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针对目前电子地图图例出现的一些问题,分析研究了电子地图相比较纸质地图的优势,总结出了计算机环境下的电子地图图例的特点,并从用户认知的角度,对电子地图图例的可视化设计进行了研究,提出了电子地图图例设计原则。最后,作者将其部分应用到统计电子地图系统中,取得了较好的可视化效果。  相似文献   

三维符号构成及建模方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许敏  刘宁  丛凤波 《海洋测绘》2006,26(2):45-48
随着计算机软硬件技术和三维可视化技术的快速发展,二维平面电子地图正在向直观、形象的三维电子地图方向过渡,而原来的二维地图符号已难以满足三维场景逼真性的要求,它必然要求与之配套的三维符号理论和技术的产生。由于三维符号如何构成及怎样标注尚无标准可遵循,在对三维符号的构成、分类及建模方法进行分析的基础上,提出了实体模型符号的两种建模方法,实验表明它们切实可行,能较好地表达三维实体模型。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国海洋开发利用规模的持续增长,不同项目重叠用海的问题开始凸显,海域立体分层使用模式得到广泛关注。海域立体分层使用以海域的立体性、多宜性等自然属性为基础,以协调竖向空间的用海活动为目的,是未来海洋空间管理制度体系变革的方向之一。现行的海域空间“平面化”管理思路,使海域立体分层使用面临竖向空间边界不清、二维海籍管理模式不适用、缺少立体空间规划及利益相关者协调难度大等问题。通过借鉴土地立体分层使用的经验,结合海域空间自然特征与开发利用特点,分别从海域分层方法、三维海籍信息表达方式、海域立体空间规划、设立海域役权等方面提出对策建议,以期为海域空间立体分层使用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于海洋环境要素数据多源的特点,三维地球的可视化显示更有利于海洋复杂信息传递。Cesium是一款免费、拥有诸多API(application programming interface)的开源地图引擎,本文将二维可视化渲染效果较好的点方式可视化法、点图标映射法和流线法应用在Cesium三维地球引擎中,以NetCDF数据格式为例,实现了基于Cesium开源地图框架的海洋环境要素可视化,直观形象地模拟了真实海洋环境。  相似文献   

用60个波高仪组成2m×2m的方阵,同步测量波面过程,用Doppler声学流速仪获得了二维正向和斜向规则波、二维正向和斜向随机波以及三维随机波浪场中不同水深处的同步Euler水质点速度各方向分量的高精度的时间过程资料.以此为出发点,讨论了分段式造波机生成波浪的周期分布特征,发现三维随机波浪周期分布的μ值与二维随机波浪比较有明显增大的趋势.分别从速度合矢量方向与波向的吻合程度(对二维波浪)、"多点波面"组合与"波面-水质点速度"组合两种方式得到方向谱的吻合程度(对三维随机波浪)等不同角度,论证了分段式造波机产生的波浪的内外部结构的一致性.  相似文献   

由于社会经济的不断发展和科技的快速进步,我国对海域空间资源的开发利用已从二维平面转向三维立体空间开发,但随之也对我国海域空间范围界定和权属管理提出了更高的要求。文章从海域立体空间分层特性出发,对我国海域使用权立体分层确权的内涵、基本原则、考虑因素进行了深入剖析,并对我国海域三维立体开发利用中面临的困境和管理配套制度的设计进行了综合探讨。研究结果表明:海域空间可以分为水面上方、水面、水体、海床和底土5个部分,海域使用权立体分层确权则是在同一海域多层次利用中,对基于特定功能用途所占用的特定海域空间开展使用权确权的过程,在海域使用权管理的过程中,必须构建和完善海域空间三维产权法律制度体系,以确保海域使用权立体分层确权的实施。  相似文献   

等值线法是地图的重要表示方法之一,它是用于在二维平面上表示三维场的有效手段。地图上描绘的等值线一般有两种类型,一种是用解析式精确表示的.另一种是用离散数据表示的。要将等值线自动绘制到特定范围、投影和比例尺的地图上,对于离散数据来说已有许多成熟的方法,如:矩形网格法、三角网法等;对于用解析法表示的等值线,目前多采用参数方程法。但由于该方法要求解析式要能找出适当的参数方程组,所以其应用范围受到很大限制。为此,笔者提出一种通用性较强的、用于在地图上自动展绘以解析式描述的等值线的方法——虚拟网格法。  相似文献   

空间几何是地理信息区别于一般信息的主要特征,而空间模式规定了空间几何的类型及其相互关系,因而对于地理信息的研究和应用而言,空间模式具有十分重要的意义。 但是目前对空间模式的研究大多停留在如何构造和如何应用,缺少从数学本质上进行的研究。 以几何学、拓扑学为基础,阐述了度量空间、欧氏空间和拓扑空间等数学空间相关概念,以及几何维数、边界和开集等几何对象相关概念的数学定义;结合 IHO《通用海洋测绘数据模型》(S-100)中的空间模式,给出了几何单形和几何复形的数学定义,分析了几何单形、几何复形和几何聚集形之间的关系,认为 S-100 空间模式具有数学严密性、灵活性和可扩展性等特点;接着分析了 S-100 空间模式的构造方法和存储方法;最后认为 IHO 或各成员国应考虑将拓扑对象纳入 S-100 空间模式中。  相似文献   

传统的单机判读服务系统,存在着判读标准不一、功能单一、插件依赖性高、系统集成性差等问题。在全面分析各类地理空间目标要素构成、地图表示方法和系统功能特点的基础上,对典型判读特征进行了归纳,完成了目标的分类、特征数据库的建立、平台总体架构的设计。基于HTML5和Web GL技术,构建了网络环境下多源、多尺度、多分辨率地理空间目标的三维判读一体化服务平台,实现了面向地理空间目标的判读、检索、三维显示及测试评定于一体的实用判读训练系统,为地理空间目标的网络判读提供了一定参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

通过Multipatch格式扩充CDC数据,构建三维实体模型,实现了从二维的CDC格式数字海图和海洋测量数据快速构建三维空间的方法。该三维模型可以作为海洋地理环境的基础空间框架,对于扩展数字海图应用、完善数字海洋建设具有一定的探索价值。  相似文献   

数据融合是实现多源数字地图共享利用的途径之一,从制图要素空间位置融合、地理实体分类分级编码融合、数字地图空间数据模型融合等三个方面对基于转换模式的多源数字海图融合理论和方法做出分析与探讨。  相似文献   

Predictions of nearshore and surf zone processes are important for determining coastal circulation, impacts of storms, navigation, and recreational safety. Numerical modeling of these systems facilitates advancements in our understanding of coastal changes and can provide predictive capabilities for resource managers. There exists many nearshore coastal circulation models, however they are mostly limited or typically only applied as depth integrated models. SHORECIRC is an established surf zone circulation model that is quasi-3D to allow the effect of the variability in the vertical structure of the currents while maintaining the computational advantage of a 2DH model. Here we compare SHORECIRC to ROMS, a fully 3D ocean circulation model which now includes a three dimensional formulation for the wave-driven flows. We compare the models with three different test applications for: (i) spectral waves approaching a plane beach with an oblique angle of incidence; (ii) monochromatic waves driving longshore currents in a laboratory basin; and (iii) monochromatic waves on a barred beach with rip channels in a laboratory basin. Results identify that the models are very similar for the depth integrated flows and qualitatively consistent for the vertically varying components. The differences are primarily the result of the vertically varying radiation stress utilized by ROMS and the utilization of long wave theory for the radiation stress formulation in vertical varying momentum balance by SHORECIRC. The quasi-3D model is faster, however the applicability of the fully 3D model allows it to extend over a broader range of processes, temporal, and spatial scales.  相似文献   

This paper documents a new method for describing channel-related sedimentary deposits based on formal language theory. Using this method an analogue model of a sedimentary deposit can be encoded as a grammar. A program, called a parser, has been developed which can generate stochastic maps of these sedimentary deposits based on information in a specified grammar. The maps of sedimentary deposits generated by the parser have the same type, spatial arrangement, shape and size distribution as the analogue model. The successful generation of depositional maps represents a crucial step in the ongoing development of a new technique designed to generate 3D static geological models of sedimentary successions. The maps can be conditioned to match sparse hard data in the form of channel segments interpreted from seismic horizon maps.  相似文献   

以渤海区域地质信息管理系统空间数据库为例,概述了利用地理信息工具平台MAPINFO建设渤海信息管理系统区域地质空间数据库的方法,包括空间数据库的分类、分层方案,命名及编码规则,以及利用MAPINFO和VERTICAL MAPPER绘制水深等值线图、剖面图、3D图的技巧。  相似文献   

In this paper, infragravity (IG) waves, forced by normally and obliquely incident wave groups, are studied using the quasi-3D (Q3D) nearshore circulation model SHORECIRC [Van Dongeren, A.R., I.A. Svendsen, 1997b. Quasi 3-D modeling of nearshore hydrodynamics. Research report CACR-97-04. Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Newark, 243 pp.], which includes the Q3D effects. The governing equations that form the basis of the model, as well as the numerical model and the boundary conditions, are described. The model is applied to the case of leaky IG waves. It is shown that the Q3D terms have a significant effect on the cross-shore variation of the surface elevation envelope, especially around the breakpoint and in the inner surf zone. The effect of wave groupiness on the temporal and spatial variation of all Q3D terms is shown after which their contribution to the momentum equations is analyzed. This reveals that only those Q3D coefficients, which appear in combination with the largest horizontal velocity shears make a significant contribution to the momentum equations. As a result of the calculation of the Q3D coefficients, the IG wave velocity profiles can be determined. This shows that in the surf zone, the velocity profiles exhibit a large curvature and time variation in the cross-shore direction, and a small — but essential — depth variation in the longshore direction.  相似文献   

三维激光扫描技术在数字城市中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三维激光扫描技术具有精度高、速度快、真实感强、数据量大、作业安全等众多优点,应用领域日益广泛。通过三维激光扫描仪对建筑物进行扫描作业和数据处理,建立建筑物的三维模型,并以Leica的ScanStation2地面三维激光扫描仪为例,讨论激光扫描仪在数字城市中的应用。  相似文献   

In this paper a channel levee system and the associated depositional lobe are described. The proposed example derives from a recently acquired 3D survey in the West Africa deep-offshore. It is mainly based on a detailed 3D seismic reconstruction, attribute map interpretation and log data from a single well to calibrate seismic responses and sedimentary facies.The stratigraphic section under consideration, informally named the A 100 Sequence, is about 80 ms TWT thick, and of early Pliocene age. The attribute maps focused on this interval clearly show the presence of two narrow (up to 250 m wide) low-sinuosity slope channels that can be followed for more than 32 km in an E–W direction (down slope to the W) as far as the western border of the 3D acquisition. Over most of their length both channels are characterized by the low amplitude aspect of the axial belt and by brighter responses in the flanks (presence of thin-bedded sands in the levee areas). This character, associated with the common convex-down geometry of the reflections lying just above the channel axis, suggests a predominant fine-grained infilling of the thalwegs.One of these channels, termed the Southern Channel, shows a high amplitude lobe-shaped zone in the middle part of its course. The ‘anomalous’ development of this depositional element has been related to a local reduction of the slope gradient, probably induced by the synsedimentary growth of an adjacent mud-cored anticline.Because of hydrocarbon occurrence, the lobe area and the associated feeder channel have been investigated in detail through careful picking of all the mappable reflections inside the channel-lobe system. The resulting physical-stratigraphic framework and the related attribute maps suggest that channel development occurred through distinct growth stages. The lower stage (Stage 1) is expressed by symmetric levees flanking the main channel to the east and by a depositional lobe/lobe fringe area to the west. Between the levee belt and the lobe' a transitional zone occurs where the presence of isolated bypassing bars has been inferred. The upper stage (Stage 2) seems to record a phase of overall bypassing of flows within the channel conduit, producing the westward propagation of the channel and consequent dissection of the previous stage lobe. A contemporaneous lateral spillover from the channel axis of low-density turbidites constructed prominent gull-wing shaped levees that uniformly covered the stage 1 elements.  相似文献   

基于Oracle的空间数据库元数据建模研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
孟庆君  王飞  刘健  孙永 《海洋测绘》2004,24(5):46-50
分析了面向对象关系模型的数据结构,并对Oracle Spatial组件中空间数据存储结构及对象关系数据模型进行了分析,然后分别给出了Oracle数据库中使用对象关系数据模型和元数据表存储空间数据的构建方法,以及地图索引、元数据表的构建方法。  相似文献   

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