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This paper analyzes the capture of comets into Halley-type and Jupiter-family orbits from the nearparabolic flux of the Oort cloud. Two types of capture into Halley-type orbits are found. The first type is the evolution of near-parabolic orbits into short-period orbits (with heliocentric orbital periods P < 200 years) as a result of close encounters with giant planets. This process is followed by a very slow drift of cometary orbits into the inner part of the Solar System. Only those comets may pass from short-period orbits into Halley-type and Jupiter-family orbits, which move in orbits with perihelion distances q < 13 au. In the second type of capture, the perihelion distances of cometary orbits become rather small (< 1.5 au) during the first stage of dynamic evolution under the action of perturbations from the Galaxy, and then their semimajor axes decrease as a result of diffusion. The capture takes place, on average, in 500 revolutions of the comet about the Sun, whereas in the first case, the comet is captured, on average, after 12500 revolutions. The region of initial orbital perihelion distances q > 4 au is found to be at least as important a source of Halley-type comets as the region of perihelion distances q < 4 au. More than half of the Halley-type comets are captured from the nearly parabolic flux with q > 4 au. The analysis of the dynamic evolution of objects moving in short-period orbits shows that the distribution of Centaurs orbits agrees well with the observed distribution corrected for observational selection effects. Hence, the hypothesis associating the origin of Centaurs with the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt and the trans-Neptunian region exclusively should be rejected.  相似文献   

Angular orbital parameters of Kreutz sungrazing comets are considered. Three groups of Kreutz dwarf comets are distinguished based on the positioning of orbit poles, and the motion of fragments from group A is modeled numerically. It is found that Kreutz dwarf comets have a very large parameter А 3 of nongravitational acceleration. This may be associated with sublimation of substances more refractory than water ice at extremely short heliocentric distances. It is demonstrated that the nongravitational acceleration of Kreutz dwarf comets is asymmetric with respect to perihelion, and the perturbing function maximum is observed ~15 min after the perihelion passage.  相似文献   

Light curves of six comets, C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), C/2002 V1 (NEAT), C/2004 Q2 (Machholz), and 153P/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang), were built and investigated. The photometric parameters H 0, H 10, and n were calculated for these comets, and they were found to change both before and after perihelion. The shift of light curve peak with respect to perihelion passage moment was determined for each comet. Our white-light curves are compared to the results of polarimetric and electrophotometric observations of the comets C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) and C/2004 Q2 (Machholz).  相似文献   

We analyze our earlier data on the numerical integration of the equations of motion for 274 short-period comets (with the period P<200 yr) on a time interval of 6000 yr. As many as 54 comets had no close approaches to planets, 13 comets passed through the Saturnian sphere of action, and one comet passed through the Uranian sphere of action. The orbital elements of these 68 comets changed by no more than ±3 percent in a space of 6000 yr. As many as 206 comets passed close to Jupiter. We confirm Everhart’s conclusion that Jupiter can capture long-period comets with q = 4–6 AU and i < 9° into short-period orbits. We show that nearly parabolic comets cross the solar system mainly in the zone of terrestrial planets. No relationship of nearly parabolic comets and terrestrial planets was found for the epoch of the latest apparition of comets. Guliev’s conjecture about two trans-Plutonian planets is based on the illusory excess of cometary nodes at large heliocentric distances. The existence of cometary nodes at the solar system periphery turns out to be a solely geometrical effect.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the evolution of 2 × 105 orbits with initial parameters corresponding to the orbits of comets of the Oort cloud under the action of planetary, galactic, and stellar perturbations over 2 × 109 years. The dynamical evolution of comets of the outer (orbital semimajor axes a > 104 AU) and inner (5 × 103 < a (AU) < 104) parts of the comet cloud is analyzed separately. The estimates of the flux of “new” and long-period comets for all perihelion distances q in the planetary region are reported. The flux of comets with a > 104 AU in the interval 15 AU < q < 31 AU is several times higher than the flux of comets in the region q < 15 AU. We point out the increased concentration of the perihelia of orbits of comets from the outer cloud, which have passed several times through the planetary system, in the Saturn-Uranus region. The maxima in the distribution of the perihelia of the orbits of comets of the inner Oort cloud are located in the Uranus-Neptune region. “New” comets moving in orbits with a < 2 × 104 AU and arriving at the outside of the planetary system (q > 25 AU) subsequently have a greater number of returns to the region q < 35 AU. The perihelia of the orbits of these comets gradually drift toward the interior of the Solar System and accumulate beyond the orbit of Saturn. The distribution of the perihelia of long-period comets beyond the orbit of Saturn exhibits a peak. We discuss the problem of replenishing the outer Oort cloud by comets from the inner part and their subsequent dynamical evolution. The annual rate of passages of comets of the inner cloud, which replenish the outer cloud, in the region q < 1 AU in orbits with a > 104 AU (~ 5.0 × 10?14 yr?1) is one order of magnitude lower than the rate of passage of comets from the outer Oort cloud (~ 9.1 × 10?13 yr?1).  相似文献   

We numerically investigate the stability of systems of 1 \({{\rm M}_{\oplus}}\) planets orbiting a solar-mass star. The systems studied have either 2 or 42 planets per occupied semimajor axis, for a total of 6, 10, 126, or 210 planets, and the planets were started on coplanar, circular orbits with the semimajor axes of the innermost planets at 1 AU. For systems with two planets per occupied orbit, the longitudinal initial locations of planets on a given orbit were separated by either 60° (Trojan planets) or 180°. With 42 planets per semimajor axis, initial longitudes were uniformly spaced. The ratio of the semimajor axes of consecutive coorbital groups in each system was approximately uniform. The instability time for a system was taken to be the first time at which the orbits of two planets with different initial orbital distances crossed. Simulations spanned virtual times of up to 1 × 108, 5 × 105, and 2 × 105 years for the 6- and 10-planet, 126-planet, and 210-planet systems, respectively. Our results show that, for a given class of system (e.g., five pairs of Trojan planets orbiting in the same direction), the relationship between orbit crossing times and planetary spacing is well fit by the functional form log(t c /t 0) = b β + c, where t c is the crossing time, t 0 = 1 year, β is the separation in initial orbital semimajor axis (in terms of the mutual Hill radii of the planets), and b and c are fitting constants. The same functional form was observed in the previous studies of single planets on nested orbits (Smith and Lissauer 2009). Pairs of Trojan planets are more stable than pairs initially separated by 180°. Systems with retrograde planets (i.e., some planets orbiting in the opposite sense from others) can be packed substantially more closely than can systems with all planets orbiting in the same sense. To have the same characteristic lifetime, systems with 2 or 42 planets per orbit typically need to have about 1.5 or 2 times the orbital separation as orbits occupied by single planets, respectively.  相似文献   

For an Oort cloud comet to be seen as a new comet, its perihelion must be moved from a point exterior to the loss cylinder boundary to a point interior to observable limits in a single orbit. The galactic tide can do this continuously, in a non-impulsive manner. Near-parabolic comets, with specific angular momentum , will most easily be made observable. Therefore, to reduce the perihelion distance H must decrease. Since weakly perturbed comets are, in general, more numerous than strongly perturbed comets, we can anticipate that new comets made observable by a weak tidal torque will more likely be first observed when their slowly changing perihelion distances are approaching their minimum osculating values under the action of the tide, rather than receding from their minimum values. That is, defining ΔHtide as the vector change due to the galactic tidal torque during the prior orbit, and Hobs as the observed vector, the sign S≡Sign(Hobs·ΔHtide) will more likely be −1 than +1 if a weak galactic tidal perturbation indeed dominates in making comets observable. Using comet data of the highest quality class (1A) for new comets (a>10,000 AU), we find that 49 comets have S=−1 and 22 have S=+1. The binomial probability that as many or more would exhibit this characteristic if in fact S=?1 were equally likely is only 0.0009. This characteristic also persists in other long-period comet populations, lending support to the notion that they are dominated by comets recently arrived from the outer Oort cloud. The preponderance of S=−1 also correlates with weakly perturbed (i.e., smaller semimajor axis) new comets in a statistically significant manner. This is strong evidence that the data are of sufficiently high quality and sufficiently free of observational selection effects to detect this unique imprint of the tide.  相似文献   

In the framework of the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), the internal dynamics of a gravitating system s embedded in a larger one S is affected by the external background field E of S even if it is constant and uniform, thus implying a violation of the Strong Equivalence Principle: it is the so-called External Field Effect (EFE). In the case of the solar system, E would be A cen≈10?10 m?s?2 because of its motion through the Milky Way: it is orders of magnitude smaller than the main Newtonian monopole terms for the planets. We address here the following questions in a purely phenomenological manner: are the Sun’s planets affected by an EFE as large as 10?10 m?s?2? Can it be assumed that its effect is negligible for them because of its relatively small size? Does E induce vanishing net orbital effects because of its constancy over typical solar system’s planetary orbital periods? It turns out that a constant and uniform acceleration, treated perturbatively, does induce non-vanishing long-period orbital effects on the longitude of the pericenter ? of a test particle. In the case of the inner planets of the solar system and with E≈10?10 m?s?2, they are 4–6 orders of magnitude larger than the present-day upper bounds on the non-standard perihelion precessions \(\Delta\dot{\varpi}\) recently obtained with by E.V. Pitjeva with the EPM ephemerides in the Solar System Barycentric frame. The upper limits on the components of E are E x ≤1×10?15 m?s?2, E y ≤2×10?16 m?s?2, E z ≤3×10?14 m?s?2. This result is in agreement with the violation of the Strong Equivalence Principle by MOND. Our analysis also holds for any other exotic modification of the current laws of gravity yielding a constant and uniform extra-acceleration. If and when other corrections \(\Delta\dot{\varpi}\) to the usual perihelion precessions will be independently estimated with different ephemerides it will be possible to repeat such a test.  相似文献   

We analytically work out the long-term variations caused on the motion of a planet orbiting a star by a very distant, pointlike massive object X. Apart from the semi-major axis a, all the other Keplerian osculating orbital elements experience long-term variations which are complicated functions of the orbital configurations of both the planet itself and of X. We infer constraints on the minimum distance d X at which X may exist by comparing our prediction of the long-term variation of the longitude of the perihelion \({\varpi}\) to the latest empirical determinations of the corrections \({\Delta\dot\varpi}\) to the standard Newtonian/Einsteinian secular precessions of several solar system planets recently estimated by independent teams of astronomers. We obtain the following approximate lower bounds on d X for the assumed masses of X quoted in brackets: 150–200 au (Mars), 250–450 au \(({0.7 m_{\oplus}})\), 3500–4500 au (4 m Jup).  相似文献   

At the beginning of this century, the SOHO space observatory discovered near-Sun comets with perihelion distances q ≈ 0.05 AU, which remained observable over several close encounters with the Sun. This became one of the surprises in studying the small bodies of the Solar System. Currently, there are objects that have already been observed in four (342P) and five (321P, 322P, and 323P) apparitions. In the present work, the estimates of nongravitational effects are obtained for these objects based on the pair-wise linkage of the apparitions. The calculations show that the observations of these objects are poorly represented if solely the gravitational forces are considered. The magnitude of nongravitational effects in the semimajor axis noticeably changes with time. The motion of all comets is significantly affected by the components of nongravitational forces that are perpendicular to the orbital plane.  相似文献   

In 1946, E. Sevin postulated the global vibrations of the Sun with a period P 0 = 1/9 day and a “wavelength” L 0 = c × P 0 = 19.24 AU and predicted the tenth planet at a mean distance of 4.0 × L 0 ≈ 77.0 AU from the Sun (c is the speed of light). The global vibrations of the Sun, precisely with the period of 1/9 day, were actually detected in 1974. Recently, the largest Kuiper Bell object 2003 UB313, or Eris, with an orbital semimajor axis ≈ 3.5 × L 0 ≈ 67.5 AU was discovered. We adduce arguments for the status of Eris as our tenth planet: (i) the object is larger and farther from the Sun than Pluto and (ii) the semimajor axis of Eris agrees well with the sequence of planetary distances that follows from the resonance spectrum of the Solar system dimensions (with the scale L 0 and for all 11 orbits, including those of Pluto, Eris, and the asteroid belt). We point to a mistake of the Prague (2006) IAU Assembly, which excluded Pluto from the family of planets by introducing a new, highly controversial class of objects—“dwarf planets.”  相似文献   

We have compiled a catalog of 903 candidates for type 1 quasars at redshifts 3 < z < 5.5 selected among the X-ray sources of the “serendipitous” XMM-Newton survey presented in the 3XMMDR4 catalog (the median X-ray flux is ≈5 × 10?15 erg s?1 cm?2 in the 0.5–2 keV energy band) and located at high Galactic latitudes |b| > 20° in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) fields with a total area of about 300 deg2. Photometric SDSS data as well infrared 2MASS and WISE data were used to select the objects. We selected the point sources from the photometric SDSS catalog with a magnitude error δ mz′ < 0.2 and a color i′ ? z′ < 0.6 (to first eliminate the M-type stars). For the selected sources, we have calculated the dependences χ2(z) for various spectral templates from the library that we compiled for these purposes using the EAZY software. Based on these data, we have rejected the objects whose spectral energy distributions are better described by the templates of stars at z = 0 and obtained a sample of quasars with photometric redshift estimates 2.75 < z phot < 5.5. The selection completeness of known quasars at z spec > 3 in the investigated fields is shown to be about 80%. The normalized median absolute deviation (Δz = |z spec ? z phot|) is σ Δz /(1+z spec) = 0.07, while the outlier fraction is η = 9% when Δz/(1 + z спек.) > 0.2. The number of objects per unit area in our sample exceeds the number of quasars in the spectroscopic SDSS sample at the same redshifts approximately by a factor of 1.5. The subsequent spectroscopic testing of the redshifts of our selected candidates for quasars at 3 < z < 5.5 will allow the purity of this sample to be estimated more accurately.  相似文献   

We present the results of our UBV and JHKLM photometry for the semiregular pulsating variable V1027 Cyg, a supergiant with an infrared excess, over the period from 1997 to 2015 (UBV) and in 2009–2015 (JHKLM). Together with the new data, we analyze the photometric observations of V1027 Cyg that we have obtained and published previously. Our search for a periodicity in the UBV brightness variations has led to several periods from P = 212d to 320d in different time intervals. We have found the period P = 237d based on our infrared photometry. The variability amplitude, the lightcurve shape, and themagnitude of V1027 Cyg atmaximum light change noticeably from cycle to cycle. The deepest minimum was observed in 2011, when the amplitudes of brightness variations in the star reached the following values: ΔU = 1 . m 28, ΔB = 1 . m 10, ΔV = 1 . m 05, ΔJ = 0 . m 30, ΔH = 0 . m 35, ΔK = 0 . m 32, ΔL = 0 . m 26, and ΔM = 0 . m 10. An ambiguous correlation of the B ? V and U ? B colors with the brightness has been revealed. For example, a noticeable bluing of the star was observed during the deep 1992, 2008, and 2011 minima, while the variations with smaller amplitudes show an increase in B ? V at the photometric minima. The spectral energy distribution for V1027 Cyg from our photometry in the range 0.36 (U)–5.0 (M) μm corresponds to spectral types from G8I to K3I at different phases of the pulsation cycle. Low-resolution spectra of V1027 Cyg in the range λ4400–9200 ?A were taken during 16 nights over the period 1995–2015. At the 1995 and 2011 photometric minima the star’s spectrum exhibited molecular TiO bands whose intensity corresponded to spectral types M0–M1, while the photometric data point to a considerably earlier spectral type. We hypothesize that the TiO bands are formed in the upper layers of the extended stellar atmosphere. We have measured the equivalent widths of the strongest absorption lines, in particular, the infrared Ca II triplet in the spectrum of V1027 Cyg. The calcium triplet (Ca T) with W λ(Ca T) = 20.3 ± 1.8 ?A as a luminosity indicator for supergiants places V1027 Cyg in the region of the brightest G–K supergiants. V1027 Cyg has been identified with the infrared source IRAS 20004+2955 and is currently believed to be a candidate for post-AGB stars. The evolutionary status of the star and its difference from other post-AGB objects are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper is devoted to the construction of a catalog of isolated galaxy pairs extracted from the HyperLEDA extragalactic database. The radial velocities of the galaxies in the pairs are in the range [3000, 16000] km s?1. In order to get an unbiased pair catalog as complete as possible, we have limited the absolute magnitude of the galaxies to M ≤ ?18.5. The criteria used to define the isolated galaxy pairs are the following: 1) velocity criterion: radial velocity difference between the pair members ΔV < 500 kms?1; 2) interdistance criterion: projected distance between the members rp < 1 Mpc; 3) reciprocity criterion: each member is the closest galaxy to the other one, which excludes multiplets; 4) isolation criterion: we define a pair as isolated if the ratio ρ = r3/rp of the projected distance of the pair to its closest galaxy (this one having a velocity difference lower than 500 km s?1 with respect to the pair) and the members projected interdistance rp is larger than 2.5.We have searched for these closest galaxies first in HyperLEDA M-limited source catalog, then in the full one.We have managed not to suppress the small number of pairs having close-by but faint dwarf galaxy companions. The galaxy pair catalog lists the value of ρ for each isolated pair. This method allows the user of the catalog to select any isolation level (beyond the chosen limit ρ > 2.5). Our final catalog contains 13 114 galaxy pairs, of which 57% are fairly isolated withρ > 5, and 30% are highly isolated with ρ ≥ 10.  相似文献   

As follows from dynamical studies, in the course of evolution, most near-Earth objects reach orbits with small perihelion distances. Changes of the asteroids in the vicinity of the Sun should play a key role in forming the physical properties, size distribution, and dynamical features of the near-Earth objects. Only seven of the discovered asteroids are currently moving along orbits with perihelion distances q < 0.1 AU. However, due to the Kozai–Lidov secular perturbations, the asteroids, having recently passed near the Sun, could by now have moved to orbits farther from the Sun. In this study, we found asteroids that have been recently orbiting with perihelion distances q < 0.1 AU. Asteroids may be on such orbits for hundreds to tens of thousands of years. To carry out astrophysical observations of such objects is a high priority.  相似文献   

We present properties of the low-surface-brightness galaxy KDG218 observed with the HST/ACS. The galaxy has a half-light (effective) diameter of a e = 47″ and a central surface brightness of SB V (0) = 24.m4/□″. The galaxy remains unresolved with the HST/ACS, which implies its distance of D > 13.1 Mpc and linear effective diameter of A e > 3.0 kpc. We notice that KDG218 is most likely associated with a galaxy group around the massive lenticular NGC4958 galaxy at approximately 22 Mpc, or with the Virgo Southern Extension filament at approximately 16.5 Mpc. At these distances, the galaxy is classified as an ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) similar to those found in the Virgo, Fornax, and Coma clusters. We also present a sample of 15 UDG candidates in the Local Volume. These sample galaxies have the following mean parameters: 〈D〉 = 5.1 Mpc, 〈A e 〉 = 4.8 kpc, and 〈SB B (e)〉 = 27.m4/□″. All the local UDG candidates reside near massive galaxies located in the regions with the mean stellar mass density (within 1 Mpc) about 50 times greater than the average cosmic density. The local fraction of UDGs does not exceed 1.5% of the Local Volume population. We notice that the presented sample of local UDGs is a heterogeneous one containing irregular, transition, and tidal types, as well as objects consisting of an old stellar population.  相似文献   

B. Lago  A. Cazenave 《Icarus》1983,53(1):68-83
The evolution of the perihelion distance distribution in the Oort cloud was studied over the age of the solar system, under the gravitational perturbations of random passing stars, using a statistical approach. These perturbations are accounted for through an empirical relation relating the change in cometary perihelion distance to the closest-approach comet-star distance; this relation is deduced from a previous study [H. Scholl, A. Cazenave, and A. Brahic, Astron. Astrophys.112, 157–166 (1982)]. Two kinds of initial perihelion distances are considered: (a) perihelion distances <2500 AU, associated with an origin of comets as icy planetesimals in the region of the giant planets, and (b) larger perihelion distances (up to 5 × 104 AU), possibly representative of comet formation as satellite fragments in the accretion disk of the primitive solar nebula. Distant star-comet encounters, as well as rare close encounters, are considered. Several quantities are estimated: (i) number of “new” comets entering into the planetary region, (ii) number of comets escaping the Sun sphere of influence or lost by hyperbolic ejection and (iii) percentage of total comet loss over the age of the solar system. From these quantities, the current and original cloud populations are deduced, as well as the corresponding cloud mass, for the two types of formation scenarios.  相似文献   

We used the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalog (RFGC) to select 817 ultra-flat (UF) edge-on disk galaxies with blue and red apparent axial ratios of (a/b)B > 10.0 and (a/b)R > 8.5. The sample covering the whole sky, except the Milky Way zone, contains 490 UF galaxies with measured radial velocities. Our inspection of the neighboring galaxies around them revealed only 30 companions with radial velocity difference of | ΔV |< 500 kms?1 inside the projected separation of Rp < 250 kpc. Wherein, the wider area around the UF galaxy within Rp < 750 kpc contains no other neighbors brighter than the UF galaxy itself in the same velocity span. The resulting sample galaxies mostly belong to the morphological types Sc, Scd, Sd. They have a moderate rotation velocity curve amplitude of about 120 km s?1 and a moderate K-band luminosity of about 1010L. The median difference of radial velocities of their companions is 87 km s?1, yielding the median orbital mass estimate of about 5 × 1011M. Excluding six probable non-isolated pairs, we obtained a typical halo-mass-to-stellar-mass of UF galaxies of about 30, what is almost the same one as in the principal spiral galaxies, like M31 and M81 in the nearest groups. We also note that ultra-flat galaxies look two times less “dusty” than other spirals of the same luminosity.  相似文献   

Close planetary encounters play an important role in the evolution of the orbits of small Solar system bodies and are usually studied with the help of numerical integrations. Here we study close encounters in the framework of an analytic theory, focusing on the so-called b-plane, which is the plane centred on the planet and perpendicular to the planetocentric velocity at infinity of the small body. As shown in previous papers, it is possible to identify the initial conditions on the b-plane that lead to post-encounter orbits of given semimajor axis. In this paper we exploit analytical relationships between b-plane coordinates and pre-encounter orbital elements and compute the probability of transition to these post-encounter states, and numerically check the validity of the analytic approach.  相似文献   

We calculate the parameters of the two-point correlation function of quasars w(r) = (r c /r) γ on the basis of the SDSS DR3 data. The correlation functions are first determined from projected distances with the use of a special technique for compiling randomized catalogs. Next the parameters of the spatial correlation function are obtained with the assumption of local isotropy. For the quasars with redshifts z = 0.8–2.1, we obtained the estimates γ = 1.76 ± 0.14, r c = 6.60 ± 0.85 h ?1 Mpc in the comoving distance range 2–30 Mpc and γ = 1.90 ± 0.11, r c = 6.95±0.57 h ?1 Mpc in the range 2–50 Mpc. These estimates agree, within the limits of errors, with the estimates obtained for the redshifts 0.4 < z < 2.1. The original catalog shows some deficit of pairs with separations less than 1 Mpc.  相似文献   

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