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Hydrostatic (closed-system) pingos are small, elongate to circular, ice-cored mounds that are perennial features of some periglacial landscapes. The growth and development of hydrostatic pingos is contingent upon the presence of surface water, freezing processes and of deep, continuous, ice-cemented permafrost. Other cold-climate landforms such as small-sized, polygonal patterned ground also may occur in the areas where pingos are found. On Mars, landscapes comprising small, elongate to circular mounds and other possible periglacial features have been identified in various areas, including Utopia Planitia, where water is thought to have played an important role in landscape evolution. Despite the importance of the martian mounds as possible markers of water, most accounts of them in the planetary science literature have been brief and/or based upon Viking imagery. We use a high-resolution Mars Orbiter Camera image (EO300299) and superposed Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter data tracks to describe and characterise a crater-floor landscape in northwest Utopia Planitia (64.8° N/292.7° W). The landscape comprises an assemblage of landforms that is consistent with the past presence of water and of periglacial processes. This geomorphological assemblage may have formed as recently as the last episode of high obliquity. A similar assemblage of landforms is found in the Tuktoyaktuk peninsula of northern Canada and other terrestrial cold-climate landscapes. We point to the similarity of the two assemblages and suggest that the small, roughly circular mounds on the floor of the impact crater in northwest Utopia Planitia are hydrostatic pingos. Like the hydrostatic pingos of the Tuktoyaktuk peninsula, the origin of the crater-floor mounds could be tied to the loss of ponded, local water, permafrost aggradation and the evolution of a sub-surface ice core.  相似文献   

On Earth, glacial and periglacial features are common in areas of cold climate. On Mars, the temperature of the present-day surface is appropriate for permafrost, and the presence of water is suspected from data relating to the outgassing of the planet, from remote-sensing measurements over the polar caps and elsewhere on the Martian surface, and from recognition of fluvial morphological features such as channels. These observations and the possibility that ice could be in equilibrium with the atmosphere in the high latitudes north and south of ±40° latitude suggest that glacial and periglacial features should exist on the planet. Morphological studies based mainly on Viking pictures indicate many features that can be attributed to the action of ice. Among these features are extensive talus aprons; debris avalanches; flows that resemble glaciers or rock glaciers; ridges that look like moraines; various types of patterned ground, scalloped scarps, and chaotically collapsed terrain that could be attributed to thermokarst processes; and landforms that may reflect the interaction of volcanism and ice.  相似文献   

Mars Express spacecraft inserted successfully Martian orbit at the end of 2003. On board this probe, a radar instrument called MARSIS (for Mars Advanced Radar for Surface and Ionosphere Sounding) is looking for water inside the first kilometers of Martian crust. To support MARSIS planning and data inversion, Laboratoire de Planétologie de Grenoble developed a MARSIS signal simulator.We show in this paper that MARSIS can also characterize some surface features, in addition to subsurface water and ionosphere sounding. We study a Martian surface region of special interest: Nilokeras Mensae, inside Acidalia Planitia. We discuss the previous geological studies of this region, and show the geomorphologies analyze of this surface area could lead to a simple terrain model. Then, we present a possible data inversion scheme and applying the MARSIS simulator, we test a first radar data inversion.Finally, we will show that complete dielectric characteristics of surface top layers can be retrieved, at least as often Mars Express flies over some layered terrain (at wavelength scale).  相似文献   

Utopia Planitia, one of the great northern plains of the Mars, is a region where landscape modification by cold-climate processes, i.e. glacial and periglacial, is thought to be widespread. In the middle latitudes of this region a metres-thick mantle, possibly comprising an ice-dust admixture, has been reported; the occurrence of putative periglacial landforms such as flat-floored (thermokarst-like) depressions, small-sized (possibly thermal-contraction) polygons and polygon trough/junction pits also has been noted. Recently, some workers have suggested that the location of the putative periglacial landforms in mid Utopia Planitia is synonymous with that of the mantle and that the former evolve as the latter degrades. By contrast, preliminary work by others has proposed that this synonymy is misperceived, for two reasons: first, the putative periglacial landforms often are observed in areas of Utopia Planitia where the mantle is absent; second, in areas where the two landscape types are observed concurrently, the putative periglacial landforms either underlie the mantle and, stratigraphically, must predate the mantle, or they are adjacent to the mantle and at a lower datum of elevation. If the geological evolution of Utopia Planitia is to be constrained properly, then each of these hypotheses must be explored.Towards this end, we have mapped the location and distribution of the mantle and putative periglacial landforms across a broad latitudinal and longitudinal swath of the Utopia Planitia and its margins (~55°–125°E and ~30°–60°N). This map incorporates all the relevant images of these features and provides a regional scale of analysis. Previous discussions and/or maps of cold-climate landscapes in Utopia Planitia have been much narrower in latitudinal and longitudinal focus. An evaluation of high-resolution images containing the mantle material and putative periglacial landforms, underpinned by the MOLA-based topographic profiles, comprises a local scale of analysis. This too has not been developed fully in earlier work.Using the map, high-resolution photogeological evidence and the MOLA topographic profiles, we show three things. First, in mid Utopia Planitia the reach of the putative periglacial landforms extends well beyond the location of the possible dust-ice mantle. Second, the latter overprints the former in all observed instances and, consequently, the former cannot be a product of the latter. Third, perhaps the origin and evolution of the putative periglacial landscapes in mid Utopia Planitia is not as recent as some workers have proposed.  相似文献   

In order to understand the formation of the few but large, hematite deposits on Mars, comparisons are often made with terrestrial hematite occurrences. In southern Utah, hematite concretions have formed within continental sandstones and are exposed as extensive weathered-out beds. The hematite deposits are linked to geological and geomorphological features such as knobs, buttes, bleached beds, fractures and rings. These terrestrial features are visible in aerial and satellite images, which enables a comparison with similar features occurring extensively in the martian hematite-rich areas. The combination of processes involved in the movement and precipitation of iron in southern Utah can provide new insights in the context of the hematite formation on Mars. Here we present a mapping of the analogue geological and geomorphological features in parts of Meridiani Planum and Aram Chaos. Based on mapping comparisons with the Utah occurrences, we present models for the formation of the martian analogues, as well as a model for iron transport and precipitation on Mars. Following the Utah model, high albedo layers and rings in the mapped area on Mars are due to removal or lack of iron, and precipitation of secondary diagenetic minerals as fluids moved up along fractures and permeable materials. Hematite was precipitated intraformationally where the fluid transporting the reduced iron met oxidizing conditions. Our study shows that certain geological/geomorphological features can be linked to the hematite formation on Mars and that pH differences could suffice for the transport of the iron from an orthopyroxene volcanoclastic source rock. The presence of organic compounds can enhance the iron mobilization and precipitation processes. Continued studies will focus on possible influence of biological activity and/or methane in the formation of the hematite concretions in Utah and on Mars.  相似文献   

Several characteristic geological features found on the surface of Mars by planetary rovers suggest that a possible extinct biosphere could exist based on similar sources of energy as occurred on Earth. For this reason, analytical instrumental protocols for the detection of biomarkers in suitable geological matrices unequivocally have to be elaborated for future unmanned explorations including the forthcoming ESA ExoMars mission. As part of the Pasteur suite of analytical instrumentation on ExoMars, the Raman/LIBS instrument will seek elemental and molecular information about geological, biological and biogeological markers in the Martian record. A key series of experiments on terrestrial Mars analogues, of which this paper addresses a particularly important series of compounds, is required to obtain the Raman spectra of key molecules and crystals, which are characteristic for each biomarker. Here, we present Raman spectra of several examples of organic compounds which have been recorded non-destructively—higher n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carotenoids, salts of organic acids, pure crystalline terpenes as well as oxygen-containing organic compounds. In addition, the lower limit of β-carotene detection in sulphate matrices using Raman microspectroscopy was estimated.  相似文献   

The reflectivity of the Martian surface has been measured between 2.0 and 4.0 μ. A broad absorption band is observed which has a minimum at 2.85μm. The position and shape of the band is compared to features in numerous terrestrial minerals. Bound water in the Martian surface material is the most likely cause of the observed band. The strength of the observed band suggests a bound water content of approx. 1% by weight. The band is inconsistent with > a few % limonito or hydrated polymeric carbon suboxide. A mean particle radius ~100μm is deduced. The quality of bound water derived has a range of geological, climatic, and exobiological implications  相似文献   

A theoretical thermal evolution model of Mars is constructed, utilizing as constraints the available geophysical and geological data, including those provided by the Viking missions. The calculation includes conduction and subsolidus mantle convection. Calculated models indicate that Martian evolution can be roughly characterized by four different stages. (1) Core formation and crust differentiation: this stage starts from the planet formation to about 1 by thereafter. During this period, Martian core is separated and the initial crust is differentiated. (2) Heating, expansion, and mantle differentiation: this stage begins after the core separation and extends to about 3 by. First, mantle temperatures rise and reach partial melting. Between 2 and 3 by, extensive melting, differentiation, and outgassing occur. Planetary radius increases and extensional features observed at the surface are most likely generated at this stage. (3) Mature phase: after 3 by, the planet reaches maturity. Between 3 and 4 by slow and sustained evolution continues. Lithosphere thickens and partial melt zone deepens. (4) Cooling period: this stage represents the last phase of Martian history. The planet is cooling slowly. The partial melting zone shrinks and volcanic activity tapers off. At present, Martian lithosphere is about 200 km thick and the mantle is convecting slowly. The models suggest that the core is molten, and the calculated surface heat flux is 35 erg cm?2 sec?1.  相似文献   

The knowledge of Martian geology has increased enormously in the last 40 yr. Several missions orbiting or roving Mars have revolutionized our understanding of its evolution and geological features, which in several ways are similar to Earth, but are extremely different in many respects. The impressive dichotomy between the two Martian hemispheres is most likely linked to its impact cratering history, rather than internal dynamics such as on Earth. Mars' volcanism has been extensive, very long-lived and rather constant in its setting. Water was available in large quantities in the distant past of Mars, when a magnetic field and more vigorous tectonics were active.Exogenic forces have been shaping Martian landscapes and have led to a plethora of landscapes shaped by wind, water and ice. Mars' dynamical behavior continues, with its climatic variation affecting climate and geology until very recent times. This paper tries to summarize major highlights in Mars' Geology, and points to deeper and more extensive sources of important scientific contributions and future exploration.  相似文献   

Geological, facies, geomorphological and allostratigraphic map of the Eberswalde fan delta area are presented. The Eberswalde fan delta is proposed as a sort of prototype area to map sedimentary deposits, because of its excellent data coverage and its variability in depositional as well as erosional morphologies and sedimentary facies.We present a report to distinguish different cartographic products implying an increasing level of interpretation.The geological map – in association with the facies map – represents the most objective mapping product. Formations are distinguished on the basis of objectively observable parameters: texture, color, sedimentary structures and geographic distribution. Stratigraphic relations are evaluated using Steno’s principles. Formations can be interpreted in terms of depositional environment, but an eventual change of the genetic interpretation would not lead to a change in the geological map.The geomorphological map is based on the data represented in the geological map plus the association of the morphological elements, in order to infer the depositional sub-environments. As a consequence, it is an interpretative map focused on the genetic reconstruction.The allostratigraphic map is based on the morphofacies analysis – expressed by the geomorphological map – and by the recognition of surfaces which reflect allogenic controls, such as water level fluctuations: unconformities, erosional truncations and flooding surfaces. As a consequence, this is an even more interpretative map than the geomorphological one, since it focuses on the control on the sedimentary systems.Geological maps represent the most suitable cartographic product for a systematic mapping, which can serve as a prerequisite for scientific or landing site analyses. Geomorphological and allostratographic maps are suitable tools to broaden scientific analysis or to provide scientific background to landing site selection.  相似文献   

From an analysis of 1173 craters possessing single (Type I) and double (Type 2) concentric ejecta deposits, Type 2 craters are found to occur most frequently in areas that have also been described as possessing periglacial features. The frequency of occurence of central peaks and wall failure (terraces plus scallops) within the craters indicate that, by analogy with previous analyses, Type 1 craters form in more fragmental targets than Type 2 craters. The maximum range of the outer ejecta deposits of Type 2 craters, however, consistently extends ~0.8 crater radii further than ejecta deposits of Type 1 craters, suggesting a greater degree of ejecta fluidization for the twin-lobed Type 2 craters. Numerous characteristics of Ries Crater, West Germany, show similarities to craters on Mars, indicating that Martian fluidized ejecta craters may be closer analogs to this terrestrial crater than are lunar craters.  相似文献   

Recent observations of methane on Mars suggest that spatially localized source regions are present. Here we discuss the surface morphology and mineralogy of these regions, focusing on features that may provide insights into mechanisms of methane production and/or release. Preliminary trends among methane source regions include old age, deep fractures, past or present subsurface water, and the presence of hydrated minerals, sometimes including serpentine. As the spatial and temporal coverage of Martian methane is expanded, geological observations of proposed source regions will be a powerful tool for understanding the methane cycle on modern Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— Spectroscopic measurement and analysis of Martian meteorites provide important information about the mineralogy of Mars, as well as necessary ground-truths for deconvolving remote sensing spectra of the Martian surface rocks. The spectroscopic properties of particulate ALH 84001 from 0.3 to 25 μm correctly identify low-Ca pyroxene as the dominant mineralogy. Absorption bands due to electronic transitions of ferrous iron are observed at 0.94 and 1.97 μm that are typical for low-Ca pyroxene. A strong, broad water band is observed near 3 μm that is characteristic of the water band typically associated with pyroxenes. Weaker features near 4.8, 5.2 and 6.2 μm are characteristic of particulate low-Ca pyroxene and can be distinguished readily from the features due to high-Ca pyroxene and other silicate minerals. The reflectance minimum occurs near 8.6 μm for the ALH 84001 powder, which is more consistent with high-Ca pyroxene and augite than low-Ca pyroxene. The dominant mid-infrared (IR) spectral features for the ALH 84001 powder are observed near 9 and 19.5 μm; however, there are multiple features in this region. These mid-IR features are generally characteristic of low-Ca pyroxene but cannot be explained by low-Ca pyroxene alone. Spectral features from 2.5–5 μm are typically associated with water, organics and carbonates and have been studied in spectra of the ALH 84001, split 92 powder and ALH 84001, splits 92 and 271 chip surfaces. Weak features have been identified near 3.5 and 4 μm that are assigned to organic material and carbonates. Another feature is observed at 4.27 μm in many surface spots and in the powder but has not yet been uniquely identified. Spectroscopic identification of minor organic and carbonate components in this probable piece of Mars suggests that detection of small amounts of organics and carbonates in the Martian surface regolith would also be possible using visible-infrared hyperspectral analyses. Laboratory spectroscopic analysis of Martian meteorites provides a unique opportunity to identify the spectral features of minerals and other components while they are embedded in their natural medium.  相似文献   

Recent modeling of the meteorological conditions during and following times of high obliquity suggests that an icy mantle could have been emplaced in western Utopia Planitia by atmospheric deposition during the late Amazonian period [Costard, F.M., Forget, F., Madeleine, J.B., Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., 2008. Lunar Planet. Sci. 39. Abstract 1274; Madeleine, B., Forget, F., Head, J.W., Levrard, B., Montmessin, F., 2007. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38. Abstract 1778]. Astapus Colles (ABa) is a late Amazonian geological unit — located in this hypothesized area of accumulation — that comprises an icy mantle tens of meters thick [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. For the most part, this unit drapes the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis interior unit (ABvi); to a lesser degree it overlies the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis marginal unit (ABvm) and the early to late Hesperian UP plains unit HBu2 [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. Landscapes possibly modified by late-Amazonian periglacial processes [Costard, F.M., Kargel, J.S., 1995. Icarus 114, 93-112; McBride, S.A., Allen, C.C., Bell, M.S., 2005. Lunar Planet. Sci. 36. Abstract 1090; Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112, doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Seibert, N.M., Kargel, J.S., 2001. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 899-902; Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., Osinski, G.R., Costard, F., 2007. Icarus 191, 95-112; Soare, R.J., Osinski, G.R., Roehm, C.L., 2008. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 272, 382-393] and glacial processes [Milliken, R.E., Mustard, J.F., Goldsby, D.L., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E6), doi:10.1029/2002JE002005. 5057; Mustard, J.F., Cooper, C.D., Rifkin, M.K., 2001. Nature 412, 411-414; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888] have been reported within the region. Researchers have assumed that the periglacial and glacial landscapes occur within the same geological unit, the ABa [i.e., Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112; doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. In this study we use HiRISE (High Resolution Image Science Experiment, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) imagery to identify the stratigraphical separation of the two landscapes and show that periglacial landscape modification has occurred in the geological units that underlie the ABa, not in the ABa itself. Moreover, we suggest that the periglacial landscape extends well beyond the perimeter of the ABa and could be the product of “wet” cold-climate processes. These processes involve freeze-thaw cycles and intermittently stable liquid-water at or near the surface. By contrast, we propose that the ABa is a very recent late-Amazonian geological unit formed principally by “dry” cold-climate processes. These processes comprise accumulation (by atmospheric deposition) and ablation (by sublimation).  相似文献   

Positive isolated features or knobs have been observed on Mars since Mariner 9 first photographed the planet in 1972. More recently, the Viking Orbiters photographed the surface at increased resolution. With the use of Viking photomosaics, a systematic search for knobs was completed. The knobs were characterized by length, width, geographic location, proximity to streaks and geologic surroundings. Similar isolated features on Earth eroded by fluvial, glacial, and eolian processes were studied and measured. Comparison of length-to-width ratios of Martian knobs to isolated hills on Earth indicate that the Martian knobs are most similar to the isolated hills formed in a hyper-arid environment. The terrestrial features were probably formed initially when solid rock was fractured, then wind erosion, starting at the fractures, continued to sweep away sediments leaving isolated hills. Such hills in fluvial and glacial environments have length-to-width ratios significantly higher than those of the Martian knobs. Other diagnostic features associated with such environments are absent in the case of the Martian knobs. Moreover, streaks, splotches, dunes and pitted and fluted rocks, all indicative of a eolian regime, are associated with the Martian knobs.  相似文献   

Large channels on the Martian surface have been variously attributed to erosional, volcanic, and tectonic processes. Morphometric information shows that large braided Martian channels and islands between those channels are similar in their dimensions to channels and islands of large braided fluvial features on Earth. The information also suggests that braided fractures in solid materials are fundamentally different in morphometry from braided channels of Earth and Mars. Braided tension fractures have characteristically low braiding indices and are much narrower than their irregularly shaped “midchannel” islands. Terrestrial and Martian channels, in contrast, have high braiding indices, and they are wider than their streamlined midchannel islands. Braided volcanic features are known from the earth and the moon, but the absence of volcanic constructs near the large braided channels on Mars indicates that volcanic origin is unlikely. The morphometric information suggests that braided Martian channels are probably of fluvial origin.  相似文献   

Inflation is an emplacement process of lava flows, where a thin visco-elastic layer, produced at an early stage, is later inflated by an underlying fluid core. The core remains hot and fluid for extended period of time due to the thermal-shield effect of the surface visco-elastic crust. Plentiful and widespread morphological fingerprints of inflation like tumuli and lava rises are found on the Payen volcanic complex (Argentina), where pahoehoe lava flows extend over the relatively flat surface of the Pampean foreland and reach at least 180 km in length.The morphology of the Argentinean Payen flows were compared with lava flows on Daedalia Planum (Mars), using Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA), Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)/High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE). THEMIS images were used to map the main geological units of Daedalia Planum and determine their stratigraphic relationships. MOLA data were used to investigate the topographic surface over which the flows propagated and assess the thickness of lava flows. Finally, MOC and MRO/HIRISE images were used to identify inflations fingerprints and assess the cratering age of the Daedalia Planum’ s youngest flow unit which were found to predate the caldera formation on top of the Arsia Mons. The identification of similar inflation features between the Daedalia Planum and the Payen lava fields suggests that moderate and long lasting effusion rates coupled with very efficient spreading processes could have cyclically occurred in the Arsia Mons volcano during its eruptive history. Consequently the effusion rates and rheological proprieties of Daedalia lava flows, which do not take into account the inflation process, can be overestimated. These findings raise some doubts about the effusion rates and lava rheological properties calculated on Martian flows and recommends that these should be used with caution if applied on flows not checked with high-resolution images and potentially affected by inflation. Further HiRISE data acquisition will permit additional analysis of the flow surfaces and will allow more accurate estimates of effusion rates and rheological properties of the lava flows on Mars particularly if this data is acquired under a favourable illumination.  相似文献   

A theoretical reconstruction of the history of Martian volatiles indicates that Mars probably possessed a substantial reducing atmosphere at the outset of its history and that its present tenous and more oxidized atmosphere is the result of extensive chemical evolution. As a consequence, it is probable that Martian atmospheric chemical conditions, now hostile with respect to abiotic organic synthesis in the gas phase, were initially favorable. Evidence indicating the chronology and degradational history of Martian surface features, surface mineralogy, bulk volatile content, internal mass distribution, and thermal history suggests that Mars catastrophically developed a substantial reducing atmosphere as the result of rapid accretion. This atmosphere probably persisted—despite the direct and indirect effects of hydrogen escape—for a geologically short time interval during, and immediately following, Martian accretion. That was the only portion of Martian history when the atmospheric environment could have been chemically suited for organic synthesis in the gas phase. Subsequent gradual degrassing of the Martian interior throughout Martian history could not sustain a reducing atmosphere due to the low intensity of planet-wide orogenic activity and the short atmospheric mean residence time of hydrogen on Mars. During the post-accretion history of Mars, the combined effects of planetary hydrogen escape, solar-wind sweeping, and reincorporation of volatiles into the Martian surface produced and maintained the present atmosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have detected three unusual, low-relief circular features, 1.2 to 2.1 km in diameter, in the northwest Noachis highlands, which may be craters that have undergone isostatic deformation. They may shed light on the existence, nature, and timing of suspected widespread Martian erosion/obliteration events, and offer clues to a type of Martian terrain softening. In the surrounding area, we find an anomalous deficiency of craters in the 3–11 km diameter range and evidence that larger, older craters have undergone relief softening and infill. We discuss three different hypotheses to explain these features, two of which involve Martian ice. This region may have undergone a transient event in which a near-surface permafrost layer (several hundred meters deep) underwent partial melting or softening. This would allow relaxation of kilometer-scale craters and softening of larger craters. Crater data presented here suggest that this event happened some time in mid-Martian history. Whether the event was regional or related to global-scale events is uncertain, though it may represent a class of events that also happened in other Martian areas.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses of soil samples performed at different landing sites on Mars suggest the presence of sulfate minerals. These minerals are also thought to be present in the globally mixed Martian bright soils covering large areas of the planet. However, remote soil spectra have so far provided only tentative identification of sulfates regarding mineral types and abundances. This paper concentrates on the detectability of four Ca- and Mg-sulfates (anhydrite, gypsum, kieserite, hexahydrite) in the 4–5 μm range of Martian remote soil spectra. This spectral range is important for sulfate detection as most fine-grained sulfates exhibit significant absorption bands between 4 and 5 μm, independent of the texture of the host soils (e.g., loose powdered or cemented soils). Furthermore, this is the spectral range for which the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) and Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces, et l’Activité (OMEGA) instruments onboard ESA/Mars Express mission provide high spectral and spatial resolution data. Laboratory near- and mid-IR reflectance spectra of the pure sulfates and their mixtures with a terrestrial Martian soil analog were acquired. The results show that even the smallest amount of admixed sulfate (∼5 wt%) generates significant absorption features in the portion of the 4–5 μm range not covered by the saturated Martian atmospheric CO2 absorption band between 4.2 and 4.4 μm. Model calculations of the influence of emitted surface radiation on the detectability of sulfate features show that the depth of the features decreases strongly with increasing surface temperature of an observed area resulting in the fact that all sulfates are spectrally hidden at surface temperatures around 270 K even at ∼14 or ∼25 wt% sulfate content in the soils. Sulfates become increasingly detectable depending on the sulfate content if the surface temperature is below 260 K. The outcome of this work helps to constrain the conditions needed for remote detection of sulfates within Martian bright soils in the 4–5 μm range.  相似文献   

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