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We use high-quality echelle spectra of 24 quasi-stellar objects to provide a calibrated measurement of the total amount of Lyα forest absorption (DA) over the redshift range  2.2 < z < 3.2  . Our measurement of DA excludes absorption from metal lines or the Lyα lines of Lyman-limit systems and damped Lyα systems. We use artificial spectra with realistic flux calibration errors to show that we are able to place continuum levels that are accurate to better than 1 per cent. When we combine our results with our previous results between  1.6 < z < 2.2  , we find that the redshift evolution of DA is well described over  1.6 < z < 3.2  as   A (1 + z )γ  , where   A = 0.0062  and  γ= 2.75  . We detect no significant deviations from a smooth power-law evolution over the redshift range studied. We find less H  i absorption than expected at   z = 3  , implying that the ultraviolet background is  ∼40  per cent higher than expected. Our data appears to be consistent with an H  i ionization rate of  Γ∼ 1.4 × 10−12 s−1  .  相似文献   

We report the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope detection of H  i 21-cm absorption from the z ∼ 3.39 damped Lyman α absorber (DLA) towards PKS 0201+113, the highest redshift at which 21-cm absorption has been detected in a DLA. The absorption is spread over ∼115 km s−1 and has two components, at   z = 3.387 144(17)  and   z = 3.386 141  (45). The stronger component has a redshift and velocity width in agreement with the tentative detection of Briggs, Brinks & Wolfe, but a significantly lower optical depth. The core size and DLA covering factor are estimated to be ≲100 pc and f ∼ 0.69, respectively, from a Very Long Baseline Array 328-MHz image. If one makes the conventional assumption that the H  i column densities towards the optical and radio cores are the same, this optical depth corresponds to a spin temperature of T s∼[(955 ± 160) × ( f /0.69)] K. However, this assumption may not be correct, given that no metal-line absorption is seen at the redshift of the stronger 21-cm component, indicating that this component does not arise along the line of sight to the optical quasi-stellar object (QSO), and that there is structure in the 21-cm absorbing gas on scales smaller than the size of the radio core. We model the 21-cm absorbing gas as having a two-phase structure with cold dense gas randomly distributed within a diffuse envelope of warm gas. For such a model, our radio data indicate that, even if the optical QSO lies along a line of sight with a fortuitously high (∼50 per cent) cold gas fraction, the average cold gas fraction is low, ≲17 per cent, when averaged over the spatial extent of the radio core. Finally, the large mismatch between peak 21-cm and optical redshifts and the complexity of both profiles makes it unlikely that the z ∼ 3.39 DLA will be useful in tests of fundamental constant evolution.  相似文献   

We investigate the practice of assigning high spin temperatures to damped Lyman α absorption systems (DLAs) not detected in H  i 21-cm absorption. In particular, Kanekar & Chengalur have attributed the mix of 21-cm detections and non-detections in low-redshift  ( z abs≤ 2.04) DLAs  to a mix of spin temperatures, while the non-detections at high redshift were attributed to high spin temperatures. Below   z abs= 0.9  , where some of the DLA host galaxy morphologies are known, we find that 21-cm absorption is normally detected towards large radio sources when the absorber is known to be associated with a large intermediate (spiral) galaxy. Furthermore, at these redshifts, only one of the six 21-cm non-detections has an optical identification and these DLAs tend to lie along the sight-lines to the largest background radio continuum sources. For these and many of the high-redshift DLAs occulting large radio continua, we therefore expect covering factors of less than the assumed/estimated value of unity. This would have the effect of introducing a range of spin temperatures considerably narrower than the current range of  Δ T s≳ 9000 K  , while still supporting the hypothesis that the high-redshift DLA sample comprises a larger proportion of compact galaxies than the low-redshift sample.  相似文献   

We present a sample of 33 damped Lyman α systems (DLAs) discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) whose absorption redshifts ( z abs) are within 6000 km s−1 of the quasi-stellar object's (QSO) systemic redshift ( z sys). Our sample is based on  731 2.5 < z sys < 4.5  non-broad absorption line (non-BAL) QSOs from Data Release 3 (DR3) of the SDSS. We estimate that our search is ≈100 per cent complete for absorbers with N (H  i )  ≥ 2 × 1020 cm−2  . The derived number density of DLAs per unit redshift, n ( z ), within  Δ v < 6000 km s−1  is higher (3.5σ significance) by almost a factor of 2 than that of intervening absorbers observed in the SDSS DR3, i.e. there is evidence for an overdensity of galaxies near the QSOs. This provides a physical motivation for excluding DLAs at small velocity separations in surveys of intervening 'field' DLAs. In addition, we find that the overdensity of proximate DLAs is independent of the radio-loudness of the QSO, consistent with the environments of radio-loud and radio-quiet QSOs being similar.  相似文献   

We present the spectra, positions, and finding charts for 31 bright ( R <19.3) colour-selected quasars covering the redshift range z =3.85–4.78, with four having redshifts z >4.5. The majority are in the southern sky ( δ <−25°). The quasar candidates were selected for their red ( B J− R ≳2.5) colours from UK or POSSII Schmidt Plates scanned at the Automated Plate Measuring (APM) facility in Cambridge. Low-resolution (≳ 10 Å) spectra were obtained to identify the quasars, primarily at the Las Campanas Observatory. The highest redshift quasar in our survey is at z ≈4.8 ( R =18.7) and its spectrum shows a damped Ly α absorption system at z =4.46. This is currently the highest redshift damped Ly α absorber detected. Five of these quasars exhibit intrinsic broad absorption line features. Combined with the previously published results from the first part of the APM United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope (UKST) survey we have now surveyed a total of ∼8000 deg2 of sky i.e. 40 per cent of the high galactic latitude (| b |>30°) sky, resulting in 59 optically selected quasars in the redshift range 3.85 to 4.78; 49 of which have z ≥4.00.  相似文献   

We use galaxy surface brightness as prior information to improve photometric redshift (photo- z ) estimation. We apply our template-based photo- z method to imaging data from the ground-based VVDS survey and the space-based GOODS field from HST , and use spectroscopic redshifts to test our photometric redshifts for different galaxy types and redshifts. We find that the surface brightness prior eliminates a large fraction of outliers by lifting the degeneracy between the Lyman and 4000-Å breaks. Bias and scatter are improved by about a factor of 2 with the prior in each redshift bin in the range  0.4 < z < 1.3  , for both the ground and space data. Ongoing and planned surveys from the ground and space will benefit, provided that care is taken in measurements of galaxy sizes and in the application of the prior. We discuss the image quality and signal-to-noise ratio requirements that enable the surface brightness prior to be successfully applied.  相似文献   

Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H  i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in     , where α is the fine-structure constant and g p is the proton g -factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of     at absorption redshifts of     and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H  i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find     and     respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.  相似文献   

An interesting probe of the nature of dark energy is the measure of its sound speed, c s. We review the significance for constraining sound speed models of dark energy using large neutral hydrogen (H  i ) surveys with the square kilometre array (SKA). Our analysis considers the effect on the sound speed measurement that arises from the covariance of c s with the dark energy density, Ωde, and a time-varying equation of state,   w ( a ) = w 0+ (1 − a ) w a   . We find that the approximate degeneracy between dark energy parameters that arises in power spectrum observations is lifted through redshift tomography of the H  i -galaxy angular power spectrum, resulting in sound speed constraints that are not severely degraded. The cross-correlation of the galaxy and the integrated Sachs Wolfe (ISW) effect spectra contributes approximately 10 per cent of the information that is needed to distinguish variations in the dark energy parameters, and most of the discriminating signal comes from the galaxy auto-correlation spectrum. We also find that the sound speed constraints are weakly sensitive to the H  i bias model. These constraints do not improve substantially for a significantly deeper H  i survey since most of the clustering sensitivity to sound speed variations arises from   z ≲ 1.5  . A detection of models with sound speeds close to zero,   c s≲ 0.01,  is possible for dark energy models with   w ≳−0.9  .  相似文献   

The number of z ∼ 1 damped Lyα systems (DLAs, log  N (H  i ) ≥ 20.3) per unit redshift is approximately 0.1, making them relatively rare objects. Large, blind QSO surveys for low-redshift DLAs are therefore an expensive prospect for space-borne ultraviolet telescopes. Increasing the efficiency of these surveys by pre-selecting DLA candidates based on the equivalent widths (EWs) of metal absorption lines has previously been a successful strategy. However, the success rate of DLA identification is still only ∼35 per cent when simple EW cut-offs are applied, the majority of systems having 19.0 < log  N (H  i ) < 20.3. Here, we propose a new way to pre-select DLA candidates. Our technique requires high-to-moderate-resolution spectroscopy of the Mg  ii λ2796 transition, which is easily accessible from the ground for 0.2 ≲ z ≲ 2.4. We define the D -index, the ratio of the line equivalent width to velocity spread, and measure this quantity for 19 DLAs and eight sub-DLAs in archival spectra obtained with echelle spectrographs. For the majority of absorbers, there is a clear distinction between the D -index of DLAs compared with sub-DLAs (Kolmogorov–Smirnov probability = 0.8 per cent). Based on this pilot data sample, we find that the D -index can select DLAs with a success rate of up to 90 per cent, an increase in selection efficiency by a factor of 2.5 compared with a simple EW cut. We test the applicability of the D -index at lower resolution and find that it remains a good discriminant of DLAs for full width at half-maximum (FWHM) ≲ 1.5 Å. However, the recommended D -index cut-off between DLAs and sub-DLAs decreases with poorer resolution and we tabulate the appropriate D -index values that should be used with spectra of different resolutions.  相似文献   

We analyse the transmitted flux in a sample of 17 QSOs spectra at 5.74 ≤ z em≤ 6.42 to obtain tighter constraints on the volume-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction, x H  i , at z ≈ 6. We study separately the narrow transmission windows (peaks) and the wide dark portions (gaps) in the observed absorption spectra. By comparing the statistics of these spectral features with a semi-analytical model of the Lyα forest, we conclude that x H  i evolves smoothly from 10−4.4 at   z = 5.3  to 10−4.2 at   z = 5.6  , with a robust upper limit x H  i < 0.36 at   z = 6.3  . The frequency and physical sizes of the peaks imply an origin in cosmic underdense regions and/or in H  ii regions around faint quasars or galaxies. In one case (the intervening H  ii region of the faint quasar RD J1148+5253 at   z = 5.70  along the line of sight of SDSS J1148+5251 at   z = 6.42  ) the increase of the peak spectral density is explained by the first-ever detected transverse proximity effect in the H  i Lyα forest; this indicates that at least some peaks result from a locally enhanced radiation field. We then obtain a strong lower limit on the foreground QSO lifetime of t Q > 11 Myr. The observed widths of the peaks are found to be systematically larger than the simulated ones. Reasons for such discrepancy might reside either in the photoionization equilibrium assumption or in radiative transfer effects.  相似文献   

In Lima et al. we presented a new method for estimating the redshift distribution,   N ( z )  , of a photometric galaxy sample, using photometric observables and weighted sampling from a spectroscopic subsample of the data. In this paper, we extend this method and explore various applications of it, using both simulations and real data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In addition to estimating the redshift distribution for an entire sample, the weighting method enables accurate estimates of the redshift probability distribution,   p ( z )  , for each galaxy in a photometric sample. Use of   p ( z )  in cosmological analyses can substantially reduce biases associated with traditional photometric redshifts, in which a single redshift estimate is associated with each galaxy. The weighting procedure also naturally indicates which galaxies in the photometric sample are expected to have accurate redshift estimates, namely those that lie in regions of photometric-observable space that are well sampled by the spectroscopic subsample. In addition to providing a method that has some advantages over standard photo- z estimates, the weights method can also be used in conjunction with photo- z estimates e.g. by providing improved estimation of   N ( z )  via deconvolution of   N ( z phot)  and improved estimates of photo- z scatter and bias. We present a publicly available   p ( z )  catalogue for ∼78 million SDSS DR7 galaxies.  相似文献   

The low-density hydrogen and helium in the intergalactic medium (IGM) probed by quasi-stellar object (QSO) absorption lines is sensitive to the amplitude and spectral shape of the metagalactic ultraviolet (UV) background. We use realistic H  i and He  ii Lyα forest spectra, constructed from state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations of a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe to confirm the reliability of using line profile fitting techniques to infer the ratio of the metagalactic H  i and He  ii ionization rates. We further show that the large spatial variations and the anticorrelation with H  i absorber density observed in the ratio of the measured He  ii to H  i column densities can be explained in a model where the H  i ionization rate is dominated by the combined UV emission from young star-forming galaxies and QSOs and the He  ii ionization rate is dominated by emission from QSOs only. In such a model the large fluctuations in the column density ratio are due to the small number of QSOs expected to contribute at any given point to the He  ii ionization rate. A significant contribution to UV emission at the He  ii photoelectric edge from hot gas in galaxies and galaxy groups would decrease the expected fluctuations in the column density ratio. Consequently, this model appears difficult to reconcile with the large increase in He  ii opacity fluctuations towards higher redshift. Our results further strengthen previous suggestions that observed He  ii Lyα forest spectra at z ∼ 2–3.5 probe the tail end of the reionization of He  ii by QSOs.  相似文献   

The Voigt–Hjerting function is fundamental in order to correctly model the profiles of absorption lines imprinted on the spectra of bright background sources by intervening absorbing systems. In this work, we present a simple analytic approximation to this function in the context of absorption-line profiles of intergalactic H  i absorbers. Using basic calculus tools, we derive an analytic expression for the Voigt–Hjerting function that contains only fourth-order polynomial and Gaussian functions. In connection with the absorption coefficient of intergalactic neutral hydrogen, this approximation is suitable for modelling Voigt profiles with an accuracy of 10−4 or better for an arbitrary wavelength baseline, for column densities up to   N H I= 10 22 cm−2  , and for damping parameters   a ≲ 10−4  , that is, the entire range of parameters characteristic to all Lyman transitions arising in a variety of H  i absorbing systems such as Lyman α (Lyα) forest clouds, Lyman limit systems and damped Lyα systems. We hence present an approximation to the Voigt–Hjerting function that is both accurate and flexible to implement in various types of programming languages and machines, and with which Voigt profiles can be calculated in a reliable and very simple manner.  相似文献   

We present spectra for a sample of radio sources from the FIRST survey, and use them to define the form of the redshift distribution of radio sources at mJy levels. We targeted 365 sources and obtained 46 redshifts (13 per cent of the sample). We find that our sample is complete in redshift measurement to R ∼18.6, corresponding to z ∼0.2. Galaxies were assigned spectral types based on emission-line strengths. Early-type galaxies represent the largest subset (45 per cent) of the sample and have redshifts 0.15≲ z ≲0.5; late-type galaxies make up 15 per cent of the sample and have redshifts 0.05≲ z ≲0.2; starbursting galaxies are a small fraction (∼6 per cent), and are very nearby ( z ≲0.05). Some 9 per cent of the population have Seyfert 1/quasar-type spectra, all at z ≳0.8, and 4 per cent are Seyfert 2 type galaxies at intermediate redshifts ( z ∼0.2).
Using our measurements and data from the Phoenix survey (Hopkins et al.), we obtain an estimate for N ( z ) at S 1.4 GHz≥1 mJy and compare this with model predictions. At variance with previous conclusions, we find that the population of starbursting objects makes up ≲5 per cent of the radio population at S ∼1 mJy.  相似文献   

We study the motion of dust grains into the intergalactic medium (IGM) around redshift   z = 3  , to test the hypothesis that grains can efficiently pollute the gas with metals through sputtering. We use the results available in the literature for radiation-driven dust ejection from galaxies as initial conditions and follow the motion onwards. Via this mechanism, grains are ejected into the IGM with velocities  >100 km s−1  ; as they move supersonically, grains can be efficiently eroded by non-thermal sputtering. However, Coulomb and collisional drag forces effectively reduce the charged grain velocity. Up-to-date sputtering yields for graphite and silicate (olivine) grains have been derived using the code transport of ions in matter ( trim ), for which we provide analytic fits. After training our method on a homogeneous density case, we analyse the grain motion and sputtering in the IGM density field as derived from a Λ cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological simulation at   z = 3.27  . We found that only large  ( a ≳ 0.1μm)  grains can travel up to considerable distances (few  ×100 kpc  physical) before being stopped. Resulting metallicities show a well-defined trend with overdensity δ. The maximum metallicities are reached for  10 < δ < 100  [corresponding to systems, in quasi-stellar object (QSO) absorption spectra, with  14.5 < log N (H  i ) < 16  ]. However the distribution of sputtered metals is very inhomogeneous, with only a small fraction of the IGM volume polluted by dust sputtering (filling factors of 18 per cent for Si and 6 per cent for C). For the adopted size distribution, grains are never completely destroyed; nevertheless, the extinction and gas photoelectric heating effects resulting from this population of intergalactic grains are well below current detection limits.  相似文献   

As part of a large spectroscopic survey of   z > 5  Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), we have identified a single source which is clearly hosting an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Out of a sample of more than 50 spectroscopically confirmed R -band dropout galaxies at   z ∼ 5  and above, only J104048.6−115550.2 at   z = 5.44  shows evidence for a high ionization potential emission line indicating the presence of a hard ionizing continuum from an AGN. Like most objects in our sample the rest-frame-UV spectrum shows the UV continuum breaking across a Lyα line. Uniquely within this sample of LBGs, emission from N  v is also detected, a clear signature of AGN photoionization. The object is spatially resolved in Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) imaging. This, and the comparatively high Lyα/N  v flux ratio indicates that the majority of the Lyα (and the UV continuum longward of it) originates from stellar photoionization, a product of the ongoing starburst in the LBG. Even without the AGN emission, this object would have been photometrically selected and spectroscopically confirmed as a Lyman break in our survey. The measured optical flux  ( I AB= 26.1)  is therefore an upper limit to that from the AGN and is of order 100 times fainter than the majority of known quasars at these redshifts. The detection of a single object in our survey volume is consistent with the best current models of high redshift AGN luminosity function, providing a substantial fraction of such AGN is found within luminous starbursting galaxies. We discuss the cosmological implications of this discovery.  相似文献   

On the H i content, dust-to-gas ratio and nature of Mg ii absorbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We estimate the mean dust-to-gas ratio of Mg  ii absorbers as a function of rest equivalent width W 0 and redshift over the range  0.5 < z < 1.4  . Using the expanded Sloan Digital Sky Survey/ Hubble Space Telescope sample of low-redshift Lyman-α absorbers, we first show the existence of a 8σ correlation between the mean hydrogen column density  〈 N H  i 〉  and W 0, an indicator of gas velocity dispersion. By combining these results with recent dust-reddening measurements, we show that the mean dust-to-gas ratio of Mg  ii absorbers does not appreciably depend on rest equivalent width. Assuming that, on average, dust-to-gas ratio is proportional to metallicity, we find its redshift evolution to be consistent with that of   L   galaxies from   z = 0.5  to 1.4, and we show that our constraints disfavour dwarf galaxies as the origin of such absorbers. We discuss other scenarios and favour galactic outflows from  ∼ L   galaxies as the origin of the majority of strong Mg  ii absorbers. Finally, we show that, once evolutionary effects are taken into account, the Bohlin et al. relation between A V and N H is also satisfied by strong Mg  ii systems down to lower column densities than those probed in our Galaxy.  相似文献   

We estimate the evolution of the contribution of galaxies to the cosmic background flux at 912 Å by means of a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution. Such modelling has been quite successful in reproducing the optical properties of galaxies. We assume that high-redshift damped Lyman α systems are the progenitors of present-day galaxies, and we design a series of models that are consistent with the evolution of cosmic comoving emissivities in the available near-infrared, optical, ultraviolet and far-infrared bands along with the evolution of the neutral hydrogen content and average metallicity of damped Lyman α systems. We use these models to compute the galactic contribution to the Lyman-limit emissivity and background flux for 0 ≃  z  ≤ 4. We take into account the absorption of Lyman-limit photons by H  I and dust in the interstellar medium of the galaxies. We find that the background Lyman-limit flux due to galaxies might dominate (or be comparable to) the contribution from quasars at almost all redshifts if the absorption by H  I in the interstellar medium is neglected. Such H  I absorption would result in a severe diminishing of this flux — by almost three orders of magnitude at high redshifts and by one to two orders at z  ≃ 0. Though the resulting galaxy flux is completely negligible at high redshifts, it is comparable to the quasar flux at z  ≃ 0.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of performing a substantial spectroscopic galaxy redshift survey selected via the 21-cm emission from neutral hydrogen using the Five-hundred metre Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) to be built in China. We consider issues related to the estimation of the source counts and optimizations of the survey, and discuss the constraints on cosmological models that such a survey could provide. We find that a survey taking around two years could detect ∼107 galaxies with an average redshift of ∼0.15 making the survey complementary to those already carried out at optical wavelengths. These conservative estimates have used the   z = 0  H  i mass function and have ignored the possibility of evolution. The results could be used to constrain  Γ=Ωm h   to 5 per cent and the spectral index, n s, to 7 per cent independent of cosmic microwave background data. If we also use simulated power spectra from the Planck satellite, we can constrain w to be within 5 per cent of −1.  相似文献   

We investigate in detail the hypothesis that low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSBs) differ from ordinary galaxies simply because they form in haloes with large spin parameters. We compute star formation rates using the Schmidt law, assuming the same gas infall dependence on surface density as used in models of the Milky Way. We build stellar population models, predicting colours, spectra and chemical abundances. We compare our predictions with observed values of metallicity and colours for LSBs, and find excellent agreement with all observables. In particular, integrated colours, colour gradients, surface brightness and metallicity match very well to the observed values of LSBs for models with ages larger than 7 Gyr and high values (λ > 0.05) for the spin parameter of the haloes. We also compute the global star formation rate (SFR) in the Universe due to LSBs, and show that it has a flatter evolution with redshift than the corresponding SFR for normal discs. We furthermore compare the evolution in redshift of [ Zn / H ] for our models to those observed in damped Lyman α systems by Pettini et al. and show that damped Lyman α system abundances are consistent with the predicted abundances at different radii for LSBs. Finally, we show how the required late redshift of collapse of the halo may constrain the power spectrum of fluctuations.  相似文献   

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