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Revegetation of disturbed land, particularly in arid environments, is often hindered by low seedling establishment. Information on seed biology and germination cues of keystone species is lacking, particularly in arid Australia; a major zone for mining developments. This study investigated seed characteristics and germination of 18 common species required for rehabilitation of disturbed areas at Shark Bay Salt in the Shark Bay World Heritage Area, Western Australia. Untreated seeds of seven species (Aphanopetalum clematideum, Atriplex bunburyana, Austrostipa elegantissima, Melaleuca cardiophylla, Pembertonia latisquamea, Rhagodia baccata, Salsola tragus) exhibited high germination percentages. Seeds of two species (Acacia tetragonophylla, Stylobasium spathulatum) had low imbibition, which increased with hot-water treatment, hence require scarification for germination. Gibberellic acid, smoke water and karrikinolide (a butenolide isolated from smoke) substantially increased germination percentages of three species (Anthocercis littorea, Diplolaena grandiflora, Solanum orbiculatum). Seeds of the remaining six species (Dioscorea hastifolia, Eremophila oldfieldii, Nitraria billardierei, Ptilotus exaltatus, Thryptomene baeckeacea, Zygophyllum fruticulosum) had low germination percentages regardless of treatment. Most species germinated equally well at 26/13 °C and 33/18 °C, however seven species had improved performance at 26/13 °C. This study is significant to land managers and conservation agencies with an interest in optimising germination of arid zone seeds for restoration.  相似文献   

Krameria lappacea (Rhatany or Ratanhia, Krameriaceae) is an endangered, overexploited medicinal plant from the semi-deserts of Andean South America, and is destructively harvested from nature. There are published data on parasitism of Krameria from three North American species, but not on K. lappacea, the only economically important species. The present study investigates the presence or absence of hemiparasitism, host plant range and haustorium morphology/anatomy. The study was carried out at two sites in Peru, Department Arequipa, Prov. Arequipa. Hemiparasitism was confirmed, with 106 haustorical connections to 18 host plant species from 17 genera and 12 plant families observed, nearly doubling the number of host plant species known for Krameria (incl. four additional angiosperm families). Root and haustorium architecture and anatomy were found to be similar to the North American species. K. lappacea is a highly generalistic hemiparasite and host distribution and abundance are likely not limiting factors for Krameria recruitment and establishment. Due to its wide range of host plants K. lappacea likely influences the performance of the bulk of perennial species in its habitat and overcollection affects the overall vegetation. Conservation strategies and adequate management should have high priority because of the likely ecological and known economical importance of this species.  相似文献   

Studies of plant-frugivore interactions are important for identifying the roles that biotic seed vectors play in seed dispersal, and ultimately plant recruitment. In a subandean shrubland of central Chile, 50% of total flora (14 species) has fleshy fruits dispersed by birds. We examined two aspects of frugivore-plant interaction in this system: the structure of the seed-dispersal network, to predict the effect of hypothetical frugivore species loss for seed dispersal and disperser effectiveness, by analyzing whether birds contribute equally to the removal of seeds from different shrub species. We show that the seed-dispersal network is highly and significantly nested, resulting in a core of interactions among generalist vertebrates and plant species. A reduction in the populations of the three main avian generalists, Turdus falcklandii, Mimus thenca and Elaenia albiceps, would disrupt seed dispersal and natural regeneration for most woody species. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the network was robust to the random loss of frugivorous species but highly sensitive to the loss of generalist species first. Mist-net sampling of birds corroborated that most fruit removal was effected by E. albiceps and T. falcklandii, highlighting the importance of frugivore species identity on seed dispersal for the maintenance of Mediterranean shrublands.  相似文献   

Trends of biomass production and land processes in the Sahel have been widely studied since the droughts of 1970s. Satellite data have been an important source of information because of limited in situ data. Previous studies relied on the assumed existence of a relationship between vegetation productivity and the NDVI, in particular the annually integrated NDVI (iNDVI). This study examines this assumption and its limitations, based on in situ time series measurements of biomass, species composition, NDVI and soil moisture at the Dahra test site in northern Senegal. It is shown that, there are large differences between the NDVI – vegetation productivity relationships, and these differences can be linked to species composition. There is moderate correlation between NDVI and above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) at the peak season (r2 = 0.39). In particular, the species Zornia glochidiata is characterized by high peak NDVI and low ANPP, compared to other common species such as Cenchrus biflorus and Aristida adscensionis. It is concluded that spatial and temporal variations in species dominance is likely to add noise to the relationship between NDVI and biomass. However, the seasonal cyclic fraction of the NDVI – “small seasonal integral” – reduces such noise.  相似文献   

Corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) diets often consist of small quantities of vegetation, including fruit and seeds that may represent important sources of energy and nutrition. However, details of the species consumed are few, but may provide insight into the role of foxes as seed dispersers. We analyzed scats of corsac (n = 408) and red foxes (n = 533) collected in an arid region of Mongolia from June 2006 to June 2007. We found 13 seed species in corsac scats, the most common being Allium polyrhizum, Asparagus gobicus, and Tribulus terrestris, and 12 species in red fox scats, the most common being Amygdalus pedunculata, Corispermum mongolicum, and T. terrestris. The proportion of scats with seeds varied significantly by season for both foxes. Seeds occurred most frequently during the breeding period, which corresponded with winter, and least frequently during the dispersal period in autumn for both species. We detected no differences in the proportion of scats with seeds between species seasonally. Our results suggest that fruit represents an important component of diet, especially during winter when availability of other prey items is low, and that both foxes may facilitate seed dispersal of some plant species.  相似文献   

A comparative ethnobotanical study was carried out in two rural communities in northwest Patagonia. The methodology involved semi structured interviews and free listing, through which richness and use patterns of fuel species were registered, as well as socioeconomic factors and alternative fuel sources such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and animal dung. Firewood was found to be a subsistence resource, complemented with the purchase of other firewood resources and the use of alternative fuels. A total of 21 species were registered, of which 18 were native species and 3 exotic; 12 fuel species were used by both communities. The species with highest use consensus were Berberis microphylla (michay), Lycium sp. (montenegro) and Senecio subulatus (romerillo) in the Laguna Blanca community, and Salix sp. (sauce) and S. subulatus in Comallo. Collection is mainly carried out on foot. Whereas the inhabitants of Laguna Blanca cover large distances in order to collect native woods, in Comallo this is made easier by the use of prunings from urban tree planting, obtained closer to dwellings. This is an interesting result since the recycling of biological products to supplement firewood, together with forestation practices, could contribute to the resilience processes of inhabitants of these arid, hostile environments. We propose that the use of multiple fuel resources could be an indicator of ecological–social resilience processes.  相似文献   

The impact of Prosopis species invasion in the Turkwel riverine forest in Kenya was investigated under three contrasting: Acacia, Prosopis and Mixed species (Acacia and Prosopis) canopies. Variation amongst canopies was assessed through soil nutrients and physical properties, tree characteristics and canopy closure. Invasion impact was evaluated by comparing herbaceous species cover and diversity, and occurrence of indigenous tree seedlings. Soil characteristics under Prosopis and Mixed species canopies were similar except in pH and calcium content, and had lower silt and carbon contents than soil under Acacia canopy. Tree density was higher under Prosopis intermediate under Mixed and lower under Acacia canopies. Prosopis trees had lower diameters than Acacia tortilis trees. Diameter classes' distribution in Mixed species canopy revealed invasion of Prosopis into mature A. tortilis stands. Herbaceous species cover and diversity were negatively correlated to Prosopis tree density; thus explaining the lower herbaceous species cover and diversity under Prosopis than under Acacia and Mixed species canopies. The study suggests a gradual conversion of herbaceous rich A. tortilis woodland to herbaceous poor Prosopis species woodland or thickets, through indiscriminate Prosopis invasion.  相似文献   

Abiotic environmental factors have a major impact on the distribution and performance of plant species. In order to assess two major species–environmental relations in Sudano-Sahelian Acacia woodlands, we tested the relationship of soil and climate variables on plant diversity as well as on species responses.The indicator species values clustered in five vegetation units characterized by three to ten diagnostic species with woody species richness means varying from three to seven species per 0.09 ha. The NMS ordination explained 65% of the variation in species composition and revealed that soil properties, annual precipitations and temperature range structured the diversity of Acacia communities. Along the annual precipitations gradient, the response of Acacia polyacantha and Acacia hockii showed maxima in the wettest zone of our study area (more than 850 mm/year) whilst Acacia laeta showed a maximum response in the driest zone (below 500 mm/year). The unimodal response of A. hockii, Acacia gourmaensis and Acacia seyal to the soil available water gradient spanned their central borders, respectively from 13 to 18% (optimum 16%), 11–20% (optimum 15%) and 4–12% (optimum 7.5%).The response of Acacia communities and species to soil and climate gradients, makes them performant afforestation species in specific habitats of the Sudano-Sahelian zone.  相似文献   

We compared physiological and morphological traits of Thymus loscosii, a rare endemic of semiarid Spain, and Thymus vulgaris, a widespread Mediterranean species, over a precipitation gradient, and measured the spatial patterns of both species. Our results do not provide evidence for a congruent suite of traits associated with rarity in T. loscosii, since this species showed some traits reported in rare species (lower height and biomass), but exhibited better performance under severe climatic conditions (higher photochemical efficiency and quantum yield during winter) and higher values of traits conferring competitive abilities (SLA and LAR). T. loscosii did not show either lower phenotypic variability or better performance than its congener along the precipitation gradient. The two thymes were spatially dissociated when they co-occurred and the spatial pattern of T. loscosii changed from clumped in the presence of its congener to random when it was the only thyme, suggesting competition between the two species. These results suggest that T. loscosii is not a habitat-specialist and may behave as a refuge endemic. Its reduced distribution may be linked to a limited competitive ability that is not associated with the vegetative traits explored, although other causes like habitat degradation and genetic or reproductive constraints might also be important to explain its limited distribution.  相似文献   

Niche theory predicts that coexisting species with similar trophic requirements should demonstrate resource partitioning, particularly where resources are scarce. Conversely, this is not expected between species that do not share primary resources. This study analyses the patterns of spatial coexistence and habitat selection, on two spatial scales, of three species of semidesert regions in Morocco: the Black-bellied Sandgrouse (Pterocles orientalis), the Stone Curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) and the Cream-coloured Courser (Cursorius cursor). Co-occurrence analysis results point to between-species segregation on a macrohabitat scale. Hotelling's T test of the species-presence data showed a pattern of macrohabitat selection that diverged from habitat availability for the three species with differences among them. Both the classification tree and the pattern of microhabitat selection obtained by model averaging showed scant overlap between the Sandgrouse and the Courser, suggesting habitat partitioning between them on a fine scale. Our results confirm spatial segregation of the three species, especially between species with different trophic strategies: the Sandgrouse versus the Stone Curlew and the Courser. The latter two species were best segregated on a microhabitat scale, supporting the conclusions that macro- and microhabitat selection are major factors in bird community configuration in arid ecosystems and contributing to reduce potential competition.  相似文献   

Black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD; Cynomys ludovicianus) have often been labeled as keystone species because of their ability to strongly influence grassland ecosystems. I used line-transect surveys and distance sampling to compare breeding bird and mammal communities on shortgrass prairie occupied by BTPD colonies versus similar uncolonized habitat in New Mexico, and to identify species that were either strongly associated with, or that avoided, BTPD colonies. Overall, I detected 32 bird and 8 mammal species during three years. Mountain plover (Charadrius montanus), ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis), burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), curve-billed thrasher (Toxostoma curvirostre), desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii), and American badger (Taxidea taxus) were more abundant on, or at least strongly associated with, colonies, while long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus), horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), vesper sparrow (Poecetes gramineus), lark sparrow (Chondestes grammacus), Cassin's sparrow (Aimophila cassinii), and western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) were more abundant on, or strongly associated with, uncolonized prairie. Observed responses of several species differed from other studies suggesting that a species' response to BTPD activities may vary by location, grassland type, or season. Although BTPDs negatively impacted a suite of grassland bird species, biodiversity is maximized in this landscape by maintaining a mixture of colonized and uncolonized habitats.  相似文献   

In desert ecosystems, selective foraging by seed consumers affects distribution and composition of soil seed banks, influencing plant population dynamics. However, the roles of consumers in burned habitats where direct seeding is used during ecological restoration to replenish depleted seed banks have not been well established. We evaluated seed removal for nine seed species over 12 months in burned and unburned shrublands in the Mojave Desert, USA. Percentage of total seed removed was highest during spring (16% of offered seed) and summer (21%). Rodents removed much of the large-seeded Coleogyne ramosissima in both burned and unburned habitats, while seed removal of this species by ants was low in burned and moderate in unburned habitats. Ants removed the greatest amount of small-seeded species (Penstemon bicolor, Encelia farinosa, and Sphaeralcea ambigua) in unburned habitat, indicating that ants can exploit different seed masses. Seed removal imposes limitations on seed availability, particularly for large-seeded species, as both rodents and ants selected seeds of C. ramosissima. Successful restoration seeding projects in arid lands may require protecting seed from granivore pressure, and seed species selection and season of seeding warrant consideration to reduce seed loss.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of linear habitats, three types of hedgerows and two types of field margins, on the small mammal community within a semi-arid agricultural landscape in south-central British Columbia, Canada. We examined whether abundance, species richness, and species diversity of small mammals in tree fruit orchards differed from linear, edge habitats along orchard margins. Our five edges spanned grassy to wooded habitats. Linear habitats were intensively sampled for vascular plants in 2003 and small mammal communities from 2003 to 2007. Vegetation and total abundance of small mammal species among three types of hedgerows were similar and population changes followed those within nearby apple orchards. Species richness and diversity of small mammals, however, were significantly higher in hedgerows than orchards. Fewer mammals occupied hedgerows with high volumes of herb and shrub biomass, but richness and diversity of mammals did increase with shrub volume. All seven species of small mammals were represented in the hedgerow communities, including two species at risk: the Great Basin pocket mouse Perognathus parvus and the western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis). Two types of field margins (orchard-sagebrush and orchard-old field) along fencerows provided habitat for P. parvus. Field margins managed for herbaceous plant species along fencerows and other such linear configurations provided habitat for R. megalotis. Linear non-crop habitats should maintain the overall small mammal community, as well as the two species at risk, within this semi-arid agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic environmental degradation transforms mature vegetation into sites in succession, and actions to restore these altered environments must be based on ecological theories. Nucleation, promoted by facilitation, is an ecological process that can be applied to the restoration of altered environments. The original vegetation of many semi-arid regions has been profoundly altered, and is difficult to recuperate due to rigorous climates. Observations of secondary succession sites raise the following question: do some semi-arid plant species promote nucleation processes and can they therefore be considered nurse species? To address this question, vegetation surveys were undertaken in different environments: under the canopy of the shrub Combretum leprosum and in adjacent open areas. Shrubs in different stages were classified by canopy size: small, intermediate and large. Diversity and number of seedlings increased as the size of the C. leprosum canopies increased. Some of the environmental variables examined supported the role of C. leprosum as a facilitator species, such as the improvement in soil conditions under its canopy. Thus C. leprosum could be of significant importance in restoring degraded areas of the semi-arid region where it is present, by allowing the establishment of other plant species.  相似文献   

Patagonia grasslands are subjected to two main disturbances, fire and grazing, but little information is available about its effects on vegetation. We studied post-fire survival and resprouting ability of two dominant grass species, Stipa speciosa and Festuca pallescens, for four years; evaluated the effect of early post-fire defoliation on both species; and tested whether competition is important in post-fire recovery in San Ramón Ranch, NW Patagonia (Argentina). To simulate grazing, a clipping treatment was applied at the beginning and end of growing seasons. Survival rates were high (>60%) and, after three years, biomass of both species in the burned area was similar to the unburned area. Competition seems to play an important role in the early post-fire recovery of both species, particularly in the case of F. pallescens that increased 87% the biomass production without competition. Fire may improve forage quality by eliminating the standing dead material, but early post-fire grazing might endanger the persistence of F. pallescens. We suggest requiring a resting period before livestock introduction and controlling grazing intensity.  相似文献   

In the Caspian Sea, one group of crustaceans, the Amphipoda, is represented by 72(70?) species, 60(58?) of which are gammarids, arranged in 20 genera. Almost all are endemic to the Ponto-Caspian zoogeographical region. To simplify the taxonomy of the genusGammarus Fabricius s.l., the Caspian gammarids ought to be grouped in 4 genera:Dikerogammarus Stebbing,Pontogammarus Sowinsky,Stenogammarus Martynov, andChaetogammarus Martynov. Taking into account the influence of different ecological factors on the external morphology of gammarids, we consider that all described forms ofDikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald),D. villosus (Sowinsky),D. palmatus Martynov,D. fluviatilus Martynov, and perhapsD. aralensis (Uljanin) are one species —D. haemobaphes. Study of the ecological area and distribution ofIphigenella andrusovi Sars,Pandorites podoceroides (Grimm) andChaetogammarus placidus Sars indicates that these species are endemic to the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

《Polar Science》2014,8(3):298-305
Small copepod species play important roles in the pelagic food webs of the Arctic Ocean, linking primary producers to higher trophic levels. The egg production rates (EPs) and weight-specific egg production rates (SEPs) of two common copepods, Acartia longiremis and Temora longicornis, were studied under experimental conditions in Dalnezelenetskaya Bay (southern Barents Sea) during summer. The average EP and SEP at 5–10 °C were 4.7 ± 0.4 eggs female−1 day−1 and 0.025 ± 0.002 day−1, respectively, for A. longiremis and 13.1 ± 0.9 eggs female−1 day−1 and 0.075 ± 0.006 day−1, respectively, for T. longicornis. EP and SEP were significantly higher at 10°C than at 5°C for both species. The mean egg diameter correlated positively and significantly with female prosome length (PL) in each species. SEP of T. longicornis correlated negatively and significantly with PL. Daily EP and SEP were similar to rates recorded for other Acartia and Temora species in temperate and warm regions. The influence of environmental factors (temperature, salinity, and phytoplankton concentration) on EP of both species is discussed. We conclude that temperature is the main factor determining the reproduction rate and timing in A. longiremis and T. longicornis in the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Understanding threats to endangered species is one of the most critical components of implementing a successful recovery plan. For the endangered star cactus Astrophytum asterias, both mammalian and insect herbivory have been documented as a major threat to populations in Mexico. Herein, we focus on populations of A. asterias in Texas, examining how mortality threats differ from populations found in Mexico as well as among sites within Texas. Our study supports insect and mammalian herbivory as a major threat to A. asterias in Texas, with reductions in population sizes ranging between 16 and 54%. However, our study highlights that both regional and local differences can influence rates of mortality even in a range-restricted species such as A. asterias and highlights the need to assess threats at both of these levels for effective development and implementation of endangered species recovery plans.  相似文献   

Plant species in the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas often face drought conditions. Some of these species reduce water stress by rooting into moist bedrock crevices. A dominant woody plant (Juniperus ashei) and co-occurring xeric sedge (Carex planostachys) were greenhouse-grown in growth tubes with or without water-blocking partial barriers in tubes with water added below the barrier (~70 cm). Soil moisture at various depths was related to growth response (above- and below-ground biomass, root length, and number of root tips) per species. Barrier treatment yielded significantly drier soil than non-barrier. Juniperus plants were significantly smaller with barrier treatment, while Carex showed no significant differences between treatments. The results suggest the sedge is more able than the shrub to increase root production in the upper layers of the soil when faced with access restriction to lower layers. The sedge may resist drought by exploring sub-superficial soil layers. When access to sub-superficial water sources is restricted, the shrub is more affected than the sedge. The plants’ growth in water-restricted surface soil for several months suggests these species may not need deep water to survive. In fact seedling growth may differ in mature plants.  相似文献   

Numerous human activities constitute threats to biodiversity. The effects of climate change, including increasing drought in already arid lands, pose an additional layer of uncertainty in the fate of rare species. In the case of plants, reintroduction is becoming an important active management practice in species conservation. We hypothesized that even under extreme drought inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi would increase growth rates of an endangered plant in experimental reintroduction. We selected a plant species, Abronia macrocarpa, and conducted the experiment in Texas while the area was experiencing mild and extreme drought intensities. Treatment plots were planted with seed inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and control plots were planted with seed coated with autoclaved inoculant. We analyzed measurements of growth and development of germinated plants. Mean number of leaves was greater in treatment plants (P = 0.005) and mean aerial diameter was larger in treatment plants (P = 0.02) than in control plants. Significantly improved growth suggests that inoculation is a viable technique to increase reintroduction success in plant species especially during periods of drought.  相似文献   

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