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The deep-focus Sea of Okhotsk earthquake that occurred on May 24, 2013 (h = 630 km, M w = 8.3) was accompanied by anomalous effects that were unknown previously. A combined analysis of published data concerning the source rupture evolution and some features of the deep structure provided an explanation of some anomalous effects, such as the large number of aftershocks and the low level of ground shaking in the epicentral area. However, GPS observations revealed high coseismic vertical displacements in the area. The seafloor uplift in the Sea of Okhotsk and the adjacent coasts was 3–12 mm, peaking at the approximate center of the sea, while Kamchatka and the North Kuril Islands subsided by 3–18 mm, peaking at the Apacha station 190 km east of the earthquake epicenter. These maximum estimates are 1.2–1.8 times the analogous values (10 mm) for the Chile mega-earthquake of May 20, 1960 (M w ~ 9.5). It is known that the large distances at which ground shaking is felt during deep-focus earthquakes are due to the fact that the body waves travel through the high-Q lower mantle. However, this does not explain the paradox of the present earthquake in the Sea of Okhotsk, viz., a constant intensity of shaking (two grades) in the range of epicentral distances between 1300 and 9500 km. The explanation requires consideration of the earth’s free oscillations excited by the earthquake.  相似文献   

Maximum earthquake size varies considerably amongst the subduction zones. This has been interpreted as a variation in the seismic coupling, which is presumably related to the mechanical conditions of the fault zone. The rupture process of a great earthquake indicates the distribution of strong (asperities) and weak regions of the fault. The rupture process of three great earthquakes (1963 Kurile Islands, MW = 8.5; 1965 Rat Islands, MW = 8.7; 1964 Alaska, MW = 9.2) are studied by using WWSSN stations in the core shadow zone. Diffraction around the core attenuates the P-wave amplitudes such that on-scale long-period P-waves are recorded. There are striking differences between the seismograms of the great earthquakes; the Alaskan earthquake has the largest amplitude and a very long-period nature, while the Kurile Islands earthquake appears to be a sequence of magnitude 7.5 events.The source time functions are deconvolved from the observed records. The Kurile Islands rupture process is characterized by the breaking of asperities with a length scale of 40–60 km, and for the Alaskan earthquake the dominant length scale in the epicentral region is 140–200 km. The variation of length scale and MW suggests that larger asperities cause larger earthquakes. The source time function of the 1979 Colombia earthquake (MW = 8.3) is also deconvolved. This earthquake is characterized by a single asperity of length scale 100–120 km, which is consistent with the above pattern, as the Colombia subduction zone was previously ruptured by a great (MW = 8.8) earthquake in 1906.The main result is that maximum earthquake size is related to the asperity distribution on the fault. The subduction zones with the largest earthquakes have very large asperities (e.g. the Alaskan earthquake), while the zones with the smaller great earthquakes (e.g. Kurile Islands) have smaller scattered asperities.  相似文献   

On April 29, 2017 at 0:56 UTC (2:56 local time), an MW =?2.8 earthquake struck the metropolitan area between Leipzig and Halle, Germany, near the small town of Markranstädt. The earthquake was felt within 50 km from the epicenter and reached a local intensity of I0 = IV. Already in 2015 and only 15 km northwest of the epicenter, a MW =?3.2 earthquake struck the area with a similar large felt radius and I0 = IV. More than 1.1 million people live in the region, and the unusual occurrence of the two earthquakes led to public attention, because the tectonic activity is unclear and induced earthquakes have occurred in neighboring regions. Historical earthquakes south of Leipzig had estimated magnitudes up to MW ≈?5 and coincide with NW-SE striking crustal basement faults. We use different seismological methods to analyze the two recent earthquakes and discuss them in the context of the known tectonic structures and historical seismicity. Novel stochastic full waveform simulation and inversion approaches are adapted for the application to weak, local earthquakes, to analyze mechanisms and ground motions and their relation to observed intensities. We find NW-SE striking normal faulting mechanisms for both earthquakes and centroid depths of 26 and 29 km. The earthquakes are located where faults with large vertical offsets of several hundred meters and Hercynian strike have developed since the Mesozoic. We use a stochastic full waveform simulation to explain the local peak ground velocities and calibrate the method to simulate intensities. Since the area is densely populated and has sensitive infrastructure, we simulate scenarios assuming that a 12-km long fault segment between the two recent earthquakes is ruptured and study the impact of rupture parameters on ground motions and expected damage.  相似文献   

The 2003 Ml = 5.4 Rambervillers earthquake, north-east of France, is the largest seismic event recorded north of the Alps since the 1992 Ms = 5.3, I0 = VII, Roermond earthquake, Netherlands. With a maximum macroseismic intensity of VI-VII EMS-98, the 2003 event was broadly felt to a distance of 300 km from the epicentre. It provides a unique opportunity to test and compare the different procedures used in France, Germany and Switzerland when evaluating macroseismic intensities. The main purpose of this paper is to present a common transfrontier macroseismic map based on the EMS-98 intensity scale. Maximum horizontal accelerations recorded in the area are compared to the intensity values, and we propose to use a differential technique to re-estimate the magnitude of the 1682 Remiremont, I0 = VIII, earthquake, which occurred 40 km south of Rambervillers.  相似文献   

The directivity function method is combined with an earthquake sequence study to obtain the reliable estimates of rupture area and rupture velocity of two right-lateral strike-slip earthquakes occurring along the San Andreas fault zone in central California. By utilizing a significant difference in velocity structure on both sides of the main fault, a modified version of the directivity function is formulated and applied to near-field SH waves. On assuming aftershock areas following their step-wise increase with time as rupture areas, an extensive systematic search for the best fit between the observed and theoretical directivity functions is made for a combination of both source parameters. The rupture at the February 24, 1972 earthquake (ML = 5.0) propagated unilaterally with an average velocity of about 2.3 km/sec. It produced a rectangular area, the horizontal and vertical lengths being about 5 and 2 km, respectively. The rupture at the September 4, 1972 earthquake (ML = 4.6) was of bilateral, yielding a nearly square rupture area of which side length is about 2 km. The rupture velocity of this earthquake, though some ambiguities resulting from a lower quality of the observed directivity function, is estimated at 1.9 km/sec or less. A difference in average rupture velocity between both earthquakes might imply its dependence on the ambient tectonic environment such as represented by local stress and humidity. By taking into account a post-earthquake creep increase of about 3.0–3.5 cm observed at a creepmeter station situated over the focus of the February 24, 1972 earthquake, its stress drop and seismic moment are estimated at about 10 bar and 1023 dyn · cm, respectively. The above procedure has a broad applicability for recovering reliable estimates of source parameters, especially when it is combined with a synthetic approach.  相似文献   

A new prototype system for earthquake early warning in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new prototype earthquake early warning (EEW) system is being developed and tested using a real-time seismographic network currently in operation in Taiwan. This system is based on the Earthworm environment which carries out integrated analysis of real-time broadband, strong-motion and short-period signals. The peak amplitude of displacement in the three seconds after the P arrival, dubbed Pd, is used for the magnitude determination. Incoming signals are processed in real time. When a large earthquake occurs, P-wave arrival times and Pd will be estimated for location and magnitude determinations for EEW purpose. In a test of 54 felt earthquakes, this system can report earthquake information in 18.8±4.1 s after the earthquake occurrence with an average difference in epicenter locations of 6.3±5.7 km, and an average difference in depths of 7.9±6.6 km from catalogues. The magnitudes approach a 1:1 relationship to the reported magnitudes with a standard deviation of 0.51. Therefore, this system can provide early warning before the arrival of S-wave for metropolitan areas located 70 km away from the epicenter. This new system is still under development and being improved, with the hope of replacing the current operational EEW system in the future.  相似文献   

《Geofísica Internacional》2013,52(2):173-196
An analysis of local and regional data produced by the shallow, thrust Ometepec-Pinotepa Nacional earthquake (Mw 7.5) of 20 March 2012 shows that it nucleated at 16.254°N 98.531°W, about 5 km offshore at a depth of about 20 km. During the first 4 seconds the slip was relatively small. It was followed by rupture of two patches with large slip, one updip of the hypocenter to the SE and the other downdip to the north. Total rupture area, estimated from inversion of near-source strong-motion recordings, is ~25 km × 60 km. The earthquake was followed by an exceptionally large number of aftershocks. The aftershock area overlaps with that of the 1982 doublet (Mw 7.0, 6.9). However, the seismic moment of the 2012 earthquake is ~3 times the sum of the moments of the doublet, indicating that the gross rupture characteristics of the two earthquake episodes differ. The small-slip area near the hypocenter and large-slip areas of the two patches are characterized by relatively small aftershock activity. A striking, intense, linear NE alignment of the aftershocks is clearly seen. The radiated energy to seismic moment ratios, (Es/M0), of five earthquakes in the region reveal that they are an order of magnitude smaller for near-trench earthquakes than those that occur further downdip (e.g., 2012 and the 1995 Copala earthquakes). The near-trench earthquakes are known to produce low Amax. The available information suggests that the plate interface in the region can be divided in three domains. (1) From the trench to a distance of about 35 km downdip. In this domain M~6 to 7 earthquakes with low values of (Es/M0) occur. These events generate large number of aftershocks. It is not known whether the remaining area on this part of the interface slips aseismically (stable sliding) or is partially locked. (2) From 35 to 100 km from the trench. This domain is seismically coupled where stick-slip sliding occurs, generating large earthquakes. Part of the area is probably conditionally stable. (3) From 100 to 200 km from the trench. In this domain slow slip events (SSE) and nonvolcanic tremors (NVT) have been reported.The earthquake caused severe damage in and near the towns of Ometepec and Pinotepa Nacional. The PGA exceeded 1 g at a soft site in the epicentral region. Observed PGAs on hard sites as a function of distance are in reasonable agreement with the expected ones from ground motion prediction equations derived using data from Mexican interplate earthquakes. The earthquake was strongly felt in Mexico City. PGA at CU, a hard site in the city, was 12 gal. Strong-motion recordings in the city since 1985 demonstrate that PGAs during the 2012 earthquake were not exceptional, and that similar motion occurs about once in three years.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from a macroseismic survey of the impact and consequences of the M W = 7.6 April 20(21), 2006 Olyutorskii earthquake in the area of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug and the adjacent areas in Kamchatka and Magadan regions. The earthquake was felt over an area of about 400000 sq. km with intensities of II to IX–X on the MSK-64 scale. Information was gathered from 37 population centers situated in this area and was used to present a summary of felt effects, to construct an isoseismals map, and to determine the macroseismic magnitude.  相似文献   

We described the February 1, 2011 (Mw = 4.7) Zagan earthquake occurred in the area of the Zagan range. This event is one of the most significant in western Transbaikalia. Macroseismic effects of this seismic event were felt over a wide territory: the intensity of II was observed at the distance of more than 300 km. Earthquake focal parameters (hypocentral depth, seismic moment, moment magnitude and focal mechanism) calculated from the data on surface wave amplitude spectra correspond to the structural position of the origin connected with a zone of plastic flow (slip) bordering the northwest slope of the Zagan range (similar complex of the metamorphic core). The results obtained prove the existence of the continental extension processes in this area.  相似文献   

This work generalizes the results of tomographic imaging performed by the authors for epicentral zones. Seismic events in North Africa (the M w = 5.8 earthquake of 1985 near the town of Constantine), eastern Anatolia (the Erzincan M w = 6.7 earthquake of 1992), the Lesser and Greater Caucasus (the 1988 Spitak M w = 6.8 and the 1991 Racha M w = 7.0 earthquakes), and northern Sakhalin (the 1995 Neftegorsk M w = 7.1 earthquake) are examined. It is shown how various morphokinematic types of active faults differ in the resulting tomographic images at various depths. A classification of tomographic images of strong earthquake source zones is proposed in accordance with the rank of their generating faults. The sources of the Spitak, Racha, and Erzincan earthquakes are confined to large boundary faults separating tectonic zones. Lower velocity bands are revealed in the tomographic images, and low velocity “pockets” 1–2 km or somewhat more in width penetrating to a depth of up to 15 km are observed near the fault zones. The Constantine and Neftegorsk earthquakes were generated by faults of a lower rank. The source zones of these events are imaged tomographically as narrow gradient zones.  相似文献   

The preliminary research results of vertical deformation dislocation model of GongheM S =6.9 earthquake show that, the causative structure is a hidden fault with strike N60°W, dipping S47°W, which lies near the current subsidence center of Gonghe basin. The rupture length and width are 30km and 14km, the upper and lower bound depth of the fault in width direction are 3km and 17km respectively. The maximum coseismic and preseismic vertical deformation of GongheM S =6.9 earthquake are 247mm and about 100mm. The reasons why there existed rapid postseismic uplift are also given a tentative discussion.  相似文献   

Long-term seismic activity prior to the December 26, 2004, off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, M W=9.0 earthquake was investigated using the Harvard CMT catalogue. It is observed that before this great earthquake, there exists an accelerating moment release (AMR) process with the temporal scale of a quarter century and the spatial scale of 1 500 km. Within this spatial range, the M W=9.0 event falls into the piece-wise power-law-like frequency-magnitude distribution. Therefore, in the perspective of the critical-point-like model of earthquake preparation, the failure to forecast/predict the approaching and/or the size of this earthquake is not due to the physically intrinsic unpredictability of earthquakes.  相似文献   

An interpretation of the type, size, and interrelations of sources is proposed for the three large Aleutian earthquakes of March 9, 1957, May 7, 1986, and June 10, 1996, which occurred in structures of the Andreanof Islands. According to our interpretation, the earthquakes were caused by steep reverse faults confined to different structural units of the southern slope of the Andreanof Islands and oriented along the strike of these structures. An E-W reverse fault that generated the largest earthquake of 1957 is located within the Aleutian Terrace and genetically appears to be associated with the development of the submarine Hawley Ridge. The western and eastern boundaries of this source are structurally well expressed by the Adak Canyon in the west (~177°W) and an abrupt change in isobaths in the east (~173°W). The character of the boundaries is reflected in the focal mechanisms. The source of the earthquake of 1957 extends for about 300 km, which agrees well with modern estimates of its magnitude (M w = 8.6). Because the earthquake of 1957 caused, due to its high strength, seismic activation of adjacent areas of the Aleutian island arc, its aftershock zone appreciably exceeded in size the earthquake source. Reverse faults that activated the seismic sources of the earthquakes of 1986 and 1996 were located within the southern slope of the Andreanof Islands, higher than the Aleutian Terrace, outside the seismic source of the 1957 earthquake. The boundaries of these sources are also well expressed in structures and focal mechanisms. According to our estimate, the length of the 1986 earthquake source does not exceed 130–140 km, which does not contradict its magnitude (M w = 8). The length of the 1996 earthquake source is ~100 km, which also agrees with the magnitude of the earthquake (M w = 7.8).  相似文献   

Complexity of rupture propagation has an important bearing on the state of stress along the earthquake fault plane and on the prediction of strong ground motion in the near-field. By studying far-field body waveforms recorded by WWSSN long-period seismograms it has been possible to investigate the degree of complexity of several Turkish earthquakes. The results, which are obtained by matching synthetic P waveforms to observed data indicate that the July 22, 1967 Mudurnu Valley earthquake (Ms = 7.1) is a complex event which can be explained by the superposition of elementary sources with variable amplitudes and source time sequence history. In this regard, it is very similar to the February 4, 1976 Guatemala earthquake (Ms = 7.5). A comparison of these two events indicates that their source-time series ranges from 5 to ca. 20 s and, regardless of the total moment of the earthquake, the moment of the individual events is bounded at around 5 × 1026 dyn cm. The November 24, 1976 E. Turkey earthquake (Ms = 7.3), on the other hand, has a complexity which cannot be explained by such a simple model; in this respect, it may be more similar to the Tangshan, China, earthquake and as such, may involve significant thrust, normal or other complications to its faulting mechanism than the strike-slip mechanism of the P-wave first-motion data. The source time history for the 1967 Mudurnu Valley event is used to illustrate its significance in modeling strong ground motion in the near field. The complex source-time series of the 1967 event predicts greater amplitudes (2.5 larger) in strong ground motion than a uniform model scaled to the same size for a station 20 km from the fault. Such complexity is clearly important in understanding what strong ground motion to expect in the near-field of these and other continental strike-slip faults such as the San Andreas.  相似文献   

The paper considers the Argun earthquake of July 22, 2011 (M w = 4.5), which occurred in the Argun River valley in a low-seismicity territory in China. The focal parameters of the earthquake (depth of the hypocenter, moment magnitude, scalar seismic moment, and focal mechanism) were determined by calculating the seismic moment tensor from the amplitude spectra of surface waves and the data on the signs of the first arrivals of body waves at regional stations. The solution of the focal mechanism makes it possible to assume a relationship between the earthquake focus and a fault with a northeastern strike bordering the southeastern side of the Argun Basin (in Chinese territory). The Argun earthquake was felt in Russia with an intensity of II–III to V at the epicentral distances up to 255 km. The intensity of shaking did not exceed values suggested by new GSZ-2012 and GSZ-2014 seismic zoning maps of Russian territory. Nevertheless, the question on the possible occurrence of stronger earthquakes in the studied region remains open.  相似文献   

This study uses macroseismic data and wave equations to solve the problem of ultra long propagation of felt ground motion (over 9000 km from the epicenter) due to the Sea-of-Okhotsk earthquake. We show that the principal mechanism of this phenomenon could be excitation of a previously unknown standing radial wave as a mode of the Earth’s free oscillations, 0S0, due to the superposition of an incident and a reflected spherical P wave in the epicentral area of the Sea-of-Okhotsk earthquake. The standing wave generates slowly attenuating P waves that travel over the earth’s surface that act as carrying waves; when superposed on these, direct body waves acquire the ability to travel over great distances. We show previously unknown parameters of the radial mode 0S0 for the initial phase of earth deformation due to the large deep-focus earthquake. We used data on the Sea-of-Okhotsk and Bolivian earthquakes to show that large deep-focus earthquakes can excite free oscillations of the Earth that are not only recorded by instrumental means, but are also felt by people, with the amplification of the macroseismic effect being directly related to the phenomenon of resonance for multistory buildings.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the nature and parameters of the source for the earthquake that occurred in Sumatra on December 26, 2004 is suggested. Our study relies on a variety of data on the geological structure of the region, long-term seismicity, spatial distribution of the foreshocks and aftershocks, and focal mechanisms; and the pattern of shaking and tsunami, regularities in the occurrence of the earthquakes, and the genetic relationship between the seismic and geological parameters inherent in various types of seismogenic zones including island arcs. The source of the Sumatran earthquake is a steep reverse fault striking parallel to the island arc and dipping towards the ocean. The length of the fault is ~450 km, and its probable bedding depth is ~70–100 km. The magnitude of this seismic event corresponding to the length of its source is 8.9–9.0. The vertical displacement in the source probably reached 9–13 m. The fault is located near the inner boundary of the Aceh Depression between the epicenter of the earthquake and the northern tip of the depression. The strike-slip and strike-slip reverse the faults cutting the island arc form the northern and southern borders of the source. The location and source parameters in the suggested interpretation account quite well for the observed pattern of shaking and tsunami. The Aceh Depression and its environs probably also host other seismic sources in the form of large reverse faults. The Sumatran earthquake, which was the culmination of the seismogenic activation of the Andaman-Sumatra island arc in the beginning of XXI century, is a typical tsunamigenic island-arc earthquake. By its characteristics, this event is an analogue to the M W = 9 Kamchatka earthquake of November 4, 1952. The spatial distribution of the epicenters and the focal mechanisms of the aftershocks indicate that the repeated shocks during the Sumatran event were caused by the activation of a complex system of geological structures in various parts of the island arc and Andaman Sea instead of the slips on a single rupture (a subduction thrust about 1200–1300 km in length).  相似文献   

On October 27, 2004, a moderate size earthquake occurred in the Vrancea seismogenic region (Romania). The Vrancea seismic zone is an area of concentrated seismicity at intermediate depths beneath the bending area of the southeastern Carpathians. The 2004 M w?=?6 Vrancea subcrustal earthquake is the largest seismic event recorded in Romania since the 1990 earthquakes. With a maximum macroseismic intensity of VII Medvedev–Sponheuer–Kárník (MSK-64) scale, the seismic event was felt to a distance of 600 km from the epicentre. This earthquake caused no serious damage and human injuries. The main purpose of this paper is to present the macroseismic map of the earthquake based on the MSK-64 intensity scale. After the evaluation of the macroseismic effects of this earthquake, an intensity dataset has been obtained for 475 sites in the Romanian territory. Also, the maximum horizontal accelerations recorded in the area by the K2 network are compared to the intensity values.  相似文献   

The distribution of the P and S velocities in the Benioff zone of central Kamchatka during the period of aftershocks (1997–2004) of the disastrous Kronotskii earthquake of 1997 (M = 7.9, MW = 7.7) has been determined. Based on the data for the foreshock period immediately preceding the earthquake (1991–1997), a sharp increase in the body wave velocities in the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula (up to 9.5–9.7 km/s for V P and 5.1–5.3 km/s for V S) has been determined at depths of 55–140 km in the subvertical region. Based on observations during the period of aftershocks comparable with the last period of foreshocks (about 7 years), it has been established that the body wave velocities calculated for the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula returned to the initial values typical of the beginning of that period. This indicates that stresses relaxed around the head part of the Kronotskii earthquake rupture zone after its origination. This conclusion is confirmed by a sharp decrease in the number of earthquakes with M = 2.3–4.9 in the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula. Moreover, taking the velocity distribution during the period of aftershocks into account, it has been determined that a second stress relaxation zone is located at the southwestern flank of the Kronotskii earthquake rupture zone where the largest (M = 6.7) aftershock occurred. According to these data, it is concluded that two stress concentration centers could have existed during the preparation of the Kronotskii earthquake.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st century, a series of great earthquakes were recorded in northeastern Tibet, along the periphery of the Bayan Hara lithospheric block. An earthquake with MS = 8.1 occurred within the East Kunlun fault zone in the Kunlun Mountains, which caused an extended surface rupture with left-lateral strike slip. An earthquake with MS = 8 occurred in Wenchuan (China) on May 12, 2008, giving rise to an extended overthrust along the Lunmanshan fault zone. An earthquake with MS = 7.1 occurred in Yushu (China) on April 14, 2010; its epicenter was on the Grazze–Yushu–Funchuoshan fault; a left-lateral strikeslip offset was observed on the surface. An earthquake with MS = 7 occurred in the vicinity of Lushan on April 20, 2013; its epicenter was within the Lunmanshan fault zone, 103 km southwest of the zone of the catastrophic Wenchuan earthquake. An earthquake with MS = 8.2 occurred in Nepal on April 25, 2015. Based on the CSN seismic catalog, the energy of all earthquakes in eastern Tibet at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries was estimated. It was found that Tibet was seismically quiet from 1980 to 2000. The beginning of the 21st century has been marked by seismic activation with earthquake sources migrating southward to surround the Bayan Hara lithospheric block from every quarter. Therefore, this block can be regarded as one of the most seismically active regions of China.  相似文献   

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