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A new method to estimate the Doppler beaming factor of relativistic large-scale jet regions is presented. It is based on multiwaveband fitting to radio-to-X-ray continua with synchrotron spectrum models. Combining our method with available observational data of proper motions, we derive the intrinsic velocity as well as the viewing angles to the line of sight for eight knotty regions down the M87 jet. The results favour the 'modest beaming' scenario along the jet, with Doppler factors varying between  ∼2–5  . The inner jet of M87 suffers sharp deceleration, and the intrinsic speed remains roughly constant down the outer jet. The orientation of the inner jet regions is fully consistent with the result of 10°–19° to the line of sight suggested by previous Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) proper motion studies of the M87 jet. The outer jet, however, shows systematic deflection off the inner jet to a much smaller inclination  (θ≪ 10°)  . Further calculation of knot A suggests that this deflection can be regarded as evidence that the outer jet suffers some departure from equipartition. The nucleus region of the M87 jet should have a viewing angle close to its first knot HST-1, i.e.  θ∼ 15°  , which favours the idea that M87 may be a misaligned blazar. This work provides some hints about the overall dynamics of this famous extragalactic jet.  相似文献   

We introduce the log(Hα/[S  ii ]λλ6717+6731) versus log(Hα/[N  ii ]λ6583) (S2N2) diagnostic diagram as a metallicity and ionization parameter indicator for H  ii regions in external galaxies. The location of H  ii regions in the S2N2 diagram was studied both empirically and theoretically. We found that, for a wide range of metallicities, the S2N2 diagram gives single-valued results in the metallicity–ionization parameter plane. We demonstrate that the S2N2 diagram is a powerful tool to estimate metallicities of high-redshift  ( z ∼ 2)  H  ii galaxies. Finally, we derive the metallicity for 76 H  ii regions in M 33 from the S2N2 diagram and calculate an O/H abundance gradient for this galaxy of −0.05 (±0.01) dex kpc−1.  相似文献   

We search for the maximum oxygen abundance in spiral galaxies. Because this maximum value is expected to occur in the centres of the most luminous galaxies, we have constructed the luminosity – central metallicity diagram for spiral galaxies, based on a large compilation of existing data on oxygen abundances of H  ii regions in spiral galaxies. We found that this diagram shows a plateau at high luminosities  (−22.3 ≲ M B ≲−20.3)  , with a constant maximum value of the gas-phase oxygen abundance  12 + log (O/H) ∼ 8.87  . This provides strong evidence that the oxygen abundance in the centres of the most luminous metal-rich galaxies reaches the maximum attainable value of oxygen abundance. Since some fraction of the oxygen (about 0.08 dex) is expected to be locked into dust grains, the maximum value of the true gas + dust oxygen abundance in spiral galaxies is 12 + log(O/H) ∼ 8.95. This value is a factor of ∼2 higher than the recently estimated solar value. Based on the derived maximum oxygen abundance in galaxies, we found the oxygen yield to be about 0.0035, depending on the fraction of oxygen incorporated into dust grains.  相似文献   

We suggest a new way to establish the relation between the electron temperature t 3 within the [O  iii ] zone and the electron temperature t 2 within the [O  ii ] zone in high-metallicity  (12 + log(O/H) > 8.25)  H  ii regions. The   t 2– t 3  diagram is constructed by applying our method to a sample of 372 H  ii regions. We find that the correlation between t 2 and t 3 is tight and can be approximated by a linear expression. The new   t 2– t 3  relation can be used to determine t 2 and accurate abundances in high-metallicity H  ii regions with a measured t 3. It can also be used in conjunction with the ff relation for the determination of t 3 and t 2 and oxygen abundances in high-metallicity H  ii regions, where the [O  iii ]λ4363 auroral line is not detected. The derived   t 2– t 3  relation is independent of photoionization models of H  ii regions.  相似文献   

Using simple stellar population synthesis, we model the bulge stellar contribution in the optical spectrum of a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, RE J1034+396. We find that its bulge stellar velocity dispersion is  67.7 ± 8 km s−1  . The supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass is about  (1–4) × 106 M  if it follows the well-known   M BH–σ*  relation found in quiescent galaxies. We also derive the SMBH mass from the Hβ second moment, which is consistent with that from its bulge stellar velocity dispersion. The SMBH mass of (1–4)  × 106 M  implies that the X-ray quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) of RE J1034+396 can be scaled to a high-frequency QPO at 27–108 Hz found in Galactic black hole binaries with a  10-M  black hole. With the mass distribution in different age stellar populations, we find that the mean specific star formation rate (SSFR) over the past 0.1 Gyr is  0.0163 ± 0.0011  Gyr−1, the stellar mass in the logarithm is  10.155 ± 0.06  in units of solar mass and the current star formation rate is  0.23 ± 0.016 M yr−1  . For RE J1034+396, there is no relation between the Eddington ratio and the SSFR as suggested by Chen et al., despite a larger scatter in their relation. We also suggest that about 7.0 per cent of the total Hα luminosity and 50 per cent of the total [O  ii ] luminosity come from the star formation process.  相似文献   

We present long-slit observations in the optical and near-infrared of 14 H  ii regions in the spiral galaxies NGC 628, 925, 1232 and 1637, all of them reported to have solar or oversolar abundances according to empirical calibrations. For seven of the observed regions, ion-weighted temperatures from optical forbidden auroral to nebular line ratios are obtained and, for six of them, the oxygen abundances derived by standard methods turn out to be significantly lower than solar. The other one, named CDT1 in NGC 1232, shows an oxygen abundance of     , and constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first high-metallicity H  ii region for which accurate line temperatures, and hence elemental abundances, have been derived.
For the rest of the regions no line temperature measurements could be made, and the metallicity has been determined by means of both detailed photoionization modelling and the sulphur abundance parameter S 23. Only one of these regions shows values of O 23 and S 23 implying a solar or oversolar metallicity.
According to our analysis, only two of the observed regions can therefore be considered as of high metallicity. These two fit the trends previously found in other high-metallicity H  ii regions, i.e., N/O and S/O abundance ratios seem to be higher and lower than solar respectively.  相似文献   

We present near-infrared emission-line images of the circumnuclear ring in NGC 1068. We have measured the Brγ fluxes in a number of star-forming complexes and derived the extinction for each of these by comparison with Hα. We investigate the star-forming histories of these regions and find that a short burst of star formation occurred coevally throughout the ring within the last 30–40 Myr, and perhaps as recently as 4–7 Myr ago. The 1–0 S(1) flux and S(1)/Brγ ratios indicate that as well as fluorescence, shock-excited H2 emission contributes to the total flux. There is excess H2 flux to the north-west where the ionization cone crosses the ring, and we show that it is possible that the non-stellar continuum from the Seyfert nucleus which produces the high-excitation lines could also be causing fluorescence at the edges of molecular clouds in the ring. The nuclear 1–0 S(1) is more extended than previously realized but only along the bar's major axis, and we consider mechanisms for its excitation.  相似文献   

We have obtained wide-field thermal infrared (IR) images of the Carina nebula, using the SPIREX/Abu telescope at the South Pole. Emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at 3.29 μm, a tracer of photodissociation regions (PDRs), reveals many interesting well-defined clumps and diffuse regions throughout the complex. Near-IR images  (1–2 μm)  , along with images from the Midcourse Space Experiment ( MSX ) satellite  (8–21 μm)  have been incorporated to study the interactions between the young stars and the surrounding molecular cloud in more detail. Two new PAH emission clumps have been identified in the Keyhole nebula, and have been mapped in  12CO(2–1)  and  (1–0)  using the Swedish–ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST). Analysis of their physical properties reveals that they are dense molecular clumps, externally heated with PDRs on their surfaces and supported by external pressure in a similar manner to the other clumps in the region. A previously identified externally heated globule containing IRAS 10430−5931 in the southern molecular cloud shows strong 3.29-, 8- and 21-μm emission, the spectral energy distribution (SED) revealing the location of an ultracompact (UC) H  ii region. The northern part of the nebula is complicated, with PAH emission intermixed with mid-IR dust continuum emission. Several point sources are located here, and through a two-component blackbody fit to their SEDs we have identified three possible UC H  ii regions as well as a young star surrounded by a circumstellar disc. This implies that star formation in this region is ongoing and not halted by the intense radiation from the surrounding young massive stars.  相似文献   

We have measured central line strengths for a complete sample of early-type galaxies in the Fornax cluster, comprising 11 elliptical and 11 lenticular galaxies, more luminous than M B  = −17. In contrast to the elliptical galaxies in the sample studied by González (and recently revisited by Trager) we find that the Fornax ellipticals follow the locus of galaxies of fixed age in Worthey's models and have metallicities varying from roughly solar to three times solar. The lenticular galaxies, however, exhibit a substantial spread to younger luminosity-weighted ages, indicating a more extended star formation history. We present measurements of the more sensitive indices: C4668 and HγA; these confirm and reinforce the conclusions that the elliptical galaxies are coeval and that only the lenticular galaxies show symptoms of late star formation. The inferred difference in the age distribution between lenticular and elliptical galaxies is a robust conclusion as the models generate consistent relative ages using different age and metallicity indicators even though the absolute ages remain uncertain. The young luminosity-weighted ages of the S0s in the Fornax cluster are consistent with the recent discovery that the fraction of S0 galaxies in intermediate-redshift clusters is a factor of 2–3 lower than found locally, and suggest that a fraction of the cluster spiral galaxy population has evolved to quiescence in the 5-Gyr interval from z  = 0.5 to the present. Two of the faintest lenticular galaxies in our sample have blue continua and strong Balmer-line absorption, suggesting starbursts ≲2 Gyr ago. These may be the low-redshift analogues of the starburst or post-starburst galaxies seen in clusters at z  = 0.3, similar to the Hδ-strong galaxies in the Coma cluster.  相似文献   

Emission-line regions in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and other photoionized nebulae should become larger in size when the ionizing luminosity increases. This 'breathing' effect is observed for the Hβ emission in NGC 5548 by using Hβ and optical continuum light curves from the 13-yr (1989–2001) AGN Watch monitoring campaign. To model the breathing, we use two methods to fit the observed light curves in detail: (i) parametrized models and, (ii) the memecho reverberation-mapping code. Our models assume that optical continuum variations track the ionizing radiation, and that the Hβ variations respond with time-delays τ due to light travel-time. By fitting the data using a delay-map  Ψ(τ, F c)  that is allowed to change with continuum flux F c, we find that the strength of the Hβ response decreases and the time-delay increases with ionizing luminosity. The parametrized breathing models allow the time-delay and the Hβ flux to depend on the continuum flux so that,  τ∝ F βc  and   F ∝ F αc  . Our fits give  0.1 < β < 0.46  and  0.57 < α < 0.66. α  is consistent with previous work by Gilbert and Peterson, and Goad, Korista and Knigge. Although we find β to be flatter than previously determined by Peterson et al. using cross-correlation methods, it is closer to the predicted values from recent theoretical work by Korista and Goad.  相似文献   

We study the relation between nitrogen and oxygen abundances as a function of metallicity for a sample of emission-line objects for which a direct measurement of the metallicity has been possible. This sample is representative of the very different conditions in ionization and chemical enrichment that we can find in the Universe. We first construct the N/O versus O/H ratio diagram, and discuss its large dispersion at all metallicity regimes. Using the same sample and a large grid of photoionization models covering very different values of the N/O ratio, we then study the most widely used strong-line calibrators of metallicity based on [N  ii ] emission lines, such as N2 and O3N2. We demonstrate that these parameters underestimate the metallicity at low N/O ratios and vice versa. We also investigate the effect of the N/O ratio on different diagnostic diagrams used to discriminate narrow-line active galactic nuclei from star-forming regions, such as the [O  iii ]/Hβ versus [N  ii ]/Hα, and show that a large fraction of the galaxies catalogued as composite in this diagram can be, in fact, star-forming galaxies with a high value of the N/O ratio. Finally, using strong-line methods sensitive to the N/O abundance ratio, like N2O2 and N2S2, we investigate the relation between this ratio and the stellar mass for the galaxies of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find, as in the case of the mass–metallicity relation, a correlation between these two quantities and a flattening of the relation for the most massive galaxies, which could be a consequence of the enhancement of the dispersion of N/O ratio in the high-metallicity regime.  相似文献   

We present a new multiwavelength study of supernova remnant (SNR) B0513−692 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The remnant also has a strong, superposed, essentially unresolved, but unrelated radio source at its north-western edge, J051324−691049. This is identified as a likely compact H  ii region based on related optical imaging and spectroscopy. We use the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 4790 and 8640 MHz  (λ≃ 6 cm and λ≃ 3.5 cm)  to determine the large-scale morphology, spectral index and polarization characteristics of B0513−692 for the first time. We detect a strongly polarized region (49 per cent) in the remnant's southern edge  (λ≃ 6 cm)  . Interestingly, we also detect a small (∼40 arcsec) moderately bright, but distinct optical, circular shell in our Hα imagery which is adjacent to the compact H  ii region and just within the borders of the north-eastern edge of B0513−692. We suggest that this is a separate new SNR candidate based on its apparently distinct character in terms of optical morphology in three imaged emission lines and indicative SNR optical spectroscopy (including enhanced optical [S  ii ] emission relative to Hα).  相似文献   

We present the first imaging X-ray observation of the highly inclined  ( i = 78°)  Sab Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 6810 using XMM–Newton , which reveals soft X-ray emission that extends out to a projected height of ∼7 kpc away from the plane of the galaxy. The soft X-ray emission beyond the optical disc of the galaxy is most plausibly extraplanar, although it could instead come from large galactic radius. This extended X-ray emission is spatially associated with diffuse Hα emission, in particular with a prominent 5-kpc-long Hα filament on the north-west of the disc. A fraction ≲35 per cent of the total soft X-ray emission of the galaxy arises from projected heights  | z | ≥ 2 kpc  . Within the optical disc of the galaxy the soft X-ray emission is associated with the star-forming regions visible in ground-based Hα and XMM–Newton optical monitor near-UV imaging. The temperature, supersolar α-element-to-iron abundance ratio, soft X-ray/Hα correlation, and X-ray to far-infrared (FIR) flux ratio of NGC 6810 are all consistent with local starbursts with winds, although the large base radius of the outflow would make NGC 6810 one of the few 'disc-wide' superwinds currently known. Hard X-ray emission from NGC 6810 is weak, and the total   E = 2–10 keV  luminosity and spectral shape are consistent with the expected level of X-ray binary emission from the old and young stellar populations. The X-ray observations provide no evidence of any active galactic nucleus activity. We find that the optical, IR and radio properties of NGC 6810 are all consistent with a starburst galaxy, and that the old classification of this galaxy as a Seyfert 2 galaxy is probably incorrect.  相似文献   

We present intermediate-resolution spectroscopic data for a set of dwarf and giant galaxies in the Coma cluster, with  −20.6 < MR < −15.7.  The photometric and kinematic properties of the brighter galaxies can be cast in terms of parameters which present little scatter with respect to a set of scaling relations known as the fundamental plane. To determine the form of these fundamental scaling relations at lower luminosities, we have measured velocity dispersions for a sample comprising 69 galaxies on the border of the dwarf and giant regime. Combining these data with our photometric survey, we find a tight correlation of luminosity and velocity dispersion,   L ∝σ2.0  , substantially flatter than the Faber–Jackson relation characterizing giant elliptical galaxies. In addition, the variation of mass-to-light ( M / L ) ratio with velocity dispersion is quite weak in our dwarf sample:   M / L ∝σ0.2.  Our overall results are consistent with theoretical models invoking large-scale mass removal and subsequent structural readjustment, e.g. as a result of galactic winds.  相似文献   

We have imaged the emission from the near-infrared   v =1–0  S(1), 1–0 S(7), 2–1 S(1) and 6–4 O(3) lines of molecular hydrogen in the Northern and South Western Bars of M17, together with the hydrogen Br γ and Br10 lines. This includes the first emission-line image ever to be obtained of a line from the highly excited   v =6  level of molecular hydrogen. In both Bars, the H2 emission is generally distributed in clumps along filamentary features. The 1–0 S(1) and 2–1 S(1) images have similar morphologies. Together with their relative line ratios, this supports a fluorescent origin for their emission, within a photodissociation region. The SW-Bar contains a clumpy medium, but in the N-Bar the density is roughly constant. The 1–0 S(7) line image is also similar to the 1–0 S(1) image, but the 6–4 O(3) image is significantly different from it. Since the emission wavelengths of these two lines are similar (1.748 to 1.733 μm), this cannot be due to differential extinction between the   v =6  and the   v =1  lines. We attribute the difference to the pumping of newly formed H2 into the   v =6  , or to a nearby, level. However, this also requires a time-dependent photodissociation region (where molecule formation does not balance dissociation), rather than it to be in steady state, and/or for the formation spectrum to vary with position in the source. If this interpretation of formation pumping of molecular hydrogen is correct, it is the first clear signature from this process to be seen.  相似文献   

We report on a search for atomic hydrogen holes and shells in the nearby starburst galaxy M82, using high angular resolution (∼1.3 arcsec) VLA H  i absorption observations. From this study, we have detected four H  i shells in the central kiloparsec of M82. The sizes of these shells (∼30–50 pc) are smaller than those of the majority of shells observed in the Large Magellanic Cloud, although the M82 shells have higher expansion velocities (∼30 km s−1) and typical kinetic energies of  1051–1052 erg  . Because our observations were made in absorption, strong selection effects are present which hinder the detection of shells that could be present outside, or behind, the extended radio continuum associated with the starburst. Nevertheless, our detection of four shells in M82 actually represents a higher density of shells per unit area compared with the Large Magellanic Cloud.
We also discuss the gas dynamics in the central kiloparsec of M82, and discuss the velocity structure of gas in a barred potential and in wind-driven shells. We conclude that in M82 the observed gas dynamics are most likely a superposition of both effects.  相似文献   

A full-sky template map of the Galactic free–free foreground emission component is increasingly important for high-sensitivity cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. We use the recently published Hα data of both the northern and southern skies as the basis for such a template.
The first step is to correct the Hα maps for dust absorption using the 100-μm dust maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis. We show that for a range of longitudes, the Galactic latitude distribution of absorption suggests that it is 33 per cent of the full extragalactic absorption. A reliable absorption-corrected Hα map can be produced for ∼95 per cent of the sky; the area for which a template cannot be recovered is the Galactic plane area  | b | < 5°, l = 260°–0°–160°  and some isolated dense dust clouds at intermediate latitudes.
The second step is to convert the dust-corrected Hα data into a predicted radio surface brightness. The free–free emission formula is revised to give an accurate expression (1 per cent) for the radio emission covering the frequency range 100 MHz–100 GHz and the electron temperature range 3000–20 000 K. The main uncertainty when applying this expression is the variation of electron temperature across the sky. The emission formula is verified in several extended H  ii regions using data in the range 408–2326 MHz.
A full-sky free–free template map is presented at 30 GHz; the scaling to other frequencies is given. The Haslam et al. all-sky 408-MHz map of the sky can be corrected for this free–free component, which amounts to a  ≈6  per cent correction at intermediate and high latitudes, to provide a pure synchrotron all-sky template. The implications for CMB experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

New calibrations of spectrophotometric indices of elliptical galaxies as functions of spectrophotometric indices are presented, permitting estimates of mean stellar population ages and metallicities. These calibrations are based on evolutionary models including a two-phase interstellar medium, infall and a galactic wind. Free parameters were fixed by requiring that models reproduce the mean trend of data in the colour–magnitude diagram as well as in the plane of indices  Hβ–Mg2  and  Mg2–〈Fe〉  . To improve the location of faint ellipticals  ( M B > −20)  in the  Hβ–Mg2  diagram, downsizing was introduced. An application of our calibrations to a sample of ellipticals and a comparison with results derived from single stellar population models are given. Our models indicate that mean population ages span an interval of 7–12 Gyr and are correlated with metallicities, which range from approximately half up to three times solar.  相似文献   

We present results of a search for giant H  ii regions in southern galaxies. Using high-resolution spectra, obtained with the Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle (MIKE) at the Las Campanas Magellan II telescope, we were able to resolve the emission-line profiles and determine the intrinsic velocity dispersion of the ionized gas. Out of four observed regions, selected from previous CCD narrow-band photometry, we detected three H  ii regions showing supersonic velocity dispersion, characteristic of giant H  ii regions, and their location in diagnostic diagrams suggests that a powerful starburst is the source of ionization energy.  相似文献   

We present high-quality long-slit spectra for three nearby powerful radio galaxies – 3C 293, 3C 305 and PKS 1345+12. These were taken with the aim of characterizing the young stellar populations (YSP), and thereby investigating the evolution of the host galaxies, as well as the events that triggered the activity. Isochrone spectral synthesis modelling of the wide wavelength coverage spectra of nuclear and off-nuclear continuum-emitting regions have been used to estimate the ages, masses and luminosities of the YSP component, taking full account of reddening effects and potential contamination by activity-related components. We find that the YSP make a substantial contribution to the continuum flux in the off-nuclear regions on a radial scale of 1–20 kpc in all three objects. Moreover, in two objects we find evidence for reddened post-starburst stellar populations in the near-nuclear regions of the host galaxies. The YSP are relatively old (0.1–2 Gyr), massive  (109 < M YSP < 2 × 1010 M)  and make up a large proportion (∼1–50 per cent) of the total stellar mass in the regions of the galaxies sampled by the observations. Overall, these results are consistent with the idea that the nuclear activity of active galactic nuclei in some radio galaxies is triggered by major gas-rich mergers. Therefore, these radio galaxies form part of the subset of early-type galaxies that is evolving most rapidly in the local Universe. Intriguingly, the results also suggest that the radio jets are triggered relatively late in the merger sequence, and that there is an evolutionary link between radio galaxies and luminous/ultraluminous infrared galaxies.  相似文献   

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