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Side scan sonar records, sediment textural characteristics, and in-situ field observations were used to study gravelly and pebbly dunes and sorted bedforms on the inner shelf of Marettimo Island, along the northwestern Sicilian shelf. The dunes are composed of coarse sands, gravels and pebbles (D50: 2–16 mm), displaying a symmetrical shape with a wavelength in the range of 1–2.5 m and a height of 0.15–0.30 m. The bedforms are distributed in a patchy pattern in a depth range of 10–50 m, and are described for the first time on a Mediterranean inner shelf. Sorted bedforms are linear morphological features developed almost perpendicular to the coast in the eastern sector of the island between 15 and 50 m water depth. Bottom shear stresses required for sediment entrainment and the generation of the shallower dunes can be reached during strong storms (Hs=5–6 m; Tp=9–11 s), which are not common in the Mediterranean Sea. However, wave storm events recorded in the study area during the last 17 years are not able to generate the coarsest and deeper dunes, suggesting that the stirring mechanism for dune formation is associated with severe storms that have a recurrence interval of more than 17 years. The long-term stability of the coarse bedforms is supported by the permanence of sorted bedforms without significant morphological changes for long periods (>13 years). Therefore, it is shown that processes forming coarse bedforms can occur in tideless and moderate-energy settings like those of the Mediterranean continental shelves, although the morphological features are probably less dynamic and remain unaltered for longer periods than on higher-energy shelves.  相似文献   

Tidal sand dune dynamics is observed for two tidal cycles in the Arcachon tidal inlet, southwest France. An array of instruments is deployed to measure bathymetric and current variations along dune profiles. Based on the measurements, dune crest horizontal and vertical displacements are quantified and show important dynamics in phase with tidal currents. We observed superimposed ripples on the dune stoss side and front, migrating and changing polarity as tidal currents reverse. A 2D RANS numerical model is used to simulate the morphodynamic evolution of a flat non-cohesive sand bed submitted to a tidal current. The model reproduces the bed evolution until a field of sand bedforms is obtained that are comparable with observed superimposed ripples in terms of geometrical dimensions and dynamics. The model is then applied to simulate the dynamics of a field of large sand dunes of similar size as the dunes observed in situ. In both cases, simulation results compare well with measurements qualitatively and quantitatively. This research allows for a better understanding of tidal sand dune and superimposed ripple morphodynamics and opens new perspectives for the use of numerical models to predict their evolution.  相似文献   

High-resolution multibeam swath-bathymetry and sediment samples were collected across the outer shelf region of the Columbretes Islands (southern Ebro continental shelf, western Mediterranean Sea). Bathymetric data from the submerged part of the Columbretes volcanic system revealed the presence of three main relict sand bodies along the outer shelf, at 80–116 m depth range, above which asymmetric and slightly asymmetric large and very large 2D and 3D subaqueous dunes were observed. These bed features were recognized, mapped and quantified with the aim of evaluating their potential formation mechanisms in relation to the local hydrodynamic and morphologic settings of the area. Dunes range from 150 to 760 m in wavelength and from tens of centimeters to 3 m in height, and are among the longest ever recognized in an outer shelf region. These bedforms are mostly composed of medium-sized sandy sediments, presumably coming from the degraded relict sand bodies on top of which they have developed, mixed with fine fractions from the recent draping holocenic sediments. The orientation of the dunes is SSW, progressively turning W towards the southernmost sector of the area, following the trend of the shelf-edge. Contemporary hydrodynamic measurements at the Ebro continental shelf-edge show that recorded currents are insufficient to form the observed bedforms and that stronger currents are required for sediment mobilization and dune formation. Based on their morphology and orientation, it is proposed that these bedforms are produced by the action of the southward-flowing Liguro-Provençal-Catalan (LPC) geostrophic current. The LPC probably reaches high near-bottom currents during energetic hydrodynamic events through interactions with the seafloor morphology of the study area. Subaqueous dunes are expected to be basically inactive features with respect to present-day processes, although they can be reactivated during high-energy events. The small Δh/λ ratio measured in the dune fields of the Columbretes shelf revealed that the dune heights fall below the values predicted by the Flemming (1988) global equation, as observed in other outer shelf settings also dominated by unidirectional flows. This may suggest a different morphodynamic character of large dunes formed on outer shelves in a micro-tidal regime.  相似文献   

This paper describes the details of a quasi-three-dimensional model (3DBANK), which has been developed to investigate medium and long-term morphological evolution and development of offshore sandbanks. The model is based on a three-dimensional tidal module using the Galerkin-eigenfunction method, but also includes four sub-modules to compute: the instantaneous bedform characteristics from which the temporal and spatial variations of the shear stresses at the sea bed can be derived; the suspended sediment concentration through the water column; the bed-load and suspended sediment fluxes at a point-in-plan; and the resulting morphological changes, respectively. The model also includes the effects of the wind and waves at the sea surface, as well as the wave–current interaction (WCI), and operates with full hydrodynamic and morphodynamic interaction. The components of the model were tested against laboratory and field data, and the complete model was then applied to Middlekerke Bank off the Flemish coast where extensive field measurements were taken during the European Community (EC) funded Circulation and Sediment Transport Around Banks (CSTAB) Project using various advanced instrumentation including STABLE and HF OSCR. Comparisons of the model results with the field measurements and observations show that the model is capable of reproducing the current and wave-induced bedforms, bed roughness, tidal currents and tidal residuals around the sandbank satisfactorily, and can be used to study the long-term sandbank evolution under various offshore conditions. This paper, however, focuses on the hydrodynamic aspects of the model, while the details of the morphological components will be given in a companion paper.  相似文献   

Dune bedforms and salt‐wedge intrusions are common features in many estuaries with sand beds, and yet little is known about the interactions between the two. Flow visualization with an echosounder and velocity measurements with an acoustic Doppler current profiler over areas of flat‐bed and sand dunes in the highly‐stratified Fraser River estuary, Canada, were used to examine the effect of dunes on interfacial mixing. As the salt‐wedge migrates upstream over the flat‐bed, mixing is restricted to the lower portion of the water column. However, as the salt‐wedge migrates into the dune field from the flat bed, there is a dramatic change in the flow, and large internal in‐phase waves develop over each of the larger dunes, with water from the salt‐wedge reaching the surface of the estuary. The friction Richardson number shows that bed friction is more important in interfacial mixing over the dunes than over the flat‐bed, and a plot of internal Froude Number versus obstacle (dune) height shows that the salt‐wedge flow over the dunes is mainly supercritical. Such bedforms can be expected to cause similar effects in interfacial mixing in other estuaries and sediment‐laden density currents, and may thus be influential in fluid mixing and sediment transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large asymmetric bedforms known as dunes commonly dominate the bed of sand rivers. Due to the turbulence generation over their stoss and lee sides, dunes are of central importance in predicting hydraulic roughness and water levels. During floods in steep alluvial rivers, dunes are observed to grow rapidly as flow strength increases, undergoing an unstable transition regime, after which they are washed out in what is called upper stage plane bed. This transition of dunes to upper stage plane bed is associated with high transport of bed sediment in suspension and large decrease in bedform roughness. In the present study, we aim to improve the prediction of dune development and dune transition to upper stage plane bed by introducing the transport of suspended sediment in an existing dune evolution model. In addition, flume experiments are carried out to investigate dune development under bed load and suspended load dominated transport regimes, and to get insight in the time scales related to the transition of dunes to upper stage plane bed. Simulations with the extended model including the transport of suspended sediment show significant improvement in the prediction of equilibrium dune parameters (e.g. dune height, dune length, dune steepness, dune migration rate, dune lee side slope) both under bed load dominant and suspended load dominant transport regimes. The chosen modeling approach also allows us to model the transition of dunes to upper stage plane bed which was not possible with the original dune evolution model. The extended model predicts change in the dune shapes as was observed in the flume experiments with decreasing dune heights and dune lee slopes. Furthermore, the time scale of dune transition to upper stage plane bed was quite well predicted by the extended model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The bed of estuaries is often characterized by ripples and dunes of varying size. Whereas smaller bedforms adapt their morphological shape to the oscillating tidal currents, large compound dunes (here: asymmetric tidal dunes) remain stable for periods longer than a tidal cycle. Bedforms constitute a form roughness, that is, hydraulic flow resistance, which has a large-scale effect on tidal asymmetry and, hence, on hydrodynamics, sediment transport, and morphodynamics of estuaries and coastal seas. Flow separation behind the dune crest and recirculation on the steep downstream side result in turbulence and energy loss. Since the energy dissipation can be related to the dune lee slope angle, asymmetric dune shapes induce variable flow resistance during ebb and flood phases. Here, a noncalibrated numerical model has been applied to analyze the large-scale effect of symmetric and asymmetric dune shapes on estuarine tidal asymmetry evaluated by residual bed load sediment transport at the Weser estuary, Germany. Scenario simulations were performed with parameterized bed roughness of symmetric and asymmetric dune shapes and without dune roughness. The spatiotemporal interaction of distinct dune shapes with the main drivers of estuarine sediment and morphodynamics, that is, river discharge and tidal energy, is shown to be complex but substantial. The contrasting effects of flood- and ebb-oriented asymmetric dunes on residual bed load transport rates and directions are estimated to be of a similar importance as the controls of seasonal changes of discharge on these net sediment fluxes at the Lower Weser estuary. This corroborates the need to consider dune-induced directional bed roughness in numerical models of estuarine and tidal environments.  相似文献   

Bedforms and their migration are among the most important features determining bed load transport on point bars in sand-bedded rivers. A case study has been carried out in the Danish river Gels Å in a bend with equilibrium point bar topography. Bedforms (dunes) were repeatedly surveyed to determine the bedform migration on the point bar surface. Bedforms occur in two categories in the bend: primary dunes and secondary dunes migrating transversely in the troughs between primary dunes. The study shows that the migration of these bedforms can account for the entire lateral transport known to concentrate the transport in the convex half of the cross section at the bend exit. The bedform transport is induced by both dune categories, partly by turning of the primary dunes towards the convex bank and partly by the migration of secondary dunes. In certain areas, the two categories operate together and thus make the lateral transport particularly large; it is shown that almost 60 per cent of the entire lateral transport in the bend takes place within less than 30 per cent of the streamwise extent of the point bar.  相似文献   

Erosion, sediment transportation and accumulation in rivers   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
The present paper analyses the interrelation between erosion, sediment transportation and accumulation proposed by N. I. Makkaveyev (1908-1983) and its further development in modem studies of river channel processes in Russia. Spatio-temporal linkages between erosion and accumulation are defined considering channel processes at different scales - river longitudinal profile, channel morphological patterns, alluvial bedforms (bars, dunes) and individual sediment particles. Relations between river geomorphic activity, flow transportation capacity and sediment budgets are established (sediment input and output; channel bed erosion and sediment entrainment into flow - termination of sediment transport and its deposition). Channel planforms, floodplain segments separated by the latter and alluvial channel bedforms are shown to be geomorphic expressions of sediment transport process at different spatial and temporal scales. This paper is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N. I. Makkaveyev, Professor of the Moscow State University, author of the book "River channel and erosion in its basin" (1955). That book is regarded in Russia as the pioneering work which initiated the complex hydrological and geographical studies of channel processes and laid a basis for the theory of unified fluvial erosion-accumulation process.  相似文献   

The lower Yellow River (LYR) is a fully alluvial system with a fine-grained bed that has a high proportion of silt.Bathymetric survey data collected with a Multi-Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) from the wandering reach of the LYR indicates that the bedforms are characterized by large aspect ratios (wavelength/height)and low lee-side angles.Since the Xiaolangdi Reservoir (XLD) has been operational in the middle reach of the Yellow River,bedforms have been dominated by two-scales of dunes,that is,a frame...  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to investigate experimentally the development of bedforms in a configuration where the sediment supply is limited. The experimental setup is a rectangular closed duct combining an innovative system to control the rate of sediment supply Qin , and a digitizing system to measure in real time the 3D bedform topography. We carried out different sets of experiments with two sediment sizes (100 µm and 500 µm) varying both the sediment supply and the water flow rate to obtain a total of 46 different configurations. After a transient phase, steady sub‐centimeter bedforms of various shapes have been observed: barchans dunes, straight transverse dune, linguoid transverse dunes and bedload sheets. Height, spacing, migration speed, and mean bed elevation of the equilibrium bedforms were measured. For a given flow rate, two regimes were identified with fine sediment: (i) a monotonic increasing regime where the equilibrium bedform height and velocity increase with the sediment supply rate Qin and (ii) an invariant regime for which both parameters are almost independent of Qin. For coarse sediment, only the first regime is observed. We interpret the saturation of height and velocity for fine sediment bedforms as the transition from a supply‐limited regime to a transport‐limited regime in which the bedload flux has reached its maximum value under the prevailing flow conditions. We also demonstrate that all experiments can be rescaled if the migration speed and height of the bedforms are, respectively, divided and multiplied by the cube of the shear velocity. This normalization is independent of grain size and of bedform morphology. These experimental results provide a new quantification of the factors controlling equilibrium height and migration speed of bedforms in supply‐limited conditions against which theoretical and numerical models can be tested.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a field investigation conducted to examine the bed sediment, riverbed morphology and flow structure over dunes in natural and regulated channels. Field measurements using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) have been carried out on two parts of lowland Wilga River in Poland. It is shown that the bedforms with a low angle of lee side develop more frequently than asymmetrical dunes with high lee-side angles, which are mostly associated with the occurrence of local scours and river meanders. Wavenumber analysis of bed elevation confirms the existence of scaling region in the longitudinal wavenumber spectrum, with “?3” scaling exponents for the natural and regulated channels as well. Moreover, the results of flow velocity field are presented in the form of a 2-D streamwise-vertical vector field, showing several similarities to previous laboratory and field investigations conducted on much deeper rivers than the Wilga. The experimental campaign and methods used to obtain the results are also presented briefly. In addition, a short database of fluvial dunes statistics is provided.  相似文献   

Applications of process-based morphodynamic models are often constrained by limited availability of data on bed composition, which may have a considerable impact on the modeled morphodynamic development. One may even distinguish a period of “morphodynamic spin-up??in which the model generates the bed level according to some ill-defined initial bed composition rather than describing the realistic behavior of the system. The present paper proposes a methodology to generate bed composition of multiple sand and/or mud fractions that can act as the initial condition for the process-based numerical model Delft3D. The bed composition generation (BCG) run does not include bed level changes, but does permit the redistribution of multiple sediment fractions over the modeled domain. The model applies the concept of an active layer that may differ in sediment composition above an underlayer with fixed composition. In the case of a BCG run, the bed level is kept constant, whereas the bed composition can change. The approach is applied to San Pablo Bay in California, USA. Model results show that the BCG run reallocates sand and mud fractions over the model domain. Initially, a major sediment reallocation takes place, but development rates decrease in the longer term. Runs that take the outcome of a BCG run as a starting point lead to more gradual morphodynamic development. Sensitivity analysis shows the impact of variations in the morphological factor, the active layer thickness, and wind waves. An important but difficult to characterize criterion for a successful application of a BCG run is that it should not lead to a bed composition that fixes the bed so that it dominates the “natural??morphodynamic development of the system. Future research will focus on a decadal morphodynamic hindcast and comparison with measured bathymetries in San Pablo Bay so that the proposed methodology can be tested and optimized.  相似文献   

The effect exerted by the seabed morphology on the flow is commonly expressed by the hydraulic roughness, a fundamental parameter in the understanding and simulation of hydro- and sediment dynamics in coastal areas. This study quantifies the hydraulic roughness of large compound bedforms throughout a tidal cycle and investigates its relationship to averaged bedform dimensions. Consecutive measurements with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and a multibeam echosounder were carried out in the Jade tidal channel (North Sea, Germany) along large compound bedforms comprising ebb-oriented primary bedforms with superimposed smaller secondary bedforms. Spatially averaged velocity profiles produced log-linear relationships which were used to calculate roughness lengths. During the flood phase, the velocity profiles were best described by a single log-linear fit related to the roughness created by the secondary bedforms. During the ebb phase, the velocity profiles were segmented, showing the existence of at least two boundary layers: a lower one scaling with the superimposed secondary bedforms and an upper one scaling with the ebb-oriented primary bedforms. The drag induced by the primary bedform during the ebb phase is suggested to be related to flow expansion, separation, and recirculation on the downstream side of the bedform. Three existing formulas were tested to predict roughness lengths from the local bedform dimensions. All three predicted the right order of magnitude for the average roughness length but failed to predict its variation over the tidal cycle.  相似文献   

This study assesses hydrodynamic and morphodynamic model sensitivity and functionality in a curved channel. The sensitivity of a depth‐averaged model to user‐defined parameters (grain size, roughness, transverse bed slope effect, transport relations and secondary flow) is tested. According to the sensitivity analysis, grain size, transverse bed slope effect and sediment transport relations are critical to simulated meander bend morphodynamics. The parametrization of grain size has the most remarkable effect: field‐based grain size parametrization is necessary in a successful morphodynamic reconstruction of a meander bend. The roughness parametrization method affects the distribution of flow velocities and therefore also morphodynamics. The combined effect of various parameters needs further research. Two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) reconstructions of a natural meander bend during a flood event are assessed against field measurements of acoustic Doppler current profiler and multi‐temporal mobile laser scanning data. The depth‐averaged velocities are simulated satisfactorily (differences from acoustic Doppler current profiler velocities 5–14%) in both 2D and 3D simulations, but the advantage of the 3D hydrodynamic model is unquestionable because of its ability to model vertical and near‐bed flows. The measured and modelled near‐bed flow, however, differed notably from each other's, the reason of which was left open for future research. It was challenging to model flow direction beyond the apex. The 3D flow features, which also affected the distribution of the bed shear stress, seem not to have much effect on the predicted morphodynamics: the 2D and 3D morphodynamic reconstructions over the point bar resembled each other closely. Although common features between the modelled and measured morphological changes were also found, some specific changes that occurred were not evident in the simulation results. Our results show that short‐term, sub‐bend scale morphodynamic processes of a natural meander bend are challenging to model, which implies that they are affected by factors that have been neglected in the simulations. The modelling of short‐term morphodynamics in natural curved channel is a challenge that requires further study. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the formation of river bedforms under sediment supply-limited conditions, i.e. when a motionless substratum is bared by the dynamics of the mobile sediments. Three series of experiments were organized in a laboratory flume by fixing all the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic parameters but varying the thickness of the initial layer of mobile sediments which covers the rigid bottom of the flume. At the end of all the experiments, which lasted for the same amount of time, the formation of transverse sand dunes was observed. For decreasing , the rigid bottom of the flume was bared progressively earlier during the experiment and the measurements showed a clear tendency of the bedforms to lengthen, i.e. to increase their crest-to-crest distance. Moreover, under strong supply limitation, the two-dimensional transverse dunes turned into three-dimensional barchanoid forms and into isolated barchan dunes characterized by an abrupt reduction in bedform heights. A two-dimensional Fourier analysis of the bottom profile was performed, providing the amplitude of the main streamwise and spanwise harmonic components of the bottom morphology as a function of . © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many tidal embayments, bottom patterns, such as the channel-shoal systems of the Wadden Sea, are observed. To gain understanding of the mechanisms that result in these bottom patterns, an idealized model is developed and analyzed for short tidal embayments. In this model, the water motion is described by the depth- and width-averaged shallow water equations and forced by a prescribed sea surface elevation at the entrance of the embayment. The bed evolves due to the divergence and convergence of suspended sediment fluxes. To model this suspended-load sediment transport, the three-dimensional advection–diffusion equation is integrated over depth and averaged over the width. One of the sediment fluxes in the resulting one-dimensional advection–diffusion equation is proportional to the gradient of the local water depth. In most models, this topographically induced flux is not present. Using standard continuation techniques, morphodynamic equilibria are obtained for different parameter values and forcing conditions. The bathymetry of the resulting equilibrium bed profiles and their dependency on parameters, such as the phase difference between the externally prescribed M2 and M4 tide and the sediment fall velocity, are explained physically. With this model, it is then shown that for embayments that are dominated by a net import of sediment, morphodynamic equilibria only exist up to a maximum embayment length. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the model to different morphological boundary conditions at the entrance of the embayment is investigated and it is demonstrated how this strongly influences the shape and number of possible equilibrium bottom profiles. This paper ends with a comparison between the developed model and field data for the Wadden Sea’s Ameland and Frisian inlets. When the model is forced with the observed M2 and M4 tidal constituents, morphodynamic equilibria can be found with embayment lengths similar to those observed in these inlets. However, this is only possible when the topographically induced suspended sediment flux is included. Without this flux, the maximum embayment length for which morphodynamic equilibria can be found is approximately a third of the observed length. The sensitivity of the model to the topographically induced sediment flux is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Results from computational morphodynamics modeling of coupled flow–bed–sediment systems are described for 10 applications as a review of recent advances in the field. Each of these applications is drawn from solvers included in the public-domain International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) software package. For mesoscale river features such as bars, predictions of alternate and higher mode river bars are shown for flows with equilibrium sediment supply and for a single case of oversupplied sediment. For microscale bed features such as bedforms, computational results are shown for the development and evolution of two-dimensional bedforms using a simple closure-based two-dimensional model, for two- and three-dimensional ripples and dunes using a three-dimensional large-eddy simulation flow model coupled to a physics-based particle transport model, and for the development of bed streaks using a three-dimensional unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes solver with a simple sediment-transport treatment. Finally, macroscale or channel evolution treatments are used to examine the temporal development of meandering channels, a failure model for cantilevered banks, the effect of bank vegetation on channel width, the development of channel networks in tidal systems, and the evolution of bedrock channels. In all examples, computational morphodynamics results from iRIC solvers compare well to observations of natural bed morphology. For each of the three scales investigated here, brief suggestions for future work and potential research directions are offered. © 2019 The Authors Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

Subaqueous dunes are often observed to be superimposed on larger dunes, sand bars and tidal ridges, while smaller dunes may also be found superimposed on larger dunes. In this study an automated method has been developed by which the geometry of superimposed rhythmic bedforms can be analysed. The method combines two-dimensional (2D) Fourier analysis, wavelet transform, zero-crossing analysis and a variety of filters. Instead of applying conventional manual procedures, the wavelength of interest can be automatically determined by a series of 2D Fourier analyses, which is a critical first step for automated analysis of dune geometries. Based on such efficient data preprocessing, the method can accurately determine dune orientation, separate target bedform profiles, and identify crests and troughs. With the input of bathymetry, the dominant regional dune orientation can be determined together with the geometric parameters of individual dunes (wavelength, height, leeside angles) and their spatial distribution. The method was applied to both synthetic and observed bathymetries of a tidal ridge off the Jiangsu coast, China, and a sand bank in the Dover Strait, UK. The results show that almost all dunes in the domain were detected and their geometric parameters accurately calculated, especially in areas of bedform superimposition. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The delayed response of fluvial rivers to external disturbances has been described by many researchers.To simulate such behavior,the rate law model(or the delayed response model) was developed by previous researchers,and has been applied to a series of river morphological problems.However,to date,the applicability of the rate law model has not been fully understood.In the current paper,a physicallybased analysis of the rate law model is presented to assess the responses of bed elevation and the ...  相似文献   

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