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八月浙江多台风.上世纪五十年代以来,八月份在浙江省登陆的台风共有16个.破坏力超强的"9417"号台风、"9711"号台风和去年的"云娜"台风,都是在八月份向我们袭来.  相似文献   

根据省委、省政府和省防汛指挥部关于防御9号强台风(麦莎)的工作部署,浙江省国士资源厅先后及时下发了“关于做好今年第9号台风(麦莎)地质灾害防御工作的通知”和“关于切实做好今年第9号台风(麦莎)地质灾害防治工作的紧急通知”。厅地质灾害预报组安排专人24小时值班,使用ALPS系统密切监测雨情变化,对可能诱发地质灾害地地区实时发布预报预警。  相似文献   

今年第14号台风“云娜”于8月12日20时在台州市温岭石塘登陆,此次台风风力强、雨量大,为有记载登陆大陆台风之最,极限风速58米/秒、极限雨量超过700毫米,平均达339毫米,14号台风后,16、18号台风相继影响我市,对于长期处于干旱状态的台州,极易诱发山体滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害。在市委、市领导的统一指挥下,在省国土资源厅的指导下,全市国土资源系统全力以赴、周密部署、提前预防、科学决策,指导各乡镇村积极开展地质灾害的防治工作,成功转移、撤离167个地质灾害隐患点(矿区)的受威胁人员7260人次。  相似文献   

狂风肆虐,暴雨倾盆,巨浪翻天…… 8月12日20时,今年第14号强台风"云娜"正面袭击浙江.这是1956年以来登陆我国大陆的强度最大的台风,极限风速达58/秒."云娜"来势凶猛,"风、暴、潮三聚头",在浙江整整肆虐了15个小时…… 仅隔13天,8月25日,18号强台风"艾利"再次奔袭浙江……  相似文献   

今年第8号台风“桑美”在苍南县马站登陆,给全县人民生命财产造成重大损失.作为海滨渔业重镇的巴曹镇,在此次台风中却意外地没有造成重大人员伤亡.镇党委书记顾金勇由衷地对记说:"此次我镇之所以没有造成重大人员伤亡,巴曹国土资源所功不可没,我要为他们请功."这也是记在采访过程中听到的最多的一句话.  相似文献   

2021年第6号(2106)台风“烟花”是我国有监测记录以来对大陆影响时间最长的台风,为华东地区带来了暴雨级的降水。基于台风“烟花”(2106)影响江苏南通地区期间小时尺度高分辨率的降水稳定同位素数据,分析了降水稳定同位素组成变化特征及影响因素。结果表明:降水δ18O值为-11.7‰~-2.3‰,加权平均值为-7.4‰。台风影响前期,采样点水汽主要来源于附近海域,受云下蒸发效应的影响,降水δ18O值相对偏正;台风影响中期,受相对湿度与上游累积对流强度的共同控制,降水δ18O值逐渐偏负。但相较于已发表的我国台风降水δ18O极端偏负值(-20.1‰~-12.6‰),台风“烟花”(2106)降水δ18O极值并未显著偏负,主要是由于上游累积对流降水历时较短以及台风登陆后水汽缺乏大规模有组织性的对流活动。  相似文献   

为研究台风时期对流层延迟的演变,基于ERA5再分析数据,计算西北太平洋1822号台风“山竹”、1622号台风“海马”以及西北大西洋1709号飓风(台风)“厄玛”时期各高度层可降水量及对应的对流层延迟。结果表明,计算得到的对流层延迟与IGS对流层延迟产品存在明显时空差异,台风对测站影响越强,两者一致性越差。进一步分析表明,台风过境会引起可降水量及各高度层水汽分布比例发生变化,两者均会影响对流层延迟,其中,可降水量的变化占主导。在可降水量一定、850~500 hPa高度层中水汽含量占比最大时,对流层延迟最大。台风使分布于对流层低层的水汽增多,使用传统对流层延迟模型估算对流层延迟,可能会产生额外误差。  相似文献   

利用NCEP1°×1°的再分析资料,用大尺度水汽通量流函数和速度势以及水汽收支对台风“麦莎”在移动过程中水汽输送流函数和速度势进行了分析。结果表明:台风“麦沙”在北上过程中,主要有2支水汽通道,一支是从太平洋开始向西经赤道到达印度洋,在索马里转向,经过孟家加拉湾呈西南气流向西北方向输送;另一支来自副高南侧偏东气流。计算分析还表明,用无辐散风流场来定台风中心要比用总的流场更精确。  相似文献   

自1970年4月22日美国首次举行“地球日”以来,该活动得到全世界人民的认可,从此“地球日”也成为“世界地球日”,它唤起人类爱护地球、保护家园的意识,促进资源开发与环境保护的协调发展。我国也于20世纪90年代起加入了这项活动,每年的4月22日,国土资源部都要在全国开展“世界地球日”宣传活动,[第一段]  相似文献   

针对近年来大气能见度严重恶化的问题,利用成都市气象局提供的1980~2010年13个站点的观测资料,分别采用累积百分率法、Ridit分析法和“非常好”能见度出现的频率法对该地区具有代表性的5个县(金堂、大邑、新津、彭州和温江)的能见度的变化趋势进行了详细分析.结果表明,三种研究方法的分析结果较为一致.从年代际对比的角度而言,金堂、大邑、新津20世纪80年代和90年代能见度高,21世纪初能见度低,彭州反之;温江20世纪80年代变化不显著,90年代略高于总体平均能见度,21世纪又降低.从年变化趋势的角度而言,除彭州外,金堂、大邑和新津的能见度均呈下降趋势,且季节差异也在逐渐缩小.从季节变化特征的角度而言,5个站点的能见度均表现出夏季最高,春季和秋季次之,冬季最低.夏季“非常好”能见度出现的频率表明,相比彭州而言,其它4个站点的能见度较差,受污染情况较严重.  相似文献   

The growing attention on urban tourism was very widespread. There are two angles to study urban tourism: supply-side and demand-side. And the supply-side of the tourism remains very important. The RBD (Recreation Business District) is a useful framework to understand the components of urban tourism and how they fit together. The paper begins with a review on the RBD and the spatial structure of tourism in urban areas and then attempts to develop a more general understanding of the spatial structure evolution of RBDs in a tourist-historic city—Suzhou. The spatial structures and functions of the RBDs in Suzhou are examined, based on field observations, interviews with city officials and industry leaders, and a review of available documents. The urban tourism of Suzhou has developed in a range of contexts, that various types of RBDs have emerged as a result of different urban development strategies. The spatial structure has evolved from the past “Single-cored Structure“ to “Double-cored Structure“ at present, and then to “Chain Structure“ in the future. The spatial form and evolution of RBD in Suzhou are closely relative with its urban spatial expansion. Urban area dispersal is the prerequisite of the emergence of the RBD. Planning and constructing the RBD becomes a new impetus to urban growth or renewal. Finally, a number of strategies for planning and developing the RBD in Suzhou are suggested. The different RBDs should adopt different strategies.Intensification can be the possible strategy for the RBDs in the ancient city. Accreting with the urban theme park or engrafting on the Jinji Lake is suggested respectively for the RBD in the Suzhou New District and the Suzhou Indus-trial Park.  相似文献   

Comparison of various definitions or discusses of ur-ban competitiveness (UC) reveals that these arguments from different scholars usually start from the following aspects: 1) the capacity of attracting, capturing, pos-sessing, controlling and transforming resources; 2) the life quality level; 3) the capacity of value or wealth creation; 4) the capacity of urban sustainable develop-ment. Actually, among these four aspects there exists a delicate logistic relation. The perspectives of urban sus…  相似文献   

近年来,针对中国生态环境、洪涝灾害应急响应、国土安全监测等遥感观测任务,无人航空遥感手段需求越来越多。构建异构无人航空器遥感观测多任务集群系统是近几年的发展目标,为完成无人航空遥感生态建设,垂直起降无人机以其不受场地限制起降又可快速巡飞的特点,在多个领域发挥着越来越大的作用。本文主要研究内容包括国内垂直起降无人机发展现状调研、面向航空遥感应用市场的无人机分析及典型机型介绍、垂直起降无人机在遥感领域的应用场景及案例分析、垂直起降无人机在遥感领域的应用前景及发展趋势等。通过广泛调研及深入分析可知,目前垂直起降固定翼无人机正逐步取代多旋翼飞行器的主导地位;垂直起降无人机占据了遥感应用无人机80.47%的市场份额;动力多元化、系统智能化、布局多样化、尺寸小型化等是面向遥感应用的垂直起降无人机的发展方向。本文较为全面地阐述和剖析了面向遥感应用的垂直起降无人机的相关内容,为遥感航空无人机生态建设提供了参考与支撑。  相似文献   

There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development(FD)and economic growth of China,such as simply assuming the causality direction,not highlighting financial institution,us-ing incomplete financial indicator,etc.This article,taking Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province,China as a case,builds a simple model to study the level of FD from three aspects of financial scale,structure and institution.Three original in-dicators of PRIVY(private investment/aggregate investment),DEPTH(aggregate loan/GDP)and FDIVG(FDI/GDP)are used to construct the FD economic indicator through Principal Component Analysis approach.Then we use Granger method to analyze the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou.Empirical test results show that the FD of Suzhou is the Granger reason of economic growth,while economic growth is not the reason for FD,because the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou is just in the"supply-leading"period.In terms of Suzhou experiences,the local government should strengthen the protection of private investment,improve the institutional environment,and establish the reasonable financial structure.So we can concluded that FD could play a great role in promoting economic growth at the economy takeoff stage.  相似文献   

The urban competitive advantages rely on the combination and interaction of influential factors. As a dynamic progressive process, the city at different time has different competition influential factors combination. Because of this, the urban competitive advantages take on time-series characteristics. Stages of urban competition can be summed up into three ones, the basic factor-driven, the investment-driven and the innovation-driven. The finding of the study on the stages of urban competitive advantages in Suzhou is that in the current stage of Suzhou its competitive advantage is the investment-driven. The investment, especially FDI, plays remarkable functions for Suzhou competition with other cities.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONWiththeaccelerationoftheeconomicglobaliza-tionthegradualshapingofthenewinternationaldivi-sionoflaborandthedevelopmentofthetransnationalcorporationstheworldurbansystemshavebegunanewroundofintegration.Ononehandthecitiesallovertheglobeare…  相似文献   

Helicopters are often used in mountain rescue both for rescuers moving in the area of accidents and for evacuating victims, but in steep or forested terrain finding a landing place can be problematic. The main aim of this research is to use Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and cartographic database analysis to select locations that can be used as landing site for the rescue helicopters. Methods were based on GIS analysis; both raster and vector data were used for identifying touchdown points for rescue helicopters. Based on DEM data, locations with a low slope gradient were identified; topographic vector data were used for identifying unforested sites. Then buffer zones for buildings and power lines were excluded, and it was checked whether the areas had any topographic features that prevented helicopter landings. The findings were verified on an orthophotomap. In result, GIS analyses have selected 1232 polygons that fulfilled initial criteria. Their verification on orthophotomap has shown that only 55% of them could be potentially used as landing site. Landing sites can be found mainly on side ridges of mountain ranges and in valley beds, when those on ridges are most important in this research. The greatest difficulties and methodological challenges are posed by: identification of sites having a shape which prevents landing, the obsolescence of data due to environment dynamics, the presence of features that are not shown on maps but prevent helicopter landings. A map of landing sites is a very useful tool to conduct rescue operations, but each use of a given landing site requires both in-field and numerical verification. The analysis demonstrated that GIS toolsare useful in pre-planning of rescue missions, and also showed that such data must be kept up-to-date and in-field verification is needed continuously, the more so as it plays an important role in ensuring the safety of rescuers and victims.  相似文献   

Based on dynamic theory of system, agriculture is a complex system composed by element, structure, function and development. Firstly, this paper analyzes their connotation and relationship, which could be simply described that in virtue of element integrating and structure optimizing, agricultural system may achieve multifunctionality to meet increasingly diverse demands. As a case study of Suzhou, it concludes that Suzhou has a LP-dependence on agricultural element, and the growth extent of agricultural productivity correlates to the ratio of agricultural labor reducing rate to farmland reducing rate. Agricultural structure of Suzhou changed with time, and in the early 1980s and 2000s it was most notable. Correspondingly, agricultural function has experienced a succession process: ‘production’, ‘production-living’, and ‘production-living-ecology’. At last, based on questionnaires and interviews, some new characteristics and problems of agricultural development in coastal developed region of China have been put forward. Meanwhile, some typical patterns of modern agriculture in Suzhou which adapt to system evolving are also brought up such as export-oriented agriculture, enterprises-leading agriculture, agricultural science and technology parks, characteristic and stereoscopic agriculture, tourism and sightseeing agriculture. Foundation item: Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40635029, No. 40771014)  相似文献   

1 ADVANCINGOFTHEQUESTIONANDCONSTRUCTIONBACKGROUNDOFSUZHOUINDUSTRYGARDENPerroxgavespecialattentiontotheeffectofimportantitemsandconstructionofinfrastructurewhenhediscussedtheproductionofgrowthpole(Li,1988).Lotsofdomesticscholarshavealsoprobedintothi…  相似文献   

基于案例推理是智能决策辅助系统中的一种重要技术。本文结合历史登陆战役地理环境,对登陆战役所涉及的各种地理要素进行了分析,把登陆地域所涉及的领域背景知识表示成概念层次树形式,使数据的分布模式具有更强的可视性。将案例推理技术引用于历史登陆战役地理环境查询分析系统,研究案例库的结构设计、案例的组织和表示、地理环境处置规则的表示等。叙述了案例库的建立方法、属性权重算法和相似性度量算法,以及系统的结构和实现方法。  相似文献   

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