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网络数字雹雨分测仪技术试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了网络数字雹雨分测仪的传感器结构和工作原理:利用浮力定律,翻斗计量,微机记录,网络传输等工作原理,模拟实验了理论数值和实验数值间的计量误差,探讨了误差产生的原因及野外观测调节技术和蒸发补偿订正等.经试验表明,各种部件结构科学、稳定、误差小、整体性能良好.野外观测资料表明,网络雹雨分测仪所测雨量与自动站观测的雨量误差在可接受范围;由于能同时进行雹雨分测,对极端冰雹天气具有实时监测优势,在野外林果和农作物雹灾危害评估中有重要作用,具有与遥测雨量计和其他遥测气象要素仪器一样的现代化水平,可广泛应用于农业和林业灾害野外监测网络之中.  相似文献   

张鸿发  杨颂禧 《气象》1979,5(11):37-37
国外广泛使用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料测雹板记录雹块印迹大小。美国、加拿大等国现在使用的测雹板(见图1),它的面积是30×30cm~2,厚25cm。经剖成薄片用放大镜看,内有细小的圆蜂窝泡沫结构。它的特点是,雹块撞击塑料板后造成印迹。反跳的雹块又造成撞击印迹对“总打击能”影响不大;而雹块本身不破  相似文献   

兰州地区降雹天气的500hPa形势分析王学良杨小玲付朝(兰州市气象局730020)收稿日期1995-09-01冰雹天气生消快,范围和概率小,危害却很大,一直是预报的难点和重点。500hPa高空图作为基本的预报工具,对冰雹天气影响系统有一定反映能力。本...  相似文献   

在总结临夏州冰雹预报模式(经验)的基础上,重新普查、统计和分析了1980-1992年6-8月120例降雹天气过程。考虑本州地形影响,结合降雹前(1-3小时)地面流场形势,建立了新的短时预报模式和推理系统。  相似文献   

1雹灾概况1996-07-09~14,榆林地区发生了连续6d的降雹过程,其中以7月12日的降雹持续时间最长,面积最大,全区有7个县降雹,中心位于横山和绥德、米脂县一带,平均雹径20mm(测站),最大雹径27mm(测站),造成严重的损失。2天气形势21500hPa形势7月9~14日本地区一直受脊前偏北气流的影响,在7月12日08:00500hPa图上(图1)在北纬40~45”,东经105~115“蒙古到我国华北一带维持稳定少动的一个冷涡,槽线约在呼和浩特一太原一西安一线。榆林地区处于槽后西北气流冷平流之中,不稳定能量一旦被触发释放,将造成强对流天气。2.2700…  相似文献   

为了研究冰雹和评价人工防雹试验的效果,许多国家都使用测雹板在近地面测量降雹,我们制做的测雹板在室内检定时,根据 Lo Zo WSki 和 Strong(1978)推导的半径为 R 的一个球碰撞到测雹板上的最后深度 H(斑痕半径 r)是山碰撞的动能确定的关系式:1/2mVt~2=πpH(R-1/3H),使用与冰雹直径相同的钢球做降雹的模拟试验,推导了确定模拟雹块降落高度z的表达式:z=phVh■/2psg.通过模拟试验,获得了球形雹块碰撞到侧雹板上的斑痕直径和雹块本身大小的一种关系式(图2),其斑痕直径是按球直径的5/4次方变化的。这种关系式只是在实验室内理论模拟的,还需要通过野外降雹的实际测量进行校准。  相似文献   

利用1990—2008年常规观测资料和850 hPa、500 hPa高空资料,分析了闽西北冰雹的时空分布特征和有利于产生冰雹的天气型。结果表明,闽西北是福建省冰雹多发区,近年来降雹呈明显减少趋势;月变化呈现一大明显单峰(4月)和两小双峰(7月、11月)现象,主要发生时次在14:00—20:00;连续降雹日数以孤立日为主,每次降雹以1~2站次较为多见;11至翌年5月,有利于产生冰雹的天气型(850 hPa)为暖切适中型、低涡冷切适中型,冷切适中型和低槽偏东型;冷切偏西和暖切偏北型降雹发生概率较适中型低,较偏南型高;74.1%的雹日伴有低空西南急流,并以急流适中和偏北型居多;大于等于3站次降雹的主导天气形势为暖切适中型、低涡冷切适中型,81.5%伴有低空西南急流;6—9月有利于产生冰雹的天气型(500 hPa)为副热带高压边缘型和副热带小高压型,发生较大范围冰雹的可能性小。  相似文献   

贵州区域冰雹天气过程的短期预报方法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
师军  刘俄 《贵州气象》1996,20(4):7-11
通过对贵州冰雹天气中天气形势的天气系统的垂直剖面分析,隐雹天气系统与大范围降雹,连续2日以上降雹的天气过程分析,降雹系统与冰雹落区的关系分析,总结了贵州冰雹天气过程的趋势预报和短期预报方法,据天气系统的配置确定了降雹区,还利用1979-198年3月-5月中的250个冰雹天气和一般雷阵雨,阵雨天气过程的样本资料建立了客观的按月取判断冰雹天气过程的方程。  相似文献   

讨论会于1977年10月22日-26日在加拿大的阿尔伯塔召开,共有46名(法国5人、意大利1人、瑞士1人、阿根廷1人、美国8人、加拿大30人)科学家参加。会议目的是对各种测雹装置进行检定和对比,对地面降雹强度测量的有关问题进行充分讨论。参加检定和对比的测雹仪器有:包有0.2毫米厚铝板的苯乙烯泡沫测雹板、包有铝箔的苯乙烯泡沫测雹板、雹块动量感应仪、包有0.015毫米铝箔的氨基甲酸酯测雹板以及未加包复的苯乙烯泡沫测雹板。检定是用一些直  相似文献   

冰雹天气谚语西北风、雹子精。伏天早上凉飓飓,午后冰雹打破头。乌云西北风,冰雹必定凶。不刮东风天不潮,不刮南风不下雹。雹前风头乱。红云夹黄云,定有冰雹跟。云中若有白云扫,雨中雹子必不小。黑云红梢子(或白梢子),必定下雹子。红日一叶云,响雷起妖精(有雹)...  相似文献   

This paper is a comparative study between the two most common hailpad calibration systems: one annual calibration of a whole consignment of material, and the individual calibration of each plate after a hailfall. Individual calibration attempts to minimize errors due to differences in sensitivity to the impact of hailstones between plates from the same consignment, or due to differences in the inking process before the actual measurement.The comparison was carried out using calibration data from the past few years in the hailpad network in south-western France, and data from an individual calibration process on material provided by the hailpad network in Lleida (Spain). The same type of material was used in the two cases.The results confirm that the error in measuring hailstone sizes is smaller in the case of an individual calibration of hailpads than when one single calibration process was carried out for a whole consignment. The former is approximately 80% of the latter. However, this error could have been higher if it had not been the same person carrying out the single calibration process and the measuring of the dents: it has been found that differences in the inking process may account for up to 20% of the error in the case of small hailstones. Calibration errors affecting other variables, e.g. energy or parameter λ of the exponential size distribution are generally higher (5% and 18%, respectively) than errors due to the spatial variability of the hailstones. However, the calibration method does not influence the maximum size, since the relative error attributed to the spatial variability is about 8 times the calibration error.In conclusion, if errors in determining energy or parameter λ are to be reduced to a minimum, it is highly advisable to be consistent in applying the measuring procedure (if possible with the same person carrying out the measurements all the time), and even to use individual calibration on each plate, always bearing in mind that technicians have to be trained appropriately in order to achieve the highest possible degree of uniformity.  相似文献   

Summary  Since 1990 the Laboratory for Atmospheric Physics at the University of León has made use of a network of 250 hailpads spread over an area of 1000 km2 in the province of León (north-western Spain). By the end of 1995, the network had detected 25 hailfalls of more than 15 km2 in area, registered on 13 different days during the summer months. The 25 hailfalls were precipitated over more than 300 separate hailpads, leaving nearly 40 000 measurable prints. The size of each hailstone, whose mass and kinetic energy were taken simply as a function of the diameter of the stone was calculated using the hailpad network. In this way, an estimate has been made of the total quantity of ice which fell in each hailfall (circa 19 000 metric tons on average, although a figure ten times this was calculated for one particular hailstorm). The spatial evolution of the physical variables of the hail, determined from each pad, has also been graphically represented. In addition, the distribution of hailstone sizes has been analysed, and the characteristic distribution parameters calculated. Although exponential distribution is often used, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness-of-fit shows a better fit for gamma distribution. The information provided by these parameters has been analysed for both distributions, in relation to some specific variables associated with hail. There is a good correlation between total energy and mass precipitated, but the quantity of hail per unit area correlates with the total energy or mass of the precipitation only through the area affected. The size distribution parameters only show good correlations with the maximum hailstone size recorded. Received October 1, 1998 Revised March 8, 1999  相似文献   

Summary Hailpads are used to provide quantitative hailfall measurements in several hail experiments and hail suppression operations around the world. The dented hailpads record the time-integrated size distribution and concentration of hailfall. In the five-year Greek National Hail Suppression Program (GNHSP) hailpad data have been used to estimate the global (impact) energy of hailswaths for the evaluation of the GNHSP.In this paper a systematic hailpad calibration procedure is developed applicable to operational programs. To meet this objective a calibration experiment has been conducted consisting of several tests to: consider differences between pad types; to examine the effects of ultra violet-light on hailpads for varying periods of time; to investigate the effect of painting and inking of the hailpad surfaces; to consider the effect of analyst's variability, loose hailpad stands, and bouneing; and to develop calibration eqqations. The concluded results seem to justify the design and performance of the hailpad calibration procedure.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

The ANELFA scale for hailfall intensity is proposed on the model of the 6-class Fujita scale for tornadoes. It is based on more than three thousand point hailfalls measured by hailpads over a 16-year period in France. The class number of a hailfall is determined by the integer value of the largest measured hailstone diameter in cm, or by equivalence with current objects: A0 to A5 for pea, grape, pigeon's egg, walnut, hen's egg, orange. The class number is followed by a plus or minus sign if the ground is significantly more or less than half-covered by hailstones respectively. When the scale is applied to the ANELFA data, a log-normal distribution is found for the class distribution, allowing the frequency determination of the upper class ever observed until now at the hailpad stations.  相似文献   

A study has been carried out in León (in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula) on atmospheric convection during summer periods, by analyzing the values of the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) around 07:00 UTC. The project analyzed the data provided by a network of voluntary observers, a hailpad network, and a meteorological station on a sample of 224 days. The CAPE values found were not high: they never reached 2000 J/kg, not even on hail days, i.e. on days with high convective activity. These values are much lower than the ones measured in convective situations in tropical regions, but they are within the usual values found in Europe. The same happens with the wet bulb potential temperature measured in León. The frequency distribution of the CAPE values shows a clear prevalence of very low or zero values. The group of days with the lowest CAPE value is that which included days with no storm. The mean value increases on storm days, and it is even higher for the days with recorded hailfalls. All these differences are significantly marked. Nevertheless, the differences across the years are not significant enough to be able to speak of an influence of the climatic change on the CAPE. The correlation of the CAPE with some of the variables previously used for hail forecasts was analyzed, and the correlation found was higher for the lifted index. The possible use of the CAPE as a thunderstorm and hailstorm forecasting method was considered. The results were encouraging, especially for hail forecasting, although the CAPE should not be used as the only variable, but combined with other parameters. Moreover, the relationships between the CAPE and the wet bulb potential temperature and between the CAPE and the physical parameters of the hailstones were also analyzed. A relationship was observed with the parameters of the hailstone size distribution. Nonetheless, these results are provisional, and they should be confirmed by analyzing a more representative sample. With a more detailed analysis of these and other relationships, the present forecast model used by the Laboratory for Atmospheric Physics at the University of León is expected to be greatly improved by including the CAPE in this model.  相似文献   


Hail and rain data collected in the National Hail Research Experiment's 1976 dense precipitation network have proved useful in defining the requirements of hail measuring networks. It is shown, at least for the hailstorm of 22 June 1976, that the primary maxima and minima of the spatial distribution of hail mass are revealed by a hailpad spacing of about 4 km, and that increasing detail obtains with smaller spacings until with spacings of 0.4 to 0.8 km finer scale features with dimensions of 1–3 km become defined. Monte‐Carlo and conventional statistical analysis show that the confidence limits on the errer in estimating the true hail mass for a storm increase approximately linearly with the mean spacing of hailpads. For the hailfall of 22 June 1976, there is 90% confidence that the true hail mass is estimated within ± 10% for a hailpad spacing of 1.7 km. Estimates of hail kinetic energy and number of hailstones of this accuracy require that hailpads be approximately 10–20% closer or farther apart, respectively. There is no simple numerical relation between the densities of hailpad and wedge raingauge networks covering the same area such that, if satisfied, the networks would then provide estimates of hail mass and total precipitation of the same accuracy for any storm. There is considerable daily variation in the size of hailswaths and in the spatial distribution of hail mass within them, pointing to the need for a climatological study of these aspects of hailfall to assess properly the requirements that a hail network must meet in a given region.  相似文献   

超级单体单体多单体雹云及其成雹特点的数值模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
段英  刘静波 《气象学报》1998,56(5):529-539
用数值模拟方法模拟了超级单体、单体和多单体雹云的流场和水凝结物场,并对其成雹规律进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明:可长成大雹的雹胚的初始出发区的位置主要由雹云的流场决定,而与雹胚的大小关系不明显;3种类型的雹云的成雹规律是相似的,超级单体之所以可以降大雹,主要是由于流型的稳定和长的生命期。  相似文献   

利用三维全弹性冰雹云模式,对2008年5月24日山东境内一次受高空冷涡影响的大范围冰雹天气过程进行模拟,分析了冰雹的形成机制和催化防雹机理。结果表明:该过程过冷雨水中心位于最大上升气流中心下方,不存在过冷雨累积区,过冷雨水含量最大值仅为4.9gm-3,但雹云中过冷雨水含量仍然丰富,对雹胚的形成及增长起着重要作用。雹胚以冻滴为主,冻滴胚来源于冰雪晶与过冷雨水碰撞冻结以及雨滴核化过程。冻滴形成后主要以碰并过冷雨水、云水增长。冻滴胚自动转化过程是冰雹数量、质量的主要来源;冰雹形成后,前期主要靠碰并冻滴、霰和过冷雨水增长,后期主要靠碰并过冷云水增长。催化试验表明,播撒57.5g催化剂足以通过"竞争"减雹50%以上,增加AgI剂量,防雹的同时能够兼顾增雨。催化剂用量为230g时,催化后液态降水有所增加,固态降水量及占总降水量的比例减少显著,特别是冰雹。AgI主要以凝华核的作用产生人工冰晶,冰晶凝华增长导致过冷云水、雨水含量降低。催化后雹胚特别是冻滴胚数量增多,对过冷云水、雨水的竞争增强;其平均尺度、质量的减小,降低了向冰雹的转化率。冰雹碰并过冷云水、雨水增长过程被减弱,导致冰雹总质量进一步减少,达到消雹目的。  相似文献   

防雹减灾专家系统   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
防雹减灾是一项重要且科学技术性很强的工作。为了提高防雹减灾工作的效益和作业的科学性 ,我们研制了防雹减灾专家系统。该系统是一个知识库 ,集成了防雹减灾工作需要的有关理论、技术和数据。对于防雹减灾工作者它可作为防雹减灾作业的决策工具 ,用于指导防雹减灾作业。对于科研人员它是一个研究平台 ,可以提供研究工作所需要的观测数据和设备。本文着重叙述研究该系统的理论依据 ,包括防雹减灾原理 ;冰雹云的预报、识别方法 ;防雹减灾作业技术 ,包括作业时机、作业部位、作业量的确定方法 ,各作业点、作业方位仰角的计算方法等 ;还包括物理效果检验方法以及防雹减灾作业所用的主要设备仪器的技术参数  相似文献   

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