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Having been invited to contribute an external view of Australian geography, I concluded that such a task was impossible—that geographers elsewhere do not have a general view of Australian geography. I maintain that this is neither surprising nor significant, setting the argument within the context of a discipline fragmented along four major cleavage lines. Because of these cleavages, most geographers (like most other academics) work in small intellectual communities which are necessarily ‘parochial’: as a consequence, the discipline is characterised by a series of parts that do not make a coherent whole.  相似文献   

Material Geographies and Postcolonialism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While postcolonial studies have inspired new ideas, a new language and a new theoretical inflection for a wide range of teaching and research in human geography, there have been few sustained discussions about what might constitute a postcolonial geography. This paper attempts to deal with this absence by exploring the possibilities of material geographies of postcolonialism. It suggests that geographers are particularly well placed to respond to criticisms of postcolonialism as remaining overwhelmingly textual, cultural and/or historical in focus by contributing towards a productive engagement between postcolonialism and the material realities of global inequalities, and towards a revivified political and ethical project. It explores how particular tactics might inform postcolonial methodologies within geography and makes some tentative suggestions on what a postcolonial political praxis might look like.  相似文献   

This paper responds to recent postcolonial geographical scholarship that sets forth transformative agendas in order to create more cosmopolitan theoretical projects within the discipline. For many geographers the challenges they face are located within not only their own disciplinary parameters, but also those of other specific research communities within which their work situates them. By bringing geography and area studies into productive conversation, this paper explores the tensions between negotiating one's academic voice, position and responsibility within geography as well as within a specific area studies community. More specifically, as a UK-based geographer I reflect on some of my own fairly unremarkable, yet extremely awkward, encounters during the course of scholarly praxis in Sri Lanka in order to raise questions over the spatialities of responsibility and political engagement in such academic praxis. I seek to theorize the chasms that open in such awkward encounters between notionally situated 'local' and 'foreign' scholars respectively and, in particular, develop ways of engaging and reorienting those chasms in ways that might enable the production of theoretically rich, yet richly contextualized postcolonial knowledges committed to the site of one's scholarly praxis – not just to the advancement of a more cosmopolitan theoretical project within geography.  相似文献   

This paper uses postcolonial theory to establish a critique of the concept of 'partnership' in the British Labour government's 1997 White Paper on International Development, which is routed through the colonial metaphor of the British Commonwealth 'family of nations' to reproduce racialized hierarchies and deny mutuality in the contemporary development of Britain and its former colonies. In the course of this critique, the paper urges British geography to acknowledge its own postcoloniality, which will lead to a mainstreaming of concerns about global justice and provide intellectual resources to reimagine the geographies of postcolonial Britain.  相似文献   

Utilizing a partially autobiographical format, this article considers the practice and study of race within geography. I argue that the overwhelmingly white composition of the discipline has very real implications for both individual experiences and our intellectual production and disciplinary culture. I explore these issues by drawing on my own experiences as a Chicana within geography, and by examining the extent to which one area of research, environmental justice, has engaged questions of race and the consequences of that engagement. I conclude with some general remarks on what it might take to significantly diversify geography.  相似文献   

Utilizing a partially autobiographical format, this article considers the practice and study of race within geography. I argue that the overwhelmingly white composition of the discipline has very real implications for both individual experiences and our intellectual production and disciplinary culture. I explore these issues by drawing on my own experiences as a Chicana within geography, and by examining the extent to which one area of research, environmental justice, has engaged questions of race and the consequences of that engagement. I conclude with some general remarks on what it might take to significantly diversify geography.  相似文献   

今天的中国为什么比任何时候都需要世界地理学   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
世界地理作为中国地理学的重要分支学科,特指研究中国以外区域或国家的地理学科,是中国特有的学科分类现象。中国地理学的这种内外有别的思想对世界地理发展危害甚大,至今都难以消弭。忽视世界地理研究,就会有只见树木、不见森林之虞。为了贯彻落实党的“十九大”精神,繁荣探索新型科研组织机制,打造一流世界地理学科,服务国家重大国际战略需求,来自国内高校、科研院所的百余人齐聚一堂,探讨中国世界地理学科发展之路。与会专家一致认为:地理学是国家发展的法宝,是立国之本。当前世界政治经济格局加速重构,为中国地理学发展带来了前所未有的历史机遇,也赋予地理学特别是世界地理学学科新的重大历史使命。为此,须充分发挥地理学科的优势和特长,紧跟国家和世界发展大势,树立全球眼光,面向国家重大战略需求,把自然与人文结合起来,面向可持续发展,团结国内各相关单位,进行跨学科研究,提升世界地理学科为二级学科,构建具有中国特色的世界地理学理论体系、逻辑框架和学科范式,提升中国地理学科,特别是世界地理学科服务国家和地方发展的能力。  相似文献   

贫困地理学的基础理论与学科前沿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周扬  李寻欢 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2407-2424
中国的减贫实践证明,地理学在服务国民经济建设和支撑减贫瞄准与扶贫决策中发挥着重要学科价值。然而,由于基本概念模糊、基础理论滞后、学科体系不健全,“理论贫困”成为制约贫困地理学创新发展的最大短板。本文在解析贫困核心概念的基础上,系统剖析了贫困地理学作为一门分支学科的学科性质、基础理论、研究对象、研究内容与框架,提出了未来贫困地理研究中的前沿领域。结果表明:① 贫困是指与一定标准相比,人们所享受的各种福利处于劣势、缺少或不足的状态,具有多维性、区域性和动态性特征。在测量标准上,绝对贫困强调“极小值”,相对贫困强调“平均值”。在瞄准对象上,个体贫困关注个人福利或能力的缺失与不足,区域贫困则是从空间视角关注个体福利背后的“区域福利”。② 贫困地理学是一门研究贫困地区的形成、分布、地理特征及其与环境的关系和反贫困措施的学科,以贫困地域系统为研究对象,以“贫困—环境”关系为研究核心,具有综合性、交叉性和区域性特点。贫困地理学的基础性理论包括空间贫困理论、区域贫困理论和多维贫困理论,其研究内容与框架包括3个维度、2大要素、2类对象、2大标准。③ 贫困地理学需要进一步强化贫困地域系统演化、区域贫困测度、相对贫困瞄准、贫困监测模拟、减贫效应评估、区域可持续发展模式等方面的基础研究。  相似文献   

Feminist geography and political geography still represent two solitudes within the discipline. While increased traffic between these different parts of the discipline points to a degree of intellectual engagement, there remains a paucity of feminist thought in political geography. This article examines recent scholarship on feminist political geography, with a view to applying its insights to the struggles to protest and end political violence. The concept of feminist geopolitics is employed and recast, both as a bridging concept between feminist and political geography and as an analytical approach that has political valence in the context of the war in Iraq. Feminist geopolitics is revisited in this article, but remains a critical analytic in relation to body counts and other casualties in war zones.  相似文献   


Feminist geography and political geography still represent two solitudes within the discipline. While increased traffic between these different parts of the discipline points to a degree of intellectual engagement, there remains a paucity of feminist thought in political geography. This article examines recent scholarship on feminist political geography, with a view to applying its insights to the struggles to protest and end political violence. The concept of feminist geopolitics is employed and recast, both as a bridging concept between feminist and political geography and as an analytical approach that has political valence in the context of the war in Iraq. Feminist geopolitics is revisited in this article, but remains a critical analytic in relation to body counts and other casualties in war zones.  相似文献   

楊偉聰  刘逸 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3253-3258
进入21世纪以来,全球生产网络(Global Production Net-work,GPN)研究非常深刻地展现了 Peter Dicken所描绘的"全球-地方矛盾".这个概念由Dicken在1994年发表于《Economic Geography》上的Roepke Lecture特邀文章中首次提出[1].作为过去20多年经济地理学的一个主要学术支柱,GPN研究经历了两个重要的理论发展阶段,即从早期的广泛而一般的GPN框架2-4]过渡到更加具备解释性的GPN 2.0理论[5-7].在GPN研究理论快速发展的这个时期里,Coe等首先提出了"战略耦合"这一关键而新颖的概念[4],并由Yeung对其进行了完善[8-10].  相似文献   

创新地理学研究的几个理论问题   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
吕拉昌  黄茹  廖倩 《地理科学》2016,36(5):653-661
创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的“人类创新活动”是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:创新地理学基本理论的研究;创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;多尺度的创新体系的研究;创新、城市发展与规划的研究。  相似文献   

Teaching Orientalism in Introductory Human Geography   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article explores efforts to bring postcolonial theory into the undergraduate human geography classroom. Through a case study of teaching Edward Said's Orientalism in introductory human geography, we discuss the relevance of postcolonial theory to critical pedagogy in geography. We lay out how instructors can teach Orientalism in introductory courses, what happens when they do so, and where efforts to use postcolonial theory to help students analyze the “colonial present” can be improved. We suggest that postcolonial theory is particularly well suited pedagogically to show students the mechanisms and uneven power relations producing and sustaining past and present geographies of difference.  相似文献   

The discipline of geography needs a more clearly defined academic purpose if it is to retain and enhance its position as an essential university subject. The discipline lacks the intellectual coherence it once achieved on the basis of environmental determinism. Geographers could re-establish a coherent intellectual foundation for geography by adopting a historical-intellectual mode of enquiry focusing on human thought and ideas and re-emphasizing the central importance of the human-environment relationship as the foundation of the discipline. An understanding of human activity in the environment in relation to ideas could provide a clearer focus for the discipline of geography and give it a stronger intellectual identity.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relevance of the work of Pierre Gourou for Vietnamese and non‐Vietnamese scholarship on colonial and postcolonial rural society in Vietnam. The term “tropicality” is used to situate Gourou's work within the framework of both French and Vietnamese regimes of truth. It is argued that Gourou was aware of the complex human geographies of the tropics and monsoon Asia and the challenges this posed to both Western and “tropical” peoples. Gourou and the issue of tropicality is used to show that Vietnamese scholars did not completely reject French colonial systems of knowledge, and that decolonisation did not herald a complete shift in knowledge about rural Vietnam. Rather, since the 1940s there has been antagonism and accommodation between colonial and postcolonial, French and Vietnamese modes of knowledge production. While Gourou underscored the otherness of the tropics, and there are colonial overtones in his work, he had an immense influence on indigenous ethnography and geography in Vietnam and elsewhere in the formerly colonised world. The article traces this important influence and how it has been both questioned and affirmed since independence in the Vietnamese context. It is suggested that the humanistic approach that Gourou pioneered in his 1936 study of the Red River Delta of northern Vietnam has outlived and been able to overcome the setbacks and drawbacks of both colonial and revolutionary/Vietnamese politico‐intellectual projects.  相似文献   

国际化和本土化是中国地理学当代发展重要的议题。平行对比中、英、美三国地理学的发展特征,有助于摆脱从西方视角下审视中国地理学发展的“偏见”,同时也有利于透析“西方”地理学内部的异质性、复杂性和多样性,总结中、英、美三国当前地理学的发展阶段,并溯源其发展历程,对于在国际知识交互和融合的过程中,保持、挖掘和凸显中国地理学发展特色,具有一定意义。文章分别对Journal of Geographical SciencesTransactions of the Institute of British GeographersAnnals of the Association of American Geographers三本期刊在2010—2020年的文献进行分析,揭示三国地理学在近年来的知识演进、历史热点和主题脉络。研究发现:1)美国地理学自然与人文并重,近年来对于“自然—环境—人文—社会”要素的综合地理研究比较活跃;2)英国在人文地理研究上更为“专注”,特别是社会文化地理学的发展极具特色;3)中国则以自然地理和区域研究为主,人文地理学和地理信息科学呈后起之势。中国地理学和以英美为代表的“西方”地理学在过去几十年间有着深刻的知识交互和影响,同时也基于各自社会基础,形成了不同的发展特征。中国地理学需要抓住中国时代变迁的重大需求牵引,加深和强化中国地理学在理论和实践方面研究,实现各分支学科的多样化发展和研究范式的转型融合,在与全球同行的对话中,讲好“中国地理故事”、总结“中国地理经验”,展现“中国地理理论”。  相似文献   

孙俊  潘玉君  汤茂林 《地理研究》2014,33(3):589-600
中国地理学史研究历程的考察表明其具有一定阶段性--从科学史研究到思想史研究:①20世纪40-80年代主要是科学史研究,建构了中国古代地理学的知识体系和学科体系,经历了梳理知识体系、建构学科体系和彻底重构学科体系三个阶段;②80年代后的思想史研究阶段是对科学史研究的深化,一方面建构了地理学科学方面的思想体系和“元问题”系统研究,另一方面对中国古代人文地理学思想给予了重新建构和评估。由此同时尝试回答中国地理学传统的流变,大致历程是:①公元前具有关注人文世界和注重考察、研究自然的传统;②公元前后到19世纪中叶这段时间以关注人文世界为主,考察和研究自然的传统有所弱化;③19世纪中叶以来中国地理学传统与欧美地理学传统有深厚渊源关系。同时也说明了中国古代有地理学,其传统与欧美地理学既有共通之处,又有所差别。  相似文献   

Charles W.J Withers 《Area》2002,34(3):303-311
The recent success of the RGS–IBG in securing funds to develop the Society's archives provides a moment in which those interested in the history of geographical knowledge and of geography as an academic discipline might reflect on the nature of 'the geographical archive' that is constituted in and by the academic department. Drawing, in part, upon the work of Derrida and of Foucault, the paper firstly examines what an archive is and what it does. Secondly, the paper raises questions about the process of archiving and the practices of being in the archive, using the example of a research project on the history of disciplinary geography in the author's university department. In conclusion, the paper calls for wider collective attention to the nature of 'the geographical archive' in institutions teaching and researching geography in the UK.  相似文献   

Editors' Note: The following is the ninth in the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Lecture Series. It is based on the plenary presentation of 3 September at the Annual Conference of the Royal Geography Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) held in London in 2010. In the search for a more international approach to theorizing cities, comparative methods hold considerable promise, although one concern might be that in their theoretical ambitions they foster a universalising approach rather than one appreciative of diverse and sometimes divergent urban experiences. The potentially universalizing ambitions of comparative methods lead some postcolonial theorists to question the extent to which comparativism carries the marks of colonial histories. Critics argue that some aspects of formal comparative methods can be traced to ambitious and geographically encompassing intellectual projects from the colonial era, when the interest and capacity to bring different parts of the world together within the same intellectual frame advanced significantly. This paper explores the complexities of these colonial lineages of comparative research with a view to assessing their implications for postcolonial comparative urbanism. It concludes by assessing the potential for more modest comparative experiments in a postcolonial vein through attending to the diverse vernacular cosmopolitanisms of cities. Following the spatialities of cities themselves has the potential to offer non‐universalizing but variously internationalizing theoretical engagements with different places.  相似文献   

Research traditions exert a powerful influence over the thinking of academic researchers. In population geography an entrenched empiricism and a reluctance to engage in wider debates on theory and method within human geography have resulted in a degree of separate development. Such methodological complacency has, until recently, threatened to undermine population geography's role within the discipline as a whole. Thus the discussion of multi-method research designs is of particular significance because it offers population geographers an opportunity to break out from the confines of a dominant research tradition and participate with other human geographers in an important methodological debate. This paper seeks not only to provide a critical overview of the current debate within population geography (as represented in the preceding papers in this Focus section) but also to extend that debate by raising issues of much more general concern. I argue that there are dangers in drawing the terms of the debate too narrowly. If we are to understand the nature and potential of multi-method research, we must first pose fundamental questions about the interrelationships among methods, data, and research problems. Pragmatic views on the choice of research method are inadequate because they fail to recognise the theory-driven nature of research. Only once we have achieved a better understanding of the philosophical grounding of research strategies will the opportunities afforded by multi-method research be fully realised.  相似文献   

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