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The optical observations on Heiss Island (Φ′ = 75.0°) have been used to study the characteristics of auroras in the near-noon MLT sector after abrupt increases in the solar wind dynamic pressure at negative and positive polarity of the IMF B z component. It has been found out that the 427.8 and 557.7 nm emission intensities considerably increased at B z < 0 both equatorward of the dayside red luminosity band and within this band. The value of the emission intensities at a red luminosity maximum (I 6300/I 5577 ∼ 0.5) indicates that energetic electron precipitation is of the magnetospheric origin. At B z > 0, fluxes of harder (E > 1 keV) precipitating electrons were superimposed on the soft spectrum of precipitating particles in the equatorial part of the red luminosity band. This red band part was hypothetically caused by the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) on closed lines of the geomagnetic field, the estimated thickness of which is ∼3 R e . The 557.7 nm emission intensity increased during 3–5 min after SC/SI and was accompanied by the displacement of the red band equatorward boundary toward lower latitudes. The displacement value was ∼150–200 km when the dynamic pressure abruptly increased by a factor of 3–5. After SC/SI, the 630.0 nm emission intensity continued increasing during 16–18 min. It is assumed that the time of an increase in the red line intensity corresponds to the time of saturation of the magnetospheric boundary layers with magnetosheath particles after an abrupt increase in their density.  相似文献   

Photometric measurements of pulsating auroras have been carried out in the Pi3 range of geomagnetic pulsations with periods of 2–10 min with the use of auroral all-sky camera films obtained at the Lovozero Observatory. The new all-sky camera developed at the Polar Geophysical Institute uses the CCD matrix. This makes it possible to obtain simultaneous images in red, green, and blue spectral ranges and thus to investigate temporal luminosity variations in these spectral regions. The hardness of penetrating auroral electrons with a time resolution of a few seconds is qualitatively estimated. It is found that the energy of the electrons that cause auroras in the Pi3 pulsation range is not constant over the pulsation period. It is maximal at the lowest luminosity and minimal at its peaks. Luminosity pulsations are compared with geomagnetic pulsations, and it is established that large differences between luminosity variations in different parts of the sky explain the incomplete correspondence between the records of auroral and geomagnetic pulsations.  相似文献   

Structures controlled by the IMF By sign and season of the year have been detected based on the decomposition of field-aligned current maps constructed using magnetic field measurements on polar low-orbiting satellites. It has been indicated that field-aligned currents have identical structures, composed of the main polar circular current and the return current at the polar cap dayside boundary, at any By sign in the summer hemisphere. Two different types of structures are implemented under winter conditions depending on the By sign. For the northern winter, it is the polar circular current and the return current at the polar cap nightside boundary at By < 0; current sheets are strongly stretched along latitudes below 80° MLat, and only small part of the current is in the noon sector of the polar cap. For the summer winter, the corresponding structures are implemented at opposite By signs. The intensities of the field-aligned currents, originating as a result of the interhemispheric asymmetry and flowing along closed geomagnetic field lines near the polar cap boundary, have been estimated. The maximum of the interhemispheric current density is 0.25 μA m−2 in the summer and 0.1 μA m−2 in the winter; the total current is 5 × 105 and 5 × 104 A, respectively.  相似文献   

A new modified magnitude scale M S (20R) is elaborated. It permits us to extend the teleseismic magnitude scale M S (20) to the regional epicenter distances. The data set used in this study contains digital records at 12 seismic stations of 392 earthquakes that occured in the northwest Pacific Ocean in the period of 1993–2008. The new scale is based on amplitudes of surface waves of a narrow range of the periods (16–25 s) close to the period of 20 s, for distances of 80–3000 km. The digital Butterworth filter is used for processing. On the basis of the found regional features concerning distance dependence for seismic wave attenuation, all the stations of the region have been subdivided into two groups, namely, “continental” and “island-arc.” For each group of stations, its own calibration function is proposed. Individual station corrections are used to compensate for the local features.  相似文献   

Starting from the classical empirical magnitude-energy relationships, in this article, the derivation of the modern scales for moment magnitude M w and energy magnitude M e is outlined and critically discussed. The formulas for M w and M e calculation are presented in a way that reveals, besides the contributions of the physically defined measurement parameters seismic moment M 0 and radiated seismic energy E S, the role of the constants in the classical Gutenberg–Richter magnitude–energy relationship. Further, it is shown that M w and M e are linked via the parameter Θ = log(E S/M 0), and the formula for M e can be written as M e = M w + (Θ + 4.7)/1.5. This relationship directly links M e with M w via their common scaling to classical magnitudes and, at the same time, highlights the reason why M w and M e can significantly differ. In fact, Θ is assumed to be constant when calculating M w. However, variations over three to four orders of magnitude in stress drop Δσ (as well as related variations in rupture velocity V R and seismic wave radiation efficiency η R) are responsible for the large variability of actual Θ values of earthquakes. As a result, for the same earthquake, M e may sometimes differ by more than one magnitude unit from M w. Such a difference is highly relevant when assessing the actual damage potential associated with a given earthquake, because it expresses rather different static and dynamic source properties. While M w is most appropriate for estimating the earthquake size (i.e., the product of rupture area times average displacement) and thus the potential tsunami hazard posed by strong and great earthquakes in marine environs, M e is more suitable than M w for assessing the potential hazard of damage due to strong ground shaking, i.e., the earthquake strength. Therefore, whenever possible, these two magnitudes should be both independently determined and jointly considered. Usually, only M w is taken as a unified magnitude in many seismological applications (ShakeMap, seismic hazard studies, etc.) since procedures to calculate it are well developed and accepted to be stable with small uncertainty. For many reasons, procedures for E S and M e calculation are affected by a larger uncertainty and are currently not yet available for all global earthquakes. Thus, despite the physical importance of E S in characterizing the seismic source, the use of M e has been limited so far to the detriment of quicker and more complete rough estimates of both earthquake size and strength and their causal relationships. Further studies are needed to improve E S estimations in order to allow M e to be extensively used as an important complement to M w in common seismological practice and its applications.  相似文献   

We use 576 earthquakes of magnitude, M w, 3.3 to 6.8 that occurred within the region 33° N–42.5° N, 19° E–30° E in the time period 1969 to 2007 to investigate the stability of the relation between moment magnitude, M w, and local magnitude, M L, for earthquakes in Greece and the surrounding regions. We compare M w to M L as reported in the monthly bulletins of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and to M L as reported in the bulletins of the Seismological Station of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. All earthquakes have been analyzed through regional or teleseismic waveform inversion, to obtain M w, and have measured maximum trace amplitudes on the Wood–Anderson seismograph in Athens, which has been in operation since 1964. We show that the Athens Wood–Anderson seismograph performance has changed through time, affecting the computed by NOA M L by at least 0.1 magnitude units. Specifically, since the beginning of 1996, its east–west component has been recording systematically much larger amplitudes compared to the north–south component. From the comparison between M w and M L reported by Thessaloniki, we also show that the performance of the sensors has changed several times through time, affecting the calculated M L’s. We propose scaling relations to convert the M L values reported from the two centers to M w. The procedures followed here can be applied to other regions as well to examine the stability of magnitude calculations through time.  相似文献   

The latitudinal position of subauroral proton spots (special proton auroras observed from the IMAGE satellite) has been compared with the Pc1 pulsation intensity distribution determined using the data from the Finnish meridional network of induction magnetometers. It has been indicated that a Pc1 intensity maximum is always observed at the station that is closer to the proton aurora projection. Two Pc1 bands were registered in the event when two proton auroral spots were simultaneously observed at different latitudes. In this case, the Pc1 intensity distribution maximum at lower frequencies was related to a proton auroral spot at a higher latitude and vice versa. Such a spatial correlation between Pc1 pulsations and proton auroral spots, together with the previously established time correlation between these phenomena, demonstrates that subauroral proton spots reflect the region of ion cyclotron instability in the equatorial magnetosphere at the level of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

The seismic waves excited by the M w 7.6 Olyutorskii earthquake that occurred on April 20, 2006 in the Koryak Upland gave rise to water-level changes in five wells situated in continental areas of Kamchatka at hypocentral distances of 750–1150 km. We describe the effects due to seismic waves, as well as the water-level anomalies for February–April 2006 before the earthquake. We used an original technique for the processing of water-level records based on the study of barometric and tidal water-level responses in order to estimate the volume strain in water-saturated rocks during synchronous level variations at two wells. We discuss possible mechanisms for producing anomalous water-level changes due to elastic deformation of monitored groundwater reservoirs and to crack dilatancy in the water-saturated rocks.  相似文献   

Simultaneous morning Pc5 pulsations (f ~ 3–5 mHz) in the geomagnetic field, aurora intensities (in the 557.7 and 630.0 nm oxygen emissions and the 471.0 nm nitrogen emission), and riometer absorption, were studied based on the CARISMA, CANMOS, and NORSTAR network data for the event of January 1, 2000. According to the GOES-8 satellite observations, these Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations are observed as incompressible Alfvén waves with toroidal polarization in the magnetosphere. Although the Pc5 pulsation frequencies in auroras, the geomagnetic field, and riometer absorption are close to one another, stable phase relationships are not observed between them. Far from all trains of geomagnetic Pc5 pulsations are accompanied by corresponding auroral pulsations; consequently, geomagnetic pulsations are primary with respect to auroral pulsations. Both geomagnetic and auroral pulsations propagate poleward, and the frequency decreases with increasing geomagnetic latitude. When auroral Pc5 pulsations appear, the ratio of the 557.7/630.0 nm emission intensity sharply increases, which indicates that auroral pulsations result from not simply modulated particle precipitation but also an additional periodic acceleration of auroral electrons by the wave field. A high correlation is not observed between Pc5 pulsations in auroras and the riometer absorption, which indicates that these pulsations have a common source but different generation mechanisms. Auroral luminosity modulation is supposedly related to the interaction between Alfvén waves and the region with the field-aligned potential drop above the auroral ionosphere, and riometer absorption modulation is caused by the scattering of energetic electrons by VLF noise pulsations.  相似文献   

The relationship between the critical frequency of the F 2 layer and the atmospheric characteristics has been obtained in a general form. It has been shown that this relation makes it possible to sufficiently accurately describe the daytime values of foF2 while comparing them with the observed monthly median values. Such comparisons were performed, first, for the data of measurements in Irkutsk using the DPS-4 digital ionosonde in 2003–2006 and, second, based on the annual variations in the noon foF2 values at 24 stations of the Northern Hemisphere in 1984. The calculations were performed using the MSIS-86 thermospheric model [Hedin, 1987].  相似文献   

The source parameters of the M W = 7.6 Olyutorskii earthquake were estimated using the moments of the slip rate function with degrees 1 and 2. The moments were estimated from broadband P-wave records at 52 stations of the worldwide network. The first step was to find a function S(t) for each station; this function is an apparent source time function, i.e., the P-wave slip as radiated by the source toward a station under consideration. The method of empirical Green’s functions was used to estimate S(t). The next step was to calculate the moments of S(t) of degrees 1 and 2 over time and to set up relevant equations to be solved by least squares for the unknown source moments. The horizontal linear source was used as a nonparametric model for calculating the source moments. Haskell’s parametric model was used for further interpretation of the source moments. The resulting estimates are as follows: the source centroid was 13–25 km southwest of the epicenter, the source was 105–120 km long, the source strike was 222°–228°, the rupture velocity was 2.7–3.0 km/s, and the total radiation duration was 24–27 s. These estimates indicate a bilateral rupture dominated by a southwestward sense of rupture propagation. The source characteristics are consistent with the aftershock area geometry and with the focal mechanism, as well as with surface breakage as observed by geologists in the field.  相似文献   

We analyze the anelasticity of the earth using group delays of P-body waves of deep (>200 km) events in the period range 4–32 s for epicentral distances of 5–85 degrees. We show that Time Frequency Analysis (TFA), which is usually applied to very dispersive surface waves, can be applied to the much less dispersive P-body waves to measure frequency-dependent group delays with respect to arrival times predicted from the CMT centroid location and PREM reference model. We find that the measured dispersion is due to: (1) anelasticity (described by the P-wave quality factor Q p ), (2) ambient noise, which results in randomly distributed noise in the dispersion measurements, (3) interference with other phases (triplications, crustal reverberations, conversions at deep mantle boundaries), for which the total dispersion depends on the amplitude and time separation between the different phases, and (4) the source time function, which is dispersive when the wavelet is asymmetrical or contains subevents. These mechanisms yield dispersion ranging in the order of one to 10 seconds with anelasticity responsible for the more modest dispersion. We select 150 seismograms which all have small coda amplitudes extending to ten percent of the main arrival, minimizing the effect of interference. The main P waves have short durations, minimizing effects of the source. We construct a two-layer model of Q p with an interface at 660 km depth and take Q p constant with period. Our data set is too small to solve for a possible frequency dependence of Q p . The upper mantle Q 1 is 476 [299–1176] and the lower mantle Q 2 is 794 [633–1064] (the bracketed numbers indicate the 68 percent confidence range of Q p –1). These values are in-between the AK135 model (Kennett et al., 1995) and the PREM model (Dziewonski and Anderson, 1981) for the lower mantle and confirm results of Warren and Shearer (2000) that the upper mantle is less attenuating than PREM and AK135.  相似文献   

785 traces of vertical components from shallow earthquakes recorded by 10 CDSN (Chinese Digital Seismographic Network) stations and 5 GSN (Global Seismographic Network) stations were collected to study the attenuation characteristics ofL g coda in the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions. The records were processed first using the stack spectral ratio method to obtain the average values ofQ 0 (Q at 1Hz) and η, the frequency dependence, ofL g coda in the ellipses corresponding to the paths. The back-projection technique was then employed to obtain the tomographic maps ofQ 0 and η values, and the distribution of their errors. Results indicate that in the studied areaQ 0 varies between 200 and 500. The lowest value ofQ 0 exists in the Yun-nan-Tibetan region, while the highest value ofQ 0 occurs in the southern edge of Siberian platform. η varies between 0.3 and 0.8. For most part of the studied area η varies inversely withQ 0.  相似文献   

The effect of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By component on the dayside auroral oval from Viking UV measurements for March–November 1986 is studied. Observations of dayside auroras from Viking UV images for large positive (15 cases) and negative (22 cases) IMF By (∣By∣>4 nT), suggest that: (1) the intensity of dayside auroras tends to increase for negative IMF By and to decrease for positive By, so that negative IMF By conditions seem preferable for observations of dayside auroras; (2) for negative IMF By, the auroral oval tends to be narrow and continuous throughout the noon meridian without any noon gap or any strong undulation in the auroral distribution. For positive IMF By, a sharp decrease and spreading of auroral activity is frequently observed in the post-noon sector, a strong undulation in the poleward boundary of the auroral oval around noon, and the formation of auroral forms poleward of the oval; and (3) the observed features of dayside auroras are in reasonable agreement with the expected distribution of upward field-aligned currents associated with the IMF By in the noon sector.  相似文献   

The unique spectrographic observations of auroras on the Kola Peninsula, simultaneously performed in 1970 at Loparskaya and Kem stations using C-180-S cameras, have been analyzed by up-to-date digital data processing. The position and dynamics of proton precipitation relative to other manifestations of auroral and substorm activity (auroral arcs and electrojets) under moderately and weakly disturbed conditions have been analyzed. Several previously known regularities in the morphology of proton auroras have been confirmed. It has been indicated that the direction of motion of the proton band equatorward boundary in the evening sector changes at a sign reversal of the IMF Z component. Weak breakups affect the poleward boundary of the proton band but do not influence the position of the equatorward boundary of this band, which results in the expansion of the proton emission region. When a disturbance is stronger, the proton emission disappears near an active electron arc and subsequently appears poleward of its position before intensification. Short-term proton precipitation is also observed in the region of active electron precipitation during an intense breakup in the form of N–S structures.  相似文献   

A disastrous earthquake with a magnitude M S = 8.0 (M W = 7.9), in China called “the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake,” occurred on May 12, 2008, in Sichuan province on the border between the Sino-Tibetan Mountains and the Sichuan depression. The instrumental epicenter was registered in the southeastern part of Wenchuan county, and the hypocenter depth was 14 km. As the strongest and most destructive earthquake within mainland China, it caused numerous human losses and destruction of buildings and infrastructure. The seismic effect from the main shock and aftershocks was felt in many counties, towns, and villages, though Sichuan province suffered the most. The maximum intensity of the shocks was estimated at 11 degrees, according to the Chinese macroseismic scale. In the process of source opening, from the southern part of Wenchuan county to the vicinities of Quingchuan, a seismic fault system with a total length up to 240 km out-cropped on the earth’s surface, confined to the Longmenshan fault belt. The seismic fault system disturbed the original ground, resulting in the collapse or damage to various constructions, such as buildings, homes, bridges, roads, etc. Fault offsets had a dextral strike-slip and thrust kinematic combination. The earthquake generated several tens of thousands of landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows. Many dammed ponds appeared in the epicentral zone due to the activation of landslides. Thus, the geological effects turned out to be the most destructive factor in this case. At the same time, the seismic intensity of surface shaking was abnormally low even in direct proximity to the seismic fault system. Usually it was no more than 7–8 degrees. This macroseismic phenomenon may turn out to be rather typical for many major earthquakes.  相似文献   

Special methods for processing TV images have been used to study the characteristics of nighttime auroras based on the observations at high-latitude observatories on Spitsbergen. Weak subvisual auroras (SVAs), originating 3°–4° north of brighter auroras in the auroral oval, have been detected in the interval 1900-0400 MLT. The average lifetime of SVAs is approximately 7 min, and the average velocity of the equatorward shift is ~0.6 km/s. SVAs were observed during relatively quiet periods, when the IMF B z component is mainly positive. However, SVAs are not polar-cap auroras since they are oriented from east to west rather than toward the Sun. The optical observations indicate that the SVA intensity is 0.2–0.5 and 0.1–0.3 kR in the 630 and 557.7 nm emissions, respectively. The average ratio of the emission intensities (I 5577/I 6300) is about 0.5. According to the direct satellite observations, the SVA electron spectrum has a maximum at 0.4–1.0 keV. In this case the energy flux of precipitating electrons is approximately an order of magnitude as low as such a flux in brighter auroral arcs in the auroral oval.  相似文献   

The work presents statistical methods for estimating the distribution parameters of rare, strong earthquakes. Using the two main theorems of extreme value theory (EVT), the distribution of T-maximum (the maximum magnitude over the time period T). Two methods for estimating the parameters of this distribution are proposed using the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) and the General Extreme Value Distribution (GEV). In addition, the that allow the determination of the distribution of the T-maximum for an arbitrary value of T are proposed. The approach being used clarifies the nature of the instability of the widely accepted M max parameter. In the work, instead of unstable values of the M max parameter, the robust parameter Q T (q), the q level quantile for the distribution of the T-maximum, is proposed to be used. The described method has been applied to the Harvard Catalogue of Seismic Moments of 1977–2006 and to the Magnitude Catalogue for Fennoscandia in 1900–2005. Moreover, the estimates of parameters of the corresponding GPD and GEV distributions, in particular, the most interesting shape parameter and the values of the M max and Q T (q) parameters are given.  相似文献   

The dependence of the zonal geomagnetic indices (AE, Ap, Kp, Kn, and Dst) on the solar wind parameters (the electric field E y component, dynamic pressure P d and IMF irregularity σB) has been studied for two types of events: magnetic clouds and high-speed streams. Based on the empirical relationships, it has been established that the AE, Ap, Kp, and Kn indices are directly proportional to the E y value at E y < 12 mV m?1 and are inversely proportional to this value at E y > 12 mV m?1 for the first-type events. On the contrary, the dependence of Dst on E y is monotonous nonlinear. A linear dependence of all geomagnetic indices on E y is typical of the second-type events. It has been indicated that the specific features of geoeffectiveness of magnetic clouds and high-speed solar wind streams are caused by the dependence of the electric field potential across the polar cap on the electric field, solar wind dynamic pressure, and IMF fluctuations.  相似文献   

The level of wave geomagnetic activity in the morning and daytime sectors of auroral latitudes during strong magnetic storms with Dst min varying from ?100 to ?150 nT in 1995–2002 have been studied using a new ULF index of wave activity proposed in [Kozyreva et al., 2007]. It has been detected that daytime Pc5 pulsations (2–6 mHz) are most intense during the main phase of a magnetic storm rather than during the recovery phase as was considered previously. It has been indicated that morning geomagnetic pulsations during the substorm recovery phase mainly contribute to daytime wave activity. The appearance of individual intervals with the southward IMF B z component during the magnetic storm recovery phase results in increases in the ULF index values.  相似文献   

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