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The area in and around Guntur Town in Andhra Pradesh faces an acute water problem. It represents plain land and gentle slope responsible for infiltration and groundwater recharge. Adequate groundwater resource is reported to be available in the investigated area. It has not been properly exploited. The present investigation is, therefore, undertaken to assess groundwater favourable zones for development and exploration with the help of geomorphological units and associated features. The identified units and features by remote sensing technology with the integration of conventional information and limited ground truths are shallow weathered pediplain (PPS), moderately weathered pediplain (PPM), deeply weathered pediplain (PPD), residual hill (RH) and lineaments (L). The results show that the PPD, PPM and PPS are good, moderate to good and poor to moderate promising zones, respectively for groundwater prospecting. The RH is a poor geomorphological unit in respect to prospective zone as groundwater resource. However, adequate recharge source of groundwater can be expected surrounding the RH, as it acts as surface run-off zone. Lineaments parallel to the stream courses and intersecting-lineaments are favourable indicators for groundwater development. They can also be utilized to augment groundwater resource.  相似文献   

The Dhanbad district in Bihar, feces acate water scareity and is chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones, Landsat-5 MSS data of band-2 and band-4 and false colour composite of band 2, 3, 4 were interpreted visually to differentiate different hydromarphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The different geomorphic features identified are linear ridges, residual hills, pediplain, buried pedtment and dissected pediplain, besides lineaments. The study shows that the pediplain and buried pediments are promising zones for groundwater prospecting.  相似文献   

The area of upper Vaigai river basin covering parts of Madurai and Theni Districts, in Tamil Nadu, faces acute water scarcity and chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present investigation has been made to evaluate the potential zones for groundwater targeting using IRS - ID LISS III geocoded data on 1:50,000 scale. The geology, geomorphology, lineament tectonic maps are generated and integrated to evaluate the hydrogeomorphological characteristics of the upper Vaigai river basin and demarcate the groundwater potential zones. A number of geomorphic units have been observed. Out this the more groundwater prospective units are buried pediment medium, buried pediment deep, flood plain, bajada and lineament and intersection of lineaments. Non potential areas like pediment, pediment inselberg, shallow pediment and pediplain were identified.  相似文献   

The study area around Saidnagar falls in Bundelkhand granitic terrain forming buried pediplain (granite derived material). The occurrence and movement of groundwater is restricted to the unconsolidated material, weathered and fractured rock. For the selection of tube-well sites, geoelectrical resistivity investigations have been carried out at the sites which are found suitable based on remote sensing and hydrogeological studies. Twenty six Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) have been carried out by using Schlumberger electrode configuration, which have brought out 3 and 4 layered sub-surface sections. The resistivity of water-bearing weathered/fractured rocks varies from 10 to 20 ohm m, with thickness ranging from 3.4 to 75.0 m. The depth to the basement is found ranging between 6.8 and 93.0 m The integrated studies have revealed that the northern part of the study area forms groundwater prospective zone, consisting of unconsolidated water-bearing weathered material, In the southern part of the study area, weathered layer is either thin or absent and the groundwater movement and storage is restricted to the weathered/fractured zone only. This zone extends down to a depth of 3.4 to 75.0 m and may yield sufficient amount of water since it gets recharged by direct infiltration due to precipitation and percolation through Nalas.  相似文献   

Godavari sub-watershed is a part of buried pediplain developed over ‘Chotanagpur’ granite gneiss. Aquifer is unconfined in nature and groundwater occurs under water table condition. In the study area, groundwater is being exploited only through dugwells which are not capable of sustaining long duration pumping. Groundwater exploration involves the investigation of depth and nature of weathered and fractured horizon. To understand the groundwater storage and retrieval in the area, the basement topography derived from Digital Basement Topography Modelling (DBTM), the lineaments identified on remotely sensed data and geohydrological and physiographic data have been analysed. From DBTM, fracture zones have also been inferred. Lineaments (probable fractures) identified with the help of remotely sensed data are linear features representated on a planner surface. Lineaments in the area are subtle in expression due to deeply buried pediplian. Correlation of lineaments with DBTM reveals that a few lineaments/fractures are deep seated and a few have no sub-surface extensions. Also some sub-surface fractures inferred from DBTM have no expressions on the image. Attempt has been made to delineate more authentic lineaments/fractures with the help of remotely sensed data and DBTM. Correlation of probable fractures inferred from remotely sensed data and fracture zones inferred from DBTM indicated that 40 per cent of lineaments seems to be real fractures. Higher correlation may be achieved where lineaments are prominent and reproducible. It has also been observed that those lineaments which correlate with the fracture zones inferred from DBTM, are also not completely traceable in their linear extent. The exaggeration in length of lineaments may be due to subtle nature of lineaments. Correlation shows that remotely sensed lineaments are improtant for groundwater exploration and its authenticity can be further ascertained with DBTM.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of satellite images could help in the identification of present and past landforms. An attempt has been made to identify the palaeochannels of the Cauvery river in Karnataka state through visual interpretation of IRS-1C, LISS III False Colour Composites (FCC). In order to assess their inter-relationship with other hydrogeomorphic elements, various geomorphic units have been mapped. Major geomorphic units like alluvial plain, pediplain, valley fill. residual hill, ridges, meander scar, channel bars and water bodies have been demarcated. Considering the hydrogeomorphic setup of the palaeochannels. it is inferred that the disposition of palaeochannels of the area are controlled by the geology and structure and the prevailing geomorphic process.  相似文献   

In the present study efforts have been made to locate favourable zones for ground water targeting using IRS-USS-II data, Hydromorphogeological lineament, lineament density and ground water prospect maps have been prepared through visual interpretation of geocoded images on 1:50,000 scale and Survey of India topographical maps of the same scale. The resulting base line information has been integrated for evaluating ground water potential of mapping units. The alluvial plain, flood plain, infilled valley and deeply buried pediplain ace the prospective zones of ground water exploration and development. Fractures and faults parallel to drainage courses constitute priority zones for ground water targetting.  相似文献   

In order to examine the influence of tectonic and morphological characteristics on the occurrence and movement of ground water in Khondalitic (garnetiferrous sillimanite gneiss) suite of rocks, hydromorphogeological studies were carried out in a typical Khondalitic terrain situated in Viziangaram district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Different land forms have been identified with the aid of visual interpretation of Landsat imagery together with ground truth data in order to prepare hydromorphogeological and lineament maps. Drainage map and topographic slope map have been prepared using toposheets. These maps and other collateral data like well yields and geophysical data have been analysed to evaluate the ground water prospective geomorphic units. Ground water prospect areas are located in shallow buried pediplains and wash plains in such a way that they are identified on gently sloping uplands situated between the lineaments. Non potential areas are those, which are, low-lying areas near the streams and high slope areas near the residual hills. It is found near low lying areas i.e., beneath the streams that the khondalite must have transformed itself into kaoline and acting as barrier evidently preventing lateral movement of ground water forcing it to accumulate in flat upland areas between two streams or lineaments. From the lithologic cross sections it is found that there are four distinct subsurface layers namely (1) top soil, (2) highly weathered khondalite (kaolinised layer), (3) moderately weathered and fractured khondalite (aquifer layer) and (4) basement of granitic gneiss.  相似文献   

The area around Panwari town, Hamirpur district, Uttar Pradesh, faces acute water scarcity and chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones. Landsat TM and IRS-1A LISS-II data have been used to differentiate different hydromorphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The digitally enhanced False Colour Composite, Principal Component Analysis and Edge Detections were useful for better correlation. The digital enhancement was helpful with identification of faint lineaments. In addition, the boundaries of various lands forms were better discriminable on the digitally enhanced products. The deeply and moderately weathered buried pediplains are the most potential zones for groundwater targeting. Occurrence of lineaments in such zones is also a favourable indicator. A number of promising groundwater well sites have been located in the pediplains.  相似文献   

Landsat Falsle-Colour composites of 250,000 scale were used for evaluating the hydrogeologic conditions of Pambar River Sub-Basin. The region studied is comprised of crystalline metamorphic rocks. Oval features and Lineaments suspected to be the potential zones for ground water exploration were mapped from Landsat images. These areas were studied in detail using aerial photographs of 1:60,000 scale followed by field checks. Integrating the geology, geomorphology, landuse and geophysical data a final hydrogeologic conditions of the area was evaluated. The study indicates that the oval features mapped from Landsat images are the structural basins. Though many wells are located on the linear features, the yields of the wells are low due to mineralization. Against the general view that the sturcltural basins will have good ground water potential, it is interesting to note that the basins located within Pambar River Sub-Basin does not show good potential possibilities. The favourable geomorphic units such as buried channels, buried pediments, etc., are the only potential reservoirs available in this area.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to delineate and characterize ground water prospect zones using IRS-ID LISS-III geocoded data on 1:50,000 scale. The information on lithology, structure, geomorphology and hydrology were generated and integrated to prepare ground water prospect map for a region in western Rajasthan. The information on nature and type of aquifer, type of wells, depth range, yield range, success rate and sustainability were supplemented to form a good database for identification of favourable zone. Geographical Information system (GIS) was used to prepare database on the above layers, analysis of relationship and integrated map preparation. The study area has a complex geomorphology. The geology is dominated by rocks of post Delhi Intrusive and Quaternary sediments. On the basis of hydrogeology and geomorphic characteristics, four categories of ground water prospect zones: high, moderate, low and very low ere delineated. The high prospect zones are alluvial plains and valley fills mainly influenced by quaternary formations with yield expectation between 100-200 lpm. The moderate zone has pediment surfaces covered by shallow soil cover in addition to weathered and fractured aquifer material with expected yield of water between 50-100 lpm. The low potential zones mainly comprise inselbergs and rocky surface with expected discharge below 50 lpm. The very low prospect zones act as run-off generating zones.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to delineate and characterize the different geomorphic units of Tundiya river catchment in a part of Lower Maharahstra Metamorphic Plateau, north-eastern part of Nagpur district, Maharashtra. The drainage, contour and delineated geological units have been overlaid on IRS-ID LISS III satellite imagery (bands 2,3 and 4) in EASI/PACE analysis system to delineate and characterize different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The study area is basically of metamorphic in origin with different geological formations and is influenced by the various fluvio-morphological processes. Based on the satellite data analysis, the distinct geomorphological units viz., table top summits, structural hills, subdued plateau, linear ridges, shallow, moderate and deeply buried foot slopes, shallow valley fills and deep valley fills have been delineated and characterized. The information generated from satellite data in the form of vector layers has been used in GIS to generate geological and geomorphological maps of the study area. The present study demonstrates that IRS-ID LISS-III data in conjunction with geology, drainage and contour parameters to enable detailed evaluation of different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The delineated geomorphological units can be utilized for evaluation and management of natural resources and geo-environment on sustainable basis at river catchment level.  相似文献   

In the present study efforts have been made to evaluate ground water potential zones for ground water targeting using IRS-IC LISS-II1 geo-coded data on 1:50,000 scale. The drainage, geology, geomorpholgoy and lineament information has been generated and integrated to evaluate hydro-geomorphological characteristics of the Gairnukh watershed, Bhandara district, Maharashtra for delineation of ground water potential zones. The analysis reveals that the deep valley fills with thick alluvium have excellent, shallow valley tills and deeply weathered pediplains with thin alluvium have very good and moderately weathered pediplains in the geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have god ground water potential and these units are highly favourable for ground water exploration and development. Shallow weathered pediments in geological formations of Tirodi Gnesis and Sausar Groups are marked under moderate ground water potential zone. Shallow weathered pediplains in geological formations of Tiridi Gneiss and Sausor Groups are grouped under limited ground water potential category, except along the fractures/lineaments. Structural hills in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have poor ground water prospects. Inselbergs and Linear ridges in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss are grouped under very poor ground water prospects zone. The good inter-relationship was found among the geological units, geomorphological units, lineament density, hydro-geomorphological zones and ground water yield data.  相似文献   

Anomalies have been noticed in the Nagavati River and the Semmandakuppam ar drainage systems of the Dharmapuri area in the form of abrupt changes in the drainage pattern, elbow turning of tributary streams etc. On a detailed geomorphological study of the area using air photos, it has bsen observed that the anomalous situation is due to successive stages of development of the Nagavati R. at the cost of Semmandakuppam ar in the overall evolution of the landforms in the area. The Nagavati R. apppears to have originated as a very minor obsequent stream at an escarpment bank of the Cauvery R. which has been flowing in the southern part of the Dharmapuri pediplain. Owing probably to the uplift of the area and a concommittant reactivation of a regional shear, the Nagavati R has made successive headward advances into the pediplain, and in the process, has captured the upper reaches of the Semmandakuppam ar which is a tributary to the Ponnaiyar R. that drains the uplifted pediment even at present. The process of dissection and headward erosion by the Nagavati R. is still active and could possibly lead to a total capture of the Semmandakuppam ar and even the diversion of the Ponnaiyar R. head-waters into the Cauvery system. Of imminemt concern is the fast spreading badland which is developing at the head of the Nagavati R. at the expense of valuable agricultural land and a highway lying immediately west of the Dharmapuri town.  相似文献   

The study area is one of the watersheds of North Pennar basin, covering an area of 570 km2 in Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district. The watershed has been subdivided into nine sub-watersheds namely Dalavayihalli, Maddalenahalli, Talamaradahalli, Puluvalli tank, Nagalamadike, Gowdatimmanahalli, Naliganahalli, Devadabetta and Byadanur. These nine sub-watersheds have been evaluated to delineate groundwater potential zones based on the characteristics of geomorphic units together with slope, geology, lineaments, borewell data using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Slope varies from nearly level (0–1%) to very steep (>35%). The different geomorphic units in each sub-watershed consist of denudational hills, residual hills, inselbergs, pediment inselberg complex, pediments, shallow weathered pediplains, moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills. The lineament map for each sub-watershed has been prepared and the trends were analysed with rose diagrams. The analysis of borewell locations and their yield data in association with lineaments at subwatersheds level reveals that the lineaments are acting as a pathway for groundwater movement. The integrated map comprising groundwater potential zones prepared by “Union” function using GIS indicate that valley fills and moderately weathered pediplains are very good to good, shallow weathered pediplains are good to moderate, pediment inselberg complex and pediments are moderate to poor and denudational hills, residual hills and inselbergs are poor to very poor groundwater prospect zones.  相似文献   

The present investigation has been designed to analyze the landform and soil relationship in a geologically complex terrain of Tirora tahsil of Gondia district, Maharashtra using remotely sensed data and GIS technique. The geomorphologic units of the study area were delineated through visual interpretation of IRS–ID LISS-III data based on the spatial variation of the image characteristics. Thirteen landform units have been identified in the tahsil. The slope varied from level to nearly level with an area of about 63.76% of the tahsil. Rest of the area ranged from very gentle to moderately steep slopes. During soil survey, soil profiles were studied for morphological features. Horizon-wise soil samples were collected from the representative soil profiles on each landform unit. The depth of soil varied from 25 to 160 cm and colour from dark brown to very dark grayish brown. The texture ranged from clay loam to clayey in accordance with higher and lower topographic positions respectively. Higher available water holding capacity (AWC 285 mm) is found in low-lying area and low to medium AWC (140 mm) is noticed in the soils developed at higher elevation. The soils reaction (pH) is strongly acidic in nature (pH 5.2) on dissected hills, linear ridge and moderately weathered pediments, whereas, the soils are moderately to slightly acidic in nature (pH 5.5 to 6.5) on hills, shallow weathered pediments, moderately weathered pediments, deeply weathered pediments, narrow valleys, and broad valley floors. Slightly alkaline condition (pH 7.6) was observed on foot slopes and aggraded valley fills. The electrical conductivity of the soils is found almost same in all landforms. The cation exchange capacity of the area varies from 10.5 to 51.5 cmol(p+)kg?1. The base saturation increases with decreasing elevation and slope. The four major soil orders viz, Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols and Vertisols are found in the study areas which are further classified into suborder and great group levels. The landform and soil relationship was analyzed to appraise the land resources in the tahsil. The study shows that the application of remotely sensed data and GIS are immensely helpful in land resources appraisal for their management on sustainable basis.  相似文献   

Remote sensing techniques has proved to be an extremely useful tool in morphometric analysis and groundwater studies. Remote sensing techniques with an emphasis on lineament identifications can play a great role in groundwater prospecting in semi-arid hard rock areas of Purulia district. In the present study, morphometric analysis using remote sensing technique has been carried out in parts of Baghmundi block, Purulia district, West Bengal. The parameters worked out include Bifurcation ratio (Rb), Stream length (Lu), Form factor (Rc), Circulatory ratio (Rc), and Drainage density (D). The morphometric analysis suggests that fractured, resistant, permeable rocks cover the area, the drainage network not so affected by tectonic disturbances. Using satellite imageries of two dates of IRS, different hydrogeomorphological units have been delineated. Among different hydrogeomorphic units (i) very shallow weathered pediment and (ii) Structural hills/ residual hills/inselbergs have very poor ground water prospects, while moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills are good prospective zones for groundwater exploration.  相似文献   

Geomorphological mapping through satellite remote sensing coupled with geophysical electrical resistivity survey (vertical electrical sounding) gives very useful information about spatial and depth-wise variation of aquifer’s material, respectively. The present study area broadly falls between the Ganga river and Kharagpur hills (a northern limit of Chotanagpur plateau). These hills are highly folded and consist of quartzites and phyllites of Precambrian age group In the study area, cover material above the basement is the product of weathering, colluvial and fluvial processes of different ages. Geomorphologically, study area has been categorised into different classes i.e. denudo-structural hill, buried pediment, younger alluvial plain, recent flood plain and older alluvial plain. Broadly these classes represent the general ground-water prospects, but in detail, possibility of variation in ground-water prospects cannot be ruled out. In alluvial plain (younger/older) main target for ground-water exploration is sandy horizon. Similarly in buried pediment the main target is coarse-grained weathered material with fractured basement, not the total general thickness of cover material on the basement. In the present paper, authors have tried to analyse the spatial distribution of geomorphic classes and depth-wise variation of aquifer material within the same class for determining the target horizon for further detailed investigation, using remote sensing and electrical sounding.  相似文献   

Geospatial approaches to monitoring and mapping water quality over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales have the potential to save field and laboratory efforts. The present study depicts the estimation of water quality parameters, namely turbidity and phosphate, through regression analysis using the reflectance derived from remote sensing data on the west coast of Mumbai, India. The predetermined coastal water samples were collected using the global positioning system (GPS) and were measured concurrently with satellite imagery acquisition. To study the influence of wastewater, the linear correlations were established between water quality parameters and reflectance of visible bands for either set of imagery for the study area, which was divided into three zones: creek water, shore‐line water and coastal water. Turbidity and phosphate have the correlation coefficients in the range 0.75–0.94 and 0.78–0.98, respectively, for the study area. Negative correlation was observed for creek water owing to high organic content caused by the discharges of domestic wastewater from treatment facilities and non‐point sources. Based on the least square method, equations are formulated to estimate turbidity and phosphate, to map the spatial variation on the GIS platform from simulated points. The applicability of satellite imagery for water quality pattern on the coast is verified for efficient planning and management.  相似文献   

Drainage and lineaments play an important role in the flow of groundwater. The objective of this study is to assess the groundwater level and its relation to drainage and lineaments in a hard rock region of a part of Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, southern India. The region predominantly comprise of granites and gneisses. Groundwater level was measured in 42 representative wells in this study area from March 2008 to January 2010 once in every two months. Observed groundwater levels were compared with drainage and dyke density. Groundwater level fluctuation in low drainage density region is generally greater than those in moderate and high drainage density regions. The dykes do not act as barriers for groundwater flow as they are highly weathered. The quantity and flow of groundwater in this region is predominantly controlled by drainage density, intensity of weathering and presence of fractures. Thus the study indicate that the drainage density play a major role in groundwater level fluctuation and as the dykes are weathered, they do not affect the groundwater flow in this shallow unconfined aquifer.  相似文献   

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