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As part of the international cooperative Baikal Drilling Project, siliceous microfossil assemblage succession was analyzed in two short ( 30-cm) sediment cores from Lake Baikal. One core was recovered from the north basin (Core 324, 55°15N, 109°30E), a second from between the central and southern basins (Core 316, 52°28N, 106°5E). The northern core had higher amounts of biogenic silica (40 g SiO2 per 100 g dry weight sediment) compared to the southern core, and increased deposition in the more recent sediments. Weight percent biogenic silica was lower in the southern core, ranging from approximately 20–30 g SiO2 per 100 g dry weight sediment throughout the entire core. Trends in absolute microfossil abundance mirror those of biogenic silica, with generally greater abundance in the northern core (86–275×106 microfossils g–1 dry sediment) compared to the southern core (94–163×106 microfossils g–1 dry sediment).Cluster analyses using relative abundance of the dominant diatom and chrysophyte taxa revealed four zones of microfossil succession in each core. Microfossil assemblage succession in the north basin may be reflecting shifts in nutrient supply and cycling driven by climatic changes. The most recent sediments in the northern basin (Zone 1,c. 1890's–1991 A.D.) were characterized by an increased abundance ofAulacoseira baicalensis andAulacoseira spore. Zone 3 (c. 1630's–1830's A.D.) was dominated by the endemicCyclotella spp. and reduced abundance of theAulacoseira spp. Zone 3 corresponds approximately to the Little Ice Age, a cooler climatic period. The microfossil assemblages between Zones 1 and 3 (Zone 2,c. 1830's–1890's A.D.) and below Zone 3 (Zone 4,c. 830's–1430's A.D.) are similar to one another suggesting they represent transitional intervals between warm and cold periods. Southern basin sediments record similar changes in the endemic taxa. However, the increased abundance of non-endemic planktonic taxa (e.g.Stephanodiscus binderanus, Synedra acus, Cyclostephanos dubius) during two periods in recent history (post World War II and late 1700's) suggests evidence for anthropogenic induced changes in southern Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of siliceous microfossils in a 210Pb dated core from Green Bay of Lake Michigan shows clear evidence of eutrophication, but a different pattern of population succession than observed in the main deposition basins of the Great Lakes. Sediments deposited prior to extensive European settlement (ca A.D. 1850) contain high relative abundance of chrysophyte cysts and benthic diatoms. Quantity and composition of microfossils deposited during the pre-settlement period represented in our core is quite uniform, except for the 30–32 cm interval which contains elevated microfossil abundance and particularly high levels of attached benthic species. Total microfossil abundance and the proportion of planktonic diatoms begins to increase ca 1860 and rises very rapidly beginning ca 1915. Maximum abundance occurs in sediments deposited during the 1970's, with a secondary peak in the late 1940's — early 1950's. Increased total abundance is accompanied by increased dominance of taxa tolerant of eutrophic conditions, however indigenous oligotrophic taxa, particularly those which are most abundant during the summer, are not eliminated from the flora, as in the lower Great Lakes. It appears that a combination of silica resupply from high riverine loadings and replacement of indigenous populations by periodic intrusions of Lake Michigan water allow sequential co-existence of species usually exclusively associated with either eutrophic or oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores from the Archipelago Sea in the northern Baltic Sea were examined for their siliceous microfossils in order to study the Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of the area. The diatom record was divided into local diatom assemblage zones (LDAZ). An age model was constructed using independent palaeomagnetic and AMS-14C methods. The early history of the Archipelago Sea was freshwater. Initial brackish-water influence is observed at 7,950 ± 80 cal. BP (LDAZ4), but fully brackish conditions were established at 7,700 ± 80 cal. BP (LDAZ5). Diatom assemblages indicate increasing salinity, warming climate, and possible increasing trophic state during the transition from lacustrine to brackish-water conditions. The decreasing abundance of Pseudosolenia calcar-avis (Schultze) Sundström and the increasing abundance of the ice-cover indicator species Pauliella taeniata (Grunow) Round and Basson indicate reduced salinity and climatic cooling after ~5,000 cal. BP. LDAZ boundaries do not always correlate with changes in the sediment appearance, which underlines the importance of defining biostratigraphic boundaries independently to the sediment visual character, in contrast with the conventional practice for classifying the Baltic Sea sediments.  相似文献   

Sediments of Lake 382, Experimental Lakes Area, Canada, were sampled at six sites using a 5-cm Wildco KB core sampler (KB), a similar device incorporating a ball check valve (BC), and a 0.2 m by 1.2 m flat-faced aluminum freeze core sampler (FC). Cores were sectioned at 1-cm intervals to a depth of 15 cm. Contaminant (210Pb and 137Cs) concentrations (Bq g-1) were measured by gamma spectroscopy, and inventories (Bq cm-2) were calculated following standard methods. Sediments collected using FC, BC and KB had similar contaminant concentrations, however, cores collected by FC and BC had lower estimated inventories than KB cores. Differences between estimates appear to be caused by differences in the water content (WC) of core material. Laboratory studies confirm that FC sediments have higher WC than tube-cored sediment. We hypothesize that ice crystal formation increases the WC of freeze cores, resulting in lower contaminant inventories. Loss of surficial sediment caused by a bow wave may have a similar effect on BC samples. We conclude that KB core gear is appropriate for sampling sediments to measure contaminant concentrations and inventories in recently deposited sediments.  相似文献   

The hydrological history of a temporary pond in South Carolina was inferred from a 5500-year record of siliceous microfossils, including diatoms, freshwater sponge spicules, chrysophyte cysts, plates of testate amoebae and plant phytoliths. Microfossil abundance was estimated by microscopic quantification of siliceous particles and by chemical extractions of silica. Diatom, sponge and mineral particle volumes were correlated with silica concentrations attributable to these fractions. Both techniques suggested a sequence of four distinct community types. Basal sediments (4630–5520 14C YBP) containing phytoliths and sponge spicules indicative of a wetland community were covered by sediments dominated by the remains of planktonic protists (3750–4630 14C YBP) suggesting a transition from a vegetated marsh to an open-water, permanently flooded pond. Microfossil assemblages above this zone indicate the return of a wetland community ca. 3750 YBP that persisted until recently, when pond water levels stabilized as a result of seepage from a reservoir constructed nearby in 1985. This study suggests that the suite of siliceous microfossils commonly found in pond sediments can be used to infer historical alternations between macrophyte and plankton-dominated states in shallow basins. Regional climate inferences from this record include a mid-Holocene hydrological maximum and the onset of the modern climate ca. 3500 YBP.  相似文献   

We applied the 32Si dating technique to a sediment core from Lake Baikal to obtain the sediment chronology for the last millennium. The core was recovered about 4 km offshore from the north slope of the South Basin in 1,366 m water depth. The sediment material consisted of continuously accumulated diatom-rich geogenic-terrigenous mud, intercalated with a number of dark olive-grey turbidite layers. The sediment layers containing the turbidites were excluded from 32Si sampling to obtain the chronology that is representative of the continuous sedimentation. The initial 32Si activity of 31.3 dpm kg?1 SiO2, measured in sediment trap samples, confirms the trend of 32Si specific activities of biogenic silica found in other Northern Hemisphere lakes. The four sediment core samples from depth 0–48 cm have 32Si specific activities between 23.5 and 0.5 dpm kg?1 SiO2, with corresponding ages between 60 and 860 years and constant sedimentation rate of 0.036 ± 0.004 cm year?1 over the most recent 800 years. 32Si allowed us for the first time to date the uppermost turbidites in the South Basin of Lake Baikal, to 1030, 1310 and 1670 ad. Given these dates, the last long-distance turbidity current triggered by slope instabilities had occurred 330 years before 2000 ad, and the intervals between the 1310 and 1670 ad event and between the 1030 and 1310 ad event were 360 and 280 years, respectively. The 32Si ages allow unprecedented time resolution for reconstruction of the former environmental and climatic conditions during the past millennium.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages in surficial sediments, sediment cores, sediment traps, and inflowing streams of perennially ice-covered Lake Hoare, South Victorialand, Antarctica were examined to determine the distribution of diatom taxa, and to ascertain if diatom species composition has changed over time. Lake Hoare is a closed-basin lake with an area of 1.8 km2, maximum depth of 34 m, and mean depth of 14 m, although lake level has been rising at a rate of 0.09 m yr-1 in recent decades. The lake has an unusual regime of sediment deposition: coarse grained sediments accumulate on the ice surface and are deposited episodically on the lake bottom. Benthic microbial mats are covered in situ by the coarse episodic deposits, and the new surfaces are recolonized. Ice cover prevents wind-induced mixing, creating the unique depositional environment in which sediment cores record the history of a particular site, rather than a lake-wide integration. Shallow-water (<1 m) diatom assemblages (Stauroneis anceps, Navicula molesta, Diadesmis contenta var. parallela, Navicula peraustralis) were distinct from mid-depth (4–16 m) assemblages (Diadesmis contenta, Luticola muticopsis fo. reducta, Stauroneis anceps, Diadesmis contenta var. parallela, Luticola murrayi) and deep-water (26–31 m) assemblages (Luticola murrayi, Luticola muticopsis fo. reducta, Navicula molesta). Analysis of a sediment core (30 cm long, from 11 m water depth) from Lake Hoare revealed two abrupt changes in diatom assemblages. The upper section of the sediment core contained the greatest biomass of benthic microbial mat, as well as the greatest total abundance and diversity of diatoms. Relative abundances of diatoms in this section are similar to the surficial samples from mid-depths. An intermediate zone contained less organic material and lower densities of diatoms. The bottom section of core contained the least amount of microbial mat and organic material, and the lowest density of diatoms. The dominant process influencing species composition and abundance of diatom assemblages in the benthic microbial mats is episodic deposition of coarse sediment from the ice surface.  相似文献   

Mn-carbonates are documented in the late-glacial varved sediments from Big Watab Lake, Minnesota, USA. The Mn-carbonate is authigenic and forms rims around contemporaneous epilimnetic calcite. Although such carbonates are found in minor amounts throughout the entire late-glacial sequence, significant quantities of Mn-carbonate are associated mainly with laminated intervals.Because of the suspected difference in isotopic fractionation between different carbonate minerals, the stable-isotopic compositions of bulk carbonate samples are used as a proxy for relative amounts of the Mn-carbonate in the sediment. High 18O and low 13C values are associated with abundant Mn-carbonates. Low 18O and high 13C values are associated with only minor concentrations of Mn-carbonates.The oxygen-18 record is correlated with fluctuations in the vegetation assemblage based on pollen spectra using a multiple regression model with backward elimination. The proposed link between the sedimentary archive and local vegetation is the mediation of advective mixing in the lake by forest composition. In this model, periods of forest closure resulted in a well-stratified water column that was anoxic at the sediment/water interface, permitting the formation of authigenic Mn-carbonates. Openings of Artemisia in the forest allowed wind shear to mix oxygen to depth, causing bioturbation of the laminations and preventing the formation of Mn-carbonate.  相似文献   

Diatom species counts were conducted on 171 sediment samples from the 13-m-long core PG1351 from Lake El’gygytgyn, northeast Siberia. The planktonic Cyclotella ocellata-complex dominates the diatom assemblage through most of the core record, persisting through a variety of climate conditions. Periphytic diatoms, although less abundant, have greater diversity and greater down-core assemblage variation. During warm climate modes, longer summer ice-free conditions may have allowed more complex diatom communities to develop in shallow-water habitats, and enhanced circulation may have increased transport of these diatoms to deeper parts of the lake. Zones of low overall diatom abundance further support inferred intervals of low lake productivity during times of extended lake ice and snow cover. More data on the modern spatial and temporal distribution of diatom species in the Lake El’gygytgyn system will improve inferences from core records. This is the last in a series of eleven papers published in this␣special issue dedicated to initial studies of El'gygytgyn Crater Lake and its catchment in NE Russia. Julie Brigham-Grette, Martin Melles, Pavel Minyuk were guest editors of this special issue.  相似文献   

A significant relationship between the distribution and abundance of chironomids and water depth has long been recognized. Few studies on this topic, however, have been carried out in arid regions where the chironomid community is usually controlled by water salinity. Bosten Lake, northwest China, the largest inland freshwater lake (~1,260 km2) in the country, provides a unique opportunity to investigate this relationship in an arid region. A total of 42 surface sediment samples from water depths of 0.9–17.0 m, and 12 chironomid taxa, were used in the analysis. The first principal component analysis (PCA) axis explained 59.3 % of the variance in the chironomid assemblage and there was a significant correlation between PCA axis 1 scores and water depth (R2 = 0.84, P < 0.001). The chironomid assemblages change significantly at 8.0 m water depth. This threshold corresponds to an abrupt change in the basin slope and the spatial distribution of aquatic vascular plants. Redundancy analysis showed that abundances of Chironomus plumosus-type, Microchironomus and Cryptochironomus are positively correlated with water depth, whereas abundances of Tanytarsus, Polypedilum nubifer-type, Cricotopus and Psectrocladius sordidellus-type are negatively correlated with water depth. These ecological relationships are supported by published data. Qualitative chironomid-inferred changes in lake level and diatom-inferred changes in salinity from sediment core BSTC001 were compared. Close agreement in trends for these two variables validates the use of chironomid assemblages to study palaeo-hydrological variability in this westerlies-dominated, arid region of central Asia.  相似文献   

Analysis of siliceous microfossils of a 79 cm long peat sediment core from Highlands Hammock State Park, Florida, revealed distinct changes in the local hydrology during the past 2,500 years. The coring site is a seasonally inundated forest where water availability is directly influenced by precipitation. Diatoms, chrysophyte statospores, sponge remains and phytoliths were counted in 25 samples throughout the core. Based on the relative abundance of diatom species, the record was subdivided into four diatom assemblage zones, which mainly reflect the hydrological state of the study site. An age-depth relationship based on radiocarbon measurements of eight samples reveals a basal age of the core of approximately 2,500 cal. yrs. BP. Two significant changes of diatom assemblage composition were found that could be linked to both, natural and anthropogenic influences. At 700 cal. yrs. BP, the diatom record documents a shift from tychoplanktonic Aulacoseira species to epiphytic Eunotia species, indicating a shortening of the hydroperiod, i.e. the time period during which a wetland is covered by water. This transition was interpreted as being triggered by natural climate change. In the middle of the twentieth century a second major turnover took place, at that time however, as a result of human impact on the park hydrology through the construction of dams and canals close to the study site.  相似文献   

We measured variability in the composition of diatom and chrysophyte assemblages, and the pH inferred from these assemblages, in sediment samples from Big Moose Lake, in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Replicate samples were analyzed from (1) a single sediment core interval, (2) 12 different intervals from each of 3 separate cores, and (3) 10 widely spaced surface sediment samples (0–1 cm). The variability associated with sample preparation (subsampling, processing, and counting) was relatively small compared to between-core and within-lake variability. The relative abundances of the dominant diatom taxa varied to a greater extent than those of the chrysophyte scale assemblages. Standard deviations of pH inferences for multiple counts from the same sediment interval from diatom, chrysophyte, and diatom plus chrysophyte inference equations were 0.04 (n=8), 0.06 (n=32), and 0.06 (n=8) of a pH unit, respectively. Stratigraphic analysis of diatoms and chrysophytes from three widely spaced pelagic sediment cores provided a similar record of lake acidification trends, although with slight differences in temporal rates of change. Average standard deviations of pH inferences from diatom, chrysophyte and diatom plus chrysophyte inference equations for eight sediment intervals representing similar time periods but in different cores were 0.10, 0.20, and 0.09 pH unit, respectively. Our data support the assumption that a single sediment core can provide an accurate representation of historical change in a lake. The major sources of diatom variability in the surface sediments (i.e., top 1.0 cm) were (1) differences in diatom assemblage contributions from benthic and littoral sources, and (2) the rapid change in assemblage composition with sediment depth, which is characteristic of recently acidified lakes. Because scaled chrysophytes are exclusively planktonic, their spatial distribution in lake sediments is less variable than the diatom assemblages. Standard deviations of pH inferences for 10 widely spaced surface sediment samples from diatom, chrysophyte and diatom plus chrysophyte inference equations were 0.21, 0.09, and 0.16 of a pH unit, respectively.  相似文献   

A 43 cm by 5 cm diameter sediment core sample was obtained from Ford Lake reservoir in Washtenaw County, Michigan, and sectioned at 1 cm intervals. The purpose of this study was to determine whether diatom communities in this reservoir have undergone quantifiable changes in abundance and composition since its creation. Thirty-one cm of this core appeared to represent material deposited since the creation of the reservoir based on changes in diatom abundance, the physical composition of the sediment and the change in biogenic SiO2 concentration. Fortyseven species of diatoms were identified total concentrations of diatom remains varied from 1×104 g-1 to 1×107 g-1. Prior to the establishment of the reservoir, the diatom flora was dominated by benthic taxa. Benthic diatoms were numerous throughout the entire core, but eutrophic taxa (e.g., Aulacoseira italica, Aulacoseira granulata, Stephanodiscus niagarae, Fragilaria crotonensis) dominated much of the core after the reservoir's creation. Total diatom density increased about tenfold in the about the first 10–15 years after the reservoir's creation before declining markedly.  相似文献   

Sedimentological climate proxies and a 200-year long climate record, reconstructed using a data-set of European-wide meteorological data, have been compared at the high mountain lake Niné Terianske pleso in the High Tatras, Slovakia. Diatoms, chrysophyte stomatocysts, chironomids, plant pigments and spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) were analysed as well as sediment lithostratigraphic parameters. Using a radiometric approach the sediment core was dated and a depth of 4.6 cm was found to correspond to 1852 AD. The sediment accumulation rate (0.0034 g·cm–2·yr–1) was one of the lowest identified in the European mountain lake project, MOLAR. Despite this slow accumulation rate a remarkably coherent lithological and stratigraphic record has been recovered. The sediments of this remote mountain site, largely free from the effects of direct human impact, have been found to display a wealth of variability over the last 200 years.The record of spheroidal carbonaceous particles, indicators of anthropogenic pollution deposition, begins around 4.5–5.0 cm in depth (1833–1857). Temporal patterns are typical of European lake sites with the concentration peaking in the late 1970's. The SCP/210Pb inventory ratio for the site is also in good agreement with the European latitudinal pattern. A strong influence of sample age on the chrysophyte assemblage composition in the upper-most 4–6 cm indicates that the main changes in the cysts have been related to long term environmental changes, probably pH. Analysis of chironomid remains revealed a stable profundal community. Chironomids as a whole showed no correlations to temperature fluctuations in the last 200 years. Relatively abundant remains of Diamesa sp. head capsules and other taxa closely associated with stream conditions in the older layers contrast with the absence of Diamesa sp. in the recent sediments. This change is considered to be evidence for the existence of a stronger, more stable inlet supplied from permanent granular snow fields in the lake basin. The most important changes in diatom assemblages were observed at 3cm. Many species of the genus Achnanthes spp. together with Navicula schmassmannii and Orthoseira roeseana made up the greatest part of the diatom community above 3 cm, being absent or rare lower in the record. A positive correlation between diatoms and mean summer temperature was found.  相似文献   

Testate amoebae are informative about palaeoecological conditions, but the methods generally used for their analyses in lake sediments differ from those used for their analyses in peats, making comparisons difficult. This study examines how filter mesh size and total number of individuals counted affect species richness, Shannon diversity, equitability, density and assemblage structure. We analysed the complete testate amoeba contents of six sediment samples from Lake Lautrey, France. The abundance of testate amoebae was high (1,403–10,870 shells cm−3), and species smaller than 63 μm in both length and width represented up to 89% of total abundance and 43% of species richness. A simulation showed that using 47- or 63-μm mesh-size filters reduced inter-sample differences and changed the patterns of abundance, species richness and assemblage structure, causing loss of information and leading to potential erroneous palaeoecological interpretation. Rarefaction analyses suggest that although 170 shells are sufficient to assess the general structure of assemblages, such small sample sizes can underestimate species richness by overlooking taxa with relative abundances <4%. Total counts of 400 shells yield better estimates of assemblage structure and recover at least 50% of total species richness, although species with absolute frequencies below 2% may still be missed. Higher counts are required to obtain reliable estimates of species richness and assemblage structure in samples that have high testate amoeba densities but are dominated by a few small taxa. Further studies should determine the bioindicator value and functional roles of small and/or rare species in lakes and thus to what extent overlooking them affects palaeoecological interpretations.  相似文献   

Arctic aquatic systems are considered to be especially sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance, which can have cascading effects on biological communities as aquatic food-web structure is altered. Bio-indicators that respond to major limnological changes can be used to detect and infer major environmental change, such as climate warming, with the use of paleolimnological techniques. A multi-proxy approach was used to quantify recent environmental changes at Baker Lake, Nunavut, Arctic Canada. Analyses of fossilized remains of chironomids and diatoms were conducted on a sediment core of 20 cm in length sampled at 0.5-cm intervals. A new surface sediment training set of subfossil chironomid assemblages from 65 lakes across the eastern Canadian Arctic generated a robust (r jack2 = 0.79) surface water paleotemperature transfer function. The transfer function was applied to stratigraphic intervals from the Baker Lake sediment core to generate a paleotemperature reconstruction of sub-decadal resolution. The surface water temperature reconstruction inferred a 2°C increase in mid-summer surface water temperature for Baker Lake over the last 60 years, which was corroborated by the local instrumental record spanning the period of 1950–2007 AD. The chironomid record shows a recent decline of several cold-water taxa and appearance of warm-water indicators. This shift in community structure began circa 1906 AD, and intensified after 1940 AD. The corresponding fossil diatom record showed an increase in small planktonic Cyclotella taxa over the past 60 years, intensifying in the last 5 years, which also suggests a warmer climate and longer ice-free periods. The shifts in the diatom assemblages began later than the shifts in the chironomid assemblages, and were of lower magnitude, reflecting differences in the mechanisms in which these two indicators respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

Transects of surface sediment samples were taken in 4 lakes from the Sylvania Wilderness Area, Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These surface samples were compared with diatom samples from a core taken in the Northwest basin of Crooked Lake, also from the Sylvania Wilderness Area. Weighted Averaging calibration was used to reconstruct lake depths in Crooked Lake using the diatom microfossils from the core and the surface samples to infer past lake depth. During the early Holocene the lake was dominated by planktonic species and diatom-inferred water depth was large – approx. 13 m. At about 6700 BP inferred water depth was 2 m and samples were dominated by Fragilaria construens var. venter – a species characteristic of shallow parts of the surface sample transects. From 6700 to 5000 BP reconstructed water level was at its shallowest. From 5000 to 3000 BP it increased. This rise in water level was marked by increasing abundances of Aulacoseira ambigua and occurred at the same time increasing percentages of hemlock pollen indicate increasing available moisture. Modern water depth was reached about 3000 BP. The water level changes at Crooked Lake are consistent with regional climate changes in the Upper Midwest during the Holocene. The lake was shallowest during the mid-Holocene warm period documented by other investigators. It deepened as the Midwestern climate became cooler and wetter during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossils and pollen were analyzed from sediment cores to identify long-term changes in the aquatic plant community of Jones Creek, Thousand Islands National Park, Ontario, Canada. Six sediment cores were recovered from Jones Creek in February 2014. One complete core and five top/bottom samples were analyzed for plant macrofossil abundance and diversity. Sediment analysis and 210Pb dating confirmed a productive wetland throughout the core, dating back beyond 1883 AD. Jones Creek is currently dominated by thick stands of cattails, particularly the hybrid white cattail (Typha x glauca Godr). The relative abundance of Typha pollen began to increase in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, reaching a relative abundance of nearly 40% in the modern day surface sediment. Common macrofossils recovered from the sediment record included seeds of Carex, Schoenoplectus, Najas, and Eleocharis. There is evidence that community composition, as recorded by the macrofossil record, has shifted in Jones Creek in response to human activities. In particular there has been a reduction in sedge species between historical and present day conditions as the wetland shifted from a sedge dominated wet-meadow wetland to a cattail dominated system. The results of our study indicate that future restoration efforts should be directed towards reintroducing native sedge species that were present prior to major changes in land-use that occurred in the St. Lawrence region throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  相似文献   

A coarse-resolution, absolutely dated isotope record spanning the last 180 ka was constructed from aragonite-rich fecal pellets in a sediment core from Lake Urmia, Iran. The isotope record is not continuous as a consequence of detrital calcite that contaminates the pellets at certain depths. An isotopic correction was applied to samples > 50% aragonite, using the δ18O values of calcite-only pellets. Absolute dates were derived from U-Th analyses on pellets > 80% aragonite. The resultant δ18O record and sediment lithofacies confirm that the Penultimate Glacial was cold and dry, with pronounced interstadials at ca. 150 and >175 ka. Deglaciation began at ca. 130 ka, but climate was unstable and supported a probable no-analog vegetation assemblage. The onset of true interglacial conditions occurred at ca. 126 ka. Peak moisture conditions lasted for 5–6 ka before the climate became drier, with the loss of some tree taxa towards the end of the Last Interglacial. A period of greater moisture occurred between 116 and 108 ka, overlapping in timing with interstadial conditions recorded in the Soreq Cave speleothem record. In general, stadial to interstadial transitions (OIS 5d-5c, 5b-5a) are marked by decreasing δ18O values and rising lake levels. The nature of the OIS 5 to OIS 4 transition cannot be resolved in this study because of the loss of 5 m of core and imprecise dates. According to the present chronology, δ18O values, and inferred lake levels, arid conditions began at 60 ka and persisted until Termination I. Episodic increases in moisture, characterized by layers of aragonite-rich pellets, ostracodes, and the pollen of trees and/or aquatic plants, occurred during the Last Glacial. Deglaciation associated with the Late-glacial Interstadial began at 14 ka but was interrupted by a marked Younger Dryas event that resulted in renewed aridity. The Holocene began at approximately 10 ka. Despite large errors in the chronology, the overall timing and pattern of effective moisture matches the record from Soreq Cave, Israel, suggesting that the two regions were climatically in-phase.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope ratios of diatoms (δ18Odiatom), and the oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of lake water (δW) of lakes in south Alaska provide insight into past changes in atmospheric circulation. Lake water was collected from 31 lakes along an elevation transect and diatoms were isolated from lake sediment from one lake (Mica Lake) in south Alaska. In general, δW values from coastal lakes overlap the global meteoric water line (GMWL). δW values from interior lakes do not lie on the GMWL; they fall on a local evaporation line trajectory suggesting source isotopes are depleted with respect to maritime lakes. Sediment cores were recovered from 58 m depth in Mica Lake (60.96° N, 148.15° W; 100 m asl), an evaporation-insensitive lake in the western Prince William Sound. Thirteen calibrated 14C ages on terrestrial macrofossil samples were used to construct an age-depth model for core MC-2, which spans 9910 cal years. Diatoms from 46, 0.5-cm-thick samples were isolated and analyzed for their oxygen isotope ratios. The analyses employed a newly designed, stepwise fluorination technique, which uses a CO2 laser-ablation system, coupled to a mass spectrometer, and has an external reproducibility of ±0.2‰. δ18Odiatom values from Mica Lake sediment range between 25.2 and 29.8‰. δ18Odiatom values are relatively uniform between 9.6 and 2.6 ka, but exhibit a four-fold increase in variability since 2.6 ka. High-resolution sampling and analyses of the top 100 cm of our lake cores suggest large climate variability during the last 2000 years. The 20th century shows a +4.0‰ increase of δ18Odiatom values. Shifts of δ18Odiatom values are likely not related to changes in diatom taxa or dissolution effects. Late Holocene excursions to lower δ18Odiatom values suggest a reduction of south-to-north storm trajectories delivered by meridional flow, which likely corresponds to prolonged intervals when the Aleutian Low pressure system weakened. Comparisons with isotope records of precipitation (δP) from the region support the storm-track hypothesis, and add to evidence for variability in North Pacific atmospheric circulation during the Holocene.
Zachary SharpEmail:

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