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We test the hypothesis put forward by Bosma (1981) that the surface density of dark matter is proportional to the surface density of HI, using decompositions of the rotation curves of a number of galaxies according to the THINGS, along with data for the galaxy NGC 6822. The rotation curves of these galaxies can be explained by assuming the existence of a massive gaseous disk in the absence of a dark halo, although the proportionality factor ??dark/??HI between the surface densities of dark matter and HI is different for different galaxies. However, there emerges the problem of the gravitational stability of galaxies whose stellar-velocity dispersions have been estimated, if the thickness of the dark-matter disk is similar to or less than the thickness of the stellar disk. The proportionality between ?? dark and ??HI is probably due to the fact that the radial profiles of ??HI for galaxies with flat rotational curves are close to the critical density of a gravitationally stable gaseous layer (??HI ?? R ?1), and ??dark(R) for a pseudo-isothermal halo obeys the same law.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of three lenticular (S0) galaxies (NGC 1167, NGC 4150, and NGC 6340) and one SBa galaxy (NGC 2273) have been taken with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences aimed to study the structure and kinematic properties of early-type disk galaxies. The radial profiles of the stellar radial velocities and the velocity dispersion are measured. N-body simulations are used to construct dynamical models of galaxies containing a stellar disk, bulge, and halo. The masses of individual components are estimated formaximum-mass disk models. A comparison of models with estimated rotational velocities and the stellar velocity dispersion suggests that the stellar disks in lenticular galaxies are “overheated”; i.e., there is a significant excess velocity dispersion over the minimum level required to maintain the stability of the disk. This supports the hypothesis that the stellar disks of S0 galaxies were subject to strong gravitational perturbations. The relative thickness of the stellar disks in the S0 galaxies considered substantially exceed the typical disk thickness of spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

A series of numerical N-body simulations is performed in order to dynamically model the properties of four galaxies (NGC 5603, NGC 3198, NGC 891, and NGC 1566) with known rotation curves, radial disk scales L, and velocity dispersions of old disk stars at various galactocentric distances r. Each model includes a three-dimensional collisionless disk and rigid spherical components, whose relative mass μ was treated as a free parameter that differed from simulation to simulation. The observed disk stellar velocity dispersions were assumed to be equal to or (in the general case) greater than the corresponding line-of-sight projections of the simulated values for the adopted μ after the initially unstable disk is heated and arrives at a steady state. A comparison of the simulated and observed rotational velocities and velocity dispersions provides evidence for “light” disks with μ≥2 in the disk (r<4L).  相似文献   

Published data on rotation curves and the radial distribution of the surface density of neutral hydrogen (HI) in galaxies with a low gas content are used to calculate radial profiles of the volume density of HI in the planes of the galactic disks. A self-consistent model for the disks is used, taking into account the self-gravitation of the gas and the presence of a pseudo-isothermal, massive halo. Eleven low-surface-brightness (LSB) galaxies and three S0 galaxies in which HI is detected are considered. The gaseous and stellar disks are taken to be in equilibrium and axially symmetric, and the velocity dispersion in the stellar disk to be equal to the marginal value for gravitational perturbations; in general, this gives an upper limit for the gas density. It is shown that, on average, the gas volume densities are two orders of magnitude lower in LSB galaxies than in galaxies with normal brightnesses at the same R values, while the three S0 galaxies occupy an intermediate position. The volume density of gas observed at the galaxy peripheries are less than 10−27 g/cm3, even in the plane of the disk. The role of the UV background in ionizing outer regions is discussed. The obtained gas densities can be used to estimate the star-forming efficiency in regions of low density.  相似文献   

Results of numerical simulations of a collision of the gaseous components of two identical disk galaxies during a head-on collision of the galaxies in the polar direction are presented. When the relative velocity of the galaxy collision is small, their gaseous components merge. At high relative velocities (100–500 km/s), the massive stellar components of the galaxies (M g = 109 M ) pass through each other nearly freely, leaving behind the gaseous components, which are decelerated and heated by the collision. If the overall gaseous component of the colliding galaxies is able to cool to the virial temperature during the collision, a new galaxy forms. At velocities V ≥ 500 km/s, the gaseous component does not have time to cool, and the gas is scattered into intergalactic space, supplying it with heavy elements produced in supernovae in the colliding galaxies. High-velocity (V ≥ 100 km/s) collisions of identical low-mass galaxies (M g ≤ 109 M ) whose mass is dominated by the mass of gas lead to the disruption of their stellar components. The overall gaseous component forms a new galaxy when V ≤ 500 km/s, and is scattered into intergalactic space if the velocity becomes higher than this. A galaxy collision increases the star-formation rates in the disk galaxies by nearly a factor of 100. Rotation of the colliding galaxies in the same direction increases the changes of the disruption of both the stellar and gaseous components of the galaxies. The merger of galaxies during their collision can explain the presence of gaseous disks rotating opposite to the rotation of the stellar component in some ordinary elliptical galaxies. Moreover, galaxy mergers can help explain the origin of a comparatively young stellar population in some elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

N-body dynamical simulations are used to analyze the conditions for the gravitational stability of a three-dimensional stellar disk in the gravitational field of two rigid spherical components—a bulge and halo whose central concentrations and relative masses vary over wide ranges. The number of point masses N in the simulations varies from 40 to 500 000 and the evolution of the simulated systems is followed over 10–20 rotation periods of the outer edge of the disk. The initially unstable disks are heated and, as a rule, reach a quasi-stationary equilibrium with a steady-state radial-velocity dispersion cr over five to eight turns. The radial behavior of the Toomre stability parameter QT(r) for the final state of the disk is estimated. Simple models are used to analyze the dependence of the gravitational stability of the disk on the relative masses of the spherical components, disk thickness, degree of differential rotation, and initial state of the disk. Formal application of existing, analytical, local criteria for marginal stability of the disk can lead to errors in cr of more than a factor of 1.5. It is suggested that the approximate constancy of QT?1.2–1.5 for r?(1–2)×L (where L is the radial scale of disk surface density), valid for a wide range of models, can be used to estimate upper limits for the mass and density of a disk based on the observed distributions of the rotational velocity of the gaseous component and of the stellar velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

The relationship between the masses of the central, supermassive black holes (M bh) and of the nuclear star clusters (M nc) of disk galaxies with various parameters galaxies are considered: the rotational velocity at R = 2 kpc V (2), the maximum rotational velocity V max, the indicative dynamical mass M 25, the integrated mass of the stellar populationM *, and the integrated color index B-V. The rotational velocities andmasses of the central objects were taken from the literature. ThemassM nc correlatesmore closely with the kinematic parameters and the disk mass than M bh, including with the velocity V max, which is closely related to the virial mass of the dark halo. On average, lenticular galaxies are characterized by higher massesM bh compared to other types of galaxies with similar characteristics. The dependence of the blackhole mass on the color index is bimodal: galaxies of the red group (red-sequence) with B-V >0.6–0.7 which are mostly early-type galaxies with weak star formation, differ appreciably from blue galaxies, which have higher values of M nc and M bh. At the dependences we consider between the masses of the central objects and the parameters of the host galaxies (except for the dependence of M bh on the central velocity dispersion), the red-group galaxies have systematically higher M bh values, even when the host-galaxy parameters are similar. In contrast, in the case of nuclear star clusters, the blue and red galaxies form unified sequences. The results agree with scenarios in which most red-group galaxies form as a result of the partial or complete loss of interstellar gas in a stage of high nuclear activity in galaxies whose central black-hole masses exceed 106?107 M (depending on the mass of the galaxy itself). The bulk of disk galaxies with M bh > 107 M are lenticular galaxies (types S0, E/S0) whose disks are practically devoid of gas.  相似文献   

The statistical relation between the masses of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in disk galaxies and the kinematic properties of their host galaxies is analyzed. Velocity estimates for several galaxies obtained earlier at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the data for other galaxies taken from the literature are used. The SMBH masses correlate well with the rotational velocities at a distance of R ≈ 1 kpc, V 1, which characterize the mean density of the central region of the galaxy. The SMBH masses correlate appreciably weaker with the asymptotic velocity at large distances from the center and the angular velocity at the optical radius R 25. We have found for the first time a correlation between the SMBH mass and the total mass of the galaxy within the optical radius R 25, M 25, which includes both baryonic and “dark” mass. The masses of the nuclear star clusters in disk galaxies (based on the catalog of Seth et al.) are also related to the dynamical mass M 25; the correlations with the luminosity and rotational velocity of the disk are appreciably weaker. For a given value of M 25, the masses of the central cluster are, on average, an order of magnitude higher in S0-Sbc galaxies than in late-type galaxies, or than the SMBH masses. We suggest that the growth of the SMBH occurs in the forming “classical” bulge of the galaxy over a time < 109 yr, during a monolithic collapse of gas in the central region of the protogalaxy. The central star clusters form on a different time scale, and their stellar masses continue to grow for a long time after the growth of the central black hole has ceased, if this process is not hindered by activity of the nucleus.  相似文献   

The influence of close passages of galaxies on the shapes of disk galaxies and the distribution of stars in them is studied for several types of interactions in the framework of the restricted N-body problem. Depending on the conditions adopted, either two spiral density waves or ring structures are formed in the stellar disk of the galaxy. These structures can generate star formation fronts with the corresponding shape, as are observed in disk galaxies. Our calculations can also be applied to study the influence of the passage of a nearby star on a protoplanetary disk. The formation of ring structures there could specify the type of planet formation in the outer regions of the planetary system and the distribution of semimajor axes for the planetary orbits. We use the same model to study the generation and evolution of spiral density waves in the stellar disks of galaxies as a result of the recently found asymmetry of the gravitational potential in the massive dark haloes in disk galaxies. The dipole component of the gravitational field of the halo can continuously permanently generate the spiral structure in disk galaxies.  相似文献   

A series of numerical dynamical models for the LMC are constructed in order to fit the observed rotational velocities and stellar velocity dispersions at various galactocentric distances. The models include a three-dimensional spherical disk and nonevolving spherical components with various relative masses. The two LMC rotation curves presented by Kim et al. (1998) and Sofue (2000), which differ strongly in the inner region of the galaxy, are compared. The latter curve requires the presence of a massive dark bulge. Models based on the rotation curve of Sofue (2000) cannot account for the observed velocity dispersion or the presence of a long-lived bar in the galaxy. A model with no dark bulge is in good agreement with the observations if we assume that the disk dominates over the halo in terms of the mass within the optical radius (about 7 kpc).  相似文献   

The equilibrium thickness of the isothermal layers of interstellar gas and volume gas densities ρ gas in the plane of the disk as a function of galactocentric distance R are computed for seven spiral galaxies (including the Milky Way) using an axisymmetrical model. In this model, the thickness of the stellar disk varies with R and remains approximately equal to the minimum thickness of a stable equilibrium disk. We found the disk thickness to increase toward the periphery in at least five of the seven galaxies. The density of the stellar disk decreases with R faster than ρ gas , so that gas dominates at the disk peripheries in terms of density. A comparison of the azimuthally averaged star formation rate SFR and the gas density shows the absence of a universal Schmidt law SFR ~ρ gas n for galaxies. However, the SFRs in various galaxies are better correlated with the volume than the gas surface density. The parameter n in the Schmidt law formally calculated using the least-squares method lies in the interval 0.8–2.4, being, on average, close to 1.5. The values of n calculated separately for the molecular gas display substantial scatter, but are, on average, close to unity. The value of n appears to increase with decreasing ρ gas , so that the fraction of gas that actively participates in star formation decreases with n.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of galaxies in dense galactic clusters. Observations and theoretical estimates indicate that this evolution may be specified to a large extent by collisions between galaxies, as well as interactions between the gaseous components of disk galaxies and intergalactic gas. We analyze collisions between disk galaxies with gaseous components using a simple model based on a comparison of the duration of a collision and the characteristic cooling time for the gas heated by the collision, and also of the relative masses of stars and gas in the colliding disk galaxies. This model is used to analyze scenarios for collisions between disk galaxies with various masses as a function of their relative velocities. Our analysis indicates that galaxies can merge, lose one or both of their gaseous components, or totally disintegrate as a result of a collision; ultimately, a new galaxy may form from the gas lost by the colliding galaxies. Disk galaxies with mass M G and velocities exceeding ~300 (M G/1010 M )1/2 km/s in intergalactic gas in clusters with densities ~10?27 g/cm3 can lose their gas due to the pressure of inflowing intergalactic gas, thereby developing into E(SO) galaxies.  相似文献   

Results of a detailed spectroscopic and photometric study of the four Shakhbazian compact galaxy groups ShCG 254, ShCG 257, ShCG 351, and ShCG 371 are reported. The redishifts of the member galaxies and radial velocity dispersions in these groups have been determined. The R surface brightness distributions of the member galaxies have been studied. The morphological types of the galaxies have been determined based on the profiles of the surface brightness, μ, as functions of the semimajor axis α1/4 or α. Some members of the groups are in the process of interacting. Curves of isophotal twisting and the Fourier parameter α4 have been plotted. The physical parameters of the groups (radial velocity dispersions, virial radii and masses, luminosities, mass-to-luminosity ratios, and crossing times) have also been derived. Original Russian Text ? H.M. Tovmassian, H. Tiersch, V.O. Chavushyan, G.H. Tovmassian, S.I. Neizvestnyĭ J.P. Torres-Papaqui, G.M. Rudnitskii. 2006, published in Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2006, Vol. 83, No. 11, pp. 963–975.  相似文献   

The possible influence of galactic interaction on the formation and growth of supermassive black holes in their nuclei and the dynamics of their circumnuclear regions are considered, based on new data from the updated Vorontsov-Velyaminov catalog of interacting galaxies and modern estimates of the masses of supermassive black holes. A sample of interacting galaxies with known black-hole masses is created, and the dependence of the masses of the central black holes on the absolute B magnitudes and central stellar velocity dispersions in the host galaxy derived for this sample. A statistical analysis of the sample shows that the black-hole masses in interacting galaxies satisfy the same mass-velocity dispersion relation as non-interacting galaxies. A higher mass dispersion is characteristic of merging pairs than for galaxies that interact in other ways. The maximum masses of the central black holes are observed in radio galaxies.  相似文献   

A statistical survey of 113 spotted red dwarf stars that are known or suspected BY Draconis variables is presented. Typical indicators of stellar photometric activity—the amplitudes of the rotational modulation and seasonal mean brightness variations ΔV and Δ〈V〉—are compared to the global parameters of the stars. First, photometric variability shows a weak dependence on spectral type; second, ΔV and Δ〈V〉 grow with increasing stellar rotational velocity and decreasing Rossby number, with the dependences saturating at the critical values V crit~15–20 km/s and Rocrit~0.2–0.3; and third, the Sun as a star fits well into the derived relations. Thus, the spottedness of stars, like other indicators of stellar activity, depends on their global parameters.  相似文献   

Stellar photometry obtained using the Hubble Space Telescope is used to study the distributions of the number densities of stars of various ages in 12 irregular and dwarf spiral galaxies viewed edge-on. Two subsystems can be distinguished in all the galaxies: a thin disk comprised of young stars and a thick disk containing a large fraction of old stars (primarily red giants) in the system. Variations of the stellar number density in the thin and thick disks in the Z direction perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy follow an exponential law. The size of the thin disk corresponds to the visible size of the galaxy at the μ = 25 mag/arcsec2 isophote, while the thick disk is a factor of two to three larger. In addition to a thick disk, the massive irregular galaxy M82 also has a more extended stellar halo that is flattened at the galactic poles. The results of our previous study of 12 face-on galaxies are used together with the new results presented here to construct an empirical model for the stellar structure of irregular galaxies. Original Russian Text ? N.A. Tikhonov, 2006, published in Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2006, Vol. 83, No. 7, pp. 579–588.  相似文献   

The four well studied spiral galaxies M33, M81, M100, and M101 are used to analyze the dependences of the star-formation rate (SFR) and star-formation efficiency (SFE = SFR/M gas ) on galactocentric distance R and the photometric and some kinematic parameters of galactic disks. The dependences SFR(R) were estimated based on UV and far-infrared data using published extinction-corrected UV brightness profiles of the galaxies. The local SFE values are most closely related to the surface brightness (density) of the galactic disk at a given R, with this dependence being the same for all four galaxies (except for their central regions). In order to explain the observed disk densities in terms of a simple conservative model (“toy model”) for the evolution of the gas density, the local value of the parameter N in the Schmidt law for the disk (SFR ~ σ gas N ) must not exceed unity. In this case, the observed dependences σ gas (R) and SFE(R) can be matched assuming that accretion is occuring in the central regions of the disks.  相似文献   

A new theory for the formation of the main structures of galaxies is proposed: these structures are viewed as low-frequency normal modes in disks consisting of precessing stellar orbits. Mathematically, the theory is based on an integral equation in the form of a classical eigenvalue problem, with the eigenvalues being equal to the angular velocities Ωp of the modes. Analysis of the general properties of the master integral equation (without finding concrete solutions) shows that it admits two types of solutions: barlike and spiral. The numerical algorithms are discussed and particular solutions of the integral equation are presented. If resonance interaction can be neglected, the bar mode represents a neutral perturbation of the disk. This mode can be amplified by the effect of the long-range gravitational field of the mode on stars located in the vicinity of the corotation and outer-Lindblad resonances. Spiral perturbations are waves with zero total angular momentum, and spiral modes are excited at the inner-Lindblad resonance. The approach proposed is compared to currently accepted mechanisms for the formation of galactic structures. In particular, Toomre's application of the swing amplification mechanism to explain the formation of global modes is critically discussed. In addition, we show that it is not correct to simulate the real stellar velocity dispersion in a galaxy using softened gravity.  相似文献   

One widely used technique for the construction of equilibrium models of stellar disks is based on the Jeans equations and the moments of velocity distribution functions computed using these equations. Stellar disks constructed using this technique are shown to be “not entirely” in equilibrium. Our attempt to abandon the epicyclic approximation and the approximation of infinite isothermal layers, which are commonly adopted in this technique, failed to improve the situation substantially. We conclude that the main drawback of techniques based on the Jeans equations is that the system of equations employed is not closed and, therefore, requires adopting an essentially ad hoc additional closure condition. A new iterative approach to constructing equilibrium N-body models with a given density distribution is proposed. The main idea behind this approach is that a model is first constructed using some approximation method, and is then allowed to adjust to an equilibrium state with the specified density distribution—if necessary, with the required parameters of the velocity distribution remaining fixed in the process. This iterative approach was used to construct isotropic, spherically symmetric models and models of stellar disks embedded in an external potential. The numerical models constructed prove to be close to equilibrium. It is shown that the commonly adopted assumption that the profile of the radial-velocity dispersion is exponential may be wrong. The technique proposed can be applied to a wide range of problems involving the construction of models of stellar systems with various geometries.  相似文献   

The narrow-band λ4244 Å continuum light curve of the eclipsing binary V444 Cyg, which has a Wolf-Rayet component, is interpreted assuming that the brightness distribution and absorption in the WN5 star's disk are monotonic, non-increasing, convexo-concave, non-negative functions. The convex and concave parts of these functions correspond to the core of the WN5 star and its extended photosphere and atmosphere, respectively. The radius and brightness temperature of the opaque core of the WN5 star are r WN5 core ? 4R and T br core >52000 K, respectively. The stellar wind is characterized by an accelerated radial outflow. Acceleration of the wind persists at large distances from the center of the star. A crude Lamers-law fit to the reconstructed velocity field in the wind yields an acceleration parameter β=1.58–1.82.  相似文献   

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