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Elemental concentrations in Phanerozoic sea water are known to fluctuate both in time and space. With regard to carbonates precipitated from marine fluids, elemental concentrations in the carbonate crystal lattice are affected by a complex array of equilibrium and non‐equilibrium as well as post‐depositional alteration processes. To assess the potential of carbonate elemental chemostratigraphy, seven Upper Jurassic sections were investigated along a proximal to distal transect across the south‐east Iberian palaeomargin. The aim was to explore stratigraphic and spatial variations in calcium, strontium, magnesium, iron and manganese elemental abundances. The epicontinental geochemical record is influenced by the combination of continental runoff and a significant diagenetic overprint. In contrast, the epioceanic geochemical record agrees with reconstructed open marine sea water values, reflecting a moderate degree of syn‐depositional to early marine pore water diagenesis. Establishing a fair degree of preservation of matrix micrite, a thorough statistical approach was applied and elemental associations tested for their environmental significance. Principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses revealed a persistent relation between carbonate magnesium, iron and strontium abundances. Processes related to early diagenetic nodulation in Ammonitico Rosso facies most probably account for the incorporation of these elements in the calcium carbonate lattice. The clear decoupling of carbonate manganese abundance with respect to the remaining elements is documented and related to high sea floor spreading rates and hydrothermal activity during the Late Jurassic. The investigation of potential time‐fluctuation of geochemical patterns was approached through variogram computation. The observed temporal behaviour is most likely to be forced by relative sea‐level dynamics, reflecting Late Jurassic palaeoceanographic conditions and potential planetary interactions. The data obtained in this study highlight the utility of elemental data from carbonate matrix micrites as geochemical proxies for studying the influence of remote trigger factors.  相似文献   

Organic sulfur in marine sediment is 34S enriched relative to the co-existing pyrite. This phenomenon is still enigmatic. Timing of the sulfur incorporation, immobilization and different sulfur species involved are part of the explanations. The reduced sulfur species incorporation into organic matter (OM) is generally assumed to have negligible δ34S fractionation. This assumption has never been confirmed by laboratory experimental data. The present study measures the δ34S changes resulting from reduced sulfur species (sulfides and polysulfide anions) incorporation into organic model compounds in an aquatic and low temperature (25 °C) system that simulates diagenetic marine environment. In addition, we also investigate the δ34S fractionation and the isotope chemical mixing in the formation of polysulfide anions produced from elemental sulfur and sulfide anions. The results showed total isotope mixing between the two species in the formation of polysulfides. Acidification of the polysulfides solution caused δ34S fractionation between the released elemental sulfur and H2S. The incorporation of polysulfides and sulfides into carbonyl groups, caused 34S enrichment relative to the starting polysulfides and sulfide of 4–5‰. The 34S enrichment of the sulfurized carbonyl groups showed a minimal effect by temperature (0–70 °C) and is not affected by salinity, polysulfides composition, reaction time or solubility in water. The incorporation of polysulfides and sulfides into brominated organic compounds was negligibly 34S enriched. The chemical mechanisms controlling the polysulfides incorporation into OM depend mostly on the functional groups and determine the 34S enrichment of the sulfurized OM. The results presented in this study can explain part of the difference between pyrite δ34S and sulfurized OM δ34S in natural marine sediments.  相似文献   

The degree of isotopic variation in fossil organic matter renders bulk δ13C signatures strongly influenced by molecular isotopic heterogeneity. For example, in fossil wood the relative abundance of less depleted 13C moieties, i.e. preserved 13C enriched polysaccharides versus the relatively 13C depleted lignin moieties, can be seen to significantly bias δ13Cfossil wood values. Moreover the variation in δ13C values of specific compounds within fossil material are themselves highly variable and reflect the heterogeneity in isotopic values of different carbon atoms within individual compounds. For studies using δ13C values of fossil plant material as proxies (e.g., for δ13Cpalaeoatmosphere, δ13Cbiomass) it is recommended that the biases introduced through molecular heterogeneity, preservation type and taxonomic status of the fossil material are determined initially. Biases inherent in the bulk signature can then be reduced, rendering this value more robust. Alternatively, compound specific stable carbon isotope measurements of individual moieties preserved through geological time might prove to be an alternative proxy for monitoring changes in the bulk δ13C value of the plant and might reveal atmospherically induced trends.  相似文献   

In order to understand the post-depositional history of carbonate rocks of Guri Member (Lower to Middle Miocene), three stratigraphic sections were selected in north Bandar-Abbas in southeast of Iran. Sampling was carried out, analyzed for selective parameters such as oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions (δ18O and δ13C) and interpreted in the present study. We recognized several diagenetic processes including micritization, cementation, neomorphism, compaction, dissolution, silicification, dolomitization, fracturing and vein filling. Some of the diagenetic processes occurred at different conditions, so in order to achieve precise interpretation, samples from different carbonate components such as, micrite, fracture cement, solution pore cement, intergranular cement, and some biotic allochems were analyzed. In this study micrite samples were subdivided into two groups including micro-spary and micrite. They were recognized under Cathodoluminescence microscope. In addition, micrite samples were classified into five groups based on their depositional environments: supratidal, lagoon, coral bar, open sea, and open basin. There were minor changes in stable isotope ratios based on the sedimentary environments, stratigraphy successions, and micro-spary or micrite properties. In this study, similar calcite cements in petrography studies were differentiated by stable isotope data. Those calcite cements have formed in different diagenetic environments such as meteoric and burial cements. Paragenetic sequence of carbonate rocks were interpreted by integration of petrographic and isotopic studies. We have reconstructed diagenetic models of Guri Member into four stages including marine, meteoric, burial, and uplifting.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotopes have been frequently used to indicate carbon pools and processes in soils, plants, and the atmosphere. Carbon isotope compositions are particularly useful in partitioning soil carbon sources between C3 and C4 vegetation because of the distinct δ13C distributions for C3 and C4 vegetation. Remote sensing is a powerful tool used to identify ecosystem patterns and processes at larger scales. A union of these two approaches would hold promise for spatially continuous estimates of carbon isotope compositions. In the current study, a framework is presented for using high spatial resolution remote sensing to predict soil δ13C distributions across a southern Africa savanna ecosystem. The results suggest that if the vegetation–soil δ13C relationship can be established, soil δ13C distributions can be estimated by high-resolution satellite images (e.g., IKONOS, Quickbird). Despite limitations remote sensing is a promising tool to expand estimates of terrestrial δ13C spatial patterns and dynamics.  相似文献   

Sedimentary gaps are a major obstacle in the reconstruction of a carbonate platform's history. In order to improve the understanding of the early diagenesis and the succession of events occurring during the formation of discontinuity surfaces in limestones, secondary ion mass spectrometry was used for the first time to measure the δ 18O and δ 13C signatures of 11 early cement and fabric stages in several discontinuity surfaces from the Jurassic carbonate platform of the Paris Basin, France. Pendant cements show a high variability in δ 18O, which was impossible to detect by the less precise microdrilling method. The morphology of a given cement can be produced in various environments, and dogtooth cements especially can precipitate in marine phreatic and meteoric phreatic to vadose environments. Marine dogtooth cements and micritic microbially induced fabrics precipitated directly as low‐magnesium calcite in marine waters, as attested to by the preservation of their initial δ 18O and δ 13C signals. Five discontinuity types are recognized based on high‐resolution geochemical analyses, and their palaeoenvironmental history can be reconstructed. Two exposure surfaces with non‐ferroan pendant or meniscus cements formed in the oxidizing vadose zone. A hardground displays marine fibrous cements and non‐ferroan dogtooth cements that formed in a subtidal environment in oxidizing water. Two composite surfaces have undergone both marine and subaerial lithification. Composite surface 1 displays non‐luminescent ferroan dogtooth cements that precipitated in reduced conditions in seawater, followed by brown‐luminescent dogtooth cements characteristic of a meteoric phreatic environment. Composite surface 2 exhibits microbially induced fabrics that formed in marine water with abundant organic matter. The latter discontinuity, initially formed in a subtidal environment, was subsequently exposed to meteoric conditions, as evidenced by ferroan geopetal cements. A high‐resolution ion microprobe study is essential to precisely document the successive diagenetic environments that have affected carbonate rocks and discontinuities with a polygenic and intricate history.  相似文献   

Karst rocks from the Huanglong Formation exposed at the margin of the Eastern Sichuan Basin can be divided into four types:slightly corroded, moderately corroded porous, intensely corroded brecciated and intensely corroded and replaced secondary calcic karstic rocks. The carbon, oxygen and strontium isotope compositions of the various karst rocks are analyzed systematically and compared to rocks without karst corrosion. The results indicate that(1) the Huanglong Formation in the eastern Sichuan Basin was a restricted bay supplied and controlled by freshwater in which mudmicrite and mud-dolomicrite exhibit low δ13C and δ18O values and high 87Sr/86 Sr ratios;(2) all types of karstic rocks in the paleokarst reservoirs of the Huanglong Formation in the research area are affected by atmospheric freshwater with the δ13C and δ18O values and 87Sr/86 Sr ratios in the original formation approaching those of atmospheric freshwater, which reflects ancient hydrological conditions, fluid properties, isotopic source and the fractionation effect;(3) the intensely corroded and replaced secondary limestone is affected by a variety of diagenetic fluids, often reflected by δ13C and δ18O values, while the 87Sr/86 Sr ratios exhibit the strong degree of the corrosion;(4) after comparing the 87Sr/86 Sr ratios of each type of karst rock, the diagenetic fluids are determined to be mainly atmospheric freshwater, and depending on the strength of corrosion, and the low 87Sr/86 Sr ratio fluids in the layer will participate in the karst process. The carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotopes of different karstic reservoirs can provide meaningful geochemical information for forecasting and evaluating the development and distribution rules of the Huanglong Formation at the margin of the eastern Sichuan Basin in time and space.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural and geochemical investigations were made to determine the post-depositional evolution of Devonian and Early Carboniferous carbonates from Valle de Tena. The carbonate association is made up of low-Mg calcite, which occurs as micrite, spar cements, neomorphic patches and spar filling veinlets. Non-stoichiometric dolomite and ankerite occur as cements (dolomite also as replacements) in the Middle Devonian, post-dating calcite types. All these phases pre-date tectonic stylolites, indicating compaction after stabilization of the carbonate minerals. Strontium concentrations indicate that Early Devonian and Early Carboniferous micrites initially precipitated as aragonite; Middle and Late Devonian micrites precipitated as high-Mg calcites. Both precursors were diagenetically stabilized to low-Mg calcites through interaction with meteoric waters in phreatic environments. Trace elements in dolomite and ankerite indicate precipitation from Sr-enriched meteoric water. All studied carbonates, except Middle Devonian limestones, precipitated in reducing environments, which favoured incorporation of Fe and Mn. Late calcite generations precipitated from more saline waters than micrites. Light 18O values in micrites suggest alteration mainly in meteoric-phreatic environments. The dolomites and ankerites precipitated from more 18O-depleted fluids than the calcites, suggesting a greater contribution from meteoric waters. Variations in 13C of micrites represent primary secular trends, according to published 13C variations. The 13C oscillations within each succession probably relate to sea-level oscillations. Strontium isotopes also point to a meteoric origin of diagenetic fluids. Model calculations suggest that O and Sr isotopes equilibrated between calcites and fluid at relatively low water/rock ratios, whereas C isotopic signatures are inherited from limestones.  相似文献   

The nodular limestones and red marls of the Ankara region, deposited during the early to middle Jurassic, show similar palaeontological and sedimentological characteristics to those of the red nodular limestones form the Northern Alps (Adnet limestones) and from the Southern Alps (Ammonitico Rosso).
The nodular limestones appear to be hardground breccias drowned into the red marly limestones due to the instability of the bottom. The association of sponge spicules, crinoid fragments, small ostracods, benthic foraminifers, shell debris and common micrite matrix suggests a subtidal environment. The subsequent formation of red marly limestones consists of the partial dissolution of the shells; this suggests that a low sedimentation rate and/or sedimentological breaks took place during the precipitation of the ammonite-bearing marls.
The nodular limestones (hardground breccias) and the Ammonitico Rosso-type facies of the Ankara Jurassic succession were formed in a deeper subtidal environment and/or deeper shelf extending into the basin. The hardground layers drowned into the Ammonitico rosso were likely formed on a local carbonate shelf, that deepened increasingly through the early to middle Jurassic. Development of a local submarine clastic fan within the carbonate succession of the Ankara Jurassic basin indicates an irregular bottom topography induced by the syn-sedimentary faults.  相似文献   

Bulk carbonate samples of hemipelagic limestone–marl alternations from the Middle and Upper Triassic of Italy are analysed for their isotopic compositions. Middle Triassic samples are representative of the Livinallongo Formation of the Dolomites, while Upper Triassic hemipelagites were sampled in the Pignola 2 section, within the Calcari con Selce Formation of the Southern Apennines in Southern Italy. Triassic hemipelagites occur either as nodular limestones with chert nodules or as plane‐bedded limestone–marl alternations which are locally silicified. In the Middle Triassic Livinallongo Formation, diagenetic alteration primarily affected the stable isotopic composition of sediment surrounding carbonate nodules, whereas the latter show almost pristine compositions. Diagenesis lowered the carbon and oxygen isotope values of bulk carbonate and introduced a strong correlation between δ13C and δ18O values. In the Middle Triassic successions of the Dolomites, bulk carbonate of nodular limestone facies is most commonly unaltered, whereas carbonate of the plane‐bedded facies is uniformly affected by diagenetic alteration. In contrast to carbonate nodules, plane‐bedded facies often show compaction features. Although both types of pelagic carbonate rocks show very similar petrographic characteristics, scanning electron microscopy studies reveal that nodular limestone consists of micrite (< 5 μm in diameter), whereas samples of the plane‐bedded facies are composed of calcite crystals ca 10 μm in size showing pitted, polished surfaces. These observations suggest that nodular and plane‐bedded facies underwent different diagenetic pathways determined by the prevailing mineralogy of the precursor sediment, i.e. probably high‐Mg calcite in the nodular facies and aragonite in the case of the plane‐bedded facies. Similar to Middle Triassic nodular facies, Upper Triassic nodular limestones of the Lagonegro Basin are also characterized by uncorrelated δ13C and δ18O values and exhibit small, less than 5 μm size, crystals. The alternation of calcitic and aragonitic precursors in the Middle Triassic of the Dolomites is thought to mirror rapid changes in the type of carbonate production of adjacent platforms. Bioturbation and dissolution of metastable carbonate grains played a key role during early lithification of nodular limestone beds, whereby early stabilization recorded the carbon isotopic composition of sea water. The bulk carbonate δ13C values of Middle and Upper Triassic hemipelagites from Italy agree with those of Tethyan low‐Mg calcite shells of articulate brachiopods, confirming that Triassic hemipelagites retained the primary carbon isotopic composition of the bottom sea water. A trend of increasing δ13C from the Late Anisian to the Early Carnian, partly seen in the data set presented here, is also recognized in successions from tropical palaeolatitudes elsewhere. The carbon isotopic composition of Middle and Upper Triassic nodular hemipelagic limestones can thus be used for chemostratigraphic correlation and palaeoenvironmental studies.  相似文献   

Purbeckian (lowermost Cretaceous) peritidal carbonates are characterized by open marine, lagoonal, intertidal and lacustrine facies arranged in Milankovitch-type shallowing upward sequences. Shallowing upward sequences typically consist of 2–6 individual beds. The sequences may be (i) complete, (ii) incomplete or (ii) pedogenetically overprinted, reflecting the duration of subaerial exposure and/or the extent of erosion and pedogenetic modification at the cycle tops. The stable isotopic composition of the peritidal micrites reveals homogenous δ18O values attributed to diagenetic stabilization in a meteoric, water-buffered system. Carbon isotopes show three distinctly different carbon isotope patterns dependent on the completeness of the shallowing upward sequences. Complete shallowing upward sequences consist of 4–6 individual carbonate beds. The carbon isotope values show a facies-dependent pattern: open marine carbonate muds record enriched δ13C values of +0·28‰ while lagoonal (−0·82‰), intertidal (−2·46‰) and lacustrine micrites (−2·96‰) are increasingly depleted. This distinct pattern is explained by carbonate mud deposition in environments of differing salinity and marine influence. Incomplete sequences (2–5 carbonate beds) are characterized by depleted δ13C values below subaerial exposure surfaces that become progressively enriched in 13C with increasing depth. Pedogenetically overprinted sequences (1–3 carbonate beds) show strong 13C depletion throughout the sequence with little variation in the carbon isotopic composition. The depleted values (−4·5‰) of the pedogenetically altered micrites suggest that modification during subaerial exposure was associated with equilibration with meteoric solutions enriched in isotopically light soil gas CO2. The duration of subaerial exposure is the most crucial factor determining the extent of pedogenetic alterations, the completeness of the shallowing upward sequences and the carbon isotope pattern. The recorded patterns clearly illustrate that micrites have a good potential for the preservation of their primary carbon isotopic composition if the duration of subaerial exposure is rather brief. Otherwise, the recorded carbon isotope patterns may support sequence stratigraphic analysis by providing a refinement of the time-stratigraphic interpretation.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the history and dynamics of climate in a transitional region between areas with different atmospheric circulation patterns, where the vegetation and ecosystems are vulnerable to environmental change. We investigated variations in the long-term oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) in tree rings of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) and their relationships to climatic parameters in the arid Qilian Mountains of northwestern China from 1870 to 2006. We found that the mean temperature from the previous November to the current February was significantly and positively correlated with the tree-ring δ18O values. The temperature effect, (the positive relationship between the temperature and the precipitation δ18O value) can explain the connection between temperature and the tree-ring δ18O values. Due to pooling of the earlywood and latewood into yearly tree-ring samples, it appears that the cellulose δ18O may be influenced by isotopically nonhomogeneous water sources and climatic conditions during the previous and current growing seasons. Subtle shifts and amplitude deviations in cellulose δ18O, which abruptly became more positive around 1977–1978, may be attributed to the shifting climatic regime in China and to temperature variations, respectively. Our results illustrated the potential for investigating climatic or atmospheric circulation patterns based on oxygen isotope records in tree rings in regions near the interface between different large-scale synoptic circulations.  相似文献   

Water samples from cold and geothermal boreholes, hot springs, lakes and rivers were analyzed for δD, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr compositions in order to investigate lake water–groundwater mixing processes, water–rock interactions, and to evaluate groundwater flow paths in the central Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) of the Ziway–Shala basin. Different ranges of isotopic values were recorded for different water types: hot springs show δ18O −3.36 to +3.69 and δD −15.85 to +24.23, deep Aluto-Langano geothermal wells show δ18O −4.65 to −1.24 and δD −12.39 to −9.31, groundwater wells show δ18O −3.99 to +5.14 and δD −19.69 to +32.27, whereas the lakes show δ18O and δD in the range +3.98 to +7.92 and +26.19 to +45.71, respectively. The intersection of the Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL: δD = 7 δ18O + 11.2, R2 = 0.94, n = 42) and the Local Evaporation Line (LEL: δD = 5.63δ18O + 8, n = 14, R2 = 0.82) was used to estimate the average isotopic composition of recharge water into the basin (δD = −5.15 and δ18O = −2.34). These values are depleted if compared with the modern-day average precipitation, presumably indicating paleo-groundwater components recharged during previous humid climatic phases. The measured stable isotope values indicate that the geothermal wells, some of the hot springs and groundwater wells mainly consist of meteoric water. The Sr isotopic signatures in all waters are within the range of the Sr isotopic composition of the rift basalts and rhyolites. The variability of Sr isotopic data also pinpoints complex water–rock interaction and mixing processes in groundwater and surface water. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio ranges from 0.70445 to 0.70756 in the hot springs, from 0.70426 to 0.70537 in two deep geothermal wells, and from 0.70673 to 0.70721 in the rift lakes Ziway, Langano, Shala and Awasa. The radiogenic composition recorded by the lakes indicates that the input water was predominantly affected by progressive interaction with rhyolitic volcanics and lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

The intraplate volcanic suite of the Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central) shows a complete petrologic range, from alkali basalts to trachytes. The significant variations of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes along the series strongly support the occurrence of crustal assimilation associated with fractional crystallization (AFC). The least contaminated basalts are clearly related to a HIMU-type reservoir (206Pb/204Pb > 19.6; 87Sr/86Sr < 0.7037; εNd > + 4). The behavior of radiogenic isotopes suggests that the most likely crustal contaminants are meta-sediments located in the lower crust.The Li isotopic compositions of the lavas range from high δ7Li (> + 7‰) in basalts to lighter values in more evolved lavas (down to δ7Li ≈ 0‰). The mantle component, expressed in the least evolved lavas, has a heavy Li isotopic signature, in good agreement with previous δ7Li measurements of OIB lavas with HIMU affinities. The evolution of Li isotopic compositions throughout the volcanic series is in agreement with the AFC model suggested by the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systems. Although the behavior of Li isotopes during assimilation processes is currently poorly constrained, our calculations suggest that at least a portion of the lower crust beneath the Chaîne des Puys is characterized by a light Li isotopic composition (δ7Li < − 5‰).  相似文献   

Results of a detailed petrographic and stable isotope study illustrate that sedimentological differences and eogenetic dissolution/precipitation processes controlled porosity distribution within carbonate turbidites of the Ionian basin (central Albania). Based on lithology characteristics and porosity distribution observed in outcrop, individual turbidite beds can be subdivided into four distinct intervals, i.e. from base to top: (A) a non‐porous wackestone/floatstone or packstone followed by (B) porous packstone–grainstone that grades into (C) wackestone and (D) non‐porous mudstone with pelagic foraminifera. Wackestone interval C is characterized by an alternation of porous and non‐porous laminae. Changes in turbidity current flow regime controlled the initial presence of matrix micrite giving rise to both matrix‐ and grain‐supported lithologies within turbidite sequences. These are non‐porous and porous, respectively. Four eogenetic diagenetic processes (dissolution, cementation, neomorphism and compaction) acted shortly after deposition and modified primary porosity characteristics and distribution. Alteration by meteoric water is excluded based on the continuous burial until the Oligocene of the studied deep marine carbonates. Moreover, the stable isotope data with values between −2·1‰ and +0·7‰ for δ18OV‐PDB and between +1‰ and +3‰ for δ13CV‐PDB, favour alteration by marine‐derived pore‐waters. Compaction and aggrading neomorphism occurred dominantly in intervals characterized by higher matrix micrite content, i.e. the floatstone base and the wackestone–mudstone upper turbidite part. Framework‐stabilizing cementation occurred dominantly in the packstone–grainstone middle part of the turbidite beds. In the latter porous lithologies, matrix micrite was not compacted because of the grain fabric and the framework‐stabilizing cements. Here, neomorphism of micrite into microrhombic euhedral calcite occurred and microporosity was preserved.  相似文献   

We revised an equation for estimating palaeostress magnitude using the microboudin technique by incorporating the influence of time on the fracture strength of minerals. The equation was used to estimate triaxial palaeostresses from a rare sample of metachert from Turkey that contains microboudinaged, columnar tourmaline grains in a wide range of orientations within the foliation plane. The estimated principal palaeostresses are σ1 = 605 MPa, σ2 = 598 MPa, and σ3 = 597 MPa. As the microboudinage is considered to have occurred immediately before the rock encountered the brittle-plastic transition during exhumation, these stress values correspond to conditions at approximately 18 km depth and 300 °C within a Cretaceous orogenic belt.  相似文献   

Early marine diagenetic dolomite is a rather thermodynamically-stable carbonate phase and has potential to act as an archive of marine porewater properties. However, the variety of early to late diagenetic dolomite phases that can coexist within a single sample can result in extensive complexity. Here, the archive potential of early marine dolomites exposed to extreme post-depositional processes is tested using various types of analyses, including: petrography, fluid inclusion data, stable δ13C and δ18O isotopes, 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and U-Pb age dating of various dolomite phases. In this example, a Triassic carbonate platform was dissected and overprinted (diagenetic temperatures of 50 to 430°C) in a strike-slip zone in Southern Spain. Eight episodes of dolomitization, a dolostone cataclasite and late stage meteoric/vadose cementation were recognized. The following processes were found to be diagenetically relevant: (i) protolith deposition and fabric-preservation, and marine dolomitization of precursor aragonite and calcite during the Middle–Late Triassic; (ii) intermediate burial and formation of zebra saddle dolomite and precipitation of various dolomite cements in a Proto-Atlantic opening stress regime (T ca 250°C) during the Early–Middle Jurassic; (iii) dolomite cement precipitation during early Alpine tectonism, rapid burial to ca 15 km, and high-grade anchizone overprint during Alpine tectonic evolution in the Early Eocene to Early Miocene; (iv) brecciation of dolostones to cataclasite during the onset of the Carboneras Fault Zone activity during the Middle Miocene; and (v) late-stage regression and subsequent meteoric overprint. Data shown here document that, under favourable conditions, early diagenetic marine dolomites and their archive data may resist petrographic and geochemical resetting over time intervals of 108 or more years. Evidence for this preservation includes preserved Late Triassic seawater δ13CDIC values and primary fluid inclusion data. Data also indicate that oversimplified statements based on bulk data from other petrographically-complex dolomite archives must be considered with caution.  相似文献   

Geochemical signals from speleothems are commonly used in the investigation of palaeoenvironments. In most cases, however, little attention is paid to whether or not these signals are primary or altered by diagenesis. The speleothems of the Castañar Cave (Cáceres, Spain), which are initially formed of calcite or aragonite, have undergone a variety of meteoric diagenetic processes such as micritization and neomorphism (inversion), that collectively modify their primary features (textures, mineralogy, geochemical signals). The mean δ13C and δ18O values of the aragonites in the cave are −8.66 and −4.64 respectively, whereas the primary calcites have mean δ13C and δ18O values of −9.99 and −5.77, respectively. Following the diagenetic process of micritization, the aragonite isotopic signals averaged −7.63 δ13C and −4.74 δ18O and the calcite micrite signals −9.53 δ13C and −5.21 δ18O. Where inversion took place, some secondary calcites after the aragonite show preserved aragonite, whereas others do not. The secondary calcites without aragonite relics show isotopic values slightly higher than those of the primary calcite due to the inheritance of the aragonite signal. Where aragonite relics are preserved, the isotopic signatures are very similar to those of the aragonite micrite.In addition, the stable isotopic values and Sr and Mg contents of the speleothems became also modified by micritization and/or inversion. These diagenetic processes were driven by the changes in composition of the cave waters over time and space, but also, in the case of aragonite, by its initial unstable mineralogy.The present results highlight how important diagenesis is in caves and how the initial features of cave minerals may be lost. These changes alter the geochemical signals shown by speleothems, which may have an impact on the interpretation of the results obtained in palaeoenvironmental studies.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in lakes has been used as a useful indicator in Palaeolimnological research, and has made some important contributions to our understanding of lacustrine systems. For modern lakes in arid or cold areas, however, there are few data available to test the effect of lake salinity and temperature on the oxygen isotopic composition of various carbonate sources such as ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate (< 60 μm). Here we examined the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonates, as well as that of coexisting water from Lake Qinghai and the smaller surrounding lakes and ponds on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Our investigation highlights three key effects. First, the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate in the lakes and ponds shows a clear response to lake water δ18O values, and these vary with water salinity. The relationship between lake water δ18O and salinity is not only dominated by the evaporation/freshwater input ratios, but is also controlled by the distance to the mouth of the major rivers supplying to the lake. Second, the ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate show similar isotopic change trends in the study area, and oxygen isotopic differences between ostracods and authigenic carbonate may be explained by the different water temperatures and very small ‘vital offsets’ of ostracods. Finally, the effect of water depth on temperature leads to increasing δ18O values in carbonates as water depth increases, both in benthic ostracods living on the lake bottom, as well as in bulk carbonate precipitated at the water surface.For arid, high-altitude Lake Qinghai, our results suggest that variations in the δ18O values of carbonate in Lake Qinghai are mainly controlled by the oxygen-isotope ratio of the lake water changing with water salinity. As a secondary effect, increasing water depth leads to cooler bottom and surface water, which may result in more positive δ18O values of ostracod and bulk carbonate.  相似文献   

Large areas of southern Australia and New Zealand are covered by mid‐Tertiary limestones formed in cool‐water, shelf environments. The generally destructive character of sea‐floor diagenesis in such settings precludes ubiquitous inorganic precipitation of carbonates, yet these limestones include occasional units with marine cements: (1) within rare in situ biomounds; (2) within some stacked, cross‐bedded sand bodies; (3) at the top of metre‐scale, subtidal, carbonate cycles; and (4) most commonly, associated with certain unconformities. The marine cements are dominated by isopachous rinds of fibrous to bladed spar, interstitial homogeneous micrite and interstitial micropeloidal micrite, often precipitated sequentially in that order. Internal sedimentation of microbioclastic micrite may occur at any stage. The paradox of marine‐cemented limestone units in an overall destructive cool‐water diagenetic regime may be explained by the precipitation of cement as intermediate Mg‐calcite from marine waters undersaturated with respect to aragonite. In some of the marine‐cemented limestones, aragonite biomoulds may include marine cement/sediment internally, suggesting that dissolution of aragonite can at times be wholly marine and not always involve meteoric influences. We suggest that marine cementation occurred preferentially, but not exclusively, during periods of relatively lowered sea level, probably glacio‐eustatically driven in the mid‐Tertiary. At times of reduced sea level, there was a relative increase in both the temperature and the carbonate saturation state of the shelf waters, and the locus of carbonate sedimentation shifted towards formerly deeper shelf sites, which now experienced increased swell wave and/or tidal energy levels, fostering sediment abrasion and reworking, reduced sedimentation rates and freer exchange of sediment pore‐waters. Energy levels were probably also enhanced by increased upwelling of cold, deep waters onto the Southern Ocean margins of the Australasian carbonate platforms, where water‐mass mixing, warming and loss of CO2 locally maintained critical levels of carbonate saturation for sea‐floor cement precipitation and promoted the phosphate‐glauconite mineralization associated with some of the marine‐cemented limestone units.  相似文献   

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