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The Early Cretaceous coal deposits of the Khasyn coalfield are intruded by Palaeogene diabase dikes. The coal has vitrinite reflectance values of 2.0–2.5% Ro, and characteristics of normal anthracite at some distance from the dikes, but at direct contact with the dike two morphological coal varieties occur: coal inclusions in the diabase dike and dispersed carbonaceous matter within the dike rock. Both types of coaly matter have properties typical of anthracites: strong anisotropy, altered internal structure and high vitrinite reflectance values ranging from 3.8 to 5.5% Ro. The X-ray diffraction measurements of the interplanar spacing d(002) and the crystallite sizes Lc and La show rather similar values for coal inclusions in the dike and dispersed carbonaceous matter. The additional reflection at 3.37 Å, corresponding to semi-graphite admixture, occurs in the coal and carbonaceous matter inside the dike and is absent in the natural coal outside the dike.  相似文献   

The Arman flora from the volcanogenic-sedimentary beds of the Arman Formation is systematically studied using materials from the Arman River basin and the Nelkandya-Khasyn interfluve (Magadan oblast, Northeastern Russia). Seventy-three species of fossil plants belonging to 49 genera are described. They consist of liverworts, horsetails, ferns, seed ferns, cycadaleans, bennettitaleans, ginkgoaleans, czekanowskialeans, conifers, gymnosperms of uncertain systematic affinity, and angiosperms. The Arman flora shows a unique combination, with relatively ancient Early Cretaceous ferns and gymnosperms occurring alongside younger Late Cretaceous plants, primarily angiosperms. The similarity of the Arman flora to the Penzhina and Kaivayam floras of northwestern Kamchatka and the Tylpegyrgynai flora of the Pekul’nei Ridge allows the Arman flora to be dated as Turonian and Coniacian (Late Cretaceous), which is corroborated by isotopic (U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar) age determination for the plant-bearing layers.  相似文献   

The Engteri is a new hidden Au-Ag deposit in the Russian segment of the Pacific ore belt. The discovery of this deposit merits special attention, because it involves repeated attempts to reappraise a lowprospective ore occurrence, which were crowned with success as a result of fulfillment of large-scale drilling project. The average Au grade is 18.6 gpt. The deposit is classified as the gold geochemical type of Au-Ag deposits. The major ore mineral is pyrite, which amounts to no less than 95% of the total ore minerals. The native phases comprise electrum and to a lesser extent native gold of low fineness (730). The homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions is 125–255°C with a distinct maximum at 145–150°C. Despite blind localization of some orebodies, the Engteri deposits bears evidence for a deep erosion level: (1) small vertical range of economic mineralization (50–100 m); (2) predominant occurrence of massive sugarlike quartz with a low sulfide content; (3) prevalence of massive and brecciated textures above rhythmically banded textures; and (4) lack of low-temperature propylites. The southern part of the ore field distinguished by occurrence of rhythmically banded, framework-tabular, and brecciated texture has the best prospect for revealing new orebodies. The Engteri deposit allowed us to outline the following prospecting guides and methods of prospecting for hidden Au-Ag deposits: (1) these deposits are regularly arranged in ore clusters between heavy concentrate anomalies of cinnabar and gold-silver or silver-base-metal occurrences (method of missed link); (2) findings of fragments of ore mineral assemblages with sporadically high Au and Ag contents in barren calcite-quartz veins (method of indicators); (3) linear zones of ankeritization in the fields of low- and mediumtemperature propylites (mapping of metasomatic rocks); and (4) pyrite-quartz veinlets with rhythmically banded pockets (mineralogical mapping of halos of stringer-disseminated mineralization).  相似文献   

Hypogene uytenbogaardtite, acanthite, and native gold parageneses have been revealed at the epithermal Yunoe gold-silver deposit, Magadan Region, Russia. Thermodynamic calculations in the system Si–Al–Mg–Ca–Na–K–Fe–Pb–Zn–Cu–Ag–Au–S–C–Cl–H2O were carried out at 25–400 °C and 1–1000 bars to elucidate the role of hydrothermal solutions in the formation of gold and silver sulfides. Several most probable scenarios for ore-forming processes in the deposit are considered: (1) interaction between cold and heated meteoric waters percolating along cracks from surface to depth and reacting with the host rock—rhyolite; (2) evolution of ascending postmagmatic fluid resulting in chloride–carbonic acid solution, which interacts with rhyolite at 100–400 °C; (3) stepwise cooling of hydrothermal ore-bearing solutions; (4) rapid cooling of ore-bearing hydrotherms on their mixing with cold surface waters. Rhyolite with Pb, Zn, Cu, Cl, S, Ag, and Au clarke contents was taken as an initial host rock. Calculations by model 3 showed the possible formation of uytenbogaardtite and petrovskaite at low-temperature stages. Gold and silver sulfides can be deposited during the mixing of ore-bearing acid chloride–carbonic acid hydrothermal solutions with surface alkaline waters.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Abstract—The ratios of vein and ore minerals bearing native gold, the shape and size native gold particles, their surface features, variations in chemical...  相似文献   

The Degdekan and Gol’tsovsky gold-quartz deposits are located in the southeastern Yana-Kolyma gold belt. The orebodies occur as quartz veins hosted in metaterrigenous rocks and cut by postmineral basic-intermediate dikes. It was established that metamorphism of sulfides and gangue quartz was restricted to a few centimeters off the dike contact. According to sulfide geothermometers, the metamorphic temperatures close to the contact of dikes attained 700°C at the Degdekan deposit and were no higher than 491°C at the Gol’tsovsky deposit. The formation of the forbidden assemblage of quartz and loellingite and its fine-grained texture indicate that the thermal effect on the Degdekan ore was short-term. The prolonged heating of the ore at the Gol’tsovsky deposit gave rise to the aggradation recrystallization of quartz and the formation of equilibrium sulfide aggregates that show only insignificant differences in composition from the primary phases. The average homogenization temperature of primary and pseudosecondary fluid inclusions is 206 ± 40°C in the unmetamorphosed veins and 257 ± 33°C in the metamorphosed veins. The salinity of fluids in the primary and pseudosecondary inclusions in quartz veins of both types varies from 0.5 to 14.0 wt % NaCl equiv. The melting temperature of liquid CO2 in the carbon dioxide inclusions, ranging from ?57.0 to ?60.8°C, suggests an admixture of CH4 and/or N2. The unmetamorphosed quartz veins were formed at a fluid pressure varying from 0.7 to 1.3 kbar, while quartz veins at the contact with dikes crystallized at a pressure of 0.8–1.5 kbar. The results of gas chromatography showed the presence of CO2 and H2O, as well as N2 and CH4. The average bulk of volatiles contained in the fluid inclusions in quartz from the metamorphosed veins is 1.5–2 times lower than in the unmetamorphosed veins; this proportion is consistent with the occurrence of decrepitated gas inclusions in the heated quartz.  相似文献   

More than 200 analyses of the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides from various terrigenous and intrusive host rocks, metasomatically altered wall rocks, and gold lodes of the Upper Kolyma region are presented. In accessory pyrite of the metaterrigenous rocks, δ34S varies from ?23.1 to +5.7‰ δ34S of pyrite and arsenopyrite from gold-quartz mineralization is within the range ?10.6 to ?0.4‰ and is close to the average δ34S of pyrite from the metaterrigenous rocks (?4.4‰). In the intrusive rocks, δ34S of pyrite varies from ?3.8 to +2.6‰ (+0.7‰, on average) and drastically differs from δ34S of arsenopyrite from postmagmatic gold-rare-metal mineralization (?7.9 to ?2.7‰; ?5.2‰, on average). The comparison of the δ34S of accessory sulfides from the host rocks with δ34S of sulfides from the gold deposits suggests that sulfur mobilized from the terrigenous sequences participated in the hydrothermal process. The results obtained are consistent with the metamorphic model of the formation of gold-quartz deposits in the Upper Kolyma region.  相似文献   

Summary A second confirmed occurrence of wittite, one of the four known Pb-Bi-Se-sulfosalts, has been found in the Nevskoe tin deposit (Eastern Siberia). Microprobe analyses of wittite show pronounced variation of Se content (from 9.5 to 16.5 wt. %), due to S --> Se substitution; Pb and Bi contents vary from 29 and 43%, up to 34 and 46%, respectively. Minor elements are also present: Sb up to 1.5%, Ag up to 1.3 %, and Cu (0 to 0.2%). Comparison of microprobe data of wittite from Nevskoe and Falun, on the one hand, and cannizzarite from different deposits on the other hand, indicate that Ag is incorporated in the wittite/cannizzarite structure through the substitution 2 Pb -> Bi + Ag. Conversely, Ag substraction gives a constant Bi/(Bi + Pb) atomic ratio, independent of the Se/(Se+"S) ratio, and close to 55.1%. Se-rich wittite is compositionally very close to proudite and weibullite. X-ray powder and electron microdiffraction patterns are given; the incommensurate structure agrees with the 7H/12Q match along , like in wittite from Falun. Nevskoe wittite is close to Pb8Bi10(S, Se)23, but the 7H/12Q match requires the formula Pb11.61Bi14.26S33, with about 3% of the Pb atoms in the Q layer replaced by Bi atoms and vacancies (p). Taking into account all microprobe data, the general formula developed is: Pb11.61–2x0.13Agx(Bi14.26+x-ySby)(S1–zSez)33 with x and y 0.86 at., and z 0.45. At Nevskoe, associated bismuthinite contains from 5 to 12% Se, with minor Sb, Pb and Cu. Se-rich cosalite contains from 4 to 8% Se, with Sb from 2.7 to 5.3%, and minor Ag and Cu. Wittite in contact with cosalite clearly shows a relative Se-enrichment, that could be due to the pseudo-hexagonal sub-lattice of this incommensurate structure, very similar to the Bi2(Se, Te, S)3 sheet in the tetradymite series. According to microprobe data, there is a continuous change from Se-free cannizzarite to Se-rich wittite. Therefore, the validity of wittite as a specific mineral species appears questionable, and more accurate crystallographic studies on this incommensurate series are necessary.
Wittite avec Cosalite et Bismuthinite Séléniferes du Gisement d'Etain de Hevskoe (District de Magadan, Russie)
Resume Une seconde occurrence de wittite, l'un des quatre sulfosels de Pb-Bi-Se cormus, a été trouvée daps le gisement d'étain de Nevskoe (Sibérie Orientale). Son analyse á la microsonde électronique montre une forte variation de la teneur en sélénium (de 9,5 á 16,5%), qui se substitue au soufre; les teneurs en Pb et Bi varient de 29 à 43 et 34 á 46%, respectivement. On note la présence de Sb (, 1,5%), Ag ( 1,3%) et Cu (< 0,2%). La comparaison des analyses de wittite de Nevskoe et Falun, et de cannizzarite de différents gisements, montre que Bans cette série l'argent est incorporé suivant la substitution 2 Pb Bi + Ag. Après soustraction de Ag, le rapport atornique Bi/(Bi + Pb) corrigé apparaït constant, proche de 55,1%, et indépendant du rapport Se/(S + Se). La wittite la plus riche en Se est chimiquement très proche de la proudite et de la weibullite. Son diagramme de poudre aux rayons X ainsi que son étude en microdiffraction électronique sont présentés; la structure, de type incommensurable, s'accorde aver un ajustement selon le rapport 7H/12Q suivant , comme dans la wittite de Falun. La formule de la wittite de Nevskoe est proche de Pb8Bi10(S, Se)23, mais l'ajustement 7H/12Q demande la formule Pb11.61Bi14.26S33, avec environ 3% des sites à Pb du feuillet Q remplacés par des atomes de Bi et des sites vacants (). La prise en compte de l'ensemble des analyses conduit á la formule développée générale: Pb11.61-2x0.13Agx(Bi14,26+x–ySby)-(S1 –zSez)33 avec x et y 0,86 at., et z 0,45. A Nevskoe, la bismuthinite associée contient de 5 à 12% Se, avec Sb, Pb et Cu mineurs. La cosalite contient de 4 a 8% Se, 2,7 á 5,3% Sb, avec Ag et Cu mineurs. Lá où wittite et cosalite sont en contact étroit, la wittite montre clairement un enrichissement relatif en Se, qui pourrait etre du au sousréseau pseudo-hexagonal de cette structure incommensurable, très proche du feuillet Bi2(Se, Te, S)3 présent dans la série de la tétradymite. Les analyses à la microsonde indiquant une continuité chimique de la cannizzarite sans Se à la wittite 1a plus riche en Se, la validité de la wittite en tant qu'espéce spécifique apparaït discutable. Mais le caractère incommensurable de cette série demande une etude cristallographique plus détaillée.

The study of REE distribution in the clay fraction of sedimentary rocks from two coalfields made it possible to distinguish several types of REE distribution, which correlate with their mineral composition. It is shown that the REE fractionation was related to the mineral reconstruction of the primary clay fraction and some detrital minerals in the course of postsedimentary transformations of rocks during diagenesis, early catagenesis, and beginning of late catagenesis. These transformations were governed by several factors, such as the composition of sediments; hydrochemical features of accumulation environment; the chemical composition, dynamics, and feeding sources of pore solutions; the porosity and permeability of sediments and rocks; and the content of organic matter and its reaction ability.  相似文献   

Time-domain induced polarization (IP) data are used for approach to ore prospecting problems on the flanks of the Julietta gold-silver deposit. IP time-domain data are analyzed on the basis of the Debye decomposition, which allows reconstruction of the relaxation time distribution. Experimental dependences of the IP parameters on the main petrophysical properties of disseminated ores were used to interpret field data. The Debye decomposition helped to identify zones of hydrothermally and metasomatically altered rocks containing finely disseminated sulfide minerals, which were missed when using the standard procedure for the analysis of IP data. The estimated content of sulfide minerals in the altered rocks agrees with geological data.  相似文献   

矿山地质灾害危险性评估中几个问题的商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李宗发 《贵州地质》2006,23(4):319-322
笔者认为,为了合理、有效地开发利用矿产资源,在进行矿山地质灾害危险性评估过程中不要采用“禁采区”,建议采用围护带;在现行“规范”规定的基础上应根据各个矿山的具体情况可适当扩大围护带宽度,但不宜超过30m;在计算煤(矿)层顶板安全厚度的系数取值时,应考虑煤(矿)层倾角和围护等级;只有考虑了这些因素获得的地质灾害危险性评估结论,才具有适用性,才能真正为矿山设计和进行地质灾害防治工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Macrinite is a, generally, rare inertinite maceral, often incorporating remnants and fragments of other macerals, including vitrinite, liptinite, and other inertinite. The associated inertinites include multiple forms of funginite. Funginite is also commonly found in association with vitrinite of slightly elevated reflectance and with degraded varieties of vitrinite. Together with the highly degraded macrinite, the latter two associations are here inferred to be part of a continuum of fungal and microbial degradation of peat. In any case, the origin of some macrinite is potentially distinct from that of inertinite generated by fire.  相似文献   

张长敏  齐干 《城市地质》2015,(Z1):117-121
通过多年参与北京地区地质灾害危险性评估工作,发现在地质灾害危险性评估报告编写过程中,技术人员对有些建设项目的重要性把握不准,从而影响评估级别。因不同评估级别的评估报告技术要求不一,因此建设项目的重要性划分正确与否,最终影响评估报告的质量。本文以《地质灾害危险性评估技术规范》(DB11/893—2012)为基础,结合相关标准和北京地区的实际,修改了北京地区地质灾害危险性评估建设项目重要性分类方案,供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

基于青藏高原北麓河地区高寒草原、高寒沼泽草甸和高寒草甸生态系统下多年冻土活动层水热过程的监测数据,对活动层水热过程特征开展了相关研究。研究结果显示,在活动层厚度、冻融时间、持续时间以及活动层土壤水分含水量分布方面,不同的高寒生态系统下活动层的上述属性特征差异明显。高寒草原下多年冻土活动层厚度最大,土体开始融化的时间最早,每年持续融化的日数也最长;高寒草甸最小,高寒沼泽草甸居中。高寒草原下活动层土壤含水率从上到下逐渐增加,水分基本集中在活动层的中下部分;高寒沼泽草甸下活动层土壤水分的分布情况相对比较均衡;高寒草甸下活动层土壤含水率分布呈现从上到下逐步减少的模式,越靠近地表土壤含水率越大。对监测数据的进一步分析发现,不同的高寒生态系统下,近地表地温与气温温差累计值、近地表土壤有机质含量、n因子特征以及近地表地温标准差统计特征都具有明显的区别。研究分析表明,多年冻土活动层水热过程特征与高寒生态系统类型具有明显的关联性,高寒生态系统会影响近地表能量通量,从而使地-气热量交换产生差异,这一差异又将改变活动层土壤温度、水分分布特征及其动力学过程。  相似文献   

华东地质学院校园植物含硫量的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对华东地质学院校园植物叶片含硫量及叶绿素含量的测定,分析研究了五个监点和一个对照点的五种不同种植物总含硫量和叶绿素含量的变化规律,初步说明了锅炉及食堂烟囱排放的SO2烟气对校园的污染作用。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯西缘前陆盆地中生界储层砂岩成岩作用主要受前陆盆地构造演化的影响,不同构造区带砂岩储层的成岩环境存在一定的差别。研究发现,冲断带近物源区由于杂基和软矿物含量高,压实作用表现较为强烈,砂岩物性较差;但斜坡带远离物源区压实程度较弱,原生粒间孔隙发育。前陆盆地不同区带的构造演化强度不同,形成了不同的成岩强度,冲断带的Ro值为0.5%~0.65%,其成岩演化刚进入晚成岩A期,但成岩演化程度比斜坡带略高,而坳陷带经历的成岩演化最高,成岩演化程度相对较高(Ro:0.7%~0.9%),强度最大。坳陷带比冲断带、斜坡带含有更高含量的富铁方解石,这些铁方解石属于成岩晚期的产物,很难遭受后期溶蚀改造,所以坳陷带中铁方解石含量较高的地区储层物性也比较差,其机理可能与黏土矿物转化和长石类矿物发生溶蚀有关。  相似文献   

汶川地震的发生对周围断层稳定性影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大地震发生后, 研究地震的发生对周围断层的影响尤为重要.利用川西-藏东地区三维粘弹性有限元模型,考虑地表高程和粘弹性松弛等因素的影响,研究主要断裂带库仑应力累积速率和汶川地震的发生对周围断层的影响.结果表明:(1)龙门山断裂带年累积速率为0.28×10-3~0.35×10-3 MPa/a,这种较小的累积速率与龙门山断裂带强震较长复发间隔一致;(2)汶川地震的发生除造成震源区应力减小外, 还造成断裂带北东段不同程度的应力增加, 这与震后余震的分布基本吻合;(3)鲜水河断裂北西段、东昆仑、龙日坝、岷江以及虎牙断裂库仑应力水平增加显著,且汶川地震对于玉树地震的发生有微弱的加载效应;(4)汶川地震的发生造成鲜水河断裂带强震复发间隔缩短约52~104 a,是值得关注的强震危险区.   相似文献   

以三舟溪滑坡为例,运用HYDRUS-1D模拟软件,对由于降雨影响造成滑坡土壤不饱和区的土壤水运动进行模拟计算,为滑坡体降雨入渗规律研究提供参考依据。将模拟计算结果与实际监测结果进行对比,发现在考虑降雨影响下,评价滑坡体降雨入渗规律采用Hydrus-1D是可靠的。受降雨特征和初始含水率的影响,降雨对地下水位的影响存在滞后作用,5月25日和5月29日降雨期间,湿润锋到达模型底部所用的时间分别为 6 h、19.2 h。  相似文献   

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