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对2005-2006年采集于鄱阳湖的169尾蒙古鲌年龄与生长进行了研究.鄱阳湖蒙古鲌样本,年龄范围0~5,以2~3龄为主,优势体长在200-300mm(53.25%),体重分布集中在100~300g(55.03%).结果表明:体长与鳞长呈直线相关;体长和体重呈幂函数关系;属匀速生长,用von Bertalanffy方程描述其生长式型.生长拐点年龄为6.24龄,对应体长为395.53mm,体重为852.90g.了解鄱阳湖蒙古鲌的生长规律,为鄱阳湖蒙古鲌资源的合理配置与利用提供依据.  相似文献   

兴凯湖翘嘴鲌(Culter albarnus)的生长特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用经典的VonBertalanffy生长方程和数理统计的方法 ,于 2 0 0 1— 2 0 0 2年在中俄界湖兴凯湖采集翘嘴 ,对其生长特性进行了研究。结果表明 ,翘嘴体长和体重的关系为W =0 .0 0 77L3.1 (r=0 .9881 ) ,VonBertalanffy生长方程为Lt=1 5 3.2 [1 -e- 0 .0 5(t+1 ) ];Wt=42 0 0 0 .3×[1 -e- 0 .0 6(t+1 ) ]3.1 ,体重生长拐点t=1 7.6龄 ,相应的体长为 95 .3cm ,体重为 1 2 70 6.6g。按生长指标值分析 ,阶段生长可划分为两个时期 ,即 1 7.6龄前的生长迅速期和 1 7.6龄后的生长减缓期。因此 ,为了保护翘嘴鱼类资源 ,天然渔业的捕捞个体规格应控制在 5 0 0 0g以上。  相似文献   

北部湾红鳍笛鲷年龄与生长特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2006年7月~2007年8月北部湾渔业商业捕捞流刺网和底拖网渔获物中采集的样本,对北部湾红鳍笛鲷的年龄与生长特性进行了初步研究.结果表明,北部湾红鳍笛鲷优势年龄2~4龄,占61.29%;logistic生长模型为其最适生长模型,模型中的参数分别为:L∞=808.04mm,k=0.48,t0=3.48;体长与体重的生长拐点分别为3.48龄和5.43龄.  相似文献   

太湖湖鲚年龄与生长的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
湖鲚鳞片年轮可作为年龄鉴定的依据,其边缘增长率K的周年变化,表明年轮系一年形成一次,主要在4—6月出现。体长与鳞长的关系式为L=18.658+118.06R,与体重关系式为W_♀=7.588×10~(-6)L~(2.8301)、W_♂=5.584×10~(-6)L~(2.8781)。2龄鱼以前,体长和体重相对增长率与生长指标较大,2龄以后则相反。生长适合Von Bertalanffy生长方程,体重生长曲线的拐点位于2—3龄的W=0.292W_∞处;生长速度和加速度曲线能反映生长过程的变化特征,合理的捕捞年龄应为2龄以后,体长为170mm以上。本文为提高太湖湖鲚产量提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

对2005—2006年采集于鄱阳湖的169尾蒙古鲐年龄与生长进行了研究。鄱阳湖蒙古鲐样本,年龄范围0^+~5,以2~3龄为主,优势体长在200—300mm(53.25%).体重分布集中在100~300g(55.03%)。结果表明:体长与鳞长呈直线相关;体长和体重呈幂函数关系;属匀速生长,用vori Bertalanffy方程描述其生长式型。生长拐点年龄为6.24龄,对应体长为395.53mm,体重为852.90g。了解鄱阳湖蒙古鲐的生长规律,为鄱阳湖蒙古鲐资源的合理配置与利用提供依据。  相似文献   

武昌南湖花(鱼骨)的生长研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
花(鱼骨)适应性强,生长迅速,肉味腴美,食性和栖息水层与主要养殖鱼类不同,所以增、移殖该鱼对发挥水体生产潜力具积极作用。 武昌南湖花(鱼骨)的生长特性:体长与鳞径关系为L=3.8105~(1.1277)。体长与体重关系为W=4.947×10~(-3)L~(3.4158)。生长指标跳跃性下降时的年龄落在性成熟后。Brody-Bertalanffy生长方程中的主要生物学参数为L_∞=33.14cm,W_∞=776.1g,K=0.4173,t_0=—0.7369,拐点年龄t_i=2.20龄,拐点体重W_i=236.8g。这是鱼类体重生长的转折点,可作为合理捕捞的依据。  相似文献   

翘嘴红鲌(Erythroculterilishaeformis)是大型淡水鱼类鳊鲌亚科(Abramidinae)中最大的一种鱼,具有较高的经济价值。但其饲料转化率及抗病性研究相对较少,相关基因信息缺乏。本研究以翘嘴红鲌为对象,利用RACE技术克隆翘嘴红鲌果糖-1.6-二磷酸醛缩酶(ALDO-C)基因,该基因cDNA全长1945bp,其中ORF区975bp,编码325个氨基酸.5′非编码区933bp.3′非编码区37bp。通过实时荧光定量PCR检测了ALDO-C在不同组织中相对表达水平。发现ALDO-C基因在翘嘴红鲌的肾、肝、肌肉、性腺中均有表达,且在肾中表达量最高,显著高于其他组织。同时采用石蜡切片、H.E染色和原位杂交染色,观察分析翘嘴红鲌的肾组织显微结构和ALDO-C基因的表达定位,结果表明,ALDO-C在鱼类肾单位和集合管结构、调节肾组织水平衡及抗病性方面有重要作用。可以考虑将翘嘴红鲌醛缩酶C基因作为生长发育及抗病性相关的候选基因,用于翘嘴红鲌鱼的分子辅助育种,以期为今后的研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

对采自广西红水河都安红渡镇河段的8个批次共289尾巴马繐唇鲃样本进行了生物学测定分析.结果表明:巴马繐唇鲃渔获物以1~2龄鱼为主,捕捞群体呈低龄化;体长(L)与鳞径(R)呈线性关系:L=1.782 4 67.67R;体长与体重的关系式为W=0.033 4L2.830 2,其生长规律用von Bertalanffy方程表示为Lt=16.477 7[1-e-0.219 0(t 1.177 2)]和Wt=92.696 3[1-e-0.219 0(t 1.177 2)]2.830 2;生长拐点年龄为3.57龄,此时的体长和体重分别为10.65 cm和25.04 g.生长速度和加速度曲线能反映其生长规律.建议实施巴马繐唇鲃资源保护,以维持其渔业可持续发展.  相似文献   

采用RAPD技术对翘嘴红鲌养殖群体进行了DNA多态性检测.共采用40个随机引物进行扩增,其中14个引物可获得清晰且重复性好的扩增图谱,共扩增出121个RAPD位点,具有多态现象的位点为40个,多态位点比例为33.06%.翘嘴红鲌群体的遗传相似系数为 0.8878-0.9600,平均为0.9201,遗传变异度为0.0799.Shannon多样性指数为10.8824,Shannon多样性值为0.0899.研究表明,翘嘴红鲌目前的种质资源状况令人堪忧,改变目前人工繁育模式,建立原种、良种场,丰富物种遗传多样性是资源保护的基础.  相似文献   

北部湾大头白姑鱼生长特性及群体组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2006年7月~2007年12月北部湾商业捕捞底拖网和流刺网渔获物中采集的样本,通过矢耳石研磨和生长轮观察,初步研究了北部湾大头白姑鱼的年龄与生长特性,并对其渔业生物学特征进行了分析。结果表明,北部湾大头白姑鱼优势体长145~185 mm,占69.7%;优势体重为80~200 g,占69.2%;年龄组成为当龄鱼~Ⅵ龄鱼,以Ⅰ龄鱼与Ⅱ龄与为主,分别占24.60%和50.96%;样本的雌雄性比为1.05∶1,繁殖期性比为1.13∶1。利用最大似然法估计von Bertalanffy、Logistic和Gompertz生长方程的生长参数,ARSS检验表明雌雄生长差异不显著,AIC和BIC检验得出von Bertalanffy生长方程为最适生长模型。主要参数分别为:L∞=229.95 mm,K=0.408,t0=-0.962;体重的生长拐点为1.753龄。  相似文献   

2019~2020年在三峡库区巫山(WS)、万州(WZ)、丰都(FD)、涪陵(FL)4个采样点采集到新建短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)种群153尾个体,基于鳞片和10个微卫星DNA标记进行年龄结构、生长特征与遗传多样性分析。结果显示,短颌鲚种群体长分布范围为102.1~301.6mm,平均体长(196.6±40.0)mm;体重分布范围为1.90~79.70g,平均体重(17.70±13.06)g。短颌鲚种群年龄组为1~5龄,其中2龄和3龄为优势年龄组,占总个体数的82.35%。体长-体重呈幂函数指数关系,属于正异速生长类型。微卫星DNA标记分析结果显示,10个微卫星位点共检测到82个等位基因,各群体平均等位基因数(Na)为5.600 0~7.300 0,平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为3.541 4~3.831 5,平均观测杂合度(Ho)为0.617 7~0.700 0,平均期望杂合度(He)为0.682 3~0.702 9之间,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.628 5~0.648 4。4个群体的遗传多样性水平均较高,呈现出由三峡库区下游至上游逐渐减小的特点。遗传结构分析结果显示,群体间遗传分化水平很低,遗传变异主要来源于个体内部。结果表明,三峡库区短颌鲚种群处于快速扩张阶段,4个群体均具有较丰富的遗传多样性,遗传结构未发生显著群体分化,群体间基因交流频繁。由此提示,三峡库区短颌鲚很可能来源于三峡大坝下种群扩张迁入三峡库区水域而繁殖建群。  相似文献   

Growth of the red gurnard, Chelidonichthys kumu (Lesson and Garnot), from Pegasus Bay, Canterbury, was measured during 1966–67. Otoliths were used as an indicator of fish growth; mean length‐at‐age data were obtained from back‐calculated fish lengths at the time of formation of successive annual rings in the otoliths. Growth in length was found to be adequately expressed by the von Bertalanffy growth equation :

lt = 52.0 [1 ‐ e0.406 (t‐o.291)]

(where lt is the fork length in cm at age t). The length: weight relationship was:

w = 78.56 × 10‐4 l 3.072

(where w is the weight in grams). From this relationship, growth in weight was described by the equation:

wt = 1469 [1 ‐ e‐0.406 (t‐0.291)]3.  相似文献   

Growth and reproduction of the Japanese mantis shrimp, Oratosquilla oratoria, were investigated in the Tongyeong, Korea from July 2014 to August 2015. A total of 2,621 samples (1,380 females and 1,241 males) were collected during the study period. Females were observed more frequently than males. The mean body length (BL) was 128.5 ± 0.38 mm in females and 126.9 ± 0.42 mm in males. The mean body weight (BW) was 31.2 ± 0.28 g in females and 31.1 ± 0.32 g in males. There was a significant difference in the length-frequency distribution between females and males. The relationship between BL and BW was lnBW = 2.85 × lnBL - 10.43 for females and lnBW = 2.87 × lnBL -10.52 for males. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) varied on a monthly basis. The GSI reached a maximum in May and a minimum in November. The highest values of the GSI coincided with the spawning period of O. oratoria. Larger individuals of O. oratoria have their spawning season earlier than smaller ones. The size at sexual maturity of females was estimated as 96.5 mm. The Von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were BL = 184.5 mm, K = 0.72 year?1, C = 0.36 and WP = 0.45 for females and BL = 183.75 mm, K = 0.82 year?1, C = 0.38 and WP = 0.22 for males. The growth of males was slightly faster than females. The present study will help with the fisheries management of O. oratoria based on ecological parameters.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the age and growth of P. yokohamae, whose specimens were collected monthly from April 1982 to May 1983 by trawl in the Bohai Sea. In the study the age and growth of P. yokohamae is determined by annual ring on otolith. On the basis of calculation of monthly changes in appearing frequency for opaque zones on the otolith edgs it is determined that the annual ring of P. yokohamae is formed in January-March every year.The relation of the standard length to the body weight is W=3.2×10-5L2.3018. The relationship between the otolith radius and the standard length is R=-5.43× 10-3 1.71 ×10-2L- 1.20× 10-5L2. The growth for this species is expressed by von-Bertalanffy equation, Lt = L∞[1-e-K(t-t0)], where L∞ = 418mm, t0 = -0.7475 and K=0.252.The P. yokohamae grows faster at the age of 1-2, but slower after two years old. The coordinate of weight-growth inflexion point is at t =3.84 and W=386 g.  相似文献   

花鲈仔、稚、幼鱼摄食习性与生长的研究   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:36  
分析了花鲈仔、稚、幼鱼的摄食习性与生长.结果表明,在水温为15.5~16.5℃时,花妒仔鱼孵出约140h左右开口摄食,开口饵料为小型臂尾轮虫.全长10mm左右的仔鱼可摄食卤虫幼体,全长11mm左右的个体可摄食枝角类.对431尾仔、稚、幼鱼观察结果,在实验条件下其摄食率高达99.1%,胃饱满系数波动于2.38%~16.48%之间,日摄食指数在45%~60%.其摄食强度具明显的昼夜节律,以16:00~20:00胃饱满度最高.仔、稚鱼夜间基本不摄食,部分幼鱼个体少量摄食.仔、稚、幼鱼个体间生长速度具有一定的差异性.其体重与摄食量的关系符合直线方程y=0.1018+8.3261×10-2x;全长与体重的相关关系可用ω=1.6473×10-3L3.4743表示,全长与日龄的关系式为Lt=5.5242e1.9681×10-2D;体重与日龄的回归方程为ω=0.5836e6.9208×10-2D.  相似文献   

The relation between the nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the Sea of Okhotsk and the bordering waters of the Pacific Ocean were studied. The surveys were carried out in the autumn, spring, and summer of 2001–2002. For the deepwater part of the sea, the relation [NO? 3] = ((14.88 ± 0.07) × [PO3? 4] ? 5.46 ± 0.17) was found. The coefficients in the equation given are statistically different from those in the similar equation for the Pacific waters: [NO? 3] = (16.05 ± 0.15) × [PO3? 4]-(7.23 ± 0.36). In the northern part of the sea; on the shelf; in the slope area; and, especially, in the deep waters of the TINRO Depression, the linear dependence between the phosphate and nitrate concentrations was distorted. This feature was described in terms of nitrate deficiency. The maximum values of this deficiency were found in the near-bottom waters. The principal processes that might cause the nitrate deficiency were considered: the difference in the oxidation rates of the nitrogen and phosphorus organic compounds, the matter transfer between the continent and the sea, the different efficiency of the biogenic burial of nitrogen and phosphorus in the bottom sediments, and the denitrification in the upper layer of the bottom sediments. It was shown that the most probable cause of the nitrate deficiency was the denitrification. The loss of inorganic nitrogen owing to the supply of the waters of the Sea of Okhotsk to the Pacific Ocean was estimated as ~2.5 × 1011 mol N/year.  相似文献   

本实验于2014年9月—2015年6月选用同一批次的墨西哥湾扇贝选育系F_7和对照系贝苗,在广西北部湾海域进行生长对比养殖实验。将出池稚贝在海上保苗过渡,长至10mm进入中培期,长至30mm进入养成期,再投放到广西北海、钦州、防城港3个养殖海域,采用网笼吊养方式养殖,对各时期的墨西哥湾扇贝选育系F_7和对照系的生长性能及在3个海域生长进行评估。结果表明,墨西哥湾扇贝选育系F_7的各生长指标都优于同日龄对照系(P0.05)。在北海海域,选育系和对照系的壳长、壳宽、壳高、体质量、软体质量、肉柱重等各生长指标具有显著差异(P0.05);在钦州海域,选育系和对照系的以上各生长指标都具有显著差异(P0.05),但233日龄除外;在防城港海域,232日龄的选育系和对照系的壳长、壳高差异显著(P0.05)。在150日龄,墨西哥湾扇贝选育系F_7的壳长、壳高表现为北海钦州防城港,墨西哥湾扇贝选育系F_7的壳宽、体质量、肉柱重表现为北海防城港钦州。水质测量结果显示,北海的盐度、温度、pH、溶解氧的变化最为稳定,钦州、防城港的水质变化较大。浮游植物统计分析结果表明,浮游植物藻属的种类从大到小依次为钦州北海防城港,而浮游植物数量从大到小依次为北海防城港钦州。墨西哥湾扇贝选育系F_7的生长性状明显高于对照系,以北海生长最为突出,具有明显的生长优势和发展潜力。研究结果为墨西哥湾扇贝选育系F_7在广西北部湾的推广养殖及进一步选育提供基础资料。  相似文献   

用鳞片并对照耳石,鉴定广东大亚湾中华青鳞鱼年龄。提出体重、体长和鳞长关系。用重量法计算220尾雌鱼的怀卵量,分析性成熟系数月变化和卵径分布。  相似文献   


Rough and smooth skates (Dipturus nasutus (Banks 1841) and/), innominatus (Garrick &; Paul 1974)) were aged by counting growth bands on X‐rays of thick sections of vertebral centra. Band counts were imprecise, but there was no between‐reader bias. Age estimates were not validated. The oldest rough skate was 9 years old, but few were more than 6 years old. Females may live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was Lr = 91.3 (1 ‐ e?0.16[t + 1.20]). Half the males matured by c. 52 cm pelvic length (PL) and 4 years, and females by 59 cm PL and 6 years. The oldest smooth skate in the sample was 24 years, but longevity probably exceeds that. Females appear to live longer than males. The combined sexes von Bertalanffy growth curve was: Lt = 150.5 (1 ‐ e?0.095[t + 1.06]). Half the males matured by c. 93 cm PL and 8 years, and females by 112 cm PL and 13 years. Smooth skate are late maturing and long‐lived relative to other skates, whereas rough skate are early maturing with a moderate life span.  相似文献   

We examine the concentration variations of the different parameters X of the carbonate system in seawater when calcium carbonate precipitation occurs. Variations are expressed as ∂[X]/∂[Ca2+]. Four different cases are considered: spontaneous chemical precipitation; calcification combined with photosynthetic activity under a constant ΔCT/Δ[Ca2+] ratio; precipitation under constant pCO2 and precipitation under constant [Ca2+]·[CO32−] ionic concentration product. The last condition should be maintained by an ecosystem which, thanks to the regulation of its calcifying and photosynthetic activity, would absorb 1 mol of carbon for organic tissue each time 1 mol of CaCO3 is formed. This stoichiometric ratio would allow the activity of these biological communities to go on in practically closed systems during periods compatible with their growth or development cycles.  相似文献   

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