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由于GIS软件平台与CAD软件平台各自具有的优势不一样,如何把ArcGIS和AutoCAD相结合,利用各自优势,快速有效地进行地形图数据库内业编辑、数据分析;本文重点讨论了GIS和CAD数据交换的问题.  相似文献   

前不久,报章上出现了这样一条消息:国家信息产业部、国家版权局、商务部、财政部四部委联合下发了<关于计算机预装正版操作系统软件有关问题的通知>.根据通知精神,从现在开始没有预装正版操作系统的PC产品将无法上市销售.  相似文献   

周鹤 《今日国土》2009,(4):46-47
穿平底鞋,常蹦着走,累了就玩,少说消极话4月14日午后,著名学者于丹走进了人民日报社大院,应邀主讲"世界读书日"之青年讲堂的首场讲座。在这个春花烂漫的时节,于丹微笑着坐在怒放的梨花下,与记者聊起了自己的生活与健康心得。  相似文献   

在我国治沙大军中,有这样一对父子——父亲是赫赫有名的全国治沙英雄石光银,儿子是治沙的后起之秀石战军。在陕西定边毛乌素沙地边缘,父子二人共同谱写了一曲人进沙退的壮歌。老石以毕生的治沙经验培养着儿子,石战军则不负重托,干得有声有色。然而,就在老石可以把自己的治沙事业托付给儿子时,一场车祸夺走了石战军年轻的生命。经历了丧子之痛,老英雄又一次坚强地回到了治沙第一线,这一次,他肩上承载的是两代人的治沙理想。人进沙退,绿锁黄龙。中国林业发展到今天、治沙成果如此显著,正是因为有无数石家父子这样的人,一代接着一代干,甚至不惜献出宝贵的生命。他们用汗水和热血在茫茫沙地浇灌出片片绿荫,铸就了加快现代林业发展的坚实基础。  相似文献   

阳春三月,春光明媚,与北国"白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花"的景象相比,江南已是一片春意盎然。  相似文献   

张正禄 《测绘学报》2004,33(3):280-281
德国汉诺威大学土木工程与测量系地球测量研究所Guenter Seeber教授所著的《SatelliteGeodesy》(卫星大地测量学)第2版已于2003年由德国Walter de Gruyter出版社在柏林出版.本书的第1版于1993年由该出版社出版,都是用英文写成.第1版曾由国家地震局地震研究所赖锡安教授等译成中文于1998年由地震出版社出版.第2版与第1版之间相隔恰好10年,10年来卫星大地测量领域有了很大的发展和变化,Seeber教授以其深邃的眼光、严谨的学风和渊博的知识全面修订和扩展了第1版.本文结合第1版,将第2版的主要内容和特色介绍给我国读者,希望能对广大测绘同行有所裨益.  相似文献   

由原《测绘学院学报》改版后的《测绘科学技术学报》已经面世一年了. 在过去的2006年里,本刊得到了编委会顾问、编委、通信编委及国内外同行和学者的厚爱、关心和支持,内涵有了进一步扩展,质量有了进一步的提高,被评为"首届中国高校优秀科技期刊".  相似文献   

基于VBA的Excel测量程序开发技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
周卫 《测绘通报》2005,(6):37-40
基于VBA开发Excel测量程序具有简便、高效和通用的特点,程序的使用具有直观、实时、动态、灵活、交互性与图形功能强等明显的优势.由于Office软件使用的普遍性及其组件之间数据良好的交互性和共享性,Excel在数据处理与相应报告的生成等方面更具优势.以开发实例介绍使用VBA开发Excel测量程序的主要技术方法.  相似文献   

最吸引人的是这里的建筑,古民居外墙都由一小块一小块的乌石垒成,粗犷的外形与凝重的黑色相结合,结构精巧独特,给人以"鬼斧神工"的感觉,据说最早的乌石屋已有近三百年的历史.  相似文献   

强悍的摄像机作为索尼XR系列摄像机的开篇之作,HDRXR520E集众多项级配置于一身,采用了在低光照环境下有着出色表现的Exmor R CMOS感光元件,  相似文献   

A 2-D Doppler-radiometer has been proposed to improve the poor angular resolution of microwave radiometers, using aperture synthesis on a moving platform. In this letter, we investigate drawbacks of the Doppler-radiometer, which have not been discussed previously in detail. The imaging method is revised to be suitable for imaging of distributed sources, which is the more common situation than a point source, and then the specklelike sidelobes in the point source response are discussed. In distributed source imaging, the specklelike sidelobes in the point source response of the Doppler-radiometer severely degrade the imaging performance, so it is necessary to reduce them. The cause of specklelike sidelobes is discussed, and a sparse array is proposed to improve the imaging performance of the Doppler-radiometer. The improvement is demonstrated by simulation of the point source response, showing reduced speckle.  相似文献   

空中点到直线距离的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合实际需要,研究空中点到直线距离的测量方法。  相似文献   

The conventional international origin (CIO), established from observations made a century ago, is not directly related to observations by modern space-geodetic techniques. Both the greater precision of these techniques and improved knowledge of the structure of the Earth justify the need for a new CIO. We analyze recent polar motion time-series (VLBI, SLR, and GPS) to test estimators that might be used to establish such a new conventional origin. This new origin would be defined as the barycenter of the motion of the pole for a specific epoch. Consistency among the series examined is of the order of 2 milli-arc-seconds. A drift model can be employed in the analysis of specific series to establish an origin as the barycenter at a specific epoch, rather than the midpoint of the series. As an example, we estimate a “Conventional International Reference Origin” for the year 2000.0, using polar motion series that began in 1984.  相似文献   

注:1本成果,经多年工作实践研究而形成;2属专利成果,简便易算,只会简单算术即可。&&求某点坐标@于忠$七台河市规划局!黑龙江七台河154600 @于晓佳$七台河市规划局!黑龙江七台河154600  相似文献   

缩短GPS接收机冷启动时间一直是GPS领域的热点问题,而决定冷启动时间的关键是捕获速度。针对快速付里叶变换(FFT)捕获算法的并行运算特点和图形处理单元(GPU)适合于进行并行的优势,简单介绍了FFT捕获算法原理和对比了GPU与FPGA的特点,重点设计了各通道和各频点均进行并行计算的FFT捕获算法的GPU实现方案。利用实测的GPS中频数据初步验证了本文捕获方案的正确性和运行时间。试验结果表明:与基于CPU的捕获方案相比,本文的捕获方案对卫星PRN和CA码相位的捕获结果完全正确,而捕获时间大幅度缩短了。  相似文献   

The geodetic-geodynamic network (G1) was established with the intention of monitoring recent crustal deformation and serving as the major control network in Israel. In 1996 the network was measured for the first time using GPS. This paper presents the second GPS measurement campaign of the G1 network, held in 2002. It presents the network configuration design and the data processing procedures by commercial and scientific post-processing GPS software, as well as a comparison of the results. Long session duration and medium vector length with strict analysis by the commercial GPS processing software TTC (Trimble Total Control) were found to achieve results that are equivalent to those obtained when using the BERNESE scientific software.  相似文献   

We used GIS‐based techniques and inductive‐spatial modelling to analyse spatial interactions between predator and prey populations, a unique example of an extension to an existing ecological approach. The approach identifies spatial predictors of predation and is demonstrated for braided riverbed habitat in the Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand. This habitat is highly modified and is the focus of intensive management because of the presence of introduced mammalian predators and their native prey (primarily nests of ground‐nesting native birds that are extremely vulnerable to predators). Native prey are currently in decline due to predation; GIS techniques therefore have the potential to augment conventional ecological techniques and management practices. Predation risk to nests of ground‐nesting birds was interpolated across an area using inverse distance weighting. A linear regression model for spatio‐temporal predictors of nest predation was deter‐mined using a predation risk surface and three separate surfaces representing predator abundance, prey abundance, and habitat structure. These measures can enhance the non‐spatial results from conventional ecological inquiry and help solve pest management problems affecting the natural environment.  相似文献   

The model-based spheroidal excitation approach is extended to accurately compute the transient electromagnetic response of a highly conducting and permeable object. The complete formulation is presented in the convolution form. The method is applicable to data from various sensors that measure the transient field or voltage in either the on- or off-time regime and for an arbitrary transmitter waveform. The technique is tested against state-of-the-art time-domain electromagnetic induction sensor data. The results show good agreements between modeled and measured data. In addition, numerical studies demonstrate the importance of accounting for the transmitter waveform.  相似文献   

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