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The environmental performance of foreign direct investment (FDI) companies in the Pearl River Delta Region (PRDR) is examined through a case study of Dongguan City. The influence of host governments, regional/international organisations and export markets is highlighted in the analysis of environmental management systems of the FDI companies. The majority of FDI companies in the region lack effective systems and measures for environmental management. The environmental governance of the host country, the environment-related legislation and policies of the main export markets, and the social responsibility of the company owners are major factors that influence the environmental performance of the FDI companies. A combination of the quality of host government decision making in relation to sustainable development and the high degree of social responsibility and environmental awareness of individual FDI companies is crucial not only to achieving better overall environmental performance but also to achieving better environmental quality in the PRDR.  相似文献   

How mining companies overcome the problems faced by the fixity of resources and how they might come to exercise influence in societies which appear to be mostly post-industrial are complex questions of political geography. This is not least the case for a region such as the Pilbara—an iron ore site isolated from metropolitan centres—in Australia—a country isolated from many global centres and markets. At the same time, local struggles in this resources site have been profoundly influential in the making of a national neoliberal industrial relations agenda. Building on other scholarship on the Pilbara, but here re-emphasising the local scale and the details of work and regulation, provides a way to assess the place's wider importance. The Pilbara is a site of thoroughly transformed industrial relations, from a union space when export mining began in the 1960s to an employer stronghold today. Policy makers delivered changes to facilitate the remaking of employer power in workplaces in and beyond mining. This resource periphery has therefore been central to the remaking of national policy regimes.  相似文献   

This article analyses the creation and implications for cultural identity of a hybrid tourism landscape on Taiwan's Orchid Island (Lanyu). It particularly argues that Lanyu's native Tao people have begun to gain a somewhat stronger cultural identity and autonomy through this landscape. Orchid Island underwent rapid modernization within the past 60 years. The article not only shows how tourism was imposed by Taiwan's government, but also how the Tao have made greater use of tourism's landscape over time for their own purposes. Not without sociocultural problems and contradictions, Lanyu's tourism landscape has been polysemic enough to allow for gradually improving relationships between Taiwanese and Tao and for gradually increasing Tao participation in modernity on their own terms.  相似文献   

中国的保险市场历来被国际保险业公认为是下一个最具开发潜力的市场。加入WTO以来,外资寿险公司在中国的投资进入快速扩张期,区位分布范围不断扩大。本文回顾了外资寿险公司在华发展历程,总结了其区位分布特点,并对其区位选择因子进行了实证分析。结果表明,外资寿险公司的保费收入与区域人均城镇收入水平正相关,而与区域第三产业发展水平和FDI呈负相关。未来外资寿险公司将向经济发展水平较高而市场发育程度相对较低的区域发展。  相似文献   

上海对外直接投资的特征和模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文首先从经济发展水平、产业结构和出口依存度角度, 分析上海对外直接投资的动力机制,继而在阐明产业演化规律的基础上,总结出上海对外直接投资的产业特征和模式。文中还对企业对外投资区位选择的特征和区位选择的模式作了规律性的概括。  相似文献   

在华外商直接投资区位研究述评   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
尽管学术界至今未能形成一般性的外商直接投资(FDI)区位理论,但已有的大量研究却对加深理解FDI的区位选择规律做出了重要贡献。中国作为一个成功转型国家,在华FDI区位研究早已成为各界关注的热点问题之一。本文从区位理论和FDI理论两方面梳理FDI区位研究的理论基础后,回顾并评述了在华FDI区位研究进展,并提出了其未来发展中需要完善的相关命题。早期的研究以定性描述为主,从20世纪90年代中期开始转入利用计量经济模型对影响在华FDI区位选择的因素进行识别;研究主要集中在省区尺度,识别出的区位因子主要包括成本、市场、集聚和制度等。FDI在东道国的区位选择行为是“区域—产业—企业”共同作用的结果,在识别东道国区位要素的基础上,已有文献同时也关注了来源国效应、产业特征与企业属性和时间演化对FDI区位决策的影响。未来研究中需要加强对新兴经济体FDI区位模型的一般性讨论,强化“区域—产业—企业”系统研究,并关注基于功能视角的在华FDI(跨国公司)区位研究。  相似文献   

泰中罗勇工业园“园中园”模式与效益评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
孟广文  赵钏  周俊  王艳红  王淑芳  杜明明 《地理科学》2020,40(11):1803-1811
“一带一路”倡议为中国产能合作与产业升级提供了广阔的空间,而境外经贸合作区则是中国与一带一路沿线国家实现产能合作的有效平台。在总结中国境外经贸合作区发展特点基础上,利用中国对泰国直接投资流量与泰国GDP数据分析双边贸易和投资,从“园中园”开发模式、区位条件、服务环境及企业特征4个方面详细探讨泰中罗勇工业园的发展模式,并采用数据包络分析方法对近年来园区发展效率进行评价。研究结果显示:① 泰中罗勇工业园是中国企业赴泰国投资兴业的第一平台,也是中泰产能合作的有效载体;② 泰中罗勇工业园采用“园中园”开发模式,是中国海外园区一个有效的发展模式;③ 2012—2018年泰中罗勇工业园园区投入产出效率较高,园区效益较好,其中,2016和2018年投入产出效率最高;基于此,总结泰中罗勇工业园对中国境外经贸合作区建设的启示:“园中园”模式完善招商环境、提高投资效率,结合自身与东道国优势、构建合作区完整产业链,实现合作区本土化、促进东道国社会经济发展。  相似文献   

刘玉潇  王茂军 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1845-1859
日本外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)企业在中国北京、上海和广深等典型城市高度集聚,现有研究一方面将FDI均质化处理,缺乏精细的产业划分,另一方面缺少国家内部的同源集聚分析,同时对典型城市集聚的异同性关注不够。为弥补研究不足,论文在集聚的研究基础上,重点关注日企集中分布的典型城市,对比其同业集聚效应和同源集聚效应。选取1984—2017年日本在北京、上海和广深的FDI企业级数据,利用多项Logistic回归分析方法,以广深为参照系,建立分别包括7个方程在内的同业集聚效应模型和同源集聚效应模型,同步考虑企业所属行业和价值链环节、进入模式与时间等企业异质性控制变量,分析京、沪、广深两效应的异同。研究结果表明:日企在中国典型城市的同业效应和同源效应异同性明显。具体表现在:第一,上海同业效应和异业效应最为显著,且结果稳健,广深同业效应略强于北京,但结果稳健性较差;第二,上海同源和异源效应结果稳健且显著,企业的追随效应较强,北京和广深差异较小;第三,企业属性变量的引入,有效提升了模型的解释力度。上海的日企进入时间较早,各地企业规模整体差别不大。上海日企进入模式以独资为主,北京和广深以合资为主,但独资化趋势明显;北京行业结构中服务业占比较高,广深制造业独大;广深和上海产业链环节中侧重生产制造和进出口贸易环节,北京商务服务和研发设计布局较多。  相似文献   

运用ArcGIS软件与DPS软件,结合世界银行数据库与《非洲统计年鉴》等,分析21世纪以来非洲跨国移民空间格局及其对FDI影响,结果表明:基于目的地国、原籍国的跨国移民分别集中于北非地区与撒哈拉以南的非洲,其中前者呈现以“摩洛哥-埃及-苏丹”为中心的集聚格局,而后者先以科特迪瓦最为集中,随后逐渐被南非所取代;北非地区FDI分布最为集中且增长稳定,南非、东非、西非和中非四大分区FDI较少且随着时间的推移而日趋平衡;相比基于原籍国的跨国移民,基于目的地国的跨国移民重心与FDI重心重叠性与一致性均较高,即基于目的地国的跨国移民对FDI吸引力更强,这与灰色关联分析法得到的研究结论一致。  相似文献   

基于关系视角的中国对外直接投资研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于关系视角梳理了国内外对外直接投资的研究进展,认为已有的传统理论在解释中国企业对外投资方面虽仍起作用,但难以解释中国跨国企业缺乏所有权优势、快速的国际化步伐和依赖社会关系网络等显著特征,因此必须用中国特有的变量加以补充解释;一方面,文章重点综述了基于合同和契约建立的正式关系网络,强调政治关系和经济关系对中国企业对外直接投资的影响;另一方面,深入探讨基于情感和血缘建立的非正式关系网络对企业跨国投资的影响,认为华人华侨网络是影响中国对外直接投资具有中国特色的关键变量,能帮助企业有效地了解当地制度与文化,实现地方嵌入。最后,提出针对中国特点的中国企业对外直接投资的研究方向:1)建构基于中国特色的企业对外直接投资理论框架;2)基于关系视角的中国企业对外直接投资需要进一步探讨;3)基于族裔网络关系视角的对外直接投资研究有待探索。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):210-233
Built at a small scale and incorporating many features of certain old-city neighborhoods, such as narrow streets and small setbacks, neotraditional developments have been designed by architects and built by a small number of developers on suburban greenfield sites since the early 1980s. The distinctive neotraditional urban form represents the convergence of certain aspects of two planning traditions—urban aesthetics and social utopianism. In this paper I outline the two traditions and show how they have been selectively appropriated by neotraditional architects and planners. I suggest that the recent restructuring and fragmentation in the suburban housing market has led to the creation of niche markets, such as the market for neotraditionalism. Using Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus, I argue that the commercial success of neotraditional developments can be explained when recognition is given to the role of relatively affluent house buyers intent on creating a habitus and appropriating symbolic capital. Habitus is defined as the system of values, dispositions, and practices that constitute and are constituted by a societal group.  相似文献   

针对对东道国的国际研发投资不能再无限二次分割的困境,将决定东道国目的城市以点带面能力的网络位置因素,纳入到了影响跨国公司国际研发投资一国区位决定的因素框架体系。实证研究发现,传统立足单一区域视角提出的供求因素如外商直接投资(FDI)、研发投入等未能很好反映跨国公司国际研发投资在中国的区位选择格局。跨国公司国际研发投资在中国的区位选择,不是由中国目的城市某孤立“点”上的因素决定,而是由目的城市可带动的“面”上因素决定。对跨国公司国际研发投资在中国的区位决定研究,因此不能再基于传统的“点”对“点”的视角。北京、上海等在中国国际研发投资中占据的绝对主导位置主要与它们在中国城市交通、创新等网络中所处的绝对核心位置有关。这些发现有助于跨国公司国际研发投资区位决定,并对中国的引资政策制定有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):121-137
Ordinary least-squares multiple regression is used to construct a path diagram showing the direct and indirect effects of corporate location factors on the share of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the 44 largest metropolitan areas in the United States during the period 1979-1983. The results show that the metropolitan areas with the most rapid population growth over the period 1970-1980 correspond to the centers with greater shares of FDI. The growth in Fortune measure, an indicator of the market dynamics of the metropolitan areas, has a direct effect on the level of investment. The growth of employment in manufacturing and in finance, insurance, and real estate, used as indexes of labor supply and of producer services, have indirect effects on FDI. The results show that foreign direct investors tend to concentrate in centers offering strong markets and strong bases of producer services, regardless of their regional locations.  相似文献   

胡曙虹  杜德斌  范蓓蕾 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1733-1748
基于中国企业海外R&D投资数据和零断尾负二项回归分析方法,探讨了1998—2015年中国企业R&D国际化的时空格局特征,并从东道国角度分析影响其区位选择的主要因素。结果表明:研究期内中国新建海外R&D机构数量快速扩张;海外R&D投资区域分布广泛,呈现分散和集聚并存的特征;以华为为例分析了典型中国企业海外R&D投资的空间布局特征,认为目前华为海外R&D投资呈现集中布局在欧洲,零散分布在亚洲、美洲、非洲的空间特征,主要是由其以全球技术升级和满足多样化的市场需求等R&D国际化的战略动机所决定。回归分析结果表明,中国企业对发达国家和发展中国家进行R&D投资的影响因素有共同点但也存在一定的差异:① 现阶段东道国的R&D需求不是影响中国企业对其进行R&D投资的主要因素;② 代表中国与东道国经济往来密切程度的关联要素是影响中国企业R&D投资的重要决策因素;③ 发达国家吸引中国企业对其进行R&D投资主要是因其创新能力强、R&D资源数量多,而政策及制度供给是影响中国企业对发展中国家进行R&D投资的主要因素;④ 地理距离对中国企业R&D“走出去”的阻碍作用主要体现在对发展中国家的R&D投资中。  相似文献   

跨国零售企业在华区位研究——以沃尔玛和家乐福为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与制造业外资高度集聚在沿海地区不同,服务业外资则沿着中国城市体系布局,消费者外资服务业在渗透大城市市场的同时,以等级式扩散方式向内陆地区城市扩张,以蔓延式扩散方式在都市圈内扩张。本文以沃尔玛和家乐福为例,研究跨国零售企业在中国的空间扩张。截止到2009年,沃尔玛超市已经渗透到许多中等城市,主要以等级式扩散方式进行空间扩张。家乐福超市则主要集中在珠三角、长三角和京津冀都市圈,在各都市圈内部蔓延式扩张。二项式逻辑模型分析表明,家乐福更重视本地化零售业市场规模与潜力,偏好零售业开放时间较长的城市,同时也关注竞争对手沃尔玛新开门店的城市选择。沃尔玛则重视利用零售业集聚经济和规模经济以及家乐福门店城市选择策略,但不在意本地零售业市场规模及其开放政策制度的影响。综合其空间扩散模式、物流配送以及区位选择行为,本文认为两个企业在中国采取了全球化与本土化兼顾的战略,从而得以在中国实现快速扩张。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):373-396
Attention has been devoted to the globalization of international property investments during the 1980s and the role of Japanese investors in major financial centers and tourist resorts. This research seeks to establish how the locational preferences of Japanese investors in North American real estate markets were established. It utilizes a survey of 39 Japanese investment companies, together with important secondary data on investment outcomes, and distinguishes a number of ways in which information concerning overseas real estate investment opportunities was reviewed by decision makers in Japan. The results show that Japanese investors, far from being footloose, had fairly fixed locational preferences, were tied to a restricted range of centers (mainly New York, Los Angeles, and Hawaii), and hesitated to expand into a wider range of locations even after some time. Japanese investor behavior is shown to have ramifications for “world city” theory.  相似文献   

杨友仁  夏铸九 《地理研究》2005,24(2):253-264
以最近8年内在苏州地区投资设厂的信息电子业台商为例,分析其本地集聚的供应链的企业间交易关系的本质和组织网络的治理模式,以探讨全球生产网络的地域性集聚的经济地理意义,以及企业组织间的治理结构对地方发展的影响。指出这一轮信息电子业台商的跨界投资基本上强化台湾代工厂商与品牌大厂之间的策略性合作,然而台商生产网络的跨界扩展也交织着企业组织间的权力运作,导致生产网络的治理模式发生改变并形成了空间集聚的动力。研究显示,从全球生产网络的厂商间交易治理结构出发的分析视角有助于理解区域发展的机会与限制,而就发展中国家由全球生产网络之跨界转移所形成的新工业空间而言,经济地理学所强调的厂商间具有地理邻近特征的"互赖性"并不能脱离全球商品链所内含的不对称权力关系。  相似文献   

Investment returns are produced by combining financial assets with human capital, the decision-making protocols of investment houses, and the electronic infrastructure that supports the flow of information about investment. At the center of the production process stand senior managers; their power and authority in the production process is fundamental to the performance of investment organizations. This article provides a model of the production of investment returns in financial centers and spatially extensive financial markets. We begin with Coase's theory of the firm but go beyond models of the firm that represent commodity-producing industries. Having substantiated the model of investment management, it is applied to institutions that seek investment returns in geographically extensive financial markets. Operating in financial markets at a distance from home jurisdictions is an increasingly important aspect of investment management. Given recent turmoil in global financial markets, financial houses have sought higher rates of return from markets in which they have little direct experience. At issue is how different types of financial organizations (large and small, growing and declining) produce investment returns in this new environment.  相似文献   

This article studies location decisions and network configurations of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, located in the northwest of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD). Built on the perspective that China's economic transition can be conceptualized as a triple process of globalization, marketization, and decentralization, this article outlines four structural changes of the Chinese economy that are underlying the location and networks of FDI: decentralization and the empowerment of local states, marketization and the increasing importance of places, globalization and the emergence of globalizing city regions, and urban spatial restructuring. The study has uncovered substantial intraurban differences within Nanjing and the significance of the Chinese state, location within the YRD, and intraurban context in the location decisions for FDI. We have also found that foreign ventures overwhelmingly serve as production facilities for either the Chinese or world markets, and maintain close production relations with other foreign firms in the YRD. Finally, regression models have identified the significance of national-level development zones, access to ports, and industrial land in the location of foreign ventures.  相似文献   

焦华富 《地理科学》1998,18(2):106-112
阐述了国际对外直接投资的基本形势和我国面临的挑战,剖析了对华直接投资的资金市场地域结构现状和变化特点,针对资金市场地域结构所的问题提出了基本对策。  相似文献   

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