to dominate, with an increase in pH fluctuations and the oxygen production potential, but evidently not the chlorophyll level during the growing season. The degradable organic pollution of the Elbe is determined by algae production. The high levels of ammonium previously encountered in the Elbe were attributable to not only dischargers but also in particular the lack of oxygen in the water. Via heterotrophic nitrate assimilation, nitrate served as an oxygen reserve, resulting in high levels of nitrite. At present, when the oxygen contents are sufficient, the concentration reductions of nitrate and nitrite along the reach of the Elbe are approximately parallel, which in view of the lack of ammonium indicates the denitrification of microzones low in oxygen. The relative proportion of structurally bound substance turnover will become increasingly important for the Elbeπs material budget.  相似文献   

We apply a geospeedometer previously developed in this lab to investigate cooling rate profiles of rhyolitic samples initially held at 720–750°C and quenched in water, liquid nitrogen, and air. For quench of mm-size samples in liquid nitrogen and in air, the cooling rate is uniform and is controlled by heat transfer in the quench medium instead of heat conduction in the sample. The heat transfer coefficient in ‘static’ air decreases with increasing sample size. For quench of mm-size samples in water, heat transfer in water is rapid and the cooling rate is largely controlled by heat conduction in the sample. Our experimental results are roughly consistent with previous calculations for cooling in air and in water (although constant heat transfer coefficients were used in these calculations), but cooling rate in liquid nitrogen is only 1.8–2.3 times that in ‘static’ air, and slower by a factor of 2 than calculated by previous authors. Cooling rate in compressed airflow is about the same as that in liquid nitrogen. The experimental results are applied to interpret cooling rates of pyroclasts in ash beds of the most recent eruptions of the Mono Craters. Cooling rates of pyroclasts are inversely correlated with sample size and slower than those in air. The results indicate that the hydrous species concentrations of the pyroclasts were frozen in the eruption column, rather than inside ash beds or in flight in ambient air. From the cooling rates, we infer eruption column temperature in a region where and at a time when hydrous species concentrations in a pyroclast were locked in. The temperature ranges from 260 to 570°C for the most recent eruptions of Mono Craters. These are the first estimates of temperatures in volcanic eruption columns. The ability to estimate cooling rates and eruption column temperatures from eruptive products will provide constraints to dynamic models for the eruption columns.  相似文献   

Regime observations 017 the zoobenthos state in the Balagansk transect in 1971, 1972 and in the Odissa bay in 1987-1993 of the Bratsk Reservoir were conducted.In 1991-1993 there is a change in the zoobenthos structure of the Bratsk Reservoir. In the depth zone of 0-5 m in the Balagansk transect in 1971-1972 the bottom community was considered as Gammaridae-Chiro-nomodae, in 1991 as Gammaridae-Ephemeroptera in 1992-1993 as Chironomidae-Ephemeroptera-Gammaridae. As compared with 1968-1972 the importance of Gammaridae decreased and the role of Ephemeroptera increased in the zoobenthos structure in 1991-1993.Changes were noted in the species composition of the Ologochaeta fauna and increase of the role of Oligochaeta in the zoobenthos in 1991-1993 as compared with 1965-1972.During all studies Chironomidae played a significant role in the zoobenthos. Since 1989 Paratanytarsus baialensis, bailialian endemic, has occurred in the Chironomidae fauna.The comparison of zoobenthos has shown that aver-age number and biomass of bortom invertebrates by 3-6 times and species diversity by 2.25 are higher^ in the Odissa bay than in the Balagansk transect.  相似文献   

Pawe? Koperski 《Limnologica》2010,40(3):233-240
Reduced biological diversity in freshwater habitats situated in urban areas has been discussed in numerous studies. Certain municipal areas, however, can help save animal diversity of freshwater invertebrates. In the present study animals were collected or observed alive in 13 freshwater environments localized in Warsaw - the second largest city of Central Europe - in a densely populated, urban building complex close to the city, and also in suburban areas. Leech assemblages in all the environments under observation were numerically dominated by a few common species, but on the whole 19 species were collected or observed. The populations of six rare leech species inhabit both flowing and standing waters in Warsaw. Five of these species are on the Polish Red List of Species and one is strictly protected. The shallow Lake Powsinkowskie is the richest freshwater environment in the studied area in terms of species richness and rarity and also one of the richest lakes in Poland. Taxonomic diversity in the environments under study seems not to be directly related to the size of the water body or the level of degradation but rather to the habitat complexity, especially the diversity of the bottom in littoral zone. Certain freshwater habitats located inside this great urban complex still create good conditions for rare, highly specialized species.  相似文献   

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