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A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1983 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 147 planets and calculated 272 positions for them. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to fourteen planets numbered in the period of this report. The planet 1981 VL 2 discovered in Tautenburg has received the permanent number (2861). In honor of Prof. HERMANN LAMBRECHT († 4. 6. 1983) this planet obtained the name Lambrecht.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1984 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 84 planets and calculated 205 positions for them. Among them are 17 numbered planets, 16 already earlier observed and 51 new planets with provisional designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to seven planets numbered in the period of this report. The planet 1964 EC discovered in Tautenburg has received the permanent number (3181). In honor of Dr. PAUL AHNERT (*22. 11. 1897) this planet obtained the name Ahnert.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1986 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 129 asteroids and calculated 312 positions for them. These are 29 numbered objects and 100 asteroids with provisional designations, six of them have no new designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to five planets numbered in the period of this report, including the asteroid 1981 VW1 discovered in Tautenburg which received the number (3499) and the name Hoppe.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1985 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 95 asteroids and calculated 168 positions for them. These are 20 numbered objects and 75 asteroids with provisional designations, two of them have no new designation. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to twelve planets numbered in the period of this report. Two asteroids discovered in Tautenburg have received numbers and names: (3245) Jensch = 1973 UL5 and (3338) Richter = 1973 UX5.  相似文献   

Here is a summary about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1981 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 294 planets and calculated 614 positions for them.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1994 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 321 asteroids were observed and 1171 positions are calculated for them. These are 200 asteroids with provisional designations (102 of them have new designations) and 121 numbered objects. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 73 planets numbered in the period of this report. Fourteen Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1993 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 392 asteroids were observed and 1462 positions are calculated for them. These are 297 asteroids with provisional designations (217 of them have new designations) and 95 numbered objects. Ten new designations originate from the KSO-ARI-Survey IV. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 50 planets numbered in the period of this report. Six Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

A summary is given about the minor planet survey performed in 1988 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 386 asteroids and 1218 positions were calculated for them. These are 87 numbered objects and 299 asteroids with provisional designations, 252 of them have new designations. Tautenburg observations contributed to 40 planets numbered in the period of this report, including eight discovered in Tautenburg.  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1987 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 290 Objekte entdeckt und für diese 845 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 75 numerierte Objekte, von denen drei auf der kritischen Liste von EMP 1988 stehen, sowie um 215 Planetoiden mit provisorischen Bezeichnungen. Von letzteren erhielten 191 neue Bezeichnungen. Für 17 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten haben Tautenburger Beobachtungen einen Beitrag geleistet. Darunter sind zwei in Tautenburg entdeckte Planetoiden: 1967 GF1 erhielt die Nummer (3539) und den Namen Weimar, der Trojaner 1973 UF5 die Nummer (3540) und den Namen Protesilaos. A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1987 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 290 asteroids and calculated 845 positions for them. These are 75 numbered objects and 215 asteroids with provisional designations, 191 of them have new designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 17 planets numbered in the period of this report, including two asteroids discovered in Tautenburg: 1967 GF1 received the number (3539) and the name Weimar, the Trojans 1973 UF5 the number (3540) and the name Protesilaos.  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1992 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 518 Objekte beobachtet und für diese 2396 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 408 Planetoiden mit provisorischer Bezeichnung, unter denen 274 neu vergebene Bezeichnungen sind, sowie um 110 numerierte Objekte. Für 172 Tautenburger Objekte wurden Bahnen aus einer Opposition gerechnet. Für 55 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten haben Tautenburger Positionen einen Beitrag geleistet. Acht Tautenburger Planetoiden wurden numeriert (Tab. 3). A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1992 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 518 asteroids were observed and 2396 positions are calculated for them. These are 408 asteroids with provisional designations (274 of them have new designations) and 110 numbered objects. One-opposition orbits have been computed for 172 Tautenburg asteroids. Tautenburg observations could give a contribution to 55 planets numbered in the period of this report. Eight Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1991 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 533 Objekte beobachtet und für diese 2066 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 456 Planetoiden mit provisorischer Bezeichnung, unter denen 324 neu vergebene Bezeichnungen sind, sowie um 77 numerierte Objekte. Für Tautenburger Objekte wurden 250 Bahnen aus einer Opposition gerechnet. Für 54 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten, darunter befinden sich auch (4999) MPC und (5000) IAU, haben Tautenburger Positionen einen Beitrag geleistet. Neun Tautenburger Planetoiden wurden numeriert (Tab. 3). A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1991 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 533 asteroids were observed and 2066 positions are calculated for them. These are 456 asteroids with provisional designations (324 of them have new designations) and 77 numbered objects. One-opposition orbits have been computed for 250 Teutenburg asteroids. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 54 planets numbered in the period of this report, among them are (4999) MPC and (5000) IAU, too. Nine Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

J.E. Chambers 《Icarus》2007,189(2):386-400
The stability of an additional planet between the orbit of Mars and the asteroid belt is examined in the context of the Planet V hypothesis. In this model, the Solar System initially contained a fifth terrestrial planet, “Planet V,” which was removed after ∼700 Myr, a possible trigger for the late heavy bombardment on the inner planets. The model is investigated using 96 N-body integrations of the 8 major planets with an additional body between Mars and the asteroid belt. In more than 1/4 of simulations, Planet V survives for 1000 Myr. In most other cases, Planet V collides with the Sun or hits another planet after several hundred Myr, leaving 4 surviving terrestrial planets. In 24/96 simulations, Planet V is lost by ejection or collision with the Sun while the other four terrestrial planets survive without undergoing a collision. In 18 cases, Planet V is removed at least 200 Myr after the beginning of the simulation. The endstate depends sensitively on the mass of Planet V. Collision with the Sun is likely when Planet V's mass is 0.25 Mars masses or less. When Planet V is more massive than this, collisions involving it and/or other terrestrial planets become commonplace. In unstable systems, the times of first encounter and first collision/ejection depend on the initial aphelion distance of Mars. Reducing Mars's aphelion distance increases these times and also increases the fraction of systems surviving for 1000 Myr. When Mars's current orbit is used, the stability of Planet V increases when these two planets are widely separated initially. Planet V's aphelion distance Q typically begins to cross the asteroid belt within a few tens to a few hundred Myr, and its orbit last leaves the belt several hundred Myr later in most cases. The total time spent with Q>2.1 AU is typically less than 200 Myr.  相似文献   

We represent 266 positions of 77 minor planets determined from plates taken in 1972 and in 1979–1980 with the Schmidt telescope 1340/2000/4000 of KARL SCHWARZSCHILD Observatory Tautenburg.  相似文献   

Lowell's value for the mass of Planet X was about seven times that of the Earth. Postdiscovery determinations of the mass of Pluto from analysis of the observed motions of Uranus and Neptune reduced this value to about one Earth mass. More extended analyses in the past 10 years have lowered this value to about one-tenth of an Earth mass. The mass so derived, however, fails to agree by a factor of 50 with that determined from the motion of the newly discovered satellite Charon. The discrepancy may arise from unmodeled effects in the motions of the outer planets.  相似文献   

An overview of the minor planet search performed in the period 1984–1990 at Brorfelde Observatory is presented. All basic information about the observations is given but the positions are not presented because they are already published in Minor Planet Circulars. 1973 positions have been measured on 413 plates. 303 positions belong to unknown minor planets. At the end of 1992, 42 of these are numbered, having got enough observations to calculate a reliable orbit.  相似文献   

A survey for dwarf galaxies (Sculptor-type dwarfs) was carried out in the M81/M82 group of galaxies in an area of about 195 sq. degrees by means of Tautenburg 52-in. Schmidt plates. Eight new faint dwarf galaxies were discovered. Coordinates, linear and absolute dimensions as well as finding charts are given. Results of the photometry will be published in a second article.  相似文献   

A survey of dwarf galaxies was carried out in the inner part of the IC 342 complex of galaxies, which is a subgroup of the M81 group, in an area of about 42 sq. degrees by means of Tautenburg 52-in. Schmidt plates. Fifteen new dwarf candidates and four extended “cloudy” objects of very low surface brightness not yet classified were discovered. Coordinates, linear dimensions as well as remarks on the nature of the cloudy objects are given. A deeper analysis with 6-meter plates is planned to study a part of the new objects more exactly.  相似文献   

The spectra of ten objects discovered by the Tautenburg objective prism survey were obtained at a higher spectral resolution in order to refine the selection criteria. We found four objects to be quasars and three MARKARIAN -type galaxies.  相似文献   

Planet crossing orbits give rise to mathematical singularities that make it not possible to apply the classical averaging principle to study the qualitative evolution of Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs). Recently this principle has been generalized to deal with crossings in a mathematical model with the planets on circular coplanar orbits. More accuracy is needed to compute the averaged evolution of planet crossing orbits for different purposes: computing reliable crossing times for the averaged motion, writing more precise proper elements and frequencies for NEAs, etc. In this paper we present the generalization of the averaging principle using a model where the eccentricity and the inclination of the planets are taken into account.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of the improvement of orbital elements of the 62 minor planets included in the Hipparcos mission. The astrometric observations supplied by the Minor Planet Center and the meridian circles at La Palma and Bordeaux observatories were used by the author. The accuracy reached (RMS O-C) for each minor planet and for La Palma and Bordeaux observations are presented.  相似文献   

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