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青藏铁路主要冻土路基工程热稳定性及主要冻融灾害   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在介绍青藏高原多年冻土退化背景及其工程影响的基础上,通过主要冻土路基现场监测和沿线调查,对青藏铁路冻土路基2002年以来的地温发展过程、热学稳定性及次生冻融灾害进行了分析。结果表明:青藏铁路自2006年通车后冻土路基整体稳定,列车运行速度达100 km/h,达到设计要求,但不同结构路基的热学稳定性不同,采取"主动冷却"方法的路基稳定性显著优于传统普通填土路基。管道通风路基、遮阳棚路基及U型块石路基冷却下伏多年冻土的效果显著,块石基底路基左右侧对称性较差,而处于强烈退化冻土区和高温冻土区的普通路基热稳定性差,需结合路基所在区域局地气候因素予以调整或补强。以热融性、冻胀性及冻融性灾害为主的次生冻融灾害对路基稳定性存在潜在危害,主要表现为路基沉陷、掩埋、侧向热侵蚀等,其中目前最为严重的病害是以路桥过渡段沉降为代表的热融性灾害。  相似文献   

近年来,世界各地的洪涝、干旱、地震、泥石流、滑坡、森林火灾等灾害事件频频发生.全世界每年因灾害所造成的经济损失数以亿计,灾害大多与人类的活动,特别是与人类经济-工程活动有关.结合灾害事例,特别是地质灾害事例,从生态、气候、城市及地质环境等方面加以论述,阐明人类经济-工程活动加快诱发了对环境的危害,希望引起人们,特别是政府部门和有关专家对环境保护的重视.  相似文献   

我国的多年冻土主要分布在东北的大小兴安岭、西部高山及青藏高原等地,总面积约215万km^2,占全国领土面积的22.3%。在开发森林、矿山,修筑公路、铁路以及大型水利工程时,冻土现象都是经常遇到的主要病害,必须在施工前对工区冻土的分布、厚度等进行认真的调查研究,以采取有效的防治措施。  相似文献   

宏观上论述了我国西部道路交通开发中地质环境基本特点、主要工程地质问题及工程可行性,并着重指出,地形复杂、地壳强活动、滑坡泥石流、冻土和风沙等灾害构成了交通开发中施工、养护的突出问题,部分干旱区水源匮乏矛盾尤为突出,但工程地质环境仍具可选择的条件。  相似文献   

利用CSR最新发布的GRACE RL06数据反演2006~2015年三江源地区陆地水储量的时空变化,并结合GLDAS水文模型、TRMM降水数据及地表冻融数据进行对比分析。结果表明,三江源地区的陆地水和地表水在2006~2015年的变化趋势分别为5.2±1.2 mm/a和-3.8±0.9 mm/a;降水与陆地水的变化密切相关,也是造成陆地水储量呈季节性变化的主要原因;冻土作为特殊的蓄水层,影响着三江源地区地表水与地下水之间的水力联系,冻土活动可能造成GRACE与GLDAS水储量之间的差异;根据GRACE与GLDAS水储量在空间趋势上的差异推测,三江源地区高原多年冻土退化,活动层增厚。  相似文献   

多年冻土区河流中溶解性有机碳(DOC)的输出对全球碳循环有着重要贡献,是全球气候变化研究的热点。当前研究主要集中在2个方面:多年冻土区河流DOC输出的时空特征及其影响因素;多年冻土区河流DOC输出对气候变暖和冻土退化的响应。研究表明,河流中DOC的浓度、通量、化学组分等主要受流域内水的流动路径、滞留时间及路径上潜在DOC源的特征控制,而多年冻土的分布及其季节性融冻循环对上述因素有显著影响,进而控制多年冻土区河流DOC的输出规律。气候变暖可从3个方面对多年冻土区河流DOC输出产生影响:①造成多年冻土退化,使地下水的流动路径变深和滞留时间增长,导致河流的DOC输出量降低;②使多年冻土中储存的老有机碳释放,导致河流的DOC输出量增高;③改善深部土壤的通气和温度条件,促进土壤微生物活性,进而影响河流DOC的输出量和化学特征。今后,有3个方面的研究需要加强:①中、低纬度高海拔冻土区河流DOC的输出规律及其与流域水文过程的关系;②小型源头河流DOC输出的对比与控制性试验;③冻土区地下水流过程的精细刻画和潜在有机碳源的直接探测。   相似文献   

顺层岩质滑坡突发性强, 破坏性大, 是危害山区城镇安全的重要灾害类型之一。发育软弱夹层的顺向斜坡是顺层岩质滑坡的高发区, 区域顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价应融入软弱夹层的控滑机制和空间分布不确定性分析。以万州区铁峰乡为研究区, 在软弱夹层物质结构及空间分布详细调查的基础上, 分析了原生沉积、构造变形和表生改造作用下区内页岩和泥岩两类软弱夹层发展为滑动面的演化机理, 总结了顺层岩质滑坡的变形破坏机理。考虑软弱夹层空间分布的不确定性, 提出了软弱夹层垂向分布和有效控滑深度范围内软弱夹层控滑贡献度的计算模型。提取了软弱夹层类型和控滑贡献度等表征顺层岩质滑坡控滑结构的关键指标, 结合地形地貌、斜坡结构、水文地质及人类工程活动4类要素, 构建了顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价指标体系。针对万州区铁峰乡河谷南侧的顺向坡区段, 以斜坡为评价单元, 采用层次分析法对研究区顺层岩质滑坡开展了易发性评价。结果显示研究区内侏罗系珍珠冲组泥化夹层和自流井组页岩层是顺层岩质滑坡的主要控滑层位, 极高易发区和高易发区占比分别为9.7%和25.8%, 岩质斜坡单元下伏软弱夹层分布情况和斜坡前缘开挖情况是影响滑坡灾害易发性的主要因素, 建房和道路开挖等人类工程活动极易诱发顺层岩质滑坡灾害。与不考虑软弱夹层相关指标的易发性评价结果相比, 本文方法的结果更符合实际情况。   相似文献   

中国气象局局长、中国科学院院士秦大河日前指出,极端气候变化对中国重大工程的安全运行可能产生一定影响。他说,气候变化可能增加长江流域上游降水,引发三峡库区泥石流、滑坡等地质灾害;而未来青藏高原气温有可能变暖,青藏铁路沿线多年冻土可能会进一步退化,从而影响某些地段铁路路基的稳定性。  相似文献   

叶青—勒那曲引水线路根据地质构造、地貌特征、物理地质现象,共划分六个区段。德曲段:山脊寒冻风化碎石坡型,山坡融冻泥流及顺河断层发育;解吾曲下段:冻土沼泽发育,南北构造活动较强烈,区域稳定性及边坡稳定性较差;解吾曲上游段;山区和丘陵区断裂发育,在喜山末期有强烈的活动,滑坡、冰丘等不良地质现象极为发育;玛尕曲—洛曲南段:厚层地下冰发育,近期活动断裂明显;洛曲南岸—多曲东岸段:缓坡区有厚层地下冰,多年冻土布满全段;多曲东岸—万龙湾尕玛下游段:近代断裂活动明显,区域稳定性较差。  相似文献   

冻土斜坡模型试验相似分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
南水北调工程、青藏铁路建设工程等一系列工程的实施,将进一步影响和加剧青藏高原多年冻土区斜坡稳定性问题,冻土区边坡开挖及斜坡稳定性是工程活动中必须解决的问题之一,冻土斜坡稳定性研究在国内尚属空白。通过相似模型试验对高原多年冻土区斜坡在自然和人类活动影响下的失稳机制和活动规律进行分析,是开展研究的重要手段。根据相似理论第一定律,对冻土斜坡模型试验进行了相似分析,应用积分类比法推导并建立了冻土斜坡模型试验的相似指标和相似判据,得出在用原状土作模型介质时,6个相似常数减少为2个相似常数,即cτ和cl。模型与原型的时间比例尺是由几何比例尺决定的,即cτ=c2l,仅有一个相似参数为自变量,另一个为因变量。据此对青藏高原多年冻土区青藏公路沿线K3035处冻土斜坡进行了相似模型设计和冻融模型试验。模型再现了K3035处7°斜坡在4个冻融循环条件下,坡体中部(水平、垂向)4#位移伸张计质点位移曲线随时间的变化特征。实验表明,斜坡土体中部在第一次冻融循环中已有滑动迹象,随着滑坎进一步后退和靠近观测基准点,必然出现一次较大的位移,直至周边土体出现滑塌为止。模型试验结果与现场观测资料相比较是令人满意的。  相似文献   

Precipitation has a significant influence on the hydro-thermal state of the active layer in permafrost regions, which disturbs the surface energy balance, carbon flux, ecosystem, hydrological cycles and landscape processes. To better understand the hydro-thermal dynamics of active layer and the interactions between rainfall and permafrost, we applied the coupled heat and mass transfer model for soil-plant-atmosphere system into high-altitude permafrost regions in this study. Meteorological data, soil temperature, heat flux and moisture content from different depths within the active layer were used to calibrate and validate this model. Thereafter, the precipitation was increased to explore the effect of recent climatic wetting on the thermal state of the active layer. The primary results demonstrate that the variation of active layer thickness under the effect of short-term increased precipitation is not obvious, while soil surface heat flux can show the changing trends of thermal state in active layer, which should not be negligible. An increment in year-round precipitation leads to a cooling effect on active layers in the frozen season, i.e. verifying the insulating effect of "snow cover". However, in the thawed season, the increased precipitation created a heating effect on active layers, i.e. facilitating the degradation of permafrost. The soil thermal dynamic in single precipitation event reveals that the precipitation event seems to cool the active layer, while compared with the results under increased precipitation, climatic wetting trend has a different influence on the permafrost evolution.  相似文献   

Recently, the degradation of permafrost and marsh environments in the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains has become a great concern as more human activities and pronounced climate warming were observed during the past 30 years and projected for the near future. The distr/bution patterns and development mechanisms of the permafrost and marshes have been examined both in theories and in field observations, in order to better understand the symbiosis of permafrost and marshes. The permafrost and marshes in the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains display discernible zonations in latitude and elevation. The marsh vegetation canopy, litter and peat soil have good thermal insulation properties for the underlying permafrost, resulting in a thermal offset of 3 ℃ to 4℃ and subsequently suppressing soil temperature. In addition, the much higher thermal conductivity of frozen and ice-rich peat in the active layer is conducive to the development or in favor of the protection of permafrost due to the semi-conductor properties of the soils overlying the permafrost. On the other hand, because permafrost is almost impervious, the osmosis of water in marsh soils can be effectively reduced, timely providing water supplies for helophytes growth or germination in spring. In the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains, the permafrost degradation has been accelerating due to the marked climate warming, ever increasing human activities, and the resultant eco-environmental changes. Since the permafrost and marsh environments are symbiotic and interdependent, they need to be managed or protected in a well-coordinated and integrated way.  相似文献   

Frozen ground degradation plays an important role in vegetation growth and activity in high-altitude cold regions. This study estimated the spatiotemporal variations in the active layer thickness(ALT) of the permafrost region and the soil freeze depth(SFD) in the seasonally frozen ground region across the Three Rivers Source Region(TRSR) from 1980 to 2014 using the Stefan equation, and differentiated the effects of these variations on alpine vegetation in these two regions. The results showed that the average ALT from 1980 to 2014 increased by23.01 cm/10 a, while the average SFD decreased by 3.41 cm/10 a, and both changed intensively in the transitional zone between the seasonally frozen ground and permafrost. From 1982-2014, the increase in the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI)and the advancement of the start of the vegetation growing season(SOS) in the seasonally frozen ground region(0.0078/10 a, 1.83 d/10 a) were greater than those in the permafrost region(0.0057/10 a,0.39 d/10 a). The results of the correlation analysis indicated that increases in the ALT and decreases in the SFD in the TRSR could lead to increases in the NDVI and advancement of the SOS. Surface soil moisture played a critical role in vegetation growth in association with the increasing ALT and decreasing SFD. The NDVI for all vegetation types in the TRSR except for alpine vegetation showed an increasing trend that was significantly related to the SFD and ALT. During the study period, the general frozen ground conditions were favorable to vegetation growth, while the average contributions of ALT and SFD to the interannual variation in the NDVI were greater than that of precipitation but less than that of temperature.  相似文献   

The change trends of air temperature,precipitation and evaporation from 1999 to 2008 shows that the climate in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau permafrost region had become warmer.The analysis of the systematic active-layer data monitoring network along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway indicated that the active-layer thickness had been increasing and the soil temperature was rising.The soil temperature was rising in winter but not at the end of spring or during the entire summer.With thickening and warming of the active layer,the liquid water content of the active layer had an obvious downward migration and liquid water content in the top horizons decreased,but in the deeper horizons it increased.  相似文献   

为减少公路工程建设项目和地质灾害之间的相互影响,工程建设之前必须对工程建设用地存在的地质灾害进行评估。结合国道317线汶川至马尔康段公路改建工程的特点,对工程遭受或工程建设可能诱发加剧的滑坡和崩塌灾害发生的可能性作了分析,并提出相应的防治对策,为拟改建的公路建设提供指导性建议。  相似文献   

Tibetan Plateau is known as the roof of the world. Due to the continuous uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, many active fault zones are present. These active fault zones such as the Anninghe fault zone have a significant influence on the formation of special geomorphology and the distribution of geological hazards at the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. The Anninghe fault zone is a key part of the Y-shaped fault pattern in the Sichuan-Yunnan block of China. In this paper, high-resolution topographic data, multitemporal remote sensing images, numerical calculations, seismic records, and comprehensive field investigations were employed to study the landslide distribution along the active part of the Anninghe. The influence of active faults on the lithology, rock mass structures and slope stress fields were also studied. The results show that the faults within the Anninghe fault zone have damaged the structure and integrity of the slope rock mass, reduced the mechanical strength of the rock mass and controlled the slope failure modes. The faults have also controlled the stress field, the distribution of the plastic strain zone and the maximum shear strain zone of the slope, thus have promoted the formation and evolution of landslides. We find that the studied landslides are linearly distributed along the Anninghe fault zone, and more than 80% of these landslides are within 2-3 km of the fault rupture zone. Moreover, the Anninghe fault zone provides abundant substance for landslides or debris flows. This paper presents four types of sliding mode control of the Anninghe fault zone, e.g., constituting the whole landslide body, controlling the lateral boundary of the landslide, controlling the crown of the landslide, and constituting the toe of the landslide. The results presented merit close attention as a valuable reference source for local infrastructure planning and engineering projects.  相似文献   

The distribution and variations of permafrost in the Xidatan region, the northern permafrost boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, were examined and analyzed using ground penetrating radar(GPR), borehole drilling, and thermal monitoring data. Results from GPR profiles together with borehole verification indicate that the lowest elevation limit of permafrost occurrence is 4369 m above sea level in 2012. Compared to previous studies, the maximal rise of permafrost limit is 28 m from 1975 to 2012. The total area of permafrost in the study region has been decreased by 13.8%. One of the two previously existed permafrost islands has disappeared and second one has reduced by 76% in area during the past ~40 years. In addition, the ground temperature in the Xidatan region has increased from 2012 to 2016, with a mean warming rate of ~0.004℃ a~(-1) and ~0.003℃ a~(-1) at the depths of 6 and 15 m, respectively. The rising of permafrost limit in the Xidatan region is mainly due to globalwarming. However, some non-climatic factors such as hydrologic processes and anthropic disturbances have also induced permafrost degradation. If the air temperature continues to increase, the northern permafrost boundary in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau may continue rising in the future.  相似文献   

The effect of vegetation on the water-heat exchange in the freezing-thawing processes of active layer is one of the key issues in the study of land surface processes and in predicting the response of alpine ecosystems to climate change in permafrost regions. In this study, we used the simultaneous heat and water model to investigate the effects of plant canopy on surface and subsurface hydrothermal dynamics in the Fenghuoshan area of the QinghaiTibet Plateau by changing the leaf area index(LAI) and keeping other variables constant. Results showed that the sensible heat, latent heat and net radiation are increased with an increase in the LAI. However, the ground heat flux decreased with an increasing LAI. The annual total evapotranspiration and vegetation transpiration ranged from-16% to 9% and-100% to 15%, respectively, in response to extremes of doubled and zero LAI, respectively. There was a negative feedback between vegetation and the volumetric unfrozen water content at 0.2 m through changing evapotranspiration. The simulation results of soil temperature and moisture suggest that better vegetation conditions are conducive to maintaining the thermal stability of the underlying permafrost, and the advanced initial thawing time and increasing thawing rate of soil ice with the increase in the LAI may have a great influence on the timing and magnitude of supra-permafrost groundwater. This study quantifies the impact of vegetation change on surface and subsurface hydrothermal processes and provides a basic understanding for evaluating the impact of vegetation degradation on the water-heat exchange in permafrost regions under climate change.  相似文献   

Frozen ground degradation under a warming climate profoundly influences the growth of alpine vegetation in the source region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This study investigated spatiotemporal variations in the frozen ground distribution, the active layer thickness(ALT) of permafrost(PF) soil and the soil freeze depth(SFD) in seasonally frozen soil from 1980 to 2018 using the temperature at the top of permafrost(TTOP) model and Stefan equation. We compared the effects of these variations on vegetation growth among different frozen ground types and vegetation types in the source region of the Yellow River(SRYR). The results showed that approximately half of the PF area(20.37% of the SRYR) was projected to degrade into seasonally frozen ground(SFG) during the past four decades; furthermore, the areal average ALT increased by 3.47 cm/yr, and the areal average SFD decreased by 0.93 cm/yr from 1980 to 2018. Accordingly, the growing season Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) presented an increasing trend of 0.002/10 yr, and the increase rate and proportion of areas with NDVI increase were largest in the transition zone where PF degraded to SFG(the PF to SFG zone). A correlation analysis indicated that variations in ALT and SFD in the SRYR were significantly correlated with increases of NDVI in the growing season. However, a rapid decrease in SFD(-1.4 cm/10 yr) could have reduced the soil moisture and, thus, decreased the NDVI. The NDVI for most vegetation types exhibited a significant positive correlation with ALT and a negative correlation with SFD. However, the steppe NDVI exhibited a significant negative correlation with the SFD in the PF to SFG zone but a positive correlation in the SFG zone, which was mainly limited by water condition because of different change rates of the SFD.  相似文献   

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