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一、深化土地使用制度改革,规范土地市场建设的根本措施 1.深化土地使用制度改革,规范土地市场建设是盘活存量土地资产的有效途径 深化土地使用制度改革,规范土地市场建设,使土地资产逐步盘活,实现了土地的资产价值,在土地市场建设中发挥了应有的效应。当前我国正进行经济结构特别是产业结构和产品结构的调整,这些调整势必关系到或者直接涉及到土地利用结构的调整,要适应这个大趋势,抓住机遇,在经济结构调整中,通过深化土地使用制度改革,规范土地使用制度改革,规范土地市场建设,优化用地结构。  相似文献   

土地收购储备制度是一种政府和市场相结合配置土地资源的新机制,是促进国有土地资产保值增值行之有效地方法,对培育和规范城市土地市场,盘活企业存量土地,落实城市规划,增加政府土地收益,显化土地资产,合理利用土地资源,加快城市建设步伐等方面具有积极地作用。  相似文献   

土地收购储备制度是一种政府和市场相结合配置土地资源的新机制,是一种经营土地、经营城市,促进国有土地资产保值增值的行之有效的方法。它对培育和规范城市土地市场,盘活企业存量土地,落实城市规划,增加政府土地收益,显化土地资产,合理利用土地资源,加快城市建设步伐等方面具有积极的作用。[第一段]  相似文献   

为贯彻国务院及国土资源部加强国有土地资产管理的文件精神,2001年5月起各地纷纷成立了土地收购储备机构,土地收购储备制度逐步建立起来.土地储备制度在对规范土地市场、调控土地价格,加强土地合理利用等方面都起到了巨大的积极作用.土地储备工作与土地市场建设紧密结合同步运行,有效地解决了土地储备工作中存在的突出问题,进一步深化了土地使用制度的改革.  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展和土地使用制度改革的日益深化,日照市土地资源的资产价值正逐步得到体现。为加强国有土地资产管理,切实防止国有资产的流失,满足城市建设、企业改革、经济结构调整的需要,必须进一步规范管理土地交易行为,放开搞活土地市场,全面建设一个规范有序的有形土地市场。1日照市土地市场的现状日照市土地市场形成于20世纪80年代末90年代初,土地使用制度改革起步较早。为改革城镇国有土地使用制度,合理开发经营土地,国务院于1990年5月颁布了《中华人民共和国城镇固有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》,根据国务院的要求,…  相似文献   

培育规范土地市场是深化土地使用制度改革的一项重要内容。莱西市国土资源局土地储备中心坚持规范与搞活并举,积极培育土地"阳光市场",使土地使用制度更加健全、规范、有序,为促进莱西市经济和社会发展做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

我国的土地市场目前还处于发展的初级阶段,诸多土地交易行为不规范,一定程度上造成国有土地资产的流失。如何规范土地市场,解决目前土地市场暴露出来的问题,已成为土地管理部门的重要任务。  相似文献   

丹阳市国土资源局在认真贯彻执行国务院<关于加强国有土地资产管理的通知>精神,切实做好土地批租专项治理工作中,加强土地资产管理和土地市场建设,土地使用制度改革取得了显著的成效.  相似文献   

近几年来,日照市国土资源局坚持以“三个代表“重要思想和科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻落实国土资源法律法规政策,大力培育和规范土地市场,积极运用市场手段,加强土地利用管理,进一步优化了土地资源配置,提高了土地利用水平,支持了城市建设,促进了全市经济和社会事业的发展.……  相似文献   

2008年湖南土地市场简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地市场动态监测就是在一定区域范围内,将一定时期的土地供应数量、结构、区域分布、土地资产收益、地价房价水平等信息归纳整理,通过与以往土地市场数据的对比分析,寻找目前土地市场存在的问题,分析土地市场将来的发展趋势,为制定规范土地市场发展的政策和土地参与宏观调控提供依据和参考.  相似文献   

针对影响当前征地补偿安置落实的多种因素,对改进和完善征地补偿制度.保障农民土地权益提出了5项措施:一是限制征用土地范围,减少圈占耕地行为;二是依法落实补偿政策.保证费用足额到位。三是实行以土地换社保,保障农民长远生计;四是探索集体土地流转,合理分配土地收益。五是加大土地.执法力度.严肃查处违法行为。  相似文献   

Uncontrolled land use land cover change(LULCC) is impacting watershed hydrology,particularly in tropical watersheds in developing countries. We assessed the extent of LULCC in the southern portion of the Nyong River basin through analysis of three land use maps in 1987, 2000 and2014. LULCC impact on hydrological variables of the Mbalmayo, Olama, Pont So'o, Messam, and Nsimi sub-watersheds of the southern portion of the Nyong River basin were evaluated by using the linear regression modeling and the Mann-Kendall test. This study reveals that dense forest cover decreased by16%, young secondary forest increased by 18%,agricultural/cropland increased by 10%, and built-up area/bare soil increased by 3% from 1987 to 2014.The decrease in dense forest cover at 0.6% per year on average was driven by indiscriminate expansion of subsistence agricultural/cropland through shifting and fallow cultivation farming systems. Nonsignificant trends in total discharge, high flows, and low flows were observed in the large sub-watersheds of Mbalmayo and Olama from 1998 to 2013 with LULCC within the watershed. In contrast, significant decreasing trends in stream discharge(up to-5.1%and-5.9%), and significant increasing trends in high flows(up to 2.1% and 6.3%), respectively, were observed in the small sub-watersheds of Pont So'o and Messam from 1998 to 2013, particularly with increase in agricultural/cropland cover and decrease in dense forest cover. However, we found nonsignificant trends in mean annual discharge and low flows for all and whole watershed with LULCC. The results reveal spatially varying trends of stream discharge, low flows and high flows among the subwatersheds with LULCC within the study watershed.The results suggest that the impacts of LULCC on watershed hydrology are easily detected in small subwatersheds than in large sub-watersheds. Therefore,the magnitude of dense forest cover loss must be significantly greater than 16% to cause significant changes and common trends in the hydrology of the sub-watersheds of the southern portion of the Nyong River basin. The Mann-Kendall and Regression approaches show appreciable potential for modelling the impacts of LULCC on the hydrology of the southern portion of the Nyong River basin and for informing forest management.  相似文献   

今年6月25日,是国务院确定的第13个全国“土地日”。今年“土地日”的主题是:规范土地市场,促进可持续发展。  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTION oppeople’s commune,peasants were asked tojolnpro-ductlon cooperation bydonatingthelrla侣e possessedBefore 1949,private land ownership existed and assets such asland and la吧e production materialsthatland transactions were quite active.A household’s had been distributed Inlandreform.The members ofawealth Is directly correlated with the amount of land It production cooperation collectlvelyown all its propeftlespossesses.Af…  相似文献   

Review of studies on land use and land cover change in Nepal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land use and land cover(LULC) in Nepal has undergone constant change over the past few decades due to major changes caused by anthropogenic and natural factors and their impacts on the national and regional environment and climate.This comprehensive review of past and present studies of land use and land cover change(LUCC) in Nepal concentrates on cropland, grassland, forest, snow/glacier cover and urban areas. While most small area studies have gathered data from different sources and research over a short period, across large areas most historical studies have been based on aerial photographs such as the Land Resource Mapping Project in 1986. The recent trend in studies in Nepal is to focus on new concepts and techniques to analyze LULC status on the basis of satellite imagery, with the help of geographic information system and remote sensing tools. Studies based on historical documents, and historical and recent spatial data on LULC, have clearly shown an increase in cropland areas in Nepal,and present results indicating different rates and magnitudes. A decrease in forest and snow/glacier coverage is reported in most studies. Little information is available on grassland and urban areas from past research. The unprecedented rate of urbanization in Nepal has led to significant urban land changes over the past 30 years. Meanwhile, long term historical LUCC research in Nepal is required for extensive work on spatially explicit reconstructions on the basis of historical and primary data collection, including LULC archives and drivers for future change.  相似文献   

在市场经济和城市化进程的背景下,政府职能也随之改变,从建设城市到管理城市,再到经营城市,是城市发展的必然阶段,经营城市土地已成为各级政府实施城市化战略的重要内容之一,从政府建设城市和其职能出发,提出经营城市土地的基本思路和原则及提高政府调控供地能力的方法,对供地方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

今年6月25日是第12个全国"土地日"。今年"土地日"的主题是:规范土地市场,促进经济发展。土地具有资源和资产的双重属性。  相似文献   

土地使用权招标、拍卖和挂牌出让的推行,不仅是土地市场规范建设和土地出让方式转变的重要措施,而且是实现土地供应机制和土地资产市场化运营的根本性变革,其在实践中出现的带有普遍性的问题,值得引起关注和重视。文章就土地使用权招标、拍卖和挂牌出让中的土地价格、土地供应、生地和熟地出让、配套服务等问题进行分析、研究和探讨,以期形成共识,对实践起借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   

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